18-CapHa! JootmI, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, Feb. J7, 1958 ki..i A J., fnertrJ By Careless Car Drivers r L w Ail j. - v - , Another Cjw in the Silo This five-year-old Hereiora unnamed betore the fell into thii 39-foot pit cUo near Lib eral, Kani.. was dubbed 'Xucky Lady" by her owner, H. F. Massoni (top of ladder at left), after the waa hoisted (right) bruiied but unhurt from the depth of the itorage pit. Maiaonl believe a curiouf cow opened the door of the ail age shed, letting a dozen of her mate Inside. In the crush "Lucky Lady" was toppled Into the pit. (AP Wirephoto) Congress May Let Ike Set Up New Gov't. Department By JAMES MABLOW Washington HV-Congress mav do for President Eisenhow er what it refused to do for former President Truman: Make a new government department out of the Federal Security Agency (FSA). FSA touches, directly or In directly, the lives of millions. Included in it are the Social Security Administration, Public Health Service, U. S. Office of Education, Food, Drug and Cos metics Administration, and the Office of Vocational Rehabilita tion. Taken together they are a prime recognition that the gov ernment has, or has assumed, some responsibility for the wel fare of the people. Yet the world "welfare" Is not completely popular. For years critics of the Democratic administration beat it on the head with the charge It was trying to turn the country Into a "welfare state." For that reason, if FSA'a sta tus la changed to that of a de partment, it probably will have a title minus the word "wel fare," which raises a question: What difference does it make whether FSA is an agency or a department? Won't It go along pretty much the same way? Not necessarily. President Els en- bower is now working on a plan for the new department. He'll offer It to Congress later. He may suggest that the new department keep all the FSA agencies and bureaus except the Health Service. That, he might suggest, should be set up as separata government agency. And in transforming FSA In to a department Congress would snake tome administrative changes. That is, h would try to lay down some rules to make It run better. The boas of FSA Mrs. Ove- ta Culp Hobby at the moment reports directly to the President. If the became secretary of the new department, she would still report directly to him. So there wouldn't be any ao- The neatest number of grade crossing accidents and the larger dollar losses are caused each year by carelessness or negli gence on the part of motorists, Keizer Kelzer The Keizer Church of Christ, 1030 Dearborn ave., is holding special meetings through Feb. 22, each evening at 7:30 and at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings with Evangelist E. J. Berry as preacher. The Keizer Ladies tewing club will hold a white elephant sale at a meeting to be held Thrus day, Feb 18 at the home of Mrs. Richard Kinney, 12225 Harmany Dr. The day will be spent in quilting with a luncheon served at noon. Salem Heights Unit Will Study Thursday Salem Heights Textile Paint ing will be the project for the Liberty Salem Heights Home ex tension unit Thursday, Feb. 19, t the Salem Height Commu nity Hall. The meeting 1 scheduled to tart at 10:30 ajru and each member is asked to bring a sack lunch, coffee will be furnished by the unit. Mrs. E. A. Meols and Mrs. Vera Jean, project leaders, will give the demonstra tion. tual change there. But FSA, as a department, might seem to have added stature. And the new secretary would be, in fact, a member of the President's Cabi net Mr. Hobby, as head of FSA, it in effect a member of the Cabinet now since Eisenhower ha aiked her to sit in on Cab! net meetings. Eisenhower seem sure to make her secretary. He hand-picked her for the FSA job. Mrs. Hobby, wartime head of the WACs, is a Texas Democrat who supported aim in the presidential campaign. Back In 1023 President Hard ing suggested a welfare depart ment a he noticed the govern ment getting deeper into the welfare field. Nothing happen ed. In 1937 President Roose velt' Committee on Administra tive Management recommended creation of a department of social welfare. Finally in 1939 FSA was es tablished as an Independent agency whose head was directly respontible to the President In 1949 the Commission on Re organization of the Government, headed by former President Hoover, urged that Congress make FSA a department But the Hoover commission wanted the he alb, activities of FSA that it, the public health part of It separated and set up Independently. That same year Truman asked Congress to make FSA a deparment. But he wanted the health service Included. As a name for it be suggested "Department of Welfare." Congress turned him down. He tried again In 1950, sug gesting this time the new de partment be called "Department of Health, Education and Securi ty." Again Congress said no. Oscar Ewing, who was then head of FSA, waa one ot the main targes for the congression al opponent of Truman's plan. Ewing had strenuously advo cated compulsory health insur ance which these same oppon ent called "socialized medicine." They didn't like Ewing or his ideas. They argued that if he be came head of the new depart ment he might, with his increas ed prestige, plug hard for his health Insurance plan. Besides, they said, Truman waa lumping the health service of FSA in with the other FSA agenclea in the proposed de partment, contrary to the re commendations of the Hoover recommendations in the plan he's drawing up, at least Con gress can't make the same critic ism ot Mrs. Hobby that they used on Ewing. She opposes compulsory health Insurance. Highway Board 01 5 Sought Five members of the state highway commission are pro vided in a bill introduced by Rep. E. H. Mann of Medford to replace the present board of three member. The bill provide for appoint ment by the governor of one commissioner from each of the state's four congressional dis tricts and one from the state-at-large. "When the present law pro viding for three commissioners, one from each congressional district, there were only three congressional districts In the state" said Rep. Mann. "The number was all right then. "However, the state has grown and inasmuch as we have four congressional dis tricts one district goes without representation under the terms ot the present law." Mann said that as the state grows and Oregon gams tne fifth congressional district his bill would provide one com missioner from each of the five districts." The bill 1 now before the house highways committee for consideration. in Regular Navy With the Navy since June 10, 1943, as a reservist on active duty, John Tmpleton Lind- blom, stationkeeper at the local Naval and Marine Reserve training center February 17 joined the regular Navy, en listing for six years. Lindblom, who as a reservist has been a disbursing clerk, first class, was enlisted in the regular navy as chief dis bursing clerk. Coming to the Salem assign' ment August 4, 1947, Chief Lindblom, has been on duty at the Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center longer than any man now stationed there. Prior to being given the Sa lem assignment Lindblom was a traveling recruiter for the Naval Reserves, working out of Seattle. according to Charles H. Heltzel, public utility commission in a re port Just released covering grade crossing accidents during 1951. Of a total of 395 train-vehicle accident reported in that year, 320 occurred at public railroad highway grade crossings, the re port stated. In a study on cause of the ac cidents the report points out that motor vehicle operators were re sponsible in 12 out ot 13 cate gories Into which the 393 grade crossing accidents were placed. The cause of only three of such accidents would not be deter mined in the investigation. Disregard of signals was found to be the leader in the cause of grade crossing accidents, .there having been 133 grade crossing accident attributed to thl cause. Incautious approach to the crossings by motorists was second in the list with 96 acci dents charged to this cause. Ov erdriving, faulty lights and brakes resulted in 42 grade crossing accidents, the report states, 17 were caused when log, rain or snow obscured vision of the drivers: 24 resulted from me chanical failure of the automo biles and peed, trying to beat the train, reckless driving were cited as causing the other motor ist caused grade crossing accidents. In the entire list in which the blame shifted from the motorist to the train crew came in "negli gence of train crew" cited a the reason for 34 grade crossing accidents out of the total of 395. In the total number of grade crossing accidents during 1951 there were. 15 persons killed and 85 person injured, the report states. Guards Will m Train in June June 11 through June 27 have been set as the dates for the annual summer training of Ore gon National Guard units this year. The 41st Infantry division (Oregon and Washington Na tional Guard) will train at Fort Lewi. Selective service section of the state headquarter de tachment will have it training in Portland and anti-aircraft ar tillery unit, along with the ra dar outfit and the radio control airplane targets will be at Camp Clatsop, near Astoria. Air National Guard units, all of which have recently return ed from active duty with the U. S. Air Force, will have the sme training dates as the Iground units and will take their training at Go wen field. Boise. Idaho. Final arrangements for the summer training of the Air Guard are being made at a con ference at Gowen Field Febru ary 14 through February 17. Oregon 1 represented at that conference by Lt CoL Gordon Doollttle. commanding officer of the 142nd fighter intercept or group and base detachment commander; Capt. Dave Pahlka, air operations officer for the 142nd air bate group; and Capt South Salem C of C To Plan Park Work Salem Heights The South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce will meet Wednes day, Feb. 18, at the Salem Heights Community hall at 8:00 p.m. A planning committee for the development of Joryville Park will be appointed and the car- ,., J .V.- 1. J,.n.n Richard J. Schmidt command-'-. f'-. ing officer of the 123rd fighter squadron. i will be discussed. Archie McKllloo, membership chairman, will have the 1953 membership cards ready for dis tribution. I Clear Lake A special meeting of residents of the Clear Lake school district will be held at the school house at 8 p.m. Wednes day, Feb. 18, to discuss method! of relieving overcrowded school conditions. : (AdnrtlMauit) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other akin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone, Ointment Itching stop prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful tor itching feet cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot For Sale unuMwsrou State at Liberty Phone 1-3118 We Sejraritt 0 Matt tad led Ym Hi QatUH Tony and Dolph 25th & Stalest. Ph. 36997 Free Parking Hone's HQ MY DEAR.TH1S S NOT WHAT jl MEANT 'WHIM , I SAID WE SHOULD ADD A HALF-BATH TO OUR HOMfJ We) Sail! We) Install! Wa Service)! We) OuarantMl Always Call This PLUMtINO CONTRACTOR See Onr Mod- era New Powder Room Set Toilet ' Batin for only $62.9 Complete With ALL Fitting! - ARTHRITIS? I hive been wonderfully blessed in being restored to ac tive life after being crippled In nearly every Joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits tell ing you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this wonderful reuet Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2815 Arbor Hills Drive r.O.BoxSlM Jackson 7, Mississippi I p. I fSM I Cvril w tot mjcvAmI XS! j pL WAfe a fvAflQGPfltsxe? kT ri o ...... a yy 0 simm travel. E55U TTsPT -a, w. e ArUhrMMa, vorWi LvsssiMf SMiasst car ittlgntr, tin ntv S50 N.CoplM.Solim rus 4tihiiimi.i) 1 "" 'lT rTTlTTfl'l'l Prevent fy. Injury I In the shop, In sports, of while driving, wear the new Unbreakeble Clones that won't shat ter .. . won't break. Ready In 1 day ot Semltr Optical. Liberal Credit NO EXTRA Cnarga w eWr to ft mm enVa, TMify m sMMMf. Wmt yvm VatJV J few orncE ES Wsnn Hie W. HATI I COMMIRCI Al Wm. Or NEW CONTINENTAL STYLING! MEW LE MANS HIGH-COMPRESSION ENGINE! NEW DUAL-RANGE HYDRA-MATICI NEW LUXURY INSIDE AND OUT1 CONTINENTAL STYUNOI Functional design of Pinin Farina styling means more interior room iness, more all-round eye-level visibility, more driving pleasure than in any other car built today. FINEST SHOCK-PROOF RIDE I Exclusive Airflex Suspension cush ions road shocks . . . result in easier handling. A leading auto editor terms it "the finest shock-proof ride in the world today!" ROOM AND VISION OAIOREI Here are the widest teats front and rear of any car. The con toured, one-piece windshield, huge tear window and tide windows offer the greatest visibility. RECUNINO SEATS, TWIN BEDS I No other car in the world has them I Nash Airliner Re clining Seats are adjustable to five comfortable positions at the flick of a lever... even become spacious Twin Bees in seconds I - AIRFLYTE CONSTRUCTION I Only Nash builds can this modern way, with body and frame welded into one solid, integral unit for greater safety. The double rigidity or Airnyte lonstrucuon longer life, higher resale value. NEW POWER, ECONOMYI Two great engine! in the Ambassador Super Jet fire or the custom-powet option or the new -ua Mans" Dual Jetfire, top American engine in the Le Mans Grand Prix d'Endurance for the past two years! In the States man there the new PowerSyte Engine. NOW ON DISPLAYI SEE YOUR NEARBY IIhAl. DEALER IfOl I ! THE AMBASSADOR THE STATESMAN THE RAMBLER MARION MOTORS 333 Center St. Salem, Ore.