Commission to Stress Future CitV Plnnnlnn Planning ...jit m - wui irom now on 5,1. "i"1 tre" '""a city ion. wunf commls- Tufsday night Chairman W. w. Rosebraugh, at th sugges tion ot Mayor Al Loucks. and following out a policy an- Freight Rates 'Unreasonable' Washington flUJ The Inter wt Commerce Commitslon to y dismissed a complaint by the American Newspaper Pub luheri Association that western ung rates on newspapers and newspaper supplements art "un just and unreaionahla." The complaint was filed alter the western roads Increased their rate 20 per cent in March, 1950. u puousners association con tended that the charges lor han dling newspapers west ol the Mississippi are "unreasonable" w comparison with eastern rates. The ICC said there is "no ade quate basts" lor concluding the ' rates are 'In any respect unrea sonable." The ICC said railroad rates lor handling newspapers have risen only 38 or 39 per cent since 1931, while rates on other bag gage ear traffic have increased "considerably more." Newspa pers are carried in baggage cars or In the vestibule of passenger cars on trains that do not carry baggage car. North Howell North Howell Visiting Mon day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strachan were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Simmons from Hazel Green district ' Mr. and Mrs. George Cllne and family from Castle Rock were weekend guests at the home of George's mother, Mrs. A. T. Cllne. Twenty-nine members of Sil verton Hills grange were pres- ent at the visitation at the North Howell grange on Monday eve ning. Other granges represented were Waldo Hills, Woodburn and Keiier. Cyrel Schooling, state deputy from Junction City, Mrs. George Benson, master of Marlon county Pomona grange, and Gordon Gil bert, Marlon county grange dep uty, were special guests during the evening. The third and fourth degree obligations were given to Mr. and Mix. Oscar Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Westageard. The program was arranged by lec turer Eunice Beals. Guests tor the day on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jackson were the former's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Ftusback and daughter, Joan, from Eugene. The Jacksons daughter, Janice, who is attending Lewis and Clark college in Portland, was a house guest of her parent over the weekend. . Mr. and Mrs. K J). Coombs returned recently from a trip to Michigan where they purchased a new car and drove It home. They made the trip east by train and returned home by way of Ohio, Texas and Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alter from Labish accompanied the Coomlers on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Roble spent Monday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Espe. The North Howell home eco nomics club met at the hall Feb. 12 with a 1:30 luncheon prepared by the hosts, Mrs. Nell Hall and Mrs. Bertha Dunn. After a short business meeting Mrs. Robert Nelson gave a talk on shrubs. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epping and children. Dennis and Doug, las, spent Thursday at the H. C. Espe home. nouncement made at a mom city council meeting, appointed a special planning committee frcm the commit ion membership. Appointed war Knhrt Powell, chairman. V. n u. Mullen and Frank Guerin. It waa explained that la the 28-year history of tha nlannina and zonlag commission most of ' work ha had to do with zoning because of cuwuuons in tne city, shifting ot business areas, etc. That has predominated over ' long-range punning, it was said. with planning now a mora definite policy the new commit tee will report back to the com mission In about 60 day. It waa asked to look into the plan ning program of other cities. ' wore W1U orobablv conn. dlnate with that ot tha county planning and zoning commis sion. Myrl G. Clark submitted to tne commission Tuesday night proposal lor approvlna aar- den-type apartment house in u neignoornooa of tne new South Salem high achooL It waa referred to tha coda revi sion committee. To clear the record the com mission recommended to the city council that it ' vacate streets and alleys occupied by uie xnoma Kay woolen mills. For the first time since the commission came into being a quarter of a century ago Hedda owarx mused a meeting. Ho is ill with the flu. Swart served several year as chairman. Celilo Indians . Pad Restudied Portland The Army Engi neers will resume negotiations soon with the Warm Springs and Umatilla Indian tribes to clarify some legal provisions of an agreement reached earlier on compensation payments for their fishing rights on the Columbia River. Col. Thomas H. Lipscomb. Portland District engineer, said Tuesday that the amount of pay ment to be made to each tribe tor the fishing right they will lose because of construction of The Dalle Dam will remain un changed. But he said the office of the chief of the Army Engineers ask ed a restudy of the agreement's renegotiation provisions and the revised clause on the use of con tract at evidence in other claims. The Warm Springs tribe, with 1,078 members, will receive 14,047,000 in payment for the fishing right granted them un der an 1899 treaty with the gov ernment The Umatilla, with 1, 118 member, will receive $4,- 198,000. But the money cannot be paid to them until the agreement 1 approved by the chief of Army engineers and the Interior De partment secretary and 1 rati fied by members of tha tribes, Lipscomb said. Dallas Women Plan To Prepare Banquet Dallas Circle B ol tne First Presbyterian church completed arrangements for their part in the dinner to be served by the women ot the Presbyterian church to the members ot the Farmer's warehouse. The meeting held at the home of Mrs. A. J. Cleveland featured sewing In addition to the busi ness which was discussed. De votion were led by Mrs. Forest Holmes. The table was decorated with fbrsythia and eamelias from the yard ot the hostess.' The next meeting of the Clr- Wlfa Dead. Hasband Held-Army Cpl. Philip J. Watson (right) it being bald by San Francisco police in connection with the death of hi wit of 8 month, the former Arlya I. Hendrickson, XS (left), daughter ot the shipping commis sioner of tha Coast Guard Seattle area, at Tacoma, Wash. Police Inspector Al Nelder said Watson called police saying he had found his pretty wilt dead in a partially filled bath tub. (AP Wirephoto) i Ho Residence Clause in Bill The Senate Election Com mittee decided Tuesday to de lete the residence requirements from the legislative districting bill. The bill would have state rep resentatives in Multnomah, Marion and Lant Counties run In subdistrlcts that the bill would create. Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton told the committee it it unconstitutional to require that a man must live in a sub district in order to run there. So the committee eliminated the requirement Multnomah county would be split into fivt sub-districts, and Lant and Marlon county two sub-districts each. The bill also provide that senator and representative run for numbered position in coun ties or tub-districts where there are mora than on to be elected. Gresham Boy Loses Life, Struck by Car Gresham. UP) .A school bus truck and killed a 5-year-old boy who darted into the street from between two parked ears, police reported Tuesday. The boy was the ton of Mr. Helen Walker of Ores ham. Folic said a witness told them it waa snowing at the time and the bus driver, appar ently unaware h had hit the boy, did not ttop. Columbus Holiday Move to Be Dropped Senate Democrats gave up Tuesday In their attempt to have Columbus Day declared a legal holldai. They introduced a bill calling for observance In scnooi on Columbus Day. They announc ed that this bill 1 a substitute for an earlier measure which would have made it a legal noli-day. FILM CHIEF TO WED Hollywood, W) Film direc tor Howard Hawks and New York model Dee Hartford will be married at hi home Friday night The 58-year-old Hawk said he and his 28-year-old bride will sail from New York Sat urday tor Europe and that they will be gone tor a year on a combined honeymoon and picture-directing trip. NOW HE'LL BE ALLY CRY Los Angeles VP) A $100,000 damage suit has been filed against crying singer Johnnie Ray. Herman Prujanaky said he became Ray publicity man at $200 a week last July 15 but was fired without cause last Dec. 3, He said he had an oral agree ment that provided for him to continue his services so long as Ray remained in show business. cle will be held at the home ot Mrs. J. E. Johnson at 713 Lyle Street ' v" ' ' I 1 .in, .' Mil ii.iit . , il I, i , i,r, Dog Days are here with a reverse meaning. This Is the time when the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, top event In dogriom, and its re sult focus attention on dogs. Just to show there is plenty of variety, club official pose a champion great dane with a couple of novice Chlchua huas. (AP Newsfeatures) Mt. Angel Women's College Presents Annual Musicale Mt. Angel Mt. Angel Wom en's college and Academy School of Music presented a talented group of local artists In a varied program of Instrumental and vo cal numbers, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Women' col lege auditorium. "Among the Moderns" was the theme chosen for this year's snnual musicsle, which wss at tended by a large number of music lovers from here and the vicinity, who filled the audi torium to near capacity. First on the program was "In vitation to the Dance" by von Weber, presented by the high school orchestra under the di rection of Sister M. Mercedes. n,i followed by the per formance of Individual pieces by high school and college music gtudents. piano solos were by Lila Brown who played "Scherzo in Double Notes" by Mowery; and Patricia Brandt who presented "Khaosody In C Msjor" by Do- Lnanvl n,,n olano numbers were by Csrol Rlckert nd Joy Schnor enberg who plsyed "Hora Stac cato" by Helfeta; Carol Brandt and Anna Sowa presented "The Dancing Doll" by Poldlnl; Mary Jane Mclntee and Katherlne Brandt played "Espana" by Chabrier; and Cfcrol Wachter ,d Marilyn Schwab presented First Arabesque" by Debussy. Janet Cobat, Beverly Rue, Elizabeth Newman and Vlckey Jo Erley presented a piano en semble. "Dance of the Winds" by Peabody. Two harp numbers by Patricia Brandt were "Pre lude In D Minor" by Sister Flor ence Therese, and "A Song of the Winds" by Chalmers. "Veni Sancte Splrltus" by Roff, and "Waitin' in the Sha dows by Coombs-Wellesley were sung by the Aeollans, the college chorus. The second halt of the after noon's program was an operetta. "Windmills of Holland" by Otis M. Carrlngton, with Vickey Jo Erley as accompanist, presented by the high school chorus under the direction of Sister M. Lor raine. A beautiful background for the operetta was a Dutch farm, complete with windmill and tulip fields in blossom, Those taking part included: Patricia Herrle as Mynheer Her togenboach, Holland farmer; Aileen Anderson, Vrauw Her togenbosch, his wife; Louise Geschwill as Wllhelmlna and Rosalie Schmerber, Hilda, their daughters; Rosemarle Gollk, as Bo'b Yankee, the American sales man; Kathleen Normo, as Hans, student of music, In love with Wllhelmlna; Carol McMahon, as Franz, the rich farmer's son, in love with Hilda; and Carol Eder as Katrlna, the rich farmer's daughter. Taking part in the chorus were Anna Marie Burdlok, Mary Beth Brinkman, Mary Ann Du man, Edna Edgell, Patricia Geschwill, Carol Garret, Patri cia Roberta, Bertha SUbernagel, Kathleen Schaffner, Sharon Sul livan and Barbara Woelk. The orchestra personnel in cluded. First violins: Rita Hauth, Gail Hankins, Farrell Williams, Mary Jane Mclntee. Carol Rlc kert, Joy Schnorenberg, Carol Wachter. Marlene Possner, Mary Manlon, Laura Scbmitz, Elaine Worley, Janet Cobat and Betty Looney. Second violins: Mary Edgell, Beverly Rue, Alice Terhaar, Betty Mae De Santls, Nancy De Santis, Patricia Schmltz, Joyce! Bean, Sandra Prosser, Kathleen Butsch, Joan Michels, Verna Hlsky and Patricia Setter. Cellos: Kstherine Brandt, Anita Wilde, Marcint Buchholz, ' Jeannette Wavra, Marilyn Schwab and Margaret Schwab. Violas: Joyce Kraemer and Dorothy Rohan. Bass: Carol Brandt. bq, Flutes: Shirley Ebner and Jeannette Wiese. Trumpets: Jean Berning, Mary Wagner and Irma Kaiser. Clarinets, Arlene Dummer, Frances Dleker, Donna Knauf, Mary Plott Lucy Plott and Mauri ta Jaeger. E-Flat Horn: Margie Annen. Drums: Patricia Anderson. Tim pani, Helen Marie Long, and Piano, Patricia Brandt. Moshberger Portland Rites Woodburn Funeral service wer held Tuesday la Portland for Orson Moshberger. 82. of Portland, long time resident ot Woodburn, who died Feb. 15 at Providence hospital. Interment ts In Mt. Calvary euattorr. Mr. Moshberger was the ton of tha lata Charm and IsteUa Moshbergar of Woodburn and was born at Molalla, May SI, 1870. Tha family moved to Woodburn where he (pent moat of hi lite, moving to Portland in 1920. He was a member of the Woodburn Volunteer fire company for 15 year. After moving to Portland he had the distinction of wearing the only badge ever issued in the Portland fir department for work with the Portland Toy and Joy Makers. He waa maaa an honorary member of the Portland fire department In 1948 and in 1949 was named citizen ot the week by the Portland Traction company. With his wife be started re pairing toy for the Toy and Joymakers in 1927 which they have carried on since that time. Mrs. Moshberger filled Christ mas stockings lor underprivi leged children and would dress a many a 500 doll a year. Survivors include his widow, Nellie Moshberger, three sons, Walter. Ellsworth and Norman Moshberger and a daughter, Mrs. lone Radatz, all of Port land. Mr. Moshberger was the last member of the original Moshberger family of four brother and one sister, all ot whom resided in Woodburn for many year. Boy Lowered in Well Saves Dog Portland MV-A dog that tell Into an abandoned well Tuesday- was rescued by the com bined effort of the Park Rose fire department, the Multnomah county sheriffs office and a mail 8-year-old bystander. The bystander. Tommy Felix, was lowered into the abandoned well on a rope allng by Fire Chief Paul Jarrett and Sher iff Deputy Henry Moore. Tommy held the dog in hi arm and waa hauled back up. The dog had fallen in the well, which 1 about 20 inches In diameter, when the cover was accidentally puihad aside. Moor said the well will be filled. TV Makes Usage of Water Jump St Louis Vf) The St Louis County Water company aaya it now has an answer for previ ously unexplained sudden In creases of water usage daring the evening. Television cesmnereUl, th company reported, tans a quick dram on the water sup ply. The firm said a survey showed housewives do their dishwashing piecemeal during the commercials, and junior postpone hi bef ore-bed wash up until the product blurp at the end and at the (tart ot TV shows. Printer Moving Eight Galleys Type Wrecked South Thomsston, Me. VP) Rockland printer Aim on B Cooper waa transporting eight galleys of town report type in his car when it became involved in a collision Tuesday. Births, death and taxe were mingled In a "pi" of type. Cooper saya he hope to un scramble the type before next weekend. nip Capital Journal, galea, Or, WMjday, Feb. 18, MM IS North Marion High Activities Hubbard Tha Dayton high school Pirate will coma to North Marion for a league bas ketball tilt with th Friday evening, Feb. JO at 148 Th GAA of North Marlon is sponsoring a playday at th) North Marlon high achool Sat urday, Feb. 21. The junior anlor banquet miH be held Tuesday avening, Feb. 24 at $-M sun. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO 255 N. LIBERTY ' Authorized Rapalr on All Major Appliances and AH Small ' Appliance Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery oa Large Appliance ? Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners APPLIANCE SALES Frond Parent Humbala, a baby giraffe born at th Paris, France, zoo December 11, pose with a proud parent two month later. It was th young giraffe' first public appearance. (AP Wirephoto) Refuse to Label Shortest River Portland fJJO Tha Oregon Stat Highway Commission to day refused to recognize the D river at Delak on th Oregon coast as "the shortest river in the world." Tha Oregon Coast Ad Club, Inc., asked the commission to erect a sign at both and of the Highway 101 bridge across th 400-foot long river claiming th world' title for the stream which empties into the ocean from Dev il's lake. R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, told th commission that "we don't really know whether the river is the shortest one in the world or not" He said a stream in Italy also was claim ant to the title, The commission, in other ac tion, designated the enure High way 101 from Astoria to the California state line as a through- way .The aection from Astoria to Coqullle waa made a througnway in 1848 but tha part from Co- qullla outh to the border waa not Included until today. The commission explained that desig nation as a through way limits adjoining property owner right of access to the highway. The commission tomorrow will open bids on more than 82,500, 000 of highway construction work. OJ7 IiCLIUDLC FIDES (a r.aLtstsftiM4 Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING & AWJANCICOIM N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT New Store In Court House Square Small Appliance Lighting Fixture of All Kind AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph. 2-1 801 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 190 S. 12rh - - NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT C H. "CLIFF" ERICKSOlf w specialize in wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair, Wheel and Axle StrsJBhtenlng. Call Us for Estimate or . Pickup and Delivery AWNINGS - TENTS - TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT ft AWNINfJ CO, 71 M. UIERTY Canvas Good of Every Daecriptlon ANYTHINO MASK TO YOUR ORDER" , ' . CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 ' CHINA CAFE . 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. apot'"t tn Chine ft American Food Featuring ''Good Foods - Well prepared" Bring the Family , Call for Reservations for Dinners and Partis CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 3-7324 MORTARLESS ILOCK CO.-14tL HOYT , Approved- Reinforced . Rectangular Precast Septie Tank ' - Manufacturers of Motar Blocks Interlocking Blocks ' ', In Pumice or Concret. Also Chimney Blocka Equipment Soles-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER IROS. -1 1 1S S. llttt ST. Garden Tiller . Power Mower Paint Sprayer Air Compresatat Sander Plumbing Tool Power and Band Mower Sharpetung Repair on All Bmall Ga Engine FLOOR COVERINGS CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phon 3-9600 to keep fit IHaagryT O a Reducing Dtett , Waal addad saargy aad pet wh low calory eoealT Try these SUN VALLEY 8RIAD -a se tuts Aril fcr Jadsd "diet ail ana ''u:., mrtcH M mmtw .! tmrnmU SW ii bow hnv i t.J jmm bM trM tm NrMw hi mil. miiHmI km., mtkuu't foot m vhttoMf torn M Mil Mr W AnTtkin fran Im4 to tw WONDER (ALVX Winiil SrikM Bta mm kl ytm. rmnn fr ta km kt m mtm for pa ! WONTtKa SALVK mtorrm. (M WONCKB SALTS mmi wondeb rmcTZD soxr amu p mmt rfm4tl. Trl difl rruM. Try iMmm Imt m Jmm MM Im SftKfli by CMI. FrS Mt?r, Owl. Part-. SebMfar Drw Starwi FIRST... for the fuel that is clean, efficient and i economical use "Preo-to-lorjo" CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 IHOKTfHIKO 01 J . CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong as Congolum-Nairn-Aphalt and Rubber TO Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbine Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES Ph.2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES - 3007 PORTLAND RD. American & British Motorcycles . Indian, ESA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooter "If it ha Wheels end a Motor w can BUY SELL or FTX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER V , BALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1110 N. Liberty Whs. ISO S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph.3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting m. SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO 531 Coart R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-S769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OHJNO STANDARD OIL DEALER PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO 2S85 PORTLAND ROAD Residentiol, Commtrciol, Sprayar Brush WE GO ANYWHERE ... ANY SIZE JOB CU Ps for Estimates nd Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING ft HEATING Repairing Residential 135 Chemekota Commercial Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUR snvicj We Give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3 1S7 1)0 L Ubarrf 310 (earl, Dtwirtm 2440 art. Ms) (M Z4 HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally. 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 PM. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. and 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P. M. All Sundays and Holidays LOW M UlOtKS MICH IN IMIST RADIO REPAIR?,;. MCJsph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radlo-Tlvlslon 1880 Srat Motorola Dealers for Gertoral Elactrid Pick up and Delivery trmfroiTffooi$mi Ukm kt lk4 Mmmt mt Mm Mr Mnm TELEVISION Ph.4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION 393 N. HIGH Willamette Valley for 28 Yeare SERVICE INSTALLATION . SALES atom aad Auta Badlo aad Televiatoa I Ph.4-5751 i f S l ' a I ! i I