Wl Un m 'A 8m. m, Capital Jeiiraal, Balsa. Ore Thursday, Ftb. II. 1SJ j' Cooking for 2 Presents A Problem Planning meals for two Is of ten more of a problem than menu planning for the larger family. With the small family in mind, here are three simple appealing menus suggested. The first dinner combination, requiring little more than an hour to prepare, consists -of stuffed pork chops (apple-prune stuffed), buttered green lima beans, potatoes (baked In the oven with the chops), a relish tray and a dessert of cheese cake and coffee. To prepare the chops, choose thick rib chops, with a snarp knife, cut along the rib bone and Into the meat for ltt-I In ches to form the pocket. Stuff with a pitted prune and several tart apple slices. Other stuf fings might be whole kernel corn and cracker crumbs or onion-seasoned bread stuffing. When filled, brown the chops in their own or in a small amount of additional fat. Four off ex- cess fat, cover tight and cook in a IfiO F. oven for 1 hour. A second dinner- suggestion feature thrifty lamb patties. If you cannot purchase these In your market, ask your meat man to arlnd lamb shoulder. Then you can form the ground lamb into patties from I to IH in- ches thick. In cooking, place the patties on the broiler rsck 3 Inches from tne neat, boos for about 10 minutes, season, then turn and finish cooking on the second side. With the broiled patties you might serve creamed potatoes, frenched green beans with mushrooms, a citrus fruit salad, lemon sponge dessert and cone. Another choice lor two is a smoked shoulder butt. This boneless cut from . the pork shoulder may be sliced for pan broiling, or It may be left whole for roasting or cooking In li quid. Serve this smoked meat with buttered broccoli, potatoes au gratln, tossed salad and Jelly roll. , Short Bibs of Beef Inexpensive cuts of meat con tain the same high nturltional value as the most costly steak. Buy some short ribs soon and try this good tasting recipe to serve four. Brown IVi pounds short ribs of beef. Add a large can of tomatoes, 1 small onion, diced, and salt and pepper. Cov er and simmer slowly for 43 min utes. Sprinkle uncooked elbow macaroni, four ounces, around the short ribs. Cover and con tinue cooking for 20 minutes. Five Canned Foods Used for This Delicious Tuna-Olive Lenten Dish - - A - ' - Q . 'C '1- o f An accent of ripe olives adds, drama to a delicious main-dish seafood combination to bring new interest to Lenten dinners. Not only is the Tuna-Olive Lea ten dinner good to eat and easy to prepare from ready-to-use quality canned foods, but it's easy on your budget, too. Five canned foods provide the basis for one of the best-tasting and prettiest one-dish meals that have been originated In many a day. The ingredient list includes canned peas, tuna, ripe olives, cream of celery soup, and evaporatored milk. And that's all, except for the biscuits which does your coffee cure . hfs morning grouch ? treat him to Hills Bros novorcha ng i n g good nesi J tiu.ua are a cinch to make with pre pared biscuit mix.' ' When it comes to variety, con venience, flavor, nutrition, econ omyalmost any advantage you can name the foods which are ready to serve and easy to store in protective tin cans rank high in favor. And In . Tuna-Olive Lenten Dinner they merit special praise. Tana-Olive Lenten Dinner tt cup evaporated milk H cup water 1H cups biscuit mix 2 teaspoons evaporated milk 1 can cream of celery soup ' cup evaporated milk - 1 7-ounce can tuna, flaked" cup sliced pitted rip olives . 1 1-pound can peas, drained Combine cup of evaporated milk and water; stir into biscuit mix with a fork. Turn out on a lightly floured board; kneed lightly. Roll inch thick. Cut into IS biscuits with a S-lnch floured cutter; place on greased j baking sheet Brush tops of bis-! cults with 3 teaspoons of evapor ated milk. Bake m a hot oven i (425 F.) 10 minutes, or until brown. While biscuits arc bak ing, combine remaining ingred ients in saucepan; -heat to serv ing temperature. Place biscuits in a ring on a warm platter; if desired, place additional ripe olive slices in center of each bis cuit. Spoon tuna mixture in center. Yield: 4 servings. Canadian Bacon Broiled Popular - Here's a clever combination for brightening your dinner table. It's a simple broiler meal prepared with smoky Canadian style bacon and fruit en bro-chettc. For this serving have slices of Canadian-style bacon cut about -incb thick. To prepare tne fnilt Vabnha us metal or wood en skewers. Alternately thread h kswars with sliced craban- ples and pineapple chunks. To Broil place tne uanaaian style bacon alices on your broll- miIc and adluit the ean so that the top surface of the meat ' is 2 Inches from the neat, mis allows for a moderate cooking tvmnerature. Arrange the fruit on the rack with the meat. At the end of 5 or 6 minutes, turn the bacon and the kabobs. Cook an additional 6 minute. Serve this combination on a chop plat ter with meat slices radiating out from one side, tne moods from the other. 1128 Center St. nniEt!?"?. nfl A RIP PWe? Downtown .U.IEM3I-.I iU.ft.l.t13 Across from Owl Drug 351 State St. COMPARE: Comparison will prove that, WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO. We Feature ' Young STEER BEEF Grain Fed PIG PORK Dbl. Smoked HAMS-BACON Ocean-Fresh SEAFOODS Pork Steaks u 49c Center Chops 69c Pork Roasts 35c Side Pork it 49c Steer. Beef 53c Steer Steaks t-. u75c Steer Steaks 59c Sliced Bacon 29c Sliced Ham 79c Corned Beef 45c Beef Cubes i- 55c Pure Lard WVic Capitol Fish Center In Our Center St. Location Ocean-Fresh Fish A Wide Variety to Choose From FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER CHINOOK Smell Sturgeon (offish Oysters Scallops Abalone lilllenecks Sole Prawns Olympias Crabs, Shrimp, Fillet Haddock, Smoked and Kippered Delicacies NOTE: Fish at Our Center St. Location WE ARE SORRY We just didn't have enough of our 'Old Fashioned Weiners' to sup ply the demand last week. We will do better this time. We'll make more. . We are featuring another Taste Treat Old Fashioned Smoked Pork Links. When you make a meat purchase, ask our salesman for one as a sample. You Be the Judge. Wieners m . 55c Wieners 45c Smoked Links 55c Midget Ground Meats ' All fur No Adulterations Buy With Confident Ground Beef 45c Pork Sausage 45c Little Links -55c Pancake . Idea for Sunday AM Brunch U a very abort word Indeed for the longest, and per haps the most pleasant, meal of the day. - Sunday moraine brunch is es pecially delightful during Lent when, as the family relaxes at the table after church, the events of last night and plans for the afternoon ahead mingle pleas antly with fragrant aromas from the kitchen. Tot a luscious variation on the jwajakes-and-synip theme, try these Thin Pancakes topped with Spiced Maple Butter. , Tola Faaeake cup sifted flour ' teaspoon double-acting baking powder-, teaspoon salt tablespoon maple-blended syrup egg, well beaten . cup milk tablespoons butter or other shortening, melted 1 1 1 1 1 cm 1a .nr. measure, add baking powder and sett, and sift again. Combine syrup, egg. and milk; add eradually to flour. -heating only until smooth. Add shortening. Base on noi, rwcu name, aim iu wc iwu cakes. ' plead Maple Batter . 1 cup maple-blended syrup U to H cup butter H teaspoon cinnamon to teaspoon allspice -IL tMMnn mace Combine all Ingredients in saucepan. Place over medium heat until butter Is melted and syrup is hot Best with rotary tgg beater until bienaea. serve hot on pancakes.. (Mixture may ha atnred In the refrlserator and reheated before using. Beat to blend.) Makes 1V to Itt cups butur. or. enough to serve with 1 to It pancakes. IT aesirea, 1 teaspoon nuxro pumpkin pie spices may be used in place of the above spices. Seasoning ' Broiled meat should be sea soned after it is cooked. Salt ing before -cooking draws out some of the julie and increases the time required for browning. Sunday Night Supper Sunday night suppers are tra ditional. Would you like to have L- - - .miI.nI menu? Large dried lima beans with bacon and onion, raisin csnned cling peach and IP ..!! walnut cake, u guests happen to drop to once. we Una tnem maxing. it com Sunday eve! For Sandwiches Children are fond of various version of .rip olive sandwich filllnas. W thought we'd share them with you. Chopped rip olives and hard-cooked egg, chopped ripe olives and walnuts, chopped rip olives and ground raw carrot seem to b top fa. vorlte. ?m FAVORITE ..rii for 1.9 "" f , I , 1 . J Jtn , e . f t sakassai BBBislaJIs) mm mM liagfc J ; SJgaxai BajviiitWH w WW1T WI flaw M X Mlkflakfcaebf w om m sso aaaaajaaaaasssjaglB CDMEnrC Give you the Finest Qualify Foods and Meats at Great Savings Plus Vh Friendly Service Every Day of the Week. sal PillibvYi tl AA n !! Hour m 1.70 rumpKin Toilet Tissue 1000 5 45c VAN CAMPS Pork V Beans 11c SHURflhlB Coffee TepouimT...... 79c Sinioniz w t. 69c rirr.TPir noAD salkhiktaiimt. sa rp bay Biskit Mix U -rW 39c (a$er Foil ...39c Nt.300 I am 13c w FISHER'S FISHER'S For Ovn BrolUrs Cake Flour ;2 1 35c Begmore 15c Margarine 2 53c Mquio araren zoc a BANQUET Bartlett Pears 25c Chicken $1.55 Snoudrlft 89 ME WESSON OS. SNC4TEWWO tt. om A Posf Gird request will bring yon - Chef Merlino' "Macaroni Magic" FREE! Address Mission Mac aroni, Seottle 4, Washington. $I7WS0hPriMj Conttit Is am btry Bsab sel 17ESS0N OIL 63c Fresh Carrots 25c Snowboy Celery 10c Cauliflower irM . u. 12c Pink Grapefruit ..' 3 h, 25c U. S. No. 1 Deschutes Potatoes 50 $1.35 Also Fresh Asparagus, Broccoli . Rhubarb, Romaine Peas Fur, Lon Ground Beef Country Styl Pork Sausage Spare Ribs Swift Premium hiANiM Cooked Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Fresh Lb. 49' 35' 49' 49' 19' 39' Ready to Eat Fresh Smell Red Snapper Fresh Chinook Salmon Oysters-Crabs WE FEATURE ONLY CHOICE GRADE STEER BEEF MEAT BAKERY VEGETABLES LOCKERS