Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 16, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Feb.
16. 1953
win "J
jhi ike Valley
Edited by MIKE POKBEa
Feast of St. Scholastica
Features Vows at Mt. Angel
w Anrnl The feait of Stlwere Ukcn by Novice Barbara
Kehalastiea. Feb. 10, wai again 'Mansfield (Sifter H. Adele) and
highlighted for the Benedictine
Sifters by tne iropsew -jnoniet
of Profession, during
which fix young women were
invested with the Habit and fix
more pronounced their holy
At the Olfertory of the Man
In the Convent Chapel, in the
presence of Hla Excellency, Moat
Kev. Edward D. Howard, Arch
bishop of Portland, four pro
nounced their perpetual vows
and two novices their triennial
Those who pronounced per
petual vows were Sitter Joan
Marie Brettrtfer, Sister Mary
Bede Kleezynakl, Sister M. Omer
MarceU, and Sister Mary Mech
tilde Fennimore. Triennial vows
Novice Eva Koeamler (Sister
Mary Hose).
Receiving the Benedictine Ha
bit were postulants Rosemarie
Fennimore and Marian Rosno,
Mount Angel; Lillian Tuma, Le
banon; Mary Eberdt, Eugene;
Marie Metzges, Myrtle Point;
and Mary Ann Eggers, Gervals.
Hls Excellency, Most Rev. Ed
ward D. Howard, was celebrant
of theMasa.atsiftedbyRcT.8e-p Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stllwell and
Lyont Mrs. Peggy Form
berz was the honor guest at a
shower held at tin home of Mrs.
Ruth Lyons Wednesday evening.
Honoring Mrs. Formherx were
Mary Volttn, Mary Fink, Leola
Phelps, Kate Sieg, Ida Free.
Lorraine Free, Bernlce
Bridges, Mrs. Lechleiaier, Mrs.
Al De Ryke and the hostess Mrs.
Sending gifts were Wilms
Tree, Mary Sleg, Ann Pletrok,
Martha Jungwirth, Lucille Bass,
Rose Schwindt and Goklia
Mrs. Leora Stevens was hott
est (or the home economics club
with a one o'clock luncheon at
her home Tuesday afternoon,
followed by the regular business
meeting with Mrs. Stevens,
chairman, in charge.
Plans were made for the an
nual bazaar and harvest festi
val. Earl Helemn, Scoutmaster,
and his Boy Scout troop 81 will
bold a court of honor at the
Mari-Llna gym Thursday even
ing, Feb. 28, with all parents
and friends invited to attend.
Helemn reports that he has 22
bora in hla troop.
Mrs. James Holllngsbead left
Thursday afternoon for Pacific
City to spend the remainder of
the week at the home of their
daughter and family. Mrs. Hoi'
linashead returned home -on
Wednesday from a two weeks'
stay at the home of another
daughter in Salem, after helping
care for their new grandson.
Earl Allen and his fitter, Mrs
John Warden, received word
Wednesday afternoon of the sud
den death of their uncle, George
Alien, who was struck by a car
and killed while be and Mrs.
Allen were visiting at the home
el their son, Larry Allen, at San
Francisco, Calif. Mr. and Mrs.
Allen lived on the McKenlie
river near Belknap Hot Springs.
Blllie Ayers, in the Memorial
hospital in Salem with a broken
leg be received whiie at work for
the Rudy Lumber company at
Idanha, has developed pneu
monia, and surgery scheduled
for Friday morning has been
Mrs. John Jungwirth, who is
ill at her home with virus pneu
monia, is reported to be some
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Rove, who
have been staying at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E,
L. Roye, since returning from
Japan, have moved to Elgin,
Ore, where he hat bought an
interest hi a seed and feed company.
Mr. and Mrs. Carol Anderson
from California moved this
week to the Claire Humphries
house east of town. Anderson is
employed by the M and M wood
working company.
Fred Llndemann has sold his
home across the highway from
the sporting goods store to Mr.
and Mrs. James Duman, who
moved in Thursday.. Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Gustation, who have
been living in the house, moved
temporarily to a house across
the street from the variety store.
bastian Terhaar, Reverend Cyril
Lebold, Rev. Dominic Broxmyer,
Rev. Thomas Becker,. and Rev.
Frater Gerard Marx as deacons
and subdeacons.
Masters of ceremonies were
Rev. Thomas Broekhaus and
Rev. Robert Keber; miter bear
er, Brother Martin Mertle; cros
ier, Brother Lawrence Fagen;
book bearer. Brother Bernard
Kerula; candle. Brother Francis
Welp; Thurifer, Brother Placid us
D"AmIco; and acolytes, Brothers
Maurus KrvuUcr and Jacob Eb-erle.
Also present were Right Rev.
Abbots Thomas Meter and Dam
Ian Jentges, OAB, of Mount
Angel; Very Rev. E. J. Mur
nane, Eugene; Rev. George Sni-
derhon, Gervais; Rev. Martin
T h i e I e n, superintendent of
schools, Portland; Rev. Daniel
O'Connell, McMinnville; Rev.
Pius Bauer, Lebanon; Rev. Fred
erick Thltle, Silverton; Rev. Wil
liam McLeod, Eugene; Rev. Mau
rus Snyder, O-S.B, and Lt Chap
lain Bernard McDonnell. Father
James Koessler, brother of Sis
ter Mary Rose, was assistant
priest and delivered the sermon.
Dayton Mrs. Caroline WU
lard Smith is expecting her hus
band, S. W. C. Howard Smith
home this week. Smith who is
In tbe Navy has been away
eleven months in Japan and
Korea. He will be home on a 30
day leave. Mrs. Smith and Cyn
thia have spent most of the last
year with her parents. ,
The Dayton Reading Club met
recently with Mrs. J. L. Shaw
ver. with Mrs. BUI Belts as co
hostess, for a one o'clock dessert
Guests were Mrs. Pauline
Evans and Mrs. Mamie Randall.
Mrs. Clark Foster, president,
had a short business meeting. :
Mrs. Vernon Foster had as her
topic, "What we need is some
thing electric.'
Jack Von is working on a
dairy (arm on the coast.
Buena Vista
Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs.
Don Croft of Portland were re
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb
Mrs. Georgia Prather's guests
recently were Mr. and Mrs. Gail
Mr. and Mrs. Le Sonnonson
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Le-
land Prather last week.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Osborn were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hanks, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Anderson of Salem,
Miss Virginia Busby of Port
land spent a week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
The Eugene McAtees drove to
the coast last week-end . and
spent the day fishing.
Mrs. John Lavota and son of
Portland are visiting her par'
ents, Mr. and Mrs: Elza Long.
Wallace Co bine and family of
Dallas were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Coblne.
Fifteen answered roll call
Wednesday at the Community
hall when the Woman's dub
met Mrs. Leon Loy read an op
ening number.
A letter was read from Mrs.
Fickle, who Is Using care of her
mother in Oklahoma, saying she
puns to De neck in April.
next meeting will be a not-
luck dinner with the demonstra
tion "Touch-ups on Furniture"
by Rose Krauger.
Mrs. Bessie Hall and Mary
Drazdoff served lunch from
tables decorated with valentines
and spring daphne flowers.
Present were Mesdames Nel
lie Millhouser. Elizabeth Her
man, Bessie Hall, Clair Graber,
Olive Wells, Harriet Busby. Wan
da Ward, Leon Loy, Minnie Os
born, Evadna Prather, Retha
Johnson, Mary Drazdoff, Kate
Bride, Hazel wells.
family had dinner recently with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Rodge. Other guests were'
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Case of
Portland. Wendell Hodge of As
toria and Mr. and Mrs. Bobl
Tracy of Portland also were
guests at the Bob Stilwell home.
Maynard and Ronald Hedge
cock, sons of Mr. 'and Mrs. Ivan
Hedgecock, had their tonsils re
moved recently.
Mrs. Howard Holt has been
spending as much time as possi
ble in. CorvaUia, where her
mother, Mrs. Louise Almgran,
has been very ill in a hospital.
On Thursday Mrs. Carl Rutach
man and Mrs. Holt visited with
Mary Margaret Bennett of
Cleveland, Ohio, who is in New-
berg visiting her mother. The
ladies all attended Oregon State
College together.
The Young Woman's Christian
Service Guild of the Christian
church met last Thursday with
Mrs. jim zupo.
Following the business meet
ing, with Mrs. Robert Coburn
presiding, the lesson waa pre
sented by Mrs. Ben Asquith, jr.
Others present were Mrs. Jack
Cell, Mrs. Carl Rasaka. Mrs.
Kenneth Pomeroy, Mrs. Phyllis
Dey, Miss Laura Mae Goodrich.
Refreshments were served.
Recent guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart were
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Forsythe of
Richland, Wash., and Mrs. Dora
Roberts, of Salem.
Mrs. John Stelflug has return
ed home following surgery last
week in McMinnville.
Mrs. Glen Stewart spent the
weekend in Salem with her sla
ters. Guests in the home were
cousins that they had never seen
before: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
Routley of Canada and Mrs.
Catherine McManus of Vancou
ver, B. C. Also Prtscilla Barnett
of Everett, Wash.
Joe Stewart and Keith Coburn
spent the weekend at Newport
looking alter Coburn s boat
Leslie Stewart of McCoy was
a dinner guest Tuesday of his
brother, Glen Stewart
Mrs. Mae Barnard, who has
been a house guest of Mrs. Delia
ITRen, moved last week to the
home of Mrs. William Osborn in
McMinnville. Mrs. Osborn has
gone to California for an in
definite stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman
were busy this weekend with all
the activities scheduled for Dad's
weekend at the University of
Oregon, where their son Bill is
a student. Mr. Sherman attend
ed the luncheon at which Gov
ernor Patterson was guest speak
er, then dinners and ball games,
made a full round of gaity. On
Sunday they all attended church
in Eugene.
Court Arrigns
Lebanon Youths
Lebanon The four youths
who Monday night eluded arrest
by pushing Police Officer Louki
Fenrer from their car running
board to the pavement and were
later taken by Albany officers
and returned to Lebanon, have
appeared in city court
' David, Homar Blakely, 19,'of
Selma, whe puahed Fenner from
the car, was charged with as
sault upon an officer am) re
leased under $200 bail furnish
ed by a Corvallis attorney. ' ,
John Kelley Zimmerman. 17,
Corvallis, driver Of the car, was
charged with escaping from a
police offleer. He was fined
$100 with $30 stayed on the con
dition that he report personally
to the court here once each two
montiis for six months. He was
released upon payment of $48,
having spent one dsy in Jail,
credited against his fine.
Richard Arlen Rhodes, 18,
Corvallis, waa released with
Blakeley under the custody of
Blakeley't sister, and Floyd Ben
jamin, 10, of Philomath, was
turned over to Benton county
officers who want to question
the youth on' a forged check
charge. .
When first apprehended by
the Lebanon officer one of the
youths had carried a case of
beer from a downtown tavern
and put it in the vehicle. A
charge of illegal possession of
beer has been turned over to
state liquor authorities who it-
tended the local questioning of
the four youths.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Price were
honored recently on the 41th
wedding anniversary ' at open
house in the IOOF hall to Tuala
tin. H o t s for the affair were
Mrs. J. B. O'Farrel and Adrian
Price, daughter and son of ths
Mr. and Mrs. Price were mar
ried Feb. 7. 1009, at Cedar
Springs, Missouri, and came to
Oregon locating at Marcola,
where Mr. Price farmed and was
part owner of the Price and com
pany store. They later moved to
Tualatin until December, mi,
when they purchased tbe Butte
ville atore and moved here at
that time.
Butteville friends attending
the celebration included Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Lindquist, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred'DenteL Mrs. William
Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Karl En
gelman, Mrs. Edward Jones, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Hartley, Miss Car
la Jones and Miss Janice Jones.
Mrs. Edward Jones was host
ess in her home Friday at a dem
onstration party. Mrs. Phil Hath
away of Cbampoeg was the dem
onstrator. Prize winners were
Mrs. Carl Hartley, Mrs. Herbert
Yergen, Mrs. Claude Brown and
Mrs. Karl Engelman.
Butteville PTA met Monday
evening.' Mrs. Peter Krupicka
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Ott,
(Lorna Mae Lindquist) are par
ents of a daughter. Diana Lynn,
born in Hutchinson hospital,
Oregon City, Feb. 10. Grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Lindquist of Butteville and Mrs.
Solon Kinzer of Needy.
Dallas Jaycees
Set Talent Show
. Delias Early entires for the
county-wide talent show are al
ready being turned in, tbe jun
ior chamber of commerce an
nounces. Letters have been sent
to all schools in the county and
a sapplicants write in, Chair
man (Gorge Thompson is send
ing further particulars.
The contest has beet, tenta
tively announced for March 21,
and will be preceded by local
eliminations, the finalists taking
part in the contest to be held at
The prize committee for the
show, functioning under tbe
chairmanship of Maurice Ed
wards, consists of Jack Graham
and Mel Kahler. Judges will be
Hal Norberg chairman, and Carl
Taylor, Gary Radke, Bob Wood
man, Ruas Sandcrlin and Tom
Between tbe acts, entertain
ment will be furnished by Bud
Tbe junior chamber will car
ry on its "light a bumper' cam
paign again this Saturday it is
announced. To date the group
has lighted more than 100
bumpers and it is anticipated
that many more will be serviced
this week. Members of tbe group
will apply scotch lite to bumpers
from a location on Main street
in Dallas during tbe afternoon.
It is thought that this treat
ment will be a great help in
keeping down the number of
nighttime traffic a' accidents.
Bethel Park
Hubbard The charter of
Thalia Rebskah lodge was
draped in memory of Mrs. C. L.
Welch .at the last meeting, in a
candlelight ceremony led by the
noble grand.
Lincoln's birthday was hon
ored with a brief story told by
Mrs. Ora Morris and followed
with an old-fashioned spelldown,
won by Mrs. George Rogers and
Mrs. A. L. Murphy.
Drill practice for the conven
tion at Woodburn, followed the
meeting. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Alive Lehman
and Mrs. Henry Johnson at a
table centered with valentine
motif using spring flowers.
Mrs. George Lelfler led devo
tions for the Ladles Aid meet
ing Wednesdsy, Mrs. Walter
Campbell spoke.
Mr:. Russell Rollofson waa
hostess for the all-day meeting
Misted by others. March 7 was
set for a food sale, with details
to be Completed at the next
meeting in the home of Mrs.
June Bllllngton, Feb. 23.
Woodburn The Woodburn
kindergarten will be resumed
here March I according to an
nouncement by Mrt. L. H. Hllde
brandt committee chairman.
Classes wlU be held In the Lin
coin school building Tuesdays
mrougn Fridays with Mrs. T. M
Baxter as instructor. Hours will
be announced later, depending
on the number of children enrolled.
Registrations may be made by
caning Mrs. HUdebrandt at
Woodburn 8031.
The third annual benefit can
cake supper will be served on
Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 17, by
members of the Women's Soci
ety of Christisn Service at the
local Methodist church from S
until g p.m. In the church dining
room. Mrs. Ralph Sebern is in
charge of the arrangements and
win be assisted bv Mrs. Marv
Balrd, Mrs. Clifford Applegate,
Mrs. W. M. Burke. Mrs. Harold
Sargent and Miss Elite Sargent
ana other members. Tbe public
is invited to attend.
WUlamlna Dr. and Mrs. W.
F. Marano of Maple Shade, N.J.,
formerly of Willamina, are the
parents of a son, Joseph Mich
ael, born Jan. IS.
Mrs. George Crone was host-
es to the Willamina Garden club
wtih Mrs. H. A. Parrett co
hostess. Guests were the state
president, Mrs. L. W. Franks of
Redmond; the state vice pres
ident Mrs. Byron Bradshaw of
Albany; state treasurer, . Mrs.
Norman Baker of Dallas, and
Mrs. W .C. Tremblay, Mrs. Gust
Dahl, Mrs. Lloyd Toal and Mrs.
Everett Spangler.
Mrs. Emery Dentel was ap
pointed scrapbook chairman,
Mrs. Arthur Soules publicity,
snd Mrs. H. A. Parrett, secre
tary. Mayor Shetterly and outgoing
Mayor Louden were presented
potted plants. The March 9 meet
ing win be at the home of Mrs.
Virgil Helder.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rich
ards celebrated their 41st wed
ding anniversary this week with
a party at the J. C. Cummlngt
home sr Delake. Other guests
were Mrs. Lillian Kaps and
daughter Kay, and Mrs. Helen
The March of Dimes drive has
collected $830.09. according to
chairman Leo A. Woodruff. To
tal expense was $10 for postage.
Donald Mrs. Barney Feller
gave a Chinese birthday dinner
for her sister. Mrs. Virgil Scher-
ette, last week. There were two
birthday cakes and Marion Fel
ler presented her aunt with an
orchid corsage.
Those attending the dinner
were the honored guest's moth
er and father, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Aurand, also Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Eaton, Mr, and Mrs. War
ren Feller, Mr. and Mrs. John
Grassman, Mrs. Gertrude . Har
lan and Virgil Scherette. During
the course of the evening, flsh
pictures were taken and televis
ion enjoyed.
Mrs. Delbert Haener has been
ding substitute teaching at the
St. Luke's school in Woodburn
for the past week, and expects
to substitute for another week.
At a recent meeting, the Don
ald fire department elected Ray
mond Peterson as new fire chief.
A class in first aid is now in
progress at the Donald school
under the direction of Mayor C.
A. Blake, assisted by Del Feller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christo-
pherson and family of Wasco,
Ore- returned home Wednesday,
Feb. 11, after spending 10 days
wit hhis parent Mr. and Mrs. '
E. W. Ctu-istopberson of Donald.
Tuesday. Feb. 10, when Lin
Cromwell, owner ol the Donald
garage was taking a load of car i
bodies with his wrecker to the!
Barney Feller pasture, one of
the car bodies hit the telephone
line and broke it as he was
crossing under it The telephone
line in turn flipped up and hit
the high voltage line above It
and this caused the telephone
line to burn out in several places
between Donald and Aurora.
Tom Huffman is now working
at a sawmill In Independence,
and is staying with his wife's
parents there. Later, he intends
to commute to his work. Huff
man was formerly employed at
the Donald garage.
According to probate court
action at Salem Tuesday, Robert
F. Yergen has been named ad
ministrator of his father, the
late Lyell B. Yergen, Sr., of
Donald. Mr. Yergen died of in
juries received in an automobile
accident on McLoughlln boule
vard near Jennings Lodge, Jan.
1. He was the first traffic fa
tality In the state for the year.
Mrs. Lyell B. Yergen is still
In the Good Samaritan hospital
In Portland as the result of the
Amity Mrs. Robert Powell
honored her young son, Johnny,
with a birthday party Feb. 0,
at the social hall of tbe Chris
tian church.
A special meeting for children
will be held at the Christian
church, Feb. 20, at 2:30 p.m., for
their part in observance of
World Day of Prayer.
The Amity Well Baby clinic.
sponsored by the Amity Council
of Churches, is headed this year
by Mrs. Mahlon Williams.
Her assistants are Mrs. Mar
vin De Raeve, registrar, and Mrs.
Ivan Shields.
The clinic is held at the of
fice of Dr E. A. Hahn, from 0:30
a.m. to 11:30 a.m., with Dr. J. H.
Stolte, county health officer, and
a trained nurse, the third Thurs
day of each month.
Mrs. Williams invites all moth
ers of young children to take
advantage of this free service.
A complete physical checkup of
pre-scnool age children is made
at stated intervals.
Mrs. Jennie Meeker, Wood
land. Wash., is a guest at the
home of her son and family, the
P. E. Meekers.
She suffered a fall recently
and injured a leg, and la able to
get about now by the use of a
Webfoot Tbe Webfoot So
cial. Service dub met Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Vernon. A val
entine exchange was a feature.
A child's quilt was completed.
Members - attending besides
Mrs. Vernon, were: Mrs. Ames
Holdredge, Mrs. Albert May,
Mrs. Allen May, Mrs. Ralph
Curfmon, Mrs. Archie Shafer,
Mrs. T. Lyman, Mrs. John Hack-
worth, Mrs. Roscoe Roberts.
Late in the meeting, Mrs.
Harold S toe ten burg of Onion-
vale, daughter of the hostess,
Tbe next meeting will be held
at the home ox Mr. and Mrs,
August Hillig near McMinnville,
Thursday, Feb. 26.
Woodburn YVSCS
Woodburn An all-day meet
ing of the WSCS of the Metho
dist church will be held Tues
day, Feb. 17, at the home of
Mrs. James Livesay, 920 Young
street beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Mrs. Thomas Engle, Sr., will
serve as assisting hostess. Mem
bers will bring a sack lunch to
be served at noon with coffee
and dessert furnished by the
Bethel Park Dale Phillips,
young son of Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Phillip, recently underwent
a tonsilectomy at Salem General
hospital. His condition is good,
Meanwhile, Terry Phillips,
Dale's baby brother, was guest
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence MoGcc, Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson. Mr.
and Mrs. Gardner Johnson and
sons, Harold and Mark, motored
to Yoncalla, Ore., recently. They
were guests there in the home
of Mrs. Johnson's parent, the
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Bcaty.
Mrt. M. A. Howell and son,
Ronnie, of Seal Rocks, Ore., vis
ited Tuesday at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. Dale Phillips.
Mrs. Kate Smith of Foster is
visiting at the home of her son,
Rev. Ray Gather. .
Pedee Miss Paul, county
health nurse, gave a talk at the
PTA meeting at the school bouse
and a film was shown en "The
Common Cold." Mrs. Ivan Wil
liams' room was awarded the
prize for having the most par
ents present
E. M. Cates talked on pend
ing legislative bills concerning
school buses, and about sending
children to Central high school.
Mrs. ' John Jung ling, Mrs.
Dewey Cummins, and Mrs. Ron
ald Pomeroy were appointed for
the nominating committee to re
part at the next meeting on elec
tion of officers.
Tbe youth (roup and a num
ber of invited guests enjoyed 'a
Valentine party at the school
house Saturday evening. Pam
ela Baker was in charge of the
Rev. Floyd SartwelL evangel
ist of the special meetings being
held at the school house, is stay
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Virgil Endicott The musicians.
Miss Margaret Kellogg and Miss
Betty Restick, are at the Rittie
Kerber home.
Mrs. J. Smith and daughter of
Bend are visiting her sister, Mrs.
Tom Tharp and family.
Mr. and Mrt. V. C. Jones of
Corvallis were Sunday callers at
the C. L. Bur bank home. Mr.
Jones and Mrs. Burbank are
Mrs. F. M. Dyer and Mrt. Paul
Ronco made a trip to Salem the
first of the week. Buddy, small
son of Mrs. Ronco. spent the af
ternoon with his grandmother,
Mrs. C. L. Burbank.
Pallas Women Study
Art Appreciation :
Dallas The Art AppreciJ,
tion section of the Dallas Wota.
an' club, discussed SpaniaT
French, and English painters, &
its regular meeting. Wednn.?
Feb. 11. V
Velasquez, Spanish coast
painter to Philip IV, was tv2
pared with earlier portral
painters, Hals and Rembrandt
In addition, the group dlscusd
Wattes u. French court ti7
I Gainsborough, English portrjft
painter, who wished to paint
landscBDea all his life ani i.:
let who was of the French Ban
Dizou scnooi. . t
Tbe crouD review)? H. i- '
lugs and ended the meeting wj(k
wwimwu w HHjaern art and
how to introduce the art of tht
masters to the child. '
Present, werd Mrs. OUle Hei
nigen. Mrs. Cecil Meeker, m.1
O. E. Anderson. Mr n n. r T
Ton and Mrs. Dean Forbes.
Ernestine Kathman i
Cake Prize Winner
Woodburn Mlim tfm,:
Nathman received the ir,t .i
for the best cake baked at the
cake baking contest held Friday
at the May Furniture store by
members of the Wnodhum r.tu
olie Daughters of America.
Mrs. Anton Lang received the
second prize and Mrs. Cy Crosby
mm IU1XU.
Prizes (or th mammm ".--
nished by the Woodburn toot
Market which also furnished the
ingredients for the cakes. Equip
ment was furnished by the Mar
Co. A snecial nri nft.,.j la.
the May Co. went to Mrs. Mai
warring wno was in charge of
Eighteen cakes were baked
and placed on sale st the Wood
Dura rooa Mar net Saturday,
with all reeeint vnln. u.1
Catholic Daughters. -
The next cake baking contest
will be Feb. 27 v ths Amb
Legion auxiliary.
New Showing Opea 8:41
Yveme DeCarle, John Ireland
John Payne
Call letters assigned to broad
cast stations often spell sim
ple wordt. For example there
are WHO of Des Moines, la
WHOM of New York; WEST of
Easton, Pa.; WIRE of Indianap
olis; WOOD of Grand Rapids,
Mich., and WORK of York, Pa.
At 3:30 P.M.
2190 fortUnd Rd.
Phone 3-3992
Whestland Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Brsst and daughter
Lynel, Wheatland, returned
home Thursday night at mid
night after a motor trip that
took them to Yakima, Wash.,
where they visited Rev. and
Mrt. A. V. Ballantyne and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Cornell, formerly of Dayton but
now at Entlat, Wash.
New York Cost In
Musk by
Johann Strauss
St!JS.,,.Jlb. UI . 8,,m Bl Auditorium, f P.M.
2i5 J1 V.u seBS ft Bon, Jewelers new and at the
eorfor reserved and ll.zi anreserved.
Such a nice wey to berry Spring!
The important white 'n dark
print Plus cruise
"linen" jacket .... 12.95
fer the Porever-Youne, women
14a to 24'z
The dress ... a winter 'scaping print. In
100 denier rayon, its top a shirtwaist
classic. The skirt . . . slim-falling, gored.
Note the Jacket, box-y. belted,
dressed up with fake pockets. Cruise linen
(In rayon acetate and cotton) good with
other dresses, skirts or slacks. Perfect
season-spanning pair, Winter-into-Spring-into-Summer.
af - il
Open :! aa, e
Deaa Martin
Jerry Lewis
m srooor
' Ce-Attnetint
John Payne
Coleea Gray
- e -
Swan Hayward
Opea :4B FJK.
Aadte Marphy
la Teetuue4r
a .
' Anne Baxter
Dale flebertaon
Matinee Daily From 1:0 P.M.
At Refulor Prices!
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All TIE 0T""lj
TIE WOT . ? y-'i J