It Capital Journal, Saltan, Ort Wednwday, Feb. 18, 19SS Yavama Loop Tossed Into ; Van Dolah Sets Mark WUUmlna a pact Daytoa 41' 41 at WUlamlaa last alfht to threw the twe team lata a tia tor tint place la tha Tawama leaf ue, with only on mere alfht I play remaining The Yamawa league eaton cloiet Friday night with Day ton at North Marlon and Wll lamlna at Sheridan. In the event Dayton and Wlllamlna end up In a tie tor the title, there wlU be no play-off, but a co-cham-ptonahlp will be declared. In another Yamawa league game last night, Sheridan de feated Sherwood 69-58 at Sher wood u Ran Van Dolah, Sher wood forward, broke the Yam awa league aeason (coring rec ord. Van Dolah hit 28 point to bring hla season total of 234, bettering the old mark of 232. Van Dolah still has one game in which to add to hi mark, Yamhill defeated Amity 81 44 at Amity and North Marion edged Bank 48-43 at Banks in other Yamawa gams Iat night WILLAMTNA 4S, DAYTON 41 The game was close all the way until the fourth quarter. In which Wlllamlna outscored Day ton 13-3. Leroy Reeser, regular Wlllamlna center who had been sidelined for three weeks, enter ed the game late la the third stanza.. Wlllamlna used a fast break through most of the game to offset Dayton's height advan tage. Forward Roy Zimbrlck and Bill Yoast scored 15 and 10 points, respectively, to lead Wil lamlna in (coring. Most of their points were made on the fast break. Quarter scores, all favor ing WiUamina, were 15-13, 28 21 and 40-37. Wlllamlna won the TAWAMA UAOll W L Fct. W l M IIUiH 11 I Mt Bherwao. JOS Derlea 11 1 Ml Bank, I IS Jll AUierldea 1 I .1 YimtUI J 11 ,1H N. Merlon I 4 .401 Amur 1 II .154 Taasdar raaalta: WU lamia M. Derlcn 40: (utidu 04, aanwood W: Monk Merlon 44, lull 41: YamtiUI 41, Amlir Yawama Junior varsity cham pionship with a ,38-33 victory over Dayton's Jayvees in the preliminary game. The Dayton juniors were a title contender up until the end of the game. Bob Gallagher led Willamina s lun lors with 13, but Rowland of Dayton wa high for the game with 16. SHBRIDAN 65, 6HERWOOD 58 Sheridan was ahead all the way but never with a big margin. Quarter scores were 17- 10, 29-26 and 50-44. Fred Hu lett's 15 points and Dale Stuck's 14 counters led the Sheridan. Van Dolah's 23 points, which carried him to the new all-time season record, led the losers In the point-producing department. Sherwood won the B game, 40 24. YAMHILL 61, AMITY 44 Yamhill won the Yamhill B county championship in this game, and will go to the district playoffs as the Yamhill county representative. Yamhill's con trol of the backboards was a big factor in last night's game. Yamhill led 18-7 at the end of the first quarter, 30-20 at half time, and 43-24 when the third period ended. Don Thles with 21 and Larry Hermens with 16 led the Yamhill attack. Tozer top ped Amity with 15. Amity won the Jayvee preliminary game 32 26. Bob Engelland scored nine I for Amity in that game, while Leonard MoreUi had 17 for the Yamhill juniors. NORTH MARION 46 BANKS 4S Banks wa right on. North Marlon's tall all evening, but the Bankers never managed to get the lead. Quarter scores were 17-11, 24-22 and 34-31 Ron Barendse scored 20 points to lead the Husky triumph. Most of his point were scored from under the basket Larry Sellers and Wray Chain shared Banks scoring honor with 13 apiece. North Marion, paced by Dick Benham's 11 points, won the B game 32-25. . Enslng of Banks also had 11. . -r. i r f-.: -" yxyj f laasn'1 imi I'll 0 re " W.i. f W V 7 -or t -. dux" "7 i V tf" '"! DatIm (At) Hdtu.2 11 , Daucnhiutr S Dodi, HtrralAOn S . Riedir I ... ,...... ,...r.., ...c, ...o. (U WHlMbA ... It Xlmbrlek U TOAlt , I S MeDXMAl t UIIWMIm FflCf Trnrlf Sunset 4 Ud to victory aver Tumble Weed I Mil 1 1 UUV () u harness horses compete on ice-covered Slocum Lake near Waueonda, 111. rroeeeds ef the meet went to the children's activities at the local Kiwanls Club. Need less to say, the track was bard and "fast" (UP Telephoto) Sum: Datum Mulaam; WHUmma Laathan J, Raaaar I. Official!: Durban and OUsa. SbartAaa (U Hutolt tt .... Stuck 14 .... Barwlarf S ... Smith I Burdc 11 ...T... .C... ,.o... (HI .. S Sbappard , M Van Dolah S Joyce Olriah S rorrr ub: Sharldaa Boldfraltr 1. Wil liams II: Sherwood Croff t, dtUonUa (. Ot.'lalaU: aanaatt and Kurata. . W) Taabia ... 11 Thlaa If Barojaaa . S Aprlnatr 11 BaUvood Owala ,...T.. ,...C. ...a.. ...o ImltT (44) Toi.r u . Lrnch ... SMphabi S , ztilera .. Hubbard 10 aubi: AmltT Mtlaon. conptoa l. Sblalda I. Bantaerl. Haath J. lwaoo; ramtllU WUdo I. Duddlu, KoraUl. Official: Wada aad Blair. 1 , 1 DaaaU , 11 Sollan .. 11 Chain . .. 9 Crapa . 1 Jackaoa Upsets Mark High School Basketball Play in Oregon North. Martoa US) Slockard 4 T McLaren I 1 Barerkba SO C...... Cole 11 a ftaimuaun 4 .....O....... Subi: North Marlon Callow ar Hooler 1; BAnkA VAndoher A OfdelAla: Toet and Lanon. Mill City Clinches Marion County B League Title Mill City's Tlmberwoives pocketed the Marlon county B learne basketball championship with a 63-55 victory over Sub limity last night, and bow are Just one game away from a perfect season in league play. Mill City has won 15 straight game. In other Marion B games last night, Jefferson defeated Deaf School 88-58 at Deaf School, Chemawa downed St. Paul 47- 40 at Chemawa, and Detroit won over Gates, 48-45, at De troit. MILL CITY 62, SUBLIMITY 65 The More wa tied 43-48 at the end of the third period, MiU City winning with a fourth-quarter drive, scoring nine points in that period alone. Hoffman made nearly all his BUBION COUNTI B LCAOUk cr r I.IVOUIW aa, VUU w L ret. w s, t. SCHOOL (6 Mill Cltr l o Looo ChemAWA, i s JM T,.Mrt ... eubumir ii s mo o.ue li .ml Jefferson connected with an Jefferson lo 4 .714 Detroit ill Ji4 amazine 62 uer cent of Ma ahnta. oerreiA .eel ai. tAui a m .m . . , . O. . D. S Ml jra.;iiiac w largv TueadAT mulu: Mid Cltr M. Subllmltr 15; Jefferaon M, Deaf School M; ChemAWA 4T, St. real 40; OAtea 45, Detroit 40. 21 points on long set shot. Sublimity outplayed Mill City on the backboards, but MiU City' accurate shooting, In both field goal and free throws, more than made up for the Sub advantage on the boards. Joe Steinkamp and Ron Ruef led Sublimity scor ing with 17 and 16 points, re spectively. In the junior var sity game, Mill City won 48-24 a Gregory acored 17 points Minden's eight joints led Sub limity's junior team. SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys nrocsTBUL no. t Cartrw Dalrr (4) wrliht 501. Volt 411. Roffatetter 4H. Salitrom 181. Miller tot: Salesa relko () Matheri 441. Wrlfie ill, Creaar Ml. Derail 105, Hlcholaoa 445. SlweadA () Ilwood 414. Crareroft 401. Shlpaaan 471. WUkallt (41, Batch 143; Bike (11 Thompson 471. CTierrtneton 417, Lowrr 411. MeKlnnor 477. HartweU 501. Sao Salaaa Ueao () Sehlmbert 441. tevena 354. caueea 111. Drer 470. Kena- tr 151 MaUewal BaAterr (11 Camrren 411. Moodr 411, WelU 411. DobM 171, Bar tholomew 5T4. Blwa Lake (IV-TJord 411 BcklrT All. Arres all. Pettlt 454. Lanihoff 541: 7al Fak (1 taaea 517, Sloan 445. Halbka 441. Warbowakl 454. Schelrleeier 411. Balwk Jetaaea (A Hue MO. (Mela 404. Brobat 401. Parrlah too. Caaeer I47i Saa- Klth tad. aama, Fiord Oolbarn of Kern, fneton Rand. 135: hlsh tad. aeiiea. John Nuber af Mootrr PharmAer, Mil hleh team tame and aeries, Zeeb't used Can, 1041 and XMA. Duck Pins rC CtTT LBAOTJB WIllAmetta Art Tile (11 Imll Sobals 47A. A Henchback 1AI. B. Rober M7. A. Merer 400. Bre lot. Oleea (t) V. Howell 191. A. Tnomaa m, m. staiua 411. T. Wood OJI. Bra 100. Drer a Boas las. (0) T. Olio MO, V. Klelnemlth 147. K. Oraanwood III. H. IHereu 110. Bra 117. Qaalltr feed Cere 4) B. CAtnpbeu oai. J. cooter aw. 1. Short 441, r. anauiroTa 441, M. Van Dell Alfl. ly due to the fact that Jeff ball handling worked the ball in toward the basket, and a large majority of the shots were made from close In. Jefferson led all the way. It was 20-9 when the first period ended, 41-23 at halftime, and 62-38 at the end of the third quarter. Dale Wattenbarger's 23 point led the Jefferson win, while Jim Blackwell was right be hind with 21. Henry Nelson, a substitute, topped Deaf School acorera with 18. Jeffer son won the preliminary game 58-29. Cotmah's 16 point was high for the Jeff juniors, while Larry Applebee scored 12 to lesd the Deaf School Juniors, CHEMAWA 47, ST. PAUL 46 Chemawa held the lead throughout, but was alway pressed by St Paul. Quarter score were 7-5, 24-14 and 36- 29. George Umtuch led Che mawa with 14 point, while Farrel Galllneau had 12. Sam Smith topped St Paul In scor ing with 13 counters. Chema wa won the junior varsity con test, 93-22. lit Tha Assoc te led Preset Upsets marked Tuesday night's prep basketball action with four of the 16 top team in tne As sociated Press poll going down to defeat. Albany, favored to win the District 7 championship, wa beaten 57-48 by Salem, a Dis trict 11 power. It wa the second consecutive defeat for Albany which was No. 6 In the poll. Gresham, which this week moved to No. 7 from No. 16, was edged 46-65 by Central Catholic of Portland in a Dis trict 13 contest Central re ceived one vote In the poll. Milwaukie, after dropping from No. 8 to No. 9 in the poll, lost 88-54 to it District 12 op ponent Oswego. West Linn, also of District 12 and tied with Red mond for the No. 10 spot, put up a good fight but wa defeated 57 55 by fourth-ranking Hillsboro. Hlllsboro, Eugene and Jef ferson of Portland were the only teams among the top 16 posting victories Tneeday night Eugene, No. 5, beat Springfield 81-58 In a District 6 game and Jefferson, No. 8, overwhelmed It Portland op ponent, Washington 64-48. The three top teams, ranked In this order by the poll The Dalles, Marshfield and Medford didn't play Tuesday night Cleveland, No. li in tne pou, dumoed Grant 60-50 and Roose velt another also ran, topped Franklin 61-44 in Portland eames. Clatskanie squeezed oy its dis trict 14 opponent, St Helenes, 59-56. In other District 6 games Oakridge beat Willamette of Eugene 74-64 and St Francis Eugene bowed to Junction City 54-29. District 8 action was high' llahted by McMlnnvllIe's 73-58 win over Newberg and in District 12 Canby wa beaten 78-87 by Molalla, In other same Tuesday night, Dallas defeated Woodburn, 63 31, Bandy blasted Mt Angel 69 36 and Tigard dumped Oregon City 64-50. Sports Kiittar TaAse - Tasr Acs HlSlHST ABderaan Of Norwar won hla .secood cold medAl by teklna tha 1,500-metar speed akattna erent In l:M.e. at tha Winter Olnnplo OAmea at Oslo, Norway. rive, Taesw Asa CAlumat Paraa' Cka- tlon. chAraploa two-year-old colt of 1847. won tha Bverilades Handicap at Hlalesh Park. mm Tmh An . JOA MMaABlA. KSW Tork Yankee oenter fielder, passed his Armr physical; he was A mtuntArr inductee. Twoalr Tears Are-James J. Corbett, 04, former world' keamreltbt ohamploa. died At hla homo after a Uaiarlu illness. Eastern Oregon Nips Oretech La Grande W) Eastern Ore gon defeated Oregon Tech 78 67 Tuesday night to take a clean sweep of a two-game Oregon Collegiate Conference basket ball series here. Oregon Tech' Jerry Wyatt scored 38 point, three mora than Lowell Kolbaba posted for the winners. Eastern Oregon, which was ahead 44-37 at the half, won 74-69 Monday night. HE' NOT FUNNY TO HER Los Angela, () Donald O'Connor, dancing comedian, ha been sued for divorce by Mrs. Gwendolyn J. O'Connor. She alleged cruelty yesterday In her complaint, asked reasonable allowance for herself and their daughter Donna, 7, and an equi table division of community property. Ross Comes Off Ropes to Win Over Kindred Tony Ros cam off tha ropes toTtfeat Don ' third and del(iw6 aaUaftheto main event wreitl inf match at the Salem armory last nnt V.w t. had taken en S.H .tv. una, bounced off the ropes, where he had been receiving some terrific bead amashe by Kindred, to win by a Din. m.. ow (all had aon to Kindred, when Referee Harry Elliott declared that Ross was unable to continue, ivinai-eo h.A erivcn Rasa several head wist ot him down on the mat and pinned him, but would pull him up at the eount at tw and head-butt him again. This kept up for a minute or so, nd Elliott firaUy stopped it. Ross got even In tha neat 10, He used tha backbreaker t Kindred, and than would pit him to tb mat, pull him up 14 the count of two, and give hla. another backbreak. Ron foj. ally held Kindred down for th required eount ef three to wi. the fall. Al Szaas draw with Clna Nicollnl in a fast, erawpla lng semifinal match. Henry Lm defeated Ralpj, Alexander In tha opener. St. Bernard dogs are balni replaced by German sfrepherd, as the rescue dog In the Alp, ay the National Cognphl Society. 1 , I I m aBB i IG fCRIIN ArmrMttH9tmr waro a AsswHuetsr Teita Cefrtrarl awsOrMora IhHtre-leck rea Bobby Dykes vs. Joe Miceli ' 7P.M KPTV CAPITAL TV 1430 Broadway Phena 46402 Graber Bros. for Centrect and General Repair Established 1908 45 Year in Salem 1S4S. liberty Phona 36594 Oaeta OH Co. (I I. Omohaadro IB). ... V..n ... u..,.. R. Millar Ws. R. aeharf 401. o. Blantoa tar 440. siewert 111. Uerrell 451 1544. J. Darts M5. Tweedla OS Co. (1) Mayflower aula Ctl Urr-arlsns MO. .0t;tn'",,', f"1"' "f""0" Brown 411. Tea Heaa 417. rhlpps 540. case 4Ui BeOi a ait rtaaaea (It CUrk MO. Albrfch 4M. Joaaa 407, Oeddea 42. ol Ber U. Htrti team eama. slotrrwvod nnaaee. HO; hleh team aenea. Carlr'a. 1545, hleh tn. iaasa. Jaaa Olner. tM: hleh la, aeries, fink T HartweU. 501. nCDrATTUAL BO. t VaBwr Vana Store (1) Cherch 440. Prtace 471. tvhmklt 450. Orar 445. Bolre 440; Whit latere WeMere (0) Whlltassr 401. Warkea AOS, Chamattoa 444. ATI Wood 514. Lotea 575. Better Bardwara (t Wewell 114. Jones 144. Parmer 544. WeatUne 435. Ptlrkard 455; Heal Bretaero (tl Ce JOS, Carter 5TI. Naaa Alt. Weetphal 470. MetTwaa reed Satee (II Thompeoa tit, Comtloek 404 Thnrmso 4M. Wlltalla Mt. McCune 407: Ketser Mereheale (II Breets. lor too. Crareroft Alt, Coomler 417. Koch 1st 454. Pedersoa 4M. Batdert llestrts (I) Hammond 471. Mc Cain 447, Jscobeoa 541. Coorer 471. Ar- thor 407: Brewa'e Jewelero (II Hansen 007, Keller 171. V. Haasea 41. B. Haatea 4U. H. Hauaea 400. Ckaawellea slarket (4) Wlcktser 441. taadls 401. KeleoD 107, Hort 411. OhapvalM 451; PertlAftd Oaa Aad Crhe (0) Bert' atroat Ml. terrier 417. Staler 417, Merlin 4t. Laodle 4 eaar Baal aetata it)-Brlst 401. Roea 440. HUI 4M. Amanda too. Oloeoa 111 Wlat'a Brisk! Sawl (tl Polk 411. Mr en AAA. Da IH. tele 47a BAlaA IJ0. Blah teAsa iAm And aarloA, WlnkA Brlahl Snot. 07t aad M17: kith lad. seme, Howard .'fjwood of Whtttekere Weldera. 110: hlsh. Ind. series. Bd Loaea 1 Whit- taken Weldera. 171. University Alleys atBBCAirrrta utor Oar rile Ckeaeleal (II B. Valdat IB); Steels 401. Jacobean 491, Smith 441, Lamoa aol; Drer Sews lasaraaea (leimons 401. Wood 4. Koaka 451, Bolter 4M, cook 111. Sewk'a Head Care (I) Celt 400. 0. Zeek lis. Carr too Uenhart 071, P. Seek 110; Martaa Peed A fxed ) ctuMI III. Iiell 4M, Sraltb 410. Holmes lit. Carlson WI. Dew'e aataeaetrro (S) WUkort 404. Do. OIA 417, Aleehtre Ml. Morrto 4M. Morrli 090: Al Ball-Boalter (II Brhalar AM. Matthewt M0. Pardr 440, Booth 111. Al Bell 1M. Beoslaataa Baad (t)-Colkara 154. Kim. mel Ml. Baaola Ml. Blaaaeat M7. Sprltat MO: MeeArr Pharmeer (I) Tickle 451. Mootrr 1M. Babor Ml. Cetltao Ml. Talbot 44Bartlaa laatkar Co. (tit) H .Webb 401. B. Barklend 471. Here. 470. P. Webb 4M. D. Barkland 4JI; llrlllar Baaojr t'o. (lit) w. Valdea HI. C. Sleltlor 4M, Braaoht 111. P Stettler 441. Olodt MO Vaa's Parklaa III Van Vlerk 400. Bew neto 410. Brown IM. tvhaeta tit, Kelson too: Helrrwwed Uaaa (0) OiUeiole 117. Porter let. owoaa 170. aalloaa Ml, ado Mt, M. PoUnskl 410. A. Pennr 441. Cwaa Deed Can (I) H Smith 41. I. Alderman 147. c. cappa 171. p. Millar an, Lee oappo ooo. let Nowmaaa (ll M. Hslaaat lit. H. Helneat M7. o. John sow, tot, R. Maker IM. Uo Oeppe 111. a leas Tire (a) K white tot. J. Ktnser 111. O. Cook 171. D. ewaln Mt. Bre 171. Kara BaAls itt B. Oaothltr 440, V. sun 4M. D. Deaa 471, B. Hansel lit. K. Kara 444. Kith team Mrtee and oaato Oaatltr Deed Cera. I4U and M4. Hlth Ind. ssr Las Bill CamooetL OuaUtr Used Cara. 101 Hlth Ind. a arse Bddlt Hansel, rare Radio. HI. lADItl' CLA00IC LtAOCI Werthweel Pealtrr "71 Lleoherd 474 Vltlono 111. Gould All. Karotia lit. Balo 405. Carr e Bltalaad Markea (I) Hop. Ilnitr 411. D, can 4IA, Ada MO. Smith tot. O. Carr 111. Plaak'i roaatrartlea (It Preaek 407. Oreaorr alt. Plank III, Koaka 404. Seh- roodrr 447. Bill Oeko laaoraaea III Moellhaoat III. Bradler 441. Oolrla 411, Hilt 444, Undser 401. Brewa'e Jewel rr (4) toTwurneul 441. ftouada IH. Olboo tot, Jaebaoa Ml. Smith 490. Cheeh'e Br The Dam (01 Ttrkle 171. Carpenter 111. Thomas 141. Lemke MO. Iwlcker 411 Bar Slmmoaa laearaaea (1) tOerrell Ml. Lowrr HI. Smith M0. tfooa 411, Adolph 471 Babena (tree, ill Alethlre 17. Pradenta 411. Lokea 4M, Darts 414, Allbrloht 400. ralae Cafe (0 Gardner lit. Lawless 441, Ruerkrr eol. oartner til Posashl 401. Oeed Beoeekeeplat III Krelel 444, Otmr U4. Dpetoa IM, Benaedr 1. Schmidt All. Hloh team aama and oerlet Ohtne Cafe, trrt ond 010. Huh Ind. tamo aad serlea D. oartner. ill and Ml. Mia Cltr (at) (M) SeeMmltr Btowot U r I Beau Chase II p.... u n. Heoberaar Oretorr 7 C 11 Steinkamp "nun a a II Ruef Hoffman 11 0 1 Bradler be: MIU Oltr Varkaak. Molsner. Canr, Hellllnoi aubUmttr Klata, Prank, rarrisa, i neaoerier t, rtleaeror. uiiiciau: oaLentta aad Tandarrort. Jetfereaa (M) laekwau l ... Wrltht 11 .... Watuabaner U CausheU II Cameron I ..P.. ..P.. ..C, ,.o.. . o., (Ml Deaf Or heat 4 Martin 10 MeCaan , I Marnard , 10 Heath , I Lewln Suae: Jefferson Moron I. Wills Marlatl a, Tlefke t. Cotmaai Deal School areisoa 15, Appltoeo. Officials: Lstofskr aad Moll. The Berber people of North Africa were called Numldians in ancient time. T3S3F IE' 2DS?, raw St, Paal (Ml a. Smith n , O. amlth I ,. Van Dammo Wolf Y . So smooth it leaves you breathless 8 feprnoff BmmP (47) riM.-ni ..P I WiilumMn . P Swiuitr .0 I Cob urn O IS O.IIlnata BtMrhorel t o I Uortn auk.: at. tHul Kind. ff. Utrtfm t. Cbeait.. Trtlowthlfl f, Unluah 14. A wikt rrtarest name -VOBKA trOt-roosf MatklVorn1009l ftertaira. pit'X. 9m. rnwrt Mimoti ru. ivc. mntom, um, r (5. l AU06I TOWN Ot J ACI06S Ttfl NATION A wMhar you're aawrvimg hi tow or to a oUotaat dty, w offor the rtaot in worry-fro moving aarv las. Our local storage and tnov tag raeilitias are nnalcrUod. And aa raproaanUtiTao for Allied Vaa linos we eaa jUe at yot otiapcwal the know-how ef the world's largasa loag-dlotautce Bwrrrinf aryaniaation Allied 'S apart paAkaro, batullars and otrivsn aoiogoard your pooaaa. aions rrnry stop of the way, CaBaalteaaBBBBatoa. Red Star Transftr Liberty Belmont rh, Mill pit aeiNt oi JUST LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS! GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBON r I -V f tip illlill lII.MI...fllMlKMIJ IC (AWoeA niAisat touRiot iua m rtoof iimioiui. lunuus mooucti copoaj,ob. iu tosx. n NOW YOU CAN OWN A New-All New .i For as little as 4 DOOR SEDAN One Third Down $5 ZJzi per month IKCLUDIKG INSURANCE ALL READY TO DRIVE AWAY! Yes, it's true! A Brand New 1953 Dodge at terms anybody can afford! Flashing style . . . thrilling road action in America's greatest "Action Car." Time proved for dependability and all-round economy. Take the famous Dodge Road Test Ride' Come in and find out how easy it is to buy a new Dodge now. Models and terms to suit everyone's needs. Come in tomorrow- you- ofwayt get better deaf from your friendly Dodge-Plymuth dealer STAN BAKER MOTORS Chemeketa & High Salem Pfcone 2-2468