r r lyWakDIlW I WiplUl ItmrnnU Hal, Or., TOaraoV, Ftk. II, im What Can You Do on a Deal Like This One? FAN FARE OREGON AFIELD Mlrr- Mew York Tha Ivy League Thursday faced tha poa- etbility of not having a baeket ball champion before tta repre aantatlva la aebadulad to play la the NCAA' poet eoaoon tournament 1 . ' reJ The ef glm, handling hi Labrador, Duhe, m4 ll flaws by patina third" In lha Open All-Age Mali " al . BWflW trial leal rJuixley l Camp Adair, Th meal, im fcr l Willemeiia Valla? lUlrUvef club. wee won br , Canadian fiM Irlel ehemplmi Craillr.g nitk, with serond nod cim to HI floud of Whltmor. To iti smlnllleled, Thede Ihlfd plere might w,l be Impressive but with Ihe highly hred and trained Mttovpr ut My, any plaflnl within the lp three If ytmethlng to lf proud of, : la Ik tierkr alalia, Adelp rlraaas Jlkedat Mln lopped Hit M, wtlll Red Welaer'g (ieeea earning seaend. Of Interest la dwell hanlerai Hrafta, welMinewn lelee dtjrk eeller, . and Walker, lap dog Iralaer aad kaadlar frem Alkawr, will , leant Hp Baal went al lha Ika Wallen'a Aparlamen ahow l give aomklaad demeeetrelloa al due eel"" nandllH, We've aever kaard af aaak a Indear eshlelllea, anywhere, nheutd ka lata al fan. ... initiative hilihiai A tilll hearing al I am, Friday will mw llaalf with propoead leguleian giving lha g.ivernnr die tratlmiary pnwara ov.r lha tailing rtalaa (..( hunting Remark fcy legislate) aad InhkyM this wwl Indie! little kapa af paeaac fat lha kill la alee Ika ijate "I', elan lha lak al game law enlereemenl. Ream that Ihla lata la aggravating many af ear lawmakara, aad earn a aa far . aa la aar lha kill will Hal l aal af eemmlllee. " Just leKeiilly Introduced I a bill to r-ala t urvy Oregon . . , walar reamm-e. This haa bn In lha wind fw anme lima, and f baaaad, will It a ttam.ndoua ll.p ahaad, Nil only '''" In hw undarauwdltii of our waur rwmireaa, bul II will " n,fl buiiar uUllnallMti of lham, and, Ineldanlally, ballar flailing and I ItMnimil. Wa undafatand ! WU haa hmh-laval aupporl, " "&2UXSftri Walla- alakhaa.. af , . Ika Daalral Wlllamalla Vallajr Npar lamaa'l a.lall ampha alaad lha aaad far lha aalakllahmanl at pablla dark aheellaf raaa In lha aaalral aallar. Nal only waald aaak fauda pravlda akalla far lha avaraga kaalar, wha al piaaanl aaa aaaraalr find an anpaalad araa la bant, kal thay would alaa pravlda walar aad laad Ikat waald Mi da.ha '' ;... darha kaaaad rlihl an lh'aih lo ''' Tha lama anmmkwla U la faar af lha Idaa, II la alalad. and lhar waald ba la aharia af rai ulalln hanllnf aa lhaaa publla traanda, Mauada la aa Ilk a lead Idaa, l. Nanfnrd of Halain raparlad l tha kton U W af lha alraam aurvay emmlUa. and raqtiatlad l a print n of 1.000 rtfaam ouaallonnalra form.. Tl.a. f..fn.a will ba d j rib uit iii analar. whoaa raporia en atramn cundlilona will ba t dad U Ih. .m. MwVmWMlon. Thla I raal opportunity .tmrV,mn " da .oma vary vah.at.l. on-tha-apol ro.-arch, with roarraly any ineonvanlenra, More will be rapnrlad l thla Jpa" re:ar.1ln lha pri.r..a of lha ai.rvay aa I dava op. I : to . m, It lha flrat Vally on.truetlve action ampalna yl Inlllalad by valloy nlmrwla. SCORES In Duck Pint ui. tit. M awl '. a. wj, Jn.ii..f lit, M. fliwiff . w. iwmm iif -?"'' ': Z. a . "' "i M; , tin, t, m-kimi a, nH ... 4m i i aM hi. a. ... 1. , Wlm IM, , Tli yi.uw mi. , Winn IM, J. to, a., mi, Vih airt mi, " ill. , m.ii.i ui a, ". I, nw , m . mi, a. a.Mu i, l ii aa i. WI IM, . iuiimI .j mi, i r"iM in. a, mihm M. nh " mim aa i ai ! . ,., Mil ! IM. IMl Iml miim .. .)4 lWI - Al tlMH, KIM Uk HI , Unlveriity AtUyt Tta am'ia ania an, i MlUk taikkMH III Mom r,l MA, aM Ml. aoM IM, M Ml ji, (i, (it niiiiiia m. aiHi m.H MH, aHIUH Ml, MIH IM t 1mm ill m. iii mi, aint til, Mlil !. aillMIMI in. M in im. awwma lv Ml, Ml, UlM Ml, TM Ml Ml, PtKllvM Ml III. hlMnHUMll III S1IM ' in, fMimw IWI ! Ml. aIUMIMI ill Italuimil IM. MwkMI MmUH IM T Ml, ttl. Ml, IWII Ml, M MM' K, mi aMif iii tM m. , a ii in, a mi mi. utiim iw, v,.w , aiwwui im. rtuut fl, khln Ihmmi III r4ilM in, ai it mmmi ett. ttwiw nu Ml Ivv l AhMiMm III Otlltllt Ml, mi: rwiM at, Uiu mi, eu. ' mi, niWMw ! m 4 M mi, aw KMwiia in, Ml, aouiKi Ml HWII UK WW tlUI MM IM lka H M4, MIIM M KM AH, aiMtai, arra wnvaa laim-a aa, ltol M (WW MMH III IOmIMI ' , kwl U miimmMi M, Ma.it K4, aomivk Ml, IM) rwM III Mr Mk Mt AHW Ml, aKl i Nxm tHWIM III - WIM MA At. Ml. IIM4mw III. Um IM, Mw tl klH t I tl. J MX OM. Mt. NWI MA, WMMI IIA MMM IWMMI IHK IM, I HI MIIIM ail 1I.IH MA lUmi. IH, KWHMI 4M, k-l.ll M IMIMI MIIM 1 MM MA Ml, ImM Ml, MMM MA HHH M aMM. IM, I IV imi MA MBMiW l Ml 1 in wi amh hfcwi iv hiv. M IW.I MA, aM MA, WUItt IIA l.Mt ll IWlM IAI UM MA HA - P Ma Plll.ll MA - IHAM tMlkMM M - IM PM, D'.ti Ml, Umi m iuhmmi t Aia iai auoliai Ml VM PV 4Cj M4 JVAW, Ml. MHAPV PKIWMP, Pt KllfVtpV MA AIM IM PU. Vtt Ml Mha mpp. t Ml mm IV. few M liaiM Ml MI lp IM Capitol Alleys wsma vainre m iwpp m a bmp aMP a i m. Montana Ready For Dag Derby Weat Yalleiweieaiek M.vit, van taaane 4 KviiVvp p d fewU ba beeai aamad Tliura e)a Hi Niitla n mtt rr IMe Nnb , Awerwen IV Iew etiamrAMi alitei avwr grweliia llwtla aemee Te er4upr wtU Ve rua u4at w Mree tana emee a rr- p - ssviia rurwx w . aiarie a4 mmM ra Ibe aaara atrael e4 Wat v Y4rweiV fa auMlbaaw WknpI tm at Mwataaa T at biniM fw WM YAKwlvie. tl am4a a ' k Aaneeweia TV T tM Uie T Aimi rw Wrtw. arK- ban Ippma KaM fwr yaate at AmMvmv . (4p)pp,. t(t aaw r tn Ibe Amkii ae twv4 aw4Uiwi the ALLEYS auif ih. " m awtaa lit t, ai.Hp iw. k in in. T. A.l ma . vmm an, L. AM IMP IM. NllkMl rll M, am HI, a, III. J. MIKPM in, a. AMIM IM. it, tIMI Ml. '! Ill W, Ul.nl a, iii, ii avii ma, w, ni ji. mi, a, Wiihm III, r, Niiiani III. bmi. UMMtt ui a, cmk ha a rHr 111, T (! tit. J. UdMP IIA W, WMl III, TktUIPW t'lMPm HI i, mm im, M. MranM mi, i, umif mi, T, aiiin iia r. anm in, Mum am i. rw auk in T. Vtl..n IM, W. twlm III, I, tlMil III, N, Nil III. B. am K. MliikUli I i'mkmi iii i, imiiwi hi, a. an in, IA t'lHMI III, a, OUPP MA J. Uliill IM. wiippi 'ii ai iii n, nil m, a. aMialM lit. II M-lH 111, 1. pimMmiip III, ti M.HI4UM PH. MillM Milan III t aiimiii ma a, aMiH iia w nh mi iia o, UtmphiM ija a, tkmi. "p nun mm IIPW IPP mtim WIIPPI (Hlr IMI Pml MM. HUH IP.. !! tvw miPHiii i prippip tim piiiims NT Mllll IM HMH Mt niMIPMI M WllPal ni al, MA MOXI LOAD SPACI Mlgli Uta blt wlUhlp If (I r-wti'Wr) bap V M. fl, PP- peril Hi lefpf MiilSPla-bitsM p pkv e,Mprprpsp dasgajilEi dXfeX IIOOUT IIAT A NO All THtSt IXTtA VAlUIi, TOOI Sp pim Mvar pVp all umb Smiwpp! g l MPrpf ajPpPMK t I llHIIPh paw, aippswmpppn P tViaVw pKri IP pjmpJ ama aMaeaa wiik wpa afcwaip liu' Ci bin) tnnipp pp4 ajNpp. pPpipipiI KmkI ppppp- Ma TV aiOy bwtVa vHeh yral STAN BAKER MOTORS Chmeketa and High Salem Phone 2-2468 u y li Title Winner Congratulclcd stmt's: irAlul.Uea. ef Valda Oakera daft) ef Eoflaad and Gundl Baiok at Uermaay aa aha aUnda on the podium at Davoa, Hwlliarlaad, aftar wlaalni Ika ladlaa' fliure akatlnf chant alanahlp ef th warld. The 17-ycar-eld Boatoa, Maaa., girl la lha flrat wemaa la wla tha title for lha United fltatee la the klatory ef the apart. Mlaa Huich, tha German ehamplon, flnlahad aaeoad aad Mlaa Uahora, the Kuropaaa champion, flnlahed third. (Af Wlraphoto via radio from Berlin) Pairing for District Hoop Tourney Listed ralrlnt for opening-round play In the dlalrlot 11 high achool baakethall teurnameat, (a datarmlae the r ap raw n ta lly a to the .lata baakethall tourney, war announced by dlalrlot tournament director Vern Gllmore after drawing laet night. The dlalrlot tourney open, rrlday, rebruary IT. with HU verlon meet lag Ml. Angel and Htaytoa tangling with acred Heart. Other opcitlng-reund gamra, rebruary II, aand Woodburn oppoalle Caacade and Balem agalnat North Marlon, On Monday, March I, the loaara of the HIWirton-Mt. An gel and ntajrton-Hapred Heart gamaa play each other, and the Itieera of the Woodburn Caarade and Salenr-North Marlon gamaa play each ether. Tueaday, March I, aaea the if Upm Wfc as to buy ftfc VV1NOIHIIIO Itnaa 4m tMPtv aal i pp, rw)ar ameli isiSas ana KmM e pur ar- Ih is In PIUID DIINt -AvalU aa ryt One-Night Mat Tourney Set for Next Tuesday A one night elimination tourn ament to determine who will meat Frank Stojack for the Pa cific coaat Junior heavyweight wrcitllng champlomhlp here March S will be held at the Sa lem armory next Tueiday. Competing In the one night tourney will be Tony Ron, Eric Pedcrton, Al Suit. Olno Nlco- llnl, Lionel Balllurgeon, Bill Fletchor, Buck Weaver and Bronco Lublch. Contc.tanta will atep Into the ring to draw number, for pair ing. Juit before the .tart of the tournament. The advance ticket aala I. al ready underway at Barb'i Sport ing good, .tore. winner of Friday night' gamee play each other. Tha tournament w 1 1 1 ba conducted on a double-elimination bails. A team will re main In contention for tha district title antil It ba lost two gamaa. Save at Stan Baker Motors i tui hi m i ttd Hut fitt W -, mrsd -f inaeW Columbia'. Il-lg victory over Princeton Wedneaday night aent tha Llone Into a tW wtia Penn eylvanla. Each baa a 5-1 record with alx garnee remaining. Tbey meet at Columbia March 4 in what may prove to be the deciding game. But Columbia doeen't finUh It aeaaon until March 11 and Penn doeen't wind up until three day. ! later. The Ivy champion hai been given a bye through the flrtt round of tha NCAA play but to echeduled to ahow up In Chi cago March II for one of the four regional tournament. In other major game. WMnea- day night Hotuton upaet flnt place Oklahoma A&M, 80-48, In the Mluourl Valley conference; Wichita aurprlied Murray, Ky., 87-77; Notre Dame downed Mar quette, 74-88; Miami, Ohio, took Dayton, 74-88; Dartmouth beat Army, 81-88; LaSalla awamped Muhlenberg 108-78 and Navy had to go overtime to take Bal timore Loyola, 78-72. . Auto Racing Hall of Fame Opens Doors Detroit (") Auto racing' newly organized Hall of Fame Thuraday opened it door for tha flrat time to receive the name of ten of the .port', pio neer greata. Among thoae elected to the Hall of Fame, located at the Edi son Inttitute In Greenfield Vil lage, were uch early racing great as Barney Oldfleld, Loul. Chevrolet, Ray Harroun and Henry Ford. Ralph Thomas, president of the American Automobile Asso ciation, and Col. Arthur W. Har rington, chairman of the AAA Contest Board, announced the ten candidate Wednesday night at a dinner honoring the hall and Its first tennant. In addition to Oldfleld, Chev rolet, Harroun, and Ford, repre sentatives of tha auto Industry, the press, and auto racing, elect ed Bert Dlngley, Carl Fisher, William K Vanderbllt, Harvey Firestone Sr., T. E. (Pop) Mey er and Fred Wagner. Fights Last Might tar tim AuMiiua rriui NIipWh UK III. Ill, Ml Tort, ml pointed Bokkr OrkM, UIU, MUmt. II. mm tht Proof of UFEWAU Safety! pm bow Uie new' rt1 Master eon WAU.I""' " : fi,Mota.iw Ad now a . J..I..II lntrodcfory . - HI Zmm UNITE D Chemekera Portland May Get 212 Millon Dollar Pavilion Pnrtlpnd im A m million dollar pavilion for sports activi ties, conventions and similar uses is In the work for the city of Portland. Tentative nlana for the 18.000- seat building were unveiled at Cltv Council meeting: Wednea day by Civico, Inc., a recently organized non-profit organize tlon. . Tha arouD asked the council for a two-year lease on 80 acre of city-owned property near Portland Meadow race track north of Portland. Tha orODerty would be returned to the city when the project la completed, spokesmen saia. Monev for the bulldlni would be raised through donations and through sale of non-interest-heprfne- certificates. The completed building would be used for basketball games, auto ahow and dmllar attrac tions. Hudson-Matthews Bout Called Off. Spokane () A echeduled Feb. 24 boxing card hero was Salesmen Wanted Experienced In appliance selling out f (tore. I cellent pottlbllrHe tar tha right man. SEE MR. BISHOP ro 12 A.M. at Master Service Stations, Inc. 363 N. Commercial through , into cna- . a .a on l YftlJ 129 CDFCIAL 1 BVIDLASTIMO VilllTrvAI I flffir 1 aaptaespaai aaa.y o your far. u"" URB guard protective rib Ir' I ap ppW nirnf ..J I -;STATC y : WALTER H. at High St. jni nrf TiiMdav because Pro- motor Tex Hager couldn't get Cecil Hudson and Harry uua; Matthew together. Hager had ajinouncea tne iwo moiilrf meet In a 10-round heavyweight match but it wa a HHJa nremiture. Hudson, a real leu tie who leap, dance, clowns Enjoy this FULLY AGED taste treat! fl . """ aruTif! THIS W Hit Kit It 4 YEARS 01.086 PROOF: THE HILL AND HILL COMPANY. LOUISVILLC. KYj CJQGfi Blowout Prevention Skid Protection Life Protection Now a a Wtf ROYALTEX TREAD csd TRACTION ararlaft atawet mmkH Happiiy pom$r! trfri r? r TIVICI THE SAFE MILES joe an art laeaataamt far jasar I mfmm rrtrtt at-asta su ll g K- X O ZOSEL CO. mikM foea look bad. out pointed Ted Lowry two weeka , ago and Jack nuriey, Marwewr manager was at ringside. The nnlv wav that CUV COUld get in my club is to buy a tick et" Hurley sal a oi auason, He'e no fichter. rd never mat ch Matthew with him." if n CP I M I A A'O A ':;': KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY in addition to all tha uperb qualitie of the U. S. Royal Master you get Uowoat Brereonoa. Tm aensational new Nylon LIFE WALL the finest air container ver developed aoabfeethetra1h of tim and ban iihea blowont poaabOitie. couArr M PAU"? Opposite City Hall MIMiaarx i r