Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 19, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    1 t
- I
Heritarc af np.i. n..u j- ,i .,
If Pff Vllaa UM.J. t
V "-'' we oronze star Meaai wun tne
(V for valor device pinned on him by U. Gen. Wither.- A.
JurFe5i "' Army commander, on Qovernon bland, New
ifork City. Aa lerioui-faeed aa her ton la Mn.-Lucy 8. Mor
iies. Medal was awarded posthumously for the heroic action
I the boy's father In rescuing three wounded comrades In
he face of enemy fire in Korea. The boy and his mother
Uve In New York. (AP Wirephoto) '
foung Mother Sobs as
he Thanks 1st Marines
.ong Beach, Calif. WV There
,f e tears in her eyes and a sob
(per voice, but Mrs. Betty Ann
,,veu was proud, too, when she
hj'Those Marines pretty won-
, f ul guys." y
-And in Los Anseles. Mrs.
, alia Gutierrez nodded quietly
i agreement.
: fhey were talking about men
-sine 1st Marine Division In
l.ce, who dug into their Dock
h and raised $1100 $580 each
14 the baby sons of Mrs. El well
j. J Mrs. Gutierrez.
he infants will never know
Hilir fathers, Pfc. John Robert
ivell of FayetteviUe, W. Va.,
t .1 Wn DaIm- T3 n 1 .-...:
-Hot Los Angeles.
ji w3th died heroically in an es-
4 lit on a Red-held hilL
sjered to "neutralize" tha hill
m ind did lost 18 men. Seven-
f sine ouiers were wounded In
.. .i 1 bitter tiehtinff.
' ( h day or so later M. Sgt. H. C.
, i Iiton of Denison, Tex., and the
-.rwipany commander, Capt. Don
. .Inchard of Inglewood, Calif.,
. . J the casualties. Bruton re-
IaA niiri n t SI.. ,1mm. . J.I.I.
ibb t-aiAiuaciJisE unraiiiiHi ni irr t j
-r ' celebrate the birthday of
,. . t jfy's son, and Elwell running
' tr a tent, waving a telegram
, ; I shouting: "I'm a father!"
.Captain," said Bruton, "we
, ,iht to do something for the
i - " Ho .lit .nrHkl hsw
: ii it on a desk and went down
, o) company street to pass the
v iiflf you want to give some
.. afrg to the kids of Gutierrez
)4 Elwell, there's a box in my
j t."
. i"he response amounted to $1,
: worth of savings bonds.
. , . J. Robert Neal of Elkhart,
tl . ffivinff thp lnit SKA hf hari.
- jnmed it up with: "They were
friends. They were good
. ating men."
Irs. Elwell, 35, said she soon
-,,1 take John Robert, Jr., 3
rtnthi, back to FayetteviUe,
tich was her home, too. She'll
. 1Yi mnnmv fnl mml 1 1 IP f 1 1 1
pose later.
. jj"Those fellows wonderful
' tecially because they didn't
w our family personally ,' 'shejclsco.
" "r .'5.' ..-. w VI
i r c . v at a. . t m I
Wed for Third Time Jess
in the cheek of his wife following their third marriage in
lbany, N. Y. Business associates tor tha pat four years,
ifter each divorce they went together "steady." Freedman
aid, "I only thought I wanted my freedom, where all the
ime I kept looking for a gtrl like my wife. Thia time it's
t keep-" (AP Wirephoto)
v. . ....
said. "John was wonderful
man, but I thought he waj Just
another guy as far aa the Mar
ines were concerned."
She choked up bit as she re
membered: "My husband's last
letter was written Feb. 1, and he
was so anxious to see tha baby.
He figured on being home In
Mrs. Gutierrez, S3, said she
and Steven, 8 months, will con
tinue living In Los Angeles with
her parents.
"Rudy wrote me his buddies
had a drink' to celebrate the
baby's birth last August." Mrs.
Gutierrez said. "The money will
be saved for Steven'i education."
Maybe some day these chil
dren will want to. know how
their fathers died.
Elwell, racing up the hill with
his fire team, had gone complete
ly over the top and down the
other slope. He died fighting in
side the Red trench system. -
Gutierrez and his machine-gun
crew covered Elwell's advance
from an exposed hill despite fire
from three sides. He was killed
by a mortar.
Blanchard aald ha would cite
both men for bravery.
Orville Wood
Dies in Hospital
Portland l Orville L. Wood.
86, widely known in Oregon
theater and municipal adminis
tration circles, died in a hospital
here Tuesday. His home was
Coqullle where funeral services
will be held Saturday, Burial
will be at Rosebufg.
Wood came to Oregon in 1925
and operated the Rose Theater
at Roseburg. Seven years later
he moved to Coqullle where his
theater interests included the
Roxy, Liberty and Drive-In.
Ha was elected mayor of Co
quille and served eight years. In
that time he became director
of the League of Oregon Cities.
Survivors include his wife: a
daughter, Mrs. Doris Ann Gos-
line of Myrtle Creek; and two
sons, Lloyd Wood of Sutherlin
and Gross Wood of San Fran-
H. Freedman plants big kiss
. . ri.: sw w . a a i
Merle Oberon
Hollywood for
Hollywood VP) Merle Ober
on li back before the Hollywood
cameras after five-year ab
enee. but thia time it't for tele
One of the ictmd'i mott nntarf
oeauues. Miss Oberon wai mak
ing her second TV film, a Ford
i amain arama lor screen Gems.
Sa I rfmnnarf rn, th at ml
out the why and wherefore of
her absence from the local
movie mills.
The arrawcr haa innvthln n
ox wiw Howard Hughes, plui
Hew Ordinances
At Jefferson
Jefferson W. S. Wharton ofl
aaiem, director of Marlon county
civil defense, met with the Jef
ferson city council, explaining
tha Cost Of civil (lafenaa nil -T..
ferson'i apportionment, which la
eiBB.oo, wnicn me city agreed
to pay before July 1.
Three ordinance were aerwnt.
ed. One requires owners, occu
pants or persons in custody of
toia or parcels 01 ground within
tha Cltv limits to nit mnA mum
brush, grass and weeds. If this
is not aone, tne street commis
sioner is instructed in put irraca
weeds and brush and cost of
Work Will be chnrffert aa a lien
on tha property, plus a penalty
for violation of the ordinance.
An ordinance regulating traf
fic nravidei inr local narlrinir
and penalties for violation.
An ordinance pertaining to
certain amusement devices, set
ting taxes thereon, nrohibits op
eration by minors; provides pen
alties zor violations, and repeals
all conflicting ordinances.
Gilbert Hoevet, Jasper Turn
idse and Frank Jonta wm an.
pointed on the fire hazard and
nuisance oommittee.
.Those attend In tha maatins
war Mavnv Tvan flnttnn .,-
oilmen Gilbert Hoevet, Howard
Broxson, Frank Jones, Jasper
Turnldge, Ed Ricks and Ralph
RAhartann. mH Paul MVm
marshal George Armstrong and
city attorney J. ra. pea vera of
Home Rebekahs
Plan Schedule
Woodburn T h e regular
meeting of Home Rebekah
lodge No. 88 was held Tuesday
night at the ICOF hall with Mrs.
Dorothy Garrett, noble grand,
presiding. A visitor was Mrs.
Trula Johnson of Mt. Shasta
lodge at Redding, Calif., who
spoke briefly. '
Mrs. Mamie Palmer was re
ported ill and baby girl was
reported ' born to Mrs. Mona
Mulky of Eugene. Miss Mabel
Jackson and Mrs. Earl Allison
were reported home from a hos
pital. An invitation was read to at
tend the golden wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Arista
Nendel Feb. 22 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Mrs. C. H. Bruenlnger and
Mrs. Emma Weber were ap
pointed to prepare the "good of
the order" program for the next
meeting March 17. It was an
nounced that the Noble Grands
club would honor members who
are not noble grands at the next
meeting. The sum of $10 was
donated to the Wayne Byers
fund. After the meeting a
white elephant auction was held.
the proceeds .to go to the fund
for past noble grand's pins.
serving refreshments were
Miss Mabel Livesay, Miss Ma
bel Jackson and Mrs. Emma
Weber. Decorations were in
keeping with Washington's
birthday. For the next meeting
Mr, Mabel Sporaliky, Mrs.
Blanche Granner and Mrs. Le-
ota Porter will serve.
anying them to Scotts Mills was
Catching Too Many
Crabs in Nehalem
Portland VP) Commercial
crab fishermen are catching too
many crabs at the mouth of the
Nehalem river, civic organiza
tions of the Nehalem Bay area
reported Tuesday. -
They asked the state fish
commission to increase the crab
fishing elosure area to one mile
on each ide of the bay en
trance and two miles out to
After hearing protests from
commercial crab fishermen, the
commission took the proposal
and several others under ad
Former Brink's Guard
Enters Guilty Plea
Washington VP) A former
urinn s guara pleaded guilty
Wednesday to stealing 183,000
from an unattended Brink's ar
mored ear laat Aiiffmt 24
Rav E. Fanner 28. arimltioH
before U. S. District Judge
Charles F. McLaughlin that he
took the money from the ar
mored car while the driver and
guards were away having lunch.
Judge McLaughlin delayed sen
tencing sum temporarily.
Returns to
2nd TV Film
the dearth of romance ea tha
"I have made pleturas
abroad," ah explained. "In fcet,
I Just finished one In Monte
Carlo '14 Hours in Woman's
Life.' But I haven't been able to
do any pictures In Hollywood
because I have been' under con
tract to RKO for picture)
"During the past three years
I have been sent scripts, but
they were the kind of thing you
would expect from Howard
Hughes, I turned them down,
and the studio had to pay me
reportedly 1100,000 per year. Of
course, the money waa nice, but
tnere were disadvantages, too. I
was kept from doing other pic
tures in Hollywood."
Her absence from the Holly
woods waa also due to tha cur
rent film preoccupation with
realism. Tha studios are too con
cerned with the rock-'em and
sock-'em kind of picture to do
anything sentimental.
"I think that's mistake."
commented Miss Oberon, who
is identified with such romances
as "The Dark Angel" and "Wu
tberlng Heights."
"Hollywood is overlooking
the female audience. After all,
it'a the woman who chooses the
movies to see or at least we
like to think so. I should think
a good love story would make a
hit right? now. The appeal is
universal. I've done a lot of
traveling In recent years, and I
find people all over the world
who remember Wutherini
The actress remarked that
she is now considering a couole
of movie scripts and Intends to
stay in Hollywood for a while.
A British subject, she has ap
plied for American citizenship.
i nave lone intended to take
out American citizenship pa
pers," she said, "but the restric
tions on travel have prevented
me. I like to travel. but I
would ha'a it if I couldn't come
back here. I know how bad
Charlie Chaplin and Orson
Wells must feel." Chaplin faces
an immigration hearing if he
tries to re-enter the U.S., and
Wells is reported in tax diffi
culties. Wells appealed to the tax
court In Washington last Sept.
18 against claims for back taxes
amounting to $24,302 for the
year 1947.
The claim by the revenue bu
reau involves income from a
corporation in vhich Welles and
Rita Hsyworth, then Welles'
wife, had part ownership. The
corporation had been formed
after the release In June, J948
or a picture called "stranger."
Welles, in his petition to the
tax court, declared he owed the
government no additional taxes.
The case will be heard In Los
Angeles but no date for the hear
ing has yet been set. Welles
need not be in this country for
the hearing of the case, which
can be handled In his absence
by attorneys.
North Marion
Teachers Quit
Hubbard Two Instructors
at North Marlon have resigned
effective at the close of the
spring term. Mrs. Helen Beck
of Canby, English instructor at
North Marlon for the past year
ana a naif, has also been in
charge of the honor society and
advisor of the sophomore class.
Mrs. Amy McLaughlin of Sa
lem has been economics instruc
tor for two years at North Mar
ion and has been FHA advisor
and junior class advisor.
The Junior Senior banquet
wiU be held at North Marion
Tuesday evening, Feb. 24, at
o:au. Eivan riiney will be mas
ter of ceremonies, the program
to Include invocation by Rev.
Kobert Hampel of Aurora, the
welcome by George Sanders,
vice president of the Junior class
and the response by Jack Ras-
mussen, president of the senior
Rev. C. L. Liekauf of Aurora
will be soloist and Judge Val
bloper of Salem will be speaker
lor the evenlngt
Rev. Ter Hastings of Hub
bard will give the benediction.
Pat Beal, principal of North
Marlon high school, will attend
the National Association of Sec
ondary School Principals ns
tional conference In Los An
geles, Calif., Feb. 21 through
23, at the Statler hotel. He will
leave here Feb. 19 and return
Feb. 26.
Miss Mary Wettstein of North
Marion Union high school ex
pects to enter tha Willamette
Valley Majorette contest, Feb.
25, in Salem, sponsored by the
Salem Elks' Lodge.
, Sj
Iverson Returns
Siiverton Delbert N. Iver
son was released from a Port
land hospital Tuesday, and la
now at the home of his sister
and brother-in-law at Portland,
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Meyers
(Marie Iverson), to complete
convalescence. Mrs. Delbert
Iverson has been with her hus
band since his entering surgery
two weeks sgo. Mrs. H. J. Iver
son, mother of Delbert, returned
to her Bilvartoa home Tuesday.
Tele -Views
Currently on her eotut-to-cout tour of the United BUUs
under th direction of Impress sxio S. Rarok, Marian Ander
son, distinguished American contralto, will appear in a con
oert at the Salem high school auditorium next Tuesday
night, February 24.
In late April, after completing her fiftieth American con.
cert thia season, Miss Anderson will depart for her first
tour of the Far East
It was In Europe that the contralto began a career unique
In musical history. Toscanini, hearing her in Salzburg,
raved: "A voice like yours is heard once in a hundred years."
In Finland, Sibelius, the world-famous composer, exclaimed:
The roof of my house is too low for your voice."
One of the most celebrated of living artists. Miss Ander
son has performed Some 1,100 concerts before nearly 5,000,
000 persons. Millions mora know her through her frequent
radio broadcasts and her television appearances and many
recordings which she has made.
"This will be the artist's first appearance and visit to
Salem," says Phil Biggie, chairman of the) Willamette
University Concert Series.
Tele-Views understands that a woman was reoorted seen
with a ticket in hand trying to get into the concert last
Tuesday night. Only a week late. However, she wanted to
be sure to be prompt. Then, after a flittery and speedy
time preparing herself for the concert, she finds out that
she is seren days too early ... A good try anyway.
7 p.m. will find Mindy Carson and violinist Florian ZaBach
taking a musical cruise in a delightful medley of songs.
BURNS and ALLEN at 8:30 p.m. Harry VonZell makes the
mistake of telling Grade he could save $3,000 on his income
tax if he had a wife and 8 children so Gracie decides to
help out by advertising for them. NITE OWL THEATER
at 11 :S0 p.m., "Thou Shalt Not Kill," with Charles Blckford,
Owen Davis, Jr and Doris Day. FRIDAY, Kate Smith at
1:00 p.m. - Matinee Theater at 8:00 p.m., "Beware of La
dies," with Don E. Cook and Judith Allen.
New York Banker Says Boom
Likely to Lose Its Steam
New York W) The number!
of those who think the postwar
boom. Is st or near its peek
grows steadily.
But an equally vocal group Is
Just as confident that the decline
when snd If it comes will be
slow and shallow.
The debate comes to the fore
again with a warning by Dwight
W. Michener, director of re
search of the Chase National
Oft Television
KPTV (Chonntl 27)
OnlF prarsau asM la aenaail
House of Television
Is open evenings 'til 8, Mon
day thru Friday featuring tha
one-and-only 8 par tea TV,
Hoffman and other popular
171 Wallace Rd.
West Salem
11:10 I.BHollroo4 Bail
11:8 a.av Ttlanawa
11:00 M. Bli Payoff
11:30 p.n.-laTrr Moor
1:00 p.m. Kata Smith
l:to p.m. Pamlalna Anrla
1 St p.m. atrlkt It Rich
1:01 p.m. Mallnaa ThaaUr
4:is p.mawarob for Tomarrtv
4:10 s-n. Leva af Llfa
4:tt p.m. etrastrr Tbaa FVtUtB
00 p mOult Bldi
t ot r ai Ranaa BHlar
l:W P.M. Daut Bfaardr, Maw
l:tt p.m. Tlma far Baanr
T:M p.m. Bmbaur Club
7:11 p.m. Bportaman'a Clut
1:10 p.a-Dlaat anort
1:41 p.aj.Naa Oararaa
I mo p.m. oroucho Mara
:lt I m. Barn tad Allan,
:0I p.aa.wrta Unalpattas
1:10 p.m. Ford Thaatar
H it p.m. Matlla Kaaa, DattaUre
10:10 p.m. HoUrwaod WraaUlai
11:10 p. Hilt Oal
First In Public Demand!
.Bit Parafl
I 10
4 1
I to
I to
10 00
10 10
. Oarrr Maora
.Kata smllk
. Daualt ar NetklBC
trtta it wan
. M illnll Tkattar
Satran ar Taatarrte
Lara al Ufa
. Tooial, Hiaaodramt
i Bar Rotira
, Cilia KM
. Dout Bdatrda, Ntvl
Tima tar aiaar
. Caralcada af Saartl
. Niai Caravan
. AtaaU tad Cattail
Tau Artad far It
Bit Starr
i. Mr. and Mra. Bartk
i Drr.n', Dar
.Bat Canaldlaa
Llfa af Bllar
-Nila oal
Salem's Most Complete
Television Center
2140 S. Com'l. Ph.2-1.11
TV Center M
I I Onan ta 9 n.m. Ill
II 1110 CENTER fll
JllS yrs. In Sslem Jfa
Bank of New York. '
Addreulnc the oersonnel con
ference In Chicago sponsored by
the American Management as
sociation, Michener lines up ar
guments for his belief that the
major force of th postwar boom
"may be largely behind us."
Home building and plant ex
pansion have been abnormally
large in recent years, suggest
ing to Michener that leaner
years are ahead.
He warns that total debt-
adding federal, state and local
government debt to corporate
and individual debt "has in
creased at a faster rate than nat
ional Income.''
Large amounts of future In
come have been pledged by
consumers and home owners to
current purchases, he notes. Pay
ments on mortgages and Install'
ment debts will take a substan
tial part of many paychecks.
And Michener doubts if pres
ent world conditions will sus
tain the export volume that
the United States has achieved
since the war.
Against these signals that the
pace of the postwar boom is due
to shut down, If not to reverse
itself, others point out that un
der the economy are some built-
in props.
Most observers expect the de
fense program to stay at a high
level, although conceding that
its upward push to the economy
is about over. With defense
spending high for several years,
industrial production won't fall
off too much, they argue.
Ike Will Entertain
Democratic Governors
Washington VP) Two demo
cratic governors who supported
President Elsenhower in last No
vember's election will sit in on
a White House conference on
federal aid policies on February
Sen. Taft R.. Ohio said Gov.
Allan Shivers of Texaa and Gov.
James F. Byrnes of South Caro
lina have been Invited to the
meeting, along with Gov. Alfred
E. Drlscoll, New Jersey repub
lican. All will be on hand as
representatives ot the Governors
Conference. ,
Tsft ssid the White House
conferees will discuss legislation
to set up a special commission to
study the relationship of state
and federal governments, dupli
cations in their services snd a
proposed division ot tax reven
Pinley, Term., ( Two more
minor earthquakea Jarred houses
and rattled dishes snd windows
in this Northwest Tennessee
town yesterday. No damage waa
Selem Fringe Area
Is Tops!
1S70 Lane Avenue
Phent S-USI
Cg111 JoarnsJ. Saint, Ore..
A CWXVt - Yo" oev Cesi Have TV
-VS .ill? AS. We Take Meet Anything Tea
'6 m Trade
Set tee
11 -fci 1.1
1171 Laaa Ave. Phone 1MII
Opea Meadsy aa Friday sesriavs
en ne m cm m aae tsss uno um ax. tew iae
It ifi . Nm Fsal Stem T. Tiaa Mat) Hn
li t rah Taaaa Sm hi Jut hat Oar M SaUar BlttM
HjU iram, unm Tttr Qwtm Mula spUar uaa
I n Male wife UIHaa SIM. Car Wart Klraa4 IMfaf Kaa.MaWer'
:1S Italia Dallu Aaal Jaatfau Bar Wnl tUtkw SaUat Mat. MaH
:M Wlaw arm urtau, u Wart ; Lartr D SalSot Ma. Matodr
' Waat la Klrkaaai Kr Wart aaaaft Srtaar Mm. MplHr
1:M rlakt S1H Mula parti. Cal Tlaaar Nm Saa. Saa Mac MiliSt
11 F. r. VamBloaaVnT Cal Tlaaar Maala . , Raa. mm Mas. SM
SfJ UraBaaalltalOaairaa Ura Uka Ma - - urn. Baas Ma. Mali ay
Paa'a WU Oaattrat MIHIaaalta Bhaaaaaa Baa. aai Maa-MUlSy
:Sf WahMa OaaTta . Maala Sana Maala Jlat Daaa Mas. MaaaO
lllf Tratalat OaaVfar Bin alas Maala Jlaj Daaa Maa. MaliSr
lllfiBt. rail Qaairaf rar 01,1a N.wa Jim DaaO Maa.Malilr
SUSIOamwmr Cart sUaaar Tar Qlrta Ma Qatra Itm BaaSr Mar. Malaer
i:tf Maala Baa KarkSaaa Tlar Taaaa ran. Law BlUlaa Sni WarM Nm
lit Maala Baa Balk Aakta Saalrral Car Baamlamr Maak, Marl rrWS Marat
:lj Maala Bas lla Wkhtlr aalrral Cat Cart Maaaar Maala Mart taaaa laak
trt Batar '.'aaalmll- Baarr Tlaaa Saai Baraa Maala Mart Waaaaa'arr.
I:MlKaltaaaara IS Mar raw Marrr Clrala Maala Maala Mart Stiwual
;jiCkaat raataisalaaa Nm V. riaklar Waatlaai Maala Mart ttamaat '
:H U MaCaB WarM Taarrkal Baallar WUS BIB Maala Matt Tallar Baaat
its1, falaraaa Nm Bat Otrnt Blatat Slra Ofl rlataMtar
S:S BaUa Wilt Taalk Waalkanaaa Oak. Baatar OaaAa LttM
1:15 Maala SraUuM Haia BaiUaa NW Nawa aaS SSrar
ill laSrCaaara Saarla llalaalat Aaawar Maa Mm
:ii Iaa Caaara Ma4UaUaa Blaatkara Saal Baraa at Bart
i;M Saraaata la Mr. I. C riatu Jlai'r FUlar Baaat '
lis tMt otna. Baaarta riikla latialaUra .. sian Srat
:M I. C Swaraa Baakr ' riikta CUat BIS Maala
lit Baal, -TUX. J rraaa rittla Claaa BM ' - Maata
I" :S0 Maa'a FU: tVTtaaua Laartaaa ASraalarar , MIS Caart "
ill WarM Nm Oa sat Sraataaalla Aaraatarar Traak Uae
;U ParUaaS Maala la Air Crlava UlUi Baraiaalaa Traak late
M Bit raraSa Maato la AlrCrtatt UHar Dla. Caaaart ' Traok late
e-aa nrat Nlrttat air. Baaa Oatla. olaa BarSr Traak late'
I ill ilrtt NUktor Mr. Baaa Harriett ' Pallaa lawk Traak Utt
l:IS rrtataai Ja StallarS Carllaa Maala Traak IMC -
t;i! Baraa Sr. Mtea Aratar Maala Warll Maata
lsaa Baparlar S Star riaal Plaal Sail. BatlaS Stan NWM ,.a
If :lg Sparta ram ralarrlm Oaaat Tiara Nawaraat Ntakt tiaa
liliiOa BaaarS CHr Orak Paaaa Ttaat Nm Maala V
Hill Oa ta Tawa Tatta Daaat Tlaw Mala la Waat
Urea Nm Capital Daaea Tiara Malala ' Naataraa
L. MaOaJI Claatraa j Daaat Tlata Malta Naataraa
11:11 War Traaaarr Daaat Tlaw Nan Naataraa
l;it Maaraw BaaSataaS Paaaa Tlaia Maala Naataraa
UlSslsiaa OM ' 'Sllaat Daaat Tiara Ilia OK ' I lira OM ""
StSS Maala Tlaw CBS Nm Farm Baar Nm Braakfttt Waatart
ill Maaat Ttaat BOIN Blaak Pars Baar Tlaiaktapar Naak Miliar at
1:1 Maata TUaa KOIN Blaak Farm Baar Mavak Tlma Braakfaat Para Nm
Slat Maata Tlma KOIN Blaak Farm Baar NW Nm Naak Nm
Tltt Nm . KOIN Klaak lit ItllUa Bnamnmp Braakfttt KOCO Elaak
1:15 Nam Baar' Nm . Arraaabr Braakfaat Naak KOCO Blaak
:a TkJa Nm Vila Nm Braakfaat Braakfaat KOCO Blaak
1iS St. Maaatar Caxamar Bat Bataa Nm Naak Kataa fry.
taa Mailt Bat Oiaa Caot. Na I aaal Maala Braakfaat Fraadlr BaB
1:13 Maala Bat OraaS Catt, Tatar Maala Naak Brandt Baal
: Maala Ban Olva and wtaU Naw Ik-vaa af Btaakfatt ttawaaat
;M Adraatara Tata Baaaa Data. Baat Naat IHanait .
a.aa Bawdr Baad Taaatat at Tarlaad Nm raft Caaatr Nm '
.n Bawdr Baad: Tadap Tana Marak Tla Mallar Parti Sanaaa
I: la Bavdp Baad: Stara Orar laaaa Bttral rtttar't Call Platter Parti l-B Ctak
ilil Bawd Paad: Baltrtatd taaaa Patr.l Battala rtettar Parti Ktda Caraar
tt:M Baadlatraa raa tar All Start al Olaa Bard Plattaa Parti Aaal Ballla
:1S Bk.Caralval Fan far AU Timillae Maala rtettar Parti Aaal BaMat
:e BaUiaial Olt, aalu Star, af Bteh Sakaal Platla rarti MalaS
l:U BraatfaaS Cltr Baarllal Tamarraw Ctaa, AataB Hatttr Part, taraaaSa
11 M Marr lat Maala wit. Mat. Opara UJIat fair riattar Parti la tartar
Hill Vtplaf Olrlt Mat. Opart Ladlat Pair nalttr Parti aaraanda
11:11 Farm aad Maat Mlaana Mat. Oaara Qa. far Par Plaltar Parti taMrtar
tlliS Baaat BatiMaat Mlaaaa Mat. Oaara Wta. tar Dar (Plattaa Pari a! larva la
, nS Hat.t BOtN IS Lt, e m. la IS p.m. KXX SM, S ta S p aa,
ir nsr vntap p.m. vita, nmi
aVVMVa U:ll, Km Farm Baart 1:M,
lt. Oraaan Baaarta ri litt. Bat la Ama-
taari IM, CWIdtaa'a Tkaatart d:M, Nawa,
Waalkari 1:41, stata Laaialatarai Hat,
Laak ta Swlail 7:Uv Farai Haari S:ta,
Faarla Oadar Cllmmtalami liM, Km.
Bill Cadle New
20-40 Leader
Dallas B1U Cadle 'of Rickre-
all was elected at the recent
30-40 club meeting at be presi
dent of the Polk county 20-40
club. Don Rowland, Rickreall,
is the retiring president
Other officers elected were
Jack Stiles, route i, Dallas, vice
president; and Bill Harland,
Rickreall, as secretary-treasurer.
Two additional members of
the executive committee are
Floyd Allen snd Don Rowland,
both of Rickreall.
W. C. Leth, former Polk coun
ty agent, , was the principal
speaker at the meeting. Leth
discussed agriculture ashe has
observed it In various sections
of the United States In recent
Next meeting of the group is
scheduled for Tuesday, March
10, at the Rickreall Grange haU,
and it is expected that Harry
Schoth, senior agronomist, Unit
ed States department of agricul
ture at Oregon State college.
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Vf AP tat. A.M-4HH Nmi M:M,
BtnaateBr far Wamaai lliaa.
Caaaart BaSl UiM, ISawat lit, Maala al
Waalkari litt, MadrtaUaatl Ititt, mn
Off. '
will discuss European agricul
ture. Spectator Collapses
Dallaa Duplne the Dallas
high school basketball game held
In nnllaa on TiiMriav Feh. IT. m
spectators Identified as Mr. Hen
derann. collamed and was talc-
en to the local hospital for treat
ment He was released after be
ing treated.
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