Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 17, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    Movie Actors Should Be Married, Lex Barker Says
. Hollywood (A- - Our thought
for today comei from Lex Bar
ker, who opines that movie ac
ton should d mimed. .
Yes, I know, Elmer, it does
ound odd coming from a two-
time loser. But Barker, who
wis shed only recently by Ar
ltne Dshl, hasn't lost his enthu
siasm for marriage as an insti-
Put your knees under
your chin buddy and
push the wife out of
bed or buy a
7 Feet Long
and you both can en
joy it. It's worth think
ing over. You spend a
third of your life on a
mattress. "Sleep on
Bradley Furniture
1978 N. Capitol
"num. niuri mat von ul
What about his .current flame,
Lana Turner? I'U get to that,
Elmer. Relax.
Marriace is wonderful
signea the screen's Tsnsn. "It's
ine only way for an actor to
live. Otherwise he can become
a bum.
"I've seen it happen to friends
01 mine. They start playing the
romantic field, and pretty soon
they're up to their elbows in
-uiiicu. man su tney can
minx about. Their work is
bound to suffer.
"But the married actor has
something to work for. He ti
riore happy and secure; he knows
we comfort of coming home to
someone who cares for him. He
can devote his best efforts to his
work and not be conttantly wor
rying about whom he is going
to take to the Mocambo that
Barker admitted that other
Americans must take a dim
view of marriage in Hollywood.
He blamed this on the Cali
fornia divorce laws.
"It's too easy to get a divorce
in California," he commented.
"The grounds can be trivial or
even laughable. Such as com
plaining about having martinis
before dinner." This was part
of Miss Dahl's testimony against
him. ,
"No wonder people think
marriage is taken too lightly in
Hollywood." When you .read
some of the grounds that have
been allowed, they sound ridi
culous. "Too many people in Califor
nia enter into marriage without
enough thought. They know
they can just get a divorce if it
doesn t work out.
'And too many people think
marriage will solve their prob
lems. They believe their quar
rels will be over. But they are
still the same persons after marriage."
He could be referring to his
pre-marital squabble with Ar-lene.
After hearing his enthusiasm I
for the state of marriage, I
asked Barker If he was going to
wed Lima Turner. This drew an
abrupt "No comment."
But he wasn't adverse to
talking in more general terms
about Lana, with whom he re
cently went skiing at Aspen,
Colo. He remarked that he had
turned down offers for fan ma
gazine layouts with her.
"Nearly every man she has
known has used her for some
purpose," he explained. "I don't
want to be put in that position.
I value her friendship too much.
"She is the kindest, most gen
erous person I have ever known,
She is always doing nice things
for her friends. And yet the
stories you hear about her are
fantastic. She told me herself,
'I'd have to be 12 people to do
all the things people claim I
have done.'
To ahowyou how much she
has been used ss to amasea
when I always pick up the
check when we're out. She said
she generally was expected to
pay the bills because she was
supposed to have so much
money. , .
Along career lines, Barxer,
disclosed that he Is through bel- j
lowing In the Jungle unless Tar-
zan'a boss, producer Sol Lesser,
comes up with a better deal for
future films.
"I've gone as far aa I can
with the Tarxan films,' he re
marked. "The only Incentive to
make any more of them is to get
better money for doing them. So
far that hasn't been forthcom
ing." Meanwhile he has been get
ting out of th Jungle and Into
the saddle for couple of ad
venture films, and more dsals
are pending.
Tele -Views
Al Jolsoris 'Sonny Boy'
Singing Song Himself Now
Hollywood, U9 Back in 1028did. I'm a lot better off than if
Al Joion crooned "climb upon
my knee, sonny boy . . ." to a
tyke with a Buster Brown hair
cut. Today that same sonny boy
is singing the song himself.
Sonny boy was child actor
Davey Lee, now a grown-up of
27 and set to make a come back
to show business.
Lee works at an aircraft fac
tory in Glendale, Calif., but he's
also made his singing debut on
radio and television and soon
he'll bow on the night club cir
cuit. On Jolson's Knee
"It I don't get back into show
busines. I'll die," he said firmly.
"I'me working up an act to sing
Jolson's songs, Including 'Sonny
Boy'." ;
Lee's first stay in show busi
ness was brief. Jolson spotted the
youngster with the straight,
black bangs when his mother
took him to Warner studio.
Little Davey was a meteoric
success alter ne cnmoea upon
Jolson's knee in "The Singing
Fool." He also appeared with the
mammy singer in "Say It With
Songs," "Little Pal," "Mammy,"
and finally in "Snnyy Boy."
The 13,000-a-week child star
retired at the ripe old age of five
after he had. of all things, a
nervous breakdown.
I developed a nervous
twitch," he explained. "They
didn't have stand-ins for child
stars in those days, and I was
over-worked. My mother took
me out of pictures so I'd have a
normal school life. I'm glad she
I'd kept on acting,
Bit by Crash
"Look at the other child actors
who kept on. None of them grew
up to be successes In movies,
People got tired of them, I think.
At least I stopped at the top,
He lost his fortune when an
investment firm failed during the
Singer Jack Owens recently
launched Lee on a grown-up
singing career on Owens' TV and
radio programs. Owens also is
helping him work up his night
club routine.
Lee, who now sports a regular
haircut and a studious look,
thinks it's curious the movies are
without famous child stars today.
A world-famous moppet hasn't
come along since Shirley Temple.
It might be because there
were not as many kids wno
wanted to be in pictures in the
old days," he reflected. "Now
every mother thinks her child is
a killer."
An interesting prop-ram i currently being- broadcast
over KOCO every Wednesday afternoon at 6:45. The pro
gram is written, directed and broadcast by members of the
student body of Salem high school. Under the guidance of
Del Ramsdell, the program is now dramatizing various his
torical events of the city of Salem and the state of Oregon.
Last week's program briefly gave the details on how
Oregon became a state. The program was written by Norma
Cooley. This Wednesday night another top historical fea
ture will be dramatized. These students are doing a fine
job in conducting this complete fifteen-minute program. .
TELEVISION SHORTS: Lake Oswego area reception
is affected by the depth of the water. When lake is high,
picture comes in without difficulty.. On the other hand,
when the water is low, double images and just poor recep
tion is the case. Several Popcorn Hill residents not using
any antennas at all; just the built-in jobs that come in the
set Over ten times as many parts in TV sets as in radios.
Programs now being aired by KPTV far better than what
several cities had when they first got TV.
During floods and fires, people have reported that the
first thing a person wanted to save was the TV set in
his home.
Television receivers find their way into surprisingly
diversified places. Among some reported by RCA-Victor
engineers are: Doctors' and dentists' offices, where pa
tients' minds are taken off their ailments by a television
receiver in the waiting room ... a currency exchange, where
a television receiver is used to prevent customers from leav
ing when the waiting line is long ... a ship, when river
pilots await assignments ... a trailer with a demountable
easily oriented antenna, and executive offices of a grocer
supplier, where television has been used as a means of en
tertaining and recapturing disgruntled customers. The
Salem firemen have television in all four of the local fire
houses. ,
Woman calls local television dealer and chews him out
rovallv for her picture being on the blink. . Station display
ing "Stand By" sign while lady proceeds to run the dealer
ud one Bide and down the other. Ten minutes later sne
realizes that the trouble is in the station and not in her
set so calls back dealer and apologizes. What a life!
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1S53 II
84-Year-Old Man
Heads Car Salesmen
San Francisco W) A. B,
Smith of Portland, Monday was
elected secretary of the 30-Year
Club of the National Automo
bile Dealers Association.
William L. Hughson, 84, San
Francisco, was named president
of the veteran car salesman's
Television Brings Whole
New Vocobulary to Nation
bbo m cm tits aao rot use ua Ka. urn m m
',V. Waaa Maw. Nawa Pad Bar r Tap tnaap fHM WW
caraaGatu uHmm mum , oa vm
! '!! rap. Tm Haa rartr Jul Ovaaa Gar Bra aataap , , Da Val
Bappteara bwrMr JuAOwna Qaraaa Oaa. .ataar ' kHaala
iaailr. PUa SUItap Baa S Wart KlrkwaaS a-aar ' " B aaa
:ataUa Daaaa aaat talai Bar Waal Urkwaa i,im - Hilif -
J KM. km Nawaaaaa. a Waal Laafcr O aataar Maa MaMr
' PJamaa la Ba llawaaapat ai Waal Baaak SpMar Maa M altar
:N Mala SIS aarhlaa Cal Traa Maala Baaarak " a HatoaT ,
I'll tr m ma Oaatra? c' Tl Hull Baaarat Mac taalaar
j:S Ufa Baaali. Qaafra Uaa Uka Maala knar St MaaStalaap"
t:S Baal -Ha Qaafraa MUBaaalra I Baaarak " ' Hatear
i:t Walaaaaa Oaafrar MaalaBaaaa Haala Mm Daaaa KaaM tuC
:15 Traralar. Jaatraa Slat Skaw Maala l Maata SML '
:M Br. raal Oaafrap rat Ma DM Haala J Baaa Maata Hal.
J45 Daft Orrwp Earl Maaaaa Sat tka Olri. Maa MaOkbj n!nt Haala Mat. . t
4 Marat Baa Blrkkara Tlar Taaaa Fattaa Lack I Km. Trail" " '
4:15 Haala Baa Batkaaklaa Saakrral Oaf feaitaawa Maala Star aaa . i
i:H Haala Baa JlaiWaaala MalmlCaa Maala Haala aaaaSla
M Sri BaSar TaaataMr Maaay TlaM Saaa Baraa Haala Start WaaWaFS.
l:N Nawi Harraw Nan Uatlt Baa Saaaa at Haala HvT aaai ""
1:11 Nan lalaaiNava Stara Bar B HaHaHart laawaaai j
l:Sfa. HaCaB KacM Taaaj Hut BaaUar WUa all HaataHart Val'r Biaart ,
S. Palaraaa Maa Ba OarraS BlaaaB Q( Baaaaaiaar
f :ts Balaa wlta rH ' Walarmaa OakrlBaatai CaaaMuB
:il HaHa riarkaaa Rasa Sa. NW Mnra SUaar i
S:I HrSaaJaaa Wkat'iMr GaaS LUI. Aaiwar Maa awa
S:4' MraaaJaaa tlaa Otllti. Sai Baaaa la Kara
:tS Bak Baaa Llaaaa Laaa Baacar Haala Baaarr
:1X Bak Baaa Uata laaa Baaaar Haala Han SM
:M Walk a Mil Warai Affair Hralara Dr. BlUan 11 al O CaaaB ,
Walk a Ml Saran Taaalar Dr. BMSara krla. Baaart I
S-eS Han-a Faai Na-a ararakaaalta NaaM Saaw rraak MM
5 It Nm Oa kaat nraiaaaaatta VaaM Saa Traak laMI (
:JS Oraat Dr.CkrtolUa rraalaaal Harraaalaa Traak 1 I
1:48 ailaaralMaa Dr. CkrlaUaa Fraalaaal Maala Traak Has ' a
S:MOnkaka r. B. I laaaraa Tai Qlaai Barar Traak UN
1:1.1 Han r.aea k War Tkara, Nawa raltaa tawla Traak 14M
:M V.M Taal Ja staffara Haala la Waat Oaaka - Traak UM j
t:!i Taaa laklarHlaa Hr Baaraat Haala Nawa .
II . to Baaartar alar rraal riaal SiHIar Baktal llarr Ntakl Sarw 1
IS: 15 Saarla tikaj lalaralawa Daaaa TIbm Navaraal Ntokl Saw j
:Y Daaaaraaa Haala Daaaa Tlraa Ntwa . Haala Xaa .
IS:45 AMlaaraaaf Haala Uaaaa Tlraa Daar Mar Waat
ll:t Kawa OrtaaMal. Daaaa Tlraa In Haraal Naatan m '.
11:15 Lawaa MaCk Ora.Hilaalaa Daaaa Tiara HalaSlaa , Naatara '
I: Jfl CllrCaaaaU Traarar Daaaa Tlraa Halaalaa ' ' Naatan '
1:45 Cllr Caaaall Baaartaal Daaaa Tlraa Halatlaa Naataraa
llra "Off . Illat lllirat I lira Off I I
J-ao Maala Tlraa INawa pra. wm INawa Braakfaat W. MaaUak
:IS Haala Tlraa B.F.D. Ora Brk Sana rarra Br I Naak W. Mali SI ra
(:M Maala Tlraa KOIN BMak Ma. rarra Nawa Braakfaat rarra nm I
g:4!i 'arai Tlraa KOIN BJaak Ora. Tar-, Hawk Tlraa Waak Nawa a
i.arj Caaalrr Ka7 KOIN KUk rtrat Klltlaa Htmailarwar Braakfaat HailUllaaa" t
1? Jakaar WUIa Nawa . M. Amaakr Braakfaat Naak KOCO Klaak
'.aa Nawa Nawa Bak OarraS Braakfaat Braakfaat KOCO Klaak
'lis K. Maaatar B Bakkut Bak Slaaaa Sata Baaat Naak KOCO SUaaB t
!.aa Oli Saaa CaraH Braakfaat CaaB Bran jiai DaaSr Nawa ,
.7! OM Saaaa Nawa Braakfaat Tmm- Slta r liar Daaaa KOCO Braafe ,
Haala Bak Ora Slaka BraaktaM . Baaaa at B Jla Daaar KOCO BJaak
j Jj Maala Baa kaataiarr Braakfaat Baaaa at B Jim Daaar Nawa
raa Nawa W. Warraa I la ESIIa Nawi Baak faaat Baaaiaaaa '
:TT Haala Bax SaatJaaaa raaa Stra HalaST Maw, Malta aa Taaatuaa , ,
.'u Mailt Baa Balaa Traat Braak Baak ra.lart Call Baak faaaa laaa Fat.
(1.45 X. Uaalakr Oar Oal Saa Braak Baak Bar. Caaam MaBaaa DlaakSaark
ft K Baraalar BaaS af Ufa laak Berk Olaa Barar Baak faaaa - Ban '
a -15 B. BaraaMa Ma Prkraa C. MaaUar Talk Taat Matraaa k.iaraa
a.'Ig SMkaMrlak DrMaraaa Traa Starr Aarwar Maa Baak laaa Bara
f4 Strlka M rHk rials Uak Traa Starr Maala MaUaaa Bmrik -
M.pO DM at Natk P. Maiaa Wklipariaa Laalaa lair Baak faaaa Ban ' '
11:15 DalarBatk MraBartaa Olrl alarrlal Laalaa ralr Matlaaa lilliaj ' i
11:10 lUk B Bar NaraDraka V.UakUar Oa. far Dar Baak faaaa Ban 1
II ; Bak Baaa Brlaklar PaaBaraar Baal Q. far Bar MaUaaa Batarll
New York Television's ra
pid development has supplied
this country with a whole new
vocabulary. Every day we hear
terms like video, cathode-ray,
VHF, TJHF, and many others.
What do they all mean?
Television experts at Allen B.
Du Mont Laboratories, Inc.,
where many of those terms start
out, say that a great many tele
vision words are merely adapta
tions of existing radio terms.
For instance, every high school
student knows the general
meaning of transmitter, micro
phone, and control panel.
But what is this VHF-UHF
The experts explain that VHF
and UHF are simply abbrevia
tions for plain English terms:
Very High Frequency and Ultra
High Frequency, respectively
But to the uninitiated, this kind
of plain English sounds more
like Greek.
In a few words, therefore, the
Du Mont men tell us that VHF
and UHF are terms applied by
the television industry to two
groups of TV channels. Chan
nels number 2 to 13 are in the
VHF group, and the other 70
channels are in the UHF group.
The reason for the superlative
descriptions of the type of "high
frequency," say the experts, is
that while ordinary radio sta
tions operate at frequencies
starting at SSO kilocycles, tele
vision stations operate at much
higher frequencies.
Frequency, by the way, indl
cates the length of the carrier
waves, the waves that carry the
nt Haa.t COIN 10 LI, S la is a.aa. BEX fa.t, a la S
tffkf Waaataaar a. aa. I ta, ora.
lvMVa rM Baaartart 1:1a. Maala at
tat Maalarai l:M, Saraaaaa la Blaai lira.
Cal laraa'a Taaatari Cklaaca Baaaa-
taalai l:at, Naat aaa Waatkar: kill, Ora
eaa Larltlatam Ilia. Bvaalaa rural Baari
l:M, Baala ShartaaaSi S-.U, Nawa, Waata-
ari a:aa, Maaltauaat ia:aa, klam on.
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
'Only prorrtu rhidiiir1 In )Tti,f.
The miracles
that come
. in cans
Once upon lime oranges were rare,
expensive luxuries. Only the richest
kids in town could afford thm. If you
were lucky you got one a year-in the
toe of your Christmas stocking.
Today, millions enjoy healthful orange
juice packed in cans. The vitamins and
minerals you get this way are just one
example of an everyday miracle of
modern living that every Oregon
family takes pretty much for granted.
What brought about this miracle
and many others like it? The answer
is simple. It was your demand for bet
ter, more appetizing, more healthful
foods of all kinds.
These demands were met by Ameri
can business (including American Can
Company), devoted to bringing you
better products at lower cost.
Satisfying your needs hat created
thousands of jobs in farming, food
produced better and more convenient
food containers. It has increased and
stabilized farm income. It has even
meant higher property values in soma
In fact, it would be hard for you to go
through a single day without enjoying
many of the benefits that have re
sulted directly from the activities of
the canning and can-making indus
tries in your State.
The 35,000 American Can Company
people are proud of their part in this
story of industrial progress.
Your free choice in buying more
and more of what you need in cans
has enabled them to perform many
Weyerhaeuser Closes
Last Steam Skidders
Longview, Wash. U.R Weyer
haeuser Timber company will
close out a logging era this week
with a shutdown of the last of
five steam skidders still operat
ing in the 900,000-acre St. Hel
ens tree farm.
The company said it had de
cided to retire the machine as
one of the final steps toward
complete truck logging in the
area. At one time, Weyerhaeuser
had five skidders, but they have
been slowly replaced by modern,
mobile equipment.
The skidder wss assembled In
1929 to pull logs from the forest
to a rail loading point. It has a
steel tower 110 feet high.
Dallas Rainbow Girls
In Cooked Food Sale
Dallas The Rainbow Girls
held a cooked food sale Saturday,
Feb. 15, at Margaret'a Flower
shop. The sale opened at 9 a.m.
and the stock was depleted by
3 p.m.
The proceeds from the sale
(S20 with some money still out
standing) will be used for a proj
ect of Miss Sally Stinnette who
it grand worthy advisor, and win
be announced at a later time,
Assisting with the sale were
Mary Bell, Gerry Reinemer,
Mary Lou Chambers, Charlene
Weideman, Shirley Straley, Joan
Cochrane, Joette Rogers, Laura
Billings, Kathleen Kelley, Mary
Gerllnger, Joyce Ruiter and Lura
Moen. Mrs. Del Reinemer assist
ed the girls during the morning
Would Repesl Baa
The annual April 13-Sept. 1
ban asainst competitive field
! trials for dogs would be repesl
ed by a bill introduced Tuesday
by Rep. Marvin Klemsen, St.
House of Television
is open evenings 'til 8, Mon
day thru Friday featuring the
one-and-only Sparton TV,
Hoffman and other popular
871 Wallace Rd.
West Salem
Lf" a P Tkaratar IS, MawaS
WAV, M:1S, BaaaabBr far W aaaaal
11 tat, Staaal al Air I 11:1a,
U:M, Nawti isas, Baaa Sara! Baart SrM,
Far Waaaaai Star, laaatrtar Maataiaam
l:aa. Oram Baaattaci l:aa
radio or television algnal
through the air. Du Mont ter
minologlsts point out that long-
..,n..n" BnH "hnrt.m.ii."' rnilln
are both familiar terms. And,
they say, if the shorter versions
weren t in usei VHF might con
ceivably be called "short-short
wave," and UHF might be
known as "short-short-short-wave,"
or by similar terms.
Because most present stations
operate on VHF channels, few
people have ever seen a UHF
program. But eventually UHF
stations will probably outnum
ber the VHF stations by more
than two to one.
As for the difference between
the two, engineers say that it is!
negligible so far as reception is
concerned. VHF can travel
farther than UHF, but with
more than 2,000 stations allotted
to this country, it isn't likely
that the average set owner will
have to worry about the dis
tance factor. Furthermore, there
are several compensating effects
For example, the engineers an
ticipate considerably less trouble
from the familiar problem of
ghosts. Also, they tell us that f
the automobile ignition, which t
frequently causes the VHF re-
ceiver to lose synchronization, '
will prove virtually Ineffective .
in UHF. 1
Most other reception factors
are about equal. But aince no '
UHF stations were operating un- t
til this year, most of today's sets '
are built to receive only VHF.
The Du Mont engineers note.
however, that conversion is reia- .
tlvely easy and inexpensive.
O.K. Denationalisation ' ;
London, W The House of
Commons gave -its final oksy i
last night to the second major '
repeal of the former Labor gov- '
ernment's nationalization pro
gram a bill to denationalize .
Britain's trucking industry and
the nationalized railroads.
4:11 p.m.Starch far Tataarrkw
1:9k p.m. Lo.a af Ufa
:00 p.m. Natnaa Stmt
f :Sk p.m. Dour Bdwarda, Btvi
:tt p.B. Tlraa far Baaap
1:00 p.m. Two tor Mooay
:10 p.m. Dinah Shora
7:16 p.m. Nrwi Caravan
1.11 am. Clreua
1:00 p.m. Plraaiaa Theatar
:3k p.m. Clrcla Thaatar
It at p.m. Braak tha Baak
10:30 pm MuaM Hall
11:00 p.m. Llttla Mania
11:10 p.m. Nltt Owl
It's the
First In Public Demand!
TY Cenier
I Open to 9 p.m. I
I. 1120 CENTER I
Formerly Paul T. Walls ft Co.
229 N. Liberty Phone 44742
New Invention Reduces
Snow Eliminates Noise
And Interference!
No installation problem. Fits
any 1 10-volt plug in. Sold on
money back 30-day trial!
Send $3.50 Check or Money
Order to:
Keizer Electric -Products
4970 Arietta St
Salem, Oregon
11 M - in. Bit P-rotf
13:10 rM. OnlTr. moot-
I N emits
p m. Doubt r NotbtW
110 p.m. Atrial It ftkh
I N w m.M altnt Tbtatar
S:loV r.m. roh lor Tea err ev
4:10 pm-Lov of Lift
l oo p.n. trlkt II Rich
4:10 p.n.Doui KrlvtrdJ
40 p.m. Tim for Bc-fiT
1:10 p.m. 4Hvort-borl Thotr
9:41 .. Ctrovriai Rv
Of p m.-Hllrwo4 OpBiM Hkf-t
I H p m.--Ool.rtr
00 p I Morrtotl JB
t JO p Th i Tour Lif
10 00 p.m. Krift ThtaUr
II DO t m ftrrh tf Ttm
processing and distribution. It has re- miracles in the past and to promise
quired lot of research which has even greater ttunga in ine ruiure.
CONTAINERS . . . fo hep people live better Made in Canco't Oregon Plant at Portland
Get Relief
f ram Vawr Cava a
Baa la a Cal
whk tit StmimtiiulA-C ttcttr as
lit Stit ImUnaiid
FOLEY'S CaatkCtmptw4
Seism's Most Complete
Television Center
2140 S. Com'l. Ph.2-1411
All-channel reception that brings you the
matchless pictur eperfection of two TY sets
in one installed in your home for as low as
$35.00 down, $3.50 per week.
Valley Television Center
Complete sales, service and Installation. All seta sold and
Installed carry full SO-day service.
Baigley Bros.
231 S Fairgrounds Rd.
Phone 2-5491
171 Grant St.
Phono 3411