Couple We'd February 14 At Sublimity The marriage of Miss Dolorci Join Watta, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Kenneth K. Watta of Sublimity, to Joseph T. Hallam. Jr., ton of Mr. and Mrj. Joaeoh T. Hallam. Sr., of Canby, wit solemnized Saturday morning at a ceremony in St. Boniface Ca tholic church, the Rev. Robert O'Hara reading the 9 o'clock tervice. White atock, daffodlli and red tulip decorated the church 1 for the service. Min Marilyn Minden played the or gan. The bride wore a white satin dress made with train, sweet heart neckline and a row of self- covered buttons down the bsck. The short veil was held in place witn orange blossoms. The bride carried a mother of pearl prayer book with white orchid on top arranged with streamers Mr. Watts gave his daughter in marriage. Miss Annette Ripp was maid of honor. She wore a blue frock and her flowers were a nosegay of pink and white carnations. Mis Dorothy Frank was brides maid and Miss Rita Watts, sis ter of the bride. Junior brides mild. Both wore pink dresses fashioned Identically to that ''worn by the honor attendant and their flowers were nose gays of pink and white carnations. Delbert J. Ditter was best man. The gromsmen were Gary Ward, cousin of . the bride groom, and Richard Hartman. Ushering were Rodney Watts. brother of the bride; Richard Boedighelmer. The - bride's mother wore a dusty rose pink suit with navy accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a dusty rose faille suit with pink accessories. Both mothers wore corsages of white hyacinths and feathered carna tions. The reception following was In the parish hall. Mrs. J. D. Bruce cut the cake. Pouring were Mrs. Emma Weckensky and Mrs. Loyd Wallace. Assist ing were Mrs. William Ducha teau, Mra. Delbert Ji Ditter, Miss Betty Ann Hallam, Miss Mary Wechensky,' Miss Chris tine Wechensky, Miss Kathy Hartman, Miss Mary Jean Dit ter, Mist Gerl Hartman, Miss Marlene Heuberger, Mrs. Ce celia Ditter, Mrs. Amelia Wolf. Blue and white were the col ors for the reception decora tions. The couple will be at home in Stayton, Mr. Hallam being em ployed with the bank there. Miss Kelley Is Wed To Delano Dalesky The First Christian church was the scene of the marriage of Miss Marlene Loretta Kelley, daughter of Mrs. Wendell W. Gil bert and H. . Kelley, to Delano Dalesky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dalesky of Albany, on Sat urday night. The Rev. Dudley Strain performed the double ring ceremony at 8 o'clock before a setting of pink and white snap dragons. Miss Janice Taylor and Miss Patricia Collins, who wore pink and green net frocks, lighted the tapers. Mrs. E. O. Meola was the soloist and Mrs. J. M. Cracroft the organist. The bridal dress was of lus trous satin fashioned with sheer yoke edged in a nylon pleated bertha' with a seed pearl trim. The full skirt terminated in a sweeping train and was de signed with two panels of ap plique down the front. The fin gertlp veil cascaded from a crown of seed pearls and the bride carried a heart of Ameri can Beauty roses centered with white carnations. Mr. Kelley! gave his daughter In marriage. Mrs. Ronald Whitworth was' the matron of honor and wore a sea green net ballerina gown. The bridesmaid was Miss Doro thy Klinefelter, whose dress was of pink net with ballerina skirt. S They carried nosegays of roses,! hyacinths and violets. Sam Dalesky, brother of the bridegroom stood as best man. Groomsman was Ronald Whit worth. Ushers were Norman Walkup and Fred, Garcia. The bride's mother wore a navy blue suit with red acces sories and corsage of red car nations for the wedding. Mrs. Dalesky wore a beige suit with brown accessories. Her flowers were pink carnations. A reception followed at the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. Terry Clifton cut the cake and Miss Macyle McKin ney assisted. Mrs. Ryan Buck out, aunt of the bride, presided at the coffee urn. Miss Dorothy Meyers presided at the punch bowl. Mitf Marjorle Gundron passed the guest book. Miss Marlya Taylor took cart of the gilts. The couple have gone south to Los Angelea on two weeks honeymoon and for traveling the bride wore a whit knit dress with green accessories. Af ter March 1, the couple will be at home in Albany. - M M V tM v e. I 1 1 Jl -Ki Ml' M t. lV''S-..;,...,v '. ".. Kara i I Three New Clubs for -BPW Group a. i f Wed at Silverton Mrs. Duane Ervin Roisen (Lois Ar dell Hartvickson) was wed recently at Silverton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hartvickson of Silverton and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben, E. Roisen of Corvallis. (McEwan studio picture.) Miss Kremer Is Bride, Feb. 14 Turner Valentine's Day was chosen by Miss Bernice Kremer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kremer of Marion, for her marriage to Carl Wesley Graves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graves of Turner. The double-ring cere mony was solemnized at 9 o'clock at the Immaculate Con ception church of Stayton, the Rev. M. Jonas officiating. Baskets of pink carnations, white stock and calla lilies de corated the church. Miss Jose phine Brand played the piano, Mr. Kremer gave his daughter in marriage. Her wedding dress was of satin and lace designed with a full train. Seed pearls were worked in the design on a crown holding the finger length veil in place. The bride carried a white prayer book edged with lace and topped with a white orchid. Miss Mary Lou Kremer was her sister's maid of honor. She wore a dress of lace and tulle. The bridesmaids. Miss Patsy Graves and Mrs. Leonard Kremer, wore dresses identical to that of the maid of honor only they were of aqua color. The attendants carried nosegays of red carnations. The brides' brother, Elmer (Sonny) Kremer, was the ring bearer and Jeanie Graves, sister of the bridegroom, was flower girl. The bride's mother wore a navy blue dress with red and beige accessories and a corsage of red carnations. Mrs. Graves chose for her son's wedding a gray suit with red accessories and a red corsage. Leonard Kremer was best man. Reeford Oakes and Clifford G under man were groomsmen. The ushers were uncles of the bride. At noon, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kremer were hosts- to a large family dinner. Assisting Mrs. Kremer were Mrs. Clarence Gavette, Mrs. Louis Scofield, Carol Gavette and Mary Sco field. The reception for the newly- weds was held at the parish hall between 2 and 4 o clock. The decoration carried out the Valen tine theme. Mrs. Minnie Etzel, grand mother and godmother of the bride, cut the cake. Pouring coffee was Mrs. Mary Sampson aunt of the bride. Mrs. Evelyn Miotke, another aunt, poured punch. Assisting were Misses Carrol Kirsch, Delores Maertz, Ostrid Severin, Rita Phillips, and Alice Graves. For traveling, the bride wore a rose colored suit with brown accessories and an orchid cor sage. The couple are spending their honeymoon in Canada, When they return they will make their home in Salem where Mr. Graves is employed with the state tax department. Attend Meeting Dallas Several women edu cators from Polk county jour neyed to McMinnville Satur day, to attend the meeting of Delta Kappa Gamma, women's national education fraternity. The group heard a report on pending legislation concerning women. The program for the afternoon Included travel pic tures taken by Mrs. Maurice Jemstedt on her summer's journey to Europe. She was one of a group of 66 Americana who went on a study tour of Europe. Members attending from Polk county included: Mrs. Pearl B. Heath, Monmouth, Mrs. Oma Belle McBee, Mon mouth; Miss Mary Donaldson, Monmouth; Mrs. Bernice S. Forbes, Monmouth; Mrs. C. A. Newport, Waldport and Bums now have Business and Profes sional Women's clubs, it was an nounced at the state board meet ing of the Oregon Federation of Business and Professional wom en in Salem Saturday and Sun- dav. Total state membership lis now 2,477, it was reported by state membership chairman, Hildah Highbe of Beaverton, Plans were discussed for the state convention to be held at Grants Pan, May 15-17. Nomi nations for state office were re ported by the state nominating committee, wnlcn, was neaaeo by Charlene Edwards of Hood River, at follows: President. Laura York, Med ford: first vice president; Natalie Burns, Toledo; second vice pres ident, Cora Pirtle, Eugene and Marjorle Blizzard, Oswego; cor responding secretary, Florence Lance, Med word: recording sec retary, Evelyn Krledemann, Portland and Lucille Borlgo, Taft; treasurer, Vivian Logsdon, Roseburg. - Finance, X 1 s I e Downing, Myrtle Point; health and safety, Peg Hatfield, Lebanon; Interna tional relations, Nellie Updike, 1 Toledo and Inez Rover, Coquille; I legislation, Winona Taggart, Hermiston and Glenda Wylle, Coos Bay; membership, Hildah Highbe, Beaverton; public af fairs, Elnora Ruek, Parkrose; , magazine, Mary Woodward, Portland; radio and television, Enid Bolton, The Dalles and news service, Maryan Howard, Albany and Rose BIddle, Reeds- port. For state nominating commit tee: North Willamette, Donna Cooper,' Portland; Central Wil lamette, Carmallte Weddle, Sal em; Southwestern Oregon, Flor ence Barton, Coquille; Southern Oregon, May Phlnney, Klamath Falls; Eastern Oregon, Delia Sams, Milton-Freewater and Esther Sorweide, The Dalles. Citations of merit will be awarded clubs earning the most points in a report to be return ed by May 6, It was announced. The regional convention will be held at Salt Lake City, Aug. 26- 30, and it was voted to sponsor an Oregon luncheon one day, Announcement of dates for spring conferences was made and they are: March 8, South western Oregon, Coos Bay: March IS, Central Willamette, Salem; March 29, North Willam ette, Astoria; April 12, Southern Oregon, Medford; April 19, East ern Oregon, La Grande. Bess McCoy, Corvallis, state radio and TV chairman, report- Vogt-Hill Wedding Feb. 14 Brooks Before beautifully decorated altar of pink snap dragons and pink and white candles in the First Church of the Jfaiarene. Mrs. Ruth Pfau Hill, daughter of Anton Pfaw, Sr., was wed to HaUlson Vogt, sqn of Mr. and Mrs. queen Vogt, Saturday afternoon. The Rev. Fred Vogt, brother of the bridegroom, officiated at the 2 o'clock nuptials before members of the two families and friends. The Rev. Hal Glov er gave the prayer. The bride was given in marriage by her father.. Mrs. C C. Eduarda played the wedding music and the Rev. Joe Calderon sang. The bride wore a shell pink suit with navy trim, and navy accessories and carried single orchid on a white Bible. Mrs. Gerald Aylett was the bride's only attendant and Ro bert Vogt the best man. Ushers were Floyd Rogers, Don Wag goner and Floyd schulz. A reception followed at the country home of Mr. and Mrs, William R. Pfau at Brooks. Mrs. Hal Glover of Altedena, Calif. sister of the bridegroom, cut the cake. Pouring were Mrs. Fred Vogt and Mrs. David Pfau, After a wedding trip to south ern California, the newlyweds will be at home In Salem. gray suit and also a sweet pta corsage. ' . . - The Rev.' Mr; Jahr of the Lu-1 theran church of Cornelius closed the day with a talk and prayer, and Mryln Iverson sang. A buffet supper was served at o'clock. About 83 guests were served. The serving table was covered with a white linen cloth and there were two cakes flanked by silver candlesticks. Gifts of silver were given to the couples, and Mr. and Mrs. Bubaks children presented them with a silver tea set. There were guests from Washington, South Dakota, Portland and Hlllsboro. Those attending from Donald were. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Christopher- son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iverson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Iverson, Mr. and Mra. Carl Glanella, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elrite, Roger Rook, Bernadlne Harper and Lars Underland. The guest book was In charge of Joan Solberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Solberg. Mr. and Mrs. Bubak recently moved into their new home m Wood bum. Before they moved into their new home, they were staying with their daughter, Mrs. Elrite in Donald. ' Double Anniversary Observed at Cornelius Donald On February 8, a double silver wedding anniver sary was observed by Mr. and Mrs. Al Bubak, parents of Mrs, Larry Elrite and Mrs. Wallace Evans of Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Iverson of Cornel ius. The celebration was at Cor nelius. The original wedding v. performed in Slsseton, South Dakota, on February 6, 1928, with the Rev. L. C. Hoffstad officiating. Mrs. Bert Solberg and Mrs. Carl Glanella, now of Donald, were the original wit nesses. On February 8, a mock wedding was performed and Mrs. Bubak wore a pink knit wool suit with a pink sweet pea corsage, and Mrs. Iverson wore Fratzke, Independence, Mrs. Dean Forbes, Dallas. and ed on the proposal for education. al television, application for which must be made by June 2 and the state board went on rec ord as being interested in devel opment of state educational TV. Reports also were made by Hilda Fries, Portland, interna. tional relations chairman; Cora Pirtle, Eugene, public ana Irs; Winona Taggart, Hermiston, leg islation; Leone Jensen, Eugene, Oriental scholarship, and Sue Booch, Salem, civil defense. MARIAN ANDERSON COMING FEB. 24 Salem Hi Auditorium 8:15 P.M. Reserved Seats, 2.49, 1.99 Unreserved Student, 1.59 Tickets it Sfavenj Jswslsri Capital JoannJ, sWlsam, On MTadaess-, fN 1 KrtUf Miss Reist Wed Friday in Portland HopeweU Miss Eileen Reist, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Reu ben Reist, was wed to Harold Weaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Weaver of Win ton, Calif., at the Gospel Mennonlte church In Portland en Friday, February IS, at 8 p-m. The ceremony was performed by the bridegroom's father, Luke Weaver of Win ton, Calif., who was assisted by Marcus Lind of the Western Mennonlte congregation. Music for the wed ding was sung by a mala quartet from the Zlon Mennonlte church of Hubbard. The bride wore a wedding dress of white satin and carried a bouquet of cascading red rosea. Miss Shirley Reist waa maid of honor for her sister. She wore an aqua taffeta frock and car ried yellow carnations. Kenneth Weaver, the bride groom's brother, waa' beat man. Ushers were Edwin and Thur lowe Qingerich, cousins of the bride; Lyle Weaver, the bride groom's brotMt-; ana Mischler. Mrs. Reuben Reist, meCksr est the bride, wore a ltM dress, and Mrs. Luke Weaver, mother of U bridegroom, chew a gray dress for the occasion. . A reception followed toe cere mony tn us) naaameni ox we church. Mrs. Lyle Weaver, ala ter-in-law cat the bridegroom. served the) wedding cake and Misses Berdella and Doric Stutsman, Sarah Zook and Xnaa Hartzler assisted in erring. About 800 friends and relatives) attended the ceremony and re ception. . MERRT MTNGUEBS MEET -' East Salem The Merry 'SUn- glers will meet Thursday tn the home of Mrs. Harvey Page, 8228 Fisher Rd., at 1:90 pm. sS art asMSM m as nsf -MMsft- Itfe lilio gotting a crystal boll with every can of coffco! Honed .:. you can look into the future! Be sure, right there in the store, that ' this is the double-delicious, delectable coffee you've been hoping fori You just preea the top of this can with your thumb. If it's firm, coffee's fresh. If the top clicks, take another. Only . pressure packed can lata t you test to make sure of coffee that's fresher, richer, more aatiafying every time. So ask for 'Treasure Packed' Chase ft Sanborn today! -What a coffee! , -J . . Jtr immHmt ' ' . " J-y : I Chase Sanborn Dr. Will J. Thompson Optometrist. Office leopened at KiTerdale Examination in Afternoon or Eve. by Appointment For . Appointment . Phoni . 4-4057 SPECIAL SALE-RINGS THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY 11 7 rM. ONLY J Beautifully Designed In Sterling Silver AND Rolled Gold Plate Your Choice of Many Styles Values Up to $4.95 $195 I PlutToi SPARKLING DIAMOND SIMULATIONS m IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER I - ' . I . i . i ' ivJ -aapa rj;iitiMemnciua T v gnruTCUUtn j7zzp s asfsMrMa fwaggiPisk A '' nwifHl - I-.,. f utiwm - Ayfylf&r'i M cuiKitimui . .- ivA VAro"4 lLat lliMJ bothfor SAVE fjkY "Wi'f nil 0 1 ' ill "iiiM . l m-tnti am if v jti . yI5ijL i!giV"i i MTsnauita on iTT-J til r wzlslzs" ' 150 t,r im MAO- ill H JJ 11 I mm nana lft''J 'r'- RWWmS Alsrteeishste. . i J I" ' li1