DENNIS the MENACE 'DENNIS! FOR KENT APARTMENTS j BOOM baeement, cIom in. Emplored eBupla, BtUtloA furnished. Mono 1-7488. Jp43 CLEAN, PDBNISHID 1 room downstelrs epartmont. Private bAth. sarAie, utlll- tlAA BAM, AAA. POOno 10044. 3141 HtUl Art. lp43 AATIBAi. furnished apartments, cood lo cation. Inqulro H. u fluff, Phono 30185. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES LABGB t BOOM houio, oloctrle rAnio, All heater. larAOO, wash room. 140. 4757 Skrllne Ud. 1-8314. im45' TWO BCOBOOM house for rat, Alw I room ApArt. CaU P. H. WBIR. 1247 B. commtrAlAL Ph. IS4U. )m4l 4 BZDBOOM homo. AlAr bo Attn atL Jundftr. ASM Auburn mnd. BaIata. toil KBW MODBBN 3-btdroom bouiA, Keller IHlt. CAU jm0- IHARJC BOMB ncAT Bhoppint cenur. I bodrooniA. LIT. Rm., Din. Rrn., full bAiA nont, AArAdo. All on iround floor. AtaU Abla to ruUrA, I47.M. PArtlp fttrnkhAd, 1 bod room homo. ! Be. nrd. Boa Sot L. Boumo, BAAltor. 1140 X. CapIIoI. Jm43 4TLBAN UNFURNISHED ABA bedroom bOUft. BAT AAA. f44. AdOltA. NO PAtA. Ph. 4tlM. im44 MODBBN CUUtt sno bedroom, electric rnniA and rofrliorAtor furnUhed. Pb. J7410. Jm OKI BBDBOOM hotiM And fArui. oscol lont BAlahborbood, buA And Atoru AlcAo. pnrtlr furnUhed. Oerdon ipot. ISO. DUcount II ItAAOd. pb. 43&M or 41734. Jmi4 VNPCBMUH 4 roomi And both At US Bo. LAn cuter. Pbono 4A43S. Im44 ALMOST NBW, J bedroom houet, electrlo -TAnso, bArdwood floon, auiomAUo boot, laiulAtAd. 1330 MapIa Are. Jm43 TfWO'BEDBOOM bouse for rent, aIao room aPATtment. CaU F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1347 BO. OommerdAl Phone 00411 jm4I CABlNB-NeAt, ulet. cloAn. ePACloue lord. .Week AT month. Reuoneblr priced. 4473 PortlAnd Rd., HorrArllle. Jmt3 fOB EKVT sererAl Houam, ISO per month. Alto S itory conertte wert bouiA with electric elerAtor, etort room on Part Street. BTATB PIRAHCB CO., Phone 14131. )m OFFICE FOR RENT f OB A-BOOM Sum, 0 alnilA, Oreion Bulldlnt. Phono 14114. Jo GROUND TXOOB oINoe or atero apaoa for rent. Call At Pltte Uirket fa LOST ft FOUND LOST SATURDAY nAr Armorp, tone AArrlnf. Pb. 00477 Rhine k4S FOUND IN Downtown flAlem a fum of moner. Oner Identlfr en pat lor tbli Ad. Phone 343SS After 1 p.m. in Ae'eeAee,AA'AAAAAe' MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES Da HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolpb Eldx., Bute Ai OommerclAl StA BALEM Pb J-n m BER-BIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVt MOVE YOURSELP SAVE PICTUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION dlt COURT ST. PHONB 1-1031 PAOS BTEVaTNSON and AL MEPPORD BXCELUNT LAWN aat oardoa fertUlier. Ph. 40007 or 00400. m43- AUDI BAND At O RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Btoed cleArlns Dltcblns Bewer and Baaammt Eculpment Rente Dltehlno by the Foot Phone Dere 1-3100 tree. 1-4411 ar 3-74H BAlem, Ore em to lONORI THE WEATHER Come to the Launderette tor WAablno and drylnt. Yrm set your clothet back neatly folded and 1b a ilftr. The oott at aurprlAlnilr low. Phone 1-4OS0. Opes Mondaya and Prldaya till p.m. lmnreRETTX 13SS Perry St. m4t NOW K THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT A NEW ROOP OR 8IDINO JOB. 10 YRS. EXPERIENCE. PREE ESTIMATES. CASCADE ROOFING CO. US CROSS ST. PH. 14033 or 44011 m44' BUILDING MATERIALS Plywood Plywood Plywood MT OOODNZBS. what an AAeArtmentl OxS Relecta, new car blowe enO mill oada runnlne out of our eerell All priced rloht. Plywood cut to pour Hie. KNOTTY PINE Pancllno I1J0.J0 U13 BhelTlna It a nlcel SIDtNOa, au sradet from lis 00 to 1341.00 VLOORnoo, lit "D" 00I SO, au Oak tnclwdlna No. 1 RL Red. WALLSOARDS, all ktnde low ae 01 40 4x0 INSULATION. I ll baa. AU colore And ktnde at roollnt. Leree rarutr ol oroofod. atAlted, eend-bleeted, end deee hum alieMAi 4A aheete. eeuAree or la ace., beeutlful for Interior welle. Prom eo to KIM SEE IT!! I TRY OUR CHEERFUL SrRVICI The oua ablnaa here en ina uatei Cell ar eee (acwi. TOUJ BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS" PorUand Road Lumber Yard (OPEN AlX DAY SATURDAY) 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 BED CEDAR MINGLES 4 iracW. delle ores ar picked AP. Tea Manor. Fb. By Ketcham . : ; ; i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED EUCTR1C rOBTABLt jewini ma. cnint. Kouna ooooin, (.irplas typt Mr nint uue. Good wwIdi cotKUtion. $59.M. aioitr Bewlrif Ctnttr, 110 M. Com'l. Optn Friday trenlnn. nii DSIO WeitlnchoiiM automatle UQBdroniit, FOB lALal Nlci tvnnpliU badraom itt. Ilk Mt, and triah burner. Inqulrt al iH 8. lftb at., aalvm. On., mornlnsa ertrtnln. Phona 1-4510. b4 t-lIKCB BAT! SET, tonapHtoj, 1 114; cloaa- soupitxi cioHt, Ti.raoua cnina dbbUo, tai iron una ltd tub. BALKU PLUUBDfa CO. 100 Ukrkt Ph. 3-0T7I or S-OS3I DBIO IINOEB DBOPHKAD trsoull . ing ntcniD. ouarantMd. 110.00. Blnfir Btmlnf CnUr, UO M. Oom'L Optn Frl dar aTtnlnu. bo WE ABB MOTINO Mult lACrlflOA MAytAS ' biihi moaej, 40-UKa oren. Pb. 1S070. nii AUCTION SUNDAY, 1140 p.m. Oleawood reruion. e muee n. aeiem on 09B. Purnlture. AppUencee, Chrome, Oimi, Toole, AntlquAt, etc. nts USED SDfGEAt, electric porttble ecwlni machine. New motor, lurbt And foot control. GuAranteed. 030.SO. Staler Bew. Ink Center. 130 N. Com'l. n43' OOOD 0PIECE 401S3. dlnlno room aet. Ph. B43 PLAT PEN, blob cbAlr, potty ohAlr, wub- wie menial, neon COBOIUOB. ROAIon- eblt: 3I0S1, n SENSATIONAL BABQAINSI I New Bed- wu, dw. s,eecaea UAK, Ain, Meple, Welnut. Beet Bun 1b All Selem. Bee Olena Woodryi, llol N. Bummer. TTAdee . B.Z. Terme. Pree Deurerr. n41 rxBTiLlZER Semi-rotted' menure. 03.SO rd. dellrered, tArmera only. 14774. no OHBOME-CHBOME-CHBOMB! t I Baa. tirul eetl. Loweet PrlCAI. Olenn Wuu4. rye. loos N. Summer. Terme - Tredee. Bee them today. nil I BLUE DAVENPORT and ohalr, BreAktAtt H reiriaerAeor Ana BMroom culte. MuaI sou IhlA week. 440 Palmew Are. Sacbipice s ROOM! hi mdo Purnlture AppiiAnceeii a mAAalre pe. Bed BultOA hArdwood. like new. u aMm 0130. p.o. WAlnut Dtnln Bnlte, renr nice 1110. 0 pc. Duncan Pbyphe Chrome anneite aba. doiusa weetlncbouee Bleo- trio tunoe. ueht, tuner, clock, enotleaa. 0100. 0' Olbion DelukA RefrloerAtor with new acrsea top oioo. BuutweU Daren. port a Club CbAlr, nearly sew, frleee, only 000. 11x13 Plot Mirror SIS. New s AAiion BiectrM water neater. (Tin oul MAke) 000. Plrettone RAdlo-Prono Conaole 070.00. Welnut PUno 0100. Doo cne other real banalne. Olena Woodrr fnrniiurt AtArt. lew it. Bnamer. Termt, TTAdee Pre Deltrery. n43' HOUSE PULL or rerr nice furniture, be lns eold to cke eatAte. Bee at 310 Col amble from J to t p.m. WEDNESDAY UW1.T. B43 BABY BUOQY tood condition. Ml Bit h- lena Ave. b43 BOUND OAK Table II. Olena WoodrTA sercAinA ion n. Bummer. B43 WANTED cement mlxrr without motor, Fn. 3D114. BA44 BEAUTIFUL USED Electrlo Renin, Re. frlreratore. like new. rerr low nrlcee. Terme, Trade, Olenn Woodry'a, tool N. Bummer. n43 SCHl'BEBT PIANO, ISO; baby tende, 113 00. 3100 Neel, Phone 4S300. B43 OOOD BADIOS 110. Olenn Woodrr. nil- WILL SACBIFICE prectlcelly naw 1370 Mertar Deluxe Oee RAnce with over elee 10" oren, for 0131. CaU 1-S37I. B44 BIKES 010, 010, IIS. Olena Woodnfe, 100S N. Summer. B431 Mcculloch chain saws, ooa Edcewater, weal selem. SAlera Looclns supply Ph. 0-1141. a STEEL LAWN Chetre Spc. IS S. Olenn Woodry'a, loos N. Bummer. n43 SELP-SERVICE OARAGE Too do Work and cava. Phone 4-SS63. bos 0 DOOR MIRRORS I3.4S. Olenn Woodrr'A 1000 N. Bummer. B43 10' TRIPLE GLASS Blrkenweld meet ceee. About 01SOO aew. Mara alter. Boa 407, Cepltel Journal. n43 CHESTS O'DRAWERS 08 71 Woodrr. 1006 N. Bummer. S13.H. B43 LATE MODEL Klrbr recnum cleaner with All AUAehmrnto lneludlno floor poueber. 01V so. ISIS so. com'l. NEW END Tablet 03.36 to 131. Olenn Wood rr'a. 1000 N. Summer. n43 LATE MODEL automatic O. 3400 Maple. 010S. Drrer. nil St). TI B MATTAO weaher 031. Othere Oil to 080. Olenn Woodrr'o Beroela Btore, 1006 N. Bummer. n3 SI'PEB CHAROEB from 1037 Oraham. Ph. 48H7. B41 PREE Weatlnohouae aewlns mAcbtnec on All floor Mmplea. Bare up la cot. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 370 Cbemeketc. V Close-Outs Laeiber Depertaieat Retular Sale 3X4 RL NO. 4 Comm. S4S..M00 17.00 3" D OrAdo Slid. Cealno., .07 .03 14" D credo BN Caalno.. .00 ,03 St a-.a w T. Clear A Coder Aidmt loo oo no oo Hii RL O Cedar Sldlno.. 00 00 00 00 1x4 RL E Ploorlno 05 00 70.00 AUH a.neC-Oeiai Plr at AfAboOAM 4 SO to S OS 3-oxO-OilS 1 Panel '"1111 CHEVROLET 0 door Sedan Deluxe. 14x0-8xlS A Oradc 1 Panel. 0.10 3-OxS-OxlH A oroao I renei v.i Wlniewe And Sub Renler Sale 38x34 IS Oao NO. 091 o.ea em 3-1011-11 IS OSM I Lite... 170 l-10xl-t 1H OSIt 0 Lite ... Ill 1-0x1-1 IH OHM 0 Lite .... 100 1-10x3-11 IH OStf t Lite .... 100 'lot ... Fa boo WalKOOter ana has aeaa weii '"' 1 ...... Gallons 40 4.73 OuerU Tuxolito Oallono 1-80 Tuxollte QuerU L30 Llneleum, rea. l it ta 3 04. 1 " ConaowAll -AS JO Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front At Court Street Pbcao 1-1111 we give mh green stamp. B MUST MOVE el once. Will sacrifice ranse. refer., W softer, error, irccver, All nrw, Pb. 4113. FORSAltMISetlUNIOUS T?V" W"" ,ATI -cede " 1 the uwauwrrTi. weehlna ud Crrlna ejoue test ud eeonorokeellr. You act jeer asethee beta bcae-drr ul aoetir !SVlI1vf'"" Ateweaar Ftltor Bloats SUI tor pear mmlm. iut7TrorRrrn 1 1IH Perrr at, rbau I-48J8 NATIONAL RSHUIMO cash rctloter. Al- e W'lrn eBtAU BAtloaal MUUll. Ph. 18378. B43 ; "f. JL O B. new and need. TBATBB aPPLLANCS CO. ITS CBAmek- SIUT T ACTUM Claw. n. tWM. P.r- IOCB OOBtltloa, now poiuner AltAch- DUO wsahlno machines, toot And APPUANCS CO. TH Chereeaeta. CUD PUBNITimS for oalo At 10)0 Batl- new otroet. stneer Treadle Sewlnt Ma chine, round boabla. Dlnlnt Table. Dav enport And CbAlr, Metal Bod complete. Pleasa aU hetweea I An. end pjn. B4t PLAtTI-A' A reaulreo no WAAinf. Par rour noon ar linoleum YSATia AP puakci CO.. lis Cbemekeu a OBOANIO P1BTILIZEB. Prot Ol IM soodo. And odorless. Beck or balk ardero delivered. Phono 3-0137. b04 $5.00 Per Day REDUCTION On one 8-cu. ft. Zenith Re frigerator, with frozen food compartment Starting Price Feb. 7, $229.95 FEBRUARY 19, $179.95 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard PRONT At COURT STB. PHONB 19111 (We Olrt BAB Ore en fttempi) NOW II the tune to bur jour 1S3 West. insnouee eutomAtle dryer At onlr 0300 00. VALATKJ4 AfrUAHCB CO. 170 ChemekrtA. FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted TdAnurA. compoitA, the OA mo ouAlltp u lAt rcAr, for borne And ler den. PlAAitoneA, red Iata Atone And other trpee for vaIIi or oArdene. Runic eedor fenclno end trellU work. PhlUlpe Eroi, Rt, o. Box 403, BAlem. Pb. 4-JMI Gravel and Sand AnrtblnA fn orAeeL vholeeAlo Bad retell. VALLET BAND e O RAVEL CO.. Ph. 340O. B DEEPFREEZE borne freeeere. TEATZR AP PLXANCB CO.. 370 ChemekrtA. n OSP1TAL BED for calo or rent, B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone II US. a S00 ALLOWED tor your old water beeter on thlA new 43-ffAllon automatic eiec. trio water beeter. Yeator. Appllanoe on caemrketA. pn. otu. n CEDAB TELEPHONE and electrlo Dolea. fence poitA, been poato And otexoe. PhlUlpe Broa., Rt. f. Box 401. 1 mllee eaat ar e corn.ra. rn. eaosi. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WOODSY WANT PlABOA. Phone 3-1110. oa WNATED Uaed 0X11 umbrella tent muat bo In rood condition Phone 43031 ne44 LOGS WANTED Btnd Mill. LenlthA 1 4" or 10' S". Dl- Ameter 0' to 10". SAwmOl, Lentlhe 13 And lonier. Dlemeter S ' to 00' Top prlcu PAld. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1130 no WANTED 1041 Olda. "0" motor, for Hr- drAmAtlc tranamteeion. Haa to be xood. Phone 44316. baas WANTED WAlnut meeta, end WAlnute In ahelL Hlsheat eeah price on dellverr. AfORRIS KXORFEIN PACKINO CO. 400 N. Praat at, BAlem Ph. S7033 BA WANTED Furniture, too la And mlAe. Ketaer AucUoa now open for eonalsn mente. BAle ererr Wed., 7:30 p.m. 1030 Chemowa Road. To sell, oo bur Ketaer Auction, Pb. 37310. BeSO' BLBCTRIO RANGES. WoodrrA. Pb. t-SUO. OA PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. OrOUP No. 1, 3080 N. Commercial. Pb. 1-0410 or 3-4SS7. P05' rSTCHIO CARD READER Rd. Pcone 443SS. -3400 Wallace SECCRITT DETECTIVE AoencT, prlrete iBTeitloAtlone. 130 Pacific Bids. Phone 4-3340. P00 PERSONAI, PROBLEMS ANALYZED PruatrAtlont, buslneee, marrlAAe, ro mance, emplonncnt, aelf adrAncement. Ann HofArd, 4S7 Commerclel, phone 3-1700. P4S NOT responsible POB anr debta other then at? own. DAvtd DrakA, Lapine, Oreton. p43' FOR ADVERTISING book matchaa, phone 3-8011. p3 AUTOMOBILES Gas Savers! HERE'S YOUR CHOICE OF TWO 1952 ENGLISH AUSTIN 4-DOOR SEDANS IMAGINE! GETTING BETTER THAN 30 MILES TO THE GALLON AT TO DAY'S HIGH GASO LINE PRICES! THEY'RE NEARLY NEW. BOTH HAVE LESS THAN 500 ACTUAL MILES These are roomy, 5-Psgr. 4 door Sedans. The -Austin is England' most popular fam ily car. Only $1795 HURRYI ONLY 2 ON OUR LOT Loder Bros. 0S4 CENTER TEL. t-7071 HOME OF THE ROCKET 400 CENTER TEL. 3-7971 q43 1 power iliac, fullr equipped. Pb, 41138. - 11 - lotl CHEVROLET Suburban Carrrall. low mlleece. excellent runnlne condition, end appeerence. Phone Delias 1137. 100 Miller avenue. 044 1084 FORD Pickup, 8116.00. 3901 Roberu Ave. 044 1047 CHEV. 4 door Sed. In pert, condition, muat ecu. coin, t'ieoo. u priced tioooo under market. Phone 3-S304. 41 I'oo'lHt CHEV. 1 door etrlo 0 dcluis. Radio 73 ana oiimt, k. r-ji. .no. vmim. n.q 1141 PLYMOUTH COl'FE RedU. breter, 1 new tires, cleen Inside end out. Motor lood. Cen be eeea at 1st Cbarlea. or phone 4-3031. C44 THREE OOOilO TIRES with tubee. belter than everaee. OS each. 330 A. atrere. 043 FOR SALE Duel dmo short loo truck wltb loo. roosts I loss cars, af 17100 arerdnoa s AUTOMOBILES STOP! BOSS SAYS: Have a Real Used Car Sale WE MEAN IT! Make Us an Offer! 1992 PACKARD DE LUXI SEDAN Fully equipped, cw car. 1851 PACKARD DE LUXE SEDAN Automatic trans., radio, heater. 1950 CADILLAC MODEL 62 SEDAN Fully equipped 1950 PACKARD DE LUXE CLUB SEDAN Overdrive 1951 PACKARD DE LUXE SEDAN (400 Series) Fully equipped . 1950 NASH STATESMAN SUPER SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive 1S49 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE SEDAN Radio and heater 1949 PACKARD SUPER DE LUXE SEDAN Radio, heater and overdrive 1948 STUDEBAKZR LANDCRUISER SEDAN Radio, beater, overdrive - 1948 PACKARD CONVERTIBLE COUPS Radio, heater, overdrive 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDAN Radio, heater 1948 PACKARD SEDAN, CLIPPER MODEL Radio, heater, overdrive 1946 NASH SUPER SIX SEDAN Radio, heater 1947 DODGE CUSTOM TOWN SEDAN Radio and heater , 1942 PACKARD CLIPPER SEDAN Radio, heater and overdrive NOTICE! LISTING ABOVE ONLY PART OF OUR STOCK OF USED CARS. Most are one-owner can and guaranteed. "Easy Bank Finance" STATE MOTORS, INC. YOUR PACKARD DEALER USED CARS 678 SO. 12TH ST. v AUTOMOBILES NoDownPaymt. OR APPROVED CREDIT 40 BTTTDB. BUS. CPE. Heater .... 43 BUICK SUPER BEDNTTB. .... RftH. aeat covera. 40 FORD TUDOR DLX. S RAH. aeat covert, new tranA. 43 BUICK SPEC. PORDOR R&H. eaat covera, new paint '48 FORD CLUB CPE. SUP. DLX RAH. excellent tlrea. dean I..ITO0 .. wo , SOI '40 CHEV. PORDOR cHTLElAASTESl. 000 RAH, AeAt covers, aportltte. '47 6TUDB. CHAMP. PORDOR TOO ROrH, feet covero, wind, weaher, nrw paint. 40 DB SOTO BUS. OPB. ,.t Ml RAiH. eeet cffverA, wow Ureo meeh. o.k. 'IS FORD V-0 PORDOR STECIAL Across from Marion Square CAPPS 253 Union Ph. 3-6143 1037 PO.NTIAC 4-door AedAB, 100, or beat offer. Rt. 1. Box 3S0, on Hoe ere uni off Wallace Rd. w. L. Foweu. TOTAL PRICE 0376. Terma. 1040 InolUb Ford 1 door. Phone dan 94041. Q44 WILL TRADE equltr In late model oar S70OO dori, or eee At S8S a. I2tn. qee '60 WILLYS PICK-UP 40 CHEV. PICK-UP '41 FORD PICK-UP '40 STUDEBAKER PICK-UP '40 FORD LCOOER 44 8TUDEBAK. SHORT LOOOER 01406 '40 OUC. SHORT LOOOER, 11700 CATS, T4 AND D-4 Late model wheel tractor equipped PRICED TO SELL BIRD AUTO ft EQUIPMENT S71 WallAca Rd. Weat Selem Pb. 30080 q43' 10 DELUXE Chev. Coupe. RAdlo. beeUr, 01100. Phone 40200. 043 J51 Hornet HUDSON CLUB COUPE. RAH, HYDRA UAT1C, LUXURIOUS 1-TONE PAINT, 1 OWNER 5 Special SHROCK MOTOR CO. Wriarst r,htmtketav OOM TO Church 4 FORD CUHTOM Club Cp. with over drive ond eu mtCMioriM. uceiieot con dition. 440 eKlrvlew Ave. o4 1941 old H. '' 4 -door. Oood tires and body. Need motor work. Phone 44S15. ?' iaii rmv. RPCCIAL de luxe 4-door. Or lllnl paint, very clew. 360M. 3061 State. ' 1140 rutv. 4-DOOR Mdaia, 1 Phone 23383. -fss. mD It R DAM QOOA SOtVlltaOO. eneme, new tirH. v.aui a,eowai. . 8ALK OR TRADE, 14T Chevrolet Aero rden. Rtvdto. beater, otner extrae. tun Aouth Water St., Silver ton, Ore. q44 TRUCKS H CHEV 1',-TON truck, I1M. lood eon. dlt I on. MH PfDDte M4I t FARM EQUIPMENT HEAVY DUTY Implement trellor. 10 plr tlrea. tlltlno bed. Ph. 44370 or AM a Clear Lake ReOAtr. b44' Ae'e'e'e'aeAeaaaaeeee AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR UAVINO RADIATOR TEOUBLET Veller Motor Co. cxperte wlU eolvo rour arob- lerra and oare rem moner. Free ecu mAtea, apecdr eerrlcc. center at Ubertr. AC- HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE, 18 Caterpillar and hydraulic blade. Oood condition. 4) Chev. OX truck, lot b.inka, food. End hooka and cable. Joe C. Sander. Rt. 1, Bog U Tiirnir Orwton Turntr M. 044 1 SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, axles, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. 355S Portland Road Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVl-lN arts efeeeeeeaeeeaeeeeeeeaeae MACHINERY FOR SALE Mouldrr (Hell end Brown) a" w a", raur de. BAiin aeenna. No. 40 SturdeVAOt txheuat Iab, Ploln bearlne. SO" iMattiAont AatomAtlo lAtbo, bell beerlns OCBOO Mff. Oo, OentrtUe, Wosb. AUTOMOIILES LOOK! 44 FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 art aumature, ParBlturo, Oar AT PERSONAL It's "roe- araoaptbr to oca- plorad mem at woman. 1-vlalt Voab . . . Phone flret. Ton aeieot Beet parmeae aete. Between parser Icaba. ( pnoBA, write ar eocao at wwait Personal Finance Co. 104 KIOR ST, SUtLSat Ula Laecaaa Haa. B-1U, M-100 Loaao over loot ap la 11000 And up to la man the to racer made ar Poraonal PlnAncc Oo. ac Marlon conntr ander the IndoatrlAl Loan Csmpaaiea Act a OretoB. r atP3? 'If. ADTO LOANS wnXAutrrrE credit CO. 181 South Church Parklno a-Plentr Ph. J-ltIT Us, No. If-IN, B-1S4 5 Interest If sou bare Idle funds sceklna threat ment, then rou ara the type at person to whom wo can bo of aarrlca. For over Twenir-flvo T.are we bave abeen helplno people In thu aommunltr find profitable work for their moner. DurlBC tbU period we here promptlr peld 00 eeml-aaaaal let. reel parmeaU totalllnc manr Thousands af Dollars. Wo aro current!? perlnc 0 H4TBREST OB funds from s0 to 15004. General Finance Corporation 138 B. COUrAERCIAL ST. Salem. Or aeon Phono i-Slfl r PRIVATE tfONET BpoelAi Rotes and Terms On Laner Leans Lone and Short Tlato PermenU ROT B. SIUUONS 730 B. OommerclAl St. Pb. 1-8181 STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? IT so, eee as todar. Ceasolldate pour debu Into ONB parmrnt monthlr with smsller pormento. Oct In touch wltb us todar. t-llt PHONB 14111 M-313 167 So. High St., Salem, Ore. fit LW. ovist end at -138 ABd ROT H. SlbtalORB INSURANCE AND LOANS Beer 'Tep rrodee II oo Deiir KSLtt isoo Ke. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS . Coram erclAl St. Tel. 3-lltl BSB OS FOR FARM. CITT ar ACREAOB LOANS . BIST OP TERMS WB BUT Real estate mortcaceo at aonlrocto. State Finance Co. in a. Hub at, pb. ttm HOUSE TRAILERS SHU SUBURBAN home, uke uu modal House Treilct oe deva parmcot. Lena Lane Trailer Pleaa. 1040 LAna Ave. te LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4 A.F, 7 St A.M. Wed., Feb. 18, F. C, degree, 7:00 p.m. 42 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINE All m.koM aMd nachlnu MM. r-ntoi-tt nMlrtofl. Hotn, M Court. Ph. sVI??!. BULLDOZ1NO Bulkiotlns rol. eUrliif (Mtta. Vlrsll Ruikty, loit rumiw, n. MHI. ' CASH ttEQIftTIti fnetenl deliver, at aew RCA aaeb rec letero. AO makea, aald, rented, repaired Boca, 404 Court. Pa, mtt. a M A R K E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAJra FBODUCB LIST . MlerlAt TentA'Jra aobi.ct to ImaMcB- ato cbAmrei Fremlua cuelltr. mejumam one per cent Aetdltr deueer- In PartlABd 00-730 lb.: Ural caalllr r-lee: aaautr. 04-070. Veller rcalao aad eountrr aeinte, t ecnto leaa. MlteawwaoleAAla f.a.b. bnnt oaoao oa wboleeelero erode AA 00 acoca. Olel A erode. 03 jcoro, 00c; a, SO ecore. Oeei O. SO aaoro 04c Abcra prlceA atrletlr aeealaaL Cbaeee Silltao pnoe to PortlAnd whole- aalere. Orecoa Ataclee. 43tA-ec Oroaaa 0 m. loaf, 00-tl0i Irlplelc IMe leao than olnalea. Beee 0a wailninni canoed onto oaa- tAlnlne aa loee. eaeea Included P. O. B. Portland. A orade ktrae 48 te -40 Wet A (radc medlua, 44VI7CI a arada kuoc 4J 44 He. Pert la Ad Dakr amaraeo Better rrtoe la retenera: oraaa aa print. Tie: A certoa.,71c; A prlBIa, Hoi oartca. Tie I B prtato. OSc. Asa-.0 retAucre, uraoe aa, laraa, axi larie, OO-Olw AA medium, toe: A oaedt- am. 41-4 act a aaull, aomlBAL Car tone. 3c addltlonAL Ptlco to retenera. PortlAnd. Oreooa olaolee, OOlt-OOel S-IA. Icaree, U-UMa Ib.i IrlpUtA, lWe Iaai Ibaa ala lea. Premium Brando elnsloa, OOteei loot. Ottoc Proceeaed AmerlcAB cheeao, S-la. loeeoa to retell, 43 S -44 We to. PeaMrr u, cojeaeaA neo. i euajitr. p. o. a. planu.) Prrere, 1H-3 lba, 30-1 1c: 3-4 IbA, 30-Olci rcAtlerA 4t IbA, And ceer, SO-llc; heerr bene, au waKhia, S3-33c: lnobt nana. All welohta. 10-10ci aid rooetott, 10-lSc Dreeeed caleaeae FrrorA. 34-1 Ida, ao ooc: roattcra. A0-44e: Ucbl bene. Sl-lsa; boat, bene, OC-37CJ out ap irrarf. all welehte. A3-44A. ataeaata A Terete to srowcro: ura wbltee. 0-0 inc. sl-SSei S-S lba. ao-lte lb.l aid doCA, 10-13C. few blchar. Preeb draoted frrara la rettllere, M-clel out us oa-cio. CMalrr aUBed BUeU, veei top aueutr. oo-ooo m.i roasa bearlea 30-40C. eneaB blockoro. SO-SOci oowo, Wbt 13-3SC. Lam he Tap trade aartBoera, oa-caci ether iradeA, aecordlna ta analltr. Meltea Beat oweo and wethara 18-iao Beef milltr cowA, is-loo lb.; cAnner- euttara, X4-3&0. , , Freak DraAeed Meata i re ten re. Ktenare par Beef sieera choice. BO0-TO0 lbs. 810-41; oood. 8J8-41: commercial. 031-30; BtUltr, 033-30. Cewo commercial. 010-14: utllltr. S3S- 3S: Conner, 037-31. eef Cute (oholeo eteerel Hind aoar- ten. 047-01: rounda, S4S-S0: full kKna Uunmed, 004-70: trranolea, 133-je: lorc quartara, 014-10; cbucaa, 110-40; ribs. SOS-83. veet oood. 08-54; eommerclela. sso-oo. Celveo Choice, 840-SO; eommerclela, S40-00. Laaabo Prime oprtBSOro, 00-00 coc I4S-4S: oood. 843-44. Atellea oood choice, axo-34. Perk CaU Loins, No. 1. 0-11 lbs., 030- 03: anouioers. 10 lba.. oss-io.oot oparerino, 140-40: freah bams. 10-10 ibe., oss-00.00. Smeaea Heme Skinned, osi-osoi olea bacon. 043-01. Refined lord In drumo, I17 118 SO: AlAb bacon, 331-041. Pertland Mieeellaaoeae Celerr Cel. flat crau. l-lti dos, S3 IB. 04.30. Pew to 84.50. Ore.. 01 15-1150. 60 in. eacKs weat orecon ral lows, medium. S4-4.S0I 3-lnch.. S4.S0-0: No. aa, 08.00-30CI ecu are, to lba. eacKs. 00-47CI Idaho rellowe. leree. 01 1S-I.7S: No. loroc tl.3S-t.T8: white mad. laroo. It.10- 4.00; lew to 04.30. petAleca orc-woob. ruseeta. wo. 4.30-OOt noma brands ta 4.70; bakers, S 15-60; SO lbs, aloe A, US-SI: 10 lb. meeh. SO-OOoi paper, BO-ooet Idaho roaeeto, balea. 8-10 lba, 3.00-10: 100 lb. aacke 0.00-lSi It IB. NO. 10. 1,40-00. Ar o. m. no. s stocb auaixa. aourar 1 ear loto P.O.B. Portland, aomlnallr to. aa ion: aeattie, oto.oo-43. Wool Willamette valla moathr ai at eso id. aroaae oajts. waee-oalroa,. 10.10a IB. aoeordlnt ta weltbtii areen klpe, 10-l.ei boat, lO-lto u.t ouiit, -4Het trttn botebtw oow hide. niMrw wnoiaaaio aaiiina tmeo no. 1 lane Barcelona, Si2e lb.; crovar prlaea, ere n B.rtij 7UO, ioA.4ti ib. Wtviaata w&oiatalo atlUas prtea, flret aoeUtr Una Pranquettaa, SS-llo lb.i rower prlot, arcbard ran. Urlie few seat m in. PertUad Orals Portland sfj Wo eoarat rralm. Wheat bid to arrlra market, baale No. l. Duic, delivered eoaet: Soft White 143; wnite ciub a u. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary J.43i 10 per cent S.ti: 11 per cent 3.43: IS per cent JA3. Car rwelpu : wheat IB; Hour corn B: oau l: mill reed 10. DIRECTORY DBlSSfAKINO AlUrfttloni, himstltehlni , b n 1 1 o n a, buekUi oovtriHl, uUcao.4ki. Htt, B. U. Alltndtr. J-Mll. 054 D SI VI NO INSTRUCTION' Ltara to ttrlvo tht "lur Dtiro" w?. CkU or m Mr. Rlektrt, Talltv Motor Co., StUtn. Phono 11141 or 46174. o- EXCAVATINO Bd OUta ok Mon. jTsoATOtlnc, vrodlnc, 1ad4 elfrlM. Phont t-SOSO. o0 INDU1TEIAL TBUCRS For k -lift truelu. IniMt ond outald work. HnUr, Clark. MobUt lift, two and 4000 lb. BiMhiott. Br dir. k or moatb. TU. mu. copital city Trou Ur. o INSULATION IruuUtlon, wttthentrlpi, icrMM. Ttm timatw. T. liUmoa. Ptaoao )NK. O60 MATTBESSER Capitol Bcddlnf, ronoTRtw. Pull lint Be aottreuei. Pb. 14069. o OPPICB FURNITURE SUPPLIES Duk chalri. Mm, Hint auppllca, ufei. dupultcfttora, iuppMm, dtak limpA, tjp writer aUDds. Roen. 450 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Mlks't Beptrc Service, Tonka cleaned. D'rootar eltani oewen, dralna. Phone 1-9484. 068 Ham el aeptlo Unka eleoned, lino oerY Ice. Guaranteed work. Phone 17404. o47 Sewer, aeptlo Unka. drama cleaned. Ro-to-Rootcr Bewer atrrleo. Phona S-U37. o TELEVISIOV TV Balea, Berrlce. Antonns. Ave. Phono 4-W33. 1170 Lana WINDOW CLEANING "B ok Z" Window Cleanera, paint acrap- Ini, floor waxim and aeneral aervice. Realdentiala our apeclaity. Oo anywhere. Ph. 2-7931. 041 Acme Window Cleanera. Industrial floor waiint, boueecltanlns. Phono S-1U1. 147 Court. TTPEWR1TERS Smith. Corona, Remlnaton, Roral, Un derwood porta blei. AU makea wad di ohlnaa. Repairs k rant Roan. 4H Court LEGALS ESTATE OP Mir HA EL CARTT fm. IIpWIP TO WHOM CONCERNED: NoUCO la heribf riven that tha Pinal Report of tha Adminttstratrlt la now filed la tha Otfloo of tht Countr Clerk. That br Order of Court taaued or nei Klmmell, Circuit Judae, laid Report will eome on for nearlne in open court in Salem. Oreion on March S3, IBM, at till A.M.. In the old Hiah School buUdins. The aald Report ahowa no ciaima pena- Int aea in 1 1 aald Eatate; that tho ai hao been fullr adnilnUtered. There beina on ob)ectlon filed, aald Report will be approved, tho Admlalatra trtx will bo dleoharaed and bar Boot aonerated. Eleanor A. oartr. Aosaiioutrairu. 090 Lane alter Drlvo, Salem, Oro. O. W. Emmona, Attorntr. 17W Court St.. Salem. Oreton. Datea of publieetton. Pebruarr IS sod H. Xearch 4. 11 and IS, IBM. Prescription-like medicine stops Sour Heartburn Gas .PiUa out J5rt of meld $tomach dl$tns! How H'a smdtoaa to traffir Imrnfnf palaa f eptl liidiattrm. van. hMrtbarn-thankt to "prtaerlptlao'typa" fortnala af t, H. rfundar, Ph.O. Mlca1.r-piwH PfunrUr'a TabWU afMM away pain with mel-mmf tralfttnt flla. Yea aat mnat anrthing ira Hk-wlU-pat (rar af diatrw. Amilnh oTjppk vlif fTMf-sMUtw., or moo try back t Gat tfolw't TaMats t4atf. 10,M0,0M aai4. CapltaJ Joanul, Satau, Or, SALEM MARKETS tar oaa reaonia af Oaaltel fan aal reaaera. (Iterteea aenr.l BeAaS Peed er4aea Otaaalt PeSele a3At Itt-te. aas). 0480- 1.03 (loo-sa. aa. En etna 1110-0040. Betrf Peed 03J" IT0-B). aas). 03 0O-0J0 (00-lb. AMI. 04.00-0.40 (101 era,). Pealerr Bartaa Prleea colaret Inara. lie: aid leoelera. loci oalotad fowl, XSe; leenarai sowi. aaei raaeeare, aea, Eee Bartat Preaee loo. AA. SOo: Mm A. 31-4301 mediuat AA, taoj medium A, 34 30c: amalL 10a. 'looo aas vBaieeaia Bncao saBarailr S-7a hut her thaa the prtcca aboec. Laroo srada A cenerallr aacoad at 40ct medium. ASe. Batter tal Burlne arlcc: ocauaBt. Tl- Taci No. L oo-70c: Bo. S. 07c. BXftieawwholeaAla erede a Tie tk. retail, Tla. ratala, Oaloa Mart at OreooB Bute CaUece Ptileta And bbsob Ahlpments continue to decline, and prleea were BBcnanoed sa lower. Potato Ihlpoaoato ehrrlao the week eed tno Pebruarr 14 were beanar than ahlp meau af a week coo. Total ohlpmeato la the aatlea that paet week totaled Around 4000 ears. This waa aa taareeae af aoata too oars ever ablameala af a week earlier. Hera ta Oreaon. total Ahlpmaau thu aea. aoa ta date arc around sot can ahead of obipoaanla a rear aoa, Potato nrtcco thla eeet weak won allahU IF lower than prices of a week aoa. Folate pneeo at coma af the lea Ulna markets dropped oft from S to 30 cents a hundred durina the peat week. AS PortlAnd thla peas week, pnoeo lor oratoai roseate, u. S. N. l'e, etarted altpelnc Bear Obc alert af taa week, bus steodled and ware holdlne firm aa the week aloecd. Wheleeele prleaa raaca irom 04.M sa oe.00 a hundred lor the O. s. Ko. 1 raaseto, aad the bakers were eaiunt rrom as to 00.00 a bandred. At Chic .a e, Idaho rasaets hare boob un- eteadr 1a prlee all week. Sr'.Jllee bare been moderetc, demand slow and the mar Set allohtlr WCAker. On Pebruerv 10. weehed, Idaho rueaetc. D. 8. No. 1 A e. St to per cent 10 ounce minimum end lorotr. cold la ear lot track aalee for 04 .OS a bundredwtlsht. Thla wet from 10 to 10 cents a handredweiobt lower than prloee af a week earlier. The BAtloB A Ablpmante thla neat wee totaled 300 care. Thla Is around 130 cars leas than the previous week, and 71 cars leaa tbAB durum the aorreapcndlns week one rear aoa. Shipments from Ore oat thu past weak totaled lot cats and from Idaho 44 cars. On the Portland wholaaaU market Obi. pass week anion nrleee remained cbAnoed. Orecoa westers reUows. medium ta sloe, V. S. No. la. wboleoalad from oe.ov eo ee.Te a so pouna sack. ae ewer mArxeea la too BAttSOl Brtoca nam quite steaar lArouenaut tha week. Na areet abaneee ware noted at now Tore, ctuaasa, suaaao dtp, or Sea Franclieo. FT leaa for other voootablu an the pert- lend erbaleaalo market thu past week were Bvoallr steadr with emau arlae chsnoao. Local cabbaso Kid ascatlr around 03 so a crate far the medium site, aad cauliflower wholesaled from sl-30 to 11 00 crate, orecoa Huooard eeuaah add mastrr tor t ta 4 cento a pound with a SOW BrtBJtBS 0 CCBU B POUBd, ChlcAAC uFt With HUsaa ardor borer. otut act sbo osOAuaea wean cedar, bob pnoeo took on a ateadp ta SI eeau lower look area tnouCB tnera waa a email re. ductlCB la tha ouppLr. lba Ott-mantb peak price ar ssi.oo waa matntalned, bowever. CAttU were moatlw ateadw 1a sa sent. blober altbouob Aome beerler belfera erl- aenead woaaboss. hoot) traulno was slowed or be err re- ceipte. Butcher wtte ht koto awaoraUF eold from au ra so ana aowa iroca 018.78 tlt.TO. Oood ta prime steers aad rearllnaa cold wiuiin while aood and abatea belfere were 030.00 to HI 00, oawo bad a aracUcal tap 16.00, STOCKS (Br The Associated Prases Admiral Corporatloa Allied Chemical Alllo Cbslmera American Airlines Americas Power as Uobt. Amerleaa Tel. 40 Tel , American TnbAeeo AnecondA Copper Ateblson Railroad Bethlebem steel ...... Boalns Airplane Co. Bore Werner Burr owe Addlno Machine California Packlno Canadian Paelfle CAterpillar Trertor Celeneaa Corporetlon Cbrreler Corporetlon Cltlee Service Ooneolldeted Edison .. Consolldeted Vultao , Crown Sranerbacb .. Curtles wrltnt Oousles Alrcrefl Da Pont de Nemoaro BaetmAB rodsk Bmsrson ftsdlo Oenerel Blectrlo Oeneral Poods Oenerel Uotoro OecrclA Pec. Plrwacd ........... Ooodreer Tire HomeetAko atlnlno Co XntornAtlOBAl Harv eater latornouonol Paper Jobne MAnvllle Kennoeott Copper Llbbr HONell Lockbeed Aircraft Loewea Ineorporeted Lone Bell Afontoomorr Word 1 Naeb Kalvlnetor . , New Torfc Central Northern Peclflo v Peelflo Amerlcen Plab , 11 rive BO 1414 144 lOOVe OS 414 SOtt ....... OS 4 ItVe "H xc 80S 1 oott 07 3tt t ttts SIS Iltt 074. 11 S7 KM 04 17 S1V, 3t toy, 03 00 71 t 13 13 , SO 34Ms 13 74 llVk 30 117 Peclflo Oee St Electrlo , Pacific Tel. at Tel Packard Motor Car .... Penner, J. C. PennsvlvanlA ft, ft, Pepsi Cole Co. Phllca Radio Radio Corporatloa Reronler lneorp Reronler lneorp. Pfd. Republhe Steel ....,.. Rernolds MstAlo Richfield 041 sef.wer Btoroo Inc. .... Scott Peper Co , Seere. Roebuck At Co. ., Boconr-Veeuum OU Southern Peelflo Standard Oil Calif. .... Standard OU H. 1. Studrbeker Corp. Sunshine Mlnlne Swift at Cotnpenr Trenaamerlea Corp. . . , Twentieth Centurr Pox , Unloa Oil Compear .... Onloa Paelfle , United Airline United Alrcrefl ...a..., United Corporation United States Plrwcod . United Stetee Steel ... Werner Pictures , westtra Union Tsl Wastlnthouec Air Broke OVe ts 11H 134 ...... 13V. ...... 38 SN 47 !!!!" ton 144 , 87 . 004 30 , 41 ...... St 734 40 It 10 114 , 104 , 110 304 , 14 04 , 104 004 114 II , 44 wostlnsheuAO BlsctrM Woolwertb 404 "Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo brings amazing relief!" ssrys Mr. M. W., low einftbtv Cmllt. Snaed araaslna relief from aweary af alropM ptlea. with eootbtne Paeo. Acta u relerre para. Itchlnf vAaHMlr. Lubrkalee drr. hardened parta. Helps prevent crelnf, reduce ewdltng. Don't eutfer needleee torture af drapes ptlee. Get Para for comlortint relief. Aek roar doctor About It. fauvpoattorr form or tubee with perforated pipa. .Pass OlillaaaaS araf SaarwatawAAVal pis J ! V and arhar rectal dUaraara, Cofoa sad Sfamacb All stents, Ovpfura (Haraia) TREATfD WITHOUT HO PfTAl OPEIATION. C.J.ttoow.M a. Ov few, ear ItSI-IOel Deecrlarive Writs or Call THI DIAN CLINIC Oeea It ovil I Meeewf SresS Prleev. VeMI S p.m. Meeeer, WedeoeAer ae. rrleay. Cfclreerecrle rerakleee ... le aew 43rd rear. ten MOOTHf AST SABSBT OOOUVAA Parllmit It. Ova. WUamitf, FK 18, 195517 CBUAAO (V-Wheel and ssiteono mcrai eoara at trade wssaapi mere tbast S aaaoa Deenaad far wheel wea etrrred aa aw Weather Bureau toncaat for dait ataeras the Weeura eeouona af lba oreas PUlae. afudseasa oanert ajraaas eAewed 140-14 at-tork-. aara klabar. tiarwb 01 sa. am. eata anehewaed sa Blanar. mareos T3W-, spa ,-. alabar, Kap 0LT3H-t, oeaas 1H4 WaBer. saerea ssaavk 04, and lard 0 te 17 eeala t kasvArat Boasds Usbar. atareb OS TO. Pertaaad EaaAetao taarkat PortlAnd oua- areea anloBe ootd for cbea today eat the PortlAnd BaetaMM Parmera Wholeeaie PTOdoca mArbet. OtheeT tradlat wee clow at nominal afloat. IwrUaaS Ureetaak PwrDeaO tuo-Cetoe: toot alow; eteedF woAki oboloa llto tb. steer, Tu SI flap 34. IS! euod -choice 700 B. heUere SI; still. tr-ecmmerclal bcllcra 10-101 cAnner -culler cows 11-14: sbellA down sa 10 ar baleen uuntr caws 14.00-10 SO; atliitr bulla it-la. Calres: SO; aetlea, oteada: aoodBosao weeiers 38-lU prune to Ml aull-atuitp carfas 11-10. loos: taai aetlre. rAeedr; ahoeea ISO-Kit lb. butcbers 13-31 001 S4A-3C0 lba. 11.1a. 31 SO; abatea SOO-30 la. raaTlar aaeaoto IS so-IS so. SbccB: lots steadrt wooled lambs tO.00-30: choice aaotad ta III medium feeder tmeold; cood -choice feed era amiable 17-111 aood two peao old wetbaro UJSt o-ood-ettolee sUuabter ont S-t. Chlcaxo RlFj rhrnnUee turht, d aea aad fair, market allchttr blober aa weetera Bnaa ' lah. about ataadp Oft snldweet aaadtuat Tellow Olobea. Track aalee to The: Idaho Satanism 00) nap cent nr mare IT A. l. x.ineb and larcer. e a aa t u, D.s. 1 ear S.SSI MlBBeeata Tellow Olebas TJ4V L 00 ta 1 per cent 1-Inch and laroer oar J.sirk, ear to- ' atnM aeUe BA Ther TdAba. CrrafCBl And TJUb SpAnleb 3-Inch And utroor 4.00-0 001 mldwasS medium Tellow Olobao 3.AO-3 as, fair ta teBerallr cood X10-3.10; It-la, eaekt wblu acuers us; mienicaa orioiee twelra 1-poand oeDoo 3-SO. , DEATHS Bvelrw. Marp HUette : eelra Mary puietta, rn wis anr It. Lata resident af 3671 Ereoka Are. survived br mother. Bra PUletle. Balamt flva outers, setter sveira merr, aww wesh btra. af arte Danleon, Portland, Mr a. Dorothr Bhopherd, Mrc Ann Hoffert Aad MIao our PUlette, all at swiem; tvra anr there. Cbarlea PUlette. Pendleton, eta piuettt. Salem. Recitation at the rasar wedneedar. rea. 10 as o:so p.m. us T. Ritdoa cnapei. stcaiuem aw Thuredar. Peb. II at II a.m. ta one St. - Vincent Da Paul Catholic church wltb tat la St, Pani catnoua eeaaeteiT. PblUle Pearl Realtor Phlllle Pearl Haeelar, n tnio eitr raw. II. Late roetdont at att Lecaal St, at tha aae at It roars, survived bp niece, Mrs. Arthur Spree uo. Salem. Metoaar at the loop lodoo at Tumor, otorrhea Thoradar. Peb. II at 1:M pjt, In the w. T. Rltdon chapel. Interment si loot come terr boar cicrrordaio. Jaba Bexbael John Raphael al tna reiwenee nra Tew, St., Peb. 11. Survived bp wile, Mrs. John Raphael, salami dauchtero, Mra, RIchArd B. Spraker, BurlAlo, N.T.. And Mra. Lrle Smith. B0U0, Ida.1 eonc Robert A. Raphael, Portland, and John C. Re.' pnaol, XI ma. ween, euao eurvivect ar nine srandchiidren. Bemces will be hole! Thursday, Peb. 10. ot 1.30 p.m., ta tna Clouen-Barrtcx cnApel. TTtc ster. j. a. Rloa and Dr. P. N. Pollnt win officio te. RltueUaUc earvleea br Alnawortb Lodaw Ml, APeeAM. Interment In Baler eat Mens. octal Park. Mra. Onto M. tuauawtt Mra. owe M. Hammett, fn a local boa. Bttal Peb. 10. Survived Mr dauehter, Mre. B. Msal, wallowai aons. Oar D. Hammett, Bond. Clarence S. Hammett, Clrde BV Hammett and Wane Hammett, All af Sa. ' lem: aister. Mra. Jennie shrover, Busenel brothers. Mllford Smith, Colo., Lea Smith, Merlon, Wealer Smith, Portland; IS orand children! and 33 areet crandchlldren. Serrloee Prlder, reb. 10 at 1:30 p.m. la tho Cloush-Berrlck Chapel, Dr. Pwul N. Pollns offlclAtlno. Interment la Belerasl Memorial Park. Adelpk Thiol Adolpb Thiol, In this eltr Mbrnarp IT. Late resident of 000 B St. Aoe S3 reers. Surrlred br brothers. Louts Thiol, Slneee. neo, uwignt, AHla, Nvo, ATanx, Aurora. Ore., Robert, Ideho. jamee, Nrxlnoton,. Neb, Oeorce, blullln. Neb.. Walter ot Litchfield, Neb.; outers, Joaeffa Rawler. LI 01 a, Colo, Minnie Norok. Aurora, Anno Prltchcrd, Litchfield, Neb. end Merr Devle of Lexlncton. Neb. Member ot tha Pree Methodlet church of Selem. PunerAl eervlcea will be held Aeturder, Peb. 11 al 1:30 p.m. in the w. T. Rltdon Chapel, Merr Wachemhelmer. tn this eltr Pob. 14 at the ace af 01 reero. Late reeldeot at Portland. Shipment bet been tnado to . Portland b rthe W. T. Rlxdon Co. far oerrlceo ond Interment. CIaus am tribute of respect llUrvClj) for tb departed, an expression ot comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST 321 Court CHOKED with stomach I THANK HBATINSI Moot attacks are 1 net Ado) tndl(ostlon. When It stnkeo. toko BeU-eno Ubleto. They contain the teeteat-ectlnt Bjadtclnes known ta doc tore tor the ranot al bAartbum. gao and similar dlitreaa Sod, Rerc'i REAL FAST rtlief fir SiaUTnOUDLES Zarno doctor's tBtlaoptle promptly relievaa itchini, atopa ocratchinf and as aids haalins ot raahea, ecxama, paorloAaa, athlata'a foot, ringworm on akin and acalp duo to axtamal eauaa. Buy fixers StfmoM Zarno lor : ZEM0 otubborn i Ifty iTiotf of Doctoa Vmatt rketaarrt lasmi sa rioutio) raeenniit to tcrttissin ta nTOssr acts at ones. It not only rellsTts such eoughlnf but also loosens phlegm and makes It esttet? to raise, mrostni It sot and mighty tfftctiv (or both old and young. Pleasant ttuttinf and taexpendrw. Or. i T. Lam. M D Do a Chen. DBS CHAN . . LAM CHINESE NArDROPATHS Upstairs, til North Liberty J! (let open SaturdaT wnly 10 am to 1 pjn. 6 to 1 pjn Con sultation, blood preesure and tnint testa art tree ot cnartt PracUced tlnot 1917 Writs tot ttuacuvt iltt No oblliatkm UadCougfis Sir Aree. 31104.