Bee. m, Capital Journal, f aim. Or. Thtraaay, Fsb. It, 1US4. Only at SAFEWAY could you export to find an outstanding buy such as this "I '4rri UNIFORM TOP QUALITY KS' ' ) jS " iH- Willi fef . IKyB J ( 7 "!l3 1 III W guarantee you'll enjoy It! Sixiling from tho pen ' ' 5 1 I rrs I III ' w'r', r'1 ?u niy much. That . 1 1 1 1 1 V r ' i ' " y ' ,' ' ' i mi A HI Is when youll appreciate tho fine ,uolity of Safeway A V f 1 lllll l""" - S I X ' ,"" ' VfcS-X' 111 Ground Beef. Because. It cooks tho woy good eeeke DAB U J I ( ( 1 flfff - Jl . w , . v- III want it, and ears tho way food lorort liko it, wo con I vl r I J U ffjfl V. "I ' VVw, A -""T" Wll guarontea comploto satisfaction or money back. " Vat fgag"s;SUM.i 1 1 1' S'-"l!l'l M ' J ' "hole carcass Beef, froshly ground end . II f"lj I rJ "jjwlv XJ Ssi;y NW,,-,r'--; -iylt Ready Packed In ," J"f (Oregon Stores Only) 4! mi weal iwi Jiuimy m -v5Tf' X - Your Home Freezer Vfii2&JS5-Jffi . ... .--r. f-- ill HI Fill your homo froosor now wkilo this sensationally low price it in offoct. Guarantee your family god oatlng for III montns to coma or rooay s greer savings. ji VX Wt rAklklAT AIIABAtJTfr TA ASKSO TMI LOW S O PKICE A9AININ 1953 Cling Peaches World Wide Brand Gofden Slices - Perfect for Salads, Cereals, Ere. No.2$i00 cans Exceptional Values in Our Grocery Section Country Homo Golden wholo kornol ROXBURY CANDIES IVERY VARIETY FRESH AND TASTY HARD KISSES ,.M.Pk(.19c JELLY BEANS ' ,,.pkf. 29c GRANGE SLICES ,,,P.,25c PEANUT CLUSTERS ,,,P., 49c Fresh Butter and Eggs MONTROSE BUTTER SHADY LANE BUTTER SPRING HOUSE BUTTER 'AA' LARGE EGGS Finest Quality Empress or Borden'i Show Boot Brand ib. 80c 75c ib. 78c do.. 56c C4 Hth SfMto rv ShooH flying Sowon i full octaih) on CltVnCD-UAV oiiLiii'iJii urn tTwl ii"vl M 22' Golden Corn illince Afleat Long-grain Sice Pie Crust Mix Chocolate Chips Chocolate Cherries i Fancy Grapefruit Porter's Fril-lets Strawberry Jam Tuna Fish 28-oz. 'Size Mb. Pkg. Pilltbury'i Best -ot. pkg. I Nettle's for dendy toll house cookies oi. pkg. ftoxbury Covered Maraschinos 6-oi. I Glenn-Aire Sections Fresh Noodles No. 30 Can Mb. pkg. Alice Love's Finest 20-oi. jar NAVEL ORANGES 5-lb. bag 39( Seedless, Juicy Favorites From California! Apples 559 Rhoborbr-1 19 Celery 14' Carrots ii 10 Green Onions 2 -15' go. btri Fin m Parsnips" 11 15 Potatoes 10-59' Potatoes 25- $145 LETTUCE ib. Firm, crisp heads 1 For refreshing sal- IT II ads Ii Sandwiches PEPPERS Torpedo Light meat grated Household Needs Liquid Starch 20c 0-Celo Sponges no. E..63c Eze NOP Wonder 8queete each 98C Spotless Clothesline ((.(t 49c Dish Cloths Maid's Choice pkf. 23c Windex Window Cleaner JS-oi. 35c Light Globes 6Go Ew.u ...15c ? Oz Silver Cleaner u..,.b.t.98c Scott Toilet Tissue 2ro,25c Cutrite Wax Paper lts.M 27c White Magic Bleach G.i. 27c Cheese Favorites Chatham Mild Cheese .. 63c Pimiento Cheese SSSffSV. 35c Swiss Cheese KM,,,H..b. 35c American Cheese &tL 35c No. ' can 25 39" 35' 19' 19' 59 15' 19" Safeway Sells Only "U.S. Choice" and "U.S. Good" Beet Look for this Federal Grade Stamp on Every Boef Cut you buy at your Safeway Store ' , .,- Retailers are no lonrer required by law to display trade marks ' on the meat they tell. Safeway will . . . because Safeway be lieves you are entitled to know the quality of tho meat you bay. Scientific AGING of beet cuts at our central meat plant assures mouth-watcrlof tenderness. Safeway's superior trim before welfblnf (Ives you more meat, leas waste bone and fat Two more reasons why Safeway beef is your best buy. V. I. Choice V. 8. Chelea V. . Choice or TJ. S. Good V. S. Good TJ. I. Good 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ... OR MONEY BACK! Beef Short Ribs at; Beef Pot Roast Beef Sirloin Stealth Beef T-Bone Steak Itaeit stoek "U. 1 Chske" sad -"V. S. sod" Brieei Chskt U.S. Choke B. S. Seed U. U. U. 95 SMOKED HAM HOCKS ... ............ .Lb. 15c SPARE RIBS AQr Thick matted Lb. "tC Thick moated Lb SAUSAGE 00- Fancy rolls Lb. J'C PORK STEAKS r- Lean blade cuts Lb. 33C PORK ROASTS A0 Shoulder euU Lb. t7C SLICED BACON AQ SUndard Pack.. . Lb. H7C SLICED LtACON A Fancy Pack Lb. OJC SALMON Steaks ,Qt. Fresh Columbia River.. Lb. 07C SALMON Piece A- Chinook, any else . Lb. W9G FRESH SMELT . 1Q Firm, fresh, delicious Lb. I'C Halibut Steaks cQ- Thick, flaky steaka .Lb. V'C BOCKWURST M, Seasonal favorite . . ' . . Lb. FRESH FRYERS A Cut up, pan ready..... Lb. 07C Dessert - Topping Jell-Well Desserts variety Pk(.7c Reddi-Wip Inatant Top can 52c Milks - Margarine - Oil Dry Milk Lac-Mix 1-lb. carton 38c Cherub Milk Evap. Tall can 14c Fresh Milk Qu.r( 23c Sunnybank Margarine ,.lb. 29c NuMade Mayonnaise riBt 37c Mayday Salad Oil 4ut 63c Miscellaneous Values Gingerbread Mix D,om',r... 26c It's Easy to Make a Fancy Face Cherry Pie Kitchen Croft Safin Honoybird . FLOl) Shortening CHERRIES Top Quality Tart Pitted $2.17 J lb Mn 87c no. 1 can 23c FLEET MIX Sleepy Hollow Syrup 25c Mrs. Wright Bread IH -lb. loaf 23c Skylark Bread v.ri.t, ib.-ib. 20c AUNT JEMIMA IVi . okj.' Coffee Features Green. Ferfect sites for stuffing! Note the low price on 1 1 -Ground Beef above 0 Nob Hill Airway ( Edwards Mb 80c tlb. Airway Coffee Ib 78c ,,b.M" Mb. 85C Mb. t MAYONNAISE NUMAID Best Foods .ql55c 59c Snowdrift Shortening Biscuit Mix Pancake Flour Pancake Flour White Magic Ivory Flakes Ivory Snow lib. us 2Vrlb. pkg. 1 SUUNNA HANUUTED SOAP IVMY MILD J'i-lb. 23 ai. 12W si. pkf. rVMT MILD U'i-si. pkg. 93 34' 36' 45" -22' 29' 29' Tide Parade DETERGENT DETERGENT 19-01. pkg. 30c 19-oi. pkg. 30c ECTilit'.'fctV Cheer BLUE DETERGENT 21-01. pkg. 30c Dreft DETERGENT 30c 15-Ot. pkg. Crisco SHORTENING 3-lb. can 93c 4