p' -iV- f.t jw-jrtfc,VV -Vi ..-4 . i i UCplUl Journal, gatom, Or Tn-day, Fb. 17, 1951 155 N. Liberty Prion. 3-3191 Open Friday Ertnins Until 9 ; ' ' " ' .' t ,i ,' ,1,1 -tM"ii vi. 1953 AIRLINE - ONLY $10 DOWN INSTALLS COMPLETE 17-INCH MAHOGANY CONSOLE MODEL SUPREME 21" CONSOLE WITH DOORS 21-INCH ONE KNOB TUNING TV Fed. tax Included 245.95 ear warranty Inc. Advanced engineering techniques give you high fidelity reception even In fringe areas. Fast acting gain control prevents picture jitters caused by outside interference. This set is equipped to receive future VHF and can be adapted for all UHF stations. Rich mahogany veneer over sturdy hard wood frame. $10 down lets you enjoy TV now. Shop Wards TV today! Fed. tax included 389.95 year warranty Inc. d i Beautiful matched mahogany veneer front straight grained hardwood, frame. Supreme in every way. Has all the features of construction and circuit that belong in the best. Simplified tuning; pilot light in base shows when set is on; tilted safety glass for no glare viewing. $10 down on terms installs set in your home. Wards Mezzanine for the tops in TV. Fed. tax included 349.95 year warranty Inc. This TV set has the new simplified one knob tuning, controls both sound and picture. Automatic gain control prevents picture jitters. Tilted safety glass protects the picture tube and eliminates room reflections. Set has built-in provision for UHF and can be adopted to all future UHF channels. $10 down on terms installs . this set in your home. Enjoy TV soon! 1 " 'I' Ife 1 ' ' ' f' -rC r I ''''' 1 21-INCH MAHOGANY TABLE TV 21-INCH GENERAL ELECTIC TV COMPACT 17-INCH AIRLINE Fed. tax Included 299.95 year warranty inc. Fed. tax Included 354.95 year warranty inc. Fed. tax included 235.95 yeor warranty inc. Wards supreme quolity 21 Inch table TV in a lustrous, hand-finished mahogany veneer cabinet. Small enough to fit in almost any corner in your home. Lorge enough to provide real big-screen TV enjoyment. Only $10 down on terms; step In today! TV table to motch available. New type 21-inch picture tube is frosted on the Inside to filter out reflec tions and unwanted light. In addition, an exterior safety glass is tilted downward to minimize room reflections. Put confidence in Words and G.E. Wards carry a complete line of GE television. See Words today for the best In TV. i Deluxe quality, smort design ond excellent performance at a low Ward price. .Mony outstanding features one knob tuning, no-glare safety gloss, built-in antenna and automatic gain control to eliminate "oirplant flutter." Buy today; enjoy TV at home. See TV on our Mezzanine.