Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 19, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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National Recognition to
Salem Soap Box Derby
Salem's Soap Bos Derby .re
ceived national recognition
thla week in the most exclusive
publicaUon of Derby racing,
the . annual Soap Bo Derby
The recognition Included the
full firat page of the manual,
a full page of picture and oth
er ' picture and mention
throughout the manual. : .
The tint page ahow pic
ture of 10 boy gathered around
a Derby shield and feature a
reprint of the Capital Journal
editorial column of Match 23,
19S2. with the editorial entitled
"Community Vnitea for Der
by." "
The editorial praiied the city
council for Its decision to put
the Derby count In Bush'
Capital Journal Salem, Or, Thursday, Fek II, IS
4-H Leaders
Meet Thursday
Marlon County 4-H leader
will meet Thursday evening.
Feb. 19 in Central Howell school
at 8 p.m. An evening of proj
ect discussions, recreation,!
awards and refreshments is
AumivMe and North Santiam
leaders are in charge of the rec
reation with cookies and coffee
by the Butteville and Aurora
Trophies will be awarded to
the 19S2 winners of the George
Eyre and Mary L. Fulkerson tro
phies for the outstanding swine
and clothing projects respective
ly. Cooking project leaders w.l 1 1
have an opportunity to practice
judging on classes of munins,
cookies and sponge cakes. Topics
of interest to all local leaders
will be discussed in each of the
project discussion groups.
Miss Joan Howell, State 4-H
gent, will be a visitor at the
Winners Oregon 4-H'ers who received college scholarships
during recent 4-H leaders' conference at Oregon State college
are (left to right) Misses Joanne Lehman, Dayton; Marilyn
Bradshaw, Albany; Joan Karns, Orenco; and (back, center)
Jerry Wipper, Turner. Awards were presented by Standard
Oil company representatives, J. S. Smith (left), San Fran
cisco, and Jack Stewart, Portland.
Spewing Volcano Smoke
Kodiak. Alaska W The crew
of a U. S. navy patrol plane told
today how they flew througn
billowing black smoke and pelt
ing ash spewed into the air in
a mass eruption of volcanoes in
the Katmai National Monument
The pilot, Lt. James T. In
gram, was flying over the Sheli
kof Strait, between Kodiak Is
land and the mainland, when a
huge, black ball of smoke was
seen rising into the air some
20 miles from the plane.
"It rolled up like' smoke from
"Hlixoner" Floyd Volkel,
merchant, who was elected
mayor of Gates at the last
meeting of the city council.
at Gates
Pack 11 Has
Award Meet .
Cub Pack No. 11 of Engle
wood school met at the Isaak
Walton League club house Fri
day evening to celebrate the
birthday of the Boy scouts oi
America, with a blue and gold
Over 250 cubs and parents
were present
Den mothers receiving certifi
cates were Mrs. John Ficklin,
Mrs. Lee Haskins, Mrs. Ted
Rainwater, Mrs. James Dimit,
Mrs. Lee Stewart, Mrs. W. C.
Wilson, Dr. Ruth Jens, Mrs. Al
Morris, Mrs. Edwara LAiKasunis,
Mrs. Robert Parrent : and Mrs.
Ed. Hamilton.
Pack committeemen receiving
certificates were: Chairman
John Ficklin, Cecil Newberry,
Ernest Netter and Lewis Lawr
ence. Assistant Cubmaster Sam
Campbell and Cubmaster Sam
Hughes also received awards.
The Pack was presented with
thejnereased membership award
for 1952. Forward On Liberty's
an oil fire," Ingram said.
went up about 15,000 feet"
Ingram said he circled to the
left of the eruption and two
minutes later a second cloud of
smoke boiled up eight miles
northeast of the first plume and
moved close to it
"Streams of ash poured out
of the smoke," Ingram said,
"like rain falling from a thun
dercloud." '
Ingram kept circling the erup
tion and one hour later, more
columns of smoke poured into
the air, one after the other. In
gram said they shot up in line,
like a chain of explosions.
The co-pilot, Lt. Robert L.
Boiling, stuck his head from
the window of the plane in an
attempt to take a picture,
He was struck by bits of vol
canic ash which, he said, also
chipped tiny bits of paint from
the plane s wings and propel
The eruptions which started
Sunday are in the wilderness
about 110 miles northwest of
Dust Storms
In Southwest
Fort Worth, Tex. (UJ9 Thick
clouds of dust, driven by winter
windstorms, swirled over west
ern Kansas, Oklahoma and parts
of Texas today, but a soil conser
vation expert said there is no
immediate danger of a "dust
bowl" like that of the 1930'a.
At mid-morning a cold driz
zling rain covered most of Okla
homa with a moisture blanket
that quickly snuffed out the dust
storm. Winds of 20 to 30 miles
per hour with guests to 45 swept
the state, but the rain kept the
soil In place.
But Louis P. Merrill, regional
director of the U. S. soil conser
vation service at Fort Worth,
warned that such a condition
"could easily develop."
Winds susting at 60 miles an
hour kicked up the soil over the
Kansas plaint yesterday and vis
ibility dropped to a quarter oi
a mile in somev areas. In the
Oklahoma Panhandle and ,in
central Oklahoma, 50-mile gusts
raised the soil from nearly-bare
wheat fields.
Pasture park and the commu
nity for its wholehearted par
ticipation in the upcoming
event for Salem's youngsters.
It told how the Derby would
be of great belp In youth de
velopment through encoursg
ing keen competition and fair
play in the "greatest amateur
racing event in the world."
. Elsewhere in the manual Is
a full page of pictures showing
step In the construction of Sa
lem's Derby course from the
clearing of the land to the
painting of the lane lines on
the course surface.
Pictures of some of the racers
and sponsor were Included in
the book as well as a group
picture of Derby association
members, pictures of Derby
workers, and a picture of Sa
lem's champion, Doug Adams,
holding the wrist watch pre
sented. him at the Ail-American
Derby at Akron, Ohio.
Word was received from na
tional headquarters that the
new rule book were on the
way and would be available for
the boys in the next few days.
An announcement will be made
in the Capital Journal when
they are receive.
Flu Epidemic Not
So Mild as Thought
Washington W) The public
health service said Thursday
that new data on deaths in a
y'i ' r4- u -. -kiln
vK &sz.
aU7. -"V T
number of cities suggest that
the current outbreak of Influ
enza is not quite as mild as first
reports seem to indicate."
However, a public health of
ficial said the epidemic now is
apparently on the wane, on the
basis of reports from the 48
The weekly communicable
disease summary said deaths
from influenza and pneumonia
in 58, reporting cities for the
week ending February 7 totaled
Queen Elizabeth Bestows
Medal on U. S. Airman
Nearlw Finished New S800.000 plywood plant of the M .
and M Woodworking company at Lyon which will open
March 0. The 15-acre pond already 1 full of log and sur
plus of log l being stockpiled tor first production. X. V.
Bennett, Albany, will upervis both the Albany and Lyons
plants. Production superintendent at Lyons will be Xd Novak '
and the plant engineer will be E. C. Carlson. The plant will
employ approximately 45 men. ; . . , '
$90,000 Loot
In Hotel Hold-up
La JoUa, Calif. tilS Four
armed bandits today robbed the
exclusive Hotel Case de Manna
and escaped with an estimated
$90,000 in cash and Jewelry.
Police said the gunmen en
tered the hotel before dawn,
Jumped a janitor and the audi
tor. They woke Manager Ned
William and forced him to open
the safe, containing 15,000 to
$6,000 in cash and about 85,
000 worth of Jewelry left on de
posit by guests. -
Williams and the outers were
left bound, police said. It took
them about one hour to free
The swank resort hotel Is the
scene of the annual meeting of
executives of the Copley chain of
Defense Budget Is
Record for Peacetime
London O Prime Minister
Churchill's government an
nounced Thursday it expect to
spend 1,636,760,000 pound
($4,585,728,000) on defense In uc"f7S hl
the 1953-44 budget year. heavy hen, n-iie; ut imn, ail
... .. .... . welehta. 4I-44C.
a wnue paper giving we zig- r B.tku, Average to trowm: u
ures said the estimates include whitba -i tha, -'- 2
140 million pounds ($392 mil-1 nu'iun, u-x: nt u,
lion) of defense support aid -c ,
BatterfBt Ttntam ub)c( t ImMdl-
t chtn: Fftaiua uftmr. nuww
.a to on pr enf aeMllr 4cllrd In
Portland W-1S lb.; flrit autlllr tl-ltei
Mcond oU. M-fle. Villi? toatw ul
eountrr polnu. 1 UDU 1m
Sotltr Wbotatl I.ob. talk mbu M
boiotiltT, tiwlb M wn He I A
rid, tt Kort. taei B. M Korb, Ski O. tf
acoro Mb. Abovb prtobb atrteUr aomlnbl.
Cbbbbb BbUlag prMb to r"rr)a wwr
bblirt. Orbbon bloilu. 3-4be. Oncbn S
lb. Ibbf, Ulb-bmoi UWbtb. tb ibbi uu
llntlbb. .
xbb to wkblbbaMnt CbsdM bcu boa
tiinin r, im. (um lnaludbd P. O. B.
rortlbnd, A btbdt lubb 4t-4bttb: A fTbdb
mbdlum, bbb-tlbi a sraob wibb,
til,U llblpv Blufcbb
BbUbc Ptibb to ibtbBmt OTfcdb AA
tut. Tit; A urtoa. lit; A vmm, tm
u .im iir- m nrinu ur.
Bnb To nUUlbrb, Orbdb A A. Um Ubl
A lorac. bo-llo: AA btbdlum. Mc; A mbdl
um. 4-Ubl A omul, nooiiaii. vonoBb, m
ckbbbo rrleb u niuitn. ronibwi.
Otbbos biiaibb, i-toci t-m. ibbTbt,
ll-UStb lb.; Irlpnu, 1M ibu iub bin
lu. Prcmlun krandi blnilbb, MHe: lot.
UVM. ProbubbS AmbliebD ebbbbb, S-lb,
lobrbb to nUU. W14-4(Vb tt-
lAim ckubbu ntb. i aubiitr. p. o. a,
plbntb.) Pribib, 1Kb. JO-IK; - lb,-.
JO-llo; rbuMrb, Vt lbb, bn4 or, -lc;
bbbrr bbOb, bU WbllhU, n-Ub-, lUHt hbU,
bJl wbuau. ib-iboi oia rooittrb, it-iob.
DrbbbbS tblok,, ivyira. J-, lob., u-
PortUnA trt bOfcfbb mm
Wbbt (oMi to wrlbb Bbrkbt. bull Kb.
1 bulk, dbunrbd bbbbt: Son whiu
Soft WHIM IblbUrtlni B) lUi WklU
Cluk S.4S.
Hard lUd Wlntbr: OMUaut S.J: M
pot bbt SJS 11 MI Mat ; IS par
bb ' .
Hbrd wnltb Abort: oramobr w.mi m
Pbr bbt S.tli 11 br bb S.4II IS pw
S iJ. .. .
Car TbCblpu: wbw m ww n ' i
1 fMa '
Cfclbbc Ontb , - "
Obiewb bPr CMS wobba os m nur oa
abb bbbrd b tradb ThbrbdbP foUobrinai
um uw Airlbuuarb Popbrtaunt
buy bood vtibUtp bom to onabb uw as
nubneb af lu balta of poor auolltv aatm.
Prior OO IhU OAnbOBbbBUBi. OOTB hS
kaoa abiuaa kwbr olona wltn brrrrthlbOT
bin. It hbda't kbaa down a lar aa wuab
and borkbbaa, hobtrtr. Bout tbbba barbakj
abrb aubjtctbd U aauiaa vrbbbtu aacanaa
oi ldr arlak prlca adrbaea tua waak.
Wbbbt cloud 4 Uwbl to uw,
Carta UM, oora ,-t bkkai,
Mirer, tl Ilk. aata lowar to kHAbr.
Ubrck rb Vrk fcJabar, MbT
tl.1-1.1S, aarkbbaa 14 lawbr to
hlakbr. north J.bblb-l.t. an tor
unentniod to IS taota a baadrbal Pboatab
totnr, March 0 7a.
W. 0. Church
Dies in East
Word has been received here
of the death at Tenofly,. N. J.,
January 15 of a former Salem
business man, W. O. (Bill)
Church, 53.
A resident of Salem from 1923
to 1942. Church was assistant
manager of the Western Auto
Supply company store here and
later partner in the Carter
Church Motor company. He was
a member of Salem Elks lodge
and a veteran of army service.
Survivors include three broth-
. Gates Floyd Volkel, mer
chant, was named mayor of
Gates at the regular meeting of
the Gates city council early this
the same time the o
office was given to W. S. Hud
son who was elected a member
of the council at the general
Volkel was selected by the
mamhers to serve as mayor for
term of one year, replacing
Mayor Ray Lord, who is retir-
Walter Brlsbin was appointed
vice-chairman and also street
commissioner; Charles Geibler,
police commissioner; W. S. Hud
son, sanitation commissioner and
A. T. Barnhardt building inspec
tor. Mrs. George Clise is city re
15 Contracts
For Roads Let
Portland W The Oregon
Highway Commission, which ap
proved 15 construction contracts
Wednesday, said it will award
another 13 million dollars worth
in the coming three months.
About 7 million dollars worth
will be considered at the April
8-9 meeting and the remainder
at a May 18-19 meeting here.
This action was taken on Wed
nesday bids:
roo Grading and surfac
ing .2 of a mile of Lower Four-I
mile Road junction secuuu i
Oregon Coast Highway, Stanton
W. Payne. Eugene, $11,546.
The commission rejected a
$3,875 bid from Trowbridge and
Flynn Electric Co., Medford, for
a traffic signal at an intersection
on the Empire-Coos Bay high
way in Coos Bay.
Animals may live for some
time In a state of torpor either
In hot months in a dry country
or in cold months. The former
practice is called aestivation, the
latter hibernation.
Team National Recognition ers ancj gevcn sisters .Interment
award lor iudz nn . Iwm in the family plot at York,
Turn Unit award of Boy Scouts ! N D
of America. I
Cubs receiving awards were: a -a r sL l
Avianon cninusiaw
Attend Safety Meeting
Bobcat AwaKl-Obir Dill. Pr Jpaon.
... ... . .a. vjoo,v nomotMll. Atartn
Huthartora Larnr Portar, Daaa Padb bndj
Oold Ano. Hbrrr Euoania con n.m.
;omb. KC1U1 mroip. wiwi,
Lukuumli. Wallata Lanla, Daw Honta,
Ronald Dill. Bruea DavU. Wall WlUon
alao Gold bod silver arrowi, John Moriall,
Phillip Paarlman blab anar arrow, Jbck
Muller. Clbudb warn, lion. ui jaonh-
omarr. .
Bar Award Aaita aimri
mA to atwer arrowa. Dick etawart alao
Oold and eilver Arrawa. Oarj Wolf, Dran
Pemklb, alao OOM brrow, uien wiaaar, mmo
Oold bud two SUrbt arrowa. Doualaa
Youncb, blab Gold and 6Uvbr Arrowa.
David Lbwranca.
Arrowa Richard Plka, Oold and Sllvar;
Nrman Ncwbera, Oold; Dcnnla Con,, ail-
var: Robbla Morton, suvar; rfoo nam
Wbtbr. Oold.
Uon Award Roonlo Nattar. fold and
allvar; Tommr Plcklln. bold; Brian laar-
aulat. aold; Jlmmr Iravla.
Wabcloa Lrnn Anderaoo.
Dannar Atrlpa Waliaca Lanta. Daaa
Pembla. Ulcharl Adana. Obrr Wolf. Rich
ard Smbrt, Dannla cona, John Uoraall.
Jon Jena, Durka Lewla, Robbla Haaklna.
Oraf klorrli. Dean Padb, Larry Porter.
Roaer Huahea. warren Helnke, David
Lawrence. Doualaa Youman.
Aaalatant Denner Harrf Bubanki.
Between 40 and 45 persons,
most of them pflots or persons
concerned with aviation, Wed
nesday night attended a flying
safety meeting arranged by the
civil aeronautic authority.
During the meeting Miles Rug.
genberg, aeronautical agent for
the CAA in Portland snowea tne
group three motion pictures,
"Flying in Alaska," "Strategic
Air Force Command," and a film
on spruce budworm spraying in
the state of Oregon.
provided In dollars by the Unit
ed States.
(Br Tbb Aaaoctbtbd Ptbbbl
Admiral Corpbrbtlba tl
AUlad Chemical 11
AlUa Chalmera r. S5"
American Alrllnea 14
American Power St Lllht
American Tel. ak Tel lMVt
American Tobaccb loi
Anaconda Copper
Atcblaon Rbllrobd
veal To aualitr. 4t-tto Ik.) rouah
heavlaa. ll.40e.
Bars Laan biockera, kl-lOc; towa, nsai
La at be top arada aprmaera, ea-eaei
bther brbdea. accordlna la auallta.
Mattaa Bait bwae and wetnera la-uc
Beef Utility aove, M-loe Ik.) eanner-
eutteia, S4.15C.
Praah nraaaad Maata
(Wkaleaalera to raiaiwra. uonara bare
Hra. OUIb H. aaaaaett
lira. OlUe at. uammett, at a l'aai aaa
nltal Pbb. It. Survived by dbuahter. Hra.
8. MaaL wallawas bbaa. Oar D. Bbaneatt,
Band. Clbrbnob a. xtaxaabatt. viavaa a.
Hammett aad Warna Hammett. all at Sa
iam; auter, klra. Jennie Ahroyer, Baa ant;
brothara. MUfard Smith. Ooto.. Law Smith.
Marlon, Weele? Smith, Portland; IS araad
ehlldrem and 21 treat (randahlldrba.
Service! Prldar. Pak. SO at 1:M P ea. In
tha Clouin-Barrtcx Chapel, or. rani a.
Pallas amelbtlng. Interment m Balbnak
Memorial Park.
AAarpk Ihlel
Adoloh Thiol, at thla anw marnarr rr.
Lata realdant of SIS M at. Aae il re era.
Survived by krothare, Loula ThlaL Blaaca,
Nek, Dwleht, Aaaa, Baa. prank, Aurora,
Orb, Robert, ldbha, Jamea, Laxlnston,
Nek, Oeorae, laMllln. Mas., Walter af
utcnUeld. Neb. i auura. joaana Rbwlay,
Bathlahem Steel ub
Boeing Airplane c.o.
Bon Warner lt
Burrowa Adding Machine , lgt.
California Pbcaing
Bea(-SUara oholce. SOa-100 lba, Ut-U:
And. tMli aommatclbi. - bl-3bl UtUIUT.
"a Cewa Commercial. b-I. atunr.
Airman Hero Congraiulated British Ambassador Sir
Roger Makin congratulates Airman 2c Reis Leming, the
aix-foot-two hero of the floods at Hunstanton, England, at
the British embassy In Washington, D. C. Leming, whose home
is Toppenish, Wash., pushed 27 flood victims to safety aboard
an aluminum dinghy, barely keeping his nose above water.
He was stationed st that time at Sculthorpe air base. (AP
London W) Queen Elizabeth 1 "He is tranger among us,
II Thursday awarded the George yet time and again he risked his
Medal one of Britain' highest1 life to save others," Council
.:.,n;on ri.nrotinno. in American Chairman R. S. Mudie told
newsmen recently. "But for him.
the, death toll must have been
very much higher."
na 3
ill lfkaS?
2 'i r
ft ' a ab
W 'Wig
a third meeting at a later date.
m la a. as re I
1 bMiDiimity Men rinea
For Illegal Hunting
Two out - of - season hunters
paid the piper In Marion county
district court Thursday to the
tune of a $250 fine each, con
fiscation of their guns and sus
pension of their rights to apply
for Oregon hunting or fishing
licenses in 1953.
The two men, Clifton Her-
schlel Hadley and Fred Frank'
lin Yielding, both Sublimity
loggers were arrested by state
police while bunting in the area
known as the South Burn, near
Silver Creek Falls state park.
Mt. Angel The seminarians
of Mount Angel Seminary are
working on a Passion Play, "The
Betrayal," by Geoffrey Dowsett,
O.M.I., and have set the produc
March 22. Father Gabriel Mor
ris, O.S.B is director.
Airman Reis Leming "in recog
nition of his extreme gallantry" j
during Britain's recent flood dis
aster. This is the first time a for
eigner has been awarded a
The Wednesday nieht meeting 'George Medal in peacetime.
was the second held by the CAA, Leming, of 202 South 8th St.,
the first being in mid-Novem- Toppenish, Wash., rescued 27
ber. jviemuers oi ine a i e nv persons irom drowning ui . .J t for March 21 and
Pilots' association will sponsor .Hunstanton before collapsing i." . r.abriel Mor-
with exhaustion. Although ne
couldn't swim, he donned an un
derwater exposure suit and
pushed a rubber raft through
the raging floodwaters.
A Foreign OUice announce
ment said: "As a consequence of
the Queen's visit to the flooded
arena. Her Majesty nas
pleased to award the George Me-
dal to Airman 3rd Class KeiSi Wlln y,. Seventh Infantry Divl-
Leming, tne u. a. Air rorce, m
recognition of his extreme gal
lantry on several occasions in
rescuing persons who had been
trapped in their houses near
Hunstanton, Norfolk coastal
village near the big U. S. air
hat at Sculthome. was heavily
hit by the storms and flood which
ravaged England ana tne low
cniintrien. Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.
RaturdaT-Handav. February tl-2t
I Naval Air Reserve squadron AAU
been 883 at Naval Air faculty.
Lebanon South Santiam
Weather Observer Louella
Dohl, chooses a brief inter
lude of sunshine Tuesdsy to
read her precipitation gauge
situated In the yard ol her
farm home near Waterloo.
She is one of only a few Ore
gon women engaged in this
Burglars Tip Police
To Slot Machines
Cenbdibn Pbclfle
Cbterpliur Trbctbr
Celaneee Cbrporatlon ..,
Chryaler Corporbtloo
Cltlea service
Consolidated Sdlaon
Conaolldbted Vultea .....
Crown Bellerbbca ,
Curtlaa Wright
Doualaa Aircraft ,
Du Pont do Nemourb ...
Eaatman Fodak (
Kmeraon nadlo
Oeneral Klectrlb (
General Pooda 't
General Motora
Oaorglb Pac. Plywood ..)
Ooodyear Tiro
Momeetaka Mining Co. .'
International Harvaater
International Paper
Johna Manama j
Kennecott Copper
Llbby McNeil
Lockheed Aircraft ,
Loewca Incorporated ....
Lang Sell
Montgomery Ward ......
Nebh Kelvlnbtor
New York Central ,
Northern Paclflb
Pbclfle Amerlcbn Pish ..
Peclflb Oaa it SaKlrlb ..
Paclflb Tel. ak Tel
Packard Motor Car
Penney. J. C
Pennaylvanlb B, R.
Papal Cola Cb
Phlleo Radla
Radio Corporation
Rayonler lncorp
Rayonler lneorp. Pfd. ...
Republte Bteel
Reynolde Metblg
Richfield Oil
Sbtewer Btoree Inc.
Scott Peper Co
Sebra. Roebuck a Cb. ...
Bocony-Vbcuum Oil
southern Pacific
Standard Oil Calif
Standard Oil N. J
Studebbker Corp
Sunahlno Mlnlna
swift Company
Traneamarlcb Oorp
Twentieth Century Pol
Union Oil Compeny
Onion Paclflb
United Alrllnee
Ualted Aircraft
United Corporation
United rHatee Plrwood .
United Btatea Steel
Werner Plcturea
Weitern Union Tel
Weeilnahouaa Air Brake ,
Wettlnchoueb Sleelrlo ...
, II
, tl
, lott
..... 11
11 'a
II 'a
: banner. 131-31.
Beef Cate (choice liberal Bind auar-
teri, 147-91: round!, I4I-H: full lolna
trimmed, 114-71: trlanglee, 133-30: fore-
ouartera, lll-ll; chucka, IIS-40; rlba.
Veal Oood. IM-II; eommarclals. 14090.
Celvea Choice, 144-M; eommerclala.
Lbmbb prlmb apyingera, ao-eo
143-49: bOOd. 141-44.
Mattoa aood choice. I3b-ke.
Perk Cate Lolna. No. 1. 1-11 lba., 190-
13; ahouldere. II lba., 139-31.90; tparerlba.
I4I-4I: fraah heme. 10-14 lba., lu-bbbb.
anaked Heme Sk nned. fl-iabi aian
bacon, 141-91. Refined lard In drama, 117-
111.90: eleb bacon. 131-141.
Pertlaad Mlaeellaneeue
Celery Cel. flat crate, s-s dog., --
Il ls. Pew to 14.90. Orb., 11.19-il.M.
oalana so lb. eacia weet ureaon yei-
lowe. medium, 14-4. 90; t.lnch., 14.90-b; No.
la. I1.00-39C! botlere. 10 lbs. aacka, 49-47e:
Idaho yellowa, larae, I3.ll-l.7li Nb. 1
large, 13.39-1.79: white mad. Urge, 14.31-
1.90: few to 14.39.
Potateeo Ore.-Wajh, ruaaela. No. 3,
4.3S-50; nama brande to 4.79; bakera,
9.39-90; M lba, alia A, 1.39-19: 10 lb. meeh.
99-boe: Pbper, bo-aae: idbnb ruaaeta, eaiaa,
9-10 lba.. 1.00-30: 100 lb. aacka 1.00-39; 19
lb. No. la, 1 40-M.
Bay U. S. No. 1 green alfalfa, deliver
ed ear lata P.O.B. Portland, nominally
131.90 ton: Seattle, 140.90-41.
wool winamettb vbiiey moetiy nomin
al at 4ae Ik. greaea baata.
Hldea calvbb, ll-llo lb. becoming to
welghta: green klpa. 10-13e; beef. lO-llo
lb.: bulla, l-4Vta; grben butcher bow hldeg.
Pllbertb Whblbaalb celling prlca Nb. 1
lbrgb Barcetonae, 14-llb lb.; trower Brtcea,
erehard run. ll-19g lb.
Walaata Whbleaalb aelimg price, nret
bubllty lnrib Pranquetteb. 13-110 lb.
grower price, archbrd run, ll-lbb lb, few
beat to lie.
Lima, Calo, Minnie Novak. Aurora, 111,
Anna Prttchard. Litchfield. Neb, and Mary
Dbvtg. laalnaTon. Nab. ctemebb Bbtoroby,
Pak. n at 1:10 p at. la tha W. T. Rlidon
Chapel with Interment la City View eevne-
tery. Rev. ranwica wtu btitciata.
Illaabetk Bertel
Bltaabbth Bartal, lata tealden at. a,
ai a local nuralna bomb Pea. 11 at tha .
aae af S7 yeara. Survived ky daaabtora,
Mre. J. W; valaeh and Alra. 1. A. Part,
both of Balam, nnd klra. Atrgoata Padbn
rech bf corn, Okie, Mre. Alma Oarnaa,
BeoUnvllL Ark, aona. Art Bartal af Sa
lem; Harry EarteL Dlnba, California; alaa
aurvlved by 39 grbndduldrbn and M great
brbndehlldren. Member af Klngwood Bible
church. Announcement of eervlceB will
be made later by Howell-adwardb Chapel.
slon in Korea Olenn L. Smith, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Smith
ol Sllverton. Ore, was recently pro
moted to a private first cuus. smitn
a farmer tmor to enierina we serv
ice, la a truck driver in the 32nd
Infantry rmurient's heavy mortar
company. He entered the army in
November, 1951, and arrived in Ko
rea -sat June. He nas the Combat
Infantryman badae and the Korean
Service ribbon with one ceunpaign
star. The wile of Smith resides in
Carpto, N. D.
Some 30 people were drowned ch,ni.. Meeting; Date
there Including 17 Americans. Members of the Otaanised Marine
Lemins a 22-year-old, six- Corps Reserve unit here will hold
tnn, ,hrL.inch airman, is at- their reiruiar meeting on Tuesday
foot, Jnj;" "n; op " . night Instead of Monday next week
tached to the 67th Air Rescue u, , WaJthlngton's blrtti
Squadron at Sculthorpe. He re- day holiday,
cently flew back to America for
LmnAfarV rtiilv Ana Will TeiUm " """
'N.wl.rk'V - A ah., af
tha gtock morket Thureday waa apeckled
with prollt-taklng.
Thaw waa atrong leaderehlp aa tha 'laa.
but thv lat ran Into dllflcultlee and bbek
ad bby from Ite beat In meny yeara.
Oalna ran to arbund 1 point t the but.
alrtb bnd abggbd to orbund a point at tho
rTJi'dlnl Wbe on the light alda with an
atllmated 1.300.000 aharea. That eomparee
with I.33O.0OO anarea waoe " -unuauallr
bulet eeaalon.
Cemplled from reuarte bf Sblem deateea
fbg tha aaldaaee of capital Jearaal
rbedere. tBevlecd dally.)
anan Feed Prleea
Babbit Pellele 11.11 (SO-lk. kag), li t
1.19 (lH-lb. bbgi.
Sgg Maak 19 39-W.4I.
Dairy Peed ti ll 170-lb. baa), M
(10-lb. ban. I4.IS-I.4I 1100 wt l.
Paoltry Bbylng rrleob colored fryere.
37e: old rooetera. lec: eoMred fowL Sic;
leghora fowl, lot; robetera, 30c.
Boylag Prleea Sale. A A. 19c: Urab A,
l7-4le; madlubt A A. lie; medium A, 14-
llc; emell. 10c.
Wheleaala Prleee tat whaleeala prlcbb
generally l-7b higher then thb prleee
ebove. Larab grbdb A ibnerblly quoted at
41c: medium, 49c.
Ballerfal Buying price: Premium. 11
73r: Nb. 1. Il-70c: No. I, 07e.
Batter Wholesale irada A parebmbat,
73c lb i retail. 17a.
Oregon City (f) Police were
caiied to the Veterans of For
eign Wars club here to lnvesti-
gste burglary.
m.eM. haVn looted bv the ' Hustan ton's town council sent Vr at 'Dayton. rved.tiin
burglars. , letter to the government. Srw,llert s!vd Tthelr children.
- The police carted the illegal gestlng Leming be given anim SUin am remain in Day
machines awty. award for heroism. 'son.
to Britain later. Hi volunteer
flood rescue work won nation
wide praise in Britain,
Davton U. Col. Floyd B. Wilier,
Army Ramerves, left February IS for
Fort Bustle. Va, for three months
of active duty training, wlllert,
light, demiad
Chlebcb Oalene
Chlcaao ejB auppuee
alow, market dun.
T.t ..iu M lka: Mlnnaaota Yellow
Olobee fair to generally lood aubllty, II
to 70 per cent 1-lnen ana laraer, ear a ae.
r.L .aiea u lba.: Idaho bnd Oregon
...i.h a. inert and lbraer 4.004.19; mid
eait medium TVllow uiooee
k.. I.,., a aa.a bb. aoma poorer a
139; Mlohlean obrtona twelve 1-pound
ceuoa I M; white kollara Sl-lb. aacka 1 11.
Ckleaaa Uvaeteek
Chicaao UPl An overrun oi nave, woo
pled with a contlnulno ahrlnkagb la bat.
toa order Omand. drove hoe prleee II
rente ta 11.00 a bundrbd pouade lower
Cattle ateady tf be eentb tower at a
market aupplled a third higher than
eipected, but ne markbt ni aet for ahbbp.
Moat aalb af butcher weight htgho were
In b ranee of lll.M to 130 bo. Sowa look
111 71 to 111.19
William Sdword WlUa
Albany William aowara wuu, an.
Welmer. Calif, died Pea. 11 al Weimar,
following a abort llluaaa. Oravaald aarv
Icaa in charge af thb Pleher Puneral homa
were held at tha Rlvorelde cemetery Wed
neaday. Mr. wlUe waa bora In Dallai, Ore,
and had lived la Albany and Swlaebomb
before moving to California a number
of yeere egb. Hb mbrrled Nora Otlvo WUle,
who died In 1110. five children aad
brother aurvlva. Ttia children are, Hra.
Arnea Morgaa and William Edward Wllia,
both of Llvermore. Oallf, Mre. Prtaellla
Godwin, Nllaa, Calif., Mrg. CecU Welle,
Yreka. Calif.: Mm. Wanda Kleppbr, Vbl
lelb. Calif., bad a brother, & i Will,
Weimar, Calif.
Margaret Hleaketk Held
Amity Margaret Eliebeth Held. MIS
S.I. 40th at, Portland, formerly af Amity,
died Peb. II. aba wu a atater of Plord
Cochran. Amity; a aouala of abrb. Ore
Ladd. Portland. Puneral eervkea warn
Thuradey, Pab. II at S p.m. from tha
Roaa Hollywood Chapel. M.I. th at,
end Bendy Blvd. Intannanl waa la Lin
coln Memortbl Park.
Mre. l.eara Bealtr
Albany Mra. Laura Beatty. St. died at
Rlohmond, CaUf, Pab. II. Bervteea will bb
held at thb Brownevlllb praabytbrlbn
church bt 1 pm, Saturday with burial
la tha Maaonlo cemetery, aha waa bora
in Aiiegneny county, pa, bnd bad lived
In Loa Angrlee. CaUf.. Colorado, and la
Oreeon at Heleoy and' Brownevlllb, bnd
raruBno, boing ao rticnmona Zlvo ye era
aaa. On Nov. u, tan at Loa Angelea, ahe
ajaa married to Park B. Beatty, wha died
In 1133. Surviving ara thre children. Kay
P., Klttannlnc. Pa.: Dan w, Rkhmond,
Callf.i Mre. Oracb Stmona. Cottaaa
Grove, and a brother, William M. Xalatoa.
Parllaad Uvaetork
Portland or USDA-Cattla ealabla 111:
market meanly bWbdy with cenner-eutter
cowe more octlvb thbn latb Wadneaday;
load fed ateera unaold: aeveral lot and few
Ibbd good ateera Wedneeday 33.00-31.00;
two part loa da good-choice U.3B-M; load
good-eholce fed belfera 33.10: few utility,
commerclbl eleeri Thareday 11.00-11.00;
eommerdbl belfera 10.00 - 30.00; bUllty
down to 11.00; caoner-oatter oow moetly
1100-14.00: utility eowi ll.0C-ll.00.
Celveo eelbble 19; market active, atrang:
one prima 130 lb. vealer 19 00, new recent
blent few aood -choice veolara 31.00-1100.
Hogg ablbblb 190; mbrket more actlvb,
moetly gteady; choice 1 bad S autchera
IW-311 lb. U.00.90; few lote carrying
eholc 1 butcbera 33.90: few medium gradea
13 00; choice ISO-eM Ik. aowa 11.90-30.00.
Sheep ealabla Bone: market nominal;
good-ehokb wooled lambe Wadneadby 14 -90-30
10; good - choice feedere ealeolt
around 17.00-11.00; good -choice ewaa auat
bblb 1 00-1 00.
Market will be opened to tredlng Mon
day, Pab. 31. but fedrbl market newa
eervlca office will abeervb Wavhlngtbn'a
blrthdby bolldoy. No rbpart WU1 b leaued.
Jaba Adlleea Pat
Albany John Addleon Woe bb n.I-
dent bf Atbbny for 10 yeara, died at lha
nome ot nia oaugnter, Mre. At Pitta, Tuee
day. eVrvlcea will bb bald at thb PorU
miner-Prederlekaen Chapel Saturday at
10 1 a m, with kurlel in tha Wlllametta
Mem oriel Park. Mr. Pok waa a native af
New York. He married Delia May Clem,
mona, who died In 1004. In September,
1110, ha married Alva Oder, at Albany.
She preceded him In death. He la aurvlved
by twb eon bnd Iwb daugblera. Alfred,
" , .uw. narry, auaene; aare. Pitta,
Albany and Mre. Ray Varnam, Marahall
town, Iowa: three atepeblldrea. Mra. Oarot
Mrs-nan, Albany; Mra. William Muller,
Haleey: and Earl Odell. Mllwauklb.
CIaw aw tribute of respect
I IV If CI . f0r the departed,
an expression of comfort to
the bereaved i
DIAL 41692
321 Court
fWtfea laeaalda Market
Partland alfft Raeelpta were geared to
day on thb Portland Baatatda Parmera
Wholesale Produce market with only limit
bd offerlnee of root erona and aoBlaa
nood and choice ateera and yearltngl ' apoearln bat nominal prleee. Borne hold-
bold from ISO 90 to 174 bb bnd comparable lever cabkagb earned a atronger tone a
haifbra freea 13010 la U3 as, Cewa tapped reaait af aold weaUrer and kubat Gait-
aa sbibi,
Or. I T. Lam. I D. Or o Chan.
I'pitaira, 141 North Liberty
Office open Saturday only. 10
am. to 1 pm, t to 7 pjn. Con
ultatlon. blood orewura and
urine tests are tree of charge
Pracuced since 117 Write for
attractlT Ut. No oblifstion