Hearing Held on Bill to Ban Paper Liquor Ads Toastmasfers Before Salem Service Clubs Capital Journal, Salem, Or, Tsmday. ViX 17, tr-l The WCTU bill to abolish liquor advertising was opposed before the house alcohol com mittee Monday by Carl C. Webb, manager of the Oregon News paper Publishers association. "Advertising regulations now in force under the Oregon Liq. uor Control commission are much more stringent Jhan those ' Imposed by federal laws or those In most other states," Webb said "Both advertisers and adver tising media are constantly working with the commission to help It enforce its advertising regulations. ' he added. Mrs. Lamar Tooze, represent ing the WCTU. said liquor ad vertising encourages young peo ple to drink and that it's false and misleading. - i Carroll O'Rouke, president of ' the Oregon Ad club, said the people don't want liquor adver tising banned. He cited the fact that in 1950, the people over whelmingly rejected a bill that would have banned liquor ad vertising. Herb Michael, of the Lane Ad club in Eugene, said anybody mould have the right to adver tise any product that is legal. Robert E. Summers, executive secretary t the Oregon State Broadcasters association, said liquor advertising could not be banned from the state, because much of It comes from outside the state via radio, television and magazines. Also appearing for the bl): were the Rev. Dudley Strain, Salem, chairman of the social action committee of the Oregon Council of Churches; B. N. Hicks, Oregon Temperance league, and Mrs. Pauline Wal ton, Eugene. Members of the Salem Toast- j masters club will give a number of brief talks before service clubs this week concerning the Importance of observance of na tional brotherhood week. The men who have volunteer- I ed their services and the clubs they will address Include: I George Moorhesd, notary, Wednesday; Paul Frederick, Sal em Exchange. Wednesday; Uiar- Roblln, Salem Chapter No. I o. CA.V. JJoyd Hammel spoke to the Kiwanis club ana O. w. Bur roughs before the Junior Cham- I ber of Commerce Tuesday. Other toastmaster club mem bers will fUl assignments dur ing the balance of the week. court street ttore , mm w& Farm Prices Down 11 Pet. By PATRICIA WIGGINS Washington U.R Questions and answers about the farm price problem that has set off a controversy between secre tary of Agriculture Ezra T. Ben son and some members of con gress: How much have farm prices declined? For the past two years, prices farmers received for their crops and livestock have moved grad ually downward. The level of all farm prices is now 11 per cent under a year ago. Cotton is now selling at 29.79 cents a pound compared to 41.88 cents two years ago; hogs at $17.80 a 100 pounds compared to $20; beef cattle at $19.70 a 100 lbs. compared to $27; wool, 81 cents a pound compared to 98 cents. Some crops, like wheat, have not dropped so sharply in price. But production costs, fertilizer, machinery and others, have not dropped as much as prices re ceived by farmers so farmers net income has shrunk even on these crops. Psrity Explained What is "Darity"T Government economists have figured out a price on each com modirv which they say will give the farmer a fair return on his I .nn In relation tn bis COStS OI r proaucuoa auu uiun winuw. Th "narltv Dnce aiso is sup- l hnv tna eroD. liberty street store RAINWEAR FEATURES f& Special Purchase SmM WW UMBRELLAS V UP A golo selection of color combinations to fji j match your ensembles. Multicolor. $2.95 vol- ue. Assorted handle stylings! Ji&ll MAN floor , m Boys' mm sum I ; Pressure Vessel to : Reflect Expansion A substantial expansion of j Oregon Industries during the ' past two years Is reflected in J the technical work of the state labor department completed for ' that tteriod. Commissioner W. E i Kimsey said today in revealing J that his department Has issued nermlts for the operation of 29,- 830 Industrial pressure vessels ! of aU kinds. This figure repre- aents a sain of 9218 vessels over ! the oreceedlng blennlum, he said i Kimsey stated that Bureau of Labor statistics showed 6866 J boilers, 16,878 unfired pressure t vessels end 6286 liquefied petro- ' leum eas tanks in active service i in Oreeon toward the end of 1052 all subject to annual in . Miction. In addition, Oregon manufacturers increased their i production of such vessels by ! 480, constructing a roiai oi ooi I in the two years. These were ' shop-inspected by labor depart- ! tnent technicians for compliance i nHth the safety code of the American Society of Mechanical t Engineers, the legal standard J for Oregon. i l Men's and RAINWEAR h VALUES! t Men's U.S. Rubber C At! "Ralnster" Jacket ........ 3 .73 I Men's US. Rubber C AC 1 "Rainster" Panrs JTss? ; Men's Green Rubberized A QF Jacket Men's Green Rubberized A ft C Overall t.T Men's U.S. Rain Hat . . .... 1.39 Men's Short Length Q OC Plastic Jacket Men's Long Length IOC Plastic Coat Men's Poplin Rain Hats . . , . 1.95 Boys' Rain Coat and Hot . . . . 2.99 Boys' Heavyweight Plastic A rt IT Jacket H.7D t Boys' Tom Sawyer AQ Roin Jacket W70 o WEDNESDAY o THURSDAY o FRIDAY 10 to 11:30 a.m. also 2:30 to 4 p.m. Roberts Invites you to their Slipcover Demonstration to learn how to moke slipcovers (and draperies) tha easy, economical way! Mrs. Ruberg will take you step-by-step through, tha otir process ... measuring, cutting, fitting, sewing, trimming . . . so they'll look like eustom-mades when you're finished Learn how to cut costs; simple, wsy tricks professionals use; blend colors Into your , room scheme. Come yourself . . .bring your friends . . . leam ths asy way! i Durine 32 of the first 36 ' n of the V. republic, it i tiaa a . native nu"" J president. for WES So smooth it leaves you breathless fJ t" li I!!! MEN'S ft BOYS' MAIN FLOOR ' M mm h If'5 m Sr. You may hove your chair custom slipcovered in lovely washabia cotton for as little as $29.95 complete, depending on your choice of material. Cams early while the selection of fabrics is good. Talk to our experienced dropery assistant and leam how to make custom lined draw draperies. Or your davenport for as little as $49.95 ocm plete. Budget terms con be, arranged. Wide choice of fabrics. 4f'5 WE GIVE AND REDEEM JWf GREEN STAMPS mirnoJEf f.r tju artattst name ' vuvnn ' u rii Mi - "1 r"' i-- CLEARANCE LADIES' BOOT'EZE Rubber Boot Reg. $2.35 $T59 A Pair Well styled ladies' dress rain boots. Col ors, block, brown ond blue. Controsting trim and ankle cuff! Fits ony style shoe! Sizes 4'2 to 10a. tafl &WZgtoZ&k. ??lAPSi:AV IU" h . z C 1 " - ' i ' . -; J '(- Modern in Style.;. Quality Construction..: Yet Budget Priced! DAVEN AND CUAM SETS R EG. 1 99.95 . . . through a fortunote special purchase, we're able to offer these sets at a $40 reduction. Each set performs its dual purpose superbly . . . by day the daveno is beautiful searing piece, oy nignt a ueu io siecp 1 ruction throughout . . . double spring construction, durable hatdwood frame a roomy, hid- en a srruction mrouy.iuu. . . . ? - . . , ,. f . r, den compartment in the daveno to store oeoamg: nt uuu t.,ui. - u A. ' .v,.ntinoll romfortoble cushion. Upholstered in costly Mohair Frieze in a choice of Grey, Sage Green, Beige, Kelly, Rose ond Lime!! If you wish, you can buy Daveno separately, for just $89.95 ID 95 Furniture Second Floor No Down Payment . . . os Long as 24 months to pay on our approved credit. 1 1 (fa I