Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    y ikingi Tie Alboimv for Top Spoft
Goes to Eugene Friday
Salem Vlklnn moved la.
a tie with the Aibtny Bull-
ere Tueadijr night tor
Bl Bis Leant, lead as they
tfoatht the BaJidei. 17-41.
Harold Hauka Vikings took
a early lead and then held It
the rest of the way. When the
Wnf tot rough they promptly
lot hot and took a larger lead.
Salem's early lead came aa a
result of four point by Dave
Johnson and a field goal by
Jim Knapp which gave the Vik
l a 6-1 lead midway in the
JW period. Jack 'Cobb,
Knapp, ud Johnson all added
lield goal apiece in the final
nlf of the first quarter to give
the Vikings a 12-3 margin over
the Bulldogs at the end of the
first period.
Neil Causbie scored aU six
w the Albany team's points In
the first period. Albany is
coached by Lee Cardon.
Salem Jumped Its lead to
Zl-lt with six minutes left
c la the half. Causbie poured
" in five more points in the last
the second period while
Dave 8helby was getting
three to trim the Viking's
lead down to five points. The
eore at halftlme was 23-1S.
Causbie was the top scorer
ior we Bulldogs in the first
nau as he sank five field goals
and three free throws for 13
Points. Jack Cobb had eight
an me iim nau lor the Vikings
while Dave Johnson and Jack
flisnop were each hitting the
Hoop for seven points.
Early In the second half the
Bulldogs narrowed the Salem
lead but the Vikings quickly
bounced back to take a 39-32
lead. Jack Bishop and Jack
Cobb led the Vikings' attack in
the first five minutes of the
Dean Sorenson put Albany
back into the game with sev
eral quick field goals. Albany
had narrowed Salem's once
large lead down to 41-39 at
the end of the third period.
Harold Pontius was the top
scorer for the Bulldogs in the
third prrlod with eight points.
Jack Cobb la two quick
shots from the floor In the
opening two minutes of the
final quarter to give Salem
a 4S-39 lead. Tom Pickens
and Bob Miller added a field
goal apiece to giro the V lk
inn a 49-32 lead wtth three
minutes and 2S seconds re
maining la the contest,
Albany narrowed the Salem
lead down to striking distance
in the last minutes but Bob Mil
let kept the Vikings ahead with
two timely field goals. The
Vikings outseored the Bulldogs
in the last period 16 to to
give them their 87-48 win.
Jack Cobb was the individ
ual star of the game as he pour
ed in six shots from the floor
and five free throws for a total
of 17 points. Albany's tall
center, Nell Causbie, was right
behind Cobb with 16 points.
Jack Bishop bad IS for the
wining Vikings and Harold
Pontius had 11 for the losers.
Jim Knapp, although he scor
ed only four points, kept the
Salemites (a the game with his
ball stealing and passing.
Harold Hank's Salem team
aw baa a atx won three lost
record In leagao play. Their
wins were over Springfield,
Corvallis, Engene, Bend
twice, and finally Albany.
Their losses In loop play
were to Corvallis, Spring
field and Albany.
Salem travels to Eugene Sat
urday night for a contest with
the up and coming Eugona Axe
men at McArthur Court It
was Zugene who gave the Bull
dogs their second league loss
of the season last week-end.
Eugene also has an upset win
over the Marshfield Pirates to
their credit.
In the past 12 years Salem
has won seven Big Six titles
aad tied for two ebampl -hips.
Their other thro
years they finished la sec
ond place. In the years 1942
and 19S2 the Vikings swept
through leagao play nnder
Coach Bank wltheat a single
lees. '
In the preliminary last night
the Albany junior varsity came
through with a thrilling 49-47
victory over Lee Gustafson's
Salem high sophomores. Al
bany won the game In the last
three seconds as Ray Derrah
sank two free shots after he
was fouled t Curt Jantze.
Albany led in the first game
moat of the way bat the Sa
lem team went ahead with two
minutes remaining in the game.
From then on it was a oeeaaw
The scores at the quarters
16-6 at the end of the
opening period, 30-27 also for
Albany at half, and it was tied
41 all going Into the Xinal
a? ft s tsftH
s t i 4oMee.r i i a
i s s ruvwi a i s t
I t 111 BlehOM 1 I 111
4 1 I S HUM e (
I 1 I li Cobb.! S S S 11
esse wsitu.i e i s i
Braaira. sill sees
atuior.r m m v
DullU S S 1 e
TMale IS It It 41 Total! it 11 11 IT
Fran throwe rained: Albany I, Bales la.
Balfema at ore: aalant M. Albany 23.
Officiate: km ana Koib.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, February 18, 1953 Paga 11
Dallas Clinches Crown in
Willamette Valley League
Dallas Ugh school clinched
the Marion county B league
basketball championship with
a (3-41 victory over the Wood
burn Bulldogs at Dallas last
In other WVL games last
night, Molalla toppled Canby
78-67 at Canby, Estacada
thumped - Sitvertom 41-39 at
Eitacada, and Sandy clobbered
Mt. Angel 69-36 at Sandy.
- Dallas had a .540 shooting
percentage from the floor, and
Woodburn had .210. Dallas
played a smooth passing game,
and controlled the backboards,
too. Rob Olson's 20 points led
the Dragons in scoring. Roice
Norria and Duane Baird each
had eight for Woodburn. Dallas
led 16-6 when the first period
ended, 8S-13 at halftime and
49-23 when the third stanza
ended. Dallas also had an easy
time winning the junior varsity
game. The score was 61-27.
The victory clinched the Mar
lon county B league Junior var
sity title for the baby Dragons.
Dallas' Jayvees finished the
season with an 11-1 mark. John
Hinds led the win last night
with 18, while Colburn had
nine for Woodburn's juniors.
Both teams had an' "on'
nifht and the result was a
fast, clean, high-caliber con
test, with three players reach
ing the 20-point mark. Dave
Hagen had 25 and Stan Chil
ders 20 for Molalla, while
Bruce Darling hit 22 for Can-
"by. Both teams used the fast
bresk extensively. Molalla
held the advantage at all the
quarter stops. The scores were
W L Pet. W L ret.
DUu 11 1 .117 Woodburn S I 400
Molalla - I .147 sileerton I I M
Sandy 1 I .113 Mt. Aniel I 10 .117
Canby 1 11 .m
Tuoaday reaulta: Dalle, S3, Woodburn
1: Molallt 71, cum 1; BUnii 4L
alluartrn M; Sandy 4, Mt. Ana el M.
19-16, 38-27 and 52-46. IHo
lalla won the B fame, 86-43.
Bob Marshbank scored a
basket in the last six seconds to
break a 39-39 tie and give Es
tacada its slim margin of vic
tory. Estacada had stalled for
a few seconds. Another Esta
cada player had cast off, miss
ed his shot, and Marshbank tip
ped in the winning points. Sil-
verton had led up until the
fourth quarter. Scores at the
ends of the quarters were 12-9,
20-19 and 32-30. Marshbank
sot only scored the winning
basket, but also led his team
with 17 points. Larry Cop-
pie's 14 led Silverton's scoring
column. Estacada won the B
game 37-33 as Jim Miller
meshed 19 points. Robbins led
Silverton's Jayvees with 11.
Mt. Angel couldn't seem to
get started, scoring only 12
points in the first half. Sandy
Vandals Top
Cougars, 72-69
w l ret.
Waehmitea It I loot
Oreioa ......,( I 4 jUl
Idaho I T .4a
Or .eon IUU 4 I .111
waeh. SUM I U m
TMl'l BeenlUl
Idaho 71. Weehlnttoa SUM Si.
Oamaa thla week:
Friday and Saturday Oraaoa at Waah
nvtoa. Oreson stata at Waehlnttoa atata.
took a 20-18 halftime lead, and
had no trouble protecting the
lead . through the - third and
furth quarters. Don Meyers
topped Sandy's scoring with 20
points, while Jim Zauner was
high for Mt. Angel with 19.
In the preliminary game, San
dy's Junior varsity club down
ed the Mt Angel Jayvees 45-37.
Weeelbura ll ) Dallaa
Balrd I r p curuaa
WoU S ...P to Olron
Van Aredela S ....C... 1 Domaaehofikr
NorrU I 0 7 rritimlller
Wither! 1 0 I Brandll
Suba: Woodburn HuiUl 4. Plank 1.
Thompeon 1. Haatla I: Dallaa Holdort
4, Wlldt S. Harra 4, Honmea a, wane l,
Jot I.
omelale: Belly and uunt.
Marion Motors,
D Battery Win
Woleamott's Service Station
defeated Salem Auto Parts 68
37. Marion Motors downed
Warner Motors 63-41, and
Battery D nosed out Salem Jay
vees 52-47 in Salem , City
league basketball games at Les
lie Junior high school last night
Welaaeaott'a U (til Satan Aata Parle
D. Chmbrln I , .P t O'Connor
Hill 10 P a rearee
Hall 7 C.... 4 Taylor
Ztllar 10 ...O t Tkomaa
L. Chmbrln II ....O II Pepper
Raaerrea acorlnf: Oavla I, Oarland 11,
Daaeh 1.
Officials: Clarke and Naoao.
Pullman. Wash., () The
Idaho Vandals, one time dark
horse In the Coast Conference's
Northern Division basketball
race, stayed In the running for
second place Tuesday night with
a 72-69 victory over Washington
Flashing some of their early
season form, the Vandals, led by
guard Tommy Flynn, connected
on 46.8 per cent of their shots
from the field, while success
fully staving off WSC rallies.
One Cougar drive In the closing
minutes narrowed the gap but
time ran out
Flynn paced the Vandals at
tack with 22 points, 16 of them
in the third quarter when Idaho
rolled up a 87-47 advantage
after leading only 33-31 at the
The win, the third of the sea
son over WSC, moved the Van
dais within IVi games, of the
second-place Oregon Ducks.
Idaho will be Idle until next
Tuesday when the Vandals again
face the Cougars.
Oregon has games with un
defeated Washington at Seattle
Friday and Saturday, while
Washington State is host to Ore
gon State.
Basketball Scores
tar Tba aaaaanut meal
Salem II, Albany 4).
Dallaa 41. Woodburn 41. .
M alalia 74. Oanby 11.
Sataeada 41. Sllrertoa M.
eaeadr 44, alt natal M.
Mill City at, aabllmlty It.
Jatleraea St, Deal Bcnoel 14.
curie, 47. at. Paul at.
Dure 1 1 at, Oalea 4a.
Wulaaaeu 41. Daytaa aa. v
Sberldaa 44, Sherwood II.
Nana Kalian at, Saab 41.
Yamhill 41. amity 44.
Saleai Academy at. Cerrala et.
atayloa II, Central It.
Baialer 44. W arras lea n,
Meataaaa M, OanaakU la.
Central CataaUa (Portland) St, Orea
aaaa t.
Aeaatao 74. acepaoose 14.
Oaarldaa 14, Willamette (Sanaa) 14.
Newport If. Tall M
- Caeeaoe Lock, 74, Oorbett 41.
June Una City 14, at. praaeu (Buaeaa)
luaia 4S, Weld port 4t.
TUaaaoak Catballa 71, Bay Olty St.
Hood atrat 17. Colaaabla Pras 44.
Oaweta 14, alUwaukle 44.
Star ml the Sea taatarU) St, Jewell St.
atcetlnnTlUa 71. Mewears II.
Park Root at. Ooneardla '.Portland) 44.
Sheridan It, Sherwood la,
Tlaarel 14. Ofeaoa cay M.
luaeaa II, Sprlufleld la.
Coltaa It, Perryaala a.
Clalakanla r, at. Helena at,
Rllmbora 17. Wail Linn M.
Lacentar (Waan.1 11. ma Military 44
ailola 41. Alaea 41.
Poraat Ororo It, Beaeortem II.
niTuin UAoim
jellereaa at, Waablattoa 44.
Clereland at. Oraat M.
eaerrell SI. Pranuia 44.
Banana 41, liaaala 41.
Kansas Jayl;7w!ts in Eciy
Reach of Dig Ssvcn Tillo
ray The Aaaaeteled Praee)
' The Big Seven Ceafi
basketball ehitiTrploaaatira le new
"Ullor made" for Phog AHen's
laataatle It ansae Jajhawka.
That's what rival Coach Jack
Gardner said Tuesday night aft
er Kansas stretched its confer
ence lead to two games over
Kansas State by upsetting
K-State, 80-76,' before 13,800 at
Kansas, a aUx-point moder
dog, handed Kansas State Ma
hens, leas ta 28
The farts battle left Al
len's Jayhawka, aUfesmting
sstaf ere am sael NCAA sasaa
4eoas with a t-8 leagts ree
tyrd oMBarad ta 4-8 for abut
taa State, e taatlea a No. t
(By The taeocuted Preeel
pab tin
Maha 71. Waahtaitoa Stota St.
Saa Jeaa Stata St, Preana state M.
Tale la, oomall 41.
Eddie Urness
Passes Army
Physical, Exam
The Dalles VP) Eddie Urness,
signed by the Boston Red Sox
last year for a bonus reported
variously at $50,000 to $85,000,
hss passed his physical examina
tion and is awaiting Induction
into the Army.
If he Is not called before April
fl, he is to report for spring train
ing at Santa Cruz, Calif. The Bo
tox have optioned him to Ban
Jose, in a California league.
alorrla Itrw 74. Want Ta. Tech 73.
Waal Ta. Waakwaa is, Daala-BTUna II
Kaneaa 40. Kaneae state 7a.
Wichita IL Talaa 10.
Oklahoma city 43. Murray K. IT.
Indiana Stata 71, Baiters m. 17.
ClaelnnaU 71. Ohio U. 73.
Ohio Waalayaa 17, Onerlln at.
Toledo II, Wee tern ftaearra II.
Bla Oranda N. Lock bourne APS M.
Plndlay 111. okla HartbarB .
BuUer 71, Defauw si.
17.0. State MS, Waah. Lea M.
Waal Vlratnla at. aiehmond St.
VI rain la 17. Vlrtlnla Tech H loetrtlaM).
Marrlaad 71. Wat. at Mary 17.
We lam Keotaeay 44, Mlddla Tenn. ST.
Wake Poraat St. north Carolina u.
Purman lot, south Carolina 44.
. Veiaa OarUaaa St, Seathera lleehodlat
Taaaa Tech lis, Arlaou St.
Phillies Turn
To Rookie List
Philadelphia UP) The Phila
delphia Phillies, seeking to re
capture the National League pen
nant they won in 1950, turned to
their list of rookies Wednesday
in search of a front-line pitcher
and a long-ball bitting outfielder.
The Phils, fresh from trading
regular starter Run Meyer for
distance hitting first-baseman
Earl Torgeson, are fairly well off
with a mound staff built around
Robin Roberts and Curt Sim
mons. But it would amount al
most to pennant insurance to
come up with another starter and
an outfielder with power.
Kansas, voted No. 10 nation
ally, ha only thro lea go a
North Carolina State regained
place In the dose Southeni
ConfeTfeace race by swamping
Washington and Lao, 108-69.
Yale moved Into a third place .
tie with Cornell in the Ivy
League by bee ting tba Big Red,
56-47. ..
Wichita eettttnaed Us spoil- -er
role ta the Miawmri Valley
CWereneo by taking Tmtmt,
81-16. b the Southwest Cob
f erenee Texas Christian mev
ed rate a tie with Texas for
the lead by beating 8 on then
Methodist, 59-48.
Idaho edged Washington State
. .. .
72-en, in roe racioc uw ,
feranco Northern Division. In
the Border Conference Texas
Tech downed Arizona, 100-80.
Western Kentucky, which ac
cepted a bid to NTT Tuesday,
wtUlopad Middle Tennessee, S5
CarraotaS lor Taxi
by D. a. Oeaat O Olltilll
aweloaa. Oea.,
lew Walan
11:04 SJB. IS
S:a r-m. I
11:11 ta 1.4
lt:M P-m. 14
u x w at
11:11 f aa. ta
IM .av I I
IS:4I aja. 14
S:44 y-K. at
1:01 a.m. .S
I II p.m. ta
1:14 aja.
4:1a P-m. 1.1
4:11 UL 1.1
1:11 PJB. I I
1:11 4J0. ta
1:41 p.m. aVl
, Btaa Watan
Pebraary tub Belial
1 Win. 7J
4:44 ym. aa
a) . 4:4t aa. 7J
1:11 a.ak 4J
SS 4:l aa. I I
1:44 ja. 44
at I S aa. at
1:17 pa. 4.4
St t:M 4 a. ta
I II pa. 4.1
M t:41 aa. at
11:11 Pa. 44
N 144 aa. t
11:11 pa. 1.1
B) i:il aa. II
. M:4S pa. M
SS 11:41 aa 14
Helena (71)
Sandaren II
Uaien It .
Alexander 1
Ebr 7 .....u..
Chllderi 10 0..
Suba: Molalla Day 1, Vetteri Canby
Blaham I. Rarley 7.
Offlclala: wullaai and Wlckert.
(17) Canby
t Herman
.. I Kratt
11 Darllna
1 Hepler
II Oleuon
Sllrertea n)
MeCaninon I
Coppla 14 ...
Kaaer 4 ......
wotr it
Umbenhower t
(II) Sataeada
..I D. Klsalna
11 Marehbank
II Amea
11 Bun
1 ft. Kliatni
Suba: ailverton Llbnar; Istecada
Offlclala: Xepler and Padbura.
Sandy (40)
Hopp 14 ....
Merer to ..
NUten t
Anderaon U
Touni I
(M) HI. Anaal
.... I Schmidt
..... It Zauner
.. I T. Treefer
... 1 Klmllmer
, I J. Traeter
Subi: eandr Orlxfln t. Itohda 4, Col
I. Dyer 1. weatllni l, retereon 4; Mt.
Anael Prey 4, Ruea I.
Warner Meter! (41) (II) Marian Motere
Buuell 11 P 11 reraal
Oltbena 11 P 11 Belllnier
Dlbrlabt I C It Smith
Coffee 4 0 14 acrtvena
Behafea 7 0 11 Jonnaon
Reaerree aeorlnl: Cocklni 1.
Offlclall: Brandon and Itaono.
Salem JVa (47)
Paulua 11
Mrere 10
Crotbere I
Pauley 7
Olien 11
Battery D
14 Lcbo'.d
, t Miller
.... II Co'.alni
... t Pltalmona
II Walden
Reierree eeorlna: Blbler I. Veneta 3.
Officials: Brandon and Clark.
Eugene, Ore. W) University
of Oregon center Chet Noe will
play for the West in the annual
East-West basketball game at
New York's Madison Square
Garden March 28.
Noe received an invitation
Monday from Branch McC rack
en, coach of the West team. He
will report for practice March
Stayton Stops
Central, 51-33
Central High School Stay.
ton, champions of the Capitol
league, defeated Central 51-33
in. a nonleagiie basketball
game here last night
Dave Nettling led Stayton
16 points. Mark Nelson led
Central with nine.
Stayton won the preliminary
game, 80-31. ,
Central (It)
Neleon S P...
Alar t P...
Freeman I .....C...
Johnson s O...
Moneon 1 0...
Suba: Central Pratike 1. Bartel I:
Starton Belli t, Mleleon 1.
imcieie: uro.t anq utt.
(ID Harlan
... 1 Mlnten
. t Rlnrleha
It a. Small
, 4 B Smell
II Nletunl
fights Last Night
Close Up Sot. Nite, Feb. 21
Men's and Young Men's
Super Quality
Now Being Sacrificed
Will Reopen About April S
With a Brsnd New
Open Friday Night
'til 9 P.M.
442 State St.
Entrance Between Morris Optical
and Nniirn nciMttnini
e . e e
IBy The Aaeoclated Preee)
Milwaukee Raich "Tlier" Jonel, llltu,
Tonkera, N.T outpointed Danny Wombar,
111, Cnleaio. 10.
Lea Anrelee Jeeee Puentea, lim, Loe
Anaelee, etopped Joaa Moran, late. Ban
Antonio. I.
walla Plalne, K.T. Joaa Bruno, U4!i,
Buenoe Alree. outpointed Jimmy Xthla, 131,
New York, a
Brooklyn (Bldaeweoa Orare) Jimmy
nerrlni. 111, New Tork, etopped Jimmy
Flood. IN, New Tork. 1.
A New Addition to Its .
Line of Famous Names-
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I moa mt prr lap f I
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fear erflwiMMo leSefiaMt Fwl PQW -
topd mm, prfct collar
4M SUIM Mondt Con MdctA
Bmowo lensree fl-tf
itTKn miun-k ILEII
85 Proof. 70S Grain Nautral Spirits
Schonlay Dtst. Inc. Ffinklort, Ky.
The Store of Style, Quality and Value
416 State Street Salem, Oregon '