18 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE FARMS For Sale By Owner STANLEY'S NORTH 8ANTIAM VEGETABLE FARM tl acre tardea tod. 4 mile wart at torus. 11 mllu aauthauut ( evalea. I acre of beau tor aurten aaaaery. Mrrat Hflw toy CarrelUe an Stanch cannery. Wl'lh aratiuble Irexh aM haalaeea. with rm table waaher and packing abed. Plenty af trrltatloa Mil, with eeaetrM rower, seral-modern 1-roora bona, Ian. bara. TOB CAM 11 AB banobd. a L. Stanley, Aaauriue uimih. Phoao atayun urn, FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNEB l-bedroom born, 1714. IW allTortoa Road. 1-0004. ail rr tmn, bedroom bouaa, hardwood ttoort, 1 ten of tood eon, leaoo. en, loan aTeilabi. nil HoUrwood Dr. all iwin Out Mnw ana ad rotna, roan. COMPLETELY different, t Beejaora. Sea, boMment, double llreplaee, plumbtnt. lot on bill. 1411 Duncan. Ml' mEXTJXB 1 bedroom, or t bedroom And Inn dm. .antral boll, doubl. pi urn b- . . ..tra laraa rooma Hi eloeeu. blood hardwood trim. It yea went a nouee m ww ,..wv. yea oeiiniteiy enoui. mmm " , Omawood Dtlr. Buuder Fbon I-M31. I BEDROOM houae tor Mia or trado tor aaraaa.. 07400. OA Unr. SUM. 040 GI$350Dn. 16 new l-bedroom bouMt, with full basement. Out State Street, V mile past 4 Corner. S8.993 - $5J MONTH Off lea at Project Phone 4-157S 750 DOWN jnw I-bodroom homo by owner. Beau for t aura room, upateir. Lute knob on with plant bout-Inc. oil boot, lorn lot. attach, pluurod tarece, city water and otwor. clooo to but and lehool. Leoatod J0 Ererereen. 1 biota eouth ot SUrerton Rd. Fall Prior Win. Djrja br and loon, door la open, rnaao ...... dan, 4-ltll T4ninta. ; kmrwinn-l bedroom: aeo 1T70 34th. Call attar t:00 on Sunday to eee Inilda. Muit u. aaaae an mm. .- (IE THIS I room homo, eeraee. Ian a lot, , a ooflno Wh. .6040. Ml FOR SALE LOTS Amc ai TVfl lota ehiiD If taken St onca. flth at. Phone 4-1007. FOR SALE ACREAGE VIEW PROPERTY FUTURE HOME SITE M Acraa IVI mllaa from Wait Salon. Out Orobard Bolihta road. Mo buUdlnee. Terme. O. X. WUUame, BL a, Boa tot. .,xn Dbtl k,o.......e.o.. .............. REAL ESTATE $750 DOWN An axtra aood a-bedroem bona. Lartc bedroom. Beautiful kaottr pine la laria ltTlnf room. Dm lac room, plna plenty at aotlnl apaea In Una kltehon. Lana attached aaraaa. Lott of atoraaa apaca. Xxtra lana lot IniMa cltr llmiu. Ona block to baa Una. Balanoa uka rant. WANTED, A CAR OR TRUCK m down ptrment on m Mf t-drooiB homt, with doublt ftratt. fcoTtlr vlaw from Uvlng room. Oood tjlnlnf room. Xxotllwt bom lor irowtiiff Umllr, $200 DOWN OnlT IU par month and bjoto rltht into your a-badroou noma. Full bath. Lana lot with pionty at aardan apaca. Farad atratt rn 111 aalam and aloaa to srada achool. REIMANN REALTORS Loans and Insurance 101 Sooth Blah Btraat Ptiona 34301 Fh. ana. a-ini. t-lau, t-WIt, 4-U1I a41 NELSON Near Hoover School I1S00 DOWN An opportunity to own n enMrful cotr komo. S btdroonu. ono U Untr than ftvtTMO, wtU-Uthtod lono Hvitat room. ooa iftumary ihuuim. qitt nmhbor Hood. Xdool for chlldrin. Only 47250. Cou Mrtv. woottcn. WANTED T. -to prty with I ehUdm who wloh to liro In will or tail wood dUtrtct, Will pay up to 18,000. Will your homo moot thtlr noedtf CaU AL Wotto, RESIDENTIAL COURT DOWNTOWN DISTRICT Thlt Incomt-prodtKlni court hu tBdividuaU unit. Vtry aay to maintain. Small vacancy km duo to raaaonablo rent tchtxlulo. Prlctd to ocU, 130,000. Call Mr. Schmidt. ROOM FOR DAD WITH A DOOR BETW1TEN U an yyounc familiti ntod txtrtv room for mother dad. Thu larit oinalo homo In a faat-trowinr nalahborhood o( fr tht perfect aolution. All ono floor. Meal arranatmamt. Annex with prtvau ontiancta. 1 full tilt batha. You'U thor uthiy enjoy tht arrant emrata of tht paratt Uvint quaruri with eomplett Jttra kitchen and bath. Thlt homt U dtrttrent. Call for appt, prkt uat ro tuetd to lit. 000. ATTENTION MR. BUTTeDKR Art yew lookinc tor louf Rero la a real opportunity to buy 0 aerta with iiiotru on jtO'if, rrentait. pvd. atrtet, aood 100-ft. well. Prkt r-000 with 11000 awn. CaU Mr. Oaliaihtr. Nelson & Nelson aSTECIAUZINO REALTOR os N. uif b st. pn. Men 1 C4t VERY CLEAN Jull lkted: La,. Urine rm. with bay wladow, eparloua bdrme., atterhed aa raaa, lata built, pretty yard with nut A appla tree, and atrawberry bod. Oa bua line. Price lid boo. LEAVING CITY Owner, bava ipont a lot of Una and Bionoy la th, la,t S reara to make their yard ona of tho afcaat la the ally. Lata-bullt t.bdrn. borne with eareee. car port and email ehop. Plna nrllhbor hood. Priced rlaht. CaU Bon Ctearr. Walter Musgrave Realtors lilt Ediewaler . t-iiat Era. -, all. LA.allll.U ADVtaTltlNO Per Weed aa Per Kord. S Umaa la. Per Ward. S lloaea Ike Per Herd. I mealb awe Na Bofaade Mlalraaaj M Weeaa. artnraa-Ja Leeal Bawa Cat. Oaly. Par Ward ta Mralataai IS Were. Ta riaca Ad la Kama Day's Paper. Phon l-t4M Before 10 a.m. Ore Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1953 FOR SALE FARMS REAL ESTATE Beat This If You Can l-bedroom houio to the boat of repair, inoulated. weetbari'rpped. tlnplace, aep. utility room. Fauo. Lawa. trull, ahrabe. Quiet at. Boaclooa leu Mear but. FuU price ecu r aaiw. , Beautiful Home Buy in aa aataDent location, earner lot. Full baaemeal with bar, loraly potlo. apaaloua 3 -ear aanaa. Mew eU furnaoa. Flra nlaco. Bua front door, oonaoua wall-to-waU aarpeta. 1 katha. BuUt whaa they raauy aud the lea. -uu price ria.aee. FEATURES GALORE Flua I kadrooma aa ana floor. Full baeemeat, rue! Ilka new. OU fbrnaca. aXalrway la for mora roama If deelred. Boautlfully budecapad. IHcBded at. Plumbed far weaker. Flnplaca. It'a a boner at a price yoa eeo't ralia. Cwly te,eoe. REALLY A BUY atloMMt Mf t-tWreoa ham: AD noma o n Ooer. Terf4-lr fl fur BaVOO. I bHu to MluoL iBaultvUsl. Latwn MM 4BniM. BPMlOUa, Ktt. TUarplMO. WMil prieo only HO.ioo. CONSIDER SWAP for lutwT hmrjfl. hoaf6 at. lncnt 3lt trict. Oldtr typo la food mtvlr. Otv- rui. Vtult tKML, atbnibo. eFull prlco OOU U.M0. CALL TOR QCgyjtl CRAWFORD. SVK. PH. 4-tOM, or M. KIOODU, TVM. FH. 4-0W4. II DO OAlWtT, 4MLU 4-dUiO. Mr. Restaurant Man This proptrty luu tcnookont txMtlbll- Stloj. Boautlful now Mdc. plu fin oqulpmen. and futuroi. UTlni qou torf. This will tw tdeaU to orrauo lor ockUll loumi. ZaOU of room for ox poiuion. t avcroav Bicbwr fioatMo. Jdtal oourt flto. BEAUTICIANS Ookltn optMrtnnitr for tht rlht portr. Jt'o mo&7euktr. Th oquiR mit li m tin eoadHlon Rtmt rtry roauonoblt. An oteltuhro builnoM. Mo Mono inform Uoa pIomo. BUSINESS BLDG. Brick. Corntr lot. Pnoont Ineomt 171 ptr mo. Could bo rtliod ot 1100 ptr mo. Frtsont tonont dolntT very rood busUntoB. Ttrmfl. ofall prlco only 110,500. CALL FOR DAN IRAAK, WB. PH. .33l. u no fttuwer, coil 4-2341. 7 ACRES With mod mi 4-bodroom hooM with boMmint. Toor-round strt-m eroM proptrty. Ptr ffroro. 1 oeroo fruit. Sprint with lot of wottr. Oil hMt. Oirwt, potlo. Dowers, ohrubi. Tait thmk, ttto prleo U only $riM. Ttnu. M00 down. 32 ACRES It toru undor Irrlittlon. Boat of wlL Ownor loovlni ototo. flehool buo by door, only 44 nun from Solem oa Pudding rlTtr. FuU prlco only 11.600. lOVo ACRES ofodera a-bedroom bouaa. Bear achool and atore. a acraa atrawberrlea, t oaoa kerrlaa, SO by at bara, fruit houaa, oow bam, chicken bouaa. Offered for able to aloaa aetata. FuU price only 16,960. Tonal arranged. CALL FOtt MB, LEAVENS. BVB. PH. 1-4711. if aa aruwar, caU 4-3HI. kfORTCVAOB LOAMa Po-Teor bfaturlly Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Of nee Phanea 44111 at S-na o PORTLAMO ROAD Era. Pboaaa 1-473. 4-1414, 4-W30 ar 1-iaU It no aniwar, phona 4aaM all SULLIVAN imiii itiiti Itllltl HttOII lllllltlltl Meltlllle ICIIIUtl Itllllllll FARMS eiiiiiiiuiuiiiM Tirivrva Aiuia luiiiiunui HOMES IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIII IIIII iiiiiiiui maiiii it itlitill HIM llllll I w ELIZABETH JANE COURT la SUrer ton. Seren unite, aU furnlahed. Net of l.aoo a year, loy, net u awner-occu pled 130,0m. DUTLEX Ideal Ineeitment tor eon Bach haa a bedroom! and aaparate en- Irene oe. Bulldtni Interior Si etterlora are Immaculate. Lot adjolntne. which la loned tor a duplex, la included In lale. Owner wUl aoll lor lll.loo, or Uka home in norm in iraao. MAINE STREET 3oodroom reach home, double (areae. acre. Here U 1704 aa. ft of real llrlna that the owner W1U trade for a emeUer two-bedroom home la Salem. NOB HILL S bedrooma, IS block, from kerKlnley ecbooL Thla te the older home with plenty of room that you're even looaine tor. ev.ooo. DATUOHT BASEUETIT-aoutb near Rllh etreet. I bedrooma. Urine room 11 l 10. Separate dlnlnc room 13 k II. Pull baaement with double saraae. Cloaa 10 acoooia. ,1, 000. FARMS 14 acres Wmi ot stivertoa tia 33 ACRES Beet of Woodbura ...113.600 ee Ac-rtam norta aianoa, bean 'arm o pe At. Kam central Heweu, WUlem elte Hit 3 aa ACRES OarraU. Oat, retch. Heat in. SS ACRES fiurertoa. Trada for Salem tMOOO io Ai-nea a mtiea aaat. 3000 It. irrlaatlon wipe ,36 POO ACRTB Polk Co. Sheep farm 136,000 teu jar. sitiewiti, evee. a-1337 ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR SMI Portland Road Ph. 4-eMI Ph. araa.: a-1337, l.U7a, a-4)l. 4-17H, 31714 C44 $7350 POSSIBLa 1 BED BOOM. Oood Bono, Plreplaoe, Hwd. Fir. Lr, Dr. a Br. Down Stairway In and Floored Tfpotalra. a Blka to New Hoorer SahX Thu II Tr. Old Home la a real Bar. Immed. poea. Owaer wiu take Law Modal car aa wart pyl 4 P. ED ROOM HOME T TEARS OLD. I Br. Dowa 1 Op. Double Plbc. Spacleue Roomy Home on tl Acre. See thla today, 111.600. seU act Son tract. ESTATE HOME CAWDALARIA A-1 LOCATION. Thla 01 cellenl family Home, I Br a Don. Spa cloue, Lr. Dr. Kit, Brk Spare, Double Plbc. AND UrTTEN. 1 ACRE Of Taluable land, run Baeoment, work ahop, Saw du,l Beat. Owner will trod, for em alter homo. Only I1I.IO0 for aU. SUMMERS lTlt aula at. Reel tar, Pa. leaat A: in C4I Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE a.Ma Lana corner lot. lana bona with S far. aubod apu. Ineoma in par aoaaUL Bui atopa la Irani of bona A foot laraat mrnt. I3,ua DupM about Amid, taaalad la Sola. Oracoa. Front apt. rd for Mb. Boor apl. ahould raal for tt. Owner will ' trado lor Balam bona Of laaaaaa prop- artr. Sia.aaa lna homo with t farnlahod apta. plui ewnar'a vary aomfertabla lmaa auartara. Ho, baaamonl. 3-cor aar. TIHU lot. Xnooma oa apto Ml pot ma. Bailor lot ui abaw yoa thia propartr aa It la a buy. Coll STANLEY BBOnf or O V. HUME, co-op. Brokor. with STATE FINANCE CO. BBAlXTjaul Fa. t-aiti in a. Kura at. Bvai. 3-4441 or s-aM WANTED REAL ESTATE AVE Bl'TSK tar ladraam What bava rout Al Xjaak, Rll., phone 4-341L If aa aarwer. 4-m. Alao we bare a caab bujar tor a farm. 4a-ta acraa aaot. NOT1CK: If your proptrty la for aala, rant or tichanio. Hit it with aa. Wo hart ail kind of eaah burari. . STATB FINANCE CO REALTORS 191 S. BU b SL ea rl I ARB In natd 01 tood houata to lalL In or ntar Saltm. If yon wlah to Hat your proptrty for aala, aot GaRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1S4 8 Llbtrty Fh. 1-3471 a EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB TRADE OB LEASE On t unit of whoat land In Oolumbln Bailn prolact eloaa to town, trrtiatlon wator In ditch Call 44444. t43 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE 711 lnTtatmtnt clvta yon your own ltpendcnt bualnaaa optratlni a route of new monoy-maklnc fro dlaptnatra handllnk now, f&it-movlni aonfactiona in dnur tores, carta, dub a, bua dtpota, ote. Route att ttp for yoa by our txptrta and protected by flro and tntft in auranet. Ton mtut hara car, roforoncaa, and 171 J. which la protected by an iron clad 100 Hon ty- Back Guarantee, backed by a 10 Million Dollar nation. i insurance company. Derotlni a saw or your apart houra each week to tht bualnaaa you abould tarn up to M0. 00 wttkJy apart tlmt, fall Umt mort. Liberal fin an cine avtcHtaneo to aid ta p an ilon. For full information, wntt clvlns phono number and addrtaa to Box 470. Capital Journal. od42 EXCAVATINQ and rock crushing business at fluverton. fh. 4003, cd44 OOOD HOME AND auto supply atore, ex cellent leaat. Opportunity for txpanslon. 100 tales lncrtasa In last yaara. If Interested, act promptly. CaU 1-841 days, or 4731 tvenlogs, or set at Mam, Lebanon. cd46 NOTICE! HARDWARE 4VTORE. also hara fran ehlao on appUanct and tcltvlslon. Clean, modern and oatabllanad. 12 miles from Salem. Will sell at Inventory, 112 to lift thousand, no dead stock to buy. Fixtures and butMin to rent. Owntr haa other Interests to take bis time. Better look Into this. CaD 138, AumevUle, Box 33, or Saltm 23 175 etnljias. ed41 OOOD GOINQ OBOCEMX LlTlm ouar- Mri. atui. do aoM immedlattly. Ulnets forces aala. afakt offer. Box 46a, Cap ital Journal. od42 RABBITS BABBITS WANTED any also and quan tity, ro. 27107. atlao purebred brtedtns atock for aale cb41B FURNITURE FOR SALE d4i COMPLETE FIVE -BOOM household fur nlturt, aood condition, lneludinx new automat lo wainer fe rantt. Davlea, Rt, 1, Box 95, SllTtrton. d43 WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood tued fumltura l Phone loMe. appliance, da AUCTIONS STORAGE DISPERSAL AUCTION SUN., FEB. 22ND, 12:30 P.M. GLENWOOD PAVILION 4 ml. N. Salim an ME. lot yda. N. Drue-la Theater Hundreds of Itemi! a PORHITDRB APPLIANCES BOOS ANTIQUES TOOLS a OUNB ETC. No raerva . . mutt mska room at once. BARGAINS TOR ALL AUCTION TONITB at Scour's Auction Houte, 4140 Center St., Selem. dd41 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKIR Bir.y-White face Hirelord, lie. Locker pork, a. Nothlnt down, t aaoa. to per. Ouatom klUlnc. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meal Oo, 1311 a 31th. Ph. 3M. e PETS POR PAI S 1 pair Chinchilla. Oradod "choice" by C. A. A. To Utter In 30 dar,. Fine hreedlnc atock. Phone Albanr 16TIY. ecl3 TOT MEXICAN ahlhuahua pupplea. Rec uurrd melee for iottIc.. toil B. 11th St. OC44 MOORE TROPICAL IMS. eoulpment. auppllea. I mura from Lancaater on Macleer road. Phone 1-7331. Cloaed Wednaedare. ee43 CHOICE CANAbMES. UN chemeketa St" Phone 14116. ee64 HOLLYWOOD ' AQl ARI-a 1IM MrCoT one blark out el N Capitol, 1H klorka north of Madt,oa. Ph. 3a?7. eeee FUEL 11 roan, ia- (ir wood, u rord, U-baul. Inaulr. UK Hoflmaa Rd. alter 4 pm. da' REAL ESTATE It's Your Town OWN A PART! Lee Ctnaarl , Siaas down And balaaea Uka real. Make rear eouad taeaatatant bow thla pr"terly -at alaaa la aabaal and baa tmatedlale paeaeaelon. CaU liaddy. BItVbadrooai boma with kaaaaaeai fireplace, looted at tail Hi lata SB. FLBAsa da aal dlaterh raatara. Call aa aa4 we'll abaw you thru. aWBORBAN aoUTS . ' 1 acre aood eoil. t-badreaaa borne, alee Tlew fraa the Urn Uelaa roam and dials room, J full bathe, baaement with furnaea Thla boma la la a lerelr aetuna, aaal and alaaa aa a Pin. 1 17, wo. CaU Henry Torrend- AJST TO SEB TinB CANDALAXIA MOhtB ' . Tou'll lore thu apaelaua l-bedroom borne with tho BEAUTIFUL Tlew aomplat, with baeemeat, party room and loada of aitraa. 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS art court at.. phona aim . aim Bra.: Tad Morrlaoa tMi Ralph Maddr 33411 Lonla Loiana M6t enry Toreend 1333 Roy Todd Real Estate RICHMOND DISTRICT Lorelr Urlnf. Meal for TV. Olnettp kitchen eomblne. 1 nice bdrme. wlhl dole, wardrobe eloaote In each. Lee. aula, aaraaa. pOilM lot. Cloaa to it, atom 4b bua. S660S. WUl take lot aa part down permt. CaU Mr. Slmpaon. aalaemaa. HIGHLAND DISTRICT Nlae 14il Urlnt. dlnlnc. kltehea with nook, S kdrau . I down, 3 up. Cor ner lot TOaiaa, klka. ta achool. A aood bay for only sstr. CaU Mr. Buck, NOB HILL DISTRICT Wed -bunt 3-hdrm. boma located taat a blka from LeeUa. Urlnt with fire place. Duma, kltohen. den. Ice. buret, with party rm. aOallo loL Nicely landocapod. 111,004. CaU Mr. Taadenort, aalaemaa. GRANT DISTRICT Nlcaly arrencod l-room homo with fireplace, waH-lo-wr.ll earpetlnc , T. kUnda, a bdrma, full dlnlnc, bath a ehower. Oarace. IhlTl let, nloo yard. 1 walnut tree, a blka ta ach. I10.000. CaU Mr. aucb, aalaaman. SO-ACRE DAIRY FARM 40 ae. tilled. 17 ae. Irrlcatad. fenced and aroaa-fenced, S-aUnchloa bara, loallnc ahed. 3-bdrm. home, lie. kit. dinette eomblne. UlUltr eh wood ahed. The prlea of kll.eOO tnaludea aU equipment a 11 aoaa. CaU Mr. aimpaoa, aalaemaa. ROY TODD, REALTOR 130 Btatt Street Office phono 1-tMl Eve. Phone: Simpson l-tt3S: Tueh I-IBIS Vanderrort 2-03011 Todd 3-1T21 Grabenhorst Specials akOO DOWN - 10 ACRES About T acna In fruit. Smell, neat houae, ale yean old. Thla property la waU located for oubdlrUlon Into Tlew lota. Price M500. For further Inlormatlea . . . CALL H. K. LATMON, SALESMAN TOOB DREAM HOME Beautiful Tlew, Ice. lot, dole. plbc.. full beam!.. dble. aaraaa, 3 bdrma. with dole, cloaeu, buUt-ln drawera. Ice. lie. rm , with auto. oU forcad-alr furnace. In fact, thla home he, everythlnc for conYen leaea and sraclaaa Urine. CALL J. B. LAW, SALESMAN BTJBINEBa OTPORTCTOTT araall downtown raataurasL Dolnt alca builnaaa. Prlea Inelndaa aU atock, fUtturaa efceqnlpment. Bulldlnc leeeed at 110 par mo. Price aasoO. CALL fA B. ORABENHORST, JR., CO-OP. BROKER RICHMOND DISTRICT aix yean aK 3-bdrm, borne, neat a clean, dble. cereee. fenced yard, attraaUTa ahnrba. Price ISM0. CALL PETER H. OEIBER, aALESMAN SUrlNTTIEW AVENTJB A Tary pleaaant l-bdrm. home, 4 yean old. Nlca yard and cardan area. Prlea 14400. soma Una. CALL H. K. LAYMON, BAL7SMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Ui a Liberty St. Ph. i-ani H. r. Larmoa I-I4M J. r FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND 0AWLH1B4' S. & H. Green Stamps Phono 36611 aoM Broadway Capitol Lumber and Fuel naner snmminaa. vaoaw ihh Sawdust tnbt etrrlca. all kinds tl wood. Phono a. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Pack np Prexto-Loce. Briauna an Wood. 1 Bo. com'l. phona 1-7731. ee WALNUT SHELLS. 30 eaeu for II. ar 13 ton. ee ton aeiirereu m w.n Elorlcln Packtal Co, 40 North Front. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOC1CWOOD, It CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY pickup wood 1131 Edcewatar phona Balam 1-40)1 FOR SALE POULTRY 4-e.TAB day-old New Hamp. ahlcka, aeaU. able sow. WARD'S FARM STORB Trade fe HUh. Saltm, Ore. f4l WAVTTD Colored frytra, leghorn bens. Bit heel Hatchery, phont 23601. colored and prices. Let 'a f FOR SALE Twice wetkly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire, Parmtntera, Ken, White Lee horns. Austre-Wnlte, While Rocka. White Wyandottta. Farm enter cockerel. Lee Hatchery phona 23001. OOLUEN BBOAO and New Hampehlre chlcka. haUhed every Monday and Thora- dar. Our chlcka arow falter Po,-, Hatcherr. 3110 State St. Ph 14,44 PRODUCE HAT, OATS Ai Vitcb. Na. 1. raia Howard R. Varah. RL L, Bo, 330, o,r vale. Ore. Phone 1331. ALFALFA HAT, approximately T. moot 5ii. . , , ,j GOOD OAT-V6.TCH har. 13V Other har1 '"'VV-j:"' "":'ur.iry rBanLta, av.. dirtiereiinT WALNITS 30e lb.. It laa. 11 71. pouuea. i, applra end aula. Phillip Sroe. ....at ........... ; . Marktt. ivee Portland Rd, 2 .llJlJyV of Laneeater Drlvt. Pn 31 1M ff Frsas t ServKt. ea. 30i4 Perm north H ELPW ANTED MALE COOK POSITION available at elate ta- titutioo. Requiroe tupervtaory experi ence tn laree aeale cAokiae. Stenino pay t3S month tor 40 bowr week, apelr now to Stale Civil Service Comm. 102 Public Service 'Bad, tn Salem. c41 BRr.B FOB week-end. Al't Barber Shop. tVt Court. ta42 HELP WANTED FEMALE E3LPER1ENCED ear hop wanUd. dar shift. Apply tn person J. B. Drive inn. 2330 Palrerminds. ' tb43 BEU ABLS WOM AN for housework and ehUd cart. Phont 4-0370. tb43 HorsEKEEPEB for eountrr. U from Salem. Ph. 31343. mil tb4i- WALYTJT RltllLIIt-A whole wlntar work. Morrka Kiorftln Patklnt Co, 400 N. Front. etr EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs! See aa for aualltT lobe. Benefit by aar knowledce of empmrere and by our 01- perlenc4 la the community. Check our llatlneo MondaTB at WednetdeTa. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 44 stau St. (Orecoa Bid.) 4-1111 4141 WANTED SALESMAN NATIONAL aranlnlloa etnre lilt dealru ealeamen Icr Raiem. Oreeaa a .Idnlty. calllnc on Tiduatrlal, commercul a lrratilut1oaal aeeoaau. We offer hlch eowimlasloo. wuklr bona. PTOtecwd terntorr plaa a repeal Uae ta atu. Plow, call Mr. I. caraoa. Hole) Merles. Thura day (la-u 1-4J lor appoiataant. REAL ESTATE Law t-tlia Peto OeUer a-Mal c41 WANTED SALESMAN District Sales Manager For Salem and Eugene and vicinity. TO BUILD AND EXPAND PABT-OROW INO COSTUME JEWELRY DIVISION OP 100-YEAR-OLD COMPANY. MAN AGERIAL 8UCCES AND KNOW-HOW IN DIRECT SEUJNO NECESSARY. COMPLETE TRAIN INO MATERIAL AND UNLIMITED COOPERATION BIO HELP TO ATTAINING MAXIMUM SUCCESS QUICKLY. OPPORTUNITY TO EARN 410.000 AND OP, BACKED BY SALARY, OVERWRITE AND COMMISSIONS. WRITE, 8TATINO QUALIFICATIONS, AOE AND EXPERIENCE TO R. O. LOOOINS, BOX all, CO CAPITAL JOURNAL. e.44 e..,.MeeeeeMeeeeeeeeee,.e. WANTED POSITIONS LET US HELP do your sprint painting. wui 00 one cefiini . wall or entire house. Contract or by hour. Furnleh reference. Phone 42044. h40' PRACTICAL NURSE, phone 45040. 0100 h43- hour. ROTOTILLER WORK Now taklnt ordera lor early aprlnt rototllllni In Kelierl district. Ph. 44350. hSfc" CHILD CARE, by week or month. In clean homt. Phont 27084. h42- LOGS OR Lumber haullnt up to 24'. 240627 2310 Lanalnc. h41 GI WOULD LIKE apprenticeship or Job In aome trade. Experienced in truck motor repair, truck driving. Oood conscientloua worker. 22. Ot will do anr hinl Fhont 2-3200. h45 WILL CARE for pre-school ait tlrl In my home. Phone 2-0110. t43' INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reeson ably. Ph. 3441. h63 jTTFTNO AND 41 tat loo. experienced. Pick- bp and o.ler. phone 2-W70, 2-7357. I h43 aU4DCrX matotaantye. prunim. trim- .. aittr.. fertUiaina. Service Cen ter. rm 471. I crurac Phone 3-rlM bll CAnrmtm "OSS. eaaiaet maker, free TAR Br.T1BHt prarDered in ronr hot raayT,i, rta ri. sjim hi EDUCATION ca. govt, insa: Men. enwo. it-tt srart hlaa aa 171 a week. Tbeuiaiua. ar lobe apea NOWl Can roa euallfrl FREE Information aa lake, aalarle,. ee i. a Write TODATI Uncola iaatltute. P.kin 3. tntnme kr,41 ROOM 4t BOARD board AND BOOM for elder lr men. 0M m street. J)41 WANTED TO RENT l-BEDROOM HOl'lE la tood setlhbor- hood. Par to 7. Phona 11031. Jail' JOE PAL00KA S I LIHf , TAPi THfaa rPAROON ME. THAT'S NOT " f I AlWER SAy TRAVLW' y X.v X PeNCILVAWNIEP. P.NNSVUVANIA THAT'S J FOR RENT ROOMS sleepino booms, tor oaa at two. Mo n. enure a. mono l-eirc. jxu NICE PBONT Uahl Lady. Ill N. Church. FOR RENT APARTMENTS PRIVATE TBBEE-BOOM furnUhed court apartmeat, clean. A all. 44, yea, port- una na. - jpaa NICkLT yiaJUkHkn aaartmaau. baaaador ApartmeaU, tat a. aua Phone 3-aaoa close IN lit. tit, atu, tarn, tatam 117 N. Liberty. Apt. T. tw CLOtB IN. tit, let. and tat. Prlr.to bath, auutiaa. pamlahed. 1-044. t-tiat. - la I B4OM ftpartauat, prlr.t aalrance, adult. Tao n. Ckarab. Pbaaa 4JW7. laat. New Court . APARTMENTS Wa alncerely appreciate the mmin ta our ad for tno rental of ear apart ment. The comments on tho floor plan, color echemta and furiahlnaa vera very kind, wt wtre sorry that w did not have ont for taab of you that respond ed, but the ten us It were rented the first day. Thanks Main. THE ROBERTA 11P4 LEBUE ST. PH. Mill IP41 ONE AND TWO room turn letted apt.. around floor, prlvaw bath, tit Parry. Jpel" a ROOM furnlahed court apartment. Cloeo In, dean. Ph. 3034,. )pJ' 1 BOOM apartment, only til. dean and comfortable. Lady pre erred. 4 Ferry. Jp4t' a BOOM NICEIT furnubad. DtUlUea, pii- eata bath. 430 So. 30th. jpu S SOOH, modem apartment, lane llrlna; room, lota oi tioaet space. Near tete phooo office, state buUdlnaa tad ahop pinx canter. Automatic washer, electrle dryer. Plenty cl hoi waUr. 440 K. Win ter, Jp41 S BOOM furnahed apanment. vary clean. private bath and entrance, tut by door. 2310 Broadway. Phone 2-ee32. Jp41 -BOOM APARTMENT with prtrate en. trance, carait, adults only. Wear town. 130. CaU after 0. 4-5004. jp4I NICE FURNISHED room apartment, pri vate pain, cioae in, two bo. com l Fbone 20S80. jp4S FURNISHED APARTMENT. ClOee to Cap itol and aiwppinc canter. Phona a-4714. JP4I LOVELY LABOE modem l-room apart ment, furnlahed. Private entrance. Cloaa In. 1 or 1 clrla preferred, alt N. Winter. - lp41 Lee Apts. Salem' Most Diatlneulihed Address PoUowlng rentals can beahown bow: 1-Ednn. available now 70.00 1-Bdrm. avallablt Mar. 1 19.00 1-Bdrm. available Mar. 1 01. 00 For luxury livlnc at moderate rates call at 085 N. Winter St. Ph. 41041. Jp S BEDROOM furnished duplex Apartment, arvouitt, paono 1-0300. Jp40" LOVELY LARGE one -bedroom anfornlahed except ran a, select area. Ph. suit. JP44 BRICK COURT, clean, jpacloun, furnished or nniurnunec TV antenna, dryer. 392 so. 17th. jp42 FURNISHED ont-bedroom, all-el ac trie du plex. caraxe. lauiMiry, near itato hoa Pi tel. Ph. 44005. JP421 S ROOM basement, eloaa In. Employed couple, otuuea xurnuned. Phone 2-T409. . JP2 CLEAN, FURNISHED 2 room downstairs apartment. Private bath, eareee. utUl- tie paid, $40. Phont 20004. 2201 Haael Ar. Jp42' SEVERAL furnished apartment, tood lo cation, inquire a. u sun Furniture, Phont 30165. In FOR RENT HOUSES LARGE S ROOM house, electrle ranie, oli heater, strata, wash room. 340. 4757 Bxyane na. 2-1214. mia' PARTLY FURNIHHED 1 room houia. snower, reirweraior, mt w t.'e.ins, pn. 36183. Jm41' THREE BED BOOM house, t block from city hall, 0 blocks StaUhouae. 1 blk trade achool, H blk. irocery. Automatic en heat, oso mo. 070 Union. J no 41 TWO BEDROOM house for rent, alao room apart. Call F. H. WEIR, 1247 S. vommerciai. pn. ntii. Jm43 4 BEDROOM home. May be seen Sat. ee tyunoay, osjo Auourn road, saltm. Jm43 NEW MODERN 2-bedroom house, Dlst. Call 27303. Kelier jm40 UNtlRNlSH 4 rooms and bath at 03 So, Lancaster. Phone 40435. Im44 OARAGE HOUSE, 2-7075. 025. 130 N. 23 rd. Phone Jm4l ALJMO8T NEW, 2 bedroom houae, electric rente, narowooo noort, automatic heat, Insula ted. 2230 Maple Ave. Jm4r" TWO BEDROOM unfurnlebed, aU electric. iirepinc. mui.s. bo arinaera. use irane. m41 CABINS Nest, quiet, clean, spacious yard. weex or montn. Reasonably prlctd. 4472 Portland Pd.. HayasviUe. Jm42 CLEAN FVBNIARED cabin. One adult Ttn dollars. 402 8. Cottatt. Also two bedroom duplex. Ph. 24007 or 23500. Jm41- FOR RENT Several Houses, 150 per month. Alto 2 story concrete ware house with elect. lc elevator, atore room on Ftrrr Street, STATB FINANCE CO., Phone 34121. jma SMALb house with ranxa. Inquire 1000 Court St. OFFICE FOR RENT t OE t-ROOM SUITE, t amcla. Oreton Bulldlnl. Phone 11114. jo" GROUND FLOOR otrke or atore apaca for rent. Call at Pitta Market. Jo I ntT a. cniiKin LOST OATI RDAT near Armory, Rhine stone earrinx. Ph. 20477. k43 FOI'NO IN Downtown Salem a aum of money. Owner Identify an pay for this ed. Phone 343811 after 0 pm. k43 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. BARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Hide., llat, ek Commercial Sta. SALEM Ph. 1-3311 AT" BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vj PICPUPS . STAKES . VAXS TEXACO STATION til COURT ST. PHONE 1-lltl PAOB STTVXNSON and AL MEFFORD OIL FLOOB furnace with fan, M. Silt Vtuahn. Ph. 14747. mil. I OLASS SHOWCASES, each I ft. lOU. 41 Inehee hleb. Oood condlUon. Cheap. Box lit. Darua. Phone 17X1. m41a EXCELLENT LAWN and Cardan ferUllaer. Ph. 4107 or 14400. .(! MISCELLANEOUS 1 B.i wtl ann J. o RAVEL CO MP AN I Contract Work Baiad Claartnc DIUhlas ewer and BaMmanl Eautpment Rental Dttchlnc br the Foot Phoao Daya 1-1401 Eros. 1-4417 or 1-1411 saiam. Oracoa at NOW IB TBB TDIB TO THINK ABOUT A NEW ROOP OR SIDINO JOB. It TBS. ESPSBIBNOB. PR EE BaTDdATBB. CASCADE ROOFING CO. Tit CROSS ST, PH. Satll ar cavil r.44 IUILDING MATERIALS Tail-Enders Only a few at theoe Heme left Whan theyTe caaa that wiu be the but. For that yeaaoo, a to clear them out In a hurry, prlne bare been dreetleally reduced tome actually balaw coat. OENuINE TYLKBORD Baked On anemalo flnlab tor bathroom klteh aa wall, eat a cat abeeta. Serarei colore a p.tterna. Ret. Jt aa. It. Now JO aa. It. LINOLEUM Duoontlnued pattern a roll enda, (not aerape) aold racutar lr at 1.11 to 1 11 aa. yd. Now at l.n as. yd. CONOOWALL The tue effect bath kltehea waU eorerlnc. at" wide, ace. aral colore. Bee. .at lla. ft. Now M Ua. ft. Obr aala an two Unas af paint coae aa. PABCO WALLCOATER the flat aU brae wall saint In aareral colore: Oallona, Baa. 4.11 o I U caX Now 1.60 cal nes. now OnUoaa ...... 4 33 to I II tel. 3 60 tel. (iuaru 136 to 1 II at. .tt at. TEXOLTTE SEVEN STAR IMPERIAL A Oat, wuhable oU baaa well paint that "painty" odor. Oallona Bee. I N, How 1.00 tel. Onaru Ret. 1 31. Now .11 at. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD FRONT , COURT PRO. 1-4111 (Wa Olre aMVH Oreen aumpa) ma Real Buys DOORS ' I.Oit t-ia fir Si mahoc. fluah Seconda 4 10 j, 1,1 aa. 10x4 1 IK fir I panel doom ...HI aa. 10K 4 IS A trade 1 panel flr..t,10 ea. 1.0M.4H. A trade 1 panel fir ..4 6 aa. I 4i 4-1 A trade 1 panel flr,.l. ea. 1.414 8 1H A trade I panel tir..tJ ea. WINDOWS tt SASH 16x3 IS tlau meaaur, double bunt window ( top a hot. eaah) 1.00 lam t Ute aaab 3 16 aa. 30x11 I lite eaah ...3.76 aa. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD Front tl Court Pho -1-tlU (Wa Olr, Ml Oreen Stamp,) . ma Plywood .Plywood Plywood MY OOODNEM. what an assortment l 4x0 Reject, ntw ear blow and mill anoa runnlnt out of our earall Al priced right. Plywood ont to your slse. KNOTTY PTrtE Panellne 1120.50 aUKi tweivint n i nicti srUDfOS, aU iradee from $11,00 to 22U.00 FLOORINO, 1x4 "V $91 10, also 4 iAdudlnc No. 1 RL Red. WAIaLBOAROS, oil kind sow a 1.40 4x0 XNarLATIOR, 1.30 bat. AU color and kind of rooftnt. Lane varltty of etrooved, atalted, aand-blaeted. and deco rative plywood. 4x0 ahtets, squares or In pea., beauUful for Interior wall. From Oo to 20tc SEE mil THT OUR CHEERFUL SERVICE The aun ahlnea htrt all the timet n Call or aee (now). YOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS" Portland Road Lumber Yard (OPEN ALL DAY SATTUROAT) 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 ma BED CEDAB SHINOLES t tradaa. dellT. ered or picked ap. Tad Mutter. Ph. uvea. 31114. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Used Appliances No Down Payment L USED OOLDGPOT ItETTUOERATOrt Larca family alee. I ca. ft, da luic Veceuble arlapere. Very aood aondl tloa, only I4S.N 1. USED UNIVERSAL BBPRIOERATOR t cu. ft. Very auick aparauoa, eery clean. A real buy al only IM.tt 1. USED OENERAL ELECTRIC PORT ABLE IRONER Al CHAIR Pull 1 TT. suaraatee. Juet Uka new, only ....tal.as I. USED AUTOMATIC WASHER New nnlt and tub. Puuy tuaranleed. Onlr.1e9.tt 4. USED LEONARD BEPO. Small alia, Tory dean, rebuut motor. Very tood condition. Only ., 141.11 S. USED COLDriPOT 7 cu. ft. lie. Tory ciean ana in coon runninc order. Larcc Toceteble crlapar At atorata bin. Only i4e.at t. FLOOB SAMPLE OENERAL EL. CLEAN EB Uprlcht type. Uaed only In the atore. Reamer 444 44. Now oaly. .134.15 Tinkham Gilbert fiENERALQElECTBIC APPLIANCES SMB. Liberty Phone 1-0311 all USED ELECTRIC PORTABLE aewlnc ma chine. Hound bobbin, airplane trpe c.r rrlnc eaae. Oood aewlnc condition. 461.M. Slnaer Sewlnt Cm tar. 111 N. Com'l. Open Prtder erenlnca. n43 USED Weellncbouu auUmatle Uundromat, only I131.M. Teeter Appliance Co. 178 Chemeketa. n USED SINOEB DEOPHEAD treadle aew lnc machine. Oueranteed. 111.16. Sinter Sewuic C.ntar, 114 N. Com'l. Open Fri day eTonlnaa. n43a BLONDE SPINNET piano, almoat new, all aacrUloa for quick aala. 4-1461. USED SINGES, electric portable aewlnc machine. Ntw motor, llrht and foot control. Guaranteed. 131.10, aincar aew lnc Center, 110 N. Com'L n43 r rn i a , n FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It TELEViaiuai eel ca aooa anopo, etxfe paan, a-ieoe. play PIN. blab abalr, patty ahalr. weib Loc aiacnina, aaoa ewauiiiw., awso. abUi 11041 net WALNUT POSTEB twin bade, oooapleta with ae Beauty Beet mettreeaea. Ala, ether luau. araniar ar week aada. ' 4-114. BtJ. act E DAVENPOBT and chair, braakfaat tt, refraieratar aoa aooroom aiiraw Mual aU IhU weak, act Falnrtew an, a 44" BABY BBOOT Oood aondltloa. IU BUh. land AT,. w SCBUBEBT PIANO, tali baby taada. b4S 411 40. a J re weex. pnoaa eajoe. tajcULLOCB CHAIN saws, tea adcawauy. Weel saienv aaiem kaaaras Baapry Ph. 4-1M1. aw ULP-SEBVICE OARAGE Tas do work and aare, reene a-eacc. nata U' TBIFLE OLASS Blrkaawald aual caaa, about tiwa nea Macs oner. Bo ear. Capital Journal. b1 LATE MODEL Elrbr Tacaum daaner with aU attaabmeau Includlns floor pollrher. 437.60. lilt Bo. Com'L nU LATE MODEL aatoauUa a B Dryer. B4e 340 Maple. 1140. BUPEB CHABGEB from 1117 Orabam. Ph. eaaar. n4S FREE Weatlnabotlao acwtns aU floor Bampiee. Sara ap to 40. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 171 ChemekeU. . aa YOUR WASH DAYS made oaay at tha uuiwiKnTi, waeniac and 07, In dona taat and economleeUy. Toa tat your clothea back bonelry and aeetly folded. Open Monday and Friday nlthu HU t for your convenience. LAUNDERETTE a 11M Parry St. a Phona a-4841 ' B434 MU1T MOVE at once. WIU aacrlflca rame, refer., waehar, dryer, Ironer, freeaer. AU new. Ph. 41130. NATIONAL rrEMIZTNO eaah reenter. AU m aoT.ro. amau nauonal realaUra. Ph. 75371. n43Wt BEPBIOEBATOB a. new and need. TEA TEH APPLIANCE OO. ITS CBamok. ate. r. HIEBY VACUUM CUaner. Pb. aiHt. P.r- conoiuea, xioor pouAnar 4b atUch mania. BMo ZTNITB CONSOLE Radio, In ekeellenl eon. v.won. weeuncnonec aioctrlc Banco, with a lax, ta oren door, act Dalmar Dr. olf N. BlTey Rd. n41 USED waahlnc machine. 14.11 and YEATER APPLIANCE CO. T31 Chemeketa. na USED FURNITURE for aala at 1030 Baai: new etreet. sinter Traadla Bewlnt Ma ohloe, round boobla. Dlnlnc Table. Dar. anport and Ch.tr. Metal Bed complete. Pleaaa caU between I la. and I p.m. n4b PLASTI-K" A roqulrea no wailnc. Foe your floor or linoleum. YEA TEA AP. PLIANCE CO., S7I Chemeketa. ne PART OP SET af Santa Anita potUry. x-none alter e. aaaos. n41 OROANIO FERTILIZER. Ftm of weed eeeda, and odorleaa. Sack ar bulk ardor, delivered. Phone atl37. nil. $5.00 Per Day REDUCTION On one 8-cu. ft. Zenith Re frigerator, with frozen food compartment. , Starting Price Feb. 7, 229.95. FEBRUARY 18, 1M 83 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT COURT 8TB. PHONE Mill (Wa Olre BdiH Oreen Stamp) na PIANO CRATES, T5c stone Piano Co. 1340 State. nil. NOW IS the time to buy your 1963 WeaU InihoUM automata dryer at only tiot.ta.' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. !7o Chemeketa. no FARM HOME GARDEN - ' Rotted manure, aompoaU, tho aamo auautr aa last year, for borne and tar. den. Placitonaa, red lara atone and other trpw tor walla or tardena. RuatU cedar fenclnt and treuia work. PhUUpa Broa Rt. t, Box 411, Salem. Ph. 4-1041. Gravel and Sand AnTthlnt In ararel. wholeeala and retail. VALLEY BAND a O RAVEL CO. Ph. 14001. aa deepfreeze home treeaera. YEATER p. PLIANCE CO. 171 Chemeketa. n HOSPITAL BED tor aala or rent. B. l: Stiff Furniture Co. Phona Stilt. Its ALLOWED lor your old water heater on thla new 43cauon automatla alao. trie w.ter haaUr. Totter AppUaaca 171 Chemeketa. Ph. 14111. a CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric polaa. lence poata, aeaa poeu and aukoa. PhlUlpa Broa. Rt. t, Box 411, 1 mllea east of 4 Corner!. Pn. 41011. n ....e'.....e'a'.a.a.w..e WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WOODBX WANTS Plaaoa. Phone 1-6114. na WANTED TO BUY uaed atrawberry car rier i. Phono 4-1611 alter I. na41 WNATED Uaed 1X11 umbrella tent mual be la tood condition Phono 41031 na4t LOGS WANTED . Stud Mill. Lentth r V or 10 I". Dt amoter 0" to 10". Sawmill, Ltnitbs 13' and lonxer. Diameter 0" to 00'e Top price paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phono 1120 na WANTED 1941 Old. "0" motor, for Hr dramatle tranamUilon. Haa to be tood. Phone 44210. na43 WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts la ahell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS K LOR PS IN PACK INO CO. 400 N. Front St, saltm Ph. 27033 na WANTED Furniture, tool and mkvo. Xelxer Auction now optn for eons Is la ment. Salt every Wed., 9:30 p.m. 1030) Cbtmawa Road. To wll, to buy Reiser Auction. Fh. 27210. naM ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodrra, Fa. 2-0110. na I PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Oroap No. 1, aoa n. vommerciai. rn. t-tait or t-eoiT. P46 PSYCHIC CARD BEADEB lUt Wallace Rd. Phont 44161. p44 SECUBIYT DETECTIVE Acaney, prtvala Inreitlcctlon. lit Faclfle Bids. Phono 4-3344. P4S PERSONAL PBOBLEMS ANALYZED Fruitrauone, buelneaa, Btarrlaca. ro. mance, employment, aelf adTancemont, Ann Howard, 46T Commercial, .phona 1-47M. p41 NOT BESPONSIBLB FOB any debu other than my own. Daeld Drake, Laplna, Orecoa. pas" FOB ADVERTItlNO book matchaa, phona 1-tlll. pt HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOB SALE, 10 Caterpillar and hydraulic blade. Oood condition. 43 Chtr. O.l. truck, lot bunk, tood. End hooka and cable, atoo C. Sander. Rt. 2, Bos 13 Turner Oreton. Turner 01. cje44 By Horn Fisher 60 r0TTA 60NNA PftMAHE A FECRAU CASE OUTA A MEASLY FtrV MILES PlffURNCE A 1 L. Y CNLy A WFFErTC 1 "V