THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FOOD SECTIO Salem' Authentic Jwtf (juide 1 0 Setter tiity Utoi by Mario) Lewry Ficlwr !? Capital Eld nam natal- Salem, Oregon, TJrursday, February 19, 1953 LATEST ID"A5 FCIIYCUZ1- Washington Birthday Time I Steamed Cherry Pudding OP mtuuratl . Serve a special dinner dessert on George Washington' birth day rich with cherries, of course. A hearty and delicious steamed pudding should hit the spot on a February night. The pudding recommend is made of a f I".' v-. r: a ." Vv ,' 1" lA' ,.---?iuvx;.te.l W. FIsA, VegetoWes And Fruits Among Best Market Buys With the Lenten accent on run and shellfish the markets have reacted with a promising array to tempt both your pocket booki and your taste-buds. Frozen fishi and shellfish are more plentiful than the fresh product. Bow-: ever, you'll find both fresh and frozen halibut, sole, rocexsaaes, mackeral, cod. salmon and crabs. Lobster and shrimp are in shrimp sized supply with corresponding ly high prices. Veretabie Best Ban In the vegetable department vou will find cabbage, carrots, we recommena is maae 01 a " , , kwh Cherry Fadding . , ..Add hatchets just before serving. Crab-Rice Casserole Rates High All the "fleet" (your family) will be in and on time for the . meal if they are given notice that this sumptuous Rice and Crabmeat Casserole is coming from the "galley". This sea worthy rice treat won first place honors In the rice and fish division of the Creole Cookery Contest at the 1952 International Rice Festival! It Is really good! ; Ingredients: M cup butter or margarine 4 cup flour 2 cups milk 1 cup crabmeat ' 1 cup cooked rice 4 hard cooked eggs, chopped Vi cup finely chopped onion H cup finely chopped parsley I teaspoon salt H teaspoon pepper V cup bread or cracker crumbs To make 3 liberal cups of fluffy rice, put 1 cup of un cooked rice, 2 cups of cold wa- ter and 1 teaspoon of salt into a 2 quart saucepan and bring to a vigorous boil. Turn the heat as low as possible. Cover saucepan with a lid and leave this low heat for 14 minutes. Turn off the heat. Do not re move lid nor stir rice while It Is cooking. After rice has cooked, remove saucepan from heat but keep the lid on until rice actually is served. Method - Melt butter or margarine in saucepan. Add the flour and blend thoroughly. Gradually add the milk and continue stirring until the mixture thickens. Add the crabmefit, rice, eggs, onions, parsley, salt and pepper to this sauce. Mix thoroughly. Place in a greas ed casserole. Cover with the crumbs. Bake in a 350 deg. F. oven for 30 minutes. This recipe make 7 gener ous servings. Eggs, Condensed Soup for This Dish That can of condensed soup will go a long way in this hearty main dish that will serve four adequately. Always hard - cook eggs by simmering gently re membering that "boiling' toughens them, turns egg yolk edges greenish and unattractive. Firs In Soap Sane 4 tablespoons butter or mar garine 4 tablespoons flour 1 can cream of green pea soup J can evaporated milk 4 hard cooked eggs, sliced 4 slices toast Chopped green onion tops or chives Melt butter or margarine, add flour and cook until bubbling Add loup and milk. Cook, ttirr Ine until thickened. Place egg slices on toast cut cross-wise in to toast points and cover with sauce. Sprinkle with chopped green onion tops or chives. Four servings. Breakfast Special Broiled Iamb kidneys on toast Is an epicurean choice lor break fast. Remvoe membrane from kidneys and split than in half. Wrap a slice of bacon length wise around each half and fasten with a wooden pick. Place on broiler rack about 2 inches from heat Broil until bacon is brown, then turn and brown on second side, for a total of approximate ly 10 minutes, serve on not buttered toast. Broccoli Note Serve washed and chilled raw broccoli flowerets on the relish tray or toss a few flowerets into your next vegetaoie saiaa. Spicy Pie For Dessert Washington's Birthday is next week how about a cherry pie? SPICY CHERRY FIE Crust: 22 ginger snaps rolled fine ' (1 cups crumbs) cup softened butter or margarine 4 cup sugar Blend together ginger snap crumbs, butter or margarine and sugar. Pour mixture Into 9-inch pie plate; firmly press into an even layer against bottom and aides of plate. Bake in moder ately hot oven 375 degrees F.) about 8 minutes. Cool. Cherry Filling: cup sugar 4 tablespoons cornstarch 1 . teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon nutmeg 1 cups cherry juice 2 No. 2 cans pitted cherries. well drained Thoroughly mix together sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and! nutmeg in a saucepan; blend in l cherry juice. Cook over medium heat; stir until sauce thickens and clears. Fold in cherries; cool. Pour into ginger snap crumb crust;, chill. Top with whipped cream before serving if desired. only a modest amount of sugar, because with it goes a double de light a thick bard sauce and a delectable thin cherry sauce, the latter with just the right under tone of tartness. You use part of a can of cherries for the pud ding, the rest goes into the sauce. It's fun to shape the hard sauce for the pudding into small hatchets by molding It en a pat tern cut out of car board. But if the pudding is piping hot as all well bred steamed puddings should be the hatchets will melt. So pass your hard sauce fancies separately on a pretty plate, the cherry sauce to a matching bowl, and there will be festivity aplenty. Here are the recipes: Cherry Faff and Cherry Sauce Ingredients: 1 cups sifted flour, 2 teaspoons baking pow der, ii teaspoon salt, 4 cup vita mixed margarine, cup sugar, 4 teaspoon grated lemon rind. 2 eggs, ?4 cup milk, 1 No. 2 can U pound, 4 ounces) red sour pitted cherries (packed in extra heavy syrup), 1 tablespoon corn starch, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 ta blespoons water. with nrlces considerably lower than normal for this time of year. - Fruit Best Bars Rhubarb may not be the best buy where price alone la con cerned, but to give one that feel ins of serine it fills the bill. Ap ples, grapefruit, oranges and avo cados are in good supply, dem ons, limes and bananas are in moderate supply. Try This For TV Lap Supper Her is a good suggestion for Sunday night supper when you lust can't tear the family away from the television set. serve a hot casserole dish, In Individual ramekins, all on a dinner plate with crisp cucumber sticks, rad ishes and buttered com muffins. This tuna and mushroom casser ole is delicious and ao easy to make you'll find yourself reiving on it for all sorts of emergencies. (Clip it tor your Lenten menus, West Coast Lucky with" Supplies of Fish; Many Ways to Serve This Food w Lantern Dish Broiled halibut steaks and fruit are a fin combination. Here we top fish steaks with orange slices, surround them with bananas. One oi man? good sew sug gestions for Lenten meal planning. By ZOLA VINCENT t 1 This Rarebit Is Different Not strictly a rarebit in the Welsh meaning of the dish but a fine dish for all of that when a light meals is wanted with some substance to it something that you can get your teeth in. Baked Cheese Rarebit 3 Shredded wheat biscuits 2 tablsepoons butter or mar garine 2 eggs 14 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon dry mustard 4 teaspoon paprika 1 cups milk 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 cups (H-lb.) grated American cheese ' Split shredded wheat biscuits. Spread split sides with butter and lay butter side down in shal low glass baking dish (10x6 in.) Beat eggs and combine with re maining ingredients. Pour over shredded wheat. Bake in mod erate oven (350 F.) for about 30 minutes. Serve at once. Yield: 6 servings. Method: To Blake Cherry Puff; Sift together the flour, baking! powder and salt. Cream the mar garine, cup sugar and lemon! rind; add eggs one at a time, beating until light and fluffy aft er each addition. Add the sifted dry ingredients alternately with the milk In four additions, begin ning and ending with the flour. Drain cherries thoroughly, re serving liquid and Vi cup cher ries. Fold remaining drained cherries lightly - into batter. Grease 1 -quart mold (includ ing the cover) and pour in bat ter. Put cover on mold. Place on rack in large pan containing enough boiling water so that at least one -half of the moid Is immersed; cover pan; bring wa ter to boil rapidly, then turn down heat just enough to keep water boiling. Start counting steaming time, and steam 1 hour or until cake tester Inserted in center of pudding comes out clean. Turn out on serving plate and serve with Cherry Sauce and Hard Sauce,, To Make Cherry Sauce Mix cornstarch and 2 tablespoons sugar in saucepan. Add water and stir until smooth. Add water and stir until smooth. Add liq uid drained from cherries; cook and stir over moderate heat un til thickened and clear; cook and stir 2 more minutes. Add remain ing Vi cup drained cherries and serve. Hard Sauce Ingredients: cup vitamized margarine (at room tempera ture), 1 cups confectioners' sugar, Vi teaspoon vanilla, 1 ta blespoon milk. Method: Cream margarine; cream In sugar gradually; beat in vanilla and milk until fluffy, Pile lightly in serving dish and chill. If hard sauce is to too. Tuna and Mushroom Ramekins 3 tablespoons fat 1 tablespoon minced onion 2 tablespoons minced green pepper 3 tablespoons flour t teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper "A teaspoon nutmeg 14 cups milk 3 -ounce can sliced broiled , mushrooms , ""-ounce can tuna fish - -XH cups hot precooked rice Paprika Melt fat in saucepan. Add on ion and green pepper. Cook minutes over moderate beat. Stir in flour, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add milk and contents of can of mushrooms. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Drain tuna fish and separate into small chunks. Add tuna fish and rice to mushroom sauce. Mix gently and place in C greased individ ual baking dishes. Sprinkle lightly with paprika. Bake in moderately hot oven, 375 deg., until thoroughly hoi. about 25 minutes. Serve immediately with crisp green salad relishes, Yield: 4 servings. It's lucky when you live on! the west coast ... for so many reasons! That wealth" of fish and shellfish that beckon from fish; displays make it possible) to serve the family a sew variety very few day for months on end. Makes Lenten Meal plan ning easy. Fish and shellfish cave alga nutritive value. An average por tion provides nearly all the ani mal protein you need each day to help build and repair body tissue. In addition, fish are valu able sources of iodine, calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus; and also supply essentia, vitamins. Since fish is easily digested, it is particularly good for children and elderly people. Broiled Halibut and Fruit Everyone who can t afford steak can afford Halibut steak ; and it's just as rich in complete protein, lust as meaty and flav orful in its own delicious ash; Toothsome Duo mmmmmmmssmumm For a grand good spaghetti dinner, to serve during Lent, fix this. Brown cup minced onion and 2 tablespoons minc ed green pepper in cup hot shortening. Stir in about 1 cup cooked or canned shrimp, and 2 cans (15Vi -ounce size) spa ghettl tat tomato sauce with cheese. Season with 4 tea spoon vinegar, 4 drops Tabas co sauce, teaspoon salt, and be pepper. This makes dinner for fashion. Wipe halibut steaks with a clean damp cloth or paper towel. Place on greased, pre-! heated broiler pan about S inches from heat Brush with! melted butter and squeeze juice! of half a lemon over steaks. Sprinkle wfch salt, pepper and paprika. Broil 5 to B minutes or until slightly brown. Turn carefully. Arrange banana around steaks! and one or more slices of orange on each steak. Brash steaks and fruit with melted batter, squeeze juice of lemon over all. Sprin kle with salt, pepper and pap rika. Broil S to S minutes or un til fish flakes easily when test. ed with a fork. Allow large steak or 1 small steak for each person, banana for each. Bet-! ter make that a whole banana each for the men of the family. With National Canned Salmon Week February It to 2$ there! will be some exceptionally good buys to be found of this tasty high-protein fish, why not team; up an old favorite with a new friend by serving curried salmon ta a buttery tie nag, in meal for Lenten menus, pretty enough share with guests, and a real winner of the family's prsisaai Easy to fix, toe, because all the goodness oi fresh salmon frost dear cold Alaskan water i brought to us conveniently pack ed in cans. - Meat success is assured with a refreshing salad bowl of chilled! and mixftd canned fruits, bu tter ed who! green beans (silvered! almond add a (ouiifiet touch),: rye bread, and cup) cake with! coffee and mult. Can-ted Salmea ta Ki sUaf IVi Clips uncooked rice K enp melted batter ' 4 tablespoons butter or anrga-l rine ; 4 tablespoons Sour 1 teaspoon grated onion Vi teaspoon salt ; 4 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon curry 2 cups milk - 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 1 -pound can salmon, drained ; and flaked , Me Stag. Cook rice in boO-l fax wate? until tendan Asia, but do not rinse. Add the cup i melted butter and pack firmly! Into wall-creased -inch ring! mold. Let stand 10 minutes; tarn out oa warm plstrsr. Cwrrted Salswsn, Kttt Sfae 4 ta- btespooa better or e-argtrhte; add flour, ceisc, and usinntngi, blending thorougily. Stir to mUk iicTiy and cook, stirring eocjUntly, until thick ea smooth. Add lemon juice aad salmon and reheat. Serve in rice ring. Six servings. Pork Chop Casserott Her a hearty casserole that join fork chop and aoodias, Blows the chops well, then sea son them. Place cooked wide noodles in a casserole, and top with diluted tomato soup. Add a bit oi grated onion, season, then arrange the browned chops ever the noodles. Cover the cas serole and bake in moderate eves f 350 Jegrte K) far i to 14 hour. . . f Baceo Cookery For best results in eoefcisg bacon, pise a singl layer in the frying-pan. Cook slowly, tarring frequently. Pour off or wHh m apoca remove excess fat ' as it accumulate fa the pen. Continue cooking slowly until the bacon is a light golden HOPPY'S 2nd AMERICA'S FAVORITE TIK1A! 0 fotint con on tin cob la something the rf age person really take serisusly. In foci, they're "up to their eon" in it before they reotii it. To be good, though, corn mutt be fresh md pkked ot Hi, right rim. MASTER BREAD is always fresh ... any rim you wont to pick It up or yeur grocers, to comas fresh from the evm EVERY day with all its bakery fresh aroma and flavor sealed hi, Squssz c loaf it's always soft and net how it springs right back, because it thoroughly baked thru and thru. Worth skiitf for try time! shaped, omit the milk and chill 4, Goes well with buttered Ital enough to handle before mold- ten bread, and salad of lettuce, tag. I green pepper and cucumber, ) 1!$ BUY 4 LOAF 70VAY! 'Popuhk BECAUSE IT'S M(l -31- . A -r -Ti I 1 I I i I n I i 1 HI 11K i i 11: AS m m FX .