2 CapiUq JournitC Salw. Ore, Thursday, Feb. 19, 1953 lit the Valley , E4it4 fcjr MOT FOBEES Rickreall Donald . Donald Tht Donald exten sion unit had their regular monthly meeting lait Thursday with Mr. Sid Hendricks and Mrs. L. Petanoa as hostesses. There were two visitors at the meeting, Mrs. Glenn Carrothers and Mrs. Joe Gamroth, both of Woodburn. The project for the day was textile painting, with Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs. Under- land as project leaders. The chairman, Mrs. J. A. Bush reviewed letter explaining Azalea House In Corvallls. At the business meeting, it -was voted to send a card of thanks to Mrs. Ruby Psyton of Woodburn, who entertained the Sunshine division last month. The next meeting of the Sun shine division will be at the home of Mrs. James Myers Feb. 24. A recent guest In the home of J. A. Bush, was his brother, Bill Bush of Sweet Home, Ore con. Sunday dinner guests in the J. a. Bush noma were Mr. ana Mrs. Leo Essen and son Donald, and Mr. Iverson. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Yergen last week were Mr. and Mrs. W1I liam Noyes of Woodburn. They were accompanied by Miss Elsie and Miss Erne Strange of Port land. Mrs. Yergen had not seen the Strange girls for 80 years. Sunday afternoon guests in the Thurston Yergen home were Mr. and Mrs. G rover Bennett. Diane Feller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Del Feller, was an overnight guest of Beverly Gilles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilles, ' Saturday night while Mr. and Mrs. Gilles attended the benefit dance at Maplewood Grange hall. All proceeds from this dance were turned over to the Canny ambu lance fund. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cities entertained dinner guests Sun day. They were Mrs. Gilles aunt and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thomas, and also Mrs. Eva Peterson of Portland. Other guests were her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Racette, and LManne Feller. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knlzley have gone to Golden dale, Wash., for a two weeks visit to see their new granddaughter born last Saturday. Their daughter Betty married . Robert Bellamy. The Bellamy's formerly lived in the home now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Myers, north of Donald. . Myron Blake, son of Mayor C. A. Blake of Donald, ' was taken to Salem Memorial hospi tal Friday night, Feb. IS. where an emergency appendectomy was performed. He is reported to be getting along nicely. Saturday morning. Feb. 14, the farm house of Dan Pokor- ney, west of Donald, burned and the family escaped only with the clothing they wore. It is thought that the fire was started from an overheated stove. S3.33. Members present at the meet ing were Mrs. S. L. Mlnard. Mrs. Charlotte Jones, Mrs. Elmer Mlnch, Mrs. Louis D. Johnston, Mrs. Frank Boehringer, - Mrs. Frank Sollenberger, Mrs. G. S Hlaelns. Mrs. Helena Murium- mer, Mrs. J. J. Johns, Mrs. Ab ner Kline, Mrs. Roy J. Rice and the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Abner Kline March 12. with Mrs. S. L. Mln ard assisting hostess. Sublimity Roberts Gilbert D. KlnU. is now aboard the U.S.S. Gilllgan at San Diego, while Mrs. Klntx is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lulay. The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters will meet at the C. F. hall Thursday, Feb. 19, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Mamie Laux is chair man for the social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brauner of Eugene were Sundsy guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Heal. E. A. Ditter, Al Hartman, A. J. Schrewe and Bob Engles members of the Sublimity fire department, are enrolled in the Red Cross First Aid course at Stayton. A large group of young folks accompanied by Father O'Hara, enjoyed the skating party at the Stayton rink Sunday evening. The affair was sponsored by the St. Boniface high Pep club. Gate Mrs. Denver Young was host- in for the members of the Home Economics club of the Roberts grange Thursdsy evening, serv ing a dessert luncheon before the business meeting. After the reports from stand ing committees, there was a dis cussion on tea towels and lunch cloth to sell at the grange fair in the fall. Plans were made for a dinner to be given by the Home Eco nomics ladles in the near future for a club from Salem. It was announced that Waldo Hills and Ankney granges will be guests at the Roberts grange meeting Feb. 21. There was a white elephant ssle after the business meeting from which the club received Miss Lorena Devlne, who is employed in the office of the secretary of state In Salem, was at the home of her parents over the weekend. Mrs. Martha Bowes, who was hospitalized at the Salem Mem orial hospital for several days with a severe case of the flu, re turned home Wednesdsy of last week. Mrs. Laura Joaquin Is at the Bowes home caring for Mrs. Bowes. At last reports she is well on the road to recovery. Debs Devlne, who suffered a heart attack last week, was able to return home Thursday fol lowing a week spent at the Sa lem Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brlsbln were Portland visitors over the! weekend at the homes of rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole drove , to Portland Saturday, accompa nied by Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Knutson of Mill City, where they had been called by the serious illness of Mrs. Knutson's daugh ter, Mrs. HoUls Turnldge. Mrs. Turnldge, an ex-resident of Gates, who is hospitalized at St Vincents hospital in Portland took a sudden turn for the worse Friday of last week. Her daughters. Mrs. Bob Kelle of Cutler City, Mr'. Carl Jensen of Portland, and Airman Carolyn Brejcha, stationed at Sacramen to, Calif., are all at their mother's bedside. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap attended a birthday dinner at the Wilbur Meinert home in Mill City Sunday. The dinner compli mented Mr. Meinert whose birth day was Feb. 14. Seated at the table were the honored guest, Mr. Meinert, Mrs. Rosa Dayly, Mr. and Mrs. Millsap. the host- Mrs. Meinert, and three sons, James, and the twins, Mark and Clark. Rickreall The Rickreall La die Aid held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Ham ilton with Mrs. W. C. Kester and Mrs. B. C. Bell as co-hostesses. Mrs. H. L. Straley, chairman, presided at the business meeting with Mr. Hamilton as secretary. A bill was allowed for an azalia plant that had been pur chased for the birthday of Mrs. Lucas, who celebrated her 90th birthday last week. For the program Mrs. Rich. ards of Dallas gave a book re view on a novel entitled "The Way Our People Lived." The hostesses served lunch to Mrs. Leo Buyserie, Mrs. L. C. Miller. Mrs. Howard Fleming, Mrs. Arthur Beaver, Mrs. Vern Fox, Mrs. Glen McCoy, Mrs. E, A. Stenson, Mrs. Harry Demp sey, Mi's. Joe Simmons and Kar en, Mrs. John Klney, Mrs. Wil liam Cadle, Mrs. A. R. Cadle, Mrs. S. B. Holt, Mrs. Richards and Bonnie, Mrs. Oness Whaley, Mrs. R. V. Carleson, Mrs. H. L. Straley, Mrs. Currle and the three hostesses. The finance committee spon sored a "cake walk." The attendance at the supper and grange meeting Friday eve ning was good. During the bust ness meeting the charter was draped for a departed member. The report for the chaplain showed that Harry Dempsey and Corinne Riney were both ill with the flu and that Mrs. D. W. Shel- ton was in the hospital at Dallas. The program consisted of songs and a pantomlne with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Ragsdale repre senting the young couple and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beaver were the elderly couple, with Mrs. Oness Whaley the reader. The annual meeting of the county grange agricultural com mittees and the home economics clubs was held at the hall Sat urday. . The meeting of the home eco nomic clubs was held in the din ing room with Mrs. King, chair man. The forenoon was given to a diicussion of the home econom ic work and a report by Mrs. King on the conference held in Corvallls on the work of the H.E. clubs. - Mrs. Malno Reichert acting as judge of both the scrapbooks ar.d display tables, with the written reports, gave first place to Rick reall, West Salem second, and Monmouth and Buell tied for third. Through a misunderstand- StJNNYSIDE JITNEY DINNER Sunnyside Friday evening Feb. 30, the Sunnyside Com munity club will serve a jitney dinner starting at 7 p.m. at the Sunnyside school house. NOW SHOWING OTKS t U Jean rtert Jeffrey Hunter TURK OF THE WILDERNESS" Hilarious Ce-Hit The Bowery Boys "NO HOLDS BARRED t- - GATES OPEN 6:4$ SHOW STARTS 7:15 At What Theatre Can Enjoy a Good Movie In Complete Prlvirvf What Theatre Gives Your Baby Free Bottle Warming Servicer What Theatre Is Located Just North of Salem on Highway T What Theatre Are Children anderl Admitted Free? What Theatre Has for Your Children a Complete Playrround? What Theatre Can the Entire Family Be Tntether as a Group ANSWER TO ALL QUESTIONS: SALEM DRIVE-IN THEATRE SPRING RE-OPENING FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 20 (TOMORROW) ' ON OUR SCREEN TWO TOP TECHNICOLOR ADVENTURES ' "Iron Mistress" "Yankee Buccaneer" Alan Ladd Jeff Chandler Virginia Maya Scott Brad y TONIGHT AND EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT OUR 4 IKS COLOR CARTOON CARNIVAL! ing, the Buell HEC was unalbe to be present Saturday. Charles Tom of Sherman county, a member of the house of representatives, explained a bill he is introducing In the legis lature, asking for a committee to study the natural water supply In the state and how it can be conserved and distributed prop erly. ...'. This committee would report its findings to the legislature in li5 J. Prof. Blanch of Oregon State college also spoke on the water question, stressing the need of more dams in the Wil lamette valley for conserving and distributing wster. The agricultural conference was under the supervision of Carleton Brown, the Pomona ag riculture committee chairman, and'County Agent John Hansen. The home economic club of the Rickreall grange served the banquet sponsored by the Mc Minnville creamery for the dairy 4-H club members and their par ents or leaders last week. t Jack Evey was master of ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. Currle from Ketchikan, Alaska, who have been visiting friends and rela tlves in west coast states for two weeks, left Sunday for home, Mrs. Anna Johnson returned home Sunday after spending a week in Portland at the home of her daughter who was ill. Union Hill Pleasantdale Pleasantdale Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Grabenhorst went to Portland Saturday te attend the birthday celebration of her fa. ther, F. J. Ryder, of Tolovana Park, who was honored at the home of a daughter, Mrs. H. N. Butler. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Melzer early this week were friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Thompson, of Moro. Union Hill The second of a aerie of "500" card parties was held at the Union Hill grange hall Friday night with Mrs. Ray Verbeck and Francis Miller holding high scores for the evening. 'lit. Peterson re ceived the special prize. The next and last of the series will be held at the grange hall Fri day evening, March 27. Kelzer will be the visitor at the Union HiU grange Friday night. Lunch committee for the evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Marion Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- ny Scott and Mr. and Mr. W. M. Tate. Mrs. Ray Johnson will be hostess to the members of the Union Hill Woman' club at her home Thursday, Feb. 19, 2 p.m. The Union Hill Woman' club member, their families and in vited guest wiU hold a benefit card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mollet, Sr., Sat urday evening, Feb. 21. The Union Hill Grange Home Economic club members met at the home of Mrs. Francis Miller at Victor Point Wednesday af ternoon for the February meeting. Mrs. A. L. Kotten border was assisting hostess. Mrs. W. F. Frens presided during the business meeting of the club. Mrs. Verny Scott, program chairman for 'the day, carried ou the Valentine's motif. Mrs. Carrie Town send and Mrs. W. F Krenx received prize in the contests. . Mrs. Francis Miller wa elect ed secretary to replace Mil. Henry Hansen who resigned be cause of illness. Attending were Mr. Krenr, Mrs. Town send, Mrs. Geneva Hubbard, Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, Mrs. Arthur Mulkey and Allen, Mrs. W. M. Tate, Mrs. Henry Peter. Mrs. W. J. Lensman, Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs. Byron McElhaney, Mrs. Roy Verbeck, Mrs. Julius Krenz, Mr. Miller and Mr. Kostenborder. The Union Hill Woman' club member, their families and in. vited guests will hold a benefit card party at the home of Mr. and Mr. Ralph Mollet, Satur day evening, Feb. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koff and son Robert of the Abiqua district, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott and son Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Casteel and family visited at the homes of Mr. Casteel' parent, Mr. and Mr. Fred Casteel and brother Jack Casteel, Sunday. While Lafayette Lafayette American Legion post No. 141 and auxiliary met last week. After the regular business meeting the Legion men gave their regular oyster feed. The Lafayette PTC "Parent- Teachers club" sponsored a Val entine dance at the schoolheuse gym. "Meet Your Neighbor" and checkerboard jamboree were enjoyed by a full house before the dance. The PTC cleared a good sum from their dance, which will be used for some project for the school. They will hold their regular meeting Monday, Feb. 18. Word has been received from Oakes Ray Ames, RDSN, now in Japan, that he had been ordered to the hospital and would un. dergo surgery Feb. 12. - here Mr. Casteel tuned the piano at the grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy King spent Saturday and Sunday at their beach house on the coast. NOW PLAYING DON CORTEZ and his TUNE CRIERS QUARTET Presenting 2 "Really Top" Floor Shows Each Evening THE NEW .." VILLAGE INN 3057 Portland Rd. Lll.l.llH.lftl.H.illHimilllllllllllllllllllimHmillllllMI EASY TO SERVE fffCMCUlAR DECORATED, INDIVIDUAL Ice Cream Slices, for Valentine parties, TV snacks, shower and birthday parties. 10c each. Packed for 2 hours. THE PIKE I Phone 34828 131 S. Liberty 1 New Classes Starting Why not give your youngster the best mental and physical coordination passible? Tap Acrobatic Ballet Novelty Songs Ballroom ENROLL TODAY Paul Armstrong Studio 1SS S. Liberty Phone 2-7S23 1 Open l.ti pjn. Marilyn Monroe Joseph Cotton ' In Technicolor "NIAGARA LloTd Bridies THREE STEPS NORTH" J CONlINUOliS Randolph Scott Patrice Wrmoro In Technicolor "MAN BEHIND THE GUN" Cetar Romero "SCOTLAND YARD INSPECTOR" Open :4S s.m. Donald O'Connor "FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT . Jeff Chandler Maureen O'Hara . In Technicolor "FLAMES OF ARABV Mat Dally From 1 P. M. ENDS lOMfl "U00DH0UNDS Of BROADWAY" i"ttlPlf CREEK" r TOMORROW! (AT BARGAIN PRICES) BmSRIKST RomnnTic R3VHTDK8! KM Ml, - II 1 -a: n i r-A rr i r f r vS vP HI rHir ml & Q; & 1.3a." Er aS' Oi fi HI I NP JE3i MC 1 1 irtTtv I i i I r t 1 I Cheek Sofa Measurements I No moowromont are aoeded tor ckelr I eovon. However, eieewr Ml wMHi of yoor tofo ocioti bocV. eot (ncfudles vnt NOW you save EXTRA DOLLARS on these popular decorator styled patterns . color-correlated to beautify your home! i m -331 S-fL kv a b - HNlCOtOft" co feature: HsWliTA" TtJlif W KNCW!',1VWu1!)ra m t t sa- r- j fi . few J ,53 riviv7 H m ? s u r m jzzr msa: are a 4fc ?iff rutsss- m Him V- . 'f' .JLv. "fill if -k t r r i 1- i- k" ijr ".' f ;.!L,vi&.. .' 1 . . ... 'Claridge' and 'Conway' Save 2.00 Regular 9.98 Nermon'dl' r 12.98 21.98 19.98 chair cevtr Give your fiving room or Jen iparlling new beauty tn mJn. ufet with theie handiome covert ... end at PENNY-WISE COST. Waihable twill ready-medet with euitem-type tail oring . . , heavy cord wetting, full flounces. Let ut show you how simple It h to fit them on your furniture. "Cleridge" with Dawn Grey, Mint Green, Tuscan Wine or Spice Brown background colors . . . "Conway" is a smart multicolor stripe. SAVE 3.00! Reg. 19.98 Matching sofa sover . 16.98 Beautiful iconic pattern en tor tured berk cloth. Standish" XV. Z 19.98 14.98 SB Small provincial design on heevy cotton twifl. Woven "Tweed" Daveno Cover Snug fitting "tweed" daveno slip covert for open or closed arm style. Available In green, wine, or brown. Buy new and tave!!! Limited quan thSet. Shop early! Sells Elsewhere Far 16.98 Save Over 7.00 9? Bed-Daveno in "Conway' Pattern Arw In "Cloridga" to motch sofa end choir shown abovt. New Store Hoars: Mob. ft Fri. :S te 1:01 P.M. Other d7Sl:ia to t:3t jmm,UerW& ssop's'alem