: -:i . '' J " ' 3 t! wen CI At horn vaf aoo boo Cal RE tn ami raa Cl II for boa I fan Ida . ...I OU 'P eat 1 dlfl i due t r.i fill H ' Bl ! tl L ot b w, J 1CpIt&1 Jonrnal tMtm. 5 CM AI UAiirii W Naed $10,000 to $20,000 ' Homas - Uftod For Sal SEVERIN REALTY CO. , REALTORS ' Inn atlafactenr Bare lee VALUE LOCATION BEAUTY Tnap kr all Included la thla lorelr. aualltr. ft-room bona, leealed aeml J00 former Oonraor McKar'e bom. Entrance hill, tlx bemleat JItIbe room lth fireplace aad haUI-ln aookca... view dlnln room, 1 alec Una bedroom BU4 balk. A kitchen with earner alnk and eup aaeln fMturee. Numcreu cloeete. Full darlliht kuMl with mr UoB room, fireplace, and a lorelr miM room that cu ko bedroom or to, tolltt leeetorr, abower. Th stent back rard with new oor . altr. Tba hoan. Is tntulaled end w.ath.ratrlpped end bu ft Bead! 41 faraaM & elr-condltlonlnc. XmmaduU poaaaealoa. W bar Rift . ker, Jul tin ae, a tin. Tb Mkia prim hi HMO. Term eaa ko erranied. WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS ' Bnclleh architecture. bedroom, a bath fen, I koraau a ktb . Leree Urln a dlnlnr room. AU noon carpeted with IM per ml car Petln. FlnUhed baacmeat 3 -ear larae Her la ft fta bona, built pr-wr with beat matarlftl. It la rr tor nan tool. ftlT.M. aubeua tul rnort eo ko orrawad. Severin Realty Company 835 N. HIGH ST. DIAL 4-5943; EVE. 2-5695 Mr. JDftna l-n3 Mr. Mm l-WI i FOR SALE HOUSES HOMES ARE LIKE SHOES They ar better If they fit. 14100 lor thli komo ud V aar. Ur. jm Aj din Ins rat., I badroom b4 room for 1 mora. venetiea ua, oo keel. Tormf. VALUE IT BASED ON FACTS o boma. lltt , ft. floor apace. karma with lain cloeata, alldln cm, una di dialog no flroptaco. ferd-lr ail rorsoeo, fiaaotona a trenee kail, earace. Fraud al FHA ae- praiaai 111, WW. GEORGE WASHINGTON TAUGHT MANY VALUABLE LESSONS , br v and aa af tb moat profltabU of an daj, . vaa bla belief la boma wnerehlp. Kara - ft ma propertr that la a apleadld -aurt- E or". Oowa Dormant WW, kalaaoa HI f' 5 1 par month. You will ka aurprked at Uia Taluo vbaa aaalni thla two-badroom IIS T. . ; v boma. Ion ', I WELL-CONSTRUCTED HOME FOR $10,400 j bMa Cornar lot, pavod atrtota alda ota 1 Valka, euua to achool, laadioapod lawn, ' aaraaa, will oonildor food trailer boma L aa pan parmant. FOR THERE IS VALUE HERE VIE Tbraa badroom homo, 1700. CVaa to ochool. will Mil larnlahodj KtlZBt ROUI . yosTadraom homo oa pavod at, t Ou block from acbooL IHH. moBuuro unrnucT fSSSi 1 Tbraa-bodroom homo wltb baaamont. 7 A Tala bard la boat. !J ' L. E. KLUMPP, Realtor , MM rortlaad Pa. S-1M1 . araalu pboaaa tan '! Clrda M. Vaulk, t-Wat Richard nampp, i-IU SraUra Bord, 1-1MI Peeeeeeieeeeeeeeeaeepee. FOR SALE FARMS For Sale By Owner STANLEY'S NORTH IANTIAM VEGETABLE FARM aaraa cardaa aoll, 4 mile vaat of Burton. IT mlloa ace the art tt aalam. a eerea f keana far atartoa aaaaarT, oanat aaraaa. far Cwrrallla aad atareea oanmerr. Wlm B preflukle froth aurket kutlaaaa. with me te 1. waaber aad pack In abed, neatr ef trrUatloa water, with letrl power, aaml-modera e-reem ante, laiwe kara. TERkfS CAN BB a ttAHOBD. o. L. Busier, Awmerin B. t, Bos IM. Pboao atartaa 1114. FOR SALI ACREAGE ros kAxc OK THADE S-asr shlckta ranch, loadsd with bldii. Room for oo btrds or mora. Bquipptd with chick- cats, ail awlnawat, and trastor. Bavo books sbowlnv tood profit. Will trado tor abomo ta 4atn of approximately MB-a valua. klO.bOO. Contact Orasoo Land CompaBF. Kins. 1-1-4 Uaaonta Bins. Fhona McMrnnvms 133. bl REAL ESTATE es Lars omar lot, larr. bomo with t fur- alabod apU. tnectne IH per menm. Bna top la front of bom. A food Inraav- m.nb 7.400 rmm aboat 4 pre. old. Located fa Bcia Oreaoa. Front opt, rented for let. Rear apt. ahoutd rant for 441. own.r will trad for aalam homo or meomo prop ertr. a, Lena home wltti 1 fnralahed apla , phta own.r a earr oomlortable Urln auenere. Mea baeemant. 3-c.r oar. 79H3I lot. Xnoomo on opu Ml per me. Better let na now roa ini propirtr aa it I a bur. Call STAMUtr BROWN or O. V. HTJleJE. Co-op. Brokrr. with STATE FINANCE CO. RSALTOMt Fb. I-H3I in a mtb at. Bra. 1-141 or 1-130 .41 HURRY ON THIS ONE A Btca, eomfortftble outer trpo home witn iare unn m dlnin rma., kitchen with breekfaat area, I kdrma., all oa on. floor, orerabundaneo of flowera and ahruha .all for anr 1940. OaU Mr MaUr. Bro. 4-1714 acHANOS for 1-bdrm. horn., torelr lawood home. 4 bdrma. a tn, I katra. raiua tii.otn. call Faxnc or. 1-1411 kTak Tlown kn !!-. lira .hrfM feom. aaat At clean, full plaatered and m top anap. ttaena cusraia A nice lot. K B. location, ISO mo. 1, full price eooou. aoo 1XJTVN Cwl t-bdrm. ham all aa an floor, alee lot, lane wgrkahon. -V irae. Pa t, ranla rarnnrator m heatar Included, IM at. Full prlee 45500. call Bar Darla aa Bro. 4-4417. Located n B oa ttUXM Ara. feat Borth af aunarnaw, w.u-kullt, noet, lew and attractlr l-bdna. homo, aoautlfaltr landMepad, onlr MM. Br. all Wftrrra Maurrr 1-1333. ornctt phonc -4io Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 43 R. moH BT. , ell' l'LAiriID ADVBBTIiniO Far Word For Were, time le. Far Ward, ttmaa la. rw Ward, 1 maalb ae R Befaado Mlnlmam M Woraa. BIADkRa hi Ueal Row Oat, Onlr. Far War , Mtalmam M Wart Ta Place Ad la 8am Dr"I raprr, Pbone t-ti4M Before lo a.ro. Or- WtduexiiT. Far, m. .Wm FOR SALI HOUSES 'X FOR SALE HOUSES OO bWIUL roam oa a 1401 aa-n lot ta ZHat.. aalr lite wltb M Allan FIMobor. ijf fouc ikjuarri' - Foar aad aa-balf aoroa on pavod road, t oara praaaa, aomo thnaor, artoalaa wall, older trpo hcei.. cloaa to tab Bel om ttoro. aio.OM. Allaa neteber. OttLT MOa DOWBT ban thla oVbjl bouao oa paTad treat, part boamt. foU priao emir I at to. ALaa jnaiesar. Burt Picha fn . 1Kb at. ana. f-rrat om.i t-of aet $730 DOWN KKW t-koaroom borne br owner. for I more rooma upatalra. Lent kitch en wltb Blentr boilt-lna, ell beat, law lot, altaea. plaatered aaraaa, eltr water aad aewer. cloea to bua aad atbool. Located 303d hTrerereen. 1 block aoutb ef llrerton Ud. FuU prlao MM0. Drlre bp and look, door la open. Fboao 44133 dare, 4-3133 ereolnis. at BT OWNEB 3-bedroom borne, 17011. law awrenoa Bond. l-ooce all OCMI One I bedroom, oa i bed. room. Fhono 33411. ail' BIDBOOM houae for aale or trade for acreaie. I7SM, oa lerme. II IM. ear KNOLBWOOD I bodroomi at. mt pj. 14th. Call after 4:00 oa aundir to aw inima. Hurt aell. Meka an offer. a44 FOR SALE LOTS LaBOB CBXBX tvoT-Tbaaa are eearee. 791130. only llooo. TWO LOTadoaa In, auburban. Traoa. 7M1M and 77 KIM. Frlaa for both. nun. BIOHT LOT Buburbaa aortboaeU MM to row eacn. We bare oth.ra. bt res wlab lota, ae. ui. CENTER STREET REALTY 1741 Center Bt Realtera Phone 4-0411 Bra. Fhoaaa: Olaa l-Ttll, Brian- 3-443 FOB 1ALI Lot oa pared treet, rtaton- eoie. aaaei. eaet ONB OB TWO leu aheap If tekoa at once. ota at. Fhona 4-1407. . a. 43' FOR SALE FARAAS REAL ESTATE NELSON $500 DOWN Bar la a newlr -dec orated t-kd akiirbaa eotUa. wltb a load (ardea apoa. wut take ear ft dowa parmant. run prlao 41M. Cell Mra. Woottea, Highland School Dist. BBDROOUa Pamllr bom with roomr bdrma. din. tn room 11 a , mioleted. aood roof. almon a.w unit blka. u rd onooi. itp kua kr door. Priced en. 110. OaU Mr. Woottao. 3 Bedrooms - North Bteeptlonaltr-weu-bullt a-room bomo. FHa atrpraltftl 111,400. Foroad-elr Mob. ta furnace, attract!.. .lr.ul.llna fpuee, lo 7 x 17. price 111.40. Call AL WatU, 1-734. Attention, Investors RealdanUel ourt with Individual wniu. Bear to malnuia. Terr email va cane 7 loaa duo to reeeonebl ml ehd me. Priced to cell. 3I,400. call Mr. acbmldt. JUST LISTED MANE RIM OARDKN4 ThU I-room homo bas iuit 1 smarU rrt-dceoratod. AtuacUvo Mow Ktifland ofwn fplaca. utility root (U a l, auiomotls all haat, twaaUfauy waasraptd yard, oorsrad patio (M lot. This Is oaa of our btst Mitlnsa. flTWI flO.POO. $4750 ORB ACJtk CTTT UWTTB BscaUanl eardaa ami. Mod. l-adrm. aom. ttra aho bid. Included 1. ran an aerdaa tractor. Cloaa north. Call Mf. Oelleah.r. NELSON & NELSON SParuLTzrwa rsaltohb TM R. Bllb a. Ph. I -MM . $7350 POBWBLB I k ZD ROOM. Oood Roma. Fireplace, Rwd- Fir. Lr, Dr. I Br. Dowa eteirwar la and Floored Upcuir. I Btka t Raw Boorer acttl Thla 11 Tr. Old Rom I a reel Bur. tmmed. aooa. Owaar win take Lau Medal Car a. Far pn. 4 BID ROOM BOMB TBARB OLD. I Br. Doea I Dp. Double Fib. SpaeUu Roomr Hem aa H Acre. See thl todar. I1L400. aell en asairaci. BBTATB WOMB CANDALAR1A A-l LOCATTOK. Tbla ex. mmi fuuir aomo, I ar a Dea, ape clout, Lr, Dr. Ktt, Brk Bp, DovMo rin. and uprrkTM. acri of eaiuanio laao. Fan Bseamut, work chop, aew duat Beat. 0.n wlu trad for mailer noma onip aiaaoo lor an. SUMMERS 1T3 auu at, ReelUr, Fk. 1.403 alwara 43. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE Beat This If You Can t-b4f0M houM tn th Imt ! rtpfttr. m. aUlity room. Patio. Latwa. fr.it, hriita. OulM i. ftptclou lot. Ktr oTuU prlci tUr Beautiful Home Buy wctOtal loUo. Crar It. Pull tavmint wlUs avr. lttTtlf pu; afMUM I'Kvr taVTM. M U f urn Mm. flrf. tl.ct. Bua IrMt door. Oonaoui wall-tav U MrptU. I1 twtha. Bum thn Umf imux 414 tn Jo. Full rns iss.im. FEATURES GALORE Plus I h4roosu m m floor. Pull mmhmi, iwl Ilk mv. OU fUTBtM. t invar ta for sort room If 4ttlr4- Plum id for Mi.tr. PlrtDiaVea. If Honor t 4 prteo fo. mo'I alai. Ottljr REALLY A BUY oiiaoot lit lWoooa how. AS tootu ob 000 Ooor. PortM-tlr oil f.r MOO. I blu I OcbOoL lDialaOwMl Lovb md )nit. puiOLki Jot. PUtoltw. .Pftll ortoo only 910.M0. CONSIDER SWAP for laraar boma. lated at. Tlaooat ale. tnat. Older trpo la eood repair. Oa rasa. Prult treea, abruaa. Full prlao oaur H.m. OAU. FOR OOlkDOM CRAWFORD. VTX. ph. a-erae, or m. kiooino. ivi n. o-aoH. u ae anawtr, aau . Mr. Restaurant Man Thla propertr baa knockout pomlkU Itlal. BoftuUlul n.w kldf. plua fine oauipm.nl end futurea. urine ouer. era. laim wm 00 Meal to erranfe for oeaktoB leaaao. Lota af room for ea paaaioa. 0 aeroa. BMkwar frontue. M.M Hun eiw. BEAUTICIANS oold ovportuBllr for tbo right portr. It a mooor-moktr. Ttao oquli moat ! tm ftoo condition. Root vtrr roMoaobU. An weluiivo tnuftaoM. Ho mono jaiaraouon piOMO. BUSINESS BLDG. rlek. oerner lot. Freeeat meomo 071 per mo. couia ao raljoo 01 aioo per mo. Froaoat teneat dolns wrr food fcoalaaaa. Torau. ruu pne only 110.000. OALL FOR PAH JSAAJC, 1TVS. FX. 4-lfiSf V ao anjwar, aau tuu 7 ACRES With aaVldOra aWboVlraOm mUMUo. baVMBMit. T oar round otrtkM c proportr. PJr crovt. J acrog fruit Sprliit with lots of wattr. Oil host, omti ltatlo, flovors, shrubs. Juat think, khs ftwo is -u7 oriM. tvrms. sxoo 40m. 32 ACRES M oerea under frrleatlon. Beat a Mil Owner leavln auto, achool ku. kv due.. Onlr 44 mum from aelem oa Faadln nrr. Fun eric, onlr lis, too. 10i2 ACRES Modora 1-bedroom bouao. Near cbaol nor., e acre atrawoemaa. I eaae. barrlaa. 10 br 14 bora, frail bout, eow barn, eblckea boaao. Offered for aale to ioae eauie. jtiu price onlr M.tM. (wb erranaea. CAU, FOR ICR. LXAVCU. BVR. FIf. -.i.e. a ae anawer, 011 4-3341. MtTRTOAOS LOAHB 30-T.ar Maturltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Offk Phonal 4-3311 or 1-7130 MM FOKTLAICD ROAD Bra. Fhona 1-4738. 4-4414, 4-4034 or I-I5SI bt a aaawer, phono 4-3344 0W C0LBATH SPECIALS $3250 - $500 DN. OLDkm 1-BBOROOM If OMR OB lot Mim. A nod deal to remodel and make aaeaar on. aniiewood location. $5500 - $1000 DN. TBRT 1 CLEAN A RBAT ldr aarm. boma. mra carace a atorwe .n., Ten.tr mm treea, carom, 1 lou. DAHDT LOCATION OH H. 13nd BL $5700 - $1200 DN. I bedroom, ae aula nr., lam ut a BR com, a-car tan. Oood R. iTIh'at. location. $6260 FULL PRICE A OCT1B aa aoutb mh at. km La, DR. bdrm, batb, lane baemt. with air kdrm, U heat, aaraaa, lawn da frda ar.a. $6500 FULL PRICE A TIIW HOVOI ON BTOTT t. and what A Trrwi citaa, nsat, i-tdna. a lot 10x116, ampla room for lans homo la too iutaro aad overlook! on tira vallsy. Bttter hurry; tUs won't last. UCKUdCNT TKRM8. $7250 FULL PRICE Rar m a boat roa will want to . Rearlr new l-bdrm, bdwd. fir.. ban tiful llru rm.. Inaido utiiitr. LaT na MOW TUB FDIB BOMB TO TOW. $9500 FULL PRICE LAROB. I-FAMTLT ROWX1 1 aa aula fir, t bdrma. up. double plum. we. urapiace, naamt with oil piped fur nace. 3 -car araa, located In Bnl. wood Dl.t. I block from achool. BZ. CBLLBMT TBRMB. $10,500 FULL PRICE A kaautlful. w.ll-k.pt bom. 1 bdrma. and poeamle I bdrma. on. Hwri nn llripl.. THI8 KOMI IR A DREAM AT THE PRICE AND WILL TRADB FOR nine. $10,950 FULL PRICE lltia WILI, BURPRIBI TOU FOR . oorma., lor.ir lan mm rm. in lain and rou will want to aa iir.piaca. acieci hdwd. flra. eu n.al, wondarful kltchan. dln.tu. uuiui lanoecapea lot. Attached rate. Looted 1340 lh. ON THE AB0V8 ara rarrt van rorn. bvb. ph. 41744 v.. UIKHHT " " 41703 OR OLOA OOUMBES XS371 FARMS & ACREAGES 10 A. - $4500 All call, lare fine I ml. SB Older wifwma. noma, nice bara. ONLT rw. uwu raruta. 130 ACRES a a. la cult, eel. timber a pee lure. aood twruua. oamiant 14-ataaoblon lane dalrr barn. Tile milk ha, wltb lect, waur haaur a wuhar. Lan. chlcka hre . brood n- baa, l-bdna. old """u u.oo. rk cm, BAU 30 ACRES . AIX CITLT.. with fMra. oMsr isrea oarn. ban hit., ata?. 4 nuloa out. PTlaa llt.404. TAKI ROCra Df TflADS WW. 5 ACRES rm. modare aMtxa aaraaa ahlck.n aae. pump Bu. a W.U. all !!. cloao eu eae. rru C7H. Term www wwn ana n per aooatb. IV? ACRES wim J-bdrm. housa, watsr pips! ta, fan w, VC4LI . OO. V ACRE I!!!! I"!- "' "Kubed tare, well i S 'd- a oaa ON THE ABOVE BBS T. T. AienrRaoN for a farm EVE. PH. 43714 orricc dial, a 44194, 2-43.')2 44 REAL ESTATE Roy Todd Real Estate RICHMOND DISTRICT Loeolr Urm. Idael far TV. Dla.tt. m kilcbea oenume. t alee kdrma. wlht Okie, werdroko aleeala la eeck. Ue. tllo. aaraa. toil J lot. Cloaa I eck . atofaa at kua. M. WU1 take lot aa part dowa permk Call Mr, impae HIGHLAND DISTRICT Blea lilt Urta. die tee. kltekaa wltb aeek. 1 kdrma. 1 down, I up. Cor. mt lot toalll, klka, 1 atbool. A toe bur tor oalr (MM. Cell Ue. Been. NOB HILL DISTRICT WaU-kullt Irbdrm. ben. leeeied iaet I klka from Lealle. UrU wltb fire pleve. Olala. klleboa. dea. laa keemt. wllk perlr rm. 4310 lot, Blc.17 teadaaepad. lll.oM. Can Mr. Taaderrort, aalaemaa. GRANT DISTRICT Hlcalr arranaed e-reem bomo with flrepleee. weD-le-watl carpatln kUada, t kermi., full amla. ketli at abawer. ooraoa. 101177 lot, nice para. 1 wtmel tree. 1 bib I ack. I14.0O0. cell Mr. Buck, aalaamaa. 1 . 00-ACRE DAIRY FARM 4 aa. tilled. IT a. Irrliated. feared aad eraaa-fanead. -aunnloa kara. leeflBf abed, l-kdrm. hem., nr. kit, m dla.tu omblae. UllUlr a woed ehed. Tb prlee af l.o taehidaa aD eoulpmaBl 4 1) tew. Call Mr. . aimpaoa, lamaa. . ROY TODD, M auu Knot Bra Fkai G. L ATTENTION AT roa leobla for a reel alee 1 kodroom homo, rullr pleeUred. II a M unn room. Ian. kltebea aad nook, a falrlr-prleed boma for eclr 1744. (Ml Trbbett. SUBURBAN DE LUXE Thla fta. 3-edreooa homo located am aaw Wablatoa achool I In a elaaa all ef lu owa. Ba. eorered paile. attached erae, tnald atultr. wired for auto, dirar aad plumbed for outo. wanh.r. Be onto, dlabwaahar aad dlapoHl anlt, Cornar flrtplaeo. Oolemoa foreed-alr onto, oil boat, Leeelr drape aur. World af Hull-In and Iterate wardroke aloaau. alia 11 ef kuut-lna la ttllltr. Owaar erlflclM at 11.00. Term. Can Chat. $6(H) Fine 1-bedroom (co aid ke 11 located tier Waahlnttoa achool. Va cr ood well, owaer aulou to MM. FuU prlc enlr M.MO. Cell Chat for ap pointment t ,. TRADE FOR KEIZER HOME Th. owner at thla bom I enxletu to more to the Ktlr area keeauae of am lob. warp neat l-bedrm bom, hardwood floor, automatic u beat, etlachad aaraaa RUc lama 1st wltb Terr fta tendaceplat aad fruit treat, Uaaud ta aoath aalam. can Jim. 1 FOUNTAIN LUNCH (tool, t boo the. mack bar, dolor alee rolumo buclnaaa, low r.nt, Bl baaJtb tone wnr to aalL Rirbt iw for man and wlf. Ton mual aae to ppraclau. Can Dal Barbara. DO YOU NEED ROOM? HERE IT IS! Thla eolld, wan-kept ham haa I bedroom, aa one floor, xtr lan aonulaallen Urln room, dlnln room, alee kitchen wltb kreakfaat nook. Hardwood floor, ale ntllltr. rood ra, new roof ta aood condition ' tbroiurhoat Price u onlr 1100. can Jim RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) MM Iff. Capitol Office phono: 3-4644 or 4-1741 Brcnlnr Phone Tlkbatt 1.744 Jim -M7l Chat l-MJI Dal Barbura 4-444 a Grabenhorst Specials aoMBB op OHAjtu a DnrrraonoN Dutch Colon laL I karma, dan, Mr. rm. 3 x M. kaamt. 1 117.IM Cp Cod. I kdrma, ala. rm, kaamt, aprlaUla aratem 1I,(M : -..-. mbimm . wwb, view, wio aatn, mnr faturi WeaUra Ranch. I bdrma. braexwar, atnitr. dbla. (are I1I.M 5i?5"TB?mblr. ' o4n' Btrel kitchen, vtuitr rm. Enil.wood.tl4.3D Modal Candalarla Horn. 1 bdrma. phi den, dbla. pibi. dbla, aaraaa, llraplace Ill too raburbaa Ranch. Laneit bdrma la Cut. afeoaomlcL Terr a.at l-bdna. horn, knflnlahad u. ralra, fireplace CALL PETER H. O RUBER, SALESMAN tr."!'AMT 5?U "fi"" ap.rtm.al with Mpar.u ea- i. I; Jfj. 'Ll" - iltc?n' and bath. Dpttalr. nr. rm, r k"!,"' bdrma. aad bath. Beautiful oak-Wuddnt lot. An fur- BUbed fer onlr MM. CALL J. B. law. BALrSlJAN RNOLEWUOU Dla-TRTOT I kdrma., Ur. rm. with fireplace dla rm onranlant kitchen with brkf. book. Li. uUU roomT 2?Si tchld !l" rzn.n,z:A"' T 'how awra'oK arjBCRB AN Late-built 4-nn. modera horn, auto, ell heat hdwd flra. 1 JrTcOBROb'w 6ALL """Srl! .1 SSL 1 GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS r ii a. Libntr at. , ph. ,. BrenlDaa At aundan n Fur B. Oetaar I-M4I j. B Law 14111 r. a. La 1J41, REAL ESTATE SULLIVAN mitt ItttllU Mlllt till tiimit 4IIIIIIIII tlllllllll FARMS 4ttlMtt4lll4tl4l EAIUU9 lt44ttttMt HOMES lllllllltlllllllllttt tttiiiiat iiiiititil lltltlll II tllltllt MUM II fttllll 41 M BUZABtTB JANE CODRT la Bllrer- toa. aaraa anlla. ell fumlahed. Nat of ..no a rear. io nil u .wn.r-oocu. Plea ro.ao. ddplbx Id.al laTMimant for roa. . ii nee a Dworooma ana MPrU tranCM. Bulldln Interior 4t OkUrlora r Immaculate. Lot ftdjotnlnc which hi aooad tor a duplex, la Included la aal. Owaar will Mil for 114. too, or uke borne tu 11 u 1 1 11 in trace. MAINE BTREET l-bedrooa ranch borne, double Ikrac. I met: R.r i 110 ao. fl of real Urine that the owaar will trad for a entailer iwo-kedreom nemo in aaiem. NOB RILL ft bedroom., it hlo.li irwa eacnmier aenooL Tnu M th older horn with plentr of room that pou r mhui i or. oe.av. uaruuRT aaaaMRTT aautb a.ar Hlab atnet. I bedroom Ll.lni room 1 x M. Beparau dlolac room II x if. Pull baamnt with doubl sr. doe wm ecaooia. pie.aoy. FARMS 3 acrfb Wut ef simrtoa Ill am 11 ACRES But af Woodbura ...113.400 w. .(.aw norn Marion, a '" ft i.abft ew t,nam cairl Bewail, Wlllam- ! Mt.ftM nna uerrl. ot, TMCn, whMt idim we fli nw aurffrtoa. Trad lor . eirra tMoe H-nu a niM lilt. oo ft. Irrlratlon pip 131 000 IM acres Folk C. aheap farm Uliooo va.. aar. aitiawiu, era. 1-1337 ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR Mil Portutad Read Pb. 4-ttlS . Fb. arm.: 1-1137. 1 07, 4-M3I. 4-1TM. 1-4744 (44 A Stable Farm Value FAMJLT FARM OF II ACRES, n.arl. all la ultlrtion. Lire ycr-rouBd "hi. achool kua paaam door. About II mfkutea from Aalem. Modera 4bedroom -room bomo Sera for th ctork. oa- rw. rood drilled a.u. famllr crchara. Mm Umber. PrIM 414.&40. E. J. Zwaschka, Realtor Pban 1-40 174ft Oraal at. .43' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE REALTOR Office khoa I-M1 aimnaoa 1-4334: Tut 1-711 Veadorrort 1-3M: Todd 1-1731 DOWN Wl,M town (elm oat), 401ft Alan ..111,000 REAL ESTATE BUY FHA 20-YR. Want a riowT 1-ldrm, oil heat, tlre- Placa .aPBcleu yard, aaw waU-kapt .laoeoraooa, narea at., cpaeioua atu ltr, lane aaraaa, 4 pn. old and AP PRAISED kr FHA for aelltna prlc.. Wa hare It for 110.400. 47100 dn, OT per mo. kmlaraad photo for rour conr.n leac. DROP THAT HOSE Complete sprlnkllnr srsttm la lawn. I-bdrm. horns, spacious kitchen, car petad. sxpsrtly rewlseoratsd Irwids out. See this for 92000 down. iwoo. GOLD MINE 1 boui la thrlvlnc valley town, 11 1 rooms, uooa oaetneas location. Mo com petltioa. Owner saiioualy tu and must liquidate, a eood promoter can't help but make money. Mams your terms vithla reason. 11.000. . TRADE CAR l-bdrm. Need, aoma rinuhlBE. Worth tb aric at 41300. x LIKE NEW l-bdrm. room for 4th. flrcpl.oe, UtIbi a dlala room, dinette. inaMe ntllltr, pall, au parlor lawn a thruba, tmmacu lau, naw (rowln aetibborbood. 4 in. old Owner tranef.rred, ImmadlaU po leealoB. 111,100. CLIFF B0WDER, REALTOR UM Palrtrounds Head PH. 4-im. 4-IMI, Pra. 4-7o4. I -tots. 4-4171 s3 Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PAL00KA u3ja orJav. y 6vxx Nfvs. msxx 1 y TOOK Off TOAV ON ' - - , A 4TRATO mom jW-S V Sf REAL ESTATE $500 DOWN Ms S-bodroota ttsssfS. A 4kadr vtta ptnit of n tn 004 roo orraiasssuat. wm tor oattns. Vary floors, Porcod-oir U bskt. City vtvur. Just ovutda slty Ualis. Bklkaoo Ukt $50 BARGAIN BmsU kouae aad a let II s 17. Farad lUaet, food dlatrlet f M B. aalem, t. t aaw achooL Bouao moat ke moved about le fen. V. permit aeeeed. Bal aaa in pot aaaaih. I FULL BASEMENT How andtr cMitrttstloo, 4 wrts bodoom bono Uut4o cltr Usatts. Zvrss 11 vm t room wtu nrtpiseo. D4iu& rotm Larso room la bassnoat Ub flrstlaso. DatntsBt basotoaat. Pavod otrsoi, sow sr. r U A. HTaisii IM nor aoata. REIMANN REALTORS Loans & Insurance Ml aollb Bum treat Fboao l-MM Phone eroalnaa: 4-171. I-M4. a.4111. 4-41. I-III4 o4l WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTlcki if rour propanr la for aale, rant or excheaft, lul it wltb at. W an all kind ef eaak karara. BTATB FIMAMCI CO.. BBaLTOfta iu a aiah at. WANT NICE a-BDBM. home with aaraa. la Wat aalam. Caa par 1700 dowa. i nee monthlr permanu. CaU Pckr McFarutnd wltb Bun Fleh. inc., 171 H. Blab at,, eraa: 1-0414; file. 1-4047. call1 WANTED ft t 1 acre, with aood homo. doae in. Al Jaaek. rtlt. pboa -u If ae aniar.r. 4-3141. oa WB RATE A BtTTBB for 1 ar e-fcdrm. boma darllaht kaeemeal, l-.oo. Pr.l.r M.W. FfiOB 4-1MI, CUff BOW' Realtor. 1M Falrnouad Bd. U WE ABE tn need ol aood hooaaa to MIL la or aar aiu. u ran wiaa m act rour propertr for al. CutABENHORaT BROS. BEALTOR8 114 a. Llbartr Pb. 1-1471 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE OB LEASE One Unit af wheat land ta Columbia aaeta project doM to town, tr neat! on water la ditch. call 44144. cbtl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Til tnvaitment tlves you your en ladepeiKlsDt bus la est opsraUag a routs of new BMneymaUiiv as taUspsasors handling aew, fait-morlnt ooniaetlens la drug stores, earss. slubs, bus depots, sic. Routs sot MP tor you by ur ox ports and protected by lira ana theft tn suraacs. You must havs ear, ysferencas, and 171?. which Is protocted by an Iroa Iad 104 kl oner-Back Ouaraotse. backed by a Id MUUoa Dollar aattoaal laeuranco eompaay, Dovotlai a few of your fpare hours aaeh weak to the bitslnsss rou should oara up to $10.00 weekly spars time, full time more. Liberal financing assistance to aid ex pansion. Por full Information, write giving phono number ea4 address to Box 476, Capital Journal. wlU EXCAVATINO and rock enuhlng buslnass ai Buverion. rn. eeu. ed44 PO SALS OK UtAK CooTtnlently lo- oaiM oownwown outinsss property, no telephone Information. Por appoint ment, ceil I-M4I before IS a.m. or after p.m. oeHT 15,262 Square Feet Aa outstanding commercial propertr so favorably located that It'a suitable for eeversl types of business, close la and in a fast-growing area, wltb teet on a heavily traveled street. Price 40.000. Showa bp appolntmsnt only. See Mr. Johnson. ED D. POTTER, Realtor na a. nun si. Fa. I-P430 or l-37l od41 OOOD HOMB AXtt auto aupplr aur. eeu.ni jeaea, vpporiunitr for xpnloa. 100 aal. i Incr.a.. In lait ft rear,. If Intereited. act promptlp. Can 1-411 dan, or 4711 ar.nlnaa. or ae et 141 Main, Lebanon. cd44 OOOD OOINO UBOCIBT Llrltu ouar- t.n. Muat be .old ImmedleUlr. Xllnua forou aale. afaka offar. Box 40a. Cap It! Journ!. H.a rrrrrriij BUSINESS k INCOME WANTED TO LEASE ar menu aa apart- mant noua. rnon 30 afMr ft p.m. CM 4 FURNITURE FOR SALE COMPLETE rrvE-BOOM household far- n.iuro, rooa conaiuoD, mutMlnc new automatic washer range. Devles, Rt. t. Box M, flllverton. dil WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood aaed furniture ad Fhooo 14011. appliance, da i an awtwydEayBTAta, AUCTIONS Sudtell's Auction LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE THURS , FEB. 1TH AT I A. M. TeP.U. IH III. I Or SALEM ON aiLVEHTON RD. PHONE 101. ft PC wak Bed Rm. Mt (Uke aew), M.W Elec. Ran, Duncan Phrf Drop L. Table. Blue Drnport a Cblr, Rld-a-bed. I pc Chrome X. k. Mt, ft Inner Sp. Mttraaea, Box a Coll pnnca. White aaw Mch., I Rubber Tin Wheel barrow. Oak Br, ft -p. Dla. SaU, Cheat-o-drawara, White Train BurB.r. klU-o-Matw Saw a ft kladea. Lawn Bwln ink. B.wi. Bed,. Chair. Rock era, Dkbaa a Ulio. Artel In. Applee. poutoe. onion. atM lnartd abrub a fruit tr. 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK Chlekm a rabbit, aal fa a waaL war a feeder pi, sow, heifer, ban al auera, soou. Lane Sudtell'f Auction Sales Yd. 'THE PTHXaT XN AUCTION SERVICE" 4d4. AM- tlSTftU rTMAVTHt KMAN0 FOR TIOCTS t5 SO 6u&...THfV'R 604' 10 use THe cricket ofkOUNDS .THfi STAOkJM rWJNTKMIIC4JN' f LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCMtB KKlT-WlviU laco Krsfor4 Ms. w k em a. iu Maatlalflal atalwfa. aBOS. fta mi OujUos fcilUas. Tratlsr loaaod ibSlt OaTlfM a. Mlb. Fk. inwal wil" HAS BITS BOBS. n baak. t poaaa, and baubi 930. tut!. flAXtFOBNIA BUCKS aad 43MI. 441 Oteiler Ba. ebl aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.a.aaoeeeoear FITS FOB BALI I pair ChmebUla. oraded "hee" ke O. A. A. To 1UUT ta M ".hoar." kp C. A. A. T Hr m " dara. Plae kroadla a lock. Fboao alkanr ir. " ear aaevanaw hihahaa Mrin. Bae m.i.n Bala. ... ,. i iau a. i.ui ai, ectl MOOBS (BOFICAL PUB. eaulpment, auppuaa, 1 mlta from Lancaaur an laaclaar road. Fban I-73JL Cloa.d Wadnaadira mi CBOICE CANABUS. 134 chmkto at. FBOB 1411. ecU' aOIXTWOOD AaDABItm llU MeCor. a black aaat of R. Capitol. 114 Block aorta or Mftaiaoa. rn. x7. FUEL . Oregon Fuel Co. BLAB AND aAWDoar S. & H. Green Stamps Pboa iltll IM7 Bro4wpj Capitol Lumber and Fuel rianer mmminis, pnone TTiii, Hiway Fuel Co. ' Sawdait lob aerrlcc, all kind at wood Phone 1-4444. ea Capitol Lumber & Fuel Pick up Preilo-LocJ. BrlaucU b Wood. Ill So. Com'l. phon 1-7711. ei WALatTf IBELLft, 1 uck far IL M ton. M tea dllrrd la town. Morrlt Kluftta Fackin Co. 440 Rrth Pratt. West Salem Fuel Co4 BLOCKWOOD. 1" CLEAR IMMEDIATE DSLXVBRY PUkap Wood lilt Xdi. rater Phon Salem 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored, frrvr. eolrcd and latbora hen. . BlihMt prlca. Le. 1 Ratcharr. phon 13441. f PO SALC Twice weakly, day-old chlcka la Mew Hampshlras, Parm enters. Red, Whits Xathoras, Atutra-Whits, White Rocke, White Wyandottea. Pennon tor eockereks. Lse Katchsry, phone S3M1. OOLD XX- BBOAD aad New Bamphlr aleka, ht4bd rp Monder aad Thur dp. Our hlek crow filler. Fax Hatcherr. 110 Stare St, Ph. I4M. f PRODUCE BAT, OAT At voteh. Ha I. Ro rain. Howard r. varan. Rt, l. Box IM, Oar rale. Or. Fhona 1233. ff4l FOB (ALE Feed Valu for Poultry Pood, ra. vimb mixd wnl ito.oo por ton buUt, 177.00 per ton In rour cki. aev.oo bbmso, Amur ivo-op. fciob lisi Amltr. Uif ALFALFA HAT, approxlmul7 balm. ff a-nono aara. OOOD OAT-VETCH bar. 476. Other her i. atraw ii. pnona 4-1071. 3147 WALNUT 30c lb. 10 lb. 11.71. Potato, i eppi.a ana nuu. rnuup mo. Farm Market, MM Portland Rd. 1 blka. north of Lancaster Drtr. Ph. 1111. ft HELP WANTED NATIONALLY KNOWN CO. now expand- U-W, OM VPOXULlia IW UwaimiD, tags ss iaiitsa. 4 alan a Mk. wliri arfafbH attartlnap salary. HoipltallsatloB end retirement plan. Oood opportunity for psnnenent worker. Apply a.m. only. Singer flowing awavwiqai yj n. a,-ommerciai, gt UPCTIbR SALES PPOETUNITT with a national business machine manufac turer. Training salary, aa excellent op portunity for promotion. Car nmiMT. Send euaUflcatlons to Box 474, Capital Journal. ma HELP WANTED MALE TV 8KBY1CI MEN wanted. Jiffy TV In stallation Co- phone 44196. gs44 WlMTtil 1 maw. .......-. J " " - fwa UHian UIBU, IBIUCO' r, uiumB nTB) waaorourn OaTpenvneo la plant propagation, planting x main tenance for permanent position. Age le-M. Salary wo-fleo. Apply In per son. Park Bureau, Eugene, Oregon. gate BABBU POB wssk-civSs. Ala Berber swop, stt court. HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED car wanted, dar B. Drlr Inn. 041 but. Applr la 1330 PaircTOund. OVSEXEZPEB, homo BUrhta, ft aar week phon 1744 after I. xb44 WOMAlf TO stay day time with elderly lady and do some home work. Box eso vapi.aU aiournaie gb44 OMROKS IN modern home with elderly lady to do nouiework. Wages 150. No smoser or drinker, rrxej. max 411 vpiuu aiourna?. b44l LAOT TO BE la .some of elderly lady. Re quired some ears and upkeep of house. box en capital Journal. sb44 Reliable WOMAiV for bousework and anua care, pnone e-erfl. gb43" PIRST-CLASS TTPIST clerk, good en fig- fires, neeoea at oneo. Minimum exper ience required if good worker. Box 477. Capital Journal. fb- oubekixper for eountry, 11 miles irom saiem. J. o. HartwelL phone I-1145. sua WAidVVT BHELLERb a wnols winter! wore aworrm avioriem racking ctL, see IT Front. dB EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs Realater now. oalr partial liitln below. F Recept. - trplat ,300 P Oeaeral affle - dlct.pbono 1700 P Recept. - colter. rad 4300 P Steno. recept .,,..,.1200 F Bookkeeper, aal,, clerk 1300 M Off. lut. akp. bkkp. trp 1340 THE EH4T WAV TO THE BEST JOBS COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 44 auu St, (Ore ob bku.i pn. 43331 f43 "An 1 lo roaiTiONS " I" HELP do rour aprln palntln. ww wuw ...una. wan or entire nouae. Contract or br hour. Purnleh refer. oca. Pboao 43444. nu. PRACTICAL NTJBSE, pboa 46441. i M" uawi. hll ROTJ8E CLEANING, pboa 17170. Room h44' klRAl Ulrraun.uw n.w wna' auu Uuneed aad Inepectad. Ph. 3111. b47 ODD JOBS. Repair or cardan work. Phon h47 1413. BLDEBLT MAN wkthM permsaant wart Ume work. 10 rra ezp.rl.no. ta food Ho ad caahler. 44104. h44 UOHT CBAWLEB, doilaa. dirt atrelln. a Hutu.. i-Qon B-JZZO. hll1 if FAIft "V- 1 Tftt IEAW4' vT HEAO WMATE e W A KITED POSITIONS aoTOTlLLXB woas How taalas erdar for Mrtr Aprin , rMMIinas U putrid. Ph. 44IM. b. SiLfTcARE. ki MjMk or atk, hk ..n kom. Phon 1744. bu oTwoltLD UBB apsr.nllcaalp or to la omo Irada BxpcrUaMd ba track i, motor rwalr. track arlrm. OaeB eoaacleatloua eorker. 13. Or will 4 aar- thin. Phon I-I3M bu WILL CABE for pn-ech! ke lb la pj mp Fboao -.i aej- UCOME TAX BLANB prrpuaft reeaon aalr. Pn. 3441. baft TTFINO AND dlaUtloa. arjorloBuS. Pick, p aad aallrw. Fkoaa I-M7. ft-TBVL . .hmt.h wi. Interlace mine, piannne. iw 'wm wen. Ur. Fhon 43171; h!3. EX LIABLE CHILD CARE, I44M Week dul 114. WMa-anoa. iww PATCH FLASTEBINO, baaam.nU witar- proofwa. Ta aw.w, ea, eweee. e b4e CABPENTEB WORE, ublMl mkr, ite utlmeua. call l-Mtt r e-iea. haa TAX BETVBNS prpud la rear horn. be reaaonaDle rataa. rn. WANTED SALESMAN SALEBMAN FOB ekjlnl nd roofln. Abplr to 11 ant. Wiuamatu rauer Root Co.. ai.m. NATIONAL onenliatloa line 1111 daelr aal.imen for Salem, ore on at rlclnltr. alUni an Induatrlal. Commercltl At Inatttutlon! accouau. Wo wffcr hah commlulon. wecklr bonu. Proleclad territory plua repeat line to MU. Plaaa aall Mr. Carton, Hotl Marlon. Tbura ear (lo-LI a 1-4) for appolataWBt. 41 District Sales Manager!? For Salem and Xugena and 1 vicinity. TO BUILD AND BZPAND PAaT-ORMr. INO ccarruMB jewelrt DtviaioN OF 100-YEAR-OLD oomfart. man aobrial bctcces and know-row IN DIRECT aELLIHO NBCBBnABT COMPLETE TRAD INO MATERIAL AND UNLIMITED COOPERATION BIO HELP TO ATTALNTNO MAXIMUM BOCCBSa OUICKXT. OPPORTUNrTT TO BA&H 10,000 AND DP, BACKED BT aALART? OVERWRITE AND OOMMTBSIONB WRITE. BTATTNO OUAUFICATIORB. AOB AND BXPIRIXNCK TO H Q. JORNAf: U1- C M32S .ata.m-. P f Cf f f if Jij"j3 J ROOM k BOARD BOABD AND BOOM for ldrlp bur, 'ai WANTED TO RENT CLEAN I bedroom home. cU 1-1141. - l-BEDBOOM BOlE bt food aetthhoT- tood. Par to 7. Phon 11014. iti FOR RENT ROOMS ' ftEEPINO BOOM, for oa at tw. tW N. Church. Phon I-41M. lk. CLEAN BOOM clow IB with (04 h..C Ph. lain, m at UbcrtF. ftu. HICB FRONT Ukht boUHkaotn or. m rr. churcb. Ik43 FOR RENT APARTMENTS PRIVATE THBEE-BOOM furnlahed aouet putmntt, dean. Adult, a. joog Poru lnd Rd. iDH. NICBLT FCBNISHEIt apartauBU. Arb kauador Apartmaata. 44 N. Bummer. Phon ft-MOB. tplte CL0."- ktu. fan. laoulra 3T H. Uhartr. Apt, T. toe CLOSE Df, no, Itl, and Ml. Prlrato batb. BtUltlM. Purnlahau. I-04M, a-Mn. I BOOM apartment. prlru ntrenae. adult, too N. Church. Pboa 43457. 1D41 New Court APARTMENTS Wo ainceralr appreclau tb ratponiV to our ad lor the rental of our apart ment. Tb (ommenU oa the floor plea, oolor arhcmci and furUhlau war T.rr kind, w war orrr that w did sot har an for each of rou that mooni-"' od. but tba ton tmlU vera rented tba firt dar. ThBk. aia. . THE ROBERTA me LaBBLiB rr. PH. Nur' JP41 IRE AND TWO room furalahad pl Tiad floor, pttrau bath, til Parr7 lp4l ft BOOM furnlahed court wartment. Cloaa In, clnn. Ph. 30544. foTiT 1 BOOM apartment, onlr 13. Ol.an and oomfortohl. Ladr prfrrd. 144 Perrr. 1P44 BOOM NICELY furnlahed. DlUltl nrl." rate bath, 430 Bo. loth. 'j,Y.'. ROOM, mudarn prtment, lar, llvln room, lot of clout apace. Near tele phone otflca, tau bulldlnia and hop Pln .nt.r. Automatic waaher. alactrl drrn. pientr at hot waur. . wm- lait a"S""l Prtmmt, rerr claaaT Jil1 "h and entrance, bu bp door. 131 Bioad.ar. Phon 1-1433. k ' APARTMENT with prtrftta an. "" onlr. Hear town. jjj:CcU afur ft, 4-544 )pai N'c '"""'""BO room apartment, pru rat. bfttb. do.. In. 10 So. Com'l. Phon. : IP45' '?1..SEVKArA,iNT- c,m c.: Itol and Shoppln canter. Phon, 1-0714. - l U'.'','' "m l-room .pwil mant, furnlahed. Pnr.t. mtr.ncc. Clou in. 3 or 3 ilrli prefwred. 43 N. Winter. . . IPO Lee Apts. Barm Uoit Datuuulihed Addr. folloam. rental. n beihowa ao" l-Pdrm. arallaoi. now 7,00 l-Bdrm. available Mar. I "7,0a 1-Bdrm. arallabla Mar. t ...... ftl'S '".""'''' t modr.t. raua ,.a tllJ N. Winter St. Ph. 41111. j," lI?.LJ Ba-owdroom unfureuheej Bm. era, pn, 11117.' H n0 onnaara. ph. 303. JP45 nd 4 ,00a anartn,..!.' McJ 1..". " " aoM tO 1' lOtT Wire a mnm , . . 'X! 17th. -'"':" ,vZ"!!Ln';,i'a- J'-actric du:. Fitai ,i7iwiir"- ,ut,J5s: ' By Ham Fisher f 1