DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham COME ON IN AND PR OFF J AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES BIG SALE at RON'S 'JUST LOOK AT WHAT YOU GET WITH I SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS AND LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LOOK! ;265DN. $35.20 MO. on these 4 clean can I J '47 FORD V-8 CLUB COUPE Custom seat covers, motor ehecked, this oa In top condition. 47 CHEV. 2-DOOR Heater, defroster, food tires, black finish, on owner. 47 FORD V-8 CLUB COUPE Radio, hntir, ut Mr, fndr skirts, clean. '46 CHEV. 2-DOOR Jut Installed nw motor and dutch, cuitom ot covers, clean. A-1 1 30 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN Radio, heater, shows tott food oara nu price titoi LOOK! $365 DN. $42.99 MO. on these 4 late model cars '49 CHEV. CLUB COUPE A one-owner ear, very clean, heater, chrom wheel fines, food Urea, nup '49 PLYM. SPEC. DL. CLB. CPE. Radio, beater, elu In and oat. '49 CHEV. 2-DOOR Heater, custom seat covers, ale black fin la h. ready to to. 49 FORD CUSTOM CLB. CPE Radio, heater, euitom seat coven. 50 CHEV. DE LUXE 4-DOOR On owner, really clean In and out, eee this and bur. PULL Fit ICS aie $ SAVE at RON'S $ 1245 BROADWAY PHONE 2-6808 BY MASTER BREAD BAKERS AUTOMOBILES ' i 1M1 CHEVROLET door Sedan Deiuae. t Power glide, fully equipped. Ph. 43111. hudsoh cum coup. rah, hydra- KATIC, LUXURIOUS l-TONE PAINT. 1 OWNER '51 Hornet 5 Special SHROCK MOTOR CO. "Where Chemeketa Ocas T. C""". AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AVINO EADIATOE TROUBLE? Villa Motor Co. akperte will Bolts tout prob lems and un you money. Pr esti mate, apeedy eerrlce. center et Liberty BC FINANCIAL H $ n it t Please Note To My Many . Friends and Customers I AM NOW ASSOCIATED WITH Salem Automobile Co. Home of QUALITY USED CARS Chrysler PLYMOUTH JOE SPURLOCK Mil CHEVROLET Suburban Carryall, low mileage, excellent runnlnf condition, and appearance. Phone Delia, HIT. 300 Miller avenue. WILL TRADE eoultj la lat, model car for lot, property or eell lor cash. Cell 17005 dan, or eee at ooo a. mo- 44 SO WILLYS PICK-UP CHEV. PICK-UP POKD PICK-UP 4B STUDEBAKER PICK-UP . wmin tnnarR 44 STUDEBAK. SHORT LOGGER $1401 '40 OUC, SHORT lAJOUBlf. aim CATS. T- AND D-4 Lata model wheel tractor equipped PRICED TO SELL e man AtTTO EQUIPMENT 71 Wallace Rd. West Salem Ph. lottS ell' DELUXE Chev. Coupe. Radio, heater. anoo. Phone 44301. aaa 4 FORD CUSTOM Club Cpe. with over drive and all acceseonee, eueu.. Titian. 440 aPlrvlCW AVC. 40' 1041 OLDS. "a 4-door. Oood tires and body. Needs motor work. till. Phone 4411a. '51 Chrysler WINDSOR CLUB COUPE. RAH, BEAU TIFUL TAN FINISH. MANY OTHER EXTRAS. SPECIAL BUTI $1995 SHROCK MOTOR CO. mwkm. rmekata Oaaa To Church' atl' tail rwrv araciAL ale lose 4-door. Or iginal paint, ret, clean. IM5t. tool stele. late CHEV. 4-DOOR aedea, UM. 13310. Phone 4I' Efl PORD SEDAN Oood condition. enilne. new tlree. Call 1-IIM. 4I' TOTAL PRICE 1375. Terms. 1111 Intllih Ford 1 door. Phone days Jtotl. ALE OR TRADE, 1147 Chevrolet Aero eedaa. Radio, heater, other eitraa. 1011 ftouth Water St., Sllvsrton. Ore. ,44 SPECIAL AUTO. USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, axles, bodies, gears, batteries, etc, 355S Portland Road Acme Auto & Truck . .Wreckers NEAR BAN SHOP DRIVE-IN AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. . in South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 1-3417 Lie. No. M-1M, S-1M 5 Interest If ma bar Ml foods aUu tnveat- mcnt, than 70a ar the typo of poraps a whom w can be cc aamoc For aver Twoaty-ftro Tent we hare been helping people tn thU jommunlty find profitable work for aneir money Durint this period we have promptly paid M Meal-annaa! tat rest aTBieats totallini many Thousands or Douars. We ar oarranttr peylnc t DfTEftBST fund from 9500 to iftooo. Road Project In Ml. Angel The Oregon SUU Hlchwav Comminion will hold it Feb ruary metln( in Portland on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 17 and It and on the second day will receive bids on 13 high way, five bridge and two traf fic signal projects, involving an estimated expenditure of S2,- 900,000. The 20 projects call for 24.34 miles of grading, 40.80 miles of rock base and surfacing. 28.94 miles of oiling, 31.32 miles of asphaltlc concrete paving, con struction of bridges totaling 1.330 feet tn length. 1 traffic signal instillations and the fur nishing of 38,300 cubic yards of maintenance material in stockpiles. The work located In 30 coun ties, require moving nearly 323,000 cubic yards of earth and rock in roadbed construc tion, producing and placing 168, 700 cubic yard of rock, cinder and gravel base and surfacing material, 88,300 cubic yards of rock or gravel maintenance ma terial, 73,700 tons of plant-mix asphaltlc concrete pavement, 4,- 400 cubic yards of Portland ce ment concrete, nearly 959,400 pounds of reinforcing and struc tural steel, together with sev eral thousand feet of drainage pipe, and large quantities of other incidental materials and supplies. Brief descriptions of the scheduled projects foUow: Linn County A 7.53-mile section of the Santiam highway Is to be Improved under the No ble Slough-Foster Project, bids for which will be received by the Commission February 18. This project calls for widening the existing highway to pro vide 22 feet of asphaltlc con crete pavement, 3 Vi ' inches thick and with 8 foot rock shoulders. An additional 10 feet of pavement is to be pro vided on the ascending grade Just west of Foster for the con venience of truck traffic, and paved parking areas are to be provided at the spring located about 1.3 miles westerly of Sweet Home, at the scale site to provide off road parking for trucks, and at Foster for con venience of the public in using store facilities. Marion County Bids will be received on two projects in Mar ion County: (1) In the city of Mt. Angel, the Hillsboro-Sllver-ton highway is to be improved throughout the city in line with the Commission s policy of im proving sections of State high ways within cities, thus reduc ing congested traffic conditions of mixed local and through traf fic. The improvement calls for the construction of 40 feet of as phaltlc concrete pavement be tween curbs to provide 2-lane traffic with 8-foot parking lanes, all on improved grade; and the construction of new drainage facilities and the adjustment of existing drainage structures for complete drainage improvement. ,U-e r p Capital Journal Stkm, On, Tootsy, Ft. 17, MIS-IT Fishermen Seek Ban on , High Damson Columbia Commercial fishing Interests I ger said some bread baked in Home Was Never Like This Goldle the lioness looks down a suddenly deserted Memphis, Term., street (top) alter es caping from her cage during circus matinee in a downtown auditorium (bottom) and was easily recaptured. Another lioness which escaped at the same time also turned back to captivity. (AP Wirephoto) - Miss Pillette Passes Here Death Sunday claimed Evelyn Mary Pillette, native of Salem and resident of this community aU her life. Miss Pillette, a late resident of 2573 Brooks avenue, died at a local hospital, where she had been a patient for about three weeks. For the past few years Miss Pillette had been with the pre school department of Oregon School for the Deaf, until her illness forced her retirement about two months, ago. She at tended St. Vincent , de Paul school here and was a graduate of the Sacred Heart academy. Miss Pillette was a member of St. Vincent de Paul Catho lic church. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Eve Pillette of Salem; five sisters, Sister Evelyn Mary of Spokane, Wash., Mrs. Marie Danison of Portland, Mrs. Dor othy Shepherd, Mrs. Ann Hof- fert and Miss Kay Pillette, all of Salem; and two brothers, Charles Pillette of Pendleton and MeU Pillette of Salem. Recitation of the rosary will be at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Wednesday night at 8:30 o'clock and low mass will be said at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church. Interment is to be in the Catholic cemetery at St. Paul. Father Lowell Blackburn will officiate at the services. Newsboy Stricken Silverton Bob Hogan, Capi tal Journal carrier, entered Sil verton hospital early Monday morning where he submitted to General Finance Corporation " emergency appendectomy, Ui s. COMMERCIAL ST. con,u'"on w reported ai normal later in uie aay. Silverton Special Christian church events to be observed during the present week will be a study group meeting at the parsonage home of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Charles Bates Wed nesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Salem. Oregon Phono S-tlSl PRIVATE MONET Special Rate and Terms on Larger Loana Long and Short Tim, Payment, ROT B. SIMMONS ni a Commercial at Ph. I-Slll CASH FOR TAXES LOANS UP TO $1500 on AlnatTir, Fttrnitaro, Oar AT KMOlfja It's "re promptly to n- ployed men or woman. 1-Ylslt loan . . . phone first. Ton select best payment date. Between payday lotas. Phone, writ or com In TODAY 1 Personal Finance Co. 10 . BIOH ST., 45ALEU 8tt License Nos. S-1M. W-1CS Loans over S3 00 up to 1W0 and np to M months to repay mad by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County andtr the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Ortcon. Hi CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADUINO MACHINES All make, used maehlnee Bold, rented, repaired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 1-1771. a4 BCLLDOZTNO BulMoalng road, eleerlng teeth. Vlrell Huiker, 1010 Palrrlew. Ph. 3-1 leg. o41 CASE) BEOISTEBS Instant delivery of new RCA cash ret- lstere. All mekee, sold, rented, repaired. Roen. l Court Ph. 3-0711 DRESMAKINO Four Corners Alteratlone, hemstitching, b u 1 1 o n a. bucklee covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Allender, 3-0911. oS4 DRIVING INSTRUCTION STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? If so, gee us today. Concoltdeta your debt. Into ONE payment monthly with mailer payment,. Oct In touch with us today. B-310 PHONE 14111 M-333 187 So. High St., Salem, Ore. rel Lie. S-1U and M-33S and RUT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear -Top Itadas U 04 Dally KSLM - ISM Ka. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS a Commercial SL Tel. 3-0 lgl SEE US FOR PARM. CfTT or ACREAOB LOANS BEST OP TERMS - WE BUT Baal estate mortgagee Ji emtracto. State Finance Co. tn a Huh st. Ph. 14111 Learn to drive the -Easy Drive" way Call or ee. Mr. RWkard. Valley Motor Co.. Salem. Phone 33141 or 4S114 o EXCAVATING Ben Otien At Son. Excavating, grading, land clearing. Phone 3-3Q00 . 040 INDUSTRIAL TBUCRS Pork-Utt trucks. Inside and outside work. Hitter, Clerk. Mobile lift 3000 and 4000 lb. machine,. By dey. week or month. Ph. 33430. Capital City Trans Mrs. Hammetf Riles Friday Mrs. Olive Hammett, resident of Salem for about 20 years, died Monday at a local hospital, where she had been a patient for over five years. Born in Nebraska December 30, 1889 Olive Smith was mar ried in that state in 1888 to Charles Hammett, who died in 1947. The Hammetts farmed in Ne braska for a number of .years and in 1912 moved from that state to Oregon, settling on a farm near Corvallii, where they made their home until Ham' mett's retirement about 20 years ago at which time they moved to Salem. Mrs. Hammett was a member of the Presbyterian church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. S. Neal of Wallowa; sons, Guy D, Hammett of Bend, Clarence S. Hammett, Clyde Hammett and Wayne Hammett, all of Salem; a sister, Mrs. Jennie Shroyer of Eugene; three brothers, Milford Smith of Col orado, Lee Smith of Marion, Oregon, and Wesley Smith of Portland; 13 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. Funeral services are to be held at the Clough - Barrlck chapel Friday, February 20, at 10:30 p.m. with concluding serv ices at Belcrest Memorial park. Rev. Paul Poling will officiate at the services. Four Corners Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn were host and host ess to the Krary Kard Klub Sat urday evening at a valentine party. Playing pinochle were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Braden, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Fiester, S. H. Cable, Miss Jeanne Chrisman. Assembly program at Lincoln school Thursday at 1:15 p.m. will be given by Miss Joan Ait kin's room. House guests in the Jack Haagenson home are Mrs. Haag enson's sister, Mrs. T. W. Haag' enson, niece, Mrs. Robert Smith and sons, Tommy and Terry all from Minot. NJJ. Mrs. Smith, Tommy and Terry will go to Camp Pendleton. Calif, soon to Join Mr. Smith, who is stationed there. A visitor In the H. E. Walls home is his mother, Mrs. Clara Walls, Paradise, Mont. Follow ing her visit here she is going to Oakland, Cam. to visit a daughter. Leaving Friday for Ft Lewis, Wash, to begin his basic train ing In the army will be Elwyn (Sonny) Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker. The annual Blue and Gold banquet, marking the Scout an niversary, will be held for Cub Scout pack 105 in the commun ity hall at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb, 20. shot back at the advocates of power dams Tuesday with a bill to ban construction of dams mora than 25-feet high on the Lower Columbia River. The bill, by Sen. Robert D. Holmes, Gearhartv would ban these dams from the Columbia and 1 its tributaries below Mc Nary Dam, but would exempt the Willamette River and its tributaries. Holmes said the bill would compel Oregon to live up to an agreement that the Lower Co lumbia River should be used for fish production, and the upper river for power. The agreement was made by the U. S. Fish and Wild Life Service, the Columbia Basin Interagency Committee, Army Engineers, and Oregon and Washington. Holmes's bill would block construction of Pelton Dam on the Deschutes River by Portland General Electric Co. The Ore gon Hydro-electric Commission refused PGE a permit to build the dam, and PGE is pressing for passage of a bill to allow it to take the Pelton case to court. Holmes said that construction of Pelton Dam would sacrifice the interests of the people of all the Northwest states. A chemical used to keep bread soft would be banned by a bill introduced by Sen. Richard L. Neuberger, Portland Democrat. This chemical is banned by the Federal Food and Drug Ad ministration, which hasn't com pleted tests to determine if it is harmful to humans. Neuber Portland cantatas the fhstritcal, Sen. Eugene AlVm. Portland. Introduced a bill to tax business income of charitable corpora tions. It also would tax undis tributed dividends and surpluses of farm co-operstlves, and would repeal the corporation in come tax exemption for cor porations which get 95 per cent or mora of their income from rentals. wn aaa. Pat tfOUImf. Mlaes Pete UtOUUn. Irwaa MoOaaasr. keek at tvataaal ter. It , Jlaamt as Menamr MeOerterT, etit el aalaaa. EecHelleei at the raoarr at See) Hoaell Edwards CTkaUMs Twaaaay. . at 0 a m. sterrtaaa Is Ska Raw.H-R.wa., Chanel Wadaaadaf. Feb. IS as as a-aa. wot, talesman at at, Baiwara', i the looa Ai A D f C T JEO M IX IX A. s lass float aaaaaL QUOTATIONS VSLT Jeta JUehael, a the mlOaaio tttB Taw. at, Vwh. Is. oNniraOl a cm, stra. at Bkefieae. EI- aaE Mat. Lyle Ssalta. Skate. laavl aaam. Meet) A. aUatuaL Perttaad. aarl Ma C. a Tharaday. Pea. la. at IM f-aa, at Cleaah-BemoS Causes. PUUle Peart Kaeelar. ta tUa arkv Pan. I. lata naieaat at OS Lc'ncl at, a t. mmm at u -em, ami Iliad tar Ottawa. Mrs. Arthar ataraewe. ataleaa. aaaaaka, at adee at nitar. Tharaaay. Pea. U at 1:M awge. as the W. T. About two-fifths of the Unit ed States is too dry to farm without irrigation or special methods for conservation of moisture. SALEM MARKETS STOCKS tnralstloo. wsetherstrlps, screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Phone J-eooa. 04O- MATTBESSES Capitol Bedding, renovetes new nettreesee. Ph. 34040. OrriCE It'RNlTCRE a SUPPLIES HOUSE TRAILERS SML. SUBURBAN HOME, Uke late model House Trailer es down payment. Lena Lane Trsllrr Plsre. 1040 Lane Ave. U LODGE SALEM LODGE No. 4 A.F. Si AM. Wed., Feb. 18, F. C, degree. 7:00 p.m. 42' Deck ehatra, files, filing suppllst, safes. duplicators, supplies, desk lempe. type writer stsnds. Roen. 400 court. SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Sspttc Service. Tsnks cleaned. D'rooter clean, eawera, drains. Phone l-ote. e Heme!, septic tanke cleaned, line serv ice. Guaranteed work. Phone 11404. 04T Sswer. septic tanks, drains clsaaed. Rota-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 1-1331. TV Balsa, Service. Antenna. Ate. Phone 4-0031. 1170 Lena oOi' WINDOW CLEANING "B a Z" window Cleaners, paint scrap- Ing. floor waalnt and general service. Resldentlsls our specialty. Oo anywhere. Ph. J-7031. 3 aa.....e'aa..a'.ae'aaaaaaa TRUCKS St CHEV llt-TON truck, UN, toad coe dluoeu sot Dennis. ad4S i wcaaee isiessseeeee To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Salem and Scio Men Scheduled to Dock Three Salem men and one serviceman from Scio are among those to dock In Seattle Wednes day, returning from the Far East Arriving on the wavy trans port General Hugh J. Gaffney will be George A. smitn, enter hospital corpsman, a navy man, who is also accompanied by his family; Cpl. Harry R. Eckstein, route 5, Salem; and Capt. Royce G. Robertson. Cpl. Claire H. Limbeck, route 2, Scio, is to arrive on the navy transport Ben C. Ballou. (By The Associated Preasi Admiral CorporaUoa Allied Chemical , Allla Chalmers , American Alrllnee American Power at Light, American Tel. a Tel American Tobacco Anaconoa Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Stool N Boeing Airplane Co Borg Warner Burrowa Adding Machlna California Packing Canadian recllle , Caterpillar Trector Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporetlon Cities Service Consolldsted Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown fteneraach , Curtlee Wright , Douglas Aircraft Du Pont da Nemours Eastman Fodak Emerson Radio Oeneral Electric General Poods Oeneral Motors Georgia Pac. Plywood .......... Ooodyear Tire ., Hotnestako Mining Co International Hsrvester International Paper Johns Manvllle Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated Long Bell Montgomery Ward Nseh Kelvlnator - New Tork central Northern Pacific ., Pacific Amerkec Pish Pacific Oaa Eirctrlc Pacific Tel. at Tel ...... Paekerd Motor Car Penney. J. C. Pennsylvsnla R. R- Pepsi Cola Co. Pbllc. Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Ineorp Rayonlar Ineorp. PId. ., Republic Steel Reynolds Mrtala Rlchflsld Oil Safeway Stores lne Scott Psper Co Sears. Roebuck a Co. .. Socony.Vecuum Oil .... Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard OU N. 1 studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift Compsny Tramsmenca Corp. ... Twentieth Century Pol . Union OU Company .... Union Pacific United Alrllnee United Aircraft United Corporstlon .... United States Plywood . United State, sieel ... Warner pictures , Western Union TeL .... Westtnshouse Air Brake Westlns house Electric . WaolwoiUt . 304. . 11 . 1414 . 3 .100 . 10 . 43ti . ttt, . 034 . 441, . It . 11 . 13 S . 30t . on. . 30 . 00 . tm Compiled from reperta af Salem dealer, for the awldaneo af Capital Jaunsal readen. (Revised daily.) Retail peed Prleaa Rabbit PaDete 1JS (BO-Ib. bag), 4 00- 0 00 (100-10. bag), sr.. a. SB Dairy Peed 13.31 (io-ltj. bag). II 00-13 (SO-lb- kill. 04.BO-0.4I 1100 WL1. Peeltry Baylag Prleea Colored fryers. ire; old roosters, 14c; colored fowl, no; legbom fowl, loot roasters, sue. Es.. Bavin, Prices Eggs. AA. Me: largo A. I1-4ICI medium AA, 30o; medium A, 34- 3ec: small, loe. Wbelesale Prleaa Egg wholeeal, pnooo generally e-7e higher than the pncea above. Large grade A generally o noted at 40c: medium. 4fie. Batterfat Buying price: Premium. Tl 73c; No. L 00-7001 MO. S, 010. Batter Wholesale grade A panhmast. 71c ib.i retail. T7c Cfcieae-a Grata Chicago (At Oralna ended with s mil. ture of gains and loaaes after a day of Indecision on the board of trade Tuesday. Early galna w,r wiped out end losses substituted following President Elssnhow- ara newa conference. But In the closing minutes heavy ahort-covsrlng produced good rally. Gains hsd ranged to more than s oant early on buying cumulated by felr-slsed eiport business, continued dry weatner In the winter wheat belt sod a reduction In receipts of cash corn. The selling followln, the prtsldsntlal news conference apparently waa baaed on the lack of an announcement of any new move, to bolster form prleaa. broker, said. Dealings became heavy at this time, but quieted later. Wheal ciosm va-tt nicner, asaron; con lower to higher,-March Loot-.: oats unchanged to 40 lower, March TH4.73! rye "A-in lower. May I1.71V4-...73: soybesn, V. lower to 3 higher, March 1 MV..J.IJH. and lard unchanged to IB cent, s hundred pounds lower, March t.70. rertlaad Grain Portland T Coarsa grains, a. bids. Wheat (bldl to arrive market, basis No. 1. bulk, dsUvered coast: Soft White 1.43: soft White Including Real 3.431 White Club 1.43. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 1.41; 10 per cent 143; 11 per cent 1.41; 11 par POBTUUTB PRODUCE UST Bntlertat Tantetrre, awaleat to bnmaov ata ahaagat PTamlma auauty, aaaatmuaj -is t oaa nor cent MtdUy deliver ra Portland 00-70a la.: first auaiirr 07-TOe: second auallty. 47, vanav raatee and country points. 1 eentg Mas. Ratter Wholesale f4.b. balk aabas be wholasalars grade AA St aoora. 07ci A trade, 01 arm. tool B. a scora tact a SS core tee. A save prleea atrietly aeasjaee. Cbieei Billing price to Portland wbola- aalere. Oragoa alBglaa. 43U.-40C Orogaa S lb. loot alVa-Slveei artpl.ta, lite laas than alnglea. Riga la Wbihillnii Can died eaas aato- tstnln, no lose, eaaas tnladad P. o. sl PorUand. A grade large alta-atVee: A srada medium, 44i-47ci B grade larta, 41- 441,0. Partlant Dairy Harkot Batter prloo 1 to retafrerot Orade AA print. Tie: A wartoa. Tlel A aylala. Tic: carton, 73c; B prints, etc. see to retailers, orada AA. lam. tie! large. M-Olct AA medium. Mc: A medi um. 41-401 A small, nominal. Cartana, la additional. Cbaeea Prloo to retailers. Portland. Oregon singles, Otta-Moi t-la. loavaa. l3-03Via lb.; inputs. 10 lees than am ies. Premium brands etna las. HIMl loaf. lreo. rrocasaas Aaaena ihine. loaves to retail. 4lt-alVM la. reaitry Lire Cktakeaa (No. 1 nsllty. P. O. B. Plants.) Prrara, IH-I lbs, 10-IUi 1-0 lag, 30-31c: roasters, 4Vt Iba, and over. 10-llci heavy nana, au weights. 31-tle: Uaht hens. au weiants. ia-iaci aid rooatera. la-ioe. srrcssee f.-aieaeaa rryera, 114-1 Iba., OS. c; roasters, 43-44C: liaat haaa. 11-laoi heavy bene, I4-17CJ owl Bp trrara, aU waUhtt, 41-440. Babbit, Averase ta avawarat Idea w hi tas, -l lbs, tl.Mc: ,- Has, M-lao Ib.i old doea, It-ilc. few higher. Preeh dreaaed iTyera to retailers, la-OMl eat an, to-470. Caantry KltM Haaa, Veal Top auallty, 44-40, sb.1 toejsh heavies. 30-40C Hasa-Lena hlocxsra. Bo-Mai aawa. llant iba Ta grad, saariaaTora. other ,radae, aceordlns to auallty. mattaa Boot ewes and wethers lt-lto ka a avoal lugilil Peta, It. Bhlpeaeat hae teas aaada la Bsitsw. HaUtnaawerta Puaerel Boeae, Bamrarhaaa. weaa. I ra. Olhe M. aUaaaoat, ta a local aaa 1 Pea. la. aasrvtved by daaahter. lira. a NeaL waUewai oaas. Oar D. Hammett, Boas, daraaoa at. Manxmen, ciyae a Haaaaaett a&d Wayne Basamatt, an af Sa lem; sifter, lira. Jaaata oUtrarer. aosaaat brethara. Milford smith. OoVo. Lee Smith, atartea. Weelay Baottk. PecUaad; U gxantV ahlldTeau aaa St sraao araacwBivoraa. Berrloe. Ittdap. Pea. at 1:0 p.m. la the Clouth-BaiTick Chapel. Dr. Paul H. Poling efftelattng. Z& term eel la Balcraol Menaorlai Park. . Neea VBeai Mara Wliaax mother at Mrs. atarrsret Ogle. tn. Beatrla Ave.. OUytoa Wilcox. Balam. aareioaa win be held In How. 11- Hwara, chapai waanasaay. iw. it at I pja. OBITUARY Beet CUUty ecnea. Et-loa lb.; aaaaar. eui.vra, ee-aoo. (Wkaiaaaien it.) Beet ataerg alulea, 000-700 Iba- 0.0-41 1 good. 137-411 aommarolat, tlt-17; attlltr. Ceae OommerdaL aaavia, etnitv aaa. 30: caaner. 137-10. Beet Cat. Icholea ateeral SDnd smae. vera, eev-aii rounaa, SM-eo; run a trimmed, as-7t: trlantlao, Hl-M; li quarters, oil-ra; chucks, 130-40; ribs. ra, Marts Berat Ladwtg Mt. Aagal Mm. Maria Barai Ladwut, . 40, wile of William J. Lad wis, died sud denly treat a heart attack Suaday ova nirur at her home, T0t7 N. Chautauqua at. Portland. Funeral cervices will be held ' Thursday at t:30 a.m. at the Bet? Ore. -Church ta Portland. Recitation at the rosary will be Wednesday evening at a o'clock at the Herjnsaaer, Ooetsoh a Mc- , Oee Puaeral Parlors. Maria Ludwls was i Hoy. I. loot at BpUdlnt. Neb., th. daughter at the lata Mr. and tars. Joseph ; Berat. The family earn, ta Mount Antsl la September. 1010. aha waa graduated 1 froea Mount Ansel Academy alaat at ItM, ' and the at. Viacaal't school at Huraias . la ItM. She was married ta '.milem J. LaawaT at Moant Aaaal. aeat. It, lilt. Surviving her are her husband and flv. children. Ther are: Frank. William. Oral ' chen. Thome, and tan. aha ale. so gur- viveai br nva Brothers and nva autera. , They are: Mrs. Arthur Schaffer, ltounb ' Angel: Frank Berat, Spalding, Naa.1 Mrs. Charles Dlesaaar, Spalding. Mob, Mrs. Arthur McLala. Bsia. Msb.; Mrs. Frank Dieter. Omaha, Meb.l lira. Lyman Bder. ' nervals, ora.t anwarci aerat, waoaaura. and Louis Berat, Alfred Berat and Joseph Bern I, all at Mount AataL Aauraat B. Kraeebel Albany August EL BtraeehaL tl. ra. i tired aarpantar. died at a local hospital Saturday. Aervloee will ha held at S p.m. Wednesday at tn. Pleher Pun era! horn. ' with burial ta Willamette Memorial nark. H, had been a reatdeat at Albany for tha last at rears. H. waa a native at Minna- - sole aad had Uvad ta Lea Ana .lee and Bugeao before waning here. Surviving are a brother. Bam ahue Dtaae. Oalii- and - I tw. listers. Mrs. Louise Kiaaaor. BCPD) Veal-OMd, Its-Mi aommarelals, 140-10. 1 caaraao. ameena. uaivea uneiea. ea.eet Mmm.Miaia 140-M. umbo prima spiluosia, 40-M Pas. , 30 It I cent 3.43. JOS 04 i t , 03 , OS , 444 , US 01 S3!t 04 1114 tilt n 30 S 034 004 71V. '. 13 134 39', 03 344 33k 74 M", 30V. Ill 0 07", 31 V 14 31'. 354 31 471, 03 ens 31'. 57', tt '4 H 'V 43 01 '4 Car recelpU: Wheat 104; flour I; corn I; mill feed t. barley t; Portland Livestock PorUsnd tin Cattle: 300: oteadr: tooo- oholce fad atrera 33-3431: good - low choice fed hetfera 10.00-33.M; canner-cut- ter eowa 13-14: strong welshts to 14.00; utility cow, lt-lt; eutter-uttllty bulls IS 50-11. SO. Cslves: 30: active; steedy; good-cnoiee vealers 30-33; prime noonday to 14; cull- utlllty ealvea 13-11. Host: loo; ective; isc nianer: enoteo 100-334 lbs. 13 -3) 50: choice 370 lbs. and 150 lbs. 11.00, choice 150-650 lb. ,ow, 11.00' 10 50. Shsep: M; aothlnt avatlkbl, aarly; gueubl, steedy; yood-cholc, slaushter lambs 10.00-20.50; choice 11; tood light feeders 11.35-17.50; oood-eholce slaughter ewee cuotablo t-0. 043-40; good. 141-44. Mattaa oood ahoioa. Bbt-t4. Park Cats Loins, No. 1, t-IS Iba, Sta ll: ahouVdert, II loo., 114-11; aparerlba, "- inw nam., la-la la,., aaa-l Imeked Hama Skinned, l&l-usi bacon. S43-I1. Refined lard la drums, III-; aiao oacoa. ,ja-S40. Partland aUseeUaaaeaa Celery-Cal. flat crata. 1-34 dog, I3JI- www 99 ee-ao. vre., Onions CO lb. sacks Wut HMm ..I. lows, medium. 14-4.50; 1-Inch., H.50-O; Ho. ea.w-soc; noiiers, lbs. neks, 40-470; Idaho rsllows. laraa. 01.10-1.70: Ma t large, ei jj-i.Tt: white mad. largo, I4J6 4.50: few to 14.31. rstataea Ora.-Waah. rasseta. Ha- L 4.70-50: name brands to 4.15; bakers, 1.25-50: It lbs. sits A. 1.11-31: It lb. mesh. 05-tOc: paper. 50-05C: Idaho ntsseta, balsa, s-io int.. i.oo-39: lot lb. sacks l.oo-U; si lb. No. Is, 1.40-40. Hay u. a. No. 1 araea alfalfa, deliver. ed car lots FOB. Portland. r'nrlT 130 50 ton: Seattle, 140.00-43. Weal Willamette valley mostly aamla- al at 40, lb. grsasa baalg. Bldea calvea. 10-ltc lb. BecordlnB to welahtsi kips. 10-1101 best. 10-13, lb.: bulls, 1-4401 treon butcher cow hides. Filberts Wholesale lining prloo No. I large Barcelonae, 14-300 Ib.i grower priest, orchard run, 14-150 lb. wainata wholesale aelllat once, mat duality largo Praaouattaa, M-lla lb.; grower price, orchard run. It-lie lb, lav bast to lie Mrs. Blaaaha D. Bart - Lebanon Funeral earrleaa far Blanche D. Bar! wha died Pwb. is at tha Commuol ' ty nnpttai, war. held Tuaadar at 1 p.m. at tna Maatoa cnapai, with ooaclucuna eemo, at tha Portland crematory. Rev. Harvey J. Schmidt officiated. Mrs. Bart, . bora March 10, 1870 la London. Bngland, waa bookkeeper for the Lebanon hospital for many years. Prior to hr II rears resi dency In Lebanon, I he Uved in Portion, for it rears, ah, wag a member of East ern Star Boa, Crouuc 141, Portland. Bur . nvora ar, a aleoe. Mrs. Martha aula. back at Denver, and a nephew, Walloc J. Coaeno of Pbaoalx, Edwards Lebanon JoaM Bdverd. who died Friday of a heart attack at hat acta home, was bora la Wisconsin, Jan. IT, IBM. His funeral win be held at tha stela Baptist church at t p.m. wedaeoday, ac eordlns to arrangemcnlg made by th. H tu ton Funersl horns of Labaaoa. Borvi- voro are his widow, Mattle; stepchildren, Mrs. Dasry Shlmanek, Ac lei Mrs. Oladys r, Mill City; Oeorge Scott, Roee burf. and a Bister. Ha Lot tie areenweje of Wisconsin. Perllsnt E.rlitas Market ' Portland duo Willamette vell.v eab. bate sold for a crate today on tha Portland Eastslde Parmsrg Wbolaaala Pro duce r-arket. Other offerlags were light and p. war, nomlnaL DEATHS CIUsmo UveeltMk Chicero tr not prlcee ticked off another lcnpoat on their current upward movtment Tueaday vhtn the top vtnt to 121.00. The market iraerallr vaa teerdir to 15 crnta hither. Cattle turned eteadr to atrone. lioit available barrowa and ellta aold from i.n to 120.00 and iows from llf.TI to HI7S. lloat oat tood to prime ateem and year lima old from 120 tVO to 130 O0 and food and choke hetfera from 20.0O to 2S.M. Cow woppca i iie.ou. Little earlr action took plaoo In the aheep market. Brelrn Mary Plllatta Xvelrn Man FlUttte, in this etty Feb. lft. Lato reaident of im Erooka Ave. fiunrired by mother, Iti FlUette, salam; iirt aiatera, outer sreiyn Mary. Bpokane, Waah.. Mm. Mario Danlaon, Portland. Mra. Dorothy Shepherd. Mra. Ana Boffert and MUa Kay Pillette. all eat 0alem: tw bro thra, Cbanas Pflletto. Peodletoa, Mel Pillette. ftalem. RacltaUon of the roaary Wcdneaday, Pab. lft at : p.m. tn the w. t. Rledon Chapel. HeiuUm mtM Thuraday. Feb. 19 at 10 a.m. in the Vlneent De Paul Catholic church with In terment ta at, Paal Catholle eemete"y. Maaie Meaner At the reaideneo tn Palo Alto, Calif., Feb. 1ft. Mm. Maude Moeher. at the ace of TO yeara. Survived by t eons, Harry S. Uoaher of Palo Alto, calif. Kenneth H. of Seattle and William A. of Newark. Del.; brother, William stone of Or aeon city: five irandehiMren. Puntral ecrvicae wlU bo held Wadneeday. Pab. 1ft at 3:00 pm. In Uie chapai of the W. T. Kltdoa Co with Interment at City View cemetery. Alice Marl Stclwer Alice Marie Btetwer, late realdent of llftl Chemekeu St., at a Portland hos pital, peo. lft, at the Mi of U year. Mra. Jeeele Mar Btonton Dallas-Mra. Joule May Stanton. U, died at her homo. 1 Clay St, Dallaa, Satur day, Peh, is. She ww born In Sallnaa, Kan Dee. SO, ltot, the dauihter of Sam uel and Julia Ann WUacn. Jeaale waj married to Smith C. Stanton on Septem ber M, 1M7 at Pendleton. Oreoon. She Ut- in saiem for If yeara before oomlztaT to Dallaa when ho fealded for tha paaft It year. Mra. Stanton araduated from Oreion Normal oehool at Mocmouth (now tne oretm coiiete of Bdneatlon) and was a member of the Christian church. Sur viving Mrs. SUnton aro her husband SulU. C. Stanton; eUp-dauthter. Pap Cof fey of Otter Rock: R. X. stton. te'aoni and Claude Stanton, otep-eon. Mra. Corn Jane Baker Albany Cora Jane Baker. M. n real- dent of Albany (or 10 pears, died at s local noralng home Monday. Servloee will hld at the PortmlUeT-Proderlckaea funeral homo Thuraday at t p.m. Mra. Baker waa born in New Oennaay, ML and In 100ft was married to David H. Boll, at Loe Anteleo, Calif. Mr. BoU died In 1M1. Sho Uved In CorvaUla from ItM to ltO whero oho was aurrled to Arthar I. Baker. May t. 1M3. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have mado their homo tn Albanp sinew that time. Burrlvlne hor besides Mr. Ba ker are four daashters and -hree sons; Mrs. Sills Llninaer, Aahiand; Mrs. Donald Verbeek, Tonasket, Waah.i Mrs. Sam Br boush, Lonsan, O.i Mrs. Marvin Hoover, Busme: the Key. David L. Roll, Huntlnc ton, Ind., Ilmo HolL Rlversldo, OnUf a&d kllla HoU, Bellflower, Calif. Flowers a tribute of respect for the departed. an expression of comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST 321 Court Chfeeta Oalaas Chlcato oj.o aunpliss light demand mo derate, market ellghtlr weaker for Spaa Ish, about eleadr on Tellow Olobea. Track sales 00 lbs.: Idaho Bosnian M ,u 'i. . ntui. u .a. .. .-inca ana lara.r. ir .... w.o a car eee; Minnesota xei 30V. 'v olM ' bar cent 1-Inch and cent 1-lnch and larger. 1 ears, bim showing dew eproute 3.40. Street ealeo SO lbs.: Idaho Spanish 1-lneh and larger 4.00-4.00: mldweat medium Yel low olobea 3.00-400, moetir 1.15-3. to, some poorsr 1.00-3.31; Michigan Reds me dium few 1 00, eartone twelve 1-pound cellos 3 SO. 40H: . 304 .100'.'. . 34 . 30 ', . 14 404 134 , 39S , 174 , 44S , 40 Acme Window cleaners. Industrial floor waving, bouoeelnalng. Phone 1-1)11. 141 Court. J. TTPEWRiTERt Smith. Corona Remtniton. Roysi, un derwood aortables. All makes used ma- hlaea. Bapslrt real. Roaa, IM 4ait Although soma student think Carthage was founded about 1200 B.C., the earliest remains .which have been found hav been dated 700 B.C. DTCELH Daa't Buffer AMthar M.aate Wo ma l tr hnw many imtiio4a yow havo trlsd for Itrhlnt Nttmi, pvorluta, InftNBs tto-fl. arJilt'a foot or wtha'anrtrt? ytjrel.ta trouble mr tps- any thins Inm hal to foot WONDER SALVB aad Wowdsr Mlted Soap can help you. Pev aliped far she Wys ka Mm Army aw far yaw faaws at hum wOKDkB SALTS to swHiipUa. No wcly amrr.eo. lUfa for ehlMre. Cart WONDER BAl.VR and WONDER MKD1CATED SOAP Raw Its or WMtioty tfnnt3 Tmlr marfm. praparattonOb Trp them Jar a Tabs. Stout 'to. la Salem by Capital. Pred Merer, IOvL Pay Lees, am- afehMfor Prws eHarea; Or l t. Lam. l D Di u Chaa. DBS CHAN... LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 241 North Libert; 01 lies open eaiurdaT only, 10 am to 1 p.m.. t to 7 pjn. Con sultation, blood p.oMurt and urine testa art tree of chare Practiced since 1911 Write) lot tttrsctlvt tlft No oblKstlon e Bean Acreage Wanted On Stringless Pole Belter prices warrant planting, for a good return this year. For complete information and our help in setting up a yard, contact us at once . . . Write or phone. Hudson House, Inc. (Dundee, Oregon) R. A. Howell Horn Fhtrti Sherwood 434S Field Dept. Offic Norwbarg 64