ocg Paragraph. Ltavt for Eut wiiu.M ur.t ton and hit nephew, Junes Wal ton, and Mra. Loulie Brown left Monday lor Winter Park. Fla. There they will visit WilUam Walton i brother, Major General Lo A. Walton. James Walton will be there lor a few days, then will go on to Washington, c- 00 business, planning to return home in about two weeks. The others will be gone a month or six weeks. Claahea to Start Capital Business College ol Salem, and the Northwestern School of Commerce of Portland, are joint sponsors of the Dale Carnegie course in speech and personal ity development that will be gin the second slass on March 18. The first meeting of this second class, will meet in the Cave room of the Senator ho tel, which will be an organiza tional meeting. Following that will be 16 Wednesday night sessions. These will be held in the study hall at 7 o'clock in the Capital Business college, 345 Court street. The organization al meeting in the Cave room is open to the public. There is no obligation or expense. Every' body is welcome. Heme Fresa Com Bit Mr and Mrs. C. W. Parker returned Monday evening from Coot Bay where they were over the week end at the home of Mrs. Parker's Mother, Dr. C. W. Endicott They attended the funeral of James Lyons, prominent Coos Bay lum berman killed in a huntinc acci dent In Mexico, on Saturday. Meet Wednesday Flying safety wiU be discussed at a meeting arranged for the eve ning of February 18, at 7:10 o'clock at the Mayflower Dairy hall, with the public Invited to attend. Three travelogue mo tion pictures are to be shown, including one on flying in Alas ka. Here from Portland for the meeting will be Miles Ruggen- berg, aeronautical agent with the Portland office of the civil aeronautics authority. ' Building Permits D. L. Cum mins, to repair a garage at 1060 Mill, 50. Mason Chappelle, to alter an office at 1838 Mission $1900. J. J. Herlick, to relocate a garage at 1320 North Liberty, SS0. Nellie B. Nollman, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 910 North 17th. $10,500, Knee Fractured A fractured Disease Report The brief knee ,nd 0,ner minOT wounds flareup in the incidence of influ-were ,utter'l by Delores Carr, nza reported by the Marion 81, 1510 North 25th treet, Mon county department of health aia,y wh'n lhe tripped and fell week ago, subsided materially on "H'oad tracks on South during the seven day period end-1 Front street near the Oregon lng February 14. This is indi-jPulP ,nd PP ocmpany plant, cated by the weekly report of she wu treated by first aidmen the department when 17 cases ,or hand lacerations and taken Flat Causes Crash A flat tire caused her car to swerve into a parked car in the 800 block of v -. . t i,n v.ik were checked in by physicians. : to Salem General hospital where High toJd city p,,,, r::;:: ?r"?"""v wcre.- nrr""'","" . The parked car belonged to 1 T; A &L I ; Speech Winners Miss Rosemary Gilbert of Salem high a:hool and Bill Thompson of Sacred Heart Academy (right), finalists in the' American Legion high school oratorical con test, receive their awards after the finals at the American Legion club last night. Miss Gilbert won first place and Thompson second in the city-wide contest. Making the awards are American Legion department of Oregon com mander Carl Wagner of Eugene (left) and speech tournament chairman Jim Turnbull of Capital Poat No. 9. ported during the same period. Other cases of communicable and reportable diseases listed in clude: three syphilis, three jaun dice, two each of measles and impetigo, three mononucleosis, one each of chlckenpox, epil- treatment. She is an employee of the paper company's lumber division. Thornton to Prineville At torney General Robert Y. Thorn ton is scheduled to leave Salem epsy, broncho pneumonia, poli-lThursaav toT Prineville where omyelitis and scabies. A case of ne wlu confer with district at- tuberculosis in a 40 year old white male was reported. It is the first instance of this nature since Nov. 5, 1946. State in stitutions reported 10 cases of measles and one each of chicken pox, influenza and jaundice. torneys of a number of eastern Oregon counties on civil and criminal law enforcement prob lems. He will be accompanied by Walter Foster, newly elected district attorney of Polk county. MaJ. Wood Released Return- Uullly Flea Entered A plea lng to Salem after over two of guilty to a charge of illegal possession of liquor was made In Marion county district court Monday by Kenneth Paul Early, 20, on leave from the Oak Knoll years of active duty with the Army will be Maj. Thomas M. Wood, who was among those reporting for duty with one of Oregon s Air National Guard Merlin Estep, 850 E street. Damage was slight and no one was injured. Mrs. Wallace to Speak Dor othy Wallace, state representa tive from Multnomah county, will speak on current legisla tion before the state legislature at a Knights of Columbus meet ing Tuesday evening at 9 at the Ike Talks (Continued from Page 1) . Addressing 256 correspond dents, mostly on topics he se lected himself, the new repub lican president also cracked back at the expressed mlsglv Ings of Adlai E. Stevenson that his "business administration Wins in Legion Speech Contest Rosemary Gilbert, 15-year-old Salem high school sophomore, won the Salem champion!) ip In tne American Legion-sponsored high school oratorical contest at the Legion club last night Miss Gilbert defeated Bill Thompson, 17, Sacred Heart Academy senior from Aumsville. In the finals. Miss Gilbert was rated at 71.1 percent, Thompson at 80 percent Miss Gilbert daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tlnkham Gilbert will next enter the state finals at Portland within the next two weeks. The two finalists etch gave a prepared talk based on the Unit ed States Constitution in gen' eral, and following with an ex temporaneous speech on one of the articles of the Constitution. The extemporaneous subject drawn was the fifth article the amendments. A ten-dollar prize was pre sented Miss Gilbert. Runner-up Thompson received five-dol lar award. Judges were Judge Harold Warner of the Oregon state su preme court State 'Represents tive and attorney Ray Bassett. Capital Journal, galas, Ore, TmskUv, Fb. IT, ltU-l Offer Wafer (Oontinued from Pa 1 promises to enforce the present price support law. And when the time comes for legislation to re place it after 1954, be said, the new law will be based on de tailed studies taking Into con sideration the 'interests of the farmers, consumers and every body else. The president didn t bring up Korea himself but he told ques- Qvernlaht lodging in a down- tioners the embargo and block- t,, hotei wi, HCured for the ade questions have not been dis-.f,mliv hv the Red Cross and ar- cussed with him except for what r,ngement were being made Newbry declared that If the water right could be obtained the costs entailed would be quickly liquidated through ad ditional crop that could be raised on state owned farm land. The proposal mad by the water company would provide water to Irrigate ISO acres at Fairview home; 160 acres at the penitentiary annex and 480 acres at the Cottage Farm. At present the state farm land are Irrigated with water from three wells at Cottage Farm, two at Fairview Home and water pumped from Mill Creek irrigates farm lands at the penitentiary annex. Extent Fans Operation The additional water, that could be obtained under the preferred water right, would make possible extension of state farm operation and result in far greater crop return than at present, Newbry pointed out. The last of the 12 million state building fund was allocated at the meeting, leaving an unallo cated balance of $3,613.51 In the final allocations $22,- 344.10 will be used In pletion and equipping an addi- Lose Home Tubsweule hospital. $3,000 was allocated to Fair view Horn to complete reeaoe. sl ing of the Institution's kitcbea. Senate Passes (Oontinued front Fag 1) "Jackson County need mora water also," Boot said, "but wa ar willing to . wait until th needs of Klamath County ar fulfilled." . Rep. Henry Samoa, Klamath Falls, said that timber removal ha mad Klamath County mora and mora dependent aa agricul ture for it wealth, and th re sultant need for mora water. Flsaaiag Ceasmlsalea Th monthly conference of th Mar ion County Planning commission will be held in th county court office at t o'clock Friday after noon. ; Holly weed lima A motion' picture entitled "Th Resource of Oregon" will be shown dur ing th weekly luncheon of th Hollywood Lion club. . i Capital Toe stm a stars Mem bers of th Capitol Toastinaster club and their wive will attend th installation meeting of th newly formed Sllvorton Toast masters club at 7 o'clock Thurs- tional floor at th Oregon State day night at Tony's, Silverton. (Oontinued from Pa 1) he has read in the papers, Reporters asked him to clarify this, and he said the questions have not been brought up offi cially to him. , Clarifies Position Then such matters are not un it C hall, Cottage and Shipping can't conceive of anyone's might become "big deal" ad-!der consideration at all? Eisen ministration. . hower replied that they are, he Eisenhower told a questioner he has lived with all Americans, including fighting men, and Tuesday for a home for them to move into. The Marion County Welfare office announced ten tative plans to pay the first month's rent in the new home. Arrangements have been made to leave any donated articles at any of the Salem fire stations and the Red Cross said it would supposes, under consideration in ! lccept any cash donations for the several aeparimenis. ne am noi family, elaborate, As for the statement of the streets. navy hospital. Early and two units. Wood exoects to arrive younger companions were in a in Salem next Saturday and will car that was stopped for a traf- soon return to his position as fic violation by a Marion county sheriffs office car and several bottles of beer were found in the car. The other two youths were cited to see the county ju venile officer. Early recently had his right foot amputated and is in the naval hospital awaiting discharge. His home address is 736 North Commercial. Lenten Services Begin Serv ices for the Lenten season will begin in St. Mark's Lutheran church Ash Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. with a brief message by the pastor, the Rev. John L. Cauble, which will be followed by the administration of the Holy Sac rament of the Lord's Supper. The Rev. Glenn Sachs will assist in the administration of the sacra ment Wednesday evening Len ten services will continue each week throughout the season. Brief meditations will be pre sented each week by the pastor on the subject, "Personalities of the Passion." Small Bridge Broken A small bridge in county road No. 914 has been broken through by .truck hauling gravel Into the area northwest of Jefferson. The road in question is a dead-end affair insofar as the county is concerned. However, it has been extended to a connection with highway 99E by persons living In the district It is said administrative assistant to the acting U. S. property and dis bursing officer, Col. William Hugh Adams. Big Day at Airport McNary field's CAA control tower last Sunday had one of the biggest days in operations In many months with total operatins for the dsy being 216. Having th largest number of operationsvas the Navy with 146 .navy locals and 24 Navy itinerant Others were air carriers, 12; civilian itinerant, 10; and civilian local, 24. nkini he T is not coneVrn fert "Tv.", .wt i m .1. i.n ,i der in Korea, Gen. James Var with the welfare of all 150 mil lion Americans. He said he chose hi cabinet members without regard to their business connections but policy does not rest in a field Van Fleet, that a U. N. offensive could succeed now, Eisenhower said mildly that the responsibil ity in matters affecting broad solely because he was sure they could aupply badly needed bus inesslike administration. Russia Has Atomic Bombs The president reaffirmed, in even stronger terms than he has used before, that he is absolute commander. He added that Van Fleet, a West Point classmate of his, will be coming to see him shortly. A considerable number of do nations were already turned in by noon Tuesday, firemen said. Red Cross workers said they had a number of calls offering help. Monday afternoon even before a call for aid had gone out. Among those helping the fam ily are the Kappa Alpha Theta alumae, who will meet Wednes day night at the home of Mrs. Oliver T. Mansfield. Donations are to be brought at that time. the connection is used during 'iv nninH ik. n..i. times of high water when other j.tomic weapons. Ex-President routes are flooded. Rhotens Making Trip Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten are currently engaged in making an extensive trip to Caribbean wa ters. They made a stop at Cuba and are believed to be in Ja maica today. They expect to return by mid-March. Contract Awarded A con tract to provide a bulldozer for Marlon county has been award ed the Interstate Tractor com pany of Salem. The bid of the Salem firm waa higher than one submitted by a Portland com pany. However the specifica tions of the latter did not meet the demands of the county. Skirt Taken The theft of a fender skirt from his car was reported to city police by Ralph Cooley, 888 North Summer street, Monday. COURT NEWS Truman has expressed doubt whether the Soviets have a work able atomic bomb. Eisenhower began the confer ence by saying he wanted to talk about four things farm prices, secret agreements, controls and taxes. He added that he'd enter tain questions later if there was time. The half-hour he allotted left time for quite a few. Eisenhower voiced sympathy with the plight of farmers hurt by falling prices but said beef prices have begun to rise a bit, except at retail, since price con trols were removed. He reaffirmed his campaign EXPERIENCED LINGERIE SALESLADY TO MANAGE LINGERIE AND SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT. EXPERIENCE AND REFER- . . ENCES REQUIRED. APPLY1N PERSON AT.. NEVER NEVER NEVER Have Wt Offered a Bargain Like This Before Beautiful Plastic Wall Tile In 7 Pastel Shades Now only 5c per Tile WW! Ash Wednesday Observance Grace Lutheran church will be gin its Lenten observance with a communion service at 8 o'clock February 18, Ash Wednesday. Rev. L. W. Holte, pastor, will deliver a series of messages based on the seved last words of Christ Wednesday nights during Lent. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Circuit Court Ohrli .Bd WirtuirlM SMlr rt Mil. H .04 Rutb X ahrn.r Jueia.nt fiMrlns I . nil to mun rial huh, ZZZZZZZ auu Bd Ruby Mull Sr.wtoa v C. B- T.flfiT' On QQF. htwn Wnnd. omxnl'i uuw.i uklnt roffe's San Shop and 12th St. June, via So. 12th. Plastic bag containing O coat, 2 suit coats, brn. trousers, blanket, etc. John Bollinger, 3330 Duncan. Ph. res. 2-3425, Off. 3-3121. 43 Annual Sale Poppytrail Pot tery. $12.95 starter sets reduced to $9.95 on California, Home stead at Blue Provincial. Buy now. Regular prices will be slightly higher after this sale. The Kitchen Centre, 362 State St. Ph. 2-7892. 43 WedntidaT. Febmarr It Administrative meeting of the th Held artellery battalion, . Army Reserves, at ORC armory. Thnndav February t Organised Naval Reserve eurtsce division at Naval srid Marine Corps Reserve training center. Oomranv D. 162nd Infantry red ment, Oregon National Ouard, at AmImh irmorv. Battery D. 722nd AAA.AW field artillery battalion, Oregon National Ouard, at quonset huts on Lee street. WAC On Leave Spending a 10-dav delay In route leave here is Pfc. Shirley A. Moore. WAC, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oth W. McRae. 309 South Winter street, who is visiting at the home of her parent. Pfc. Moore i en route from Port Dix, N.J. to Port Laton. Wiwh., where she will have an eiwlirnment in the finanoe of fice. She enlisted in the WAC in Bnlwn Fcbrusrv 21. 19M Spencer Corset! Armena Felt of the Spencer Support Shop will be at the Senator Hotel Fri day. Feb. 20. 43' Castle Permanent Wavers, 303 Livesley building, phone 3-3663. Permanents $5 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. 41 nu.1 ot .ompl.lnt. Presbytery Opens Mill City Meeting Mill City Willamette Pres bytery is meeting in Mill City this week on Tuesday and Wed nesday with about 40 ministers H.rold H. K.lth n Vtrtll O'Villn: F1MI .mB4d RttHIM for writ at b.bM oorpui. Tnl.Dd R.Tla.tlen Co. t .1 vi auu Tlx RMimUjIaa: In.a.r and t,u -n . 1 . 1 n t uekmi luoimint th.i mi. Mun m a expected to be present for the 2-day open business sssion Willamette Presbytery In cludes churches from Bend as far aa Eugene. at.t. v. Anthoar Aadr.w BI.d4o: Pro-1 Trmumw., AAM,,..A. T,. 1... b.tlon r.aud fpttmM 11, mi .a . ch.n. ol kurtitrr ttnaiaaiM court ' afternoon at 1:30 o clock, open ing with the service of com munion conducted by the retir ing moderator, Paul Mellish who will also conduct installa tion ceremonies. The remainder of the after- Brttr Juo. Bonk. v. H.rold w. Ink.: Dlvore. deer, to plaintiff too firm, srop rtr ..ttltm.at. 460 STATE ST. You can remodel that problem bath tub. RcM far at ' littl at $30.00, complat BMteriars. Isd an 40-ft racess. Or you may hove stanoWst hath racas install' by ur crafts man far at little a $50.00 "llr. PHONE 4-2279 ?Oft 1ST I MATES NORMS-WALKER PAINT MANUFACTURING Co. 1710 N. FRONT INSIST THAT YOUR MEDICAL and HOSPITAL COVERAGE PLAN MEETS THESE TESTS ti vi Ward X. meti nd Cftrloi I. chllpp; SnutnctMj to (v rtar in ni pnion siitr cnincim iNtu iDfMeeni well, Phone 3-1345. 41' Roberti Bros. SliD Cover BORN demonstration. Free tewing les- ' innt In malcinff nrri.nn pnvri. The Capital Journal Welcomes !Cu,t0m fitting and color help. at.to v. V.rnoa fUr Cr.ahll: OlTa thr. y..r. .tpno6: .mtmco on eh.rt. of buril.ry not la a dw.lllni. ri.ecd on tnrjo K.r. orob.uoa aaa rnmr.il w noon will be taken up by re '. ' porta ot the various commutes. at.t. ra r.t.r HVfm.n: Idoiiu A recea. will H ralUrf ( a n m rnwit .o4 P1..41. Innocent to aoa..upport : u u i , . , , en... Tri.i hi tor rrtruarr s. when the locl Presbyterian .. . ... " , - - t Ad committee will serve din- at.t. . Umuad C. Burk.: Staunton' to flT. r.r. ot.to arlMB oo aodoair , nrr- The session convenes again at 7:30 until 0:30 o'clock. Rev. Noble Streeter is the host pastor. Holman Improves) The con dition of Tom Holmsn, confined I to a room in the Salem Memor ial hospital was described Tues day by attendants as "good. He recently returned to the hos pital for additional treatment after once being permitted to return to his home. Cut Treated A head lacera tion suffered when she bumped Into a cupboard door was treat ed by first aidmen Monday for Mrs. Irene Crabtrec, 2210 Kap pnann road. Moving and storage across the w ""' " """; street, across the nation. Call ora K.itb Rtmiaiton n amui. u.t Hitfta Pratt. Canital Citv Trans-1 RtmlMtoo: ditotc. .ult siimim cru.l huss rrsti, vapuai i-iiy irans i,n4 tohumlll t,lnlfI1, ,,.,, g,m fer Co. 41 Jan. at. l4. Pi.iatlff aitka .uatodr of i miiiof cmrareo. Safe deposit boxes are now available, $3 and up per year. Pioneer Trust Company, 109 North Commercial street, Sslem, Oregon. 41" Frank D. Vluon va William Thorn. V.r.b. Suit for Ju4cmnt of lie.ooa s.n tr.l a Ml it.Ml.u apcclal OaaiMH la conn. ct ion oiui Injurl.a a.ld to hat. ratultMl from auto-pednatrlan aoeMaat " aa vo.m.kta ans cnurch , atroau. Housekeeper for country. 11 r. r. akumi . wini.m nioma. vrb miles from Salem. J. D. Hart-i;,u" ot nooo ,i , the Following New Cltltens: sal t M'MoaiM. no.nrAL MURRAY To Mr. and Mra. Wllllaa lfurr.T. 1MI . Comaaorclal St.. a slrl, " ACKIB To Mr. ind Mra. Arnold aclar. list (. Nob Rill, a tin, rab. IS ORSOOBT To Mr. and Mn. Alfred Ori- sory. S1 P.tttraon at., a fin. rro. i. 10. o BPMI.I dan.f.a lor Inlurlaa .1. I.aodlr raaultlai from .ocM.nl at Ch aakata and Cbureb atraata, Jua. St, IMS. at.t. va Norm. a Duan. KauMhar: Pta batloa ir.ntod apt.mb.r 11, lll oo lar enr ebaraa, lormlaalad. Stalla Oilman . Alhart I. A,!-.-., n. 10 to 11:30 a.m., 2:30 to 4 p.m. ""a compl.iat. .llaam. ruai and in- Wednesday, Thurxday and Fri-J rt"i"",ia rt " day at the Court St. Store. 42 ! '. . iPrebaf Court New arrivals in dresses cot- oiaaxtn anaa tuardiuatup: omh acHwiNDT-To Mr. .no Mra. MMba.i -vening til 7 p.m. 44 nwlndt. Lrona. a oot. rb. IS. i " . Ferrlea Inoperative The Bu ena Vista and Wheatland fer ries wer not operating Tues day due to rise In the Wil lamette river. The Wheatland ferry has been out of commis sion for about five weeks. The closure at Buena Vista occur red during Mondsy night and follows the heavy rsins. Woodburn The Women's ai-To Mr and Mm. Mat sail, sua jjjt available, containing many v 1." ""' "" oro" ; Missionary society of the Pres- .Ktri .amiaiatratoT. l,..i . . .,, llll.m bor. anHANAN.To Mr. and Mra. A Bohanaa. MIS A. Dura fU ''ilCHOiaON To Mr. and Mra. Cn.rlM Nlrxolion. Ills Broon at., a tin rao. .. LouU F. Porcltr eonatrvatorahlp: Ordar appoiDiint TlTia atula conaorvator. For Card of Thanks Notice To assist you in writing s c'" " t.port or CARD OF THANKS, we hsve a "" -ca I.Q Is k Ne Pnjk , a yotjc i fori I. Is k AfffU by Msponsibl aamdesi your Scat Medical Society; American Medical Association; Bio Shield? . S. Does It provide fruntul S trust or merely auks Ctih AUmmttt so help defray medical eotts? 4. Do you hare to ill in CMt Tmt ar doas it pay aoctots sod Hospitals direct? .QDoes k hav Ai LimiU at Mooir Pbyiiful Ensmf t. Does it allow Free Cheit Derter 7. Does it protect yoa aatsid Ore goof I. Q Does It hav reputation lot tmr Dl- iHg in Claims settlement? 9. Q Is it supervised by th Orsaoa Stat Itv suranc Departmeot? Oregoa PtiyaicUns' Sarvk hrvites your criti cal comparison of Its "SERVICE" Plaa with other kinds of plana, Pleas us th coupon for I iters fur. :Polallat Frod tuortr St a mi. is. Unliable nhrases. L you would SAin-To Mr. aaa ura. Daibart air, nk a copy, call th Capital jMorriog Licn at. 1 ot ria-a, a i eirL M il Journal. Classified DeDartment. J ant... it. tarmor. Rout. s. uuu . aaa mr.. nitn.r. i.. -v- - . ' ... : and N.l.n J.a mm..-.. .. r.t. it pn. Z24U6. ana one win d- ,M, lu. .-;'-, ":," byterian church will meet Wed nesday, Feb. 18 at 2:30 pm with Mra Charles Byers presi ding. Mrs James Morrison will an.vsTON qsriTaL mailed to you promptly, without ' ' 'lead the devotional service and ALLEN to aar. .oo r,. ....... -a.,.i.. a Charlw Tbomu w. II. mnlar. a.n Mr. T. K.o r,mn. ,ill - A...I coat, inrj aiou hi.; wm uU,..cU D, c.l . and fir,. Ma. Hltnola. . I Z .I t -"-v. DON TO Mr lot Albart Dr.. . tin, f Mrl.lll. a bor. m It. NOWS--TO Mr nd Mra. DarlS Hoa.1 OI ( h r.nlt.1 Jnnrnal aifflp hnuaamf.- o,...,. thc study hour. JkaTSKaU, SVKM AM 0A SOVMLA etn Ufl miiMAiari owiiair arsasniry aaratfeiTl McaaiwrAt swarH mwuttt y tpocal arrano.oi.ot t Nonor tS loioraoco C.. Joort., Wo. i!Val,' S.t.l ClAIMI H OftKIS la Nrttaoa1, aatoa. Ajlarta, Woelonl. SondtonM, Soaotxml MONIOaiB AM A-MOVM f TNI St ATI MMCM lOCItTf lartcf awapon far furthar Memwtln oiot nrrstetAMr stavia si f I. w. ritvtMti So. 1071, aftiao' 4, Oroaaa rlsp4N4l aaatssi W ittsWf MsBftf1 alt))1! ytT MKrCAl ood MCnVITAl SiSVKI PlAWt eious KAN ffoom an loaal I mfimm ara I mt NONICXjr tloWt h - 5 i iV. r, I of i!ttr . d t M z 'I 1! . i , Mol.ua. a Slrl. Fob. It. ' 1" 1 ',' l.