t See. m, Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Teb. 1. 15 Fluffy Pink Frosting For Cake February If "party month" for everyone. Try this delicate chiffon cakt flecked with the red of maras ehlno cherriei and adorned with , party-pink frxtlnf. ' Maraschino Chiffon Cake All measurement arc level. Sift flour before measuring. Pre-hest oven to baking tem perature, 82S def., a alow-moderate oven. Have all Ingredients at MAM tcmnrature (about TO , deg.) ' Measure aU ingredients before starting to mix caae. Have ready an ungreased tube pan, 10 inches In diameter, 4 inches deep. Sift together Into a nixing bowl: 3 cups sifted enriched flour ltt cups sugar 3 teaspoons double-action baking powder . 1 teaspoon salt t Make a well in center of dry Ingredients and add In the order listed: cup cooking oil 3 egg yolks, unbeaten 4 cup liquid (put 2 table spoons maraschino Juke in cup and fill to level ' with cold water) 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon strained lemon juice . cup finely chopped mar- aschlno cherries. Uat with 1001111 until It forms a smooth batter. In a very large mixing bowl place: 1 cup egg wmies, unoeaien ( or S) . ... H teaspoon cream of tartar Whin (mine hand whip, ro tary beater, or electric mixer) mtil avhltca form verv stiff peaks. Do not underbeat (Whites ahould be much stiller than for aneel cake or mer ingue.) Theo pour batter slowly nil arariuallv over itlfflv beat en egg whites, while gently fold ing in wltn a ruooer scraper or large spoon. Fold in just unui blended; do not stir. Pour imme Hl.tlv into the uncreated tube pan. Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour anil IS minutes. When done, top surface of cake will spring back when lightly toucned with the fingers, ana ine w..Va mHll Innlr Hrv Take from oven and Immediately turn pan upside down, placing tne tube part over neck of funnel aw JH1 Tjkt hantf. fro of table, until thoroughly cold. Loosen cake from aides ana tube tvfth anatula. Torn nan over and hit edge sharply on table to loosen. Spread top and aldea oi moled cake with Fluffy Pink Icing. IB to 20 servings. Fluffy Pink Icing Measure into the ton part of a double boiler: 1 large egg white, unbeaten 1 cup sugar y teaspoon cream of tartar Vt teaspoon salt rO0CDQ0O 00 (SOT V a C M 1 -Wk- l asslsss M I 1 si It . w ' VM GUV MA Me COMMMT. MC S tablespoons maraschino Juice 3 tablespoons cold water Stir to blend ingredients. Place over continuously boiling water and beat steadily with ro tary beater for 6-7 minutes, er until mixture holds Its shape. Cool slightly before- using. - Crab Bisque Delight To Eat Th wit rnait rrmh it a sea food of high quality and distinc tive flavor and makes wonaer ful Mtin In manv ways, both hnt anil ntK Whether VOU use fresh cooked crab or we can ned variety, this recipe will de light all who taste u. ratam riroiik 8 tablespoons butter or mar garine I cup finely cut carrot 1 cup finely cut celery tt cup . chopped onion 1 small bay leaf 2 cup water S tablespoons flour 2 cup milk 2 tablespoon salt Penner to taste 1M cups crab meat or 1 6H- ounce can Parsley and paprika Melt tahlesrjoena butter In ft-vie. nan. Add veaetable and bay leaf. Cook about 10 min utes, stirring frequently. Aaa water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Cover and cook IS minutes longer. Make white sauce by melting remaining butter, blending in flour, 1 teaspoon salt, pepper, adding milk gradually and cooking until thickened, stirring mn.t.ntlv. Add undralned vegetables and crab meat. Con tinue to cook until tnorougmy heated; bout 8 minutes. Serve aiii favorite tureen in piping hot bowl. Garnish with finely cut parsley ano a oasu oi paprika. Serves six. Colorful Dessert Upside down cakes make a spectacular dessert with inter esting choice of fruits. Prunes and dried apricots, pineapple Bine cherries, pesrs and peach es make attractive twosomes. Don't forget walnut halves for that unmistakable regal touch. tt rrH V t j J) r o ft Tuna Scotch in Chafing Dish 1$ Delicious ana easy Those bundsy night buffet supper call tor something just little sdccuu in the way ox good food. Whether or not you have a chafing dish, you'll want to try im delicious Tun Scotch serv ed over buttered toast. Add a generous portion of tossed saiaa m the servinc clatter for a well- rounded meal. , Tuna Scotch in Chafing Diah (Makes 4-0 servings! 1 chicken bouillon cub cup boiling water 4 egg yolks . cup sherry wine 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 cup heavy cream, scalded These Tarts Require . No Cooking Two things go toward mak ing your daily meals a big suc cess. They are delicious food and attractive service. Jfi the delicious dessert de partment try serving these Mag ic Prunecot tarts. The magic comes in where the cooking goes out! The tangy fruit filling needs no cooking at all. The principal ingredient Is sweet ened condensed milk, a creamy combination of whole milk and sugar that blends smoothly with the prunes and apricots to. make a quick, easy filling you need only pour into baked tart sheila. Evfn a brand-new bride can make this dessert without fear of failure. ' If you have over-size tart pan in your cupboard, make extra big Prunecot tarts for the ON LOCKER BEEF! Front Ouarler Hind Qusrter Hill er Whole 29' WW 32' RQH UAM SHORT RIBS B1U LEAN Qi Ground Beef BEEF HEART OR TONGUE Ib. 39c LEAN BEEF CUBES .t, 59c Eastern Oregon Hereford Bttf UN CUT ROAST iuhp Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF - STEAK w .5 REMIT HOUND Qfrftt I RD" C0UMT" OfSV HAMBURGER 38) ISAUSAGE RANDALL'S FINE MEATS Phone 3-6489 1288 State St. Individual Tuna Molds Are Tasty Individual tuna ring molds, with centers filled with appetiz ing chunks of tuna, are eye-appealing on the dinner table or as salad course to an evening buffet. A tasty Vegetable slaw, a hearty tossed salad, as well as Tuna Salad Molds, are all pre requisites to well rounded meals. Tana Salad Mold (Makes 6 servings) 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin 1 cup hot water 1 cup cold water Vt cud mayonnaise 1 tablespoon bottled or fresh lemon Juice H teaspoon salt 1 7-oz. solid-pack tuna, drained Vi cup chopped pimlento-stuf- fed olive 1 cup diced celery cup chopped green pepper 1 medium-sized cucumber peeled and sliced thin In a large bowl, dissolve gela tin in hot water. Add cold wa ter, mayonnaise and lemon Juice, mixing well.' With a fork, break tuna into large chunks. Stir in remaining ingredients; mix thoroughly. Pour into 6 In dividual oiled ring molds. Chill until firm. To serve, unmold on salad plates and fill centers with additional tuna. Garnish with crisp salad greens. I Stuffed Carrot Rings Scrape medium-sized or large carrots and cut in half crosswise. Remove center from each carrot half with an1 apple corer. Fill with cheese spread. Chill in re frigerator. Slice in thin rings Just before serving. men behind your menu. They appreciate a big helping of a toothsome dessert to go with that cup of coffee at the end of a meal. It seems very little extra ef fort to serve your meals attrac tively. You can do wonders with a pretty tablecloth, a charming centerpiece, and can dlelight every now and then. Your whole family will appre ciate these touches of gracious living a well a your deliciou desserts. Mafic Prunecot Tart ltt cup (15 or. can) sweeten ed condensed milk Y cup lemon Juice Vi teaspoon grated lemon rind or H teaspoon lemon extract Vt cup cooked prunes, finely cut Vi cup cooked apricots, fine ly cut Vi cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar Y teaspoon vanilla extract Put Into mixing bowl aweet- ened condensed milk, lemon juice and lemon rind or lemon extract; stir until mixture thickens. Fold in prunes and apricots. Pour into cooled baked tart shells. Whip cream until atiff and fold in sugar and vanilla. Pile lightly on tart filling. Chill. Dash cayenne V, teaspoon paprika Salt and pepper to taste 1 T-ounce can solid-pack tuna, drained - ' ' I 3 -ounce can mushroom cap, drained 12 fresh or frozen oyster Buttered toast in h inn nan of a 1-ouart chafing dish (or double boiler), dissolve bouillon cube in boiling . . n.. ma a vnlka lightly with sherry; add parsley and onion. Gradually aur c inti hnuiUon and bring to a boil over direct heat, atir- rlng constantly, riace over no. water pan; add scalded cream ("ink min- 4I1U awwiiiia - - - ute. trring constantly. Add tuna which has been broken Into niM mushrooms and oysters; heat thoroughly. Serve over butterea toasi. German Potato Salad notato salad 1 tha waoKaour kind mad with vine. gar and bacon, and served hot. Even though it' called potato salad, It by no mean signifies it is hot weatner aian. one of our resders suggested adding ripe olive wedges to the usual in. gredlents. We did, and think they make great improvement. QJTJICK RAREBIT Take 1 can of condensed tomato soup, 1 cup of grated American cheese, 1 cup of chop. ped ripe olives, salt and pepper ta taste. Combine all lngredl- ents and heat thoroughly over low het. Serve over crisp crackers or toast. FRESH FISH FROM FITTS ARE THE DEST HALIBUT , .53' LING COD ..3 Deep Sea Crobtb.39' Steom'd Cloms ; .,,35 FRESH FILLET Of ft SPWNQ CHINOOK jQt Red Snapper 39 SALMON, . .. m." FRESH ) FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER AA Fillet of Sole, L,. 53 SMELT .A3 FRESH Fresh Dressed Fresh Dressed , Jgrf9 STURGEON FRYERS, Ib. 67e HEMS, Ib. 49e FITTS FISH AND POULTRY . MARKET 216 North Commercial FREE DELIVERY f HOME 34424 it 'iwKiin: rtaru, nam BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half REMEMBER, LOTS OF PARKING SPACE A Dozen Oranges Free With Each $4.00 Purchase of Meats capc-niii . swift's premium fl Aged Cheese fryers COOKED ic tb54c tt.Vl4V PICNICS .. y.. i i 1 doz. Orange Free with Pienie Fischer' Cortag , - BEEF ROAST cheese BEEF HEARTS &c 53c t,,25e BEEF TONGUES V doz. Orange Free with Purchase fresh AV TAMf ra Ground Beef OYSTERS 0X TAIlS IT PIGS FEET a 2) 45c Pint DtC Whila They Lost Only Pur Beef GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TADRffrrc' POTATOES POTATOES ONIONS m ORANGES U.S. No. 2 Deschutes U.S. No. 1 Deschutes lOiu 2Qr 6 ...69c r$5.25 carrots I C Orange Free . 1 dozen Oronges Free 0 OKf 5 X " Orange Fre p . , Mm pkg. AelV J 1 BISQUICK Green Beans c'"n - 2 Qr SYRUP lOa- CHILI . rg 29c Nol".c NoclI'H29c .Kidney Beans CAKE FLOUR J caV0" 10c BABY FOODS 3for$1.00 A R7- JoanefArc PMAurt"? Ocan.OC A TMury t All Popular Brand Capitol Red Pi f for 3VC .. . ...-a. CHERRIES cerb.r' Toilet Tissue RIPE OLIVES N..n0319c CATSUP ' 4ro...39C 2an.29C ca" ' VAiaUr Sitrr0 M. Whitnay MARGARINE 2bo...29c Z 2 ,h. 45c tefjy BROADWAY MARKET Sw" Si',M" hot master Broadway and Market SI. FRESHEST nnrAtN v THING IN BKbAU Store Hour t a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day JOWN vfy jy 4 M No LImtt, llly A Yoy W-nt OUR EGGS Except Tue. I. Sot. Price Goad Fri., Sat., Sun.