-.'It w he k ' 11 Capital JonraaU Balm, Pit., TTteaday, Feb. 17. 1958 Writers Like Scton Hall; . Ccachcs Choose Indiana New Tort ( Seton Hall's stranclehold eta tint place la the weekly Aauetatett Preai poll ap- veered nabreakable today ' provided the anbeatea Pirates eaa win their five remaintaf fames. A lew hours after being voted ; Mo. 1 team for the fifth straight - week, Seton Hall went out and whipped Villanova, 83-68, lait night for No. 25 in the longest winning streak ol the year. Indiana, kingpla of the Big Ten, edged a little closer to Se ton Hall, bat It appears the I Boosters are doomed to ao better than second place aa- leas the leaders com a crop pet. We.Mnwtnn TjiSolle. anri Tl. llnois all remained in Indian file " behind Indiana in this week's , poll, but there were shakeups n the lower echelons. ' Louisiana State, driving to- ward a Southeastera Confer- aee title, jumped two places v to sixth, shoving Oklahoma t AtM down a notch. Kansas J State moved np two places to - eighth, while Western Ken- i tacky remained la the ninth ' portion and Kansas took aver ltth. Displaced from the top , II was DePaal, which ieU ' from seventh to 14th. Seton Hall was placed first on 84 of the 89 ballots sent in by sportswriters and broadcaster!, winding up with a total of 707 points on the usual basis of 10 for first, 9 for second, etc. Tlx leader, (nret-plaee nH Is parol. L aetaa am fit) T01 . Indun, (ltl .....144 1. WutiUuton (I) Ml New York JJ Indiana's hurryin' Booslers opened a comfortable lead over Seton Mall today la the United Press college basketball ratings, while Kansas regained a place among the top la teams. The Hoosiers, who beat two Big Ten Conference rivsls last week and boosted their overall record to 13-2, widened their margin over Seton Hall from 15 to 38 points as they led the nation for the second straight week. Kansas State advanced one notch to sixth, exchanging places of last week with Oklahoma A and M; Louisi ana State Jumped two places to eighth, swapping places with DePaul Kansas, moving back among the top ! after an absence of two weeks, took over ninth place as North Carolina State fell back to 11th. , The Washington Huskies, with a 22-1 record, ranked third for the fifth straight week, attracting five first place votes and 2S5 points. Be hind them Jn order came Illi nois 13-2, La Salle 20-2, Kan sas State 12-3, Oklahoma A and M 17-4, L.S.U. 17-1, Kan sas 12-4 and DePaul 18-8. Behind North Carolina State among the second 10 teams came California, Brlgham Young, Western Kentucky, St. Louis and Notre Dame. UCLA, Duquesne and Duke were lock ed in a three-team tie for 17th place and Oklahoma City Uni- A I.a JI&1U 111 40 .' iOTUi'iuti'YaV".'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.2i versity moved up to 20th m nvi.hH. . Lr . . 11! ' . . . (.' Kuui State 1 t. weetene ateetueir tl) in FAN FARE lWwltDas i w SCORES in the ALLEYS Duck Pins laorss Laftora au OS (11 Beadle let. Wood ns. WiMr 111. Sevehuck Ml. Oesthler 421: Veedreffe lu Ike at If St. Weiieee JtT. sun set, Butaer SM, Tork ill. Sim BrasS (S relet 411. Tout IM. Meeulre lit. Gilmer 1M. Tr.eUade Stt: KUUMU Verier Suk (1 Vibbert Ml aimer Its, roltn ikl ill, sort m. Pran an Hlih ind. lame and aerlee. Dm Oeettiler, lit and UU huh teen aeae, audit OU. 041 high UM eerlea. Matter Breed, lew. Capitol Alleys OOMtfSBClAl wa s Tie Jtwtl a-1 (I) Cowed 441. SEntl, t, Leaek 4U. WtlU 113, CHerrlnttan tit. Lalofakr Ml: Weedeara (1) rul tu, Aiutla in. Deaaea 4M, Wadawartb 144, Hlcea t4S. Srleeeea'e Market t MaUoa MT. Trn daU 411. Barker 430, aualt tn. Yocum 4111 tttrlla Bretkera III Oaaaea 4ta. Amaa 4tT. Dm 411. Heueea 4IT, Rraa tn. Teralael laa (t) Mclteer 4TI. Soul tn. Sin l. Brant lit. cxraa tn: It aad Beam (II Kar 4IT. Ma tw Harra IM. Pekar til. Harm ill. Kim Teeera (I) Holm 411. Keeper 414. Wrmore 410. Lona ltl, Holcum 417: Tke Beade (II MacPheraoa 110, Pepple 111. Kooa IM. Hlatt 131. Peel III. Nil (II -oerdner 137, Hopliaaer 437. Hammond Ml. Wettler 111. Bam 111: Bartmeae (II Raatland IIS. Campbell 413, Hainan tee, Howell 471, HUT era, Halte- ban 974. Hlih lnd. aama and Mr laa. Kill nrd in and til: Mia Warn Mrua, wooaparn, Mill alah taaa aama, Tbi Jrwtl Bex, ISO. 10. Kanaaa Saeaad II: - 11. Saittla (1) IS. Oklahoma Cltr (1) 11. Uanhattaa 11. Da Paul It. N. O. Statt U. Loamiui (1) IT. aliirrar. B. Ill .. II. Duka (I) , II. viuanara II. California (Ual .... , Eddie Urness ' Awaiting Call From Uncle Sam The Dalles u.B Eddie Ur- ness, the Boston Red Sox $86, 000 bonus baby, said today he was awaiting induction Into the Army. He passed bis pre Induction ' physical examination and other . testa at Ft Lewis, Wash., test i week but won't know exact date of his induction until his pa pers are returned to the Trl County Selective Service Board here. v The Red Sox. who-originally had planned to send Urness to spring training camp at Sara ; sota, Fla., have optioned him ; to San Jose, Calif. He will re port for spring training at San ta Cruz, April 2, if he isn't called before. . i Ma Tork 11.19 Tba Unllad PrMa eollan HH,WU HUli 1. Indiana in S. Baton Hall 117 1. Wathinitoa ats 4. Illlnoia . LaSalla 177 a. Kanaaa stata 143 7. Oklahoma AAU 103 S. Loulalana SMta ., 86 1. KanaM 71 10. Da Paol w SMond II 11, North Carolina Stata. 7: 13, CalUornla. It: 13. Brliham Tounl, 30; 14, Waatarn Kentucky. It: IS. at. Louu U: II, Nolra Dame. 13: 17 fuel, tjcla. uuwicane mna uuka, 11 aacn; 30, witr uniTiraitr. 7. Baker Defeats Br ion Okie- New York W Pittsburgh's Bob Baker, ranked eighth in the latest ring heavyweight ratings, has given Argentine Cesar Brion one of his worst beatings. The 210V pound Baker ac complished what Joe Louis, Ez zard Charles. Rex Layne and Ro land LaStarza were unable to drj put Brion on the floor. He couldn't keep him there af ter dropping him in the first and second rounds, but he pounded out an easy, unanimous 10-round decision Monday night at Brook lyn's Eastern Parkway. Bob Dunlap and Bernie Rey nolds were the only other fight ers to deck the 200 Vs pound Brion. cottmaciAL no. 1 Kerlea Creseeerr (tl Deeenpert I Pekar tot. Rraa to, Kearoo tis, Ktu 471: Saleai Title Cnaaaar ( Ovent 177. Torieaon 117, Cerate til, Delaner M. IfcMullen 471. Nlaheleea'o laaeraaee (l Compeer 47a, HeeM 474. Bertram etl. Carr MS. Bolton 574: OelilM ef Sllewtea (1) Herr 47t. Prank Kl. Hovell tM, a Hen 410. Bent- un 111. (wllnien'a Capital CUT Uaair (I) Mellon 117, Rlnilend 411, Snrlan Ml. OeUaiher 4tt. aloffart 110: Weedrr'e Var- altare (II Ollnur til. Parr 110, Woodnr 4M. Foreman 114, Adolph 111. Oreel'a Uaed Can (II H. WUKeraon m, MeClarr K. alerr 411. Kitchen IIS, W. Cllne. Jr. tn: Kalakla of Celaaikaa (D Koutner 4M, Bleiler 442, Link til, Franea IM. B. Bleiler tn. Wleklaad'a Spertlaa OaeSa (II Hendrle M4. Horrla 411. Harra tM. Centum Ml. Laaleu 117: SUrr Seeae (II Bhaldon 440. Ann 453, Lentrea S34, Duffua 413. Lena holf 140. Hllbt team same, Mlcnolton'i IniuraaM, 1031: hlih team aerlaa. Wlckiand't Sport Ina Ooodt, 3951; hlih lnd. lime, L. Bar tram and Fiord Kanyon, 1331 hlfh lnd. Mrlea, Floyd Kenron, 133. , . University Alleys LAD TEfl' MINOS LEAdtlS eUrweed Merchant! (I) X. HllHrlcn 301, U. HaUer Ml. L. Herman 371. R. Ick atrom 311. Weatera Paper Ceaverttna Co. (4) V. Pearaon 3M. V. KlrOr S34, B. Coravell 143. M. Ipperlp 114. Bark'e Spertlai Oeeda (II D. Valdei 4M, V. Oannon 331, P. Wendt Ml, W. Val dei IM. LM'a Viae Cara (11 L. PaUen 431, J. Oreealn IM. J. Aaron 144, L. Helnke 113. A. A. Laraea, Bealter (II S. HtUa 171, O. DarlM 311, N. Maddlna S40, H. Prlichett IM. Kekl Bererata (tl J. Herta 303. K. Llnduir 460, J. Oanaon 111. Smeke Shop (1) 8. Arthur 117, D. Koenll 114. I. BlttlM 331, II. Ourtll 341. Top Hel Cale (I) D. Coon 310, J. Hil ton 3'il, D. Frederick IM, A. Johaaton 133. Hlah team umi Berb'a fiportlna Oooda, 500. Hlih team MrlM WMlern Paper Convertlnl Co., 1447. Hlih lnd. lame L. Fallen, 151. Hlih lnd. Mrlea K. Undter, 450. DeBaar MS. Jack DeBov 41. Caeaitaak Ml. VUkallt 544. Vraak'i PreSaM (II Junto 471. Ttwmpeoa 104, Bow tM, Jack tea tM. Brut M7. BeeVi Spertlai OaeSe (11 H. ValdM tn. c. stetuer 4M, w. vaiou mo, a. vet oed Ml. Muber til. VHteaa Meal Market 13) Oret jrr 4U. Pete tM. Miller IM. rouua Ml. viitona . fee. Beieller OU Ce. Ill Pradeau Ml, Hiiiertea tu. Meiaoa eat. Tauaa LeTourneuz 4M. apadaat (II Bradea M4. FarUr 157, Llndaep ta, Vejtapak Ml, 1. Bacon 444. Trellera Cafa (SI McNeil Ul. Klta mlller tn. Opitoa tel. Lau 4TI. Parmer 511. Capeeard Cafe (I) Hmderaea 4M. White 411, Brauaht 444. McCraaker HI, uioai bzv. Thrlllwer Cleeaera (II BillOT 141, Boaler 414, HolmM 417. Bekatrotn 417. Hertaeu Ml. Seteai aerdvara (U-rhede rii, l Moma 117. pearl Ml, Iaaa Ul, Waet 4M. Aleaar LaaM (I) SoUeaa 4M. Bun nell 431. Zeronea 411. Ollehrlat Ml. Meriee KS. Bar a Wllau'a (II Bone Ml. White 174, oaermaa Ml, MaeFarlana 117, Strew 47t. Hlih teaai aama Traflvava Oafa 17. Hlih Mam MrlM Teller Oil Co, 1740. Hlah lnd. aama O. ritamnier. Trallwara Cell. Ml. Hlah lnd. MrlM a. Tnempaaa. Frank's Praduca, sot. fights Last flight (Br The Aiioc la ted Freea) Sea PraaelMe World lleht heemeleht ohamnloa Archie Moore, in, St. Loala, topped Leonard Oaaan, sot, Oakland, s, nen-tiue. ealreal Armand Baraae. 11SK. Unn. treel. WpoinWd world ucrtweleht tham- Plon Jlmmr Carter. lll4. Be Tork Ml aon-MUe. Breetlra-Bob Baker. 11044 ntteaarah. outpointed Ceaar Brian. 300. ArseaUna, it. Ckleara Joe tndanak, ill. Chlcaaa, topped Menot Sclamea, 111, CSUaaaa, S. Leieeeter, KaalaaS Raadw - Turaln. Orrat Brlula. autpolnted Dai,ala VUler, south Atrlea, 10. Watthtt Bat announced. Arthur Tokle Wins National Jumping Title Steamboat Springs, Colo. Of) Arthur Tokle of Chicago lumped 276 and 289 feet 'Mon day In winning the national ski jumping championship. Tokle, representing the Norge Ski club, was rated at 222.7 points. Ratings were based on both distance and form. BUI Olson of Denver university fin ished second with 214.7 points. He Jumped 2SS and 209 feet The longest lump Monday was 293 feet by Roy Sherwood of East Canaan, Conn. He touched his hands on landing and finished 19th. High winds forced cancella tion of the tryout for the lIS, (Federation International Ski), team to represent the United States in games in Sweden. Lebanon Boosts Gasoline Rate Lebanon Feb. 17 following boosts in wholesale prices, retail gas prices rose to SJ cents a gallon at most Lebanon outlets today. DieseL heating and stove oils also increased 1.7 cents, accord ing to R. H. Johnson, Standard Oil distributor. Dealers epped their pr!cs two cents, making the premium gas price U cents at some stations, 3S.1 at others, and 81 cents for regular gas. While not all distributors had been notified of Increases, the boosts at retail levels were gen eral, Johnson said. i Gasoline Price at Albany to Jump Albany While only one Al bany gasoline distribution plant had Increased the tank cost of gas to retailers at noon Monday, all other distributors were stand ing by in expectation of similar, notice. ,1m lnirnae actually In Va - , force lata Monday afternoon had been effected by tne oianoara Oil company, whose tank price was upped one and one half cents a gallon. This was immedi ately reflected by a 2-cent boost in the retail price at the two lo cal Standard Station retail out lets. Service station operators have. been complaining for some tim that their margins are toe anuj to cover Inirreased operatic costs. Gerry 5 f Battle Y 2L " CaaMMket. j PKotta 1474a Auto - Truck - Fire Insurance It pay to check with us bt , far yen renew year prat ant insurance or pay year next premium billing, rfe rMiaatieie. Bill end Geo. OskoSaf niotwlaw. Araeita laa! Na. Capital St. larssaarf I PheivaJSMl Betwaea Baed Shlpaiag Sts. aa Biway geimg North Dyer of Salem Loses Golden Gloves Match Seattle Virgil Dyer ef Salem lost his first re a ad mateh to Jack Schriber ef Vancouver, B. C, in the fly weight division ef the Paeifle Northwest golden gloves box ing tournament at Seattle Monday. ' aafdrBBBBaaaa. -eaeaaaafeWw,'aBBB. ( 1 Tasts the DIFFEREliCEl) I a QYiAk-OlD Whiskey f I bhnded with Grain Neutral Spirits 9m0SHrmJlt MOOT I ag- , . CLASSIC UAOtTB VaUer oil Ce. (4) D. Morrli Stt, Jlra Enjoy Hie itch flavor ef thit famoui old Kwthxky brand. It it o-Ysor-OM Kenrodry wfitiey bhndtd with 70 rMofraf spirffs eVsrifed from the chorcetf graa Try H toooyf $935 m PINT $370 3 Vt QUART WaTHHU 'o.ad,FAlir OlSTUUS CA ncr -yf :. - vN v (V a, ,'f,W - - i0" m II lev; To" .Tardi116 P his you will discover: A's tthtr tar fett away frtm a ttandint ilart with th ctmbhrd aukkns$, quiet and tmoothtms a 1953 Buick with Twin Turbm Dynaflow Drivt With two turbines instead of one and with engineering advances all through this miracle automatic transmission Jim tan get frtm trrt to 30 mfih tefort ytra takt tw hriathsond with mor$ tiltnet and tficifmcj than rr btfort. Beyond rhts, there's new power that take the entire range at peHormanoe i thcU'Hyrrag. la every 1953 Buick Sufbr and Roadmastbr youH find the world't asoet advaneed V8 Engine the rWat Vs V8. la every 1953 Buick Special you'll find the famed F-263 Fireball 8 Engine redesigned to provide record horsepower and compression for thit bud get -priced Buick Series. But all this flash-fast getaway, thit new quiet, this stepped-up efficiency, thit more spirited performance, can be judged only at the wheel of a Golden Anniversary Buick vnthTwin-Ttwbine Dynaflow. Will you ttop by and try one wka our compliments? 'Simimi on KotJunuHr, tpiiond at iaea MS aa mbtr Sarew. ewJeeriM Irewf-Ke J IXC ClICUS HOI- wraBtrl Tajwev TpatCaTfr1 AWTOMOtVLIS AM KBIT IU1CK WKl IUILS THfM ono J. WILSON CO. 388 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. I I I I I f 11X8 mm CRoimi nLLINGS EIUDGZWOXtX. PLATEWOItZC DelAYS X-IIATS ;!' ft DR. HARRY SEMLER, PetHit DAILY lilOa.Bv-l:lt tat. TIU 1 TM. t? 1 - Jft -y . st- (TV :r,rir. . ' -- Z . -jer'-- .ewe,ee' :mmtmJte "-etetawa..a,W -V -' VV.arf St eaa"Ja""aeaa! I "ii'Jio4" &r 4-e.eaw.aaa-eeg Lepe-'eeerei-Hte-' S iim ate, aWaaMB ata ' ' " - -. fr-mmmm ' - - JpliaiaaBaaaa jl.. SN y&kto) wtvorttcioe of Or. Setnler't Liberal Credit hat?, YOU rf ., t CC-- how tmqll yout rwyrnerth thouid be, ojd when it Is mil, . ,ii ii,ile,,il tehe wieu t4 tMeitrei ItiAni A Tk Caeteie eultl Meost eeaeet racreonohi tarmt vott tirogett. laeaitia YOU moke the termi, you J 1CWW rhey'H be ansy your IWdoer. The cradlt you rsd i 44V tirTrMraW,.no delay or red rope at Dr. Semhtri. vV M'J pay oi:?.y in Ar.:cL-::TS you cam afford SPECIAL SSRVZCZ TOR OUT-Or-TOWN PATIENTS SAYE TIME! Avoid He expense of extra trips! Take advaateqe at Dr. Sender's Prompt Deatal Service . . . particularly ceavenltnt far these whe live eattlde the city. Year Deatal Work completed la 1 ta S day . (dlfflcalt cam excepted). NO WAITINS1 Irekea Deitaret pulckly Re- rilred . . . Mittlnq Teeth remptly Replaced. Lease, aacemfertable plate rapidly reset tor ETTER FIT.. ASK YOUR DENTIST ABOUT THE NEW MODERN EZAMTNATIOrf WITHOUT Yea era valcama ear time at rear aem teniiwience far aa examine tioe . . . ar fe aaawlt Or. Seller . aaaaf vaur Dentil Caws lata Senriee far All Yaw Daattl Natwt, Tmiaarest fetate imiR . . . kii YhIAM VOUI tlNTIST aaw Ha Serial Platat taa kala van LOOS ItTTIRI ta taa Haia4ta at Dr. taalar i . . . aatlta Ikatr real "lrfa-llka" apaMraaea . . . parHailartv waas an arm aaw trustti llafarn Taata. NEW PUTTS DC 1 DAT iiiNDi Irtratrlea HaaateJ. Can la Mara II AM, (liaaat tatarwer) Tear Mew riatss WIN la feaaty at Id THI SAMI DAY. -eraBeaJeWBaflVil " V STATE t COH&U e