Capital Women ' Edited by MARIAN LOWBY FISCBEB 8 CapiUl Journal, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1953 Shower To Fete Miss Johnson Honoring Mill Virginia John on of Corvallis, who if to be married in March to Earl W. Me Farlan of Sweet Home, three Sa lem frlendi are planning a kitch en fhower for next Saturday evening. Hostesses are Misaea Beverly Hofstetter, Merle Rhoten and Gayle Juve. The party la to be at the home of Miu Hofatetter. Miaa Johnaon was in Salem the pait year as an aialitant in the women'a department at the Cap - ital Journal, leaving the firit of the year. MB. AND MBS. Richard Don are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, rebru ary 16 at Salem General hospi- tel. The baby ha been named Suzanne SharyL Mn. Don wiu be remembered aa Gladya Boock. Grandparent are Mr. and Mri. A. H. Boock and Mr. and Mn. David Don, all of Salem. League-Auxiliary Meet Izaak Walton Leagie and the ladies auxiliary will meet for a no-hoit dinner at 8:30 Wed nesday, February 18 at the club house. Each group will conduct a short business meeting follow ing the dinner. Thorn a a W. Churchill is president of the league and Mrs. Willard Taylor of the auxiliary. Pictures of interest o both groups will be shown after the business meeting. FROM WASHINGTON, D.C., cornea announcement of the birth of a aon, Steven Blake Bell, at George Washington Un lversity hospital, Feb. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Kirk V. BeU, formerly of Salem. The baby is the second on in the family. Mrs. Lloyd V. Bell of Salem is the grand mother. . CD A Event' Stayton Catholic Daughters of America met last week at Forester's hall. Juniors and their counselors, Mrs. Cecelia Mertz, Mrs. Maudeen Robl, Mrs. Louise Parrish, Miss Tillie Spaniol, Mri. Agnes Neilson and Miss Sharon Gehlen, were in charge of the program. Father Gelinaa was guest speaker. Mrs. Margaret Kintz and Mrs. Clara Dozler, were chairmen for the Saturday food sale. The or ganization voted to donate new draperies for the hospital. Mrs. Francea Reed is counselor for the new troop of Juniors. A day of recollection is plan ned for one Sunday during Lent PRINGLE PLEASANT Point' Social club is meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. F. R. Clark. SALEM WOMEN attending Nomads of Avrudaka, Vadi Hai meeting in Corvallls Saturday ' evening were Mrs. Vernon De catur, Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mrs. Clifford Schultz and Mrs. Oval C. Harris. Next meeting of the group will be in Salem on March 14 when ceremonial initiation will take place at S p.m. in Mayflower hall. Coffee on Thursday Among parties of the week is the informal coffee for which Mrs. Carl Quistad and Mrs. Ros coe Wilson are to entertain on Thursday morning at the Quilted home on Cascade drive. GuesU are invited to call between 10 College Dud Announce Engagement The engagement of Miu Mar Jorie MacGregor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mac Gregor, to Donald L. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. La Verne J. Young, waa announced Monday evening. t The news waa told at an after-hours party at Winston hall on the Oregon Ctate college campus. No date la set for the wedding. Miu MacGregor is a Junior! . B1.4. 1 1 CI O'clock and nood ! vcaun omio cuucic. one Mrs. V. E. Kuh'n and Mrs. Carl ", V"1??1' ' Sa'em Spinsters W. Emmons are to pour. Mr. Young is a sen.or at Assisting will be Mrs. Robert osc nd member of Sigma M. Brownell. Mrs. Francis W.'Phl Epsilon. Smith Mn Rnhert Driacoll. Mrs. I E. L. Peterson, Mrs. WIlnnr fZnlHpn Wprlrlinn smith. Mrs. wiliiam l. Lidbeck,; ooiaen vveaaing Mrs. Harmon Harvey and Mrs. Howard Eismann. Mrs. Madsen Named Delegate Mrs. M. Theodore Madsen, Jr., president of the Salem Alumnae chapter of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, waa named delegate from the group to the national convention In Banff in the early summer, at the local group's meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary Thomas. Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., was named alternate. At the meeting, Mrs. Phillips told of her recent trip to Wash ington, D. C, and to take in the inauguration. About 30 attend ed the meeting. Hostess to Club Salem Heights Mrs. Wil liam Neimeyer entertained the Little Garden club of Salem Heights last week at a deasert at her home on South Commercial street. Mrs. Paul Griebenow as sisted. Nineteen members at tended and Mrs. James Jennings was a guest. The group decided to enter tain the Friendly Neighbors Garden club on February 26, at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Virgil Sexton on Waldo avenue. Dr. Kraua of the experiment sta tion of Oregon State college will be the apeaker and will show elides on the new chrysanthe mums. Plana were made for the club'a dinner, to which the hus bands and guests are invited. It is slated for March 10, at 8:30 at the Salem Heights Com munity hall. Mra. Del Ramsdell was voted in aa a new membep. Officers Installed Sllvcrton Mrs. Ralph Fran- da installed the officers of St. Monica' Altar society, Thurs day evening, af the school hall of St. Paul'a Silverton Catholic pariah. Mrs. Leonard Hudson will serve for the coming, year as president Her assistants are: Mr. Hugo Boehmer, vice-president; Mrs. Clstus May, secre tary; and Mrs. Joe Welsenfels. treasurer. The Catholic Mothers' club is meeting Wednesday afternoon in the school hall. To Be Observed Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wilkerson are to observe their golden wed ding at an open house planned for next Sunday at their home. Frienda are invited through the press to call between 2 and S o clock. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson were married in Cambridge, Idaho, They have lived in Salem since 1917. They have one sqn, Hugh wiixerson, saiem. Cathedral Film Shown for Guild Colored pictures of Washing. ton cathedral in the national I iW In Style Show Above are two of the models to take part In the atyle show planned by student of Oregon College of Education at Monmouth on February 21, Miss Bradley Ris love, at left, and Doug Harris. Mis Rislove is wearing a white organdy over taffeta, the bodice of embroidered design. Mr. Harria is wearing a gray flannel aingle breasted suit (OCE News Bureau picture) Kappas Meet Monday Evening Kappa Kappa Gamma alum nae met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Wilson. For the program, Mrs. W. H. East, a guest, played piano num bers, and Mrs. Lester D. Green gave highlights of an account of capital were shown as a special; the luncheon which her mother, program feature for the meeting Mrs. Douglas McKay, attended of St. Anne's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, Monday after noon at the home of Mrs. Sydney Kromer. The Rev. George iH. Swift, rector of the church, showed the film. About 30 attended the meet ing. Mrs. George H. Swift poured for the dessert which preceded the meeting. Mrs. James Walton, guild president announced Mrs. Wil liam H. Burghardt and Mrs. Ralph E. Moody will be cd- chairmen for the spring rummage sale planned by the group on April 17 and 18 at the parish hall. Misa Katharine O Reilly, sister of Mrs. Kromer, was a guest. at the White House as guest of Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who waa hostess to wives of cabinet members. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. New bury Close, Mrs. William Egan, Mrs. Robert Elgin, Mrs. Gayle Finley, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. F. J. Furman, Mrs. Lauren Gale, Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, Mrs. Gor don G 1 1 m o r e, Mrs. Lester D. Green, Mrs. Ros Hogue, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. H. William McElhinny, Mrs. Donald Ras mussen, Mrs. Harvey Ronne, Mrs. Roger Schnell, Mrs. Brazier C. Small, Mrs. Walter E. Snyder, Mrs. Robert Strebig, Mrs. George J, Woodrich and the hostess. . Couple Feted Silverton Neighbor of Mr. and Mrs. William Rue surprised the couple at their rural home Saturday evening at a Valentine party on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. A no-host supper was served and informal music and social program was enjoyed. Miss Bev erley Rue at the piano, and Mrs. Ben Butler playing the accordi on, dedicated numbers to the complimented couple. Gifts of silver were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Rue. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. George Adama, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Lawrence, Mrs. Mima Percy and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Duda and Clarence and Bill, Mr. and Mr. Ben Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Town. THE ENGAGEMENT of .Miss Jeanne Nordone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wlch man of Salem, has - been an nounced. No date i set for the wedding. The news wa told at a party Friday evening at the home of Misa Kathleen Bower, Misa Betty Roaa Nelke aa co Missionary Group Silverton Immanuel Luth eran Woman's Missionary Fed eration met Thursday in the parish house fireside room. Directing devotions was Mrs Daryl Johnson. Mrs. E. V. Sway- ze presented the topic: "what Is His Name?" Plans were made for attend ance at the all day work-shop beginning at 0 o'clock in the forenoon, Tuesday, February 24 at the Monitor Lutheran church. During the program, Mrs Knute Diggerness of the Junior high school faculty presented Charlene Beasley in a piano number. She also accompanied a sextet of vocal students in a group of songs. Appearing were Gail Larsen, Gloria Westfall, Linda Eldred, Dianne Watson, Janet Kallis and Judith Loe. The self-denial envelopes were col lected. Hostesses included Mrs. P. A. Loar, Mrs. H. B. Jorgen son, Mrs. Oscar Loe and Mrs. Nevil Hollin. SPIRITUAL Sunflower club is meeting on Thursday be tween 1 and 4 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Grace Tebb, 14' 90 Chemeketa. Those attend lng are asked to take the Che meketa atreet entrance. OES Chapter at . Stayton Entertained Stayton On February 12, members of Acacia chapter, Or der of Eastern Star, met with Marilyn chapter of Mill City, Cedar chapter of Scio and Eu clid chapter of Jefferson for the Willamette Valley Matrons and Patrona association meeting in Stayton. Mr. and Mrs.- WaUac Hum phrey, worthy matron and pa tron of Acacia chapter, welcom ed the 180 guests representing 32 chapters in the area. For the program, accordian selections were played by Kathy Johnson and Clarice ReU, and a recitation was given by Irvin Wright, worthy patron of Jef ferson. On March 12, Mrs. Humphrey will present the association ga vel to Mrs. Bessie Tweedt at a Star chapter meeting in Harris burg. , For Visitor Honoring Mrs. Leslie Inglis, who was here from Vancouver, B. C. over the week-end, Mrs, Clinton Standish entertained Sunday evening at an informal at home. Mrs. Inglis was here to attend the wedding of Miss Joan Schwabbauer and Henry A. Froehlich on Saturday eve ning. Initiation Conducted by J D Bethel ; Initiation ceremonies high lighted the meeting Monday eve ning of bethel No. 35, Jobs Daughters. New members are Misaes Georgia Keortge, Lynn Johnson, Judy Query, Marilyn Hellisy, Patricia Perrin, Phyl lis Morris, Pamilla Morrison, Lila Daily, Jean Roth, Kennie Ruth Carlson, Linda Fournier and Patricia Weaver. Clair Hol comb, bethel grandfather, wel comed the new Initiates. Lowell Shinn, past associate guardian, and Mr. Holcomb weie honored guests. Merit awards were presented to the following girls by the honored queen, Miss Patsy Sni der: Misses Kay Knickerbocker, Sharon Long, Toni DeSart, Betty Aston, Loretta Orr, Sharon Bourn, Diane Ferguson, Marcia Mosolof, Jan Roberta and Susie Youngquist, bronze award; Bar bara Cone, Nancy Weeks and Frances Burris, silver award; Carol Hewitt, past honored queen, and Patsy Snider, gold award. - , A ski trip has been arranged for this Saturday, the girls to leave Beaver hall at 7 a.m. by chartered bua. They are to bring a aack lunch. A rummage sale will take place on April 3. The group will meet jointly with bethel No. 43, Job's Daugh tero at the. Scottish Rite temple on March 2 for inspection by the grand officers. Hereafter, all meetings will take place at the Scottish Rite temple. Alpha Delta Pi Alumnae to Meet Alpha Delta Pi alumnae are to meet on Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. George Squire. Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr. is to be co-hostess. Belva June Mayor or Portland, organizer in this district for alumnae, will be guest, Some Notations . . . ly M. L F. Betrothal Told on OSC Campus ' Mr. and Mrs. James B. Man ning announce the engagement of their daughter, Miu Edna Manning, to Robert Jamea Laughter, ton of Mr. and Mra. Jame Laughter of Eugene. The news wa revealed Mon day night at the Delta Gamma house, Oregon State college, when individual cakes wera served bearing simulated can dles. When the "flames" were pulled the namea of the engaged , couple were revealed in small heart. Miss Manning, a graduate of Salem schools, is a junior in home economics at Oregon State and is aerving a executive sec retary of Delta Gamma. Mr. Laughter, now in the U. S. army signal corps, stationed in Cali fornia, was graduated in phy sical education from Oregon State last June. He is a member of Lambda Phi Alnha. international anrial Starting off the legislative en- fr-.-mitv at OSC. tertaining for the week was the I The wedding is planned fol reception given Monday evening, i0Wing Miss Manning's gradua tion from Oregon State. m m m Entertains Group Mrs. Carl Zimmerman enter tained Friday evening at i pinochle party at her home. Val entines and daffodils were used for decorations. Attending were Mra. R. L. Smith, who is leav ing for Camp Pendleton to join her hnsband; Mrs. Don Zollner, Mrs. Warren Edwert, Mrs. Tom Meier, Mrs. James Lies, Mrs. John Meier, Mrs. Marvin Van Cleave and the hostess. Continuing their interesting serle of program, member of Salem Alumnae elub of Theta Sigma Phi, tnurnaliim honorary, last evening heard a talk by Miss Laara Olaea . . . Mis Olson, now assistant dean of women at University of Oregon, for some time worked as an asaialant promotion director in the New York Herald Tribune Syndicate office , . . She told of her work there, also told something about the interesting people who are writers and columnist for the Herald Tribune. Accompanying Misa Olson to Salem waa Mra. W. A. Moore, director of the UO news bureau . . . Preceding the Theta Sigma Phi meeting, Mra. Moore was dinner guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Todd . .' The journalism meeting was at the home of Misa Genevieve Morgan . . . Other guests were Miss Vivian Chandler and Miss Margaret Magee . . . by Marion-Polk County Young Republicans club in the Capitol room of the Senator hotel, some 223 attending the event . . . Hon or guests were the legislators from Marion and Polk counties, including Senators Frederick S. Lamport and Douglas Tester of Salem, 8enator Dean H. Walker of Independence, Representa tive Lee Ohmart, W. W. Chad- wick, Robert L. Elfstrom and Mark O. Hatfield, all of Salem, and Representative Frank Farmer of Rickreall . . . Guests Included all legislator and their wives, Governor and Mra. PanI L. Patterson, Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, State Treaaurer and Mr. Slgfrld B. Unander, and the legislative press . . . A long buffet was set at either side of the room. Acting aa of ficial hosts to greet the guests were George Jones, president of Invitation is extended to all the Young Republicans, and Mra, unuiv c i-,,, v.! MACLEAY Mrs. Karl Brick- of Knight Memorial Congrega- tional church, will sponsor a 12:30 luncheon to be at the church on Wednesday. of the Woman's club, for a 1 o'clock luncheon, at her home, Thursday, February 19. Alpha Delta Pis to attend OSC Club Board Members of the board for Salem unit of Oregon State' College Mothers club met Mon day for coffee at the home ofi Mrs. Elmore Hill. Plans were; made for next week's meeting, also reports were given on the state board meeting last week in Portland. The four attending the atate board meeting were Mrs. Emmet Rogers, Mrs. Deral Jones, Mrs. A. O. Mueller and Mrs. Hill. Attending the local board meeting -yesterday were Mrs. Rogers, Mi s. Oscar I. Paul son, Mrs. J. T. Rosen, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Edward Majek, Mrs. La Verne J. Young, Mrs. Mueller, Mrs. Clifford Parker, Mrs. Walter Nelson, Mrs. Hill. Jones; Mr. France Cole, Mr. and Mr. Walter Foster, Mr. and Mra. Jack Scott . . . FROM Elmendorf air f o r c has in Alaska comes announce ment of the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Louise, to Mr. and Mra. Charles G. Johnson (Barbara May) on January 10. Grandpar ents are Colonel and Mrs. T. E. May of Carmel, Calif., formerly of Salem. PURS OStANCS J BLAVOD no.1 Huim luveai I NO CHOgiS, .V A t 7M anaers GIVES Sb9C. GREEN ST A PS SCHOOL AGE children study group of the American Associa tion of University Women will meet on Wednesday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Bruce VanWyngard en, 1890 Saginaw, Mrs. Betty Lou Parker as co-hostess. Today's Menu TELEVISION SNACK Fresh Fruit Bowl Mystery Bar Beverage Mystery Bar Ingredients: One 18-ounc can condensed milk, 4 teaspoon salt S tablespoon molasses, I table poons corn syrup, H teaspoon vanilla, 2 cup finely crushed graham cracker crumbs, 1 eup chopped walnut. ; Method: Put condensed milk in mixing bowl and add salt, molasses, corn syrup and vanil la; stir i until blended. Add graham Cracker crumbs and wal nuts; stir well. Grena a B-lnch pan; line bottom with waxed paper; grease paper. Turn grah am cracker mixture into pan; bake in a moderate (3S0 deg.) oven 43 minute. Run a spatula or amall knife around side of pan and turn out at once on cake rack; atrip off paper immedi ately. Cool; while still warm place on board and cut Into 24 bar. SPECIAL SALE Tusy CtoatMlng Creams and Lotions F0 DRY SKIN CtesawisM Ctmm lis rich mollietits help to alasnn and soften your com. AP Keg. 12.00 aiae now 18.50 list aew 12.25 r SUr FfjhweY b.the fresh-up that's 'spertiil' for yeul bow U. FOR NORMAL SKIN 0 PM CUaasiftf Cms Fluffy pantfl cream for Minn onh. ifcejvdnwn elranttn of normal or oily nkin ! Reg. $2.00 aise now 4.25 $3.50 tin sow (2.25 Skin LotsMi To hrsre and mika tout eomplnioo glow! Reg. $1.75 sise bow 4 AH prion anM aa CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stat Sr. Corner of Liberty NOW TEACHING I JON-MAR STUDIOS WO OUTSTANDING MW TEACHERS MISS ULIA FLEMING Formerly solo ballerina with the Frankfurt Opera Ballet Co. Complete European training In bal let, toe, character and modern dancing. Student of Balletmeisters: Victor Gsovsky, Herbert Freund and Mary Wigman (teacher to Martha Groham). Miss Fleming has hod five years teoching experience in the better European schools. - . , ; , ,.-rTl .V." - Eff f J ,,'' , ' Ask About Our Weekly : ! MR. JOSEPH DeBARD Former teachef of Movia Actress Ann Miller! Dance director of many Hollywood motion picture studios. Mr. DeBord has also produced many musical comedy, theater and televis ion shows. Also special courses for teachers. New up to the minute routines to give your teaching variety. New Classes Now Forming For All Age Groups in All Types of Dancing: ADVANCED - INTERMEDIATE - BEGINNERS All Costumes for Stage Productions, Recitals, Television Shows Furnished Fre by Our Hollywood Costume Department TALENT SHOW AT THI CRYSTAL GAR DINS! oil Studio Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. JON-MAR DANCE STUDIOS Phone 4-4962 , 677 So. Commercial ALSO STUDIOS HOTEL ALBANY IN ALBANY GRANGE HALL, WOODBURN ((jaw V.:A';. .,.f i ..O -i S ,. . . L. . . . .. v- v . . , .iX'iS !,4vVi .- r 4 ' fiA ' 4 Don't Miss Our New BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES New FormlngI