ft 1 CapttaJ Jcwrarf, Stlwn, Oregon. Mor,dyt Feb. 16, 1958 ? E f J 160 No. Liberty StV Salem, Oregon Store Hour 9:30 to 5:30 Friday Night Til 9:00 P. M. rV It E4SHION NEWS! PenneyV Spring fabrics are in now! WOVEN ' A PLAID AND CHECK XT?? 5 . Oat of Hospital Herbert Hoover watches m author Clar- ence Budington Holland (left), points out the channel they'll follow when they leave Miami Beach, Fla., for a fishing trip. ' The 78-year-old former president had just left St. Francia Hospital after a bout with flu. At right is Lawrence Richey, former White House secretary and an old friend. (AP Wire photo) 1 ' Hollywood Awards Circuit Becomes Active Once Again By BOB THOMAS ' Hollywood UP) Here we go n the awards circuit again! When the California fruit trees are beginning to burst forth again into blossom, it s a Sign that the award season is with us again. Statuettes and plaques pop up all over the place, delighting the winners, the gold-plating companies and the trade papers, which bulge War Objectors Assigned Duty Albany - Twelve selective service registrant from Linn county, board No. 11, classified as conscientious objectors, re cently were assigned to serve a two-year hitch in the service of the United States by being ployed by hospitals, veteran hospitals and various other de partments, the Linn county (ward announced Friday. : Those who have begun their two years of erviee, the tame mount of time served fey in ductees, are: Melvin J. Stewart nd Lafe Joseph Stewart, Hal fey; Clarence A. Reeser, RFD 1; Wayne Daniel Alliman, RFD 1; Curtls Richard Zehr, RFD 1; Charles Wesley Reeser, RFD 1; Richard John Fahndrtch, RFD 1; Wilton Daniel Smucker, Daniel Ik Stewart and Delbert E. Baker, Earrisburg, and Ivaa Dale Roth and Wlllard Paul Gerig, Leban on. Also inducted into the army this month were II young men from Linn county, including six voluntary inductees, the board also stated. The board sent 40 men to Port land Thursday for physical ex aminations. Of the 40 examined, 17 will be inducted March 12 and IS, it was announced. Pythian Sisters to Initiate at Dallas Dallas In the absence of Mrs. Mary Buller, most excel lent chief of the Pythian Sis ters, Mrs. Olive Frlesen con ducted the regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters on Thurs day, Feb. 12. Mrs. Carl Swan atrom took Mrs. Friesen's place as excellent senior for the evening. During the meeting balloting was held and it was announced that the next meeting, Feb. 26, would Include initiation. The committee serving for the evening included: refreshments, Mr. Anna Colgrove, Mrs. Ade line May, Mrs. Betty Crider, Mrs. Delia Swanstrom, and Mrs. Wllda Bollman; program, Mrs. Ruby Irwin; decorating, Mr. Melba Richardson, and Mrs. Ed- ris Woods. . The Valentine motif was used as the theme for the meetine. The highlight of the evening was a candlelight reobllgation erviee. with congratulatory ads. ' Within a few days, I covered the TV Academy awards, the movie academy nomination and the Photoplay award dinners. Also currently in season are the award events of the Screen Directors guild, Redbook, Look, Pic and Click. Surely a reporter deserves some kind of award for getting through all of them. The TV Academy's Emmy statuette may yet become a full sister to the austere Oscar. That will take a little time, but this year's TV Academy event was a professional show. Sol hitch came when emcee Art Link- letter ran through three micro phone before finding one that worked. , . The TV affair teemed to have even more excitement and elec tricity than the movie event Mayoe tbat't because it wat held at a dinner, at the Oscar event were in pre-war day. By limiting attendance to a select audience, the sponsors provided n atmosphere that wat tense and responsive. . It' possible that the Oscar presentations can be held in more intimate surroundings, now that the event 1 being televised. There ha been tome call for the TV Academy to make more award categories to honor wri ters, singer, producers, direc tor, etc. That seems a mistake. The movie academy ha in sisted on rewarding every crea tive branch of picture making. That's nice for the creators, but it merely bore or confuse the public. The ultimate la reached with three different categories for screen writing. Why not cite the best pictures or TV shows and let all the creators take the bows. Awards postscript . . . -It looks as though few of the top Oscar contenders will be in town for the big event March ID. Shirley Booth' and Bette Davis are in New York shows, and Julie Harris has been tour ing with "I Am a Camera." Kirk Douglas, Alec Guinness and Jose Ferrer are abroad, and Marlon Brando is off riding hit motor cycle. The latter may be induced to attend with a tuxedo cost over his tattered T-shirt. Gary Cooper is in Mexico, but may return for Oscar night Only Joan Crawford and Susan Hay- ward are definitely expected to be in town. StcetmcCSt&t O w e Roen-Typewriters 4S C0U1T JT. no fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Prco-to-lono THE CIEAN FUEL GINGHAM 69 Yd. Wonderful value at Penney' be cause these colorful woven ging ham are sanforised, mercerized, fine high eonnt fabric Just made to pop Into your washer time after time. Come take yoar pick of many patterns. 35-3C width. MEZZANINE 1 , Famous for long rugged wear! KNNEY'S OWN NEEDLE AND THREAD SANFORIZED - MERCERIZED - FINE QUALITY versatile oroaaciow you'll sutcn into dresses, sportswear, home decorating needs. Just tee all the clear, color-bright prints, small, neat florals, conservative types . . . Cheery decorative designs. All these in renney's famons-foMiaallty Needle V Thread broadcloth. Come shop for many, many yard today. 35" width. 4Q)o FASHION NEWS! tiny florals, calkos! FASHION NEWS! ...clever novelty designs! i FASHION NEWS! wonder Penney value! THEY'RE WRINKLE-RESISTANT! COLOR-BRIGHT! PIQUE PRINTS Crisp, starchy finish looks cool . . . stays I4 washing after washing. u, sucn a oevy el lovely print for spring and summer, choose now . . . plan to tew dresses for yourself, yoar little girl. 35-36" width. YEAR AROUND DENIMS - - FOR EVERY USE Match Solid Colors. 59c 69s 4' 0 SOFT TEXTURES MAKE FASHION NEWS SHEER NYLON FABRICS SSjSSS; SFSttF" - Hd -?or0d,onU,S YOU'LL FIND THEM AT PENNEY'S NOW! "Tweedalene" SUITING A new suiting fabric in solid color and stripe. Washable pre-thrnnk all cotton. These cot ton suitings have luster of silk, feel of fine light worsted. 43" width fabri " 1 39 -yd. 79 MEZZANINE -21. HAVE YOU SEEN ALL OUR NEW FABRICS Loads and loads of exciting moreriolt, textures, nylons. ALL INVITATIONS TO SEWING mm .131 AX-I NOTICE! You, con sore at much at 20 whan you buy & your NOTIONS at Pennev's! Browu mw Q ADVANCE PATTERNS, too! .1 A v A, PENNEY'S WHITE GOODS EVENT PENCO SHEETS Penney's finest qnsllty muslin sheet! Soft, snowy white. They'll wear a long, long time. Come stock up! 0N 0"x 108" 2.79 IT'x 108" 2.49 1.99 72" 108" nly at Penn r CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 BY Si MEZZANINE i 1