Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 19, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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Camps Open in Southland
Eddie Btankv finarf t
Walt Drop went back to col-
ago. And for the 17th 1 1 m
somebody predicted the Yankeesidato several times during the
are the one to beat In the Amer- hot-stove reason, decided to put
Icaa Leagne.
It's baseball
time again.
spring training
Baseball players tend to pile
on pounds during the winter
when they switch from a game
day to a fireside-and-slippers
routine. So weight naturally is
big topic as the training camps
Stanley levied a $2-a-pound
weight fine against his St Louis
Cardinals. When the Red Bird
pitchers and catchers showed up
t St. Petersburg, Fla, yesterday,
Cliff Chambers had to dig up
At Brooklyn' lavish Vere
Beach, Fla., layout, Roy Cam
panella pointed to the scales
with pride as he weighed MS,
almost IS pounds nnder his
Hopes for 20 Wins
player honor last year, is pictured In the dressing room at
the Philadelphia Athletics camp at West Palm Beach, Fla.
He hopes to win St games this year, but doesn't count en a
repeat of his record. AP Wirephoto.)
O'Brien Hits 53 Points;
Now Averaging 28.5 a Game
New York VP) Little Johnny
O'Brien of Seattle the small col
lege national basketball scoring
champion last year, may have
this year's major college title all
wrapped up after his 51 point
outburst against Gonsaga Sun
day night
The 5-9 pivotman from South
Amboy, N. J., brought his sea
son average to 28.9 points a game
for 23 games according to statis
tics released Thursday by the
NCAA Service Bureau and open
ed up a sizeable tap over , his
nearest pursuers Frank Selvy
of Furman, Ernie Beck of Penn
sylvania, and Walt Dukes of
Seton Hall.
Seattle was classed among
the small colleges last year
when O'Brien became the first
Nine Church
League Games
Set Tonight
Three games in each the A,
B and C divisions of the Salem
church league will, be played
tonight. -
In the A division, Deaf School
Plays Klngwood Bible at
7 o'clock, First Christian meets
Calvary Baptist at 8, and First
Baptist meets First Presbyter
ian at 9, all at Parrish junior
high school.
In class B, Chemawa Navajos
tanele with Liberty Church of
Christ at 8 o'clock in the Salem
high boys' Gym, First Baptist
meets Chemawa Regulars at 9
on the same . floor, and First
Congregational faces St. Paul's
Episcopal at 9 on the high school
'Birls' gym.
' Class C games at the high
school send Englewood EUB op
posite Knight Memorial at 7 in
the boys' Gym. St Mark's
Ponies against First Baptist at
7 In the girls' gym, and St
Mark's Mustangs versus Hal
bert Memorial at 8 inthe girls'
gym. I
Gill Names
; Starters for
WSC Contests'
Corvallis, Ore. J Coach
' Slats Gill handed out starting
' assignments Wednesday for Ore
gon Stat e's Friday - Saturday
Northern Division basketball
games with Washington State at
Gill said Tex Whtteman and
Bob Edwards .will start at for
ward; Tony Vlastelica at center,
and Bob Robblns a,nd Bill Toole
at guard.
The Beavers were scheduled
tto leave here Thursday for Spo
kane where they will spend the
night They'll go to Pullman
Friday. '
League Training
UM K.rU. w.lrht of lid
The Dodgers, who
h a v o
twitched their official onenine
in their first regular drill today
although some of the players
have been around for a couple
of weeks.
Clem Labine, almost a dead
loss because of arm trouble last
year, threw fast and hard yes
terday and said bis arm felt
fine. Ralph Branca, another 19S2
sore - arm casualty, reported
ready for full-scale work.
The news wasn't so pleasant
at the West Palm' Beach camp
of the Philadelphia Athletic.
After only one workout pitch
er Harry Byrd, last year's Am
erican League Bookies of the
Tear, went to bed with the fin.
The Phillies, who haven't op
ened camp as yet, also had hos
pital news. Third baseman Wil
lie Jones is suffering from ab-
laBBBanaanaBBaBnaaanwasrananaaaBanwaT ' 1 f
Bobby Shants, who won the
American league'a most valuable
collegian to score 1,000 points,
averaging 28.4 per game for
37 games. This season the
NCAA ruled Seattle a major
college because of its schedule.
Selvy, who got into the tight
est race in statistical history
only in the last couple of weeks,
had 27.9, Bee 27.1 and Dukes
27.0 in games through Tuesday
night. The fifth man, Bob Hou-
bregs of Washington, seems out
of it with 25.6. O'Brien's lead is
now a substantial one because
all the contenders have only a
few regular games to play, and
as they got more games on their
record, it takes a bigger and big
ger night to raise the average.
However, tournament games
count in the statistics and
Dukes is already In the Na
tional Invitation tournament
O'Brien will play In that or
the NCAA. Selvy has the
Southern Conference cham
pionship tourney coming up
and Beck could be In the
CAA if Pennsylvania wins
the Ivy League champion.
In other departments the lead
ers include Dukes as sunner-up
in rebounding with 23.0.
O'Eilen's twin brother Eddie
ranks second in floor shooting
with 57.4 per cent.
In scoring 51 in a single game,
Johnny O'Brien turned in the
third highest performance of the
year. Selvy had 63 against Mer
cer last week and his teammate,
Niel Gordon, 52 earlier in the
Ducks Work on
Defense as UW
Series Nears
Eugene, Ore. VP) The Oregon
Ducks switched from defense to
offense Wednesday in their fi
nal practice session before leav
ing for Seattle and a two-game
Northern Division basketball
series with undefeated Wash
Believing defense is the key
to upsetting the Huskies, Coach
Bill Borcher has had the Ducks
working on defensive tactics in
most of this weews drills.
The Ducks were due in Se
attle Thursday.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
wiwa etbtn fau, im out cnmcit rtn
diot. Aziftstiig raeeen for KK jtr
la Cbtaa Ho natter wltb vhat alV
menu ftm ar affHetsxt disorder
flanslUa btart. mn, Brat. KMatra
a. fwnrtipatlo. " aJeara, dUVtoa
rhcaoDBtUm. fall and Madder. tatr
kta. ft lal eomplainta.
cimtst was on
Ofttoa Sana at ft,
Tnaa and Baft aalr
aB4 M lantrtaj
nan tiaaa
dominal pains and doctors at his
home In La ur In burg, N. C. dlag-
nosed his trouble as poasibl kid
ney stones. -
Walt Dropo, Detroit first base
man, dropped in on his old col
lege grounds at the University of
Connecticut and put on a demon
stration for the university's base
ball candidates. Dropo says he's
ready after winter workout with
Johnny Pesky' of the Tigers at
Andover, Mass. .
Out in San Bernardino, Calil,
the St. Louis Browns, rounding
out a full week of training, spent
the day practicing rundown
plays between home plate and
third base.
In other developments yester
day Billy Pierce, act left-hander
of the Chicago White Sox, picked
the Yankees as the class of the
American League but warned the
folks not to overlook the re
vamped Chicago entry.
The Chicago Cuba open today
at Mesa, Ariz., and the first of
the New York Giants leave for
Phoenix by train.
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, February 19, 1953 Page 11
High School Teams
Experiment With
Penalty Box Rule
Chatanooga, Tenn. VP) Bas
ketball fans and officials spend
many of their . "Hot-Stove
league" momenta discussing
what can be done to cut down
fouls, how dead time can be
eliminated when free throws
are shot and how to balance
the offense and defense.
So, two schoolboy teams here
tried a game with new rules
Tuesday, but tho results were
called inconclusive by many.
In the experimental same,
Central high school defeated
McCallle Prep school, 56-54
Tho rules did not allow free
throws. Instead, the team
fouled, got possession of tho
ball and the player commit
ting the foul went to a penalty
box for from 30 seconds to two
When his penalty waa up, ho
went back Into the game with
out play being stopped. No
substitutions were allowed for
a player in the box. There was
no limit on the number of fouls
a player could commit
The result was a much faster
game. There was no "dead"
time. Instead, players com
plained the continuous pace
made them feel more fatigued
than under ordinary conditions.
But the cagers called only
two timeouts during the con
test, although they could have
had five rests each.
Split Decision
Over Dykes
Miami, Fla. UP) Joe Miceli.
aggressive New York soldier,
planned a campaign in the mid
dleweight ranks Thursday after
Chopping out a 10-round dec!
sion over Bobby Dykes in the
Coral Gables Coliseum Wednes
day night.
The tough Army private, who
used a slashing left to pile up a
heavy point margin against the
favored Dykes in the early
rounds, is scheduled to leave the
service in a month.
Then, he said, he plans to go
after a shot at the middleweight
crown vacated by Sugar Ray
Miceli was awarded a split
decision over Dykes, a 2-1 fav
Davis Re-Named
President of I
Salem Boat Club
Ray Davis was reelected pres
ident of the Salem Boat club at
that organization's regular semi
monthly meeting In the chapel
at Salem Memorial hospital
Wednesday night
Vic Brown was named vice
president and Larry Crennell
Installation of the new offi
cers will be conducted March 4.
Men ladies
1 to 60 Trs.
Meet New People
Now Mixed Doublet League
starring 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Instruction far beginners
7:30. Teams start play 8
p.m. This league it for ANY
ONE wishing to bowl.
Come oat or phono for
.farther Information
3015 MUrsJ II r 24431
WIlPrp'H Hf fin? Argentina heavyweight Cesar Brloa
IIIICIC U lie VVi iMh. anfnad u ha hlta the canvas
for a nine count after a battering from Bob Baker of Pitts
burgh during a 10-rouader. Baker won the tussle, in New
York's Eastern Parkway area, on a unanimeus decision. (AP
Wirephoto.) '
Wolves Tangle With E0CE
In Two Games
Oregon College of Education. I
Monmouth Oregon College of
Education Wolves' will close out!
the Oregon Collegiate Confer
enoe here Friday and Saturday
nights against the powerful East-
Oregon College of Educa
tion's Mountaineers, our rout
league leaders.
The Crimson and Gray will be
going all-out to atone for their
two earlier losses at the hands
of the tall men, Dr. Livingtone's
boys have an OCC record of 6
wins ah d4 losses, as against a
4 win 2 loss count for the Moun
tles. EOCE, highly favored as
Champs, gave tho Wolves a con-
AAU District
Game Tonight
'Salem YMCA and Wolga-
mott'a Service Station tangle at
7:30 tonight at Leslie junior
high school to determine this
district's representative in the
state AAU' tournament begin'
ning March 1 at Medford.
Both the YMCA and WoIga
mott teams have competed in
the Salem City league during
the basketball season. Both won
games last night In tuning up for
their championship game
YMCA downed Salem Jayvees
43-32 and Wolgamott's nosed
Warner Motors 44-40.
In another city league clash
last night Marion Motors de
feated Salem Auto Parts 64-38.
limn Its) YMCA
Carr i V Bat
Paulua S ..F. a t Hauien
Crothara i C 1 Smith
Paulay S O S Bate,
Olaan O i Pirod
Raaarraa acorlnt: JimN Strain a,
Blblar t TUCA Zutika 9, riekil S.
Boatman I. Tlmms 1.
Official!; Moodna and Srsndon.
WalaaaMtfa ()
D. chmbrln S ..
Duch 10
Ztlltr I ,
(W) Wamar Jfotora
.r ". l oithcni
.r t Ulbrltht
.C 1 BlMell
.O Balai
L. chmbrln T
O Empar
Rcicrvas acorlna: Welaamotta Davl,
; Wamtra Ooffta t. Brim a.
Offlelala: Brandon ana Moodha.
Marian Mm. M (IS) Salani Aata rrla.
Kinal 4 T 4 Burke
Balllnfcri IS r a Paarea
Smith 14 C 1 Taylor
aerlvrna T ........O T Pappar
Johnaon M 0 11 Thomai
Rcatrvaa acorlng: Marlon Matora
HaTarntek I; Salam Auto Fart OCon
ncr 4, Garland 7.
offlelala: Brandon and Moodha.
For 22 consecutive years (1907
1928) Ty Cobb batted in an av
erage of 86 runs per season.
'51 -'52
Chev. Custom
Car Radios
2.50 down
35c per day
Reg. 79.95 - Now 65.95
Plus Aerial & Installation
Service Station Inc.
TV It Radio
36S N. Commercial
at Monmouth
siderably rough time in the two-
game series at La Grande; height
being the big obstacle as the
Eastern club's starting unit
stands well over 6 feet 2 Inches
in stature, contrasted wiht OCE's
starting quint of a 5 foot 10 Inch
average. .
The EOCE club will have a
two-game aeries left after this
week-end with the cellar
dwelling Portland State Vi
kings; the games will be play
ed on the new Lincoln floor In
The OCE-EOCE game on Sat
urday night will be broadcasted
from the Monmouth gym by KO-
AC Oregon s state owned sta
tion. Tune in 550 at 8:00 for the
play-by-play account
The Wolves will be gunning
for both games of the two
game slate which would cinch
them at least a tie for first
pot OCE'a starters Include
Frank e Grove, Howard Sullivan,-
forwards; Boby Frants,
center; Chuck Pinion and Bob
Bushneu will be at the guards.
Big men for EOCE will be
Larry Pryse, Lyle Kolaboba and
Bob Adrian.
Most Favorites
Still Remain in
Two-Ball Tourney
Orlando, Fla. VP) Such fa
vorites as Sam Snead, Babe
aharias, Betsy Rawls and Jac
quelyn Pung were still around
for Thursday's second round of
the international mixed two
ball golf tournament, but they
had a reminder or two to keep
bearing down.
. The big reminder cam In
Wednesday's first round defeat
of one of the three medalist
teams Don Blsplinghoff, Or
lando, and Mary Lena Faulk,
Thomasville, Ga.
They were? upset by Marilyn
Smith, Wichita, Kans., and Lou
Barbaro, Deal, N.J., 2 and 1.
Mrs. Zaharias and George
Bolesta, Tampa pair who also
shared the medal at 68, had to
go 19 holes to get by Vonnie
Colby, Hollywood, Fla., and
Eddie Bush, Hammond, Ind.
Pairings Thursday included:
Edea n Anderson, Helena,
Mont., and Ky Lafoon, Orlando,
vs. Marlene Bauer, Sarasota,
Fla., and Hobart Manley, Sa
vanah, Ga.
I Ssrvica
Phone 34163
Viking Mat Sauce
Title in Big Six Tourney
Tho Salem hlrh wrestling
wUl defend its Big Six
wrestling title this afternoon and
rrow night to the Salem
Salem, coached by Hank Jur-
an, is expected to make a strong
bid to retain their cbampkMisUp
again although they nave not had
an excellent season.
Springfield, Corvallis, Bend,
and Salem are the squads parti
cipating in the meet Eugene has
no team but they will have one
next year. The Vikings have Big
Six victories over Corvallis and
the Springfield Millers to their
credit thus far this year in dual
meets. Salem has not met Bend.
A strong favorite la the Big
Six meet, Albany, has had to
drop out of the met because
of a recent Oregon Activities
Association ruling. The ruling
Minnesota Against
Renewal of Rose
Bowl Contract
Chicago VP) The University
Minnesota Is expected to
take a firm stand officially
against renewal of the Big Ten
Pacific coast Conference Rose
Bowl pact '
The school's senate commit
tee on athletics at Minneapolis
Wednesday voted 9-3 against
renewal and passed its recom
mendation to the faculty com
mittee for formal action.
A provisional approval of
the proposed three-year exten
sion of the current bowl con
tract which expires . with the
1954 game in Pasadena was
given February S by Illinois.
This Is the only public! an
nouncement thus far on voting
at an institutional level.
Indiana's faculty reportedly
voted for renewal February 4
but withheld official announce
Wisconsin, Michigan State,
Purdue, Iowa, Northwestern,
Ohio State and Michigan prob
ably will tax action on bal
loting within tho next two
Minnesota's negative vote by
its senate committee was no
surprise. The school's presi
dent J. L. Morrill, has been
the leader of the negative bloc
from tho start of tho series in
1946. :
Basketball Scores
(Br Tt AawalMaa rtaaa
San rranctaeo M, Colleaa at raalfla K.
Puaat souna la. Pacuia xatnern 17.
Honolulu UnUtnala to, si Mam (CaL)
BJ. t
Columbia SI. Prlncaton H.
Dartmouth fl. Annr H.
Coltata (1, Rutttri SI.
oraham SI, lona II.
Duquarna 109, oanava M.
Kanrard 49, Northaaatarn 44.
Pitt W. Oarnaila Teoh. 49.
LaSalla 104. liuhlanbarc 71.
HouaWn to, Oklahoma AsM 41.
Notra Dama 74, Marquatta 4t. .
Miami (Ohio) 74, Darton 45.
Wichita ST. Murray (Kr.) T7.
LouliTllla It. Kaatarn Xr. N.
Nary 79, Baltlmora Loyola 71 (orarUma).
Roanoka to, Shaphard 70.
Mamphla Stata 71, UUilaalppl .
Waattrn Carolina too. Appalachian so.
Arlaona 01. wait Taxaa 1.
Arlaona Stata (Tampa) 71, Tana Waal
am 04.
aat Tana at, Lamar Taoh. 41.
Stagram's 7 Crown. Blended
!4fJl5i 'li
that a wrestling
could have only 14 matches hi
one Mason. Albany has had
twelve already and they decid
ed to wait for the district and
state meta. Albany edged Sa
lem earlier In the year and
were expected to give tho Vik
ing the most tronbl in tho
Big Six meet
Bob Engle and Fred Stepper
are returning league Champa for
tho Vikingi. Stepper captured
the 148 pound title last year In
the Big Six meet and this year
ha weighs in at 141 pounds. Bob
Engle is another champ who is
back this year for another crack
at a -league championship. He
won the 130 pound title last
Seattle U Gets
NIT Basketball Touircy
New York VP) In vita time
have been extended to Seattle
aad Manhattan to join defending
champion La Salle, unbeaten Se
ton Hall and Western Kentucky
hi the National Invitation Bas
ketball tournament opening in
Madison Square Garden, March
H. A. Brlghtman, coach of Se
attle, which features high-scor-
ine Johnny O'Brien and his twin
brother Eddie, announced last
night school officials have re
ceived an invitation but had not
acted on it' '
And from an authoritative
source here it was learned Man
hattan also has been invited to
participate in the 12-team tour
nament, wnicn wm ox ten a
through March 14.
' These are the only two in
vitations that actually kayo
New Bleacher
Seats Installed
At Detroit
Detroit Four new bleacher
sections are now In use at the
Detroit school gymnasium as the
result of cooperative efforts of
individuals and firms in De
troit and Idanha. , -
Raymond Sophy and B. K.
Waters designed tho bleachers
for which Frank New and Lloyd
Ketchum had donated logs to be
made Into lumber. .
Mllo Harrla' mill sawed the
logs and the Idanaha Lumber
Co. planed the lumoer ana nam
ed It - '
.Labor for constructing the
seats was donated by O. J. White
assisted by the two school Jani
tors. Mr. Lyle Wilson and Mr.
Cooley, and several high school
students. - - '-
Sports Mirror
Taday a Taar Aaa Kaniaa Unlvaralty'a
baakotball taam dalaataa oijanomn Mat.
44-40. for Coach T. o. lPno AUan'a
700tn Tlctory In a aaraar datlni back
n. Tm. In AlTln (So) McMllUn
wilt u Indiana football aaaah to baeoma
eoacb and aanarai manatar or ana vatroit
Uona for aoran yaara at a raportai talarr
of 130.000 par yaar.
Tan Taara aa atar aonnan woe a
10-round daetalon mr set. Jack la Wilaon
for hit llOUi rlotory at lal batu, 41 of
tnam at a profaaalonai.
Twaatr Yaan Aa Tho Boatoa Bralna
aat a aaaaon'a hoekar mark ky fwajapliif
rha Montraal caaudiana, u-o.
WhiBkey.86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral
year and will wrestle to fist US
pound class this year. - --
Thro boys from Islam
were raaaerups last year to
league tourney action, Oasrga
Meyers was second to tho
heavyweight division, Pat
Largent waa sccana ha the 1I
pound class, aad Bob rraah .
11a. waa imnaerup to tho 1ST
pound class.
Stepper, Meyers, and Eogla
have all gone undefeated in ac
tion thus far this season. Sack
has seven wins. Stepper has pin
ned five of his opponents, Meyers
four, and Engle three. Stepper
won one by forfeit
Thursday's matches started at
two in the afternoon..
Invite to
boon seat out, ilia soaroo seta.
altaongh footers aavs oeea ex
tended to a amber of ether
Asa BuahneD, chairman tat tho
selection committee, said feel
ers were sent to IB schools, in
eluding those already named, but
he declined to Identify the oth
er!. '
The group, ' however, it be
lieved to Include DuquesM, St.
Johns of Brooklyn, Louinrttie,
Miami of Ohio, Niagara, Okla
homa City, St Louis, North Car
olina, North Carolina owe ana
Holy Cross.
: Most of One senoota aasar
cooaideratien, including Boa
tie and Manhattan, also ar
eligible to be selected either
as a conference repreeeatafctv
or a competitor at largo for
too National Collegiate Athlet
ic Association's Zt-team tour
nament opening March I. B
der NCAA roles, teams oatn
petlnf In its tonrney cannot
enter any other
Delayed Box
Here is the box score of tho
Detroit-Gates high school gam
played at Detroit Tuesday night.
The box score was not avail
able for Wednesday's paper be
cause of transmission difficul
ties. - -V
Da4raM 4i . 4) '
Hul 0 r. .........
Woodward 10 y.......
wallaea It . .....O..
D. Katenum T ....a a latraou
Tlckara 10 a 1 vau
Suna: Datnu I Kaanom a. Hiana
nyaaa aaora. Batntt at, Qataa It.
OftWlala: Inland aad Anna.
Corractad lor Taft
(Oaawllad kr O. S. Caaat A OltSttto
Snrray. Fartland. On. I
Hlra Watara Lav
Vabruaxr Tlraa Halant ' Tim
4:01 a.m.
i:lt p.m.
4:14 a.m.
11:10 OJa. 9.4
10:90 p.m. SJ
11:90 P.m. 9.4
11:17 pjn. 9
1:94 p.m. 4.4
11:49 am S.4
1:44 p.m. SJ
l:tl a.m. U
1:49 aa, 9J
' 9:14 a-m. 94
4:19 PJm. 04
4:19 tvta. 9-1
9:11 pan.
9.41 ajn. SJ
9:49 PJM. 0.1
l:U ajn. 9-t
1.-44 pjn.
9:49 a.m.
1:17 p.m. 4.4
9:19 p.m.
9:09 ajn.
10 IJ p.a
. 9:04 an.
11:19 p.m.
o:u a.m.
11:49 p.m.
10:47 a.m.
11:14 I
11:99 ajn.
:av y.BL. a.a
:11 aaa. S.1
. pja. es
19:99 a.m. 9.S
11:07 p.m. 4.9
Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., MY.