BY CARL ANDERSON Henry 14 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1953 It's Death, My Darling! By AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG (AT IKWllMlUM) ' 1 HOPE I COULD AA SOBBV. MAC Cfsjm utTeJtt JSm 4 i- MAKE GOOD TIMS I f TVS GOT A FARE S f . Ep NOT MUCH TRAFFIO-V IT WASN'T FOR U h f - lMAXe WITH THESPEEDJ Chapter U , Wilkes swore. Beau laughed tan allztngly. Tne aherUft lace had turned a dull red. , Aunt Delphlne wat looking lu pus led bewilderment from one to uie ""-What's the matter?" the asked. TOd I say something that dis nUuwt tiW ffentleman?" AmjKint iiroiMd to her side. Of course you didn't, Tante," he reassured her. -You'd better ask Uncle Bountiful to bring you some The sheriff turned toward the hall door. "I'm going upstairs an' talk to the other Mrs. Dumont," he flung over his shoulder. Amedee owns back Into the room lust at tnat moment. -Where's Wilkes?" he asked. Gone up to talk to Aunt Miner Ta," Beau answered tersely. nn to this time Cousin Jeff had remained in the background. Now be spoke. rf them's uv nart of this you haven toM, Beau,'1 he sold, "you'd better tell it to winces wnen ire eomes back." Bnaii set his law stubbornly. I've said ail Tm going to say," be announced. When Sheriff Wilkes returned he made no reference to hit recent in "You said there was a formal dinner party here last evening," he began, addressing himself to Cousin Jeff. "Does that mean that the ladles had on evening dresses?" "It does," Cousin Jeff replied, looking faintly curiously at the question. wnice eremite uitowm. - The aherlff looked around at Bob by, Pick and me. "Which one C you was wearin' "We all were1 I volunteered. That was one of Colonel Dumont's requests." "What did you do with them?" "Miss Brennon and I took ours off in our room," I repuea. 1 un agln ttoe others did the same thing. The shlreff turned to Uncle Bountiful. "Go upstairs and see if you can find them," he directed. No one spoke after that until Uncle Bountuui returned, ae was carrying three somewhat wilted cor "Oes hyar were In Miss Peter an' Bobby's room," he announced, lay ing them on the table. "Ah, dis syars miss ueipnines. The sheriff swung upon Pick. "Where's yours?" he demanded. Why, I I don't know." Pick looked apprehensive. Since his return, the aherlff had been standing with one hand behind his back. "This wouldn't be it, would it?" he drawled. He was holding out the crushed remains of a fourth cor sage. "Where where did you find It?" he stemmered. "On the hall floor under your cousin's body." "Oh I" Pick gasped, and pressed her clenched knuckles against her mouth. The tresture revealed a fresh white bandage across the back of her hand. The sheriff stared at the band' age with a speculative gleam In his eyes. Suppose you tell us how you hurt "I I broke a class." she stanv tnered, "and cut myself on one of ttie pieces. . "Sure o' ttiat?" Beau stepped forward, placing himself between his sister and the aherlff. "Walt. Beau." Pick laid a restrain ing hand on his arm. "I can tell Mr. wines wnat ne warns to mow. She took a deeD breath. "After I went to mv room last night," she began, "I found that I couion t sleep, eo i came down stairs again to to look for some thing to read. When I came Into orandpere's office, l found cnaude there. Be had been drinking pretty heavily at dinner and afterwards. wnen ne saw me ne warned me to stay down and talk to him; but I refused. He caught hold of my shoulder. I managed to break away from him but he tore off my cor- j sage, sod I must have scratched my band on the pin." "About what time did this hap pen M'js Pickett?" he asked. Pick hesitated. "I'm not sure," she answered, "but I guess It must have been around two o'clock, or a little later." The sheriff eyed her in silence for the count of about four seconds. "Miss Pickett, do you always sleep wth your clothes! on an' wearin' a bouquet o' flowers?" he shot out, suddenly. .' "Damn you, Wilkes!" Beau roar ed. He started toward the sheriff. then stopped. 'All right," he said more quietly. "I guess 111 have to tell you everything. 1 lied when I said I came in and found Claude dead. I didn't. I came in lust a it happened. When he . heard me coine in. ne turned nau way around to see who it was. At the same time the end of the sword got between his knees, and he stumbled. He fell forward across the blade. It was his fall, and not the door slamming, that was heard Upstairs. The rest happened the way I told it the first time." He ceased speaking abruptly, and stood staring at tne snerui wim look of arlm defiance. Just then the door behind him opened, and the coroner looked into the room. "Can you come here a minute, Jeff?" he asked. Wilkes followed him Into the hall. The aherlff returned. "Still sticking to that story. Mr. Beau?" he inquired. Beau notraea witnout speaking. The sheriff studied them both for a moment in silence, then he addressed the room In general. "It might interest you all to know." he said, "that by three o clock. Claude Dumont nad been dead at least twenty minutes. And what's more, it wasn't tne sword that killed him. He died of a heart attack: which was probably what made mm lau on tne swora in tne first place. "But I would like to know," he added, turning back to Beau, "why you found it necessary to go in for all that plain an' fancy lyui'." i (To ne continued) Methodists Chart Silverton Schedule Silverton Members are .ob serving the World Day of Pray er that Is 'to be held Friday, Feb. 20, at 2 p.m. at the Meth odist church. ' The ceremonial of "The Week of Compassion" offering is to be observed Sunday, Feb. 22, pre ceding the morning worship hour sermon. The Loyal Berean Sunday school class members have made arrangements for rummage sale in one of the basement rooms of the church, Saturday, Feb. 28. EsTriat'i s Wtue NEKrYtU mrm SETT I M3U AH'MS ,TMOaW.' BOUON U MC NBXT AMA THS WTCMlUlOM fAoaXAZ V&.7X)VXW RILUON I PCtLAM lVekl&BT I JU KKf.SO I POUAfcT IPSA.2i WWTCOS YlF THSY HEAJP& T 6NT TWfH wT ruJ 3Mf AFT A T W0TrTTMe TeOttfl W, vaujitm a bummni in LEW9N A MONTH. ,i4V . J IUMU(41 ws w worn A POZBN- tATttt.l Villi,. Km v;.-f t U Silverton Banquet Set for Thursday silverton The Silverton Toastmasters Club, No. 708, will have as special guests district arid area officers at the charter banquet meeting at 7 p.m.. Thursday, Feb. 19. J. Carey Moore will preside as toastmaster; Richard Beesley will be tn charge of table ton ics; Olaf Q. Paulson, Jr., gen eral evaluator; Herman Goschie, timekeeper; and speakers. Milt Baum, Dr. A. L. V. Smith and William Iron. . ZZSf you EsanEa-r" CTW wrtH MB NOW-THPrleS il I tl THeF-We'Re BWHqW "em ) If HOW 00,BOY6 WM., tO'CUWE' A IIJL 1 '-WHO ARE 1 rii I you? J II If J I f . w C ME? THX BANW'STH'V Iffigvtf J NMe- 6mTOMV"6EE, V 1 1 WA MIDGET. DOWN WHAR f '" I I COME FROM-TW,Tfrf H.-J ... . I .. I'M GONNA BREAK IT J I DOM - HENKV'JjJ Valentine Theme Rules at E. Salem Weekend Parties AH IS JEST ACHIN' WIF NOSIKIESSrSEETHET S. PrTCHER MAMMV VOKUM BURIED. AH OTTA GIT I f-"ALLAn Kwrrtir or s T THET PmMER AH BUmCO. I AH TOOK A OATH NOT TV M LOOK AT T-UMTti. M4H J;. PYffDAV BUT AH IS runurw IT win rr i , ,t MAMMV S. Take" MAM MIND WKUM. AH Y OPF1 D RAPPED 1 THINGS.'.'' BV FO , CHAT- SAT1M fl 5 NEITHEROFlTS , f DONE A sz08g SAID A IWP TO EACH flip; 7 , RPMAININca CAwF?VER I I J BROTHER ON THE - "? LOOSE. HAD A A .XLm jfr aft OUITAR.THAT lrvlLi TL COME ON.TOPIER.' WE'RE aOINd , l AFTER HIM. J Ml r that aor t' , East Salem Valentine parties were the special occasions for East Salem social groups the past week end. The Friendship club enjoyed a party Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Joe Zajic on Lans ing Ave. Social games and the refrecmhents carried out the spe cial theme. Attending were Mrs. Edward Kotteck, Mrs. Henry Melcher, Mrs. Robert Wellington, Mrs. Joe Sunderland. Mrs. B. C. Miller, Mrs. Erie Hall, Mrs. Grate Wil son, Mrs. Brosia Cusick, Mrs. Cora Scott, Mrs. Ann Hagy, Mrs. Hattie Curtis, Mrs. Norma Cole, Mrs. Zajic and guests, Mrs. Ches ter Johns and Miss Linda Sho- hecker. The March meeting will be In the home of Mrs. Sunderland, with hats that were exchanged at the meeting to be worn with different trim. There were special Valentines for the Thursday meeting of the Lansing Neighbors Home Exten sion unit meeting at the Grace Lutheran church. Mrs. Albert Miller, who is the World Friendship chairman, served Valentine cookies made by her relatives in Germay, and mailed to her for serving at the lunch hour. The textile painting demon stration was given by Mrs. Ir vin Sion and Mrs. Gerald Van Hess. Mrs. I. G. Lermon was named luncheon chairman at the business meeting hour. Mrs, Earl Hampton will act as Azelea house representative. In planning for the festival Mrs. Zina Scharp nack was asked to serve as audi' Carol Curtis Pattern 2861 SIZES im.A tn-ttj,-' This an't dressy dram with double breasted V buttoning has choice of short or three-quarter sleeved styling. The soft fullness In the front shoulder yoke and falling from hip yokes In sures figure flattery everywhere you No. 2841 Is cut In slses 14, 1, 18. 90, 3fl, 38, 40, 42, 44, 4 and 481 Bin 18: short sleeves, 3 yds 39-ln. Send 30c hir PATTERN with NAME. Address, Style Number and .?r jt DiT-nrnu BUREAU. Capital Journal, 862 Mission street, Ban Francuco o. wuu. Patterns ready U mi rders ta tediately. Tm special handlinc el order via nrs ctmm mmu wviw aa extra 5e per pawern. price lust 38e., Just off the press! The new i o ... VaAhlnn Unfile acoff from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, all trans toted into delightfully wearable, ea-sy-tc-sew pattern designs for every ae, every type, all slses, all occas $. eJd ww for this sewing In tptraiioa . . . hist 36o. .WECALLOURBOV I HAD A V JUNIOR 7 LET HIM 1 COUSIN NAMED PICK HISOWN NAME j MARMADWKE WHEN HE GETS rt2AN VA BEATd speKiNowNAMra,weHADpVKNEvcwrwaiW au laL'TW'! A FULL BASK IN SCHOOL. I HE HOO WHO SIGNED CVCLXfff r Mn'rrJ weighed 2w rwnds, he a Hop HA fV4 (UXMSTUSI A torlum hostess; Mrs. V. K. Mason and Mrs. Harry Otte as registra tion, and the units choice of ex hibits was made. Attending were Mrs. J. M. Best, Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. Lloyd Kaen, Mrs. William Kuiner, Mrs. Gus Lermon, Mrs. I; G. Lermon, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Maynard Nel son, Mrs. W. E. Sebern, Mrs. Joe Zajic, Mrs. Sion, Mrs. Van Hess. Mrs, Maynard Tweet, Mrs. Ma son, Mrs. Otto, Mrs. Mose Van Del, Mrs. Henry Raen, Mrs. E. C. McCandlish, Mrs. W. F. Lieske and Mrs. Elmer Meade. This unit will hold a special workshop for the rug making project Wednes day, Feb. 18 at 9:30 a.m. In the home of Mrs. Earl Hampton, 3300 Sunnyview Ave. The Pee Wee Thimble 4-H club held a Valentine party the past week In the home of Marilyn Page on Fisher Rd. Refreshments for the occasion were served by Marilyn and her mother, Mrs, Harvey Page. Attending were Janice Pahl, Elizabeth Caples, Jackie Smalley, Penny Bowers, Sharon Suran, Darlene Clark and a guest, Su san Caples, with the hostess. At the next meeting the girls will start their new project. Last weeks meeting of the Kooky Kutup 4-H cooking club was held at the home of Sharon Mullens. The demonstration was by Marilyn Page who made muffins. Girls present were Elizabeth Mets, Marietta Pendergast, Jack ie Smalley, Eileen Smalley, Pat ty Stublefield, Sharon Suran, Darlene Clark, Marilyn Page and Mrs. Fred Smalley, the leader. 1 r rr- ti I cant hslf rr, sheila whcn you J W MIND BECOMES - J PSIN TOO S, -rorruwo wmbn i yK ucm, bau.' J CANT SEE voiJ Ifr ".jfC I o A .IU WK f PHONE, D. MORS AN.' MR. I COULO SB MARRIED AND LtAO V A JAMTDN OP THS COOr) m T l I Va NOMAL M ToscTHairr' IITTgVpS SmSnSmTj"' I ACROSS 30. Dinner course L Put iato type 33. Speechified again 35. Exploit 8. Ripple against 8- Me.f' , 9. Tiny 12. Fatty fruit 13. Old musical note 11 Wild anlmsl IS. One entirely lost 18. That which may be rescued 18. Poultry product 19. Botched 21. Pause 23. Sweet 1 substance 27. Else 38. Metal deposit 38. Article ot belief 40. Relies 44. Idolize 48. Seaweed 47. German state 80. Fervor 82. Cereal seed S3. Small child 84. Depart SS. Stain 86. Beverage 87, Periods of low prices DOWN 1. Masculine name F ABMflS C ApnP AIM Solution of Yesterdsy's Puzzle 1 Funeral oration 8. Carols 4. Night before an event 8. White ant 8. Tenant Hummer "Cooler". Ths coolest garment ever devised and the easiest to make is this cotton "tle-on-the shoulder" summer drmui Pattern comes In sizes 4, 8, 8 and 10 year nizee; applique ballet girl of SH inches Is a transfer with all Instructions on how to applique bal- irv mica over we iraiuier unes; flowers and features are embroider-1 ed. Make several ot these Inennen. slve, quickly laumlerable frocks in pretty stripes, polu, clotted cot tons, in bright ginghams, In flower pastels. Send 30c for the "T1E-ON-8HOUER' DRESS (Pattern No S82 tissue pattern, tratutrr hallrt NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUX- j w BKR and SIZE to CAROL CLK-! TIS, Capital Journal, 862 Mtuint, 1 street, oan rranclsco 8, CaW. I J Patterns rrady te fill ardere to-' H mediately. For special handling i order via first class mall Ids lass I as extra Ss per pattern. " L7yEs.v ohjlltakeW) THAT WILL BE S2Q. 3 SALES TAX. AND TWENTX PERCENT MOKE FO THAT EXTRA TAX eXtrItaxO AVEtTAKEAHEADLINt! "SOVIRNMENT CONVERTS PAIOMA J CAMPUS INTO LANDING FIELD -4 fOR ANGELS 'V 11 I JUST MET A NEW - ITH0U6HTY0ui I'-UH--- STUDENT WHOMAKES ME WENT 0 TO FAILED TO WANT TO R) NO BE.LL5 AND iutfpviEWDR rflN0HtR" WRITE SONG LYRICS THAUCERVf X BUT ,U TRV AND DANCE A RKiADOON . T'T AGAIN TO- O ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BE IN 1 YOUR REGULAR SEAT FOR ENGLISH J 77T 1. Too bad 8. Cavers with a hard aurfacs (. Spider's trap 10. Building addition 11. Piece out 17. Flatter 20. Anesthetic 22. Baggage handlers 14. Secured 25. American humorist 28. Color 28. Wanderer 20. Salamander 31. Born 32. Light brows 84. Rescinds Conceive a notion 38. Hard coating of a seed 41. Pertaining to a node 42. Impelled 43. Withers 43. Musical instrument 47. Seed contains 48. Beam of light 48. American Indian 81. Turmerle ROOM & BOARD By Gen Ahern FM-yHATS ONE DEFEAT? IF5 LIKE 1 ALWAYS SAY- DEFEAT IS ONLY A STEP BACICJO ENABLE ONE TO LEAP HIGHER HM-l'MGLADNO ' WF Didn't Arr fct my 1 $200 FOR A SHAREOf : BUNNY . , O" ? I-'.-' . f WELl. IT HAPPENED-- BUNNY LOST A PASLIN' MATCH LAST NIGHT l! . m -I SIGNED HIM FOR A WARM-UP K BOUT WITH A TURNIP CALLED N ll UUNr I KULK UWLIN, WMU LUULUN I V. i' i TUDrui a hi tuvtTnuiu t u iav rrtr ii Ql IT UC Lit Ikl Dt IMklN 11 1-tA V -5-, 1 SMWtHULDfc -t I I S V I ..i J ...... .( II