Capital Journal, Salem,'' Oregon, Wed.,' Fob. 18, 1953 ISA Airliner Crash Blamed on Tornado Coastguardsmen go bout the grim task of recovering bodies from the Gull of Mexico near Mobile Point, All., where National Airline DC-6 cruhed, apparently killing all 46 persona aboard. A prellmnary investigation blamed the crash on "unexpected tornadle conditions." (UP Telephoto.) I t ,f W " ... til fUtt ITi't I, ' atS Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMEB R'ADIO PROGRAMS Stewardess Betty Bau com (above) of Miami, FU., one of two stewardesses aboard the National Airlines DC-6 missing and presumed lost with 46 persons aboard on flight from Tampa, Fla., to New Orleans, La. She is pic tured with her trophy after she was selected "Miss Miami Beach" in 1950. (AP Wire j Baft Found at Crash Scene A National Airlines official . examines a rubber raft from the plane which crashed in the f Gulf of Mexico near Mobile, Ala., during a storm, February J 14. The raft, unlnflated, was found floating near the spot i where the OC-6 plunged into the Gulf. Chief Engineer W. f B. Johnson of the Coast Guard holds the raft for inspection. ; (AP Wirephoto) No Fun Being SV2 Feet Tall He's Playing 'Killer Ape' By BOB THOMAS Hollywood W) As you can. Clothing Is another head Imagine, it's no fun being 84 ache. He wears a size 60 coat feet tall. an(j naturally has all his clothes But Max Palmer, the Clarks- j madc pny. Hc nas never ZTfyjt drowned . suit, preferring sport to that height, doesnt do too ... . .., ,nmnioininB about his coats and slacks. One such plight. -I figure that's the way it was meant to be," he remarks, "so I might as well accept It." He's also making it pay off, not as a circus attraction but as a movie actor. He has land ed his second part In Holly wood and is lining up more. Right now he's playing the title role in "The Killer Ape" with Johnny Weissmuller. Max made his film debut as a Mar tian in "invaders from Mars." He's up for a role as bodyguard to a young boy in 'The Robe." The latter will be made in the big-screen Cinemascope, and Max chuckled over the idea that the big-screen trend will aid his career. "The studios seem to make enough adventure pictures so I could keep working," he added. outfit runs him $200. His shoes are equally im mense. He wears a size 20 on one foot and a 21 on the other. He can wear a pair for about a year. The cost: $100. He generally buys high shoes or boots, such as he used to wear on the farm. What about sleeping? In his present hotel room, he sleeps in a normal-size bed without a head board. A couch takes care of the overflow. At home he had a bed that was I 9x6 feet, and he says he'll hunt for one here if his movie career prospers. Max tries to lead as normal a life as he can, considering his size. He dates often, and is reported to have a favorite girl friend in Texas. In "Killer Ape" scenes, he towers above Weissmuller, who Dallas to Sell Jr. High School -Dallas George Kurre, chair man of the school board, an nounced that plans were pend ing to place the junior high school up for sale to the highest bidder as soon as it is vacated. A new high school is being constructed and the junior high will be moved to the present high school site. Mr. Kurre was one of a group of a panel on youth and recrea tion at the regular Junior High PTA meeting held on Monday, February 16. The panel was set up to discuss the work now be ing done for the recreation of youth in this community. The speakers, introduced by Dick Wilson, program chairman, included Almos LeFors discuss ing baseball teams sponsored by the American Legion, and the sco tits; the Teen Town sponsored by the Jaycees was presented by Mel McAllister; the program of the Camp Fire Girls was dis cussed by Mrs. Dean Forbes; the 4-H program with its varied pro gram was presented by Jack Evey. The procedures of the Youth council were presented by Phil lip Newitt, principal of the jun ior high school. The one point which was emphasized in all re ports was the need for coopera tion and assistance by the par ents to assure the success of the program. Mr. Wilson summed up the re ports by remarking that the fault of unhappy or troubled juveniles would have to be placed at the door of the parents of these chil Three dimensional movies will make their first appear ance in Eugene Friday at the Heilijr Theater. The films require the use ol polaroid glasses Dy tne nuaience. l-on HoniWunn. citv manaeer of the United Theatre Corp., says the new dimensional movies will be in Salem at a latter date. "Lots of discussion on the matter has been HpIH" Honderaon aid Tuesday afternoon. Me aaaea, "eventually it wilf be a standard procedure. But it is hard to say when we will have it." 1 Betty Hutton and her International Variety Revne hit Portland thia week for a four-day stage revue at the Paramount. The show will open Friday, February 20. and run through February 23. Matinees will be played on Saturday and Sunday. The show ia produced and directed by Charles O'Curran. As a fitting finale to the show, Betty will do the sensational trapeze act ' which she learned for The Greatest Show oa Earth". Thia particular feat should provide the answer to the questions of a lot of doubting public. Betty is no longer employed by the Paramount Studios and now heads the Lindsay Corporation with her husband, Charles O'Curran, top Hollywood dance director. She'll take her show throughout the North west. Following her current road tour, Betty is plan- , ning to invade the television field. . . Jerome Thor, star of television's Foreign- Intrigue ser ies, is reading handbooks on how to be an author's agent these days. Thor has written a teleplay for the Foreign Intrigue series, but is having trouble selling it to the pro ducer. . YOURS FOR THE LISTENING: That Spider show originating from a local record shop between the hours of twelve and two every afternoon, is tops in Salem for musical entertainment. Spider does the dee jay job. Oh yes, following the show, when Spider come out of his web, he is Gene MacLean. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING : .Wednesday, Hollywood Opening Night at 8 p.m., stars Celeste Holm in "Mrs. Genius", drama of a marital conflict over intellect of a businessman's wife. I Married Joan, at 9 p.m., is a highly rated comedy. Theater at 10 p.m. will star Joey Walsh in "The Chess Game", the drama of a delinquent's regenera tion through the sacrifice of a cynical alcoholic. Night Owl at 11 :30 p.m., "Beware of Ladies". . . THURSDAY: Kate Smith' Show at 1 p.m. Matinee Theater at 3 p.m. will feature "Forgotten Girls"; Stranger Than Fiction at 4 :45 will bring you more strange and un usual items. BOUTS Wednesday, February 18, at 7 p.m., will be Bobby Dykes or Texas and Joe Miceli of New York, 10 rounds, middleweights, from Coral Gables Coliseum, Florida. For those who missed the Stan Kenton concert, held re cently in Portland, the "Artistry in Rhythm" man returns to Portland Saturday night to do a one-night stand at Jantzen Beach ballroom. SYLVAN I A TELEVISION ' The Only TV with HALO LIGHT . Also ALL CHANNEL TUNING TOP FRINGE RECEPTION EXCLUSIVE AT MUSIC CENTER 470 N. Capitol ' On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only aroiramj achadnl.d la adraaca) Things are locking up jor is a mere 6 feet 4. The studio Max, who first started to know the troubles of being tall when he was ,14. He was a normal boy until that age. "Then something went haywire," he said. Max. whose parents and three sisters are normal size, noMolav Initiates sent height in i ' has Max decked out in a plastic nose, hairy face and a furry costume. The press depart ment proudly points out that it takes six bear skins to cover him. Central Howell Union Installs shot up to his present neigni in five years. At 19, he stopped growing upwards, although he mwILiibJ Ia rn I ntl WPiffhL m I.. ar,n nminris. night the officers of Woodburn ' . , I chapter of DeMolay put on the Somehow he DcMo!ay degree for the Masons, continue a normal life. e'The formal DeMolay opening played basketball In school n"!wa, given antj tne degree con worked on the farm. Then he . d UDon lhree candidates. traveled around, appearing on Earl vecdor, Eugene Lenton and Rutschman; TV and playing pro DasueiDan Truman Baird, who had receiv- Frank way Central Howell The Cen tral Howell Farmers Union met at the school house on Monday evening, Feb. 17, with a pot luck supper preceding the busi ness meeting and installation of officers. Chairman Roy Rutschman called the meeting to order and installed the new officers, as follows: Chairman, Silas Torvend; vice chairman, Clarence Johnson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Albert M?ntie; doorkeeper, Eldon Ger- ber; conductor, Frank Way; executive board, Earl DeSart, thel Lloyd Beutler and Milo Wilcox. Built Best for the West PACKARD-BELL 21" end 24" Television Eddie Lewis TELEVISION Sales and Service 495 Ferry St. Salem BIRD'S House of Television f is open evenings 'til 8, Mon day thru Friday featuring the one-and-only S p a r t o n TV, Hoffman and other popular brands. 871 Wallace Rd. West Salem $305,000 Jackpot Won by British Clerk London Jack Coulton, a 41-year-old London insurance clerk, hit the soccer pool jack pot last Saturday. He won two prizes totalling, 109,000 pounds $305,200 for one shilling (14 U.S. cents). . On one pool, baaed on lasti Saturday English and Scottish professional league results, Coulton won 75,000 pounds 210,000 for sixpence (seven U.S. cents). WEDNESDAY 11:00 P m. Tht Bit Ttvptt 13:30 p m. Trlri 1:00 p.m. KU Smith 3:00 p.m. Doublt or Nothlni 3:10 p.m. Art OodfKT 3:30 p.m Atrtk It Rich 1:00 p.m. Mttinet Thcattr 41 p.m. Searcb for Tomorrow 4 SO p.m. Love of lift f :00 p.m. Strlk It Rich 10 p.m. Doui EdwiMl :4& p.m. Timi for Banr . 1:00 p.m. Fliiiti 7 41 p.m. Newt Cmravaa 00 p.m. Hollr wood Onenln Nit hi 30 p.m. Arthur OodXrtv 9 00 p.m. I Married Joan 30 p.m. Thto U Tour Ufa 10 00 p.m. Kn Murray Show 11:00 p.m. March of Tlmt 11:30 p.m. N l it TtieaUr PHILCO First in Public Demand! Wnrwihurn Fnllowinff regular meeting of Woodburn I wommiuee cnairmen appoini- lodge No. 106 AF & AM Monday ?r "-,rn '"r"" w"c- inuiciai i im vrnnsr nsiiiir- rn operative, Lloyd Beutler; agri culture. Earl DeSart; education, Mrs. Frank Way; cheer commit tee, Mrs. Clarence Johnson; in charge of the projector, Roy reporter, Mrs. in Chicago. He had offers to; lne initiatory degree at a pre- tour with circuses and carni- vj0uf meeting. Following the de vals, but turned them down. !gree the nine o'clock interpola tes reasons were Interesting. Ition and closing ceremony were "If a rough life, traveling given. The boys were guests oijioo a. m. and anyone inter all the time, he commemea.jthe Masons ai me reiresnmeni e,tej may attend A work shop for officers and members will be held at the Marion local building at Mar ion. Ore., Friday, Feb. 20, at Motorola TV Mitchell's RADIO TELEVISION 1880 State Phone 37577 'flY (enlcTf I Open to 9 p.m. I 1126 CENTER 130 yra. in Salem t Tea Site Changed "And you don't have any free-1 hour. dom. The people that run me; show don't want you to appear in public. You're supposed to stay hidden so folks will pay Woodburn The tea honor to tee you." lng the senior girls of Wood Life is a series of inconven-1 burn high school Thursday, iences for Max. t asked him if ! Feb. 19, will be held at the home of Mrs. O. L. Withers in he drives a car. "Nope. Can't find one that'll fit me." When he travels any dis tance, he has to take train. But a Pullman berth is out of the question. He must sleep in stead of at the library as first announced. The hours will be from 2 to 4 p.m. and is spon sored by Chapter J. of the PEO Sisterhood. Mrs. N. F. Tyler, the 'president, will give an address the coach cars, and pay for two and educational picture slides seats at that "". Reports on the recent county convention were given by Mrs. Way, secretary to the county group, and resolutions passed at that time were discussed. Frank Beutler and Roy Rutschman re ported on the various coopera tives and the Marion County, Farmers Union Oil Company meeting was announced for Feb. 28 at 10:00 a m. Another pot luck supper will be held previous to the business; meeting on March 16 and a ape-; cial effort will be made to con tact members who have not been attending. You'll Get MATCHLESS PICTURE PERFECTION rith Kaythcong Woodry Furniture Co. 474 S. (Mimrclil Phm 4-2111 THURSDAT 11:10 g m. Hollywood Reel 13 00 p.m. The Bit Payoff 13:30 p m. Welcome Travelers 100 p.m. Kale Smith Show 3 00 p.m. The Feminine Ana It Mt p m Arthur Godfrey 3 SO p m. Strike It Rkh 1:00 p.m. Matlnea Theater Ml p.m. Search for Tomorrow 4 30 p m. Lot of Life 4 4 p.m. siraoeer Than Fie t ton ft 00 p.m. Quia KUji 00 pm Ranat Rider 10 p.m. Doui Edward, Kewa 44 p.m. Time for Beany TOO p.m. Club Km bet? 1:15 p.m. SporUman'a Club 7 30 p m Dinah Short 1 4S p m Nwi Caravan I I 00 p.m. Oroucho Mara 30 p m. Burnt and Allen t oo p m. The Unexpected 30 p.m. ford Theater 10 00 p.m. Martin Kane 11:30 p m Nlte Owl Theater MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Compter Television Center 2140S.CWI. Ph.2-1411 FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at r Television Theatre. Sea them la aclioa before yaa boy. , ' Packard-lall, Emartoa, Raytheon, WottinghouM OKN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY ' Open Othar Evanings by Appointment YEATER APPUAKCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chamoktt Phono 34311 Dulles Denies Any Ultimatum Washington )J Secretary of State John roster Duties told i House group today he has not given Western Europe any ulti matum to speed defense unifica tion. . Adlal E. Stevenson, demo. cratic candidate in tho presi dential election. Implied last week that Dulles used "big stick" diplomacy in his recent tour of Europe. r Dulles reported on hi Euro pean trip to the House Foreign Affairs committee whose chair man, Robert R. Chlperfield, R 111., said afterward: . , The secretary was emphatic in his statement to the commit tee that no ultimatum was issued to our European allies. . THURSDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO jjJ HBO T CM 11M BO ISM HBO USS K. ! LBS !. H" "! Iiw T tnuT Snrita IbtwiM i ll n4 Utm OM u Nm 111 Nnra Imri lt Mm 1:1" r. BnMPirtv MOnM Osr W Iwritariattml Hlw M rtrty JmI Ow, m ! Im.N hn rrea SmV l:ff B-s. intainiusid bm rruk Drau SMUDUm Stakw lulal KUtnra BmmSBmbHwK ML :J VI. Bran lrkk Wttt Lm,k, o Imri Um Muta MM. :S mmu tm t KlrfcMa Kf W I kaa.h aiMlS Mm If I:M Ml. BUI Maato Cl Tlam Nw Snnl WMm MaUSr :1ft rrnll Mint , Cl lunar Oara. FaM BaaarS Baaai Hala4y f :J UfaBaaaU. OaUrar ' Uaa Maala Baaarl Baaai HaMr t:4,IPav. am. Oaafrar MlSiaaalra Barraaawi BaaarS Baaai Mtmtr l:t Waleaan baSlrar Malta Banal Maala llm DaaSa Matia Mai. 1:1? TraaaM OaUrar Bia Bias Maala . Skaw Maala MaL !: Dr. raat Oatfrar Var aba OlrlajNawa Jlaj Daaar Maaia MaL P. Oarraway Car Maiaay far laa OlrlajPaala I Uaa Shaw Maaia MalaS Maaiaai Blikkaai alar PaH. lawla KMa Karaar WarM Nawa Maala In Balk Aaklaa Sari Caaa Haaatatwaa Maala Mart Gaaat Star : Ma air Bai . Jla Wakalr Sari Caaa Cart Maaaai Maala Mart SaaaaS Laak an Bakar Taaatkllr Baaai Ilaia Saai Haiaa Maala Marl Waaaaa'a ft. i:ttjitn EiMarra Marrla CtralalSit. rraataa Maala Mart aaw Caaa :15Nawa Nawa Vlra. rtaklarlHrt. Prartaa Maala Mart Skav Caaa i:S I. McCaD WarHTa4aj C. BaaU.r Skr Elaa Maala Mart Valtataa. ft:r IC Pataraak Fraak Oaaa Bak OarraS Iskr ktaa isum Off Saua I :K' Balai vtlk Tlaaa far Waalkaraaaa IO. BaaUr ICakSla UaM I:)S Maala Lara Haaaa Baltlaa N. . Nawa aa Slrrar :SS Baal BkrHaa Bla Craakr Oaa4 taawar Maa Vawa Ba Skaltaa lar Craakr Uaaaalm; taaa Baraa a Kan i-BO Bit Itary Aaarrleaa . Bllrar Kaita Claaa Kl O' Blc Blarr War Sltvar Barla Maala siara lata j Balak Vlallras DraaailaaS CaaaaiaaM Maala :a Kfwaria Tlaaa tlarkaaaa far ml SaartaBaa'rt S:M Maa'a Faailr L. Tkaaaaa Laartaaa Crlaaa ria , Traak-iM WarM Nawa Ok Saaft Saaakaartii Criaia Ptian - Traak 14a lite Bar Baaara Daa. Briaa LUa Batlaa Maala Traak 111 j:ir. Bar Karri Par. Brlaa AI aa Saa. SarakfcS ' Traak liaw -aa Falkar Mart Mlllla laaaaaa Taa olaa Barar Traak 1mT 'ir, Kaawa Mart MlUla Priaar Nawa Pali. Uwb Traak MS CaaaaiaaM la Slallari Saarak far Wkal Caaka Tra UN t:lf far PB j,, ailai SUra . Maala . Nan a-M laairtai S-SUr Ptaal Pkaal aWatarlBaklaS alrp Warrlak a:a. SaarU Ptaal latarrlawa Paaaa Tlaaa Nawaraal Warrlak Z'.in Galiaa ra Tawa Paaaa Tlaaa Nawa Maala Taw jiSH Ptaaaa Orakaatra baara Tlaaa Orlaaa Pltaa Waat 117 Ortaw baaaa Tlaaa Crtara PUaa , Naataraa Iia, I.waa MtCall Ortaa Paaaa Tlu Malta Naataraa tan War. Traaaarr Paaaa Tlaia Maala Naataraa 4 Maaawaa BaaSatawS Paaaa Tlaaa Malta Naataraa ' il-e Islam Off Isaaal paaaa Tlaaa llra Off I Ism Off TO OIT OA CHANNEL ' uiith "' Raytheon w NO C05,,y'fr'p0 ' ' .aa rl. j VOn T OIOW I OUT Opi a tf " ' A You, too. Con Hot TV O VI' S, We Take Moat Anything Ton a n Traae lor a neauuiui Don't Blow Your Top! Have exlras'fobtiylj RoythcoBp Set. See Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Ln Ave. - - Phone . S855I Open MoniUy and Friday KTentnc FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:4S A.M. f:MI MbI Tlm CBS Main Tmtm r. INw UlrckfM Wtittti :lfi Nuk) TIM am Own Ttm Br. linM9W MMk MtHlf t $A Mmm TIm KOIN SI Fart nr. New Bfkfat Wmrm Htmt ;4' Vim tim OIW Kl m rtm nmt Mirti Tlw Kk Srwt 7M Calrrl-tllir Nwi Nwt HeMiiirwar nrs.lul KOCO Kltwk 715 lhBr Willi FftM M. ArrMtkf nrtnkfait Nh KOCO Kite j-lfl Nttvt Htwm IUkOarr- Brukfail Bruklul KOCO Klock 7:it tt. MBABhif B lUkbllt Bk Haiem Sit Hw hk KOCO Ktk Oltl r Nws BrcakfMl CU Brva Tadari AUr KOCO Klaok S15 Ol lara Newt Club TnmUr Ailar Jim Oasdr KOCO Klack :S Mail Bs Oraa-I ! BrMkfaat Blfel ttaat Jlaj Daax- KOCO Klaak 1:45 Mail Bi Kwarr Clafc wth.t Kaar JIm paady Ntwg Mailt Bat WWart Hwm Dr. Sward Maliaaa Striag 15 Mail na Aant Jaaay Tlaclay liar CtmaMlar Hallnaa Itraaaaa M Mail B HcIcb Trant Break Bank Paitar Call Matlnaa Haitalatu Lladlakr Gal Saaday Br k Baak Bar. Caaatt! Maliaaa riaaa ral IB-if MtHi In Kaad" Llfii Daa Gardnar Olta Bard Maliaaa Bara rarlr Ma Parklai Cbc-ft Bantltr Ttlla Tail Mallnaa - BMraa '-IA Sirlka B(rk Dr. Malaaa Traa BUrr Aaswar Maa Mallnaa Bart 'ids Blrlfct Blch Paid. Llikl Traa Btary Mala Maliaaa Bacardi M Daabl ar Mn. Barla Wbliaarlar Ladlai Fair Maliaaa Bare Natkhii P. Maaaa Olrl Marrlaa LadlM Fair Matlnaa Bacardi tt J nd Bar Narak Drake V. Lladlhar Qa. far Day Maliaaa 1 Kara 1145 Bak Baa Brlrhlar Daf Baraer Kaaa On. far Par Mallnaa Bacarda S ilA (. f71 N RIAOr.TO RICIIVI All CHANNILS IN THIS AHA WITH BtewaawawaBk PM Mat.t BOtN IS 1.1, S a.aa. to II a.B. KIZ M S, S ta t DIAL LISTING KOAC, SSI KOAC lfKf " r-M :- Cklkl Pla ..'. Tkaalar: l:M Praallr Wa nail! :, Nawa Waalkari S:at. Oraraa Laalalalarai 1:15, Paraa flaari S:M. line Tkaalari :. Maala Tkat laaaraa: :U, Maaitallaai lt:M. Slra Oft. Ml U Xaii bpaalallr far Waaaaa; 114. Caaiarl Bali U:H, Wawai ISlU. Paraa PJawra. Harlaa aawalr aaaata. Boy Scout Awards Made at Mill City Mill City Mill City Boy Scouts attended . Sunday school and church services Sunday in uniform. The boys were accom panied by their scoutmaster. Charles Kelly. Boy Scout awards and adv ancements were given out last week, piesentation being made by the scoutmaster. Also being present for the official recognition of the occas ion were Ed Cooke, Boy Scout committee chairman and Lee Ross, committee member. Tenderfoot awards were given to Michael Kelly, Billy Sullivan Anthony Berry and David Jennings Second class awards went to Lauren Dart, Tony Boothby, Larry Urban and Jerry Foster. First year badges were given to Tony Boothby, Billy Hedge, David Jennings, David Jones, Terry Muir and Larry Large, Gregory Peterson received his star rank and bookbinding merit badge and Donald Lemka re ceived his merit badge in art. ACTRESS SUES Los Angeles A $130,000 suit has been filed by actress Joan Miller against the National Broadcasting Company and oth ers, claiming her name has been used for that of a disreputable Nazi spy in the radio show "Dan gerous Assignment." Mourners at Gypsy funerals spill a few drops of wine on the ground as a symbol of the wine to be enjoyed by the deceased in the next world. ONE KNOB CONTROL Open Wednesday And Friday Nights. Till 9 p.m. Visit Our TV Theatre u YEATER'S Appliance & Television 375 (hemekefa Phone 3-4311 TV OWNERS New Invention Reduce Snow Eliminate. Noise And Interference! No installation problem. Fit any 1 lO-volt plug in. Sold on money back 30-day trial! Send $3.50 Check or Money Order to: Keizer Electric Products Co. 470 Arlette Rt, Salem, Oregon Built-in All-Channel Tuner Standout Picture With Interlace Installed in Your Home for as Low as $35.00 down, $3.50 per week Valley Television Center "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and installation. All sets sold and Installed carry fall 90-day service. IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 231 S Fairground Rd. Phono 2-5491 IN WOODBURN 171 Grant SI. Phono 3611 .a