i Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWET FISCHER 6 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Feb. 16, 1953 Legislators To Address WV League ;Miss Bosch Announces ,; Engagement Announced Sunday at a fam ily dinner wis the engagement of Mist Marie Botch, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Harry H. "Boach of Brooks, to Daniel R 'Madson, aon of Dr. and Mn. W. E. Madson of Hawarden, Jowa. An early May wedding Is 'planned. i The new wis revealed through Valentine place cards 'at the dinner, concealed hearts opening to show snapshots of "the couple. I Mist Bosch was graduated 'from Salem schools and in pharmacy at Oregon State eol lege. She la a member of Rho .Chi, honorary and Alpha Del jta Pi social sorority. She is a 'past president of Salem Toast- hnistress club and Is now presi tdent of Chemeketans outdoors club. She served in the Coast .,Guard for two and one-half years during the wa and Is Jnow pharmacist at Oregon state hospital. Mr. Madson is a graduate In 'forestry at Iowa State college. He was for three years In the army, serving in Italy and iNorth Africa, and is now em- tployed by the bureau of land jmanagement. Bride-Elect Feted At Recent Shower ! Miss Carol Ann Luklnbeal. who will wed Kenneth Small sometime this month, was hon- iorea Thursday evening, at ' a shower given by her mother, Mrs. Elsie Ross. Miss Luklnbeal 3s the daughter of Mrs. Elsie .Ross and Frank Luklnbeal, and Mr. Small Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Small, all of Salem. ', Guest honoring Miss Lukin fceal were: Mrs. Opal Evans and daughters, Jo Ann and Barbara of Aurora, Yvonne Barnhart, Mrs. Florence Orsborn and son kTlmmle, Mrs.. Ella Hendrickson and daughter. Mary Ellen, Mrs. Madge Rutherford and daugh ter Sharen, Mrs. Gladys Timm, Jtfrs. Mary Small, Mrs. Margie Baldwin, Mrs. Janet Rex, Mrs. Jjoan Small, Mrs. Ann Olson nd daughter Marilyn, Mrs. Austin Wilson, Mrs. Elsie Pap tenfus, Mrs. Fern Wood, Mrs. jLucyette Papenfus, Mrs. John Hendrickson, Mrs. Blanche Al jen, Mrs. Jean Klassen, Mrs. Audrey Hendrickson, Mrs. Don )ia Hendrickson, and the bride elect's brother, Jay Allen Or-hnd. MissChittick Is Bride-Elect Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. ChltUck of the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Doris Laurene Chit tick, to Gordon E. Allemann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Alle mann of Clarksburg, Ohio. Both young' people attended Salem schools. Mr. Allemann recently completed two years in the armed services. No date is set for the wed ding. Miss Fry, Mr. Kowitz Engaged A surprise announcement for friends attending a party Satur day evening was that revealing the engagement of Miss Joanne Fry, daughter of Mrs. Violet Fry, to David Kowitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Kowitz, Sr. Candy hearts in paper doilies were passed to guests by Larry Zivkovlch, nephew of Mr. Ko witz, and Kathleen Folz, young niece of the bride-to-be, to re veal the news. No date is set for the wed ding. Both young people are graduates of Salem schools. Miss Fry is employed by the state highway department and Mr. Ko witz is employed at the Oregon state penitentiary. The party Saturday was given at the First Christian church by a group of friends to honor Miss Beverly Roberts, who is to be married next Friday to David DezotelL BPW Club Board Meets in Salem About 89 attended the sessions for the state board of the Ore gon Federation of Business and professional Women's clubs in Salem over the week-end. Meet ings were at the Senator hotel. A Valentine tea on Saturday afternoon, followed by a banquet and business session opened the meeting, with a breakfast and business meeting on Sunday morning closing the conference. Plans were made for the Cen tral Willamette district confer ence to be in Salem on March IS. At New Home Bethel Mrs. Carl Raeti en jtertelned Thursday night, in viting a group of friends to in spect the Raetz new ranch style house. As an offering for the new home each guest brought a choice rosebush. J The Valentine theme was wsed for the social hour at the fcloae of the informal evening. (The guests included Mrs. Nile Hilbom, Mrs. James Hllborn, Mrs. Warren Creech, Mrs. John Haln, Mrs; George Hsin, Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Donald Mader, Mrs. Roy Marchand, Mrs. Arno 8pranger. Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs. InabeUe walker and Mrs. Raetz, ( e ' MARIAN - Wil.ir Minirii. Society auxiliary will not meet on Tuesday evening aa oriainal. )y planned, to enable members to attend the hearing on the 'chiropractors bill at the legis lature. . ; MR. AND MRS. Bruce Wil liams, Salem, are enjoying a va- tatlon at the San Marcos hotel In Chandler, Ariz. They arrived Wednesday to spend ten days at the resort. , Golden Wedding Sheridan Mr. and Mr a Charles Robertson were honor ed February 8 on the occasion of their golden wedding anni versary, at a reception at the IOOF hall in Ballston. Hostesses were Mrs. Alda Kenworthy and Mrs. Mildred Freshour. Duane Weir sang several songs. The couple was presented with a gift Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bones, Mrs. Will Dennis, Miss Viola Dennis, Sheridan; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenworthy, Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Freshour and sons of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bolder), Salem; and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Robertson, Amity. Mrs. Robertson is a native of this community, having been born near McMinnville. Mr. Robertson came here from Ten nessee in 1902. v C, r , V . 1 1 Rep. Maorine Neaberger Miss ScKwabbauer Bride At Ceremony on Saturday A pretty wedding took place in the First Congregational church Saturday evening when Miss Gloria Joan Schwabbauer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Schwabbauer, was married to Henry A. Froehlich, Areata, Calif, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Froehlich of Salem. Bas kets of dark pink plum blos soms, ivy, blue Irises and blue candles decorated the front of the church and there were white ribbons at the pews. The Rev. H. W. Gross read the vows at 8 o'clock. Soloist was Billie Oli ver and Jean Hobson Rich play ed the organ. The bridal dress was of ivory satin., It was designed with a nylon net yoke set off with a deep satin ruffle, pointed sleeves with tiny buttons, a tight bodice and a full skirt On the skirt was inset a wide band of lace that ended in a court train. The fin gertip illusion veil was arranged from a Jeweled band of orange blossoms. The bride carried a semi-crescent of garnet roj and violets, whit ribbons in a Today's Menu Family Dinner Split Pea Soup with Crouton Potato-Stuffed Frankfurter J Buttered Carrot Cole Slaw J Bread and Butter Lemon-flavored Applesauce ' Beverage Potato-St lifted Frankfurter Ingredients: 1 pound (S me dium - size) potatoes, Vt cup very hot milk, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, tt to teaspoon salt, pepper, 4 frank furters, paprika. ' Method: Boil potatoes in salted water until tender; drain and put through rlcer or food mill. Beat in hot milk, butter, alt and pepper to taste. (There .will be about 1 cups mashed potatoes.) Split frankfurters n two lengthwise, but do not sl'.t through bottom. Flatten frankfurters and pile cup of mashed potato on top of each frankfurter. Run sharp three t tfned fork lengthwise bver potato to score; sprinkle with paprika. Place several Inches from source of moder ately high broiler hest; broil until hot through and lightly browned S to 10 minutes; Watch carefully. Makes 4 serv ings. I F. L. Club Mrs. Mike Simmons was hos tess to the F. L. club on Thurs day evening, with Mlas Delores Jay co-hostess. Present were Mrs. Troy Wood, Mrs. We Hunter, Miss Judy Whltlock, Mrs. Lawrence McClure, Mrs. Orvllle Brltton, Mrs. Harold Bressler, Miss Doris Kimble, Mrs. Ralph Spence, Mrs. Robert Laudahl, Mrs. W. Keith Henderson, Miss Joy Doyal, Mrs. Lloyd Hamby, Mrs. Everett Soden and the hostesses. Mrs. Robert Laudahl will entertain the group on March 12 at her home, Miss Judy Whltlock and Mrs. Keith Hen derson will assist SALEM HEIGHTS The Bells and Beaus Square Dance club wiu meet on Tuesday, Feb ruary 17, at 8:00 pjn. at the Sa lem Heights Community hall on Liberty road. Instructions will be given from 8:00 to 8:30 In a review on the Blue Pacific and the Fascination Tango. The regu lar dance will begin after the in struction period. Guest caller will be Bill AUen, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Al len on Heather Lane. . SWEET BRIAR club will meet on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. A. Tommy Thomas, 1213 Wallace Road. Rep. Dorothy Wallace First general meeting of the year for Salem unit of the League of Women Voters is slat ed for next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the Baker school. Mrs. Richard Barton is arrang ing the program a the legisla ture chairman for the unit Two women legislator, both of whom have been Portland League member, will speak. Rep. Maurine Neuberger will discuss items on the legislative calendar of interest to the league member because of the state league platform. Rep. Dor othy Wallace will speak of items of personal interest to her in the way of youth welfare, the aged and handicapped. This is Mrs. Neuberger's second legis lative session and Mrs. Wallace's first Both women have had a wide experience serving in civ ic and community organizations in Portland. Concluding the evening will be a report on a tax meeting at tended in December by Mrs. E. B. Daugherty and Miss Eleanor Stephen of the local league. League member , their hus bands and friend are invited to this meeting. Patriotic Event For Star Meeting A patriotic program arranged by Mrs. Joe Brooks was featured at the Saturday evening meet ing of Salem chapter. Order of Eastern Star. The original Ore gon state flag presented to Gov ernor Walter M. Pierce in 1925 was displayed and Mrs. Pearl Cleaver related highlights of Oregon historical events. Visit ors were Mrs. Harry Williamson, Milwaukee; Mrs. Virgil Greer, Medical Lake, Wash.; and Miss Loris Merriott, Woodburn. Valentine decorations were arranged by Mrs. Melvin Kel ley, Mrs. Frank North and Mrs. Henry Medlnger. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Esplln, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rasmussen, Mrs. John Fletcher and George Edwards. Mrs. Eric Carlson was matron of honor. She wore a royal nylon net over light blue taffeta frock. made ballerina length and with a taffeta cummerbund in con trasting blue. She carried a nose of violets with famet roses in the center. Mrs. Herbert Hunt and Miss Myrtle Mae Robb were the bridesmaids. Their dresses were made alike, but Mr. Hunt's was the royal nylon net over royal Blue taffeta, and Miss Robb wore one with the royal blae nyion net over light blue taffeta, and the cummerbunds were in contrasting blues. Both carried nosegays of violets and garnet roses. The flower girls, Nancy Bail ey of Portland, cousin of ,the bride, and Sandra Klug, niece of the bridegroom, both wore frocks of royal blue nylon net over light blue taffeta, ballerina length, and carried baskets of garnet rose petals. Roland Lee of Corvallis was best man. Ushers were James Hllborn, Donald Davis, Kenneth Miller. For her daughter's weddine. Mrs. Schwabbauer wore a French lilac taffeta dress with embroid ered fitted bodice, a tiny crown covered with lilac and purple flowers, and a corsage of yellow cymbidium orchids. The bride groom's mother was in gray with black accessories and a corsage of pink cymbidium or chids. Mrs. Ralph Hensley, the bride's grandmother, was in navy blue with corsage of red roses. The reception also was at the church. Pouring were Mrs. War ren Baker, Mrs. Fritz Levin of Llndsborg, Kans. aunt of the bride and Miss Amanda Schwabbauer, aunt of the bride. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Clin ton Standish, Mrs. Vera Robb, Mrs. Eugene Hamrich, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Ray mond Warner of Independence. At the punch bowl were Mrs. E. J. Kennely of Portland and Mrs. Leslie Inglls of Vancouver, a. v. outers assisting at the re ception were Miss Elaine Stand ish, Miss Jeannette Warner, Miss Jane Baker. Mn. Marvin M. Clain, aunt of the bride; Mrs.' Marvin Hageman, sister of the bridegroom; Mrs. William Brun- kaL Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. Ja son Ashford, Miss Mary Lou Nix of Slietz, Mrs. Robert Stevenson of Dallas, Miss Norma Gaylord of Portland. Mrs.' James Sampson of Portland. Mrs. Frank Bakley, cousin of the bride. Portland. Miss Johanna Aaron, Mrs. Alli son Klug, sister of the bride groom. The bride's table was set with a light blue satin doth. Dark blue candles were in cry stal holders and nosegays of vio lets were at the base of the candelabrum. A wreath of ivy with nosegays of violets and blue hyacinths encircled the cske. . For traveling the bride wore a gray wool suit with gray and white pill box straw hat, trim med with a red feather; white and black accessories, a powder blue topper and corsage of red roses. Following a trip to Ari zona, the couple will be at home in Areata, Calif. , . . Hostess to Club Mrs. Joseph Zajle was hostess to the Friendship club on Friday when the group exchanged Val entines. Guests were Mrs. Ches ter Johns and Miss Linda Strc-hecker. Members attending the club meeting were Mrs: Henry Mel chert, Hrc Robert Wellington, Mrs. B. C. Miller, Mrs. Cora Scott Mrs. Broiia Cusick, Mrs. Grace Wilson, Mrs. Hattie Cur- Wedding In India Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wilkes announce the marriage of their daughter. Mis Carolyn Wil kes, to Dr. Ha una All B. Par pi a, in Bombay, India, Janu ary 28. The bride attended Salem high schopL Willamette uni versity and University of Wash ington and will enter a unl- tis, Mrs. Noral Cole, Mrs. Ann Hagey, Mrs. Joe Sunderland, Mrs. Erie' Hall, Mrs. Edward Kotteck and Mrs. Zajlc. Next meeting will be March IS at the home of Mrs. Joe Sun derland. varsity hi Bombay in June. She wa also employed at the state tax commission. Dr. Parpla .received his graduate work at Oregon State college in food technology and is now employed by Madhu, a food procew'ng riant located in Bombay. After1 a trip to Bangalore City where Dr. Parpia will give a paper on food standard ization in India and to Trieur the couple will be at home in Khar, a suburb of Bombay. IN CALIFORNIA for two weeks are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lett Jones, who left this week end, planning to go by way of Nevada, then over to Los An geles. They will visit at Oakland en route home. furniture of enduring charm fashioned by New England craftsmen Want to see how furniture can make a room a place to live in? That's just what you'll, see when you look over our selection of Old Colony Furniture! It has that "stay to din ner" look of traditional American furniture -Mind comes by it naturally from the Hey wood Wakefield craftsmen who have been famous for fine furniture since 1826., Do come in if only to make off with some fresh ideas for keying living room, dining room and bedroom to smart ways for grac ious living. Set your head buzzing with plans to give enduring charm to your home. JMf SB- fc, gjfr. Arrow Arm SOFA and CHAIR in gay Provincial. Print 8t CHAIR CAN BI SPECIAL-ORDERED IN YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS SOrA $169 $89M HEYWOOD-WAKE FIELD FURNITURE FOR W Give ZC Green Stomps Custom Order Service Decorator Service Free Delivery ' ..Free Forking. Open Evenings until 9 e'Clock living Room Dining Room Bedroom Occasional Piece -in Selected Birch or Maple COLOfflAL FURNITURE Your Doctor IncvjCo that the name "St. Joseph" as sure -aspirin at ita best" yoa cant buy better at any price to relieve vala of haadacba, cokU, muscle aches. Pocktt or purse tin la world's lanrast ssUar at lOo, ArmiMTMiniuTruT own r1 fytJllftjK213! Mrs: Phillips Is Dance Sweetheart Mrs. Walter Phillips was chos en sweetheart of the Valentine dance given by the Junior Wom an's club on Saturday evening. Mrs. Wesley Goodrich presented her with a bouquet of red roses. Special prizes were presented to Mrs. Jack Chllds, Foch Sym monds and Robert Price by Mrs. Richard Lankow. Mrs. Goodrich and Mrs. Lan kow were co-chairmen for the elaborately decorated affair which athtracted more than 100 couples to the Capitol room of the Senator hotel that evening. f.liictcroh bndus tm chsst cclrb CONGESTION to At Um tint sign of a couth, or throat and aching nmM du to ft eold nib on hlshlT medicated, fti ralral Mtutcrolo. Th great pmtnreUerlng rob not vf!r . wlT brum aperd? rrltof "fjr but intmntif guru to braak ap pain ful local ronsMtkn. Muiterole cmui a wonderful pr. wrmtk on cheat, throat and back like a pouiuce)-foa can y.W It work to Print amaatng relief. I FBOMK'S FE i , I I i $ l P' UBUABV SPECIAL! DECORATOR FABRICS Moke Februory. your home improvement month ... end with these marvelous savings you can have new draperies and slipcovers throughout at an unbelievably low cost! All fabrics in this sale ore first quality goods that you would expect to " pay much more for . . . but for a short time we will offer them to you at these outstandingly low prices. Visit Fronk's today and see for yourself the money that you can save! Yds. Provincial Prints.- TWOMTTBUC-iCOraCOlOU WIDE yj. Yds. Assorted Prints Yds. Chintz 36" WIDE 41 WIDE yd. 89c $1.89 $1.09 Easy Pleat Drapery Heading letnlhalf 25c Easy Pleat Drapery Pins etWSCOfCARPrf 2715 SOUTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-6 Jl J rb at, red ! U. T. l ml Uk 1. IT. a. u. N. It. ni M 111 i B u I u a eBBBeejBieMeHeeeeeMfteeBBe"" I 3'