8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregor, Monday, Feb. 16, 1953 ( 5 ) i.e--S First Family at Premiere President Elsenhower shakes hands with Ambassador Gaganviharl Lallubhai Mehta of India, outside the Dupont theater in Washington where premiere of a motion picture about Mahatma Gandhi wis fceld. Mrs. Elsenhower is holding a large bouquet of rosea presented to her by Misa Aparna Mehta, daughter of the ara bassador. (AP Wlrephoto.) Planes Ferry Ton of Food Anchorage, Alaska W Com mercial and bush pilots, operat ing as an airlift team, ferried a ANNOUNCING ' the Re-openlng of MILDRED'S Beauty Salon 609 Mill St., DALLAS, OREGON MANAGING OPERATORS Bernlce Greene Vera Benson ton of food to an Interior Alaska village where residents were re ported starring after a mass out break of pneumonia. Reports reaching here Sunday said most of the 83-odd resi dents of Nikolai were hit by pneumonia and the villagers were unable to obtain food through fishing and trapping. The Air Force started the air lift when the village's plight be came known Friday. Air Force planes flew the food to McGrath, some 60 miles from the village. Air Force planes werr unable to land at Nikolai and Northern Consolidated Airlines fliers and bush pilots with ski-equipped planes took over the mercy mis sion, flying needed supplies to the village Saturday and Sun day. . In parts of the Egyptian des ert the sky is cloudless for months at a time. Memorial of Used Clothing In Honor of Air Force Officer Denver if) A memorial of used clothini Is piling up here and elsewhere in honor of a comoaraionste air force officers who died in Korea fighting for those he wanted to help. Millions in Waste Seen Washington, WW Rep Scriv- ner (R, Kan.) says the govern ment Is wasting millions of dol lars by giving uniforms to serv icemen at the time of their dis charge. "Most of them will tell you quite frankly unless Uncle Sam reaches out and grubs them again, they are never going to put on a uniform," he said dur ing a recent hearing by a nouse appropriations subcommittee. The record was made public today. Anyway, Scrivner added, the uniforms are for trained-down soldiers and "within three or four months after they are dis charged," the veterans will have "gained so much weight that they cannot even get Into their uniforms." - Brown's Daughters Off for Honeymoons Beverly H'Js, Calif. W) Joe E. Brown's two daughters and their bridegrooms are off on a honeymoon together to Corona- do, Calif., and the Hawaiian Islands. Comedian Brown made two trips down the aisle of St. Mar tin of Tours Catholic church Sat urday to give his pretty daugh ters in marriage. The first was with blonde Mary Elizabeth-Ann Brown, 23, who married Stephen K. Fair, Jr., 22, of Los Angeles. The sec ond was with brunette Katherine Frances Brown, 19, who became the bride of Armond L. Lisle, 23, of Beverly Hills. The Rev. Augustine C. Mur ray performed the two double ring ceremonies before 800 guests. The clothing will go to needy South Koreans at the request of Ma) xneooore H. Kuch, Jr., for mer resident ot Trenton. N. J, who was killed in action flying a comDai mission last Dec.-5. Shortly before his death. Mai. Kucn wrote asking his wife and parents to send him all the clo thing they could round up so he could distribute it to suffering South Korean children. "That is the Christmas present I want," he wrote his wife, Mir iam, now living in Trenton. v "Old clothes, small ones, holey ones, any kind," he wrote. "But send them. Tell the story: let the people know. These people are our allies and they need and can use what we throw away so don't throw it away. Send the clothes to me and 111 see' that they are distributed." Mrs. Kuch opened the drive at the officers' wives club at Lowry air force base here. The first shipment went to the chap lain of the Eighth bomb squad ron, Third bomb group, to which Maj. Kuch was attached. The drive did not let down with word of the major's death. Rather, the 'Lowry wives are working harder than ever to ful fill Kuch's wishes for his new friend in Korea. The 3419th aircraft gunner group, with which Kuch served as operations officer while sta tioned at Lowry, ha taken up a collection to pay for shipping clothing to Korea. Since they received the re quest of their son in mid-Decem ber, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kuch, Sr., of Trenton have been pushing the campaign there and more than six tons of clothing have been collected.- The senior Kuch has requested missionairies, chaplains and air force officers to carry out the In tentions of his son. Clark Lee, War Writer, Dies Pebble Beach. Calif.. Clark Lee, 46, one of the na tion's top reporters who covered World War U from the faU of Bataan to the surrender of Ja pan, died yesterday of a heart stuck. . . - . He and his wife. Liliuokuck- alani, a Hawaiian princess he married in 1938. had returned from Spain only a few weeks ago. Lee's career which began in 1929 when he joined The As sociated Press carried him throughout the world. After serving in AP bureaus in Mexico City. Honolulu. Shanghai and Tokyo, Lee was caught in Manila when the Jap anese attacked Pearl Harbor. His eyewitness and often ex clusive accounts of the fall of Bataan won him wide acclaim. I He later reported battles both in the Pacific and European theaters. "Acid in Sgestion so bai, I WAS AFRAID OF ULCERS!" AJ4, Hn. ST. SC. BwlamA H. . ItoHMlAlMiSQMnI Mow it'i angina to safftr kaiatac palaa af Mid IntmUaa, aaa, haaitbata-thaaka to "pinltlo n- fanaala af F. K. Ffaaaar. Ph.0. MadtaaBworcd rfsaaar-a TiklM aoatka aw aaia faatt Ia aKat aaytaiac ma Uk-Haost f aat at Stotraa. AaMttas Tallaf raaraalatS arnooar back I Oat Pfaadar'i Tabbta. 100.000.000 add. AT J HOGG IMSr f " 1 REG. 7950 ' l(oi95 ASHLESS DAVEM0 Imagine being able to buy this marvelous new annlrsa daveno for only 49.95 t I Really built for wear . . . solid hardwood frame with beautiful tapestry covering in col ors to go with almost any decor. Yon won't want to misa this great buy, so hurry down to HOGO BR09. today . . . Don't worry about money . . . this davene can be bought with NO DOWN PAYMENT and on the easiest of terms) Open Fridays 'til 9 P.M. EASY TERMS! nunm huit I uuiic ipmiici i iiki ninuat 1 I flAJLTM OREGON CITY J !-. I y a'""" " UQMi f 1 Clark Lee, foreign corre spondent, who died Sunday. In 1946, he settled in this picturesque, coastal community for a, career of free-lance writing.' The National Guard has 29 Infantry divisions and two Arm ored divisions. Keizer School Plan Favored Keizer At a public meeting of the Keizer school board Fri day night at the school audi torium to discuss the proposed erection of another school in the Keizer district, it was in dicated by the residents attend ing that they, were In favor of the new 7-room school. Approximately 50 .' attended the meeting and majority seemed to favor the plan. The building, If erected, win be situated on property near the end of Evans Ave., where a 10 -acre tract Is under eoniid eration. A special bond election is set for Tuesday, Feb. 24 in the Keizer school, polls to be open at Z pm. and close at 8 p-m. The ballot will propose con tracting of a bonded indebted ness of $154,000 for the purpose of constructing, equiplng and furnishing a new school In the district. Th nreient school accordinf to Sam Orcutt, president of the school board, is now nues to capacity and w'th an estimated Increase of 126 next year will bring double shift classes un less extra rooms can be ac quired. Chester Arthur, born In Fair field, Vt., had a birthplace far ther north than that of any other U. 6. president. Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism row to Avon amiw mama An amazing newly enlarge 44 page book entitled "Rheuma tism" will be sent free to anyone who will write for it It reveals why drugs and med icine! give only temporary re lief and fall to remove the causes of trouble: explains a special ized non-surgical, non-medical treatment which has proven suc cessful for the past 38 years. You incur no obligation in sending for this instructive book. It may be the means of saving you years of untold mis ery. Write today to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 2611, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Ki SEflFOOSS Add variety to your meals with pan-ready Sea Foods from Safeway. Check the largo variety next time yea coma shopping. Chock the low prices, too. Halibut Steaks Fresh Oysters Fresh Crab Rm Ret? Select Slid WMeCook. Crib Whiting Fish Fresh Smelt Headed ft Drawn Pan-ready 29c 33c m SB)' 71 mL M 0efj CASYTOFttrV QUICK TO COOK MUCATE flAVOI HI0H IN MOTflN t Plash! OTHER MEAT VALUES Short Ribs M.ty lb.29c Sirloin Steaks LB 79c Round Steaks lb 79c Sliced Bacon st.nd.rdp.ck ib 49c Bockwurst Sausage It's Here! LB. 59c V. S. Choice and "U.S. Good" only . Closely trimmed for full value and aged to bring out peak tenderness. CHECK THESE MONEY-SAVING FEATURES Tuna Fish at 33' Hi Ho Crackers 34' (lamChoYder,2? Baby Food 435' Libby Hash LibbyChili Lux Flakes Dog Food Corned WITH era 6Mrtt Mi. MM pkg. frbkles Irisd ti 32' 29' CM LIBBY NIBLETS NIBLETS PLANTER'S Potted Meat xicvi icdkjci Cocktail Peanuts iO" CORN CORN 35' With Green Peppen Perfect Side Dish "" MILD AND GENTLE 12-oz. Con 12-oi. Con AUNT JEMIMA Lux Soap i.f Pancake Flour 335' 2V W r-36' FAMOUS AUNT JEMIMA Lux Soap DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW Buckwheat Flour 3 Reg.' ef t Lots of Moot JltSt 2Vi-lb. AA BarslD' 24-ox. Can H& 9- OO FRESH UP WITH I " T HERSHEY Lifebuoy Soap 335' DELICIOUS HOT OR COLD Hershey Cocoa Can 26' FAMILY FAVORITE Hershey Coca 50' NAVEL ORANGES Juky California Variety 55" 39' Mb. Can CRISP LETTUCE Calif. LB. 14c GREEN BELL PEPPERS L 25c Prices Effective Thru Saturday, Fob. 21 Baking Chocolate 40' YOU'LL LOVE 'EM Crackerjacks H.5' DELRJCH . Margarine Carton 29' 260 State Phone 3-9148