Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 17, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    LzihtilzU Stz::z
Crash-Lands Safely
Ttd Williams, fanner Ration
eu Bex slugger, to ihown
bov la the cockpit of a
Maria FIF-S r anther Jet
fighter plane whUe Uklnf s
tlytag refreiher eonrie. Re
cently WUIUmi, now a Ma
ria captain, crash-landed his
haraiag raather Jet fighter
bomber , at a forward hue
after Uklnf part in a 200
plane strike in North Korea.
r Williams walked away from
his damafed plane with no
indication he suffered any In
juries. (AF Wlrephoto)
With Marine Air Group 33,
Korea WV-Marine Capt Ted
Williams, former Boston Red
Sox baseball star, went to bat
against the Communists a sec
ond time today on a bombing
mission one day after his first
mission ended in a crash-landing.
Vlastelica Top
Scorer for OSC
Corvallis M Scoring statis
tics revealed today that Center
Tony Vlastelica has been the top
point-maker for Oregon State in
its Northern Division basket
ball games this season.
The lanky pivot man, who
scored only 16 points in two
games against Washington last
week-end, has a total of 185
, points in the 12 league games
played for an average of 18.8
per gam. H made the points
on 84 field goals and 17 free
Cribbing Scandal Shakes
William and Mary College
Williamsburg, Va. UP) Th
aged eelleg of William and
Mary faced a major athletic re
building Job Tuesday fat the wak
f th nation's worst cribbing
scandal sine th xplusion f
88 West Point cadets in 1251.
At least a dozen athletes, in
cluding first string football and
basketball players, were among
an estimated 80 to 35 students
dropped from the William and
Mary rolls for . violating the
school's honor code. -
College officials, beyond ad
mitting that Infractions of th
knir system had occurred,
maintained a tight-lipped pol
icy and declined comment.
They withheld names f those
It was the second big scandal
to shake William and Mary, th
nation's second -oldest college,
' within year and a half.
In August, 1951, there was a
resounding athletic and admin
istrative shakeup following dis
closure that some athletes had
been given undeserved grades
and the transcripts of promising
high school stars had been al
tered to make them eligible for
NIT Bags LaSalle, Looks
Around for Other Top Teams
New York Having bag'
ged LaSalle, the defending
champion and fourth ranking
team In the country, the Na
tional Invitation basketball
tournament promoters Tuesday
set their sight on three other
top drawing cards Seton Hall,
Seattle snd Western Kentucky.
The NTT, in signing the Ex
plorers, thus won the first
round in its battle with the
NCAA to sttract the best teams
In the country. In past years, a
school could play In both, but
this time the NCAA decreed one
or the other. .
The NCAA wanted LaSalle,
so the choice was left to th
members of the team, who de
elded they would prefer the
NIT because It was close to
their Philadelphia' home.
Thy did not like the travel
Involved in th NCAA tourna
Bits aakaat fcartatkall: Albany at Btlta, saitm Ac mr tt otrvftii, atarton at
Ctntral; winamttw Vallty hull Ml. Anftl at sandr. SUtarlan at Balacatfa,
Molalla at Cankr, Woodburn at DaHaa: Marten county B laacaa MIQ City at
Suaimltr. St. raol at Chtmava, Jtfftraan at Dtaf arbool, oataa at Dttratt:
Inn, salty at Tamhffl. Honk Manoa at Baeka, SatrMaa at SborvMd, Dartoa
" ""wwm kaakatkan at Latitat I Salaaa Jayraaa aa. D Batttrr: S, Waratr Motari
va. Martea Mown: a. wolaamalt'a va. SaJra Atrta Parti.
Ckarak laacaa kaakatkan: Claaa A Ptrat SUB va. Pint Praabrttrtaa: Claat S
Caart Strati CkrUtlaa n. Pi- Co- Ilia Whlua, Eniltvaod SUB va. Halaart Mtaartal.
fialtaaltaal vraatlbw: Sa armary. ear atarta at IS sal. Mala avtnt. Doa
KtaoraS va. Taay Baaa. Otter aaatanaa, Al Baata ra. Ota X Malta 1, Branca Lualck va.
Starr ixmm.
Pr Teams Busy Tonight
Salem Plays Albany Here;
14 Other Games in Area
Albany high school's tall and
potent Bulldog Invade the Sa
lem high school gymnasium t d
battle with the sinking Sal
Vikings, who have suffered foar
straight losses.
The Albany-Salem mix is set
for 8:19, following gam be
tween the Salem Sophs and Al
bany Jayvees at 6:30.
Elsewhere around the mid-
Willamette valley, other high
scnooi teams will oe Dually en
gaged in league and non-league
In non . leaguers, Salem
Academy of the Capitol leagn
plays Gervals of the Marion
county B league at Gervals,
and Stayton, Capitol leagn
champions, meet Central at
Dallas will be seeking to clinch
the Willamette Valley league
championship tonight in a game
against Woodburn at Dallas. The
Dragons are already assured of
at least a tie for the crown. In
other WVL games tonight, Mt
Angel goes to Sandy, Sllverton
to Estacada and Molalla at
Archie Moore
Wins by KO
San Francisco ) Archie
Moore, TKO'd Leonard Dugan
of Oakland, Calif., in th eighth
round of scheduled 10-ro under
Monday night.
Moore, prohibitive favorite,
held an edge through aggres
siveness all the way. After a
flurry of rigfits and lefts to the
jaw dropped Dugan for a 9-
count, referee Jack Downey
halted th fight at 1:12 of the
Moor weighed 179 pounds.
Dugan, 6-foot-4 Negro with
only five pro fights, weighed
Don Dohoney, captain-elect of
the Michigan State football team,
is th ninth and to lead a Spar
tan grid team.
college sports.
The basketball team lost tlv
varsity players two starters
and th ethers front-line re-
The football team suffered the
loss of next season's co-captains,
Capilanosand 1
Seattle Enter
Into Agreement
: Vancouver, B.C., UP) The
Vancouver Capllanos of the
Wesit-n international League
and th Seattle Ra Inters t
th Pacific Coast League have
signed a working agreement
for th 1858 baseball season,
Dewey Soriano said Monday.
Soriano, Vancouver man
ager, said the agreement takes
the place of a verbal arrange
ment the tw clubs had la
past years. It gives the Capll
anos first choice f players
Seattle may send to a club la
a league of lower classifica
tion than th PCL.
Both Seton Hall and Niagara
definitely have received feelers
for the NIT, and the ' feeling
is that Seton Hall, the only ma
jor undefeated team in the
country, will accept for the
same reason ss LaSalle.
There are 2S teams in th
NCAA tournament Including
14 conference champions, who
might or might not be of top
drawer calibre. Militating
against the NCAA to the fact
that some of the ersck out
fits would get In as "at large"
teams, meaning they are not
members of a conference, and
would have to play a prelimi
nary contest
Seton Hall, Niagara and La
Salle all fall in this category,
and would be running the risk
of being whipped before the
tournament even started.
In the same situation as Dal
las, that is, having clinched a
tie and seeking a clinch f the
crowa, is Mill City in the Mar
ion county B league. . All Mill
City' Deeds to do to win th
championship to to defeat Sub
Ready for Ross
dred, rugged wrestler from
Toledo, Ohio, will most Tony
Bos la th main event of to
night's professional wrestling
card at the Salem armory.
Kindred has won three
straight matches In Salem.
Th sard starts at 8:38.
Tom Roller of Trenton, N. J.
and Jack Lewis of Pittsburgh.
Both were outstanding on last
fall's team.
At least six other varsity play
ers were reported lost too.
Although the school wouldn't
say, It was learned from authori
tative sources that most of those
involved in the cribbing episode
had not been guilty of direct
cheating. Rather, they had vio
lated the honor code by failing
to report those who had.
Gavilan, Not
Flu, Biggest
Bother to Davey
Chicago UP) Everybody seem'
ed to agree that Kid Gavilan
bothered Chuck Davey more than
the flu in their battle for the
welterweight championship last
The Illinois Athletic Commis
sion at a hearing Monday inves
tigated published reports that
Davey was weakened by the flu
bug before the bout on Feb. 11.
The former Michigan State
hero was knocked down four
times by champion Gavilan,
three times in the ninth round,
and failed to come out for the
But Davey handlers questioned
at the hearing all denied their
man had the flu. He was in ex-
eelletn physical condition, they
said, had no symptoms of the
flu, and a shot administered the
day before the flight was for
vitamins, not the flu.
Chuck Adkins, San Joie
State's 139-pound boxing champ.
pitched a no-hit game and ran a
9.9 hundred yard dash at Roose
velt high in Gary, Ind.
Forest Ranger
Forest Ranger, Frank P. Be gut.
says: "The new "Eveready D-&9
flashlight batteries keep my flash
light ready for emergencies. These
new batteries glv brighter light
outlast any batteries I ever used.
And they're leakproof, tool"
: $ " - ' ' ' 1
;' 7 '.rV I
limity tonight. Sublimity as m
second plae with a 12-2 mark.
Mill City has woa 14 straight
game in lop play.
In what amounts to th most
critical gam of the Yawama.
Other Marion B leaguers send
St Paul to Chemawa, Jefferson
to Deaf School and Gates to De
In what amounts to th most
crucial game of the Yawama
league seasea, Daytoa goes to
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, February 17, 1953 Page 11
Kindred, Ross
Armory Mat Main Eventer
Doa Kindred, the unpopu
lar Negro from Toledo, Ohio,
faces Tony Ross, popular Sa
lem wrestler. In the mala
event of tonight's profession
al wrestling card at th Sa
lem armory.
Kindred defeated Erie Ped
erson la th main event last
week, and Boas had previous
ly asked for a match against
th winner.
Kindred has woa three
straight matches la Salem,
aad has wrestled eleaaly for
barely a singl minute la all
the matches.
Forfeits Seem
To Be Order of
Day in A Loop
Forfeits were the vogue in
Salem church league class A
last night Out of four sched
uled games, only on was play
ed. In that one. First Christian
church remained undefeated
with a 76-39 victory over Capi
tol Baptist.
The other three scheduled
games resulted m forfeits. First
Baptist forfeited to Kingwood
Bible, First Methodist forfeited
to Calvary Baptist and Deaf
School forfeited to Chemawa.
In the B league, Jason Lee
defeated Liberty Church of
Christ 41-28, Calvary Baptist
waUoped St Mark's 54-22, and
St Paul's defeated First Chris
tian Blacks.
Knight Memorial defeated St
Mark's 40-9 and First Christian
lost by forfeit to EUB in the C
Three church league games
will be played tonight All are
at Parrish Junior high school.
In the B league, Court Street
Christian meets First Christian
Whites at 7 o'clock and Engle
wook EUB faces Halbert Me
morial at 8 o'clock. In an A
league contest. First EUB tan
gles with First Presbyterian at
8 o'clock.
Corracfd tor Tart
(OaarplMI kv O. a. Caaat
Sarvtv. Partlaaa. Ora.)
Bit Watara Lav Wattra
Ptfcraarv Tlma Haltht Ttma Halibt
:tl a.m. 1.1
1 41 a.m.
t:U p.m.
10:04 aja.
44 p.m.
11:10 a m.
10:10 p.m.
1S:M P.m.
11:11 la.
1:14 p.m.
11:40 a.m.
1.44 p.m.
1:01 a.m.
1:41 p.m.
1:14 a.m.
4:11 p.m.
4:11 am
1:11 p.m.
01 a.m.
:4t p.m.
) H a.m.
S:W a.m. 11
4:oa a.m. ( I
4:01 a.l. 11
t: p.m.
4 ft a.. St
4 44 ja. 41
:4t a.a. 1
a: IT a.m. 4.4
4 It a.i
I II p.m.
I 01 a.m.
10.11 p.m.
l:aa a.m.
11:11 p.m.
t:U a.m.
11:44 p.m.
10:41 a.K.
VAN llift .
Dial 3-3131
or sc us at
89 N, Liberty
WUlamlna. Dayton I la first
plae with aa 11-1 record, just
one gam ahead f WUlamlna,
with a 16-2 mark. A wla tor
Daytoa tonight would clinch
th championship for th Pi
rates. A WUlamlna victory
would throw th race into a
tie, with only a set f game
left to play after this.
Other Yawama games tonight:
Amity at Yamhill, North Marion
at Banks, Sheridan at Sherwood.
Tangle in
"Why should I b afraid of
this black monster when I
wasn't afraid to wrestle th
world heavyweight champ.
Lea Then," says Ross.
Ia th semifinal event Al
SsmsB, who looked ImpreaUv
last week la racking ap a vic
tory over Lulgl Maeera, meets
Gin Nieollnl, who has been
Improving - by leaps and
bounds (almost literally) la
th last few weeks.
Th opener, at t:t am,
sends Branch Lubkh f
Bunary against Henry Lens,
th Golden Adonis. Both of
these men are a little green,
but Improving rapidly. Sine
they ar both anxisns to work
their way ap th grappling
ladder, they ar anxious to
wla this one. .
3 New Oregon H. S. Quints
Join Ranks of Top Ten
(St Tha Aatoclatad Brawl
Three newcomers bobbed up
among the 10 top-rated high
school basketball teams in Ore
gon Tuesday, but The Dalles con
tinued to head the pack In th
weekly Associated Press poll.
Still undefeated after 18 con
secutive games. The Dalles was
for the first time this season
the unanimous choice of the
sports writers and sportsessters
participating in the poll.
Last week Albany and Red
mond also won votes for first
place, but Albany ran afoul of a
fast-coming Eugene team, and
Redmond lost two consecutive
games. As a result Albany
dropped a couple of places in the
poll, and Redmond all but fell
out of the top 10.
Behind The Dalles for the
third straight week was Marsh-
field, but Medford nearly over
took the Coos Bsy team this
week, getting 92 points in the
balloting to Marshfield's 94.
Hillsboro, which has climbed
every week of the poll, moved
into fourth place.
Eugene, which has never be
fore been in the top 10, managed
to knock over Msrshfleld and
Albany In the last ltt weeks.
The most popular.Kentucky whiskey:becaase it's,
Try famous Old Sonny Brook whlsTtef
and see for yourself why millions,
since 1891, have called it the whis
key that's "Cheerful as iU.Namv"
Henslee's Field God!
Saves Dayfor'Cats
(St Tha AmotltltO Sraat)
Willamette University and
Whitman moved up in Northwest
Conference basketball standings
after victories over Couece
of Idaho and Linfield.
Willamette edged College of
Idaho 72-71 at Caldwell and re
placed th Idaho team In sec
ond place behind Idle Lewis and
Clark. Whitman's 77-06 victory
Read ThisThen
You've Heard
Ls Angeles, Los Ab
geles Stat College's basket
ball Coach, Sax Elliott, wh
has com ap with many in
novations, has proved, for his
wa satisfaction, that It's pos
sible to make almost !
points la a game.
Elliott was skeptical over
Rio Grand College's 159 to
IS wla ever Atfhland, so he
seat his team against Chap
man's College Junior varsity
five Monday. Los Angeles
Stat won, tOI to It. It was
a 41 minute gam, played
under regular rules.
L.A. State's center, John
Barber, camped under hat
wa basket aad scored 181
points. -
EOCE Defeats
Oregon Tech
La Grand UP) Eastern Ore
gon, paced by Larry Fry who
scored 30 points, defeated Cre
tan Tech 74-69 In Monday
night's Oregon Collegiate con
ference basketball gam her.
Tom Schubert was high for
th losers with 19 points.
Th victory tightened Eastern
Oregon's grip on first plae In
league standings.
and picked up so much backing
that it lumped all th way up to
ruth place.
Albany was sixth and Grsih-
am seventh.
Another newcomer, Jefferson
of Portland, climbed Into eighth
place, followed by Milwsukie.
There was a deadlock for
tenth place between Redmond
and West Linn, the latter a new
comer to the select list
The teams falling out of the
top 10 were both from Portland
Cleveland and Roosevelt.
The list, with season record
given, for esch team:
The Dalles, 18-0..
2. Marshfield, 20-2 .
3. Medford, 16-2 92
4. Hillsboro, 16-4 74
5. Eugene, 13-5 64
6. Albany, 16-3 96
7. Gresham, 15-3 38
8. Jefferson, 10-7 20
9. Mllwaukie, 14-4 19
10. Redmond, 13-3 13
10. West Linn, 16-4 15
Others: Cleveland of Portland
13, Springfield 10. Oakridge 8.
Clatsksni 6, LaGrande and On
tario 8, Klamath rails and
Roosevelt of Portland 1, Central
Catholic of Portland 1.
W L Pet. W 1m
LtwU-c-la T I .too Whitman s
WWamatta V S .Sal Paeirta S S
OaU loaba I Mt UaflaM 1 s
over Linfield tied th Mission
aries with th Idaho five la third
Jim Hensle. a substitute for
ward, put Willamette in th wla
column with a field goal with
omy 19 seconds remaining. Aft-
a see-saw first Quarter. Col-
leg of Idaho led until Hensle
connected with his two-poiatr.
Whitman also cam from hay-
hind for Its third straight con
ference win at Walla Walla. Lin
field led 33-30 at hslftim, but
Whitman pulled ahead la th
uura and fourth quarters and
was out In front 60-44 midway
oi w zinai period.
Leading scorers In th two
games were R. C. Owens of Col
leg of Idaho, 23 points; Dick
ram oi whitman, lo; Fete Reed
r.f Willamette 17, and Grant
acuew of Linfield, 12.
n c
tattpf tp
isnpt u
s s
7 S
S 4
I I III Mallna.a
9 a s owtna,a
I S S SRsama.e
S S 1 S Carravs
S 1 1 Pfoat.t
toil Wtlat.(
S S 14 WhUas.8
S a S IS Bovcat t
s e s
s s
i s
Tata Si M 11 fl Total as n ST Tl
raa wrava auaaao: wu 14, d IP. aua-
hsw ...: iaaaa ar, wo as.
Plat aoa ktarnn.
- . . : ,
I- dtpsrtun PtriUnJ . . . tsrti atrrrW Ctfcay
. . m txtrm fmrt. Reserved reclining coach seats with
latest Improved leg rests. Variety at Pslimaa acexxmaao
tlatioas . . . attractrr loruigee in dining car serving
- woatderml food.
Iv. Pefttond f.30 a. as.
h wuthtr worrits . . . as kithj knli ... aw atmaVaf
ftipt when yem go Union Pacific. If yoa need a car at .
' yoar destination, ask your Union Pacific ticket agsatl
about the convnint and iaxpniv rsnl far satilii
Room 751, Pittock Brock PorHaad 5, Owgai
1 t feXym;. . r.. . ,jilf I
iroot ft
Cks ne t Mas) -
raa was
winamitta Ts. OaUan at atake . .,
WkBmaa Tt. UaflatS OS. '
aaakp WanaSa Oaoaa St, wtaSask
kftataaa as.
OareUataat. W fkjatasfB laksSaB SB
sa, VlSaaiii ss.
at. Mil Bka. TL Waoaat SS.
Batp Oraaa ST. Baatam Oauaea SB,
Vaaa iM M, riiiHaiaa 4S.
loura ..:
Laataiaaa SUU Tl. Pit la Btatt
Wtialatlppl TS, Vaalarklll 00.
Talaaa TS, Sal
Dltaata aa. Parana ST.
lava TL Ohla Stata a.
kilaaaarl TS. Ian Staat Tt
Matra Daaaa Tt, makHaa Bkak
Braanap ST. Draa T4.
' n f
aionnny resicy
Mother Criticol
At Portlond
' Portland. 61- Johnny ISskr.
major league baseball player,
today was at the bedside of
his critically ill mother, Mrs.
Mary Paveskovich who Is in
coma at St. Vincent's hospital.
Th Detroit Tiger. Infields
flew to Portland from his horn
In Lynn, Mass, after receiving
word that his mother was aear
death, - : .:
He said be had not yet signed
his ' 19S3 contract with th
Tiger but expected to do aa
by th tun he reports to th
American league club's sprtnsj
training camp at Lskelsnd. Fit,
oa March a. ...
...IIiMslsb. SveMfey
Sttaaj BaB
ItnraTWSST '
Artialil as, Tasaa aSM 4S.
KaWla Slmmaal TT. Maw SP.