:' f fin vn" Capital Journal, Salem, In the1 .Valley .'. ' t Edited by MIKE FORBES Silverton Silverton Volunteer firemen were culled to the Sorenson borne on Steelhmmmer Rd.. Sun day forenoon, to stand by a flue lire, with "no damage" reported. A recently Installed TV set at the fire hall for the volunteers club room has helped to solve the problem of having continual vigil to report any emergency, explained the fire chief, Lany Carpenter. Receiving Initiation and rank of-esquire honors by Knights of Pythias, from Silverton Wednes day night at Salem Beaver hall, were Carl Lorenzen, Stewart Leek, Lee Tanner and Glenn Jones. Changes in the personnel of the First Silverton bank includes the transfer of Lois Hartvickson Rolaen to Corvallis: June Elliott to succeed Mrs. Roisen; Howard Peterson is to be with the state banking service in Salem; and two former employes returning for local positions are Frank Wallace of Marquam, and Mrs. Peter Olson (Edna Borland), Silverton. - Charles Selvers, Silverton, husband of the late Mrs. Selvers who waa fatally injured in an automobile accident, is bringing Open S:4S Bum. Marilyn Monro . . . Joseph Cot ten In Technicolor "NIAGARA" Lloyd Bride THREE STEPS NORTH" t CONTlNUOta , Rudolph Scott , . Patriae Wymore . In Technicolor "MAN BEHIND ; 1HB GUN" Ceur Romero " "SCOTLAND YARD INSPECTOR" L , tONXINUUUB Mitst Gsprar Seott Brady ' In Technicolor "BLOODHOUNDS OF BR" WAY" ' Geo. M-.. .-ornery In Technicolor CB1PPLE CREEK" r a m ibwi a. as n m m Bl Open 6:45 p.m. Donald O'Connor "FRANCIS GOES TO WE8T POINT" Jeff Chandler Maanen 0Hara in Technicolor "FLAMES OF ARABY" SPRING RE IfTtA JLi'.lll FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ON THE TWO TECHNICOLOR ADVENTURES "Iron Mistress" Alan Ladd This Friday and Every Friday la Our 4 Color Cartoon Carnival COME EARLY AND AVOID THE TRAFFIC .fcZ.ZXZ.ZT7T' fiJ ,. .. i , rJr4 tsstttt 388 Mr lJTr Capital SHi! mmm Or., Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1953 suit against a Salem woman, driver of the second car Involved, asking $13,000 damages. Entered at the Silverton hos pital as an accident patient over the weekend was Mrs. Ben Kyuo, Rt 3. Canby. John Demas, surgery patient plans to return to the family home Tuesday, to complete con' valescence. Mrs. Isaac Olson is remaining at the hospital for several days, convalescing from an appendec tomy to which she submitted a week ago. Amos Fun rue of Rt I, Silver- ton, was able to return home Saturday, following convales cence from major surgery at Sil verton hospital. Mrs. Lefa Malloy of Portland was at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Bur- son of North1 Silverton from Wednesday through Saturday. Mr. Burton submitted to ma jor surgery at Silverton hospital Thursday. He is reported as im proving normally. Ballston Ballston The annual dinner of the Sew and Social club was held in the community ball Sat urday evening, Feb. 19. A pot luck dinner was served at 7 p.m. followed by moving pictures and games. Those attending' were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kilmer and three sons; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Donnava Millema, Mr. and ' Mrs. Martin Van Groos, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ed son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kalten back and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Johnson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George McColluch, Mr. and Mrs. John Focht, Miss Elsie Taylor, Miss Thelma McColluch, Mrs. Bob Brooks, Mrs. Norman Tufford, Mrs. William Yokum, Mrs. Jay Sechrist, Mrs. David Bowman, Russel Taylor and Dee Mallema. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Reece of Portland moved to their sum mer home here last week in hopes that it may benefit Mr. Recce's health. Ezra Kilmer it recovering from an attack of influenza. Russel and Miss Elsie Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Donnava Mil lema attended , funeral seivices In Newberg Friday morning for their nephew, Gordon Ander son, who waa drowned in the Nestucca river near Hebo Jan. IS while on a fishing trip. NOW SHOWING - OPEN Jeaa Patera Jeffrey Hnnter TURI OF THE WILDERNESS" Hilarious Co-Hit The Bowery Beys NO HOLDS BARRED" T" GATES OPEN 6:45 SHOW AT 7:15 Salem 99 - OPENING SCREEN "Yankee Buccaneer Jeff Chandler irnost AS a close as y loTj V"" bun to the ,0 come to row Fascist, a--: Drug Store 405 State (Corner of Liberty) WE GIVE 3&C GREEN STAMPS Mill City Mill City Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis last week were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dorothy, of Post, Ore., former Mill City resident. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Herlof aen and two children left last week on a vacation trip to the east where they will visit freinds and relatives. Herlofsen is employed at the Detroit dam. It was a flue fire at the Morris Howe home Monday morning about 9 oiclock. No damage was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Poole, also Miss Dolores Poole of Monmouth spent the week-end at the James Poole home. Leo Poole, and Dolores Poole are attending the College of Education at Mon mouth Charles Kelly was In Corvallis Saturday to attend the activities at Oregon State college for father's week-end, where his daughter. Miss Lela Kelly la a freshman Eugene Thornley, older son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Case left the fore part of the month for Fort Lewis, Wash., where he entered the armed services. Eugene's brother, Lawrence Thornley also left last month for Fort Lewis. Both are Mill City high school graduates and at the time of Induction into the army, Lawrence was attending Port land university and Eugene was attending the University of Oregon in Eugene. World Day of prayer will be observed in Mill City by all five Evangelistical churches join ing in the worship which will be held Friday at 2 pjn. in the First Presbyterian church. The recent cooked food sale by tthe American Legion auxi liary in Mill City, netted $36 Mrs. Dolores Stewart, auxiliary president, announced. A project now underway la the collection of children's out-grown clothing for needy families in the canyon, The next meeting of the auxi liary will be held at 8 p.m. Feb, 18 in the Legion hall. Mill City Camp Fire Girls are selling boxes of chocolate mints a candy selling project, which is sponsored annually to benefit the camp fire treasury. Mrs. Lee Pinks ton is in charge of the sale this year. Unionvale Unionvale Twenty - five members of the young adult class of the Unionvale Evangel ical United Brethren church Sunday school attended the Val entine party held at the church Saturday evening. Games were played. A gift was presented to the teacher, Mrs. Carl Rutsch man. Honoring Mrs. Mary E. Shel- burne of the Happy Valley dis trict, a birthday dinner was held for her 86th birthday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Clow Sunday. Attending were Mrs. Shel burne, Mr. ' and Mrs. Ernest Shelburne, Doris and Diane of Happy Valley; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ruyle and son Steven of Salem. Afternoon , guests were Mr, and Mrs. Claud Shelburn. Mrs. Shelburne has three sons and one daughter, 14 grand' children and three great-grand' children. One son, John, and his wife of Unity district were ab sent because they are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Chllds and son at Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gubser of j Unionvale attended the birth day dinner honoring their I daughter, Mrs. Varvln Loren zen (Anona Gubser) at the I home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Lor enzen of the Neck district Sun day. Attending besides her par ent, were her husband, Marvin Lorenzen, Danny Gubser, Mr. land Mrs. Elmer Patter, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lorenzen,- Mr. and Pea mi unce. He wheo I aV-A-4iJ il!i Mrs. Rudy Braun and daughter, of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Simpson and two sons of Portland. Mr. arid Mrs. Benjamin Yates of Astoria are parents of a sev en pound, three ounce son born Sunday, Feb. IS. This is their first child. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Church of Unionvale are grand parents. , Mrs. Mary Hendrlckson 'of Salem, mother of Mrs. Edward Clow of Unionvale, has sold her home at Salem and left Wed nesday for Knippa, Tex, where she will be a guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner until May 1. Gervais Gervais The Junior Women's club met with Mrs. O. P. Hoye one evening last week. All 18 members attended. Cards were in play. High score went to Mrs. Roscoe Colby and low to Mrs. J. Phillips. The March meeting will be at the country home of Mrs. N. Nib ler. Members of the Gervais fire department were feted by their wives with a dinner in the fire house Thursday evening. Valen tine decorations were in evi dence. Grade school mothers club met at the school Thursday, Feb. 12. It was decided to hold the March meeting on the second Thursday at 2 p.m. as the mem bers will work on repairing li brary books. Valentine parties were held Friday and room mothers served the refreshments to the four low er grades while the four upper grades prepared and served their re. Mrs. William Uppendahl was1 taken to the Silverton hospital Thursday suffering from a Jaun dice infection. A alight improve ment was reported Sunday, No visitors are allowed. af ' ' i ;, FROM COAST TO COAST smokers are trying King-Size PHILIP MORRIS . . . and buying them over and over again! That's because King-Size PHILIP MORRIS taste so good.. . smoke so smooth . . . feel so comfortable to your throat. Because of the great demand for King-Size PHILIP MORRIS your dealer may be temporarily . sold out. We're delivering factory-fresh stock every day, every hour! So please call again. Take it from the millions who have already tried them . . . it's AMERICA'S FINEST CIGARETTE! Hubbard Hubbard Fifteen members of Thalia Rebekah lodge were pres ent for the 45th annual Rebekah convention of district 4 in Wood- burn Saturday. - Mrs. Ora Morris of Thalia wi,s seated as warden of the conven tion when Thalia seated the rest of the convention officers. Miss Frances Weaver served on the courtesy committee and Mrs. George Leffler will continue to serve on a resolution committee. Miss Weaver, Mrs. Leffler, Mrs. Edith Phelps and Mrs. Minnie Melvin, all of Thalia, were hon ored with the past chairman. Mrs. A. L. Murphy was appoint ed conductor for the 1854 con vention at Monitor. The American Legion auxil iary of Hubbard unit 168 made plans at their Wednesday eve ning meeting for a no-host din ner and observance of the Le gion's birthday March 11 at 6:30 pun. in the Legion hall. Mrs. Duane Hatcher presided, Mrs. George Crimps was secretary pro-tem in the absence of Mrs. Hannah Hunt who was ill. Mrs. John Stauffer was ap pointed condolence chairman. A motion carried to order 400 pop pies. The next sewing meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. A. O. Soderholm on Feb. 27. Mrs. Hatcher accompanied three Aurora unit members to the Marion county assembly of the American Legion in Stayton DANCE TONIGHT Crystal Gardens Old Tim and Modern Music by "Pep" Edwards I I ' mmtKKmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmammm mm mm ar-M eBaaBmarsfwaaBsagteai call roinn FOR Lr LfUU Friday evening. ... 1 Members of the Pilgrim Fel lowship of the greater Hubbard nrih will observe a Christ's iwork day Saturday, Feb. 21. Duane Moultman, sixth grad er, has moved with his parents to Oregon City. Talbot Talbot Mrs. Fthel Blinston was hostess to the Talbot Wom en's club when they met Wed nesday afternoon at her home. Stories of Lincoln were the theme for roll call. Mrs. Gilbert Belknap won the special prize. Plans were made for the club's family supper to be held Feb. 26 in the church basement. Mrs. Blinston. Mrs. E. J. Freeman and Mrs. George Marlott were ap pointed on the supper committee. Mrs. AI Gurgurich the entertain ment committee. Mrs. - Albert Cole and Mrs. Leo Weddle were appolntedias the decorating com mittee. Mrs. Turnbull of Salem was the guest speaker. Mrs. Blinston was assisted by Mrs. Al Gurgurich and Mrs. Ernest Freeman in serving re freshments. Spring Prom Special $000 Full Course Price High School Students Wo Will Teach You FOX TROT - WALTZ - SWING TONIGHT, 7 P.M. . LAST CHANCE TO ENROLL Paul Armstrong Studio 155 south man Gate Mr mil Mrs. Gale Carey have purchased a building site in stayton ana wore " .. . rf Monday UVOT UWMW " of last week. The new home will be located east of the cannery i .,n a three bedroom Iauu w bouse of modern construction. Mr. and Mrs. Carey, their nH infant son have re sided in Gates for years where Carey is in the sawmill business with his father-in-law, Fred Stone. Mr anH Mn Arnold Burgess of Klamath Falls are guests at the home of Mrs. ourgew suwr SYLVANIA TV THEATER EVERY.... MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Until 9 P. M. At... The .Music Center 47 N.Capitol PHONE 2-7523 and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merl Devine. They also visited reb tivei in Mill City and Lyons. NOW PLAYING DON CORTEZ and als TUNE CRIERS QUARTET Presenting t "Really Top" Floor Shows Each Evening ' THE NEW VILLAGE INN 3057 Portland Rd. ACORNS FROM THE "HI Del, if you do not see me in the OeJc Rbam for lit tie vfalie dont think I'm off you for lite, U'i Just that Lenton starts Wednesday and we're (olng to have to forto those big luclous charcoal barb qued steaks for awhile" ... "Now wait Just a minute ClurUt,x I'm away ahead of you, not as last I'm going to let you in on a at- -ere, that is. It waa a secret until now. All during Lent we are going to serve, In the Oak Room, wonderful Juicy barbequed Salmon ... the good Oregon Coast kind that a freshgu the little school bey who tried to date his teacher. And that's not aO, Charlie, you will not have to eat Salmon all the time because we win also have French fried Prawns, Plan 'n' Chips, big Crab Cocktelk with 6altlne wafers and I would be surprised if our chef would hesitate a minute to make up a big Crab Louie for you. So Charlie, you and all your friends Just remember mat during Lent or any other time tbs folks In' the Oak Room will see to it that you get plenty to eat." h Mm Ifi tfct KeM tori, Pfc. 3412S WITH DEL MILNE . V