Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 17, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    Youth in Holland Writes
Salem Friends About Flood
Ari. if k - A" lend"' but strong." says Mr..
HulL'. VV le ter "He has . rather dirk eom-
tttS?ifSif dexripUon of plexlon, du. to the French blood
Tl? rth Sea storm that from which he gets his name.
am great damage and nuwl
much loai of life In that country.
The letter comei from Hans E.
Denis, who. in IBM, lived for a
year with the Real In north cen
tral Washington when ha came to
this country to study farming un
der the Marshall plan. He ad-
oneee neas anecuc netely as
worn and Dad.
"Hans Is about six feet tall.
Truck Smashes
Shop at Albany
Lebanon Heaw damasa wai
Inflicted Sunday evening when
the glass front at P&G cabinet
shops on South Santiam highway
was crushed by truck which
sheared the huge pylon at the
entrance and tore Its way
through plate glass.
The vehicle plowed through a
counter, crumpled an oil stove,
spilled stacked merchandise and
came to a stop at the bookkeep
er's counter. A full 50-gallon
drum of oil was broken open
and gushed across the floor while
soot from the broken stove pipes
. covered the front offices.
Len Byers, driver of the truck,
said he was forced from the
highway when another vehicle
pulled onto the pavement In
front of him. Neither Byers nor
his companion, S. L. Ensley, was
Injured in the accident.
John H. Griffith, cabinet shop
owner, said Monday that the to
tal damage would amount to "at
least $2800."
Baby Suffocates
In Lebanon Home
Lebanon A two-months-old
Portland baby suffocated In
bed while the child's mother
was visiting at 1653 Second
street, reports Glenn Huston,
county coroner.
. The child, Ruth Marie Burke,
4616 S.W. Corbett, Portland, was
found by her mother, lying face
downward on a pillow. She was
rushed to the community hos
pital, but was pronounced dead
upon arrival.
Huston said the mother told
htm she had left the infant only
IS minutes before. Death was
partially attributed to pneu
monia, since a portion of the
baby's lungs were filled with
- Services will be held Tuesday
In Portland. A brother, Jeffery,
and a sister, Patti Ann, also
black curly hair, and a wonder
ful contagious smile and sunny
"He was a nrlsoner of war far
two years under Hitler. His home
was razed to the ground by Ca
nadian men who spotted Ger
man army officers using It as
their headquarters. The home
had to be completely rebuilt af
ter the war. However, he and his
father and mother were reunited
well and happy when the war
was over. He was married Just
few months ago."
Describing the flood Hans De
nis w?ns:
Dm Mocn bb4 Daa:
letter ud I Call tony ea war m wor
ries er ml. Be box nnU eale. We
4n1 Ilea la the lower part at the aasn
Ut, k the water could not hurt wj.
Tho Mr noodea ay tha water le la the
eoothwea t part. But then II baa aeea eocne
thlat terrible. About IHO paopla art
drowned and almort all tha eatua. Ta ra-
eover ma lano from the aaa It wffl taka
a uai tuaa. n nee aaaa aa terrible road
who want ovtr tba dykaa. la a law ntn-
utea tba warn wee tbara. Man ud soman
wara drowned parkin their tulteaaaa or
dranlnf their abildrtnt othara vara blown
from tba drkee Into tba water.
"Our whole army to buay at eloeine tba
noiee in taa aykaa aaa to do many French,
ITitllsb. and American eoldlera. Wttb bell.
copters they sot the people from their
roots after btlas there for two or three
dare. But many timet tbey same lata and
tba Bouse broke down just before way
were eared.
Highway Office
Lists Delays
Tht Oregon Highway Com-
roUiion lieta tht following cos
truction delays:
Ochoco Highway Grading
for 10 mllea watt Mitchell,
rough. I
Columbia River Conatrue-
tion 5 mllea between Caacade
Lock and Hood River, fUgmtn;
construction 0 miles between
Hood River and Mosier. fravel
Pacific Construction of;
Medford- .Ashland section, fUg-
Coast Grading for 7.29
mllea south of Reedsport Slides
and washouta between Fort Or-
ford and California state Una.
toterpriae-Lewiston Grad
ing and surfacing on Xnterpriee-
rlora section, rougn.
Umpqua Grading 1.18 miles
"Srcrr man who aa com vorklnar at
tht drktg. Ovr th radio ther only We
rtporti about uu situation. Tber tin or
dera to botti, tht U for uek, tba tell
tne people where tho djkee will break.
Then thty tel. tho people tbere whan tha
pianta coma to crop xooa and ariniuut
water. Tha other watar la au aalt wattr.
Xreryona clvaa dothee and food for tho
people there, and much moner la folni to!
Tha wholo world la helping ma and wa
art very thankful for It. I will aand you
later on a book with pleturaa of It. Oar
poptra am fall of aad nUtotlei from tbara.
So of a famllr who waa with aorea per
son on a floatlna roof of a houao and
ovary Unit a pltoo of tho roof broko down
la tha watar It took a parson with It. eo
ona 7001.1 man waa loft. Wtvaa who aomld
not hold thalr bahlti any mora and saw
them drown baforo Umr arte.
"While aaTlni paopla boati picked p
doaa. bat the would not leer thtir farm
yard and whan tha boatt want away tha
doii Jumped back In tho watar to iwim
to their farm back. Soma plaoaa art cov
ered with 10 to it feat of watar eo you
can understand tbaro la not laft much.
Ona moment It looked Ilka tha hurricane
would flood our whole country, it
never been each a hlah flood.
'Now I am endltat for today, wa art
thanklns you for your help but are lucky
wa don't noad him. With love and luck
from all of w, the boat wiabea to dm ana
you from your Dutch aon.
for "man
la the Hebrew word
Kidney Slow-Down
May Bring
Restless Nights
WKan IrMiaaMr fmctlMI lVrl tlowm. KUT
folka oomplain of nanrtat aackacha. head
auW. iIIiiIhim antl loaa of HMD and energy-
Don't euffer reatlou nlfhta with thoeo tile.
eomforU If reduced kidney function la teV
tine m down-dua to enoh eommoa oauaaa
mm stMM and trtravin. OVr-CXrtiOn OT ZPO
xauro to cold. Minor bladder Irriutkma duo
to com or wrong out may cauaa swvuaa; v
Blffhta or f requont panaffae.
Don't nosleet your k4dneja If those oondi
tlona bother you. Try Doan'a FUJe mild di
uretic It'a amaiing how many tlmea Doan'a
give happy relief from these diaeomforU
elp tho 16 mllea of kidney tubes and Alton
flush out waste. Aak for new, large, economy
else and aava money. Gat Doan'a Fill today!
of Reedsport-Dean Creek Motion.
Hmnner Conatructioa on
Lena-Nye section, rough, '
Buchanan Hot
Seeking Job
Moscow, Idaho, Tha pres
ident of the University of Idaho
say he Is not interested In be-
comlnf XT. 8. Commissioner of
Jesse Buchanan said Monday
an "Informal Inquiry of my in
terest and availability" for the
post was made last week.
"I advised I could not accept
if the post were offered,'' he
Reports from Washington last
week said Buchanan was being
considered as the successor to
Michael Straus, whose resigna
tion as reclamation commis
sioner recently was accepted by
Secretary of the Interior McKay.
Heart Attack
Claims Visitor
Albany Stricken with heart
disease in his hotel room here,
David Trederickson, 58, World
War I veteran of Drain, Ore.,
died eerly Sunday. He had been
registered at the hotel since
Friday and was found on the
floor beside his bed by a hotel
maid at 12:30 pxn.
According to Deputy coroner
John Summers, who was called
by city police, Frederickson had
apparently arisen to get a drink
of water, for Ugnts were still on
in the room and a faucet was still
The man was a native of Swe
den end came to the United
States when he was 18 years old,
settling first at Boqulam, Waah.,
Never before such
writing ease!.
mm aai Maaaaal in ISIMMf
I '0 S in 1 1 Si
I 1 SaSwaa
I I aeoat.-a
-3iAa' III n 1 '
1 1 Aams
370 Stat
Phone 34404
lib IB J
and Uter coming to Oregon. Bel Capital Journal. Bale, Ore, TMadaTt T& ,7 !
dm uvea at uoseourg prior tor
moving to Drain two months!
ago. He was a lumber tnspee-l
Arrangements for the services!
ire being made at the fisher Fu-I
neral home, awaiting arrival of
word from a brother. Surviving
are two children, Marilyn Lou
ise and Carolyn Ann, both of
CorvaUis and two brothers, Gott
trid K., and Arvid rredertckson,
Dow ox Moquiam, wasn.
Victim of Bomb at
Penitentiary Dead
Walla Walla, Wash, (aV-i The
man who was holding the in-
mate-made bomb whlcn ex-1
ploded in the State Prison's
business office a week ago died!
He was Alfred T. G ruber. 4S,
State Prison's business manager I
the past five years.
mitis NO CAI
J aWaa toUoatlr, o wJila ao awilKO-" ' '
4MM;eyw'a,t , r:
i as saw 4a4 ibm arssspst
n's in msacjL o7
aaataaa. laaaaaaaaawl
SiX-.M cxxixa
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