Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    'Capital Women
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Feb. 18. 1953
-Delta Gamma
Delta Gamma alumnae met
Tuesday evening and elected the
following new officen:
. Mrs. Lloyd Hammel, presi-
dent; Mn. Lyman Sundin, vice-
president; Mrs. L. E. Thompson,
secretary: Mri. Jack Miller,
treaiurer: Mri. John William
Stortz. Panhellenic representa
tive; Mri. Leon Margosian, alter
nate to Panhellenic. Mri. A.
Freeman Holmer has been presi
dent of the group tor the past
two years.
. The Tuesday meeting was at
the home of Mrs. Stortz. Plans
were made for the founder's day
banquet on March 8, Mrs. Joseph
Matujec to be chairman.
"FRIENDSHIP night" was the
theme of the meeting of Willam
ette shrine, White Shrine of Je
rusalem, Monday evening. Many
out-of-town visitors were pres
ent, Mrs. Percy R, Kelly being
chairman of the evening. On
her committee were Mr. and
Mrs. William Niemeyer, Mr. and
Mrs. M. T. Grub, Mrs. Pearl
Jones, Miss Constance Kantner,
Mrs. Hetty Kreikenbaum, Mrs.
Mary Crawford and Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Mills.
Credit Women Meet
Mrs. Gavin Hiir was speaker
for the Credit Women's Break
fast club meeting on Tuesday
morning. Her topic was "In
stallment Credit" Miss Jean
Cogswell, prospective member,
and Mrs. Sue Booch were guests
of the group, Mrs. Booch ask
ing for volunteers in the forth
coming Red Cross drive.
Board of directors will meet
next Tuesday with Miss Char
lene Churchill,. 330 Mission, at
Miss Hudson
Romantic news of Interest to
day is announcement by Mr. and
Mrs. Lester H. Hudson of the
engagement of their daughter,
Miss Ada Elizabeth Hudson, to
Albert J. Hebrank, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hebrank, Sr,
of Caldwell, New Jersey.
The announcement is being
made formally this evening at a
birthday party at University of
Washington, today being the
birthday of the bride-elect
Miss Hudson is a student in
voice at University of Washing
ton. She was graduated from
. 'Salem schools. Mr. Hebrank
irom nere wm n;ilH . .ttcndln ITn
Horizon Club Girls
To Attend Meeting
Six members of the Horizon
clubs in Salem will attend the
regional conference for Camp
Fire Girls of senior high school
sge from four tuts in Portland.
February SS. The conference is
to be at the Multonomah hotel.
The one day program feature
speakers, workshops, and a style
show as well as the business
sessions. '
Misses Joyce Randall and Sandra
Carter from the group for which
Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen is ad
viser; Misses Judy Loucks and
Julie Miller from the group for
which Mrs. John H. Johnson is
the adviser: and Misses Gilberts
Bates and Gail Blush from the
group led by Mrs. Frank Gerdon.
; STAR OF the Sea troop, Ju
nior Catholic Daughters of
America, met recently at the
home of Dixie Eby. Discussion
en the rosary was led by Pat
lagan, Pat McReal and Joan
Collermn. Refreshments were
erred. The next meeting will
be at Carol Gllliland' home.
IjEAvinq Saturday for a
week at Claremont, Calif., are
Mr. aad Mrs. Gardner Knapp,
who . will visit their son, Ed
ward, a student at Pomona col
leg. The Knapp arc- making
tn trip By plane.
. HOME from five weeks in
Southern California and Mexico
City are Mr. and Mrs. Don F.
smith, who made the trip by
plane. They were in Mexico
City for three weeks, taking
tours out from there, and weie
la southern California two
Party for
Miss Cooley
Honoring Miss Betty Cooley,
who is to be married in March
to William E. Kaer. Jr., of Port
land, Mrs. W. W. Moore and her
daughter. Mrs. Gardner Knapp,
are to be hostesses this evening
at a dessert party and kitchen
shower at the home of Mrs.
Moore. Daphne and daffodils
will be used in decorating.
Feting the bride-to-be will be
her mother, Mrs. Robert Pren
tiss; Mrs. A. F. Marcus. Mrs.
Bjarne Ericksen, Mrs. Charles
Feike, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs.
Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons. Mrs. Charles S. Mc-
Elhinny. Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson,
Mrs. Harold Shogren, Mrs. E. A.
Brown, Mrs. George A. Rhoten,
Mrs. Harmon Harvey, Mrs. F. J.
Forristel, Mrs. Robert Stanley,
Mrs. Hugh Morrow, Mrs. Floyd
K. Bowers, Mrs. M. Theodore
Madsen, Jr., Mrs. E. C. Mennis,
Mrs. T. W. Creech, Mrs. Irvine
Caplinger and the two hostesses.
Today's Menu
Benefit Success
Mt. Angel The Seminary
benefit card party Monday eve
ning, in St. Mary' school au
ditorium, sponsored by the two
organizations the Catholic Or
der of Men and Women Forest
ers, was well attended. During
the evening 47 tables of cards
were in play, followed by a late
supper served in the school din
ing hall.
Honors for cards were award
ed to Mrs. Dave Shepherd and
Gerald Zollner for bridge; Mrs.
J. S. Alcher, Woodburn, and
Raphael Scbaffner for 800; Lou
ella Fery and Joseph Slaby for
pinochle, and Mrs. Peter r.
Gore for canasta. Others receiv
ing awards were Mis Dorothy
Keber, Portland; Mrs. rrea J.
Schwab, Joseph Brockhaus, Mrs,
Joseph Hamel, Mr. W. J. Kloft,
Miss Irene Butsch, Portland,
Miss Dolores Hockett, Mrs. Em 11
Bochsler, Mrs. F. J. Schwab,
Frank J. Schmidt, Mrs. Frank
Aman and Mrs. C. J. Bernlng.
also is attending University of
Washington, majoring in for
estry engineering.
No date is set for the wedding.
OES Event
A district event was the meet.
ing of Chadwick and Salem
chapters of. Order of Eastern
Star Tuesday evening when Mrs.
Carl Wimberly of Roseburg, dis
trict grand worthy matron, made
her official visit to the groups.
Mrs. Paul Griebenow and Paul
Bramble, worthy matron and
patron of Chadwick chapter, and
Mrs. Otho Eckersley and Carl
snyder, worthy matron and
patron of Salem chapter, led the
activities of the evening.
Honored and escorted to the
east were Mrs. Paul Robinson of
Ada chapter in Independence
and Judge Rex Hartley of
Euclid chapter in Jefferson,
Junior past worthy matron and
patron; Herman Johnston, grand
worthy sentinel, Mrs. Rex Hart
ley, grand representative of the
province of Ontario, Mrs. W. L.
Lewis, grand representative of
Tennessee, Mrs. J. Edgar Reay,
grand representative of South
Dakota, Mrs. Harry Lucas, grand
representative of Connecticut,
Mrs. Harlow Dixon, grand repre
sentative - of Maine. Visiting
worthy matrons and patrons also
escorted to the east were Mrs. H.
E. Smedley of Alnsworth chapter
and Mrs. Harry Charlton and
Harry Miller, worthy matron
Shrimp Scallop
Tossed Green Salad
Fresh Pears Beverage
Ihrizap Scallop
Ingredients: 1 pound fresh or
frozen shrimp, 1 cups boiling
water, 1 teaspoon salt, 6 slices!
bread, 4 tablespoons butter or
margarine, 1 No. 2 can (1 pound
and S ounces) stewed tomatoes.
Method: Add shrimp and salt
to boiling water; bring to a boil
again; simmer 3 to 5 minuter;
drain. Shell shrimp and devein.
Stacking 3 slices of bread at a
time, eut off crusts and cut bread
to make 6 pieces out of esch
dice. Melt butter in skiUet; add
bread piece and toss in butter,
Cook over low heat stirring;
often, until bread is browned and
crisp. Put a layer of the bread
in the bottom of a I Vi -quart
baking dish. Add shrimp and
stewed tomatoes. Top with re
maining bread. Bake in a hot
(400F) oven 10 to IS minutes,
r until tomatoes are bubbly and
hot. Make 4 servings.
- Note: The canned stewed
tomatoes called for in this recipe
differ from ordinary canned
tomato; they are a compara
tively new product and are now
widely available.
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.V (Uulhollud slctlin, SwttU)
Mis Ada Elisabeth Hudson
Jaycee-Ettes Are
Entertained Monday
Entertaining the Jaycee-Ettes
at her home on Monday evening
was Mrs. Don Judson.
Seven new members joined
the group. They are Mr. Duane
Ertsgaard, Mrs. James Loder,
Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. Al West
phaL Mrs. Dee Whitlock, Mrs.
Kenneth Free and Mrs. Lamar
The group discussed plans to
entertain wives of Junior Cham
ber of Commerce members dur
ing the state convention in Sa
lem May 22-23. A white elephant
sale followed the meeting.
Tell Engagement
The engagement of Mrs. Der-
Yatrapterfe King to Charles Diller of
balem; Mr. Louis Wengenroth
of Evergreen chapter in Wood
burn, Mrs. Mildred Thurston and
Irwin Wright of Euclid chapter
in Jefferson, and Mrs. Richard
Carleson of Naomi chapter in
Chadwick chapter was In
charge of the meeting, Salem
chapter conducting Initiation for
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris.
Refreshments were served by
the courtesy groups of both chap
ters, including Mrs. Raymond
Kaser, Mrs. Earl Black, Mrs.
Don Crenshaw, Mrs. Melvln
Kelley, Mrs. Myra Ward and
Mrs. Frank North from Salem
will meet Thursday evening at
8 o'clock, with Mrs. Joseph W.
Chambers, 1785 Saginaw. Visit
ing members are invited to attend.
Betrothal Revealed
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. E.
Hermanson of Woodburn an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Edna Hermanson,
to Edward Murphy, son of Mr.
and Mr. William J. Murphy of
Woodburn. A spring wedding is
planned. Miss Hermanson is a
graduate nurse and employed at
Emanuel hospital in Portland.
Mr. Murphy is connected with
the postoffice department at
Woodburn. Both are graduates
of Woodburn high school. -
Aurora was announced Saturday
evening at a party in Aurora.
No date is set for the wedding
but It is planned for next sum
mer. The bride-elect i the
daughter of Mr. Rosalie Wallace
of Salem and Ernest Smith of
Pendleton. Mr. Diller is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Diller of
chapter; Mrs. David Phelps, Mrs.
Archie Brewster. Mrs. Roy
Reynolds, Mrs. M. C. Blackman,
Mrs. Gerald Fisher, Mrs. E. Alex.
Tueski of Chadwick chapter,
Mrs. Betty Neal and Mrs.
Thomas Kelley were in charge
of the refreshment hour.
HOSTESS to her bridge club
today was Mrs. Willard Marsh
all, entertaining the group for
luncheon and cards. An addition
al guest was Mr. Donald
MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mr.
Herman Schwab were hosts at
dinner in their home Sunday,
with all. the members of their
family present. Covers were
placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Beyer (Laura Schwab) ol tuam
ath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Schwab, Portland, Mis Joan
Schwab, itudent nurse at St.
Joseph's hospital, Vancouver,
Wash., and Thomas, Marilyn
Margaret and Joseph Schwab.
Throw your watch awoy
w fix them when other
"Expert Diamond Set
ting and jewelry manufacturing."
"t '
New Cream Deodorant Proved-
in Keeping Underarms
Dry and Odorless
Used dally, A ft Id protects I wayM
1. Keeps underarms dry. Ptereats sp
pcemics of ptnpirsnoo.
3. Safe lor clothes. Does not rot drcsa.
Smt doibcs from mink
S. Takes odor out of sterse-iratUn-
acoaontcs innaauy on contact.
4. AntlsepHc. A smooth, white, grail'
a ton Tioitfiing cretin.
I. Creamy. Will not dry out.
am wcaritr as
Agntm oAof sad jMncHraiM
ISm TmUm acoderaM ia
IMtOTfH 7 J aim
wemea se ARRID
Mala Tsas--a I - III I I'lsaH III sMTMas-Ttas-TtTtTtTtTttaas-Tal
the amazing pump
Amazing for Comfort
Amazing for Fit
Amazing for Beauty
Amazing for Popularity
And Amazing
For It's Price
Now . . I
Red, Green, Brown, Tan
And Black
OSC Newt v-.. Tv
Finals .
Oregon State College, Corval-
lis (Special) Once again comes
the sew of finals. Today's dally
Barometer, student paper, con
tained the winter term final
schedule so once again the stu
dent must turn their minds to
studying. Tests are scheduled
from March 18-21 and the fol
lowing week will be spring va
cation. . Dad's week-end was a huge
success with all its activities
and banquets. Election of offi
cers was held at the Saturday
luncheon and Bert Fames of
Portland was elected Dads club
president Charles F. Feike of
Salem was elected to the board
of dlcectors for a three year
term. The Dads club does a lot
in the way of OSC promotion.
The students also have a pro
motion committee working
through the Alumni office. Gil
bert Bateson and Beverly
Young of Salem are in charge
of OSC promotion in Linn and
Marion counties.
House initiation and elec
tions will continue the rest of
the term. Mary Jane Rudd of
Salem was recently initiated
Into Kappa Alpha Theta so
rority. John Casper, also of Sa
lem, has been elected vice-pres
ident of his fraternity, Theta
This coming Sunday the Home
Economics club is presenting a
"casual," at which time students
and professors alike have a
chance to get better acquainted.
Salemlte Betty Andresen is co
chairman of publicity for the
Friday and Saturday nights
will be very busy as students
attend the numerous house
dances on campus. Also of in
terest this week-end is the wa
ter ballet entitled "Aqua Ex
tra." The pageant is presented
each year by Seahorses, wom
en swimming honorary. This
year' production depicts the
pages of a newspaper. This will
include scenes from each page
""IS A ' "
1 0
"r v
Preside over Dance At the annual sweetheart ball of
Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi last Saturday eve
ning, Miss Bernlce Ettner, center, was crowned queen of the
ball! The three finalists for the title were, left to right:
Mrs. Roy Holbrook, Miss Ettner and Mr. Robert McLauch
lan. . ' :
of the paper such as a weather
report and a mock wedding. The
show runs for three nights
starting Thursday. Bsrbara
Wagness of Salem and a mem
ber of Seahorses will be swim
ming in the pageant.
With rain pouring down in
buckets the students have ar
ranged a new. type of water
show. This one occurs between
every class as student literally
swim from one building to an
other. At Rebekah Meeting
Members of Salem Rebekah
lodge renewed their obligations
during "good of the order" night
at their meeting on Monday. Mrs.
Emma Winegar became a mem
ber of the group by transfer and
a fraternal visit was made by
the Theta Rho girls.
Mrs. Myrtle Walker will en
tertain the past noble grands
club at her home on Wednesday,
and on Friday evening, the
Ladies Encampment auxiliary
will meet for a no-host dinner
and program including all
branches of the order. Dancing!
and cards will follow the evening j
meeting. i
The meeting next monday will
be a social one with a pie sale;
following I
Engagement Told
Talbot 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Behrends of Talbct hive an
nounced the betrothal of their
daughter, Miss Manan Behrends,
to Charles Higby, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Higby of Mill City.
- Miss Behrends is graduate
of the Jefferson high school and
is employed in the state house.'!
- Mr. Higby is attending Salem
Bible academy. -
The wedding has been planned
for this summer.
AUXILIARY to Carpenters
local 108S will meet on Thurs
day evening for a Valentin
and birthday party. Mrs. Sher
man Smith will be hostess to
the group at her horns, 324S
Abrams avenue, at 7:30 o'clock.
HOSTS to their dinner club
on Saturday evening will be Mr.
and Mis. Bjarne Ericksen. Addl- , '
tional guests will be Mrs. Charles
S. McElhtnny and Mrs. Lester
Cherry City
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Let the experts at The Vogue of Salem help you choose the Spring fashions best suited to
you . . . You will thrill to the Spring Fashion Adventure at The Vogue!
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