Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1953 In the Valley Edited kj HIKK FORBES Sco Two short play "The Mon key's Pew," by W. W. Jacobs end "The Ugly Duckling'' by A. A. Milne will be presented Thursday evening, March S by the Drama club, under the di rection of Clay Shepherd. These plays will be given In connection with the high school band concert under the direc tion of Henry Hammer, The Shelburn Community club recently elected the follow ing officers: President, Mrs. Keith Wells; vice-president, Mrs. Fay Burkhart; secretary, Mrs. Eldon Clayton. The next meeting hostesses are Mrs. Roy Walker and Mrs, " Ildon Clayton. ' ' Donna Le Bard of Albany ' spent a week's vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and " Mrs. Glen Thurston. She is a telephone operator in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Borovicka recently returned from a 7000' mile trip into Mexico. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. Swan of Alanby. The Sclo Mutual Telephone Co., is calling for bids to erect a new building. : Two hundred eighty-four tur key dinners were served at the grade school cafeteria Thurs day. Thla new program is proving to be very successful under the management of Mrs. Frank Bar- tu and her helpers, Wilms Crow ' and Daisy Shlmanek. - Walter Babson of Salem has been hired as chief of police ' here. is taking the place of Al ' Shannon who will go to Browns ville. , The PTA will sponsor a com edy basketball game ' Friday night, March 6, at the high school gym. . There will be program num bers and food. Mrs. Marvin Long and Walter Kins are members of the Linn County Farm Home and Rural Life committee. Three mem bers are selected each year. The Scio grange held a pot luck dinner at the Tuesday eve ning meeting. Mrs. Virginia Faulkner of Al bany showed Red Cross pictures and gave a talk on Red Cross work. The Munker's Community club will meet at the home of Bonnie Jolley of Lebanon for an all-day meeting Wednesday. Virginia Bell will be co-hostess. There will be a follow-up clinic at the grade school Feb. SO, at a.m. The following ladles will as sist: Mrs. C. V. Christiansen, Mrs. Carl Woods, Mrs. Harold '. Pynch and Mrs. Glen Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Thurston are spending the week-end in Newport at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Thurston. . Grand Island & -v J t Admits Slaying John Donohue, 20, of Arlington, Mass., is brought Into Green wich, Conn., police head quarters after capture in a gun duel with' police. Dono hue confessed that he shot and killed State Trooper Er nest J. Morse. T r o p p e r Morse, 31, had stopped Don ohue in stolen car. (UP Telephoto) West Stavton Sheridan Mrs. Luther Guest was host ess recently to the Birthday club members. An election of offic ers was held with Mrs. Evelyn ChoRte named as president: Mrs. Pearl Choate, vice-president and Mrs. Lottie Comstock, secretary-treasurer. It was decided to hold meet ings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. Mrs. Fred Dickman will be hostess to the club at the next meeting. Art Walls, who has made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Harold White, left Tuesday morning by train for induction In the Navy at San Diego. He is a graduate of Cascade union high school. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hilton and son have moved to Mans field, Wash. Their other son, Douglas, will remain with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilton, until he finishes his school term at West Stayton school. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Grimes and family have left the com munity and have purchased a home in Stayton. Community club met at the school Friday evening, with the president, Lloyd Thomas, presiding. A card party is being planned for Saturday evening, Feb. 21, with Herman Henrikson. Ben Belden and Lloyd Thomas In charge. Refreshment committee mem bers are Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, as sisted by Mrs. Jim Nye and Mrs. Ben Belden. Kathy Kay, youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd, celebrated her fifth birthday anniversary recently. Her sister, Penny Marie, and her mother, surprised her with a party In the afternoon. Invited were: Shirley Mack, Sharon and Stanley Hilton, Ma rie and Jimmy Belden, Norma and Nora Mack, Diane Downer, Mike Grimes, Mrs. Roy Grimes. Mrs. Chet Downer, Mrs. Leon Milton, Mrs. Tony Mack. Mrs. Carl Mack and her grandmoth er. Mrs. Grace Nienke. Gary Ray Downer, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Down' er, won the spelling champion ship of West Stayton'a schools seventh and eighth grades. Gary was certified for the seml-finsls I by Principal R. E. Pettey. He Stayton Girl Scout Troop ; will compete at Stayton Wednei- Orand Island Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sargeant of Grand island report their mother, Mrs. George Sargeant, 90, of Hope well, much Improved after month's Illness. Miss Marcena D. Fowler, sen ior at Dayton high school, en. tertalned 21 classmatar at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowlc-r, with a val entine party Thursday evening. Decorations were spring flow en and valentines. Refreshments In keeping with tne valentine theme were served .- Graud Island Curtis Douglas of Grand Island, who is Com mander of Dayton post No. 69 American Legion, attended the furnal of Gordon Anderson of Dayton held Friday forenoon at Newberg. Gordon . wos accidentally ' drowned while fishing i n Nestucca river Dec. 15. Stavton Sheridan A birthday dinner was held this week at the C A. Stringer, Jr., home for Don ald Brown. Other guests were Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Leo Juker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ekman and son of Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brown and Mr. and Mrs. David Brown, McMinnville. A chimney fire was reported last week at the Jack Leger home. Fire destroyed the O. C. Yo com barn near Rock Creek last week. Gordon Haugen will leave for service with the army on Feb. 18. ' Dee Mellema has returned from a three week trip to Ha waii, where he saw all the points of interest . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daeges and family of Los Angeles visited at the V. E. Fancher home last week. Mrs. George 'Crisp presented a group of piano students In a recital recently at the Method ist church. Students participat ing were Karen Chamberlain, Andy Paul, Donovan Yoder, John Hebert, Douglas Hill, Ar- lene Matthews, Ray Miller, Elaine Rogers, Solvelg Magnu son, Edward Bayliss and Myrna Grosser. Mrs. E. E. DeLarm was host' ess last week fr a luncheon and stork shower honoring Mrs. Fred Bozman. Guests were Mrs. Bob Guttry, Mrs. Vic Hutchin son, Mrs. Ray Harpole, Mrs. Kenneth Picklemier, Mrs. W. L. Wilbur, Mrs. Roy Bird, Mrs. Bill Best, Jr., Mrs. Ed Tripp of Dallas and Mrs. Bob Ll&gren of McMinnville. Rev. G. Wesley Turner, pas tor of the Lebanon Methodist church, will conduct a United Evangelistic mission at the Sheridan Methodist church from March 7 to 14. Rev. Tur ner, was a chaplain in the army during the war, and was for merly a pastor In Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abder- haldenof, Aurora, have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Edith Marlene, to Donald Wayne Rich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sara Rich of Hllls- boro. Miss Abderhalden is a sophomore in the school of re ligion at Llnfleld college, and Is a graduate of the Wlllamina high schol. The family are for mer residents of this area. No date has been set for the wedding. Sheridan A stork shower was given Mrs. Fred Bozeman last week by Mrs. W. I. Wilbur, assisted by Mrs. Beryl Swalls and Mrs. Cora Wilbur. A des sert luncheon was served to the Eleanor Bird, Doris Burdlck, guest of honor and Mesdamei Monty DeLarm, Maurlne Har pole,. Betty Plokelsimer. Sue Hibbert, AUadeen Byrklt, Mar- cella Brasket. A game was en- Joyed, and many nice gifts were received. The PTA will meet Feb. 16 at p.m. at the Chapman grade school. The Cub Scouts will be I in charge of the meeting, and: will display samples of their handiwork, receive awards and merit badges. The charter will be presented to the Cubs. Skits will also be presented. During the business, meeting, costs of various types of swimming pools will be cited. The. swimming pool is the project of the PTA this year. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman P. Lew is of Sheridan are the parents of a daughter, Lynda Jean1, born Feb. 3 at the McMinnville hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Ba- wer of Wlllamina are the par ents of a daughter, born Feb. 9 at the McMinnville hospital Francis Wiser, Sheridan, left last week for tervice with the naval reserve. He will spend seven weeks at boot camp in ban Diego as a Seaman first class. Mrs. G. C. Vaughn was trans ferred from the McMinnville hospital to a Portland hospital last week for farther treatment. I s ir j-OK- . , y, v.- lis r . L. i 1 i Dayton Doggie Transportation Gale McCarter, nine-year-old girl who can't walk because of tuberculosis of the spine, has a new dog to pull her miniature sulky. Rusty, the dog who pulled her little 'cart for years, was stolen recently. Newspapers told the ' story of Rusty's lost and Gale was swamped with offers of new dogs. Here she is at Santa Monica, Calif., with the two dogs she selected. Christine, a six-months-old white Pyrene, pulls the sulky as Gale clutches an eight-week-old Samoyed puppy, who'll be her cuddling pet. (AP Wirephoto) Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Smith and daughter, Marljo, left Feb. 13 for a two weeks motor- trip to California. In San Francisco they will attend the National Auto mobile Dealers association meet ing. From San Francisco the Smiths will journey on south. Dr. Earl Benbow attended the School on Christian Living on Tuesday and Wednesday. -The school was held in the First Presbyterian c h u r c h in Salem with approximately 130 minis ters from the northwest in attendance. Made ay Macleay Twelve dollars were received from the benefit white elephant" sale held at the community club meeting Friday night at the school house. After a short business meet ing the following program was presented: rhythm folk dances by the upper grade pupils, songs by the lower grade pupils, vocal trio numbers, Jane Smith, Pat ty Carver and Sadonia Burton and film travelogue of Canada and the vestcrn states by Bizlen Burton. The program was arranged by Mrs. Ethel Ramus, Mrs. Elsie Carpenter and W. F. Cole. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Hobson Smith and Mrs. M. L. Hopkins. Committees for the March meeting are: program, Mrs. Wilber Miller, refreshments, Mrs. Albert Sahli, and Mrs. Harry Martin Jr. Mrs. Ralph Keyser has re turned home from a Salem hos pital with her new son. This is the fourth child and the first son. Joseph Early of Pleasant Valley, Canada, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Sr., and Mrs. Dan Mill er. . . Mr. Early1 with his parents. lived on what is now the George Boedlgheimer farm in the early days. Sidney Sidney Ankeny Grange met for a 7:30 pot luck supper Sat urday. Vera Swartz was given the obligation by Past Master Edwin Swartz, vice chairman of the HEC. Hattie Gllmour reported that the next meeting will be Feb. 19 at the home of Dorothy Ter- hune. It will be a 1:30 dessert luncheon. Wayne Johnston reported for agriculture, of the gilt sale at the fair grounds Feb. 14, and 11 at the Ankeny hall at 1:30, the county agent's meeting Feb. and of his visit to the dairy of Bob and Richard Barnes at Sil verton. Legislative reports were giv en -by Judge Rex Hartley, tell ing of the unveiling of the Me Loughlin and Jason Lee statutes at the State House grounds and reports on the Legislature, The social night, Feb. 21 was cancelled so that Members may go to Roberts Grange. Edwin Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur S toller entertained 1 about 45 guests recently for potluck at their home. - The occasion was in honor of his brother, Elmer Stoller of Beaverton and his fi ance, Miss Gertrude Linder of i Portland. Robert Tedd has been re-elect- Ved principal of the Dayton grade Tedd has been with the Dayton grade school system for several years. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Coburn accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Schoen of Newberg attended a Sweet heart party of 1932 worthy ma trons and patrons at Orenomah chapter at Multnomah. On Sunday the Cobums at tended a reception in Portland honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bolliger on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, which was held at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bolliger. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryan and three children, Nancy, Johnny and Kathy, have left Dayton for Tulsa, Okla., to make their home. The decision came when word was received of the critical ill ness of his father. The Ryans came to Dayton and opened a 5c and 10c store. Later the store was sold and he was employed the oast two years by L. A. Courtemanche In McMinnville. Mrs. Ryan was active In the Girl Scouts and was president of the Dayton Civic club. Major . and Mrs. Charles J. Benge of Richland, Wash., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Hart Tuesday. The Benges are leaving for a few weeks' training in North Carolina prior to an assignment m Germany. Mrs. J. S. Imlah was a 1 o'clock luncheon guest of Mrs. John Dyke in Salem Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Lohdershausen en tertained a group of friends Wed nesday, Feb. 4, for dessert lunch eon at noon. There were three tables of bridge at play during the afternoon, with honors going to Mrs. Martha Downer and Mrs. Myona Gray. The World Day of Prayer will be observed in Dayton Friday, Feb. 20, at the Assembly of God church at 2 p.m., with the Lafay ette, Unionvale and Dayton churches cooperating. Former Woodburn Doctor. Advanced vvirn Ttr. Fred G. Evcnden of Sacremenlo, Calif., formerly of Woodburn, has been appointed chairman of the ad vancement commltte of the Gold en Empire Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He will be responsible for Scout advance ment work for over 11,000 Scouts and Scouters In five cen tral California counties. Tw Fvnrin wu a charter member of Boy Scout Troop No. 9 in Wnnrihnrn tnanv vears ago and served as a lone Scout here before Troop 53 was organized. Ha la th son of Mri. Fred G. Evenden of Woodburn. cellor Commander presiding, the following committees were nam n th vftar! Entertainment iRobert Hurst, J. T. Miller and Percy wui; ooj ocuuu, rercy Will, William Wettstein and A. T 7!mmmnM! DUblieitv Charles Bland: membership, Joe' Groff, J. T. Miner, a. Zimmer man, William Dentel and Jonas urm. health and welfare. Frat Schneider, Charles Bland and Wuuam uooaing. a. m. srea rikson of Hubbard, Deputy r.nnH Chancellor of this diitHrt gave a talk outlining plans for the year. Aurora a. oi r. wage will be host to the district eon ventlon at Aurora on Friday eve ning, Feb. 20. Aurora Pratum The program for Pratum Community club in January was given by a group of mem bers, 35 years and younger. The Feb. 20 program at Pra tum school will be given by those over 35. Aurora Real estate transac tions completed recently involv ed sale of the one-acre property of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ricka gers, nows of Glendale, Ore., nurchased by Mr. and Mfs. Ed ward Cole, formerly of Aurora. The tract is located near Knights Bridge road. Fifteen acres of the Jolin-Lew-is farm. H mile west of Aurora was sold to Mr. and Mrs. George Pardey of Aurora, by Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Pardev own adiolning property. Additional nine acres wqre sold to the Pardeys on the opposite side of the Lewis farm. Seller of the nine acres was Mrs. Fran ces A. Cole, widow of the late N. E. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McEwen of Marks Prairie east of Aurora, bought the Thomar Fletcher house on S. W. 4th avenue, at Canby. The May E. Johnson house and six acres on Hillcrest Drive was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Andrus. Parents of North Marlon band members met recently at the high school. Committee chair men were appointed for the schools "fun night" to be held March 13, as follows: Fortune telling, Mrs. McNary; penny toss, Mr. Salsbury; nail driving, Ches ter Smith; white elephant table, Mrs. Ivan DeArmond; fish pond, Mrs. Bert Jeskey; balloon blow ing, Wm. Fobert; shooting gal lery, Mrs. Callaway; dart, Mr. and Mrs. Kelczynck; baseball throw, Martin Albert; ring toss, Mrs. Clarence Friend; kitchen, Mrs. W. Fobert and clean up, Mrs. Burnham. The Aurora Rural Volunteer Firemen responded to a call Monday morning to the Stachley and Son (Sea Lion Dairy Farm) north of Aurora, where a flue tire was in progress. No dam age was reported. Captain Rob ert Hampel was in charge. At the regular meeting of Her mes Lodge No. 56, Knights of Pythias of Aurora, with Chan- Amity The Women's Society of Chris tian Service held its meeting Feb. 11 at the church. Mrs. Glenn Stevenson pre sided and gave the lesson. Mrs. H. J. Richter led the de votions. Plans were discussed for re modeling the parsonage and . sponsoring attendance at the older girls conference March 15. The hostesses, Mesdames Da vid Smith, H. E. Wood, Gertrude Lofgren and Ernest Gibbs, serv ed refreshments. The patriotic motif was used for decorations. Circle meeting will be Feb. 25. Unionyale Unionvale Mrs. Hugh Magee who resides with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. . and Mrs. George Fisher, of Carlton, has been a guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Magee, since Wednesday. The population of Alaska in 1867 when the United States acquired it from Russia was estimated at 30,000. The committee for this month Ewartz showed several reels of I is Bob Hansen, Ed Jensen and moving pictures. 'Mrs. John Roth. Gi in Ends Taught - Open l:4S "HURRICANE SMITH" And "BLAZING FOREST BUrtu Wedneiday Opfcn S:48 JUN JffflKY CONSTAsKi I I KTEJB' HUNTER 'SMiTM k j LUHE OF THE Ci WILCEReIEK f M 111 I lJ h w irr J 1 And "NO HOLDS BARBED" The Bowery Boys No. 87 has a busy month. On Jsn. 28 the girls hung the curtains in the basement room of the club house. Plans were taiade Feb. 4 for the Valentine party which was big success. On February IS Miss Agnes Klrsch will visit and inatruct the girls on several activities which are needed for completion of the first aid badge for which they have been working for the past two monms. day night, March 8 Loretta Lavern Wright, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Em mett E. Wright and Marjorle June Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Fowler were second and third respectively. Both are In the eighth grade. Women's club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Zelpha Down er. Further plans were discussed concerning the building of a hall I nr community activities. Woodburn Presbyterians Woodburn The Women's Missionary society of the Pres byterian church will meet Wed nesaay, rtti. 18 at 2:30 p.m. wim Mrs. Charles Byers presi ding. Mrs. James Morrison will lead the devotional service and Mrs. E. Kay Fenton will conduct the study hour. Bmployod mo and woman maniad or ainila eat thalr loan fast at ftama. Fri.ndl,, con aldarata people mako tha loan In yew M trtfmtt. Phona (or a ne-ritlt loan, writo, or coma la todfl It'e"Yee" to 4 out of 5. Imm t hi ItSOO -gag" mow; Loons to $1500 Take to otfci to rttMry eeaeasf teas wen re see ear nnvonai finance co. Grains Fleer, Oregon Bldgn 10$ . HIGH Tn SALEM Phonei 2-2444 n Doyla, YII MANafvf a SJOS V W IJW mmmmt npoY aM ky ninaoal , Co. ml Mot KM OMT aoSor M loaMrM loan Caaaoalat Art at Otcom l - a,, mihm t i a i w n lk an. yin, am We have always endeavored to bring the best Night Club Entertainment to Salem . , . and beginning TONIGHT WE PRESENT DON CORTEZ TUNE CRIERS QUARTET This ensrtat haa taken the eoaat by storm with their nortltj aonfi and ahawmanahip. Don Oartes to without a denbt the flnaat and hotteat aai man itr to hf galea! NEW VILLAGE INN 3037 Portland Rd. r CONTINUOUS e Mltai Gaynor , Scott Brady ' In Technicolor "BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY" Geo. Montgomery In Technicolor "CRIPPLE CREEK" OPEN 6:45 P. M. -ENDS T0DAY1- "CIMARRON KID" 4 "ouTcunwEirur TOMORROW! FUN AND ADVENTURE! Nb latest JSrfl r-.BTti k , CO-FEATURE! aim wma jeff OHM'CHANDIER Ends Todiyl (Tmj "KANSAS (ITY CONFIDENTIAL" & "CHANGE Of HEART" MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! A MAN WITH A GUN ...and a Score to Settle! PATWCIWYMOW M I DtOC WESSON UNA KOMAY ' I f I SHOCK SOCK SUSPENSE CO-HIT! A VAN! V IONOOK1 UNDHWOtlOl S . SCOTLAND YARDjpS COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL NEWS BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:45 P.M. Starting Tomorrow! EndtTodirKTiM.) "Th Stooge" DemMinti Jerry Uwb W TV. LS;- S) j9H ; t He saw another man hold her and kiss her! , ...Then he knew what his wife really was! MaiLft MONROE COTTEN ee-was JEAN PETERS SUSPENSE PACKED CO-HIT! UPS THAT KISSED FIHOlYmd tnUYID SAVAGELY! 5 2y ibrUJjTT) BRIDGES lowcww-apo COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL NEWS i