-' - - ' ,iirvmt U"' ' i .Capital Journal, Sales, Ortfoa, Kmixy, T."xT X7T - if fA . Or '. ' ..V -X I . ..... ...' X4 ' ! I ' V li ... ... .. -'..vtf' af. . ..-ai Became Humaa Toren Doctors in a Yokohama, Japan, hospital, talk with Earlwin Jocoy, 24, of New London, Conn., and Del Mar, Calif., a crewman of the freighter President Pierce, who Jumped into the ocean, a flaming torch. Jocoy, engulfed in one of three explosions which rocked the, freighter, jumped into the ocean, 100 milea southeast of Yokohama, to extinguish hit burning clothes. The freighter kept going as fires burned in three holds, and Jocoy was left alone in the ocean, clinging to a life preserver he car ried when he jumped. When it was discovered Jocoy was mixing the ship turned about and a lifeboat crew found him. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Tokyo) II Hole Plugged in Hit-Run Law State traffic safety officials express satisfaction over adop tion by the state legislature of House Bill 4, plugging a hole in Oregon's hit-run law. The loophole came to light In 1943 when a Polk county hit-run ease was dismissed because the existing law did not require a jlriver whose car had struck a toedestrian to remain at the pcene. Earlier efforts to amend the statute were unsuccessful, t The bill, which will become Jaw upon signature by the gov ernor, stemmed from recom mendations made by the state wide Oregon Coordinated Safety Congress meeting at Corvallis in pecember. It drew added sup port from a similar case in Coos pounty in which the circuit court agreed that it was no crime un ber Oregon law to fail to stop and remain at the scene after pitting a pedestrian. As originally on the books, ihe law presupposed a collision between two vehicles. r Hen's Fellowship Hosts Wednesday 2 The Methodist Men's Fellow- hip of the Jason Lee Memorial Methodist church will be hosts )o similar groups from the First Methodist, Leslie and West Sa Jem Methodist churches Wednes day night J The dinner meeting program svill be featured by an address by Dr. Neal Potter, former pro cessor of political science of Washington State college and as sistant to the then President Wilson Compton as alternate Uelegate to the United Nations. Dr. Potter is considered one of the best informed men on the )U.N. in the northwest He will peak on the subject The Unit ed Nations at the Crossroads." At the present time he is region al director of the United World federalist for the northwest ! Heading arrangements of the Jason Lee Fellowship is Charles Roberts, president Other offi cers are Glenn W. Prather, vice Brotherhood Week Starts " Brotherhood week was launch ed in Salem Monday when Dr. Walter C. Giersbach, president of Pacific university and state senator, made a brief talk at the weekly Chamber of Commerce; luncheon. ! During the wee"k various lead ers in the movement will talk to clubs, schools and churches and appropriate literature bear-! ing on the subject of brotherhood of man will be distributed. Churches will make special em phasis on the desirability of co operation between Christians and Jews Feb. 22. Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry is general chairman for the movement and in Salem co chairmen are Judge Val D. Slo per, David O'Hara and Saul Bloomberg On the state advisory board are W. W. McKinney, Judge Joseph B. Felton and Jo seph A. H. Dodd. ! , Casualty List Grows Washington (ft The Defense Department today identified 71 Korean War casualties in a new list, No. 730, that included 11 killed, 37 wounded and 3 miss ing. It also reported as captured two men previously listed as missing in action. President and Luther Osborn, secretary-treasurer. The Women's Society of Chris tian Service will serve the meal. Cough Help mums CHILDREN For coughs and acute bronchitis due to colds you can bow get Creonmbion specially prepared for Children in anew pink and blue package and be sure: 1) Your child will hie it. (2) It contains only safe, proven ingredients. (3) It contains no narcotics to dis turb nature's processes. (4) It win aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed throat and bronchial membranes, thus relieving the coagh and promoting rest and sleep. Ask for Crcomulsioo for Chil dren in the pink and bhie package. CREOMULSION FOR CHILDREN kf4 if. J i -By- m GEORGE HOGGINS "I noticed a news item not so long ago that told about a car that was parked on a hill, slipped its brakes and rolled through a service station and restaurant. The damage was estimated at more than $20,000. If the car owner carried $3,000 Property Damage like I do, he'd be stuck for the other $13,000 wouldn't he?" He very likely would be! The cost of additional Property Damage Insurance is very reasonable. In fact the average Class I policy may be increased to $10,000 for $2.20 per year, or $25,000 for $4.40 per year. Many people don't know this simply because they've never been told. This well-kept secret is just now being released for publication! j:S N. Chares INSURANCE PHONE 3-9119 SALEM "Dm CsettM Shxx Cprf f tntorti Ihta" STMTS TUESDAY 9:30A.iKl. EBlPAvS YOU'LL AAATCH TO . NCS-IIIM-A-ILilE MCIS Si 11-pc. Livingroom Group 3-PC. 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