i -.1 mmm 8 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Wednesday. Feb. 18. 1953 i 4 wmm aaa . . - T.ataiii Kamua. wiiaer naiiK. Sr .nd Z WUde" r(.boverreceIv; congratulation, via U.nX"c telephone from friend, in Hawaii on hU arrival in San FranciscS, following hi. nomination by Pte. tent Eisenhower to be the next governor of the Territory of Hawaii Hi. nomination, recommended by Sen. Robert a. Taft R, Ohio), wa. placed before the .enate for approval. (AP Wirephoto) L 4 Nominated By Eisenhower Waihlngton WV Pre.ident El- enhower Wedneiday nominat ed Jame. C. Dunn to be am KuarfnF in Snain and Karl L. Rankin to be ambassador to Na tionalist China. 4 iunhower alio sent to the Senate the nomination of John Moor. Cabot of Cambridge, Max., to be aui.tant secretary of .tate for inter-American af fair.. The Pre.ident alio formally nnmimt.H Samuel Wilder Kim of Hawaii to be governor of the territory, Tne wnue House an nounced earlier thi. week that ELenhower intended to nomi nate King. . Dunn ha. been ambassador to fr.ni ainpe March 14. 1952. and before that wa. ambassador to Italy. He is a native of Newark, N. J., and ha. been in the foreign service since 1918. He would succeed Ambassador Lincoln WflpVMDh at MaririH. Rankin has hppn In charge nf the embassy at Taipeh, Formosa, since Aug. u, lvsu. House Group OKs Racing Bill I Chiropractors' Factions Clash i nnnnain srouot of chiroprac- ) tor clashed Tuesday night at a I Senate Public Health Committee ! hearing on whether their pro fession ihould lose the right to perform minor aurgery and de i liver babies. oeiorv ma uvcuiun w " J the Senate'! biggest hearing room, the committee heard ar gument, on the bill by Sen. pal Lonergan, Portland, to limit chiropractor, to practice of body manipulation.. Chiropractor, who favored the bill, mentioned the involvement of chiropractic phyjlclan. in Portland', recent abortion scan- n. t. w Rutherford, crest- dent of the Oregon Chiropractic Association, .aid Dairymen Ask to Sell Richer, Lower Priced Milk Portland CAV-Dalrym.n of ttabai.-an J'" Sl'p.tw- rrL Perry .aid wa. driving home when a Jtray S'm ackad into th. rid. of bit car. The horse wasn't hurt perceptibly for permission to sell richer and lower prices nui. - The proposal., submitted by representative, of the Oregon Dairymen' association commu te and the Tillamook County Creamery association, call for: its price .upport program at tne xpense 01 in consumm v h said. ... Of the proposed rediiced miia price. Eckelman ld: We Mil 3.8 per cent milk Mi and wa are not lo.lng iinaain the butterfat money, no "-';." eonten of .Undard milk from expect the, con.um ng P"-- - JETCAMIESIIWCBTII Trenton, un- .. C" --.ii... Air rorce .ay. It ha .uccessfuUy completed tu on a new J" n 28 radar-aimeo Air force aaid i"" rockets than any csri-y. m . .v. ...-ii.i- nf th fable Aesop, " , I which bear hi. name. U , .uppojed to have Uvea irom vuuici" v the Dreient 3. per cem o a.t vmy hm.. - . - per cent with no incre..e in thelgoe. for producer, and dUtrlbu- m cenu a qua .v 4 " He .dded that PortUnd pro JA 1-cent reduction to J3 ' receivlng M eenU a cenU in the price of 4.4 per centre.. re tk premium milk. . I atUe producer.. r..,.i,iHnn of the butter-i . .... 4w.. terfat plu. 3 a nunorewciui. . . j.i i. . fr.ffic accident ynirro.j the buttenat proposal him Ik and Adlal Shake Ob It President Eisenhower and Adlal Stevenson match smile with their handshake as winner and loser in the recent ballot battle get together at the White House. Stevenson lunched with the President and a group of congressmen at th executive mansion. (AP Wirephoto) ' Plan Use of Camp Adair As State Reformatory f consuming pumiv "ito navo , w- for meffleiency. ThatiB C. but the name ha. also been applied to whole clas. of tUrle. Rfn. Jnwnh V. Harvpv'i hill to put all racing reven-.ie. into the state a general fund had the approval Wednesday of the House State and Federal Affairs Committe, but was headed for a itnrmv f i m nn fhp Hnuiu. flnnr The committee delayed the ef fective date of the bill until July 1, 18SS. After that, the fair, and exposition, which get the $600,- 000 a year In dog and norse rac- f ra rjwlnta urntilH hav In an in the Legislature and ask for ap propriations. At the same time, the commit- f ivMminniHNl naaiafff nf a resolution for an interim com mittee Investigation of the whole proDiem lor aistriDUtion oi race revenues. The committee tabled bills to confine the racing distribution to state and county fairs, to give the Bend Stampede a share of the racing money, and to permit n nr rti uninn lanpi nn atai ' The state gets a million dollars wiilomMt. -university sneak- a year irom racing, ui tnat ers took cash Pri,es In both V?!". speech contesu held unaer "'"""- """" nnn.nr.hln of th,. Intercolleeiate 000 goes into the general fund. . wuioyratui; r : . D m chlroDractor. Forensic association on me xne - . 1 TT : l , .. - n.nrtnti .amnm Use of the military stockade at r.mn AHair ai a state reforma tory wa. before the Oregon Le gislature Wednesday wun xne blessing of the State Board of Control. .The board, which runs all state institutions, suggested that pi In November, 18S4, because th rnn.tltntlnn fnrbidi location of any institution outside Marion County without a vote of the n.nnl. ITnanlor laid th DTODOSal "would meet the immediate and pressing needs in the intermedi- state institutions, suggest "T, , ,-,, and relieve the stockade could be usea ior '"7,": .t the Deni- six to 10 years, or until we state - ich0ol. Th. M.irixil- Earl T. Newbry, secre tary of State; Dr. Harold Hay .... KrhnnI or uniomeiry. rm clfic university aft Forest rove; r. u.,rv Frtwlrlcks. uresident 1-1 1 . W - ' - of the Oregon State Optometrlc association, Klamath raus; vr. Leslie R. Burdette, Sr., Salem, past national president oi tne American Optometric associa tion; Dr. Phillip Orange, chair mn nf ih. Marion-Polk County Optometric society; and Harold McCoy, manager oi me oivision of Financial Re.pon.iblUty of the state. has enough money to build a re formatory. The board'. uggestton wa. given to the Joint Way. and Mean. Committee, aiaie lrcasur er Sig Unander, a member of k. knarrf will recommend it the b7 Xrs 275 youni men, who would be Thursday- to the House Social y vocational and farm training. Cash Prizes to iWU Speakers (.ntlorv and bovs school. The proposal is exceptionally merito rinn. in that it reDresents an im mediate saving to the taxpayers of Oregon of more tnan two mit lion dollars." it wmiM house from 2S0 to Welfare Committe. Th- hnarri. of which GOV. Paul L. Patterson is chairman, .till wants to build a z,3uu,uuu intermediate institution, but the Camp Adair stockade could be put into shape for $250,000. However, the proposal wouict have to be referred to th peo- Quick! BreakUp Congestion of Kids' CHEST COLDS and he flayed the chiropractors who have "trespassed into the practice of medicine." , This straying into the medical field, he said, led some chiro - praetor, into the abortion racket. 2 "We appeal to you for pro m tection against this disgrace to humanity, the professional abor- tionist," Dr. Rutherford Mid. Kerrick Says ' Oregon Unique (Wffnn ! the first state to re strict or deny driver' licenses on the basis oi professional ex amination and recommendation, acording to John C. Kerrick, manager of the drivers' license rflvl.lnn nf the Department ot State, in an .Tuesday. Tn th exnerimental speech contest, which this year took the fArm nf a flrMtrie cnat. lorn Scheidel, senior took first prize. His subject was -wnai onau Americans Do About the Sub vor.lvA?" Spheidel has won num erous speech and debate awards. .Tamp. A. Wood, senior. Salem. took second prire in the peace oratorical division. His oration was entitled "The Reality of Peace." The two aeniors won top hnnnn la.t week in the Pacific Northwest debate tournament at Tacoma. rw Howard W. Runkel. dlrec tnr nf forensic, at Willamette. nartlrinated in the iudgins of the Eugene event.. nthr arhnnll takinf Dart Tuesday were the University of Oregon, Oregon state college, T.lnfirM eolleae. University of address before a Portland, Lewis and Clark col- Pearl Hassler. Rites Thursday Funeral services will be held at the W T. Rigdon cnapei Tu...rifu - oftemnnn at 1:30 iUUl.uaj in, Dhlllin pearl nassier. U ........ . 78, retired printer wno oieo. Monday following a short ill ness. Hassler. a late resident of 650 Locust street, had worked on newspapers at Newport, Gervais and Turner. He was Dorn in m- wri in. iitn it -i i n,i,s or, A Iiuah in the Salem mLlTIlllllvlllc n i icicmiiB uiaan. " " " " " --- Service Officer William O'Nell area more than 25 years. He was of YamhiU county, accused of la member of the Turner IOOF misappropriating $75 of soldiers' I lodge hi aata, throat ar branckial takts Rub on unua mho auiwrew md ciptceily for kiddica. Muitrolt promptlT crentei a protective warmth on cheat, throat and back. It tilUw oouihi. and hilpa break up local eongeauon. Becommenaea dt nai laaaing oaor aoowrai our waar Child. Mild t babr dootoral Bur todarl MUSTER0LE -4 lighfer baking! Tonight buy Guild IVine For Finer Flavor Bottled in California SAFEWAY STORE Veterans' Service Officer Accused relief mnnev. was arrested Tues dayi on a charge of larceny of public funds. District Attorney Elliott Cum mins said he had ordered a com plete acounting of the fund. O'Neil, president last year of the Oregon veterans service of ficers organization, posted $2,000 bail and was released. 1 W ua. an unaurreaafiil can didate for republican nomination for county sheriff last May Survivors Include a niece, Mrs. Arthur Sprague of Salem and four nephews in California and one in Atlanta, Ga. Diaper Rash Quick rllff follow use oi Rewnot Ointment. StMCiallr ml eated. rich in Jeftotm, it eootheo martini akin aa it helps to heal. Rftinol Sotp clnniri rmtly. I't both. RESINOLr, i dinner meeting of ome 80 lead ing optometri.ts from all over the state last night at the Marlon hotel. "To my knowledge," said Ker rick, "ours 1 the first state to base such restriction or denial on the basis of a recommenda tion by competent visual au thorities, after we have referred drivers to them because of our creening test by means of the telebinocular." Kerrick traced the history of his department and the facts which led to the adoption of the Inatrument. He Slated that in the matters of dlrvers' license! I examination efficiency, Oregon i ranks first in the ten western states and 12th In the nation. Introduced by Dr. Bernard Brown, Salem optometrist and chairman of the motorists com mittee, Kerrick' audience In- lege. George Fox college and Northwest Christian college. About 48 per cent of American families use wine at home, a recent survey indicates. DO YOU KNOW! ' Tb physically handicapped need your help. Goodwill In dustries needs your discarded clothing, furniture and house hold articles to keep the han dicapped employed. 11phon 4-2248 Flckup Tuesday and Fridays i rmmm m C3 C3 C5 Roen-Typewriters 4M COURT ST. T Nc tt.l.. l..L..ka laaaaitaaaJaalaJ tlowB of kldnT fiiawttoa. Deetora my foe k1ln7 futwUo la vary ImperUnt to i4 With. Wbm aVMMmrrdair aonttition, audi M artraat and strain, sauaca thla lmpnrtaat function tnakvw down, many folka aaffar nas fina bakach-fl aitMrahl. Minor alad- dar irri tat oni du to cow or wrong dit may Don't n ett your kidnvya If tboaa tmndU ttona bother yot. Try Doan'i P Ilia a mMM Mratie. K'aamaiinff bow many timaa Doaa's ir haprr rallaf f nra thoaa diaromfo ta MP tha It tnttaa of kidnary tuba and Atfra fluah oat wan to. Aak for nrw, larff. avoaomy staa and aava anomay. Gat Daaa'a PUb today! THE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER February 20 Christ Lutheran Church State and 18th Evening Service, 7:45 Latheran Women f Salem Cordially Invite Tea NASH for 1953 0 BEAUTY The new NASH Airflytes ore designed by PININ FARINA, the World's foremost Custom cor designer. PERFORMANCE The new STATESMAN hos 22 more occelerot ing power with increosed economy! Choice of (four outstanding engines Three great trans missions. COMFORT Widest seats in the world largest windshield in the industry Interiors unsurpassed. PRICE Only a few dollars more than the lowest price cars. You will be surprised ot the dollor volue in a NASH. Try One Now for the Ride of Your Life! Get the Deal of Your Life. Marion Nash Motors Quantities Limited! S33 Center Street Salem, Or ton 1 ' 1 . . ' -4 ay. ...... .flM.ei!B'iWW.,f'5W M . L-:-:-:-: PI aaaaaVSasa-aW. aB M taVaSl MA i i jii At i a ti n. i " i i it ' , ' ' Reg. 2.59 INv Are s I Only m0' s 4 no u m IUOD0WH Y h On All f Floor mtS I Covering r " ryr n nO Only g50 43"rt Caiifornii Port Sherry Muscatel vmn tmemm uilo. tool, aanrn.mai 'V.V LjHlj uuv.zzJ aa SPECIAL PURCHASE, EXTRA SAVINGS! Now You Can Save 1.00 Sq. Yd.! Standard Weight, Liimolleumn) sq. yd. Choke of eight beautiful colon SoM in 6 ft. widths Tike advantage of this special sal price and brlghten-up your kitchen dinette, bedroom or den! The pat ented felt base pastes direct to th floor. Wax sealed surface. Repel all dirt, stains and greise. Buy now limited quantities! Plea bring room measurement with you. No Sales to Dealers Q)04LI rain aTrtfF33lErl) Cover on Average 9x11 Kitchen for only 15.73 EXPERT INSTALLATION SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE NEW STORE HOURS: Mn2 phone 39191