118 CARL ANDERSON It's Deatfr, My Darlinc! Henry .,, v ly AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG ' UF Mwslcetartt) Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Wed, Feb. 18, 1958 5 m Kino knu inoc wc pyDKEMin into lews -mi mar mmmmmm f THE POUCE TAKE A VOUR WALLET-- NIGHT'S -CC My AN' DONT LOOK J S f K1 I T PRETTV HAZY VIEW Of ANO THE HACKirS PECEIPT3 J HEART BACK VaSjl I'.f -Sk J - I PEOPLE rVWO USE " -f CASH t , -y " lili.. rfOTVC i; ll ' ' ' ' Chapter 13 ' Shortly after that, the sheriff and the coroner both left, taking with tnem Claudes ooay. After they had gone, Uncle Boun tiful aerved a breakfast which tome of ue ate through aheer nervousness and others were unable to touch for the same reason. When the meal was about half ! . erer. Uncle Raoul spoke for the i first time since sluing down at the 1 . table. "Why did you do it. Beau?" he asked abruptly. . Beau glanced up from his plate. .'; "Do what?" he asked. I ; Ue about finding; Claude." j Pick spoke before her brother could answer. ! i "I think I know," she said. "When : ' the sheriff brought in those flowers, : Beau thought that that I might i know . something about Claude's death. So be made up that tale to f protect me. Isn't that It, Beau?" 1 I Beau nodded carelessly. He had . , assumed something of his old devil- ' - may-care attitude again. : "Why did you go downstairs, - ; Pick?" Lee asked unexpectedly i j "Was It actually to get a book, or" J i "If she says she went to get a I : book, then that's why she went," I ' Beau Interrupted him almost ! ( roughly. "For God's sake, Lee, cant j you learn to wt weu enougn aioner Lee flushed, f "I dldnt mean" he began. "Whv disturb ourselves with un ! , important trifles?" Cousin Jeff, the 1 peacemaker, put In diplomatically. -me quesuon or ciauaes oeaui nss i been settled If there ever wss a question in anyone's mind except ; 1 the sheriff's and that's .all , that " matters." - ' i But was it. I wondered? Was it : s either settled, or all that mattered? i i I wandered out onto the south gallery, where presently I was Joined t by Amedee. "What do too think of H alL Peter?" he asked, sitting down be side me. "I dont know. Dede," I answered "There still seem to be a lot of things ttiat could stand explaining." "Ana one or tnem is, now uiauae eouM nave stumbled over the end of the sword when It was thrust through his belt," he said. "I wss inside Just now experimenting with one of Grandpere's canes, and 111 be hanged If I could find out how ne oia it." - "Thank Heaven you had sense enough to use a cane instead of the sword I " I exclaimed. "You might have found out." Re looked so pleased at that, I was afraid we were going to get lldetracked from our subject.' But we eiarrt. i "You mean that the sword must 2589 SIZES 10 20 A Pretty Way to Look I The swirly skirt is important In this two-niece: so is the doll-waist Jacket! Finish as a town and country cotton or "silk" suit dress with your choice of sleeves, collar or collarless neck line. No. 2589 Is cut in sires 10. 13. 14 1. 18, 30. Size 16: Short sleeves, 8 V. yos. 40 -in. or o yos. sn-in. Send 30c tor PATTERN with NAME, Address, Style Number and else. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 653 Mission street, can rrancisco s, cam. Patterns ready to fin orders Itn mediately. Par special handling of rder via first class mall include an extra Se per pattern. price Just 29c Just off the Press! The new Spring-Summer Fashion Book, agog from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, all trans, la ted into delightfully wearable, ea. sy-to-sew pattern designs for every age, every type, all sizes, all occas ions. Bend now lor this sewing In. splratlon . . . Just 25c. WORK WITH A SM&E! Chewing does if Cet happy little lift. .. . r... Chew Wrigiey apesrm. - . . t i Work t ''' "" have been drawn. "That looks like the only logi cal explanation,- ne repuea gravely. "But what difference would it make?" I asked. "It wasn't the sword that killed Claude; It was a nean attack." "Dkint It occur to vou to won der," he countered, "whether It was the heart attack that caused the wound with the sword, or the shock of the wound that caused the heart attack?" "You mean Beau?" I ventured as he paused. He didn't answer directly. "We may as well face the facts before somebody else faces them for us," he said.' "Even if Calude did die around half past two, it still doesnt give Beau a clean bill of health. Come to think of it, when Lewis and Henri and I went out to the garconnleres, I cant re member seeing him with us." "Oh. but he did so out later." I said. "I saw him." I exDlalned about seeing Ov thiw shadows leaving the lighted room downstairs, and about Pick's strange vigil In the upper ball. "But here's the part I cant understand." I finished. "How did he get back into the house? Aunt Minerva nut on the night latch Just before she went upvuurs- "Maybe Beau took it off again when be went out." Amedea sue. gested. "Then he must have deliberate. ly planned to come back," I pointed out. "And that makes It look more than ever as though he was lvlns WI1CU no BUM "Thanks." Beau's voice cut in un. expectedly. "I've been called a liar so many times today, it's beginning to look ss though I'm getting some- uuwj Aunt xipnines reputa- He had come out uoon the aallerv without our noticing him. Now he stooa MOKing aown at us with one of his Impudently Ironic grins. "Beau." I asked before I could stop myself, "when you planned to come back last night, was It to meet Pick?" "what makes you think I nlan. ned to come back to meet anvbodv. Peter?" he inquired. "Because vou took the nlrht latch off the front door when vou wenU That took him by surprise. "Oh. I seel The srln. which had vanished temporarily, returned. "All right; you win. I did plan to come back, and I took the nlsht latch nil so that I could. But It wasnt to men. nci or anyone else." "Then why wss it?" Amedee asked point blank. Beau leaned lazily against one of the white pillars. "Sorry. Dede," he said, "but I'm afraid well have to skin that. Tt had nothing to do with Claude's death, which the coroner save God bless him I was due to heart fail ure." He turned then, and walked nnn. distantly back Into the house. -ui course, this is only a hunch," I said to Amedee when he had gone. -nut i oeueve Beau came back to the house for the same reason that ticx went downstairs; and that, In spite of what he says, that rea son had something to do with uiauae. it may even have been the thing that brought on his heart attack." "That sounds possible." he agreed thoughtfully. "The Question is. whv did Pick come down stairs?" "I- only wish I knewl" 1 Mr- claimed fervently. (Te Be Continued) Carol Curtis Pattern 482 Crocheted for Springtime. Done in a completely simple stitch with a "popcorn" edge, each "popcorn" sporting a single white or brlght- ooiareo cmna Dead which la thread- ea onto the crochet hook and work ed as part of the crocheting, in expensive, soft rug yam la used, or hat may be done in triple thread straw yarn, ravon cordet or a nfr wool. Very chic In pastels with white I oraos. in wnite with pastel, navy or crimson beads. Can be made In two nours, tool Send 30c for the BEAD TRIM-! meu nw trauern No. 4831 com plete crocheting and finishing In structions. YOUR N AMR in. i DRESS. PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS. Capital Journal, f4 IwUiWlOfi Hl.reaeu Kan ." rvlsiut ft Patlsam Metal . fill --l 1 mtdlftltlj. For ftperlal handllnr of ss ciub man i ne l Me an extra 5c per pattern. frVwhsmaw A II "I-TITTT M a, SMlOl already asked. h11 W!U.,I dU. KWY TO JOIN yttoNNA AXP ijil0,0OO. J kMUUCMK&uJmmm 60TTA , W Oet RJM . OL' ALRfT AM7 600FF TO 761 7XC?"Ht,TcHlrf ON A 013 PUtf AVrKBPOrTWfiwe Trl'leNPM 4FUMMIN M8MJOOTHt 70 WATCH AoHOif, DUCT PEAL.) A PtNNY Off EACH TAQlT MM0H I SACK MB.'. mm m mmkmm-wmkwkWmi--m 'li"ssssr,,Jss, BB lsssp"l"Bl K I TCXftg. BH? KLVOU-Rg JUgT -nil I ocsrr-rcaocA II Imiue I I l-J n .i 1 ZZT.ZTz' I II ' hJ JS5 ?--0H6 ki WOL BS, HOLS- 1 ti f ImistSR? V THT . I ll r Astv i 1 til X Ia VlySPTAv rJtin A5;r 8 T I A 111 l.JSAl'f I Vr V rW f. -r ffrSXM? 15 II EN r nii mw,M Lfj s viif- aj ii vzr vx . . . i ii mryjyt i ys ,ii i vi assay. 11, .. , r . : n I I i . . " ----- ... , j. V ' . T-l V ' - I 1-flfU MM m2- T S-vB- Al I U UT r- jsv Tt BBBB ii .r.";vE50Mt-e, sffsroa a to' amiB! vr ik ifr 7 1 . : : ' ; I.. I:ll.f . -S? . 1 I MEHjODVJS dtUN.-ftTILL I I ' .In. ,u.? I It if. 0C f .CTL-ll rST S-? CsA. I! " I ea ?fr -"wWL- ."aJ .VJ ieJlw V -"i-aT II M fSSIi- N 1 1 BUT, MUTT-- )(I DONTCARE; VJ 1 THE SHE H rN0 FAINTED.' I ? - II eT?D I .. MrTf THATSROHMVJ SHUT LOWE HIM )f SlWQ ',,, UCD ? f ? leAl?AI " 6DT7f A 1 JAY. --THE W?J.THAT LASTNtCHT VEH? h0SBAND -s , pVop"' T ZliifiO iSolA 1 PACKET NOTT0N9 NEW rJfcl NOtSE WHEH HE WA3 ( V SrlE 6AVE Pt7 )). WONT ASK j ' iwKWItilMKST-J SINGING ) iLOF! SlNCING A BieTHTrt C'' I NV0RE T jjjjp L L iTr ffrf rjl PjHf MX we rAS USUAL, I'M T4, LETS HAVE IT.' Aj I At AT CITY MOSfrAl .. . T NO.' THOSS p 'T . . TSw '01X HESS AT CALtlNa BECAUSE ) T. P.A. TVgiVSS Bjer TI5SUS WANSS 1 -' W"-LAC' A SB A. VBS nSNNlNA I HAVS A PHOBLEVI, ON P0LeMS.' X TMgN VOu CAN'T T CAN BE CAUSEP I E FAVORITE 7 TO THiNlC CXJ'0 -s. rvALLACt .' . .Mf , f m PINPOINT THB CAUSE OF BY A OCBEN M , SLUTH T jjql FQgaOTTBN US. V ItT" VVkTV' PEATH IN THE TUgNES; J DIFFERENT Vfli V s D I f'yyFirf .Z1t2n I f?.-CA?VOU EVER OWNEC) KjUST A SECONO.SON.. I C..HESE'S VOUR "1 I O 0Riis6i7Z-.rZ?r 1 B ! L UL elVE VDU, twentj ito save vou atrip... j xjt. Pvtwent I D fWima3FV4 1 iA HJ''rXv'' h? . -af il VJ 2aW I . 1W WW I ia-Z 1 I III' -WIsn' I I -a WlTCr.. -ary ' ir- .. . U f I mW UA.W TOU 0 BETTER HtRE THANKV'..T'mAJ I WILL THE CIA PlEAiECOMt i T . r 1 BEIDtME-.JU5TINCA4E NnT Al I nwf n TT1 1 TO ORDER? I B Vij3?iau i a to ARLl WHEN t HEARD OR. "CKIN6 ONOU! - 5tAT; u LfV' l J N cMiir f-m r i saw. - el ' 1 ' jsM Exchange Student Guest Of Middle Grove Women Middle Grove Miss Ursula Glseser who was a student In Vienna, Austria, was guest speaker for the Monday night meeting of the Middle Grove Mothers clubs. She Is now an enchange stu dent at Willamette university giving special attention to a comparison of our schools with those of European schools. At' the business meeting Mrs. Charles Roberts gave the report of the Salem Parent Council The grades of Wallace Turnidge won the attendance award with half of the mothers present. The boys Cooking 4-H club held their meeting Monday night at the home of Billy Jo Slimak. The demonstration, making French omelette, was given by Harry Scharf and Dennis Scharf discussed the value of egg as food. Boys present with their tea cher. Mrs. John Cage, were Tom Latham, John Anglin, Dennis Scharf, Don Anglin, Charles Wy att, Harry Scharf and Billy Jo Slimak. The regular monthly meetir.e I of the Middle Grove Associated clubs will be held at the school house Friday, Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m. For the refreshment hour lunch baskets will be exchanged. The Associated clubs ways and means committee with Mrs. Lewis Patterson as chairman served the lunch for the swine show at the fair grounds last week and will have one in March ACROSS 1. Fearful T. Arrange a variety of II. Without solidity It One who keeps tally IS. Final It. Test ore 18. Mother: colloa. It. Fleuxwt 20. Quantity of yarn Jl. Coal scuttle 22. Myself , 23. Corrodes ' 24. Carry: colloa,. 29. Compound ether 27. Msrked with sn asterisk It. Patron sslnt of lswyers 31. Slelth SI Wingless 35. English city 3s. Ringing instrument 3t. Heelless slippers 41. Proposed In ternational language 4X' Dined 43. Water flying in fine particles 44. Arm of a crane 45. Note of the scsle 4C Wss the matter with 47. Talk with enthusiasm 43. Evsrlssting: poetic is is M U U U I 1,3 hi hi n 1 n Tr ir fr pjr Sj4 tm- pH s r SiT a- gjjp ROOM & BOARD YEH.' DOWN DOES? W 1 HEAR BLikMr- K wRtSTLED A GUY fS fa WHOS RATED AS M K WASHED UP AS A A t t ---s HDNCN wVt, BUI I I HE NEATLY TIED V BUNNY IN A CUPID'S RTTjJf I I IV ' I UA KlNlj UN HIS V TSflf HEA3 KNOCKINHIMl IbI fc't-X I COLDER THAN A . PENGUIN'S I SffeSi AFTER YT' k U -AU THE EARL i A . ViA.UJ-EARNED'HIM for two days. Th noil. .1.11' at the corner of Silverton Rd. and Lancaster Dr. has two Middle Grove men in charge. Bill Thompson and Chuck Wenger. - Startling Alice Mann of New York models jewel studded fingernail. The gim mick is metal-backed and set with imitation gems to stick on one finger. The startling accessory is about to appear in stores across the nation. (UP Telephoto) Ion e lift kijSki Solution of Vestsrdsy's Puuls " 30. One who mskes off secretly 52. Nicked 53. Staircase posts DOWN 1. Burning 1 Night-signals 3. Hazard 4. Norwesjsii territorial division ' t. ExisU t. Aboriginal inhabiUnts of Borneo T. Helps 8. Scrutinize 1. Kind of besa 10. Gold: heraldry 11. Fsr removed 12. Bsrtered 17. Adjusts 20. More certain 21. Throng 23. Take delight in 21 Large woody plants 28. Nsme d 28, Nsrrow city street 30. Tried 32. Humbled 33. Small and trim 34. Decoy 38. Senseless tslk 37. Make serious , 40. Fraught 43. Msthematlcal rstie 44. Yswn 48. Knsck 47. Propel with oars 41. Type measure 51. French article By Gent Ahem - FIBST RIIMWV Dtrrc. ru aw AN'GETS A TOE HOLD ON H1M- au I 'lliTlTsiesweeieje,. i y 'YX& TV Skl t Ssf r " X iHtN SUMfc FELLAS GIVE BUNNY A CHEER - AN' Y'KNOW WHAT DA HAM GETS UP AN'TAkTES A BOW . DA OTHER GUY COWES IN BACK Of BUNNY AN' GOAT-BUTTS HIMOUTA