Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraph.
A . 1 epppnpw..pppppaeps
,h,fr Jrlr 01 " Gasoline Bids Only two com
to rttf w" Ptd panies submitted complete bldi
5 ttnJ,,Ge?1lK'rpr- wdniy eomecUon with
rr,, t 1,tni- tbefu o Mirion county dur
MT .TUw?dy,, .Sundly nd m " """ Involving
.?.., a,h with toul M0llne. diesel oil and kero-ik.-
' ' M0lln Shell and Associated each
. submitted bull of 21.7 for
Directors Meetlnf-Members ??;0?w,"1.lof1 ol lY01? V"
jl. - M'MWVta niii laltM tntn um Marat n il
01 uie ooard of director! of
the Marion County Community
Chert will meet Thursday eve
nine; at S o'clock at the Cheit
headquarter! at 241 North Lib
erty ttreet.
Oml Etter to Speak The
Fellowship of Reconciliation
will meet at the home of Mr.
and Mrt. Marvin Nettleton, 845
Tamarack, Thursday evening,
tar ting with a covered dish din-
bid takes Into consideration the
six cent state tax but excludes
federal taxes. A bid of 12.2 cents
for diesel and 17.2 cents for
kerosene was submitted. Stand
ard Oil did not bid for any of
the three commodities. Union
submitted a bid that calls for a
discount of ,009 cents per gal
lon off the truck trailer price
at time of delivery.
Brass Meeting The monthly
tiai t a AtAA.. . uktuiii gi uiku w iniiicc, lucre
il" TEV?" officials of Marion and Polk
i!2Lk 'u, r0wiU counties wM be held Wednesday
Hi!.Au wU1 be t p.m. at the Senator hotel.
Progress and Objectives of the I
national FOR."
Day of Prayer,
'Silverlon, Friday
New Zoning
(Oontlnued from Page 1
value of property; and, general
ly, to promote the public health,
safety and welfare of the city
of Salem and its inhabitants."
Off-street parking is required
by the new code for any building
or business hereafter established
or enlarged. Even every dwell
ing must have off-street space
for at least one car.
Small apartment houses
must provide off-street park
ing for as many cars as there
are living units. Larger apart
ment houses, rooming houses
and hotels must have parking
space based upon their slxe.
For churches, auditoriums,
theaters and educational insti
tutions parking areas will de
pend upon their seating capa
city. Commercial and Industrial
buildings must provide off
street parking space depending
upon floor area of themain
The code will exempt exist
ing buildings from off-street
parking requirements, except
for additional seating capacity
or floor area that may be added
in the future. ,
Proposed new districts are at-
scribed below, but the summary
Theta Chi Electa John Cas
per, '54 of Salem, was elected
vice president of Sigma chapter,
ineia uiu fraternity during
recent meeting of the organiza
tlon held at Corvallis. Others
Sfmfd t0...Mic were: M,rvin Silverton In a program to'does not cover ail provisions of
Tu;m ao, r.iierson, given by representatives of the code. They are:
president: Melvin H. Jnhnwtn - 1 i 1 a en 1 I 1 ..tHftntla! IMitrtet. Thte If the
," , ' -1 kvciii enurencp vi ouvejvuii.i " , . . .' . ... ... .
54, Portland, secretary; Robert!with Mrs. Martin Hanna andlT".;, 1. mil; dwelllnga. k few
J. Larkln, 54, Longvlew, Wash., Mrs. Lynn R. Neal as arrange- be uun in; name aupa-
treasurer: and Norman L ...i .t,i.. wia "rl" '" . '
Zw ,. . T r, " " ment chairmen, the World Day u ,,,,-iorea Di ,0 m.rtmnaiM or eigne
Wyers 54, Ashland, Ore., mar- 0f Prayer will be observed Fri- ere aien.rea n ttm ue pr.miM..;
shall. day. Feb. 20. beginning at 2 p.m. ""STiS tunS'SoS j
-.,. Burna a aipiaa ai lne feinoaipi cnurcn, ine xvev. public puiMinga; garaen. w ..-
I Capital Journal, Sale. Or., Wednesday, fak IS,
1 Youths Hurt,
One Seriously
Two youths war hospitalized
Tuesday on la critical condi
tion after their cars crashed
head-on on the North Santlam
highway near the Mehama Junction.
On the critical. list at Salem
General hospital la Paul Dun
ham, 17, Route 1, Seta, with skull
and taw fractures, possible in
ternal Injuries and multiple cuts
about the face.
He was driving east about 4:15
p.m. when he collided with a car
driven by Allan Fooler, 18, Me
hama. Witnesses said Pooler was
passing another vehicle at the
tune of tha accident.
' Pooler suffered cuts on the
chine and knee and had a severe
head bump. He waa reported in
good condition Wednesday.
The front end of each car was
completely smashed in and the
engine knocked back oft its
mountings under the dash board.
Pooler was driving a 1953 model
car and Duman a pre-war model
Stayton Ambulance service
took the men to the hospital.
' (OonUnosd froaa Pa 1)
Freeh ill estimated that
than 60 billion dollars worth of
goods and serrlees based e aa .
annual business! TOlum WBS -
fee ted fty Wednesdsy's action.
Freehlll predicted at aanra
conference that would ba acta)
Increases for many of the nawly
exempt items. Ha mentioned
higher charges for services, soma
spotted Increases en milk and
dairy products, and general
raises for many types of build
ing materials.
Among major eommoditia
and services decontrolled la tha
new list, effective at once, are:
Lumber, wood products and
related services. Including such
things as plywood, ndUf, peiaa,
wallboards and pilings. This In
dustry is estimated aa doing six
biUlon dollars of business yearry
at the manufacturers level
Cheat Bosrg Members al
tha board of directors of tha
Salem Community Cheat will
meet at tha Chest headquarters
Thursday afternoon at ' 4:30
o'clock. :..."
Salary Boost
(Continued from Page 1)
Karaite it i a
owned by Margaret Millard was " i!.,? i - .r dm.. a.t .odu.d
chairman. putud amtusr r. ma wetpt pr. land attorney general, and a boost
.mis o, u uw. ..r- r:irom aY.zu 10 so.duu ior me
damaged by fire Monday night
at 1135 North 19th street, and
the owner said it would be torn
down. The building was used tor . T .: 7: i,m umn (tmiir dwtutM. dupit.M, ton
storaee and did not contain a reaoing Dy mrs. minnie ur;:1HM111 h0)1M, coouidiu tut men
i., .?h!.L. "" jiund j, "Walk as Children ofuh.n i.r ii.m, ..iu ... ,--"'
ear at tne time. rihtn .iih Mn a j McCan-iwimum tot ' M MtibL ia urn
The general program theme "', u auu.l
will be aiven in a oresenUtion Ra Rt.i4tntii ouuict.
Minnie Over
Mrs. Johnson Improve Re-j
ported in fair condition Wednes
day and Improving was Mrs.
Dean Johnson, 74, Woodburn,
who was struck by an auto Mon
day night as she crossed the
highway just north of Wood
burn. She suffered a fractured
pelvis, fractured leg and other
injuries. An eight-year-old com
panion Sharon Ann Eldet, suf
fered minor injuries in the acci
dent. They were taken to Salem
Memorial hospital after, the
crash. Sharon Ann waa released
the same evening.
nel at the organ.
"iuirlet dormttorlu put bopnUM hpuan.
hurchti. petppoli. pod umupr uph prt
superintendent of public instruc
tion and the commissioner of la
bor. Further Increase Made
However, on motion of Sena
Junk Photos show all that is left of two automobiles
driven by teenagers that collided head on on the North San
tiam highway a half mile west of Mehama, Tuesday after
noon. In top photo Melvin Quinnett, Lyons; Roger Rowe,
Stayton, and Delmar Thompson, Mill City, examine car
driven in easterly direction by Paul Duman, Scio. The car
burned after the crash. Lower photo shows new Ford which
was proceeding west and driven by Allan Pooler. Both ve
hicles were demolished and drivera suffered serious injuries.
the news from Salem that we. not act on this report and later
are raising salaries of our top-1 take up the state employes sale
Words cannot express ade-
Pocket Lighter The theft of quately our deep appreciation
his billfold wss reported to city
police by Marlin Reimer, In
dependence, who said It was
taken while he was swimming
at the YMCA Saturday night.
.... . t i ' a .u J.,mi,i! tii i, homt pccuppuppi. tor Rex EUli. the salarv of these flight officers," he said. "As to ries.
.n Y ill Th. nmram!''0.,,u"fin' ""."CM1 h"l,i " two last named officials was in-the governor, I feel that there , gilsrles Niggardly'
Call to Worship. The program
'"'.''thVm'r Pr'pS?r' ". .Uhout lllt.llpn p. IP lh. pum
.T";...TS HJ? He ot U.lnt uplu. u bt xpetPd. Apt
RtV. JPMPA COPPtr. .... ...... d I ! an PI
rptm. "Tht Drum Call" Mr. Arthur " .J""''"? '., i , , D,
CHirltt Btttt. Sil
'i-7.. " d -r wL..." un -' ppp""""" P' P'P1"PP. '-
WtTtr I pd African Wpmpn Mm. tW10J M mort UaM ut unlu ,
rp. . Ura " aulMins. Thp uh rapulallPU lot
Vacpl tola. Tt lord l Frajpr Mra. R dlatrlct prp tha tana pi lor tht
Jnhn Lallrktr. 1 .. . . . ....
Tplk. "Wplk In thp Uibt pi Ha la in
Rtv. Arthur Chirlaa Batci
epniraiatlpn, "Vpthtr pf
Mri. Jottph
Rotary Club Elects Reynolds u. none.
Allen was elected, with opposi
tion, to the presidency of the
Salem Rotary club Wednesday
noon. Others elected were: Rob
ert Fenlx, secretary; Chester
Pickens, treasurer; Tom Kelly
and Harold Phillippe, directors
and Paul Bale, member of clas
sification committee.
Rome, W) Prime Minister
Alcide de Gasperi was confined
to his home Wednesday with influenza.
Tha Lllht'
Hymn nr
Pra-pffprlnt itattmant
Vocal dutt. "atnd Out Thy Lllht1
MUi Ocraldlnt Pranch and Ura. Robert
Circuit Court
Ordtr for writ of hibtu oorpua pro
vldlnt thftt Ocra.4 Crftvinj ippctr In
court Ptb. U.
Wklvtr of xtftdltlon procetMlinii by
Hill jMtph Wumcr. proTldint bit trtni
fir to jtkto of WtihiDRton. Oh tried with
pttlt larceny.
llarloa 1. Knter Osctr N. Bnitr:
DlTorco deere rttorlnc piitintlU'i formtr
Btmo erf McUmhoo tvod iiTing hr owner
ahip f Kummtr borne at Otterttll Lake.
Minn., furnltuit and houiehold effecu In
aletn bone.
Lea-dell Herrint Donald O. Htrrtne:
Amended aniwer.
flUaa and Ruby Merle Brew too O. I.
Lowta: Plalntlff'e reply to defendant's an
awer. .
Southern Tactftc Co. i Marlon county
dUtrtet attorne? and alate labor con
nluloner: Amended eomplelnt for Je
crarfttory judgment Involvlne labor per
formed en certain equipment owned by
tht plaintiff.
Talk. "Let Your Lllht
Rev. Doui-lu Harrell.
Poem, "Thtnlta to Tnee ' Mrs. m
Oulded medltatroa Mn. Arthur Cherlej
Eat tt.
"The Day. Thou Sweet Lord. It ended,"
aa cloelna hymn, and benediction by Mri.
A J. Herr.
R3 dutrlct. the only difference be in that
la tht Re dUtrkt no minimum lot areai
are preuribid.
CI Neifhsornood Buiintas District, in
tht CI neubbertaood buaineM dietrlct
bulldlnn mar be trecttd and premUta
may bt used for any purpost permitted In
an Rl dutrlct and for such retail burt
neuei at art a convenience to a reskle&
tlal OUtrlct, for example, a confectionary.
a roc try, bakery, meat market, laundry
atencr, aemce station, etc.
Salaries of top-flight Oregon
officials have been niggardly,"
according to the view expressed
by Senator George A. Ulett of
Coos and Curry counties.
Senator Walker ended the ar-
ftet or three stories. Jj en riAA - !mloh K mnmm whn wnnlri Mk
R3 Ruldentiai Uistrici. mil m in int,-ac . fo,uv m ;cai, atiici ,
Senator Gibson, who opposes allltms oince Decause 01 me saiary,
salary increases, said that he felt but in Oregon we have had gov
that the superintendent of public 1 ernors who wanted the Job sole
instruction held a key position ; ly as a matter of public service."
in the state and so did the labor : Workers' Lobby Charged
commissioner and if any in- After several members of the'sument when he oroDosed that
creases were to be granted these; committee had brought up the the committee meet again on
officials should receive more question 01 in crease a sauries ior,xhurday morning as a commit-
than had been recommended by the mass ox state workers Rep jtee-of -the-whole and consider
his subcommittee. f . jDave Baum, a member of the the salary increases proposed
Judges Get Kaue isuocommuiee aeciarea mm tne one Dy 0ne, right down the line
bupreme court judges would. naa nox yei oexer- Before this suggestion was
receive $12,000 a year instead mined the salaries for the ma- mtde President of the Senate
of the present $10,450 and cir-'Jority of sUte workers.
cuit judges $10,000 annually in
place of $9,350 under the provi-
Bvea Melby t. Roy R. Hewitt: Suit for
Jfldtmeat of siO.000 punitive and $1,000
apeetal dams set for allseed failure of de
fendant to represent plaintiff In suit.
Cyril i. and Anita Prrschweller vs. Louis
P. Porcier: Suit for Juditnent that would
rtaulre defends nts to tiecule deed to cer
tain real property and for tlftOO damaias
claimed Mr piaintlffe for alleted failure to
lira P to acreemtnt.
Probata Court
Celine Steenhout estate: Order semin;
Frsnk Steenhout Jr. to. administrator and
dmlttlnf wlU to probttt.
Order ef dlstrlbu-
bt set back tht samt as buildinss In tht
residential district and no store shell tx
cee4 one story in height. Super markets
art not permitted.
CI Business District. In tht C3 buslntss
district building and premise max bt
ustd for retail commercial enter prists.
amusement tnttrprista, offices, aervict
statiooj, caraiea. and almost any com
mercial use not objectionable or injurious
Commercial. Open Fri.f Sat., 10- of noise, odor vibration or aim i-
r Vatl1r causes. This district Is often referred
o to as high cla retail district.
c Business mstrict. within tht OS
Business District buUdtnas and premises
mar ba destined or used for any use per
mitted In tht more restricted districts
and for auction markets, blacksmith hops,
bottlers, creameries, cold storase wtre-
houses, farm or machinery alts, seed
stores, fuel dealers, and many similar
uses which may be objectionable In
hlsb class retail district. This dlatrlct Is
sometimes referred to as the wholesale
trade district. It permit butlnasaw caus
ing noise, odor, vibration, and other ob
jectionable features
C4 Central Business District. This Is tht I
old downtown dlatrlct, and any ust per- I
milled in any of the mora restricted dls-
trlcts Is permitted in the C4 district, ex
cepting public and parochial schools. The
ojo coon oil not divMt the city into as
many business district as tht new, and
in tht present downtown area commingled
together art business of the various
types which tht new eoev se par a tea into
several districts; as noncomformlng uses
msjr eontloue, and tht downtown area is
almost entirely occupied by businesses,
it serves no purpose to dtvtdt that area,
.essentially, the C4 district permit any
business permitted In tht CX and In the
CS districts. Also, in the C4 district no
off-street parking Is required.
Ml Light Industrial District. Within the
Ml Light Industrial District any use per
mitted In tht mort restricted tone u al
lowed, excepting eemeterles, churches, and
elementary or high schools; and In addi
tion, light manufacturing olanu art nr.
misslble, tuoh as canntrles. packing plants,
brtwerles. wholunl rjkrt and
TL . ... J ar.Uap. .. lAik t O i. .....
Business buildings in this district musttsions of the report.
In the list of administrative of
ficers the state health officer
would lead the list with $12,000
I will say though that the
mass of state workers have had
Eugene E. Marsh told the joint
committee that he felt if the
proposed salary bills were sent
a civil service lobby for the pastj to the floor for action, s day
six years.
Simultaneous action on sala
ries of both the top-flight off.
Ladies suits dresses for sale
YWCA Budget Shop, 162 So
Auburn School Mothers Club
benefit ham dinner Sat., Feb. 21,
1953, 6-8 P.M. Adults $1.00, chil
dren $.25. Door prizes and pro
gram. 44
Need Glasses? Only 50c a wk.
at Semler Optical Offices, Wat-ers-Adolph
Bldg., State & Com
mercial. Ph. 3-3311. All styles,
precision ground to optometrists'
prescriptions Fast Service.
Goodwill truck now in Salem
every Tuesday & Friday. Ph.
42248 for pickups. 42
Air-steamshipticketsany where.
Kugel, 3-7694, 153 N. High St.
Paint with glamorizing Treas
ure Tones. See our outstanding
Wallpaper selection. Chuck
Clarke Co., 255 N. Liberty. 42
York Rite, special meeting
in place of his present salary of cers and the employes of the
$10,000 a year. state was urged by Senator Rob-
Senator Dean Walker opposed 'ert Holmes, but Senator John C.
the increases declaring that Ore-'. F. Merrlfield favored allowing
should expire after the printed
bills were placed on the solon's
desks before a vote was taken.
Members of the committee
agreed to arrange the introduc
tion in this manner, to give mem
gon is an agriculture state and
the economic trend had already
turned downward for the farm
ers. .
"I don't think they will like
the administrative salaries
"standing on its own,
"I feel that the state workers
should be treated fairly but I do
not see any reason why we can
IU.MS and director of flnaatw and ta-
mlnlstration. tsa to au.ww.
Superintendent of Oregon atatt riee
pltal, Kasttrn Oret'tm hospital and Pair
view home, SM1S to It.SOO; superinten
dent of aula tuberculosis bospnai, ot
creased from tt.ftOv to at.M: superinten
dent of Basttra Oregon Tuberculosa bws
pltal. SI.40S to W.000.
Stata liquor control administrator, three
stato tax eommlasionera and pubUa wel
fare administrator, from tl.iSS to tt.SM.
State forester. tl.Mt to W.OM; director at
utisuiati. aiau uinter. ana eta
pallet superln undent, IMSf to St.toa; j
thraa it at industrial accident and state
unemployment commissioners from tf.tM
to W.&oo, dtputy aiwratr itnerai, a.
to M.S00; assistant secretary ol state, in
surance aommlatlaner and superintendent!
of banks, af.SOw to M,ftM; deputy auptrtn- i
tendenu of Oregon ataU hospital and;
Zaatera Oregon stats hospital, M.SM to
IS, 400: dtputy aupariaWMoni ai nir
view homa, n.lte to tS.aOt, deputy auptr
tntandent at stato tuberculosis hospital
and Baatorn Oraaan T hospital, i.s?t
to at.Mti euptrlnttndant at ptnltanlary.
ll.ftOO to $g.o0; adjutant general. al.MO
La ai.Mo: etata librartan. milk marketing
administrator and tlirk of atatt land
board, H.ftOO to tl.MOi dtputy attto trea
jurer, secretary of vtttrana affairs, atc
retary of governor, dtputy public utilities
commissioner, eorao ration eocamlultner.
director af geology, dtputy superUUadtat
of etata pallet, secretary at etata aoard
of saoatraL aaralt and artteUan saatr-
vtaor, and real aetata cammtaaiontr, all
irons as. sou to mi. mo. auperincwn as aaai
school, MacLarta aebool, blind seheot and
Hi He rest school, M4t to IT.MO; deputy
warden, state prison. H.cil to IT. 100.
asslatant superin Undent of aanae, lta
to te.COO: assistant director of fisheries,
ll.lto to H.W; secrets rr, wiuametw
Vallty basin commission, at at ta as
manager af racing aommtsaloa, St.lia to
M.OOO; atcrttary af medical txamlnara,
I4.tto to as.OOO; aulstant d tree tor, wot-
trana affairs, 4,M to M.aoo, aacrttory
for the many kind and arm-
pathetic acts that came to us
at this time of the loss of our
dear mother, Mrs. Nora Wilcox.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilcox
and family. 4J
bera of the leaislature a chance i board af pharmacy, m m ta ss.eoe; ad
11,000; atcrttary af board aurst aaamlnara. to M.tooi state director af appren-
ucaanip, as.ato to 90.000.
Tht commute provided at 1 a I
salaries to be used la new appointments
with the maximum salaries for persons
ready holding the positions.
to study the salary list proposed
before being called on to vote on
the bills.
Other salary Increase recommended by
the committee were: , I
Pub Ho utilities ernn mission. Ift.tftO to'
Jo Clot Ua Sat. Ne
GotnrOa Bis Aaaaal -.
Baying Trl. ;
Men and Yousa M:a
Seled Year
Wedding Suits
Suits Nov
33 - 50
I -IU rmmmtm with a ktBaai
tank Bkaaat Aarll 1. Ia wffl
hold an piuehaaat antU wanU
m ipiii m appppHPP.
tuna aaliaUa iar ia twaaa
Opan Fri. Ntt 'til 9 f.M.
442 SUU St
Entranoa Bctwcan Marrla Oatlaal
and NsblSTens HesiaonuH
p.m. Instead ol o:30
previously announced.
p.m. as
Rummage sale you have been
waiting for, Friday and Satur
day, February 20th and 21st, at
9 a.m., over Greenbaum's, Sa
lem General Hospital Auxil
iary. 43
AUea Smltn aitatl:
Lnltl Baan aatpta: Ordtr authprtstnt
Mta pf aartonai prenartr.
HI Haarr IprJuatrlal DIHrkt. In tha 111
Heavy Industrial District ara parmlttad
sawmlUa. Hour mllli. imlllirr plpnu. pa
par Bllla, pnd ppr pthar uia pr trada
which la nat parmlttad In lh. mara re
alrlctad dlalrkla acpu.a lnjurlnua. npa
lput. pfranalTc, pr haiardpua br rapiprj of
pralaalon pr productlen ol odor, arncll.
dual, furaaa. amaka. noli., pr flbrption.
DvalluiRa. ppprtmanl houata. pnd pll othar
lypaa af raaldrnea butldlnpc. churchaa.
achoola, eamrtcrlta, pnd vravtl plla ara
Ol capital Dlatrlct. Tha Ol CPPItal Dla
trlct parmllp pnr uaa plloarad In an Rl
dlatrlct pnd Plaa offtca bulldlnas pf pnp
lovernmantal unit. Thla la a apaclal dla
trlct which Include, onlp tha arra whara
Olof Balma pataU: Final ordar.
C. Philip Waaka tuprdlanahlpr Ordar
appalntlni Jamea C. aa luardlan.
Annl. Floranre Panney aalata- Ordar
Hunt March IS pa time far heartnt flnpl
Suapfl Oala and Anjia Onthrla suprdlpn
phlp: Order PuthorUinf euardlen tp ppan
aavipis account.
ApprPlaod at I44S0.
Data pf final
John C. BPIr aetata:
KelnhPld T Trelber aatala;
kaaruif tat for March U.
Marrlaga License
Jea ar Metcalfe. l. farmer, pnd Mar-
aia C. But. 1 alurtant. beth of Turner.
Tha Capital Journal Welcomes
the rollowing Mew cmsen:
LOST: On 89E between Wood
roife's San Shop and 12th St.
June. Via So. 12th. Plastic bag tha etata capltol bulldlnia ara located and
containing O coat, 2 suit coats.
brn. trousers, blanket, etc. John
Bollinger, 3330 Duncan. Ph. res.
2-3423, Off. 3-3121. 43
Annual Sale Poppytrail Pot
tery. $12.95 starter sets reduced
to $9.95 on California, Home
stead & Blue Provincial. Buy
now. Regular prices will be
slightly higher after this sale.
The Kitchen Centre, 362 State
St. Ph. 2-7892. 43
aome of thp prep where future bulldlnn
pf thai graup may ba eetebllahed.
Public Use Dlatrtete. The propoaed coda
prorldee alp different publle uaa dlatrlrta:
No. 1 for public parka and pIPTerpunda;
No. for achoola and colleiea; No. 3 for
aovernment aerelce bulldtniB. Includlni
aewage treatment plant: Na. 4 for came.
terlee; No. t for fairground, ballpark.,
alrporte. race track., etc.: and No. for
rmaplteli, prlTPte and public, penal In
tltutlona. etc. Theee dlatrirta ara now
uaed for tha purpoaea named.
Spencer Corset! Armena Felt
of the Spencer Support Shop to
BROWN TP Mr. and Mra. Otto Brpwn.
aoo Locuat at., p tin. Feb. it.
TODD-To Mr. and Mra. Millard Todd,
II Birch St., Dalle., a boy. Feb. 11.
gOTULZ Tp Mr. apd Mre. Jack 1.
aahula. MIU City, a bar. Fab. 11.
CROFT TO Mr. and Mra. Ijlward
Croft. KSS Pair, ike We', a boy, Feb. 17.
VALDSZ To Mr. and Mra. Ralph V.
vndei. hm a. inn at., a gin. rep. 11.
MCLEAN To Mr. and Mra. Duncan
MrLeen. P aaaeburg, a bar.
Feb. 17.
DICKXR To Mr. and Mre. Lapnard
Dtrker. Mt. Angel, p girl. Feb. IS.
Rrjl Ta Mr. pnd Mra. Wald, Rua,
a boy. Fab. 11
pmiXJpa Ta Mr. pnd Mn. Jamas
wpiintM. Valaets. Ore- p boy Fab. 1.
PRART TP Mr. and Mre Howord
Prarr. Jenenoa at . Dallaa. P girl Feb. 11.
will be at the Senator Hotel Fri
day, reb. 20. 43'
Roberts Bros. Slip Cover
demonstration. Free sewing les
sons in making precision covers.
Custom fitting and color help.
10 to 11:30 a.m., 2:30 to 4 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day at the Court St. Store. 42
New arrivals in dresses cot
tons, orlons, nylons. Lorman's,
1109 Edgewater. Open every
evening til 7 p.m. 44
Building Permits A. Hunt,
to build a one-story dwelling
and garage at 402 Eaxt Rural,
$15,500. Leonard Wittenberg,
build a one-story dwelling
and garage at 2675 Mountain
View drive, $14,000. Calvary
Baptist church, to alter church
at 1230 South Liberty, $800.
Wednesday, February li
Administrative meeting of the
92911 field artellery battalion,
Army Reserves, at ORG armory.
Th o ridgy February 1
Organized Naval Reserve surface
division at Naval and Marine Corps
Reserve training center.
Company D, l2nd Infantry regi
ment. Oregon National Ouard, at
For Card ot Thanks Notices
To assist you In writing a
CARD OF THANKS, wa have a
list available, containing many saiem armory.
suitable phrases, li you would Battery D. 73Jnd AAA AW field
like . copy, call th. CaplUl ,i"er, bpunregon NPUonal
Journal. Classified Department. ' QUOnK huU
Ph. 32408. and one will be
mailed to you promptly, without jr. February
' . . " . . . u-ornorr nrsrrvcs sk fa-va "iru
,Itn" - ' " : r.i o,. co"- lney m' " I Marine Corps Reserve training cen-
lwZ'r? Th Capital Journal offic.ter.
' '
Formerly solo ballerina with
Fronkfurt Opera Ballet Co. '
Complete Europeon training in bol
let, toe, character and modern
dancing. Student of Balletmeisters:
Victor Gsovsky, Herbert Freund and
Mory Wigman (teacher to Martha
Graham). Miss Fleming has hod five
years teaching experience in the
better Europeon schools.
Former teacher of Movia Actress
Ann Millar! Dance director of many
Hollywood motion picture studios.
Mr. DeBord has olso produced many
musical comedy, theater and televis
ion shows.
Also special courses for teachers.
New up to the minute routines to
give your teaching variety. i
New Classes Now Forming
For All Age Groups in All Types of Dancing:
All Costumes for Stoge Productions, Recitals, Television Shows Furnished
Free by Our Hollywood Costume Department
Ask About
Our Weekly
Studio Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Phone 4-4962 , 677 So. Commercial
Don't Miss
Our New
Now Formingl.