10 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore, Thursday, Feb. 19, 19SS Repair Church At But teville ' Butteville While the Au rora Presbyterian church base ment wu moving toward com pletion, tome of the men of the Butteville church began work on finishing the interior of that church's basement. Under the leadership of Fred Dentel, chairman of tlie building com mittee, Will Gooding, Robert Hampel, Phil Yergen, WiU Den tel. Ed Miller, Carl Peterson, Ed Harnack and Lars Nelson have ben busy tacking on ceiling, tile wallboard and arranging for the new kitchen. The nursery facilities in the Butteville cnurca, recently or ganized, are being conducted under the supervision of Mrs. F. E. Weinert. The Butteville Women's Fel lowship has elected Mrs. Dan Clsrk as the new president ' Other officers recently elect ed are: Mrs. Ray Yergen, vice president, Mrs. Erven Miller, secretary, and Miss Louise Aus tin, treasurer. Hostesses at the Feb. 13 meeting were Mrs. Sid ney Graham and Mrs. Carl Pe terson. The Butteville church Is now free of debt A loan, obtained a few years ago for the new church building, has now been completely repaid. New Congregational church officers elected in Butteville are: Mrs. Hartwell White, Sun day school superintendent: Mrs. Charles Wescott, treasurer; and three trustees, Mrs. W. O. Llnd quist. Mr. Lon Stewart, and Mr. Ed Miller. In addition, Mrs. Ce cil McCarty has been appointed Christian World Mission repre sentative for the Butteville church. The Butteville church school teachers and officers met at the home of the superintendent Mrs. Hartwell White. East Salem , East Salem Auburn Moth ers club members are planning the annual benefit dinner for Saturday, February 21, at the echoolhouse, beginning at 6:30 p.m. This project takes the place f the regular meeting. Hostesses are Mrs. Dale Sulli van, Mrs. Melvin Thornburg, Mrs. H. L. Cushlng, Mrs. W. D. Lathrop, Mrs. ernard Kenny, Mrs. R. Myers, Mrs. C. Erlcks, Mrs. J. Martin, Mrs. O. Walker, Mrs. Carl Jacobsen, Mrs. U Shephard, Mrs. F. W. Ward, Mrs. Orville Prank and Mrs. J Betts. Auburn Woman's club held the regular meeting at the com munity hall with Mrs. O. E. Palmateer telling of her trip , to Mexico, Members came dressed in old fashioned cos tumes and Mrs. Jack Scorgle, Mrs. Arlo McLaln and Mrs. George Stvr with the junior, Sharon Blumfield receiving prizes. The hostesses, Mrs. Cornelius Feskens and Mrs. C. Morgan, used the valentine motif with daffodils for the tables. Present were Mrs. Loran Bichey, Mrs. Henry Hanson, Mrs. S. W. Burrls, Mrs. Harry Eckstein, Mrs. McLaln, Mrs. Charles O. Glllmlng, Mrs. G. Brumfleld, Mrs. Scorgle, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Starr, Mrs. Palmateer and the hostesses. Present for a family dinner Sunday night at the Stuart Johns home on Monroe avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hock- hold of Eugene, Mrs. Arthur Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilier and children and Miss Hazel StoweU. The Eager Six Livestock club held their last week's meeting Friday at the home of Alan Bates on Birchwood drive. Each member reported on their spe cial project A valentine party followed the meeting with Mr. and Mrs. David Bates, Linda and Nancy Bates the guests. The Auburn Cooketta 4-H club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Dale Sullivan. The demonstration, the making of creamed eggs, was given by Linda Sullivan and Sharon Bouche. Other members pres ent were Arlene and Sandra Mass and Mary Feakens. Last week's meeting of the Monroe Avenue Sewing club was held at the home of Mrs. Stusrt Johns. Silverton Cub Scout Meeting on Friday Silverton Dr. R. F. Schmidt, publications chairman, Is an nouncing a Friday evening, Feb. 87. meeting of the pack Cub Scouts at the Eugene Field school building. - Preceding the business of the evening will be a no-host 6:30 o'clock supper In the school lunch rooms, the parents to fur nish a salad and a hot dish. Jim Jones Is Cub Scout mas ter. INDIA ACCEPTS U.S. ENVOY Washington, WV India has ac cepted career diplomat George V. Allen as the new American embassador to New Delhi, in formed sources said today. IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Juu some Save) $1.06 Now! ' l-TJer. Srirdy An Metal UTILITY TABLE Heavy josje; wsife eeomefed! Rerf or yelow rep so' skeWI Gives you eitre eookWj space near stove er sink. Perk your toaster and rsdio on the shelf! tefoiariy $4.5 AS I S8o Womtn's Plastic Ralnboots. Ifll UHw INCOME TAX GUIDE 1 Sll Nrwaj CflC smw yea aewi eaVW J. K. Umt'i Itll MMaa Your Income Tax u, ewrithes in itf.rr ,a Ttachoril nsuranc Mori Lawyrsl Brokwtl Big 12x16" Saddb-Stltcfied, "FREE TRIAL" OFFER IIE17 VITALIS v?41tt MONEY BACK GUARANTEE SHOO i mm lZZ 1 lfl I mm Plus Toe Jem mm, 000330 Jebilee Special! Mea'i Wemee's PLASTIC RAINCOATS Wemee's Styles Hove Hoods! Ful cut for easy fit over suits and coats. Snap doting. Fold compactly when not in use. Small, med., Ige. Reg. 2.29. Eo. 4 98 I 67 Wo Women's . Rubber Rain Toes. Wl SaesM rutlml CARD TABLES Metal leg braces lock securely. Walnut finish Jebilee Sale f rice! III Ml PEACH LUSTREYAtlE Anchor-Hocktng "Anchorglat" Luncheon Sot 4 cups 1 8 PIECES 4 saucers rOR ONLT 1 4 luncheon plates 4 dessert dishes 1 cream pitcher sugar bowl peotMolorediMitre of this pretty Expanding Typo, Zipperod L7IGF CASE Mode to sell for $7.50 -and it tools Ml 22" tipper has a 3" turn-down at tides ... mokes an opening o V4 " wide I Metal bind, ing on all 41 corners. Saddle tan or ginger. REG. 10c COMIC BOOKS Animal, Western, end Action Stories. Carton of 12 for Now foil Can EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH! U you km iteablc with ptm the, sock d . outt 191 tFtojtM, try OfKfjssssi Pkitt-LiMt. Oh fpUa- worn mttm pa at jaaty WW ftwir m pm, t amm brtmn PWo-Linci kwdeas paraMamiiy sc TQM ftmt. k nil mdt im toioM blmm m m m mt fovim oc pMu ob in. En noUnb bar pWMi ma an cood mala mooih. so nr ot kiftt. vee ear r reinei Saask kfiotH.il Hmu. Um oa BnahWawm amc m loaci Dm and tt moU fmttalj. ?, "mini, odottos, btmkai t roa tod row pUm. lcmovabla at dinctrd. afoaey back V doc comylmli nrMM. I Ml ; ! ... l I I Never rust mark on your tile or linoleum floors! An award-winning design, it comes in wonderful, ' bright colon for bath, den, kitchen, bedroom or nursery. Stiff plastic. uiHtor Glosses i VSUIV oSRfthbv STOCK If set. up!?1 2 Tor n ROUND SOTHI I - lSpeelel OHrl IV. . ,i. ienco Ttaep 1 jl' 1 VrayCey 1 mTH ' 1 Heed) Of ODOMNT i J no. 594 nimimiil .'J rrrm ra IPIWe s tf- " I Inarfce fatter. mm Extra largt UnbrMkabU ai.fex 03 tr too fttt HeMI fcH frOmce Ko-Wcs -r-ESTl lAbstltt f ins US .110 UP AND SAVE NOW Oil THKF SPECIALS W KW1 Q'T - H ,M 1 Step kreekief year keck ee wesfc deyl Save $1.97 ea Das-Mitcll LAUteDXY 9" CART now Rustproof aluminum folding (land on wheels. "Basket" with clothespin pocket Is removable for washing. it efAviiila'"' ssgeatrTsTssafJiiijr Dlisisf i ssMssSesjsaMMMsBs MVft fttfOtl 49 x. m a si i 1 At life as any you've soon of $7.95 Imagine such a pillow but e4!rgy-frea. Jumbo 16x24" pillow in choice of pastel blue, pink, yellow or chartreuse, comes in its own reusable plastic storage bag. Reg 39c Attractive Oval Metal WASTE BASKETS Pretty floral decorations. Assorted colors for bed room end bath. JebHee Special! ; Specie! Jebiiee Scoop! FACIAL TISSUES Two 300-iheet boies On 400-sheet box 45c Voeef 1000 SHEETS FOR ONir Delicious cherry pie topped with Owl's rich ice cream . . e Jubilee treat thet can't be beetl Special! ..a - .. JA.v. r.f.::.-,J,.-,: - a-.t tttl r.. u.. - IhrfinishdHordweotl COLONIAL TV STOOLS TV perch with woven fibre 12 x 14" seat. Strong, interlock ing hickory rounds. 198 New "Peek-A-Boo" Window PLASTIC CANISTERS St wfon thay nd raflttlngl lift, white lids. Si vO 4 PC. SET Rofl.$1.69 W)Mtily! 17Vi"WcHtsr seek hutttf of such a smofl ptfcel NEW! Rayon Satin AIRFOAM PILLOWS With washable, tfpperotf rayon satin cevsnl $9$ for less than $5.00! Feather-soft, 29' Owl's "Cberry Jebilee" Dnurtl TART CHERRY PIE A La Motft 17 - MICCV CaU At you Mi &X4CGH Good lookingl And handy for oil sorts of things. For firewood, for storing toys or eiogaiines, for a tub-to-line wash basket. 2 husky handiest strong vertical ribbing. . Shampoos and Waves Your Hair In One Operation ?9 SI srs- CD 5 sv 55- CD CD 3 CO