M-.i ii...,; ; -.;.;..,,s".1,l .&rytW'r:0T?Z-. . .T-fr'''''-rT--- c . -'wr - ex.-- r" --r I DENNIS the MENACE 'iCCKVt CHOC HOORjHWA.'WTMnWElL KID B OM HIS WOWR FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19tD SINOEB DEOPHEAD treadle aew- (Ibv machine. Guaranteed. 119.91. Sinter Sewlat Center, 110 M. Oeml. open Fri day evenlnxa. BI3 ONDE SPINNET plana, xlmott new. eacjllloe for amok aale. 4-1454. b1 l'ED BINGES, electric partible acwlnt maeblne. New motor, lltht and foot control. Guaranteed. 431 59. Sinter Sew- tnr cantor. 130 n. com'l. net" ' TELEVISION aat In food inapt, 1135. Phone -MM. all 4T PEN. h!xh chair, pottr chair, auk. Int machine, good condition. Roaaon ablel 14091. n45" eTESTTNOBOUSE aatomatle drier. 1153 t modal, no wit. Ona only, 91.M. TIATEH APPLIANCE CO. TM Ohemeketa. rc pc in, tie eat, pari act 447.60. woodrr. 10M H. Bummer, neo pALNDT POITTB twin bade, eom plate r with an Beeutr Beet aultreeeea. AIM ,' other flcxxa. arcatac or waafc ende. : 4-net. n4l- (RILTO CONSOLS Radio 139.10. Wocdrrc 1101 If. Sotamar. Olann n40 ETTIITtE wcml-rotlod manura. $3.50 . "rd. dalirtrad. Farmera only. 3-9TJ4. boo IBOOANT CBEDENZA Deck. Cheat, 3 bookcooo oemblnation. Miracle At low i i prleee. Only 949.10. Othar deakt. 134.50 i to 150 5. Olann Woodry a. low H. Bum- I mar. B49- '-' iWtJIXOOB CEAIN lAWt, out Bdtewaler, waat Selem. Selem Loeltne anpplr "Ph. 4.1141. n" I, . aTRiaiDAIBE THEirTT JO" olaetne ranit. ? j Bootlace. 4149 54. Tama, tradee. Alao OE it' - 2 puah button double oxen Ilka saw at Va f ' prioa. olann Woodrr'a, 1M1 N. Bummer. n40 BBCJ-9XXVICE QABAOE Ton do work ; ab4 oato. Pbona 4-t63. n05 ibkrt Birr m Balanl GE waabar Iwhlta) 439. Waatlnthonaa deluxe '53 mdl. luncho loetrte ranee, ilka bow 4149.10. '11 rndl. ejte nfrioarator. ilka new 139.10. 7 PC. ': "volant xtanalo& table And ehalra only 39 50. baa tboaa and hundreda of othar 7 ltama At OlonB Woodrr'a, 1901 N. r. E-n Tama, Traaaa. xraa new- TT TBTPLB OUBI Blrkaswtld Bait cue, Ant aiioA naw. lAaka offar. Box 447, , capital Journal. B43 feABOOAKT OLA 91 top oockUU And and tablea. Haw ape 99 50. Olann Woodrr'i. ' 1404 3f. Bummar. B40 aVirpwm csaegeb from 1917 orAham. Ph. 4039T. "4S TJHID BUNK Bad tat 130. Olenn woodrj, 1401 M. aVunmtr. B40" PUS woatlBiboaaa aawint machmu on ail floora. taraploa. ftara sp to 40. TIATEB APPLIANCE CO. ' Til Chatntkata. , CHI4T ODEAWEEl. M 50 to 930. Woodrr, 1901 linnmar. Olann nt9' TO L-E WA9H DAT! made aaaj At tha T.u e lumre. waemna ana dono foot and aocnomlcally. Ton cat roar ckothoa back bone-dry and naatlr foldad. Opaa laoadbr And PrldaT nlthU tUl for pour conTenlence. LATJUDERETTE ituvMnaL Phono 1-4151 B43 ' nwf!. CWKOMX DLnetta 4.15. Olann Wood' n"9. 1104 If nmmar. BEAT APPUAMOE CO. 171 Cbemek n f Vteir abac Davano. Chair. 9 and tablaa. AH 4 Plaota OAt.ao. Termer vara, uiwn WOOdry !, im n. pnmmar. uvr BIBBT TACTJUbl Cleaner. Ph. 91959. Par rra Mndltlm. floor pollahcr eb Attach- menu. Bt4 xMm rnNKOLX Red to. to excellent con dition. Waatlnthonaa Electric tUnte, with Eloaa la ona door. 341 Delator Dr. Off W. BITOT ltd. Bl TJSED waahlnt machlnea. 99.91 And bp. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 731 Chameketa. B xttne Tart'I'M cleaner with attAOhmentr. 919.90. Woodrr. 1409 PJ. Bummer. B40 xixcn rrjENXTTJEE for aala At 1030 Bacl- saw atreet. Blnter TTetdla Bwtn Ma- ohlno, round bobbin. Dintnv xaote. ua enport and Chair, Metal Bad complete. Plaaae eall between 9 A.m. and 1 p.m. B4I BABDWOOD TOTJTH bed Inc. aprtni And mattraai. 43B.S4. Olann woodrr 4 Bar- xalB Store. 1009 M. Bummer. n40 PLABTI-Kr reonlrea no waxlnt. Por root floorx ew llnolenm TEATSB AP PLIANCE CO., 171 Chameketa oj PC. BOLID hardwood dlnlnc aulte. Terr ape. 179.90. olenn wooorr e. love n. Bummer. bed PART OP SET of MntA Anil pottery. Phone after I. 10531. Bar BOUND OAK Table 49. Woodrr, Summer. 1901 N n40' ORGANIC FEBTILIZEB. Proo of weed aeada. end odorlaaa. sack or bulk srdera delrrered. Phone 1-9137 pa' ADDING machine and caah drawer 949. Trpewrlter 111. Ctalele 435. oulter aa - Old oreea 441. Welnut pleno 1100. U ' Name It. Olenn Woodrr Raa It. loot N. ; Summer. B40 14' FORD MOTOB and tranarniaelon. Head? to to. 440. 1130 Abrama. 44411. n40 BEDS, cheap. Shop Olann woodrr lit. 1904 N. Summer. B40 $5.00 Per Day REDUCTION On one 8-cu. ft. Zenith Re frigerator, with frozen food compartment BUrting Price Feb. 7; $229.89 FEBRUARY 17, $189.95 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT COURT 6T8- PHONE Will iwe oitc SdtB Ocean stampo) B OOOD LAWNVOWEBS 111. rr. Olenn Wood B40" PIANO C BATES, 1390 Bleu. Tie Stone Piano Co. B41 ROW 19 the time to bnr jour 1991 Waat trtthooee entomatle dryer at enlr 5309.94. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 711 ChemeketA. B O X flatplate troner. like new. Pearl. 1949 B49 Journal Want Ads Pay ByKetcham FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, ecmpoeu. the eamo euallty aa leat year, for honto nod aar- den. plAfatonea, red lata atone And other trpea for walla or sardena. Bnetla cedar fenclnt and trallla work. Phllupa BTOA. KU 5, BOX VI. SAIem. Ph. 4I041. n Gravel and Sand Anrtblni In xrareL wholesale I retail. VALLEY SAND S) OEAVEL X.. Pb. 34003 B DEEPPEEEZE noma freeaerc. TIATEB AF PLIANCE CO, 171 Cbemekcta. BOSFITAL BED for aala ar rant. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 19199. 900 ALLOWED for reur 014 Wftttf neater on tblx naw 43-cillorj automatic oiea trie watar beater. Taatar Appliance 115 Cnemekete. Pb. 14311. n- CEDAB TELEPHONE and alactrla polu, xanea poala, been potlx and cteaex. PblUlpa Broi.. BL I. Box Ml. t mllea oaat of 4 Corner!. Ph. 43041. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANT! piano. Phono 1-5110. WANTED TO BUT uaad atrawbarrp car rier!, pbona 4-3599 alter 9. 41 WANTED txlr rut, raaaonabla. Phona 41730. n40 LOGS WANTED Stud MUl. Ltncthi r 4 or ir lH. Di ameter r to 16". cUwmUL, Untthi IT and lontrar. DlftmiUr r' to H Top price poJd. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ort. Phone US WaWTED Walnut meitt, and wftlnuu In hell. Hirheat eaih price on aellverr. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACK IN Q CO. M0 M. Front St Salea Ph. 1701 na WANTED Turnltnre. toola and mlee. Kilter Aoonon now open for coulcn- mcnta. Sale everr Wed, 1:10 p.m. 1030 Chimawa Road. To Mil, to buy Kelter Auction, ru. inn. naw.1 KLICTB1C S ANOKA. WOOtSTt, rn. 1-11 10. na" PERSONAL ALCOHOUC9 ANONTBOl'S. Oroun No. 1. low H. commercial, ph. 1-4419 or 1-4137. P39 ALCOHOLICS ANONTMOUS, Oroup No. r, 3041 N. commercial. Pb. 1-9419 or 1-4537. NOT SESPON8IBLE FOB mi dabu other than bp own. Davm Orare, Laplne, OrecoB. p41 POB ADVKBTISINO book match ee, phone s-eeii. pal AUTOMOBILES 1944 BUICK 4 door, 11001. Inculro 3371 AlTaredo Terrace- 040" ' Please Note To My Many Friends and Customers I AM NOW ASSOCIATED WITH Salem Automobile Co. Home of QUALITY USED CARS Chrysler PLYMOUTH- JOE SPURL0CK 01 1941 CHEVROLET Suburban Carryall low mileage, excellent runnlnx condition, end appearance. Phone Datlaa 3137. 300 altller avenue. e.44 WILL TBADE aeultr la lete model cor for lot. propertr or cell for cub. Call 17001 dare, or aee At 191 8. 13th. 444 '50 WILLYS PICK-UP '49 CHEV. PICK-UP '43 FORD PICK-UP '49 BTUDEBAKER PICK-UP '41 FORD LOOOER '44 STUOEBAK. SHORT LOOOER 41491 '40 OAIC, SHORT LOOOER, 11700 CATS, T-9 AND D-4 Late model wheel tractor equipped PRICED TO SELL BIRD AUTO EQUIPMENT 471 Wallace Rd. Weal Selem Ph. J4944 43 '49 DELUXE Cher. Coupe. Radio, neater, 91100. Phone 49309. o43 TOTAL PRICE 3375. Terma. 1949 Enellih Ford 1 door. Phone dara 14041. eel' SALE OB TBADE, 1947 Chevrolet Aero aedan. Radio, beater, other extraa. 1011 South Water St., Bllrerton, Ore. 444 WANTEDi '41 Cher. Club Coupe. Rare coed clean '39 Olda to trede In. Call 4-5414 aft4r 4 p.m. or week-enda. 4401 4-DOOE Pontlac Sedan, 1441 model. 1410 Bell Road. CLEAN 17 CHEVBOLET COBTatUiilC. Cell 39495. 440' 1931 CHEVBOLET 4 door Seden Oeloae. Power elide, four eouippeo. rn. exiie 040 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAYING RADIATOR TROUBLE? VftllCT Motor Co. txperu ui com your vroo Itmt vvd mt roa money, rrtt ti nt im. iMody 4wrTc. cntr t Uixrtr. HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOB HALT. 10 Caterpillar and hydraulic bladt. Oood coadition. n cntf. 01. truck, lot bunka, rood En4 hooka aivd cabla. clot C. .Sandera. Ri. S. Bo 111 Turner OTerm Turner M n4' SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, rsdiators, fenders, axles, bodies gears, batteries, etc. 3555 Portland Road Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers REAR SAN SHOP ORIVZ-1N FINANCIAL ACTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 133 South Church Parklnx a-Plentr PR. 1-3117 Ue. Pa. 11.144, S-154 FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 . m Slexatara, Pumltera, Car AT PE1UTOCIAX it'e "raa" Plorod axes cc wooaem 1-Tixlt loan . . . aeM To ealact beet puxaaat dote. 9) Batwaea pa roar mao, pneae, write er eoaxo be TODAT1 Personal Finance Co. ma. mvyw. sr. saixm Utc Llcenec Boa. 4V133. bl-144 boane Tcr 9904 xp t 9114 sad v to 19 monlna ia repar made br Peraoaal naaace Co. of Marion County under the ladaatrtal Loan CoexpAeuoc Act of Ornoo. roe 5 Interest If yon here Idle funda eeefcha tnTtst ment, then yon ere the type of per ion to whom we ean ke of aerrtoa. For over Twenty-five Tears we have keen belplnc people la thle eo dub unity find profiuble work for ihelr money. D urine this period we have promptly paid M eotnl I tatereet yaymente totaiUr anny Tbeutande of Dollar. We ere eunectly paylne DtTSBUT on fundi from 0M0 to MOO. General Finance Corporation 1H S. COHIIXRCIKL ST. Salem. Or agon Phone a-lltl r PRIVATE AfONET pedal RAtea and Teresa On Larter Loan. Long and Short Tlsu Parmenta ROT B. SIHalONS 139 a Commercial at PB. 1-9141 STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? If 90, ceo ue todcy. Conaolldato pour debta Into ONI perment mohthlp with ameller parmenta. Oct In touch with Be todar. B-314 PHONE 34131 14-333 167 So. High St., Sslem, Or. MO Uc B-Ul and Af-334 And l BUT B. SIK1IONS DfSURANCI AND LOAMS Bear "Top rradaa" 11:01 DallT KSUi 1394 EC. OENERAL P1NANCE CO. LOANS S. Commercial St. Tel 1-9191 8EI OS FOB PAJUf, CITT or ACRIAOI LOANS BEST OP TEB1IS WE BUT Real eetate morttacee ct eon tree to. State Finance Co. UI a. Blab St. Pb. Mill HOUSE TRAILERS S4-RH. WIBTWOOD Coronado, 11 tlnm Inum. A-l MDdiUoB. RU 4, Box M0. Uberty Rd. Or Ph. 2-1347. U 6 ML. SCBCRBAN BOM1, Ukt tat modal Houf Trailer aa flown payment. Lana Lan Trailer Fiasa, 1940 Lana At. ta CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDINO MACBINES AU makaa uaed machlnea aold, rented. repatroq soon, 004 court. Ph. nm BCLLDOEINO BulMoelns road, dearlni teeth. Vlrcll Huiker, 1010 Palrrlew, Ph. 1-3149. o4J' CASB BAQIITEBS Inatant dellverr of new RCA each rec ti tera. All mekee, cold, ranted, repaired. Roen. 419 Court. Fb. 1-9771. a DBESMAB1NO Alteratlone. bematltehlne. b 1 1 4 E 4. bucklea covered, button hoi ee. lira. H- bf. Allender, 1-9911. 054 OBIV1NO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Buy Drive" war. Call or aee Mr. Ricked, Taller Motor Oo, Salem. Phone 11147 or 41174. W EXCAVATINQ Ben Otjen at Bon. XxcaTatlna, sradlnx. land cleerlnc. Phona 1-3044. O90 INDtJSTBIAL TBCCKS Fork-lift trucka. Inalde and entalde work. Hrater. Clark. Mobile lift. 1000 and 4000 lb. machlnea. Br dev. week er month. Ph. 13419. Capital Cltr Trans fer, a INSULATION Injuletlon, weatheratrlpa, eereena. Free eatlmatee. T. Pullman. Phone 1-1944. MATTBESHES Cepltol Beddlna, rerjovatea. Fun Una Baw BAttreuee. pn. aeoae. OFFICE FCBNITl'EE A SL'PFUES Deak cbalra, ftlee. fUtnc euppllee. aafee, dupulleatore, auppllea, deak lampa, tree writer atanda Roen. 454 court. o SEPTIC TANKS Mlke'a Septic Service. Tanka cleoned. D'rooter deene eowere, dralna. Phone 1-9499. e Hemera aepUo tanke cleaned, line aerr- Ice. Guaranteed work. Phone 17404. o47 Sewer, oeptle taakA, dralna cleaned. Ro- to-Rooter sewer service Phone 1-4137. TV Salra. Service. Antenna. 1979 Lane Ave. Phone 4-5933. o45' WINDOW CLEANINO "B A Z" Window Cleanere, point acrco- lnt, floor waxlnx and teneral aervlc. Reeldectieu our epeclAltp. 00 anrwhrre, Ph. 3-7931. 041 Acme Window Cloenera. Induatrla'i floor waxlnx, bouaeeleaalBS. FbCBC 3-V3J7. 147 CourL o TTPEWBITERS Smith. Corona Bemlnxto'j. Boral, Da derwood poTUblea. All p.akec aaed ma chlnea Rcpalre A rest Boca. 454 Caurt LODGE SALEM LODGE No. 4 A.F, & A.M. Wed., Feb. 18, F. C. degree. 7.00 p.m. 42 LEGALS EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HIP-XBT oivrw that JAjlEh B. COATES and VERNON E. rriA-ra BR., bare been, bv arder at the circuit Court of the State of Orecoa for Marlon CMintr, appointed exeuetore or tnc Eatate at 1. 4. Coatee. Deceaaed. Anr per. acne havtnc elelma aeatnet aald cetete arc reauea'od to preeeat them, with prop. vouoora. ta aald ax ecu tore aa 919 Pioneer Tract Baiidmx. Belem, Orecon. within elx 19) moalhe from the date af thu notice. Dated tola 14 dar af Jeauerr. 1951. . JAMEB B. COATES And VERNON t. COATES. SR., Executor af the Eetate of E. 8. Coatee. Deceaaed. RHOTEN. RHOTEN At SPEERSTRA Attornere At Law ' 910 Pioneer Tract BaUdUS Salem. Otccob Auornera for xxecatore. JOB. 34. Feb. 1 9. It. U. 1941 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 '. Vf.yi'W Mwny rv" Wt"wJjW VrfeJM-i' ' 1 nwimBwnmwiWAma ; :r j lit s , 1 I ' a m I '1 :.l .:i ". ' 'II 5 r lti Geortc Miller, examiner in the drivers' License division of th Department of State, is shown adjusting th Keystone Teleblnoctilar, preparatory to slmulttang "test" of the eyes of Donna Pearson, another division employee. The Instru ment is utilized in the checking of the vision of all drivers' license applicants and is one of the 15 currently in uie in the entire country. It will be discussed by John C. Kerrick, manager of the division, at a dinner meeting of some 100 optometrists, oculists and ophtomologists to be held Tues day evening, February 16 at 7:30 in the Marine room of th Marion hotel. Optometrists and State Join Efforts for Safer Driving Closer cooperation with state officials in the betterment of Oregon drivers' eyesight will be the objective of a dinner meet ing of the Oregon State Optom- etric association to be held Tues day evening, February 16, at 7:30, in the Marine room of the Marion hotel, according to Dr. Bernard D. Brown, Salem op tometrist and chairman of the committee on motorists division of the association. Guest peaker of the evening will be John O. Kerrick, man ager of the drivers' license div ision of the department of state. Other high state officials, in- eluding Secretary of State Earl lances, tunnel vision or the in T. Newbry, will attend, accord- ability to see objects clearly to ins to Dr. Brown. "We feel particularly for tunate," said Dr. Borwn, "in being able to have Mr. Kerrick address the some 100 optom etrists, oculists and opthomolo- gists who have been invited to School Annex Wlllamina Construction of seven new classrooms and in stallation of shower rooms at Chapman grade school has been authorized with the sign ing of a contract with Brown ing, Randolph and Newman, Salem contractors. The construction firm bid $131,298 for the work. Low bidder tor the bonds financing the project was the Carlton State and Savings bank with an effective inter est rate of 3.0548 per cent-. Under the new school board plan eight grades will attend the Chapman school and t'.ie Faulconer school will be used for the first four or five grades only. Famine in East Germany Berlin, W) Mayor Ernst Reu ter of West Berlin said Satur day communist Eust Germany is on the brink of famine. This has swelled the tUe of German re fugees fleeing to the West. LEGAL NOTICF. OP STREET VACATION NOTICE HEREBY IS CUV IN that tha Commot, Council of the Cltr of Salem, Oreeo-j. on the 4th dar of Pebruarr. 1953, adop.ed a reaolutlon Inltletlnc proceed- lnr to veceu the portlona of the follow- IM etreeta and ellere herewith deacrlbed. frt-wlt: AU that portion of South 13th Street from the extenalon of the Southerlr line of the eller runntnc Eaet and Went tbrouah Blocka 15 and 30. Unlvereltr Addition to the Cltr of Selem, Marlon Countr. Orecon ISee Volume 1. Pexe 33. Record of Town Pleta for aald countr and atatei. to the Northerlr line of Mill Street, aa ah own on aeM plat. All that portion of Trade Atreet extend Inx from 4 line drewa parallel with the Weal Una of South I4tb Street and 144 feel Weeterlr from the Went line of South 14th Street to the Seat line of South 13th Street ISee Vol. 1. Pare 11, Record of Town Plata tor Salem, Marlon countr. orecon. 1 All of the eller IB Block 31 and that portion at the eller In Block 14. which at bounded on the North br Lota I and 4 of aald Block. And on the South br LcU 1 and 9 of aeld Block, all In Unl vereltr Addition to the Cltr of Salem. Morloa Countr, Oreton. 'See Vol. 1. Pace 11, Record of Town Plata for aald aountr and etate.l for the reaaon that the record do not clearlx enow that tha aald atreeta and euera oave nereuiiorv aevn vacated ei- thevch thep here lone elnce been cote- verted to privete uer end aome paru thereof are now covered by permenent bulldlnca. and the portlona of the aald ctreete and altera could not be opened for aee br the public, end there le no need or ncceaattr to retain them for public uee. The aeld Common Council hoc llxed the 33rd der af March. 1933. at the hour of 9 04 o'clock le. aa the time. the Cowarll Chembero In the Cltr Hell IB A .en. Orecon. aa the place, for tnc neer- Ineof the aeld proeeedlnee and anr and obloctlona and remonetrancee to tnc propoaod veeetton. Oblectlona to each va cation. If anr there be, ahoold be made IB wntlnt end riled with the Cltr neeoroer of aeld Cltr prior ta the time af the beertne. RT ORDER OF THE COMMON COUN CIL Pebruarr 9, 1931 ALPKED MUNDT, Cltr Recorder . Feb. 14, ta, Mar. t, t, 14, 1491 i n a attend this meeting. His exper ience in the field of bettering Oregon drivers' v'lon makes him well-qualified to speak on the benefits of the modern meth od of auick screening of drivers' vision with the Keystone tele- binocular Instrument as used by his efficient ststt." The telebinocular, Dr. Browri pointed out, Is an instrument which ascertains eye defects normally not discovered when checked by means of the Snellen charts, the. method heretofore used before the introduction of the telebinocular Such .visual Impairments as muscular imbsl- either side; and various other eye conditions which may indi cate professional care is needed to protect both the prospective drivers license applicant and the motoring public; are discov ered or indicated by its Its ue. 'Oregon is one of the IS states in the entire country," .said Dr. Brown, "to use the telebinocu lar and, as Mr. Kerrick will point out, this bss resulted in a definite up-grading of driver vision in the state while provid ing many citizens with prompt referral to professional care for improving their eye-sight." In color television, the pri mary colors are not red, blue and yellow. Rather they are red, blue and green. This combina tion was picked, tha experts say, because they not only will re produce white in the proper combination but will affect all other hues as well. - STOCKS (Bp The AaaoclAted Preacl Admiral corporAtlon Allied Chemical Allla Chalmera American Alrllnaa American Power a Ltsbt , American Tel. At Tal Amerlcen Tobaeoa Aneconoe copper ....., Atcblaon Rellroad Bethlehem steel Boelna Airplane Ca. Bora Werner Burrowx Addlns Machine. California Packlns , Canadian Pacific ,,,,,M Caterpillar Tractor , Celaneee Corporation ., Chrraler Corporation ,.H..jt.,. Cltlea Service , Coneolldeted Edlaoa , Coneolldatod Vultee Crown Eeilerbocb , Curtlea Wrttnt Douflaa Aircraft ,,,,, Du Pont dc lremoura ,,,..,,., Eejtman Fodak Bmcraon nadle i Ocneral Electric , General Pooda General Motcrx Oeorala Pec. Plrwood Ooodreer Tire Homeateke Mlnlnc Co Internetlonal Harvaater laternetlonel Paper Johna Manviile Kennecott Copper ....., Llbbr McNeil Lockheed Alrerafl , Lcewet Incorporated ..- Lone Bell , Mnnttomerr Ward Naeh Relvlnetor , New York Central , Northern Pacific , Fceiric American Plan Paclfla Oae At Electric Peelfle Tel. a, Tel Peckerd Motor Car Penner, J. c Pennarlvanla ft, R. ,, Papal Cola Cc , Fhlleo Redlc Radio Corporation Raronler Ineorp. Reronler Ineorp. Pfd. Republic Steel Reraolde MetaU Richfield Oil Safewar Storea lac. AVott Paper Cc Seera, Roebuck a Ce, Sooonr-Vacuum Oil Southern Peelfle Standard Oil Calif. Standard OH B. i Stcdebaker Corp. Sunehlno Mlnlnc Swift at Companp Traniamerlce Corp Twentieth Cenlurp Fos Onion Oil Companp Onion Pacific r Dnlted Alrllnaa Called Alrerelt Dnlted Corporetlon Dnlted Statea Plvwcod United stetex Steal Werner Pieteree Weatern Union Tel , Woatinthouo Atr Brake Weitlnihouee Electric WeelwerUi . 3t i. 70H 61. . 14W .. 3t ..149 V, ,. 994 ,. 49V. ,. 97V. ,. 91W ,. 45 V, ,. 11 ,. 17 .. 3414 91 ,. 90 ,. 31 S ,. 11 .. 4114 .. 11 .. 31V, .. 43 .. 9 V. ...934a .. 9714 . 71 H . 41 'e . 94 . 34 . 31 S . 14 . II .119 ,. 39", ,. 144 .. 4H, ,. M .. 40 '4 .. 13S .. V .. 37' .. 44'i "I MARKET QUOTATIONS POETLAJTB PEODOOE US MteetAt-TaniattTa, art loot be 14 ahaaae! Preaaloxa caautx. a .11 to one per cent aeMltr delivered Portland 99-Tba lb.: nret eeallty 47-74ei and euaUtr. 44-eie. Taller reel tea and eouBtrp polata, I aaati beaa. bwiur Wholeeala f o b. balk ambaa la wholoealeri xrade AA 9B aecea. 41a: A trade, 91 ecaro, 4441 B, 44 acora, 44ei O. 99 eatra 94c, Abo re acieee atruur aceeleal Cbaaaa Santral prtea to Portlaad wboia. aalere, Oroaaa alnelaa. tlVb-44c Oratoa I aa. war, aitb-aitbU triNete, 1144 Was tbaa alnelaa. Eeee to Wlilnilcin Candled ease 00a- Inlnx aa laaa. eaaaa tnelndael P. ex. XL Portland, A xrade lane 44t4-44ya01 A sxada medium, wb-47ei (rede terse, 41- 44tc rertlaavt Datrp HaetM better-ernca to niAnaow! Orado AA PMnt. Tie: A earwa. Tlci A prlaea, nel carton. Tie; B prlBta, 44c Ease To re teller a. Orado AA. Urea. 13a 1 A laraa, M-41CI AA medium. 40c I A audi axe. 49-4901 A amalL xaailnaL Caiicext, Sa addltloaaL Ckeeaa Price to leAafMra. Portled. Oracoa etna lea, 49-40ci 5-lb. teaTce. 11-Utea Ib.i trlplata, IVea ton thaa sta tue. Premium bran da elnclaa, 44VMI Veof, 41VM. Procoaacd Americaa aniaae. 4-lb. loeraa to retell, 49k-44Ve4 lb, Paaltrp Uea CWaftaaa Ola 1 analltw. 9. O. B. alaatcl Frrert, ltt-1 Iba, 30-1 le: 9-4 lba, 34-llci roaatara, 4Va the, and mt. 14-lle; aeatr bona, all wattbta. 13-ne: haht baaa. all weUhta. le-ltc; aid rooctera, 14-144, arreeaaa tweaeaa rrrera, 3A-1 Iba, ex. Ci ro altera. 41-44e: Heht bene, llla: hearT bene. 14-37ei ana aa frrn. all walchta. U-444. EalNtc ATaraca to aiawceat lire wbllee. 4-5 lba, 33-beei (-4 Bet, 34-1M .l aba doee. N-lac lew bUner. Freeh dreaead nrara to reuilara, 14 Hci ewt bp. 44-eic. Ceaatrp KlUet Meata veal Too auaUtx. 44.44a Ib.i eeaieh heevlee, 19-tOc. Hni Leu blecxeta, XX-aoc: eawa. Ueht M-35C. Lamba To 4raoa asrtneera. 4a-4aai ather eraeae, aoeordlBX to aualltr. Katlaa Beat ewea and wetbers 19-19c fb. aaf Ctllltr caraa. ta-t euttera. 14-340. preab Dreeaed Meata (Waaleaalara to reUllera. -SUe re choke, too-TOO lba- 494.41: rood. 917-41! commercial. 414-11; alUltr, tll-34. Cewa OmmerclaL 934-34: atOltr. 434. 341 caaaer, 437-JO. Beef Cate tohotee eteeral Had eaar tera, 947-911 rouada. 4U-M: full lolne irimmaa, tea-Tel Irlantlaa. 413-141 fere- cuartcra, 114-391 ehucke, 114-491 nba, 545-91. Teal Oood. 949-54; conmerclala, 444-14. Calvaa Ohefee. lea-ae; eumvuii. 940-59. Laeabb Prime avArtnaara. 4A-AA & il-41! rood. 141-44. aaatua Oood choice. 4aa.lt. Park Cate Louu. Mo. 1. 4.14 The., aae- lll ahouldere, 14 Iba.. 434-311 eoarerlbe. , irven Baeaa, 19-14 inc., 404-94. Beaeked Bama Sklaned. 441-4&41 elek bacon, 141-1L Refined lard la druma, sit. 114.59; clab bacon, 134-444. Peetlead Mlaeellaaeeae celerr Cal. net crate. doe tl.ix. e'-.J. rev vo ce.ao. ure., 41.X9-53.94. oaeeaa 44 lb. aceke Waat Oreean ai. Iowa, medium. 94-4 40; 1-lncb., N.M-S: No. 3a. 41.00-350! bauere, 10 lba. aaeka, 49-47cl Idaho pellowa, larea. 13.35-1. 75: Ha. 1 larte, 43 31-3 79: white mod. lam, I4J9 1.49! few ta 11.15. reutaea Ore -Waah. ruaaebt, Ma. 1, 4.14-Mi n4ma brbada to 4.74; baker a. 5 35-50; M Iba, alia A. 1 35-M; 14 St. meeh. 41-40C1 baoer. 44.4bni Idaho nueete hl -! av ta. tmcxA a.oe-xa; it lb. No. la, l.to-M. ar-D. S. No. 1 areen alfalfa, deliver. ed car lota P.O B. Portland, namlnane 93914 ton; Seattle, tto.50-44. Weel Willamette valla aaeaere al at Ue lb, areaeo bee la. . lace oarvea. ll-lte ra. aeeniiln.e ta welxhta: creen klpa, 10-1301 beef, la-lie ee.11 bulla, l-4Veei aracB butcher cow hldac. Ftlberte ..Wholeeala aniline avle a. 1 lane Barcelonaa, 34-ite lb. irowcr prleee. ium, . i va ee. Walneta Wholeaala aelllns Erie, tlret ualltr larte Prencuettee, ll-lli Ib.i srowar or lee, aecbard run. lf-lta Ik, few CbJeexe Onleae (Bp United Preeal atupniiac moderate. AnuJ Cat a.- ket for eVsanlah allehtle weekap aa v.i. v uiooee cjurntip otrotum. jtxoi xaiae no Iba. 1 1 Idaho Spaalah, TrF per cant or more n. a i a.irs ana wrxer, a cara 4.49, 1 car 4.94. Street xalaa (94 ue.l: Idaho Spaabdl 4 Inch and larter 4.50-4.45, few 4.74; Colo rado 1-inch aad larter, moatlr 4.90; Idaho whltee l.lnch and larxar. elea a to 1-lnoh, u. a aommeroltla 3.TI-4.0O. rartlaa Orata Portland Vft ooarta iralne vneuoted. Wheat 1bld, to arrive market, a tela no. bulk, deUvered coact: Soft white 1.43: aofl white (axeladlns RexJ l.tl; white club 1 43. Hard red winter: Ordlnarx 1.41: 14 per cent 1 til 11 per cent 1.44; 11 per cent 1.41. Hard white heart: OrcUaarr s.tli 14 per cent 3.41; l per cant 1.41: 11 par cent l.tl. Todap'4 car racclptc: Wheat Ssi barlep 11 Dour 4; corn 11; ecu Hi mill feed 14. Cbfeaxa Orala Chlcaco (AV-oralna made a tittle Bro- traaa on the Board at Trade Mondar on tnc etrenciB of duat etormx In the winter wheat belt and fell tnc tern port turea in tbe Mtdweet. The upturn wax Bothtnc to aat excited about and It wee aceompllehed cat a pood deal laaa volume thaa prevailed fab laet week'a aeeelone. some potential whect map have sonc up in the air with the dutt la the Scutb weat, tradara reaaonod. Wheat cloeed -lV. hUber. Kerch M14V1-1.14. corn te-Ht hlaher, March 91.91, oau enchanted to rjlaher, March 7K4.ee, ,7a 4,,.iva bkther. War 41.74-Ve. aarbaana Ve lower ta S hlaher, March az.eava-i.ta, ana ixra II to N cenu bundred pounda hlaher, March 94. tl. Sleek Market New York (.tv- The atoek toarket xtain- telned a falrlr ateadr aapect Moodar. but there were cltna at allcht weakaeea here and there. Vlrtuellr ell price ehencea ware frae- tlona! wltb the exception at a few hlaher priced rellroede that loot between 1 And 1 polnta at tlmaa. Tradlnc wax alow tbrouchoat the eea elon. Bualneaa amounted to an catlmated 1,100,000 altered. The market atarted ateadr and then talne epread throuxb the llet. Welcome Home! Gener al James A. Vsn Fleet re ceives warm welcome from his wife upon his arrival at Hickman Field, Oahu. Tha retiring commander of the 8th Army in Korea is rest ing in Hawsll belore con 9Jjt I tyea:ylj I if I ? vrTrr.-' 4 "i A , s i im 2 ' i . i 33 J . . v I 9l "rf ' Jgf) HLVpV.-: Hi uH tinulng on to Wsshlngton. v. . ; , Capital Journal, Saba, Orafaie Maofe TaV 1 rv.'1 i y -.V Did BritaiB Betul Sntail rriniT Egypt's strong nuuv rre- mltn, Can. Moiarriined Naguib, appears to be covering a laugh aa ha holds up pen used ta signing Egyptian-British , agrfrement oh tha Sudan. He la surrounded by employaa ' and newspapermen in his Cairo office after the signing, AsTwement calls for substitution of home rule for tha sover eignty tha two nations have enjoyed over tha Sudan for 64 years. It gives Sudanese choice of independence, union with Egypt or partnership in British Ounmonwealth before end of 1955. (AP Wirephoto) Humorous Gifts Given At Capital Banquet Wsshlngton VP) Humorous gifts were presented to the state's congressional delegation at the annua! banquet of the Oregon State Society here Fri day night Rep. Walter Norblad got a cap with tha word "Post" on It Keith Hall of Portland, master of ceremonies, explained Nor blad was given tha cap in case he had to deliver his son's Wash ington newspaper route aa ha did last winter. Rep. Sam Coon of Baker was given a baby's cap since he Is the state's "baby congressman. Rep. Homer AngeU of Port land got another glass elephant for his collection. Tnia ona was pink. Sen. Guy Cordon of Roseburg, a member of the Senate Appro priations Committee, was pre sented with a small binder. He was told that it probably would be large enough to hold the budget which tha Republican administration has promised to trim sharply. Sen. Wayne Horse of Eugene received a miniature horcshoe Referring to his forthcoming election campaign in 1859, -the Oregon Independent who bolted the Republican party, said: "I'll need all the luck of a horse shoe." Rep. Harris Ellsworth of Rose burg, In New York Friday, was unable to attend. Secretary of the Interior Doug las McKay was one of the ban' quet speakers. The former Ore gon governor jokingly said that one of the benefits of his new Job wss that he had escaped the complaints of persons who were not satisfied with tha state's highway improvement program. Burt Brown Barker, chairman of the Oregon Statuary Commit tee, another speaker, withdrew his offer to say "a few words." "I spent two and a half hours in the Senate today listening to a few words," he said. Sen. Morse, who had been one of the main Senata speakers that SALEM MARKETS Compiled tram lepcita et Selexx daelcrt (er tbe caldaaee af Capital learaal readeve. (btevteed Salrr.) EetaM Feed Prleee Babbit PoBete 43.59 190-n. bee), 44 94- 199 100-lb. bacl. Saw Meeb 44 31-94 49. Delrr Peed 11.91 179-Ut. bac). 91 91-1.91 (SO-lb. baa). 44.99-9.49 (100 wt.l. Faaltrx Barlae Prleee - colored frrert. 17e; old rooaura, leci colored fowl, llci lechorn fowl, IK; roeaterx, sac, Eeaa Beriaa Prleee Ecu, A A, tec; larte a. 97-41e: medium AA, 14c; medium A. 14 99c: email, loc. Wbeleeelc Pneae Ets waoloaaic prieoe tenerallr t-7e hither than the prleee abort. Larce trade A tencreltp e noted at 49c: medium. 45c. Ratterfat Burlnx price: Premium, 71 73c; No. L 49-70c: No. 1, 97c. Salter Wholeitle trade A ptrebment, 71c Ib.i null. Tic rr1l.a1 l4tt3 MArkH PortUnd vn WilUmtttt vllty ettiU fiAWflr Mid for II. W ft erftU todT at th PertlftM SaiUkla Pftrmtrt WbolcaaU Product, mtrktt with jmill to Mwdlum CBbbftift MUlnt i IJ-1.M. othir ofttrlofi t Mitt cm with pi-let nomiou. PcrtUnti Uriiltvk portUnd ajift Cftttttr 1W0: tuilvti fd mUmtk hlfr aVoe htfhtr witk , 7. -.a r 1 ae ifclaV , el fS eteia iJaa- .lid lleholo. tt UU n Seer! li. ":JSn;HZ i?an.il?..l,!I! r,.a!i v. " ' U?71 f aome 14 90; 1I9M oannen down la U d belcw: utllltr eowt 15.19 50: rounc com- merelal cowa 111 utllltr bulla 17-19; com mercial above 10. calvea: 131: ateadr; tood-eholca veelera 34-131 food elcuchler caJvao 33-31. Hoca: 754; Active. tl-50e hither; choice I. 1 batchert 140-Ut lba. ll-13.il: choice 140-100 Iba. 11-11 54: choice 150 550 lb. aowe It 54-11 50: llehtcr ebove 30 50. Sheep: 1000; alow, ateadr; eholec 114 lb. eerlr ehorn Umbo 14.50; ebolee lam be II: choice-prime No. 1 pelt fed lamba above 13: rood -choice teederc above 19; teed-cholce ewea 4-4 Cbleaco Li reelect rhieaea ia HOCC cnaiaeo ap a na hllh mark elnce Oct. 1 Mondar at 439.91 a hundred poundo at the top, or 91.91 hlaher than a rear aeo. The teneral mar ket wea ateedr to 14 cenu hlaher. Cattle arrlvala were bunched bt 14.490 4 bead, however, or 94 per coal hither tbaa Prleee reacted at ateadr ta 91 90 lower levebi. moat deeltnea tola ta euera and beirera. Moat butcher wdtbt beet aold from 919.15 to 930.49 tnd aowe from 514.74 to 919.71. Clearance wax aood an the 9,000 beed on tele. Oood to prime ateera baa paarnntx eoio from 110 14 ta 93000 while tood and eholec bellerc made 430 44 tt 914.40. Oowc topped ct HI 94. bulla al 31.44. aad weal era 0. 93104. Sheep offorlata were aboul ta use with a week ace but Utile tradlnc edl'IIT dereioped up to a lete hour. Bettmated arrlvala alt aalTat aad 1,000 aheep. afternoon, pretended to look embarrassed. : DEATHS art beta. Francaa Bert, at the eat N. Cotton St., Fab. 11. ctarrtved bv huebaad. Frank Bert, Salem; daashlera, Kra. Walter Carllale, Salem, Mra. Tlrta Woodward, Solent, lira. Richard Ktaaae, Portland. Mra. Harrr Stabler Jr, Seals Boca, Caltf.i coat. BH Kopt, Salem. Robert Bart, Port! and: cutcra, Mra. nalph Tlt- tena, vaiem. acre, xtatua ciark. ciaua. lira. Steve Henoen, Roaeburt, Mm. Leu lea Hilt, Muaculi brother, Bud Dalatpp, lAe- l u sreacKaildreB. aterncaa Tueadap. Feb. It at 14: 34 am Kt tha Cloueh-BArrtok ChapeL Interment Eeiereet Memorial Park. Bar. Dudler strata WIS on teu to. nituAiieuo eernoe br aajverav Star. Waraa Baker X Warne Baker, lata taxtdent at 1441 Portland Rd.. In a local hoaplttl Feb. 14. Survived bp bro there. Ifoel O. Baiter. Portland. Everett F. Baker, Casta, Waah.i allien, lewa. a a Bredeacet. and Mra. B. A. Tnocnaa, bota off Lec Anteext. oelix. Serrlcea ta cnotuTh-Bantek Chapel raaaa aar. rea. it. at l :ao p.ea. with tnc xtev. bault White MflclatlBB ana BtM at im xtiacietk Clatatcrp. John RaphaaL at tha rcatiitnaa 1TT1 Tew, St. Fab. IS. Surrtvad bp wlfav Mra. - earn Raphael, aiexat eUkuaEterx. Ml. Richard B. spraker, Buflei, N.T, and Mra. Lrla tbmltb, Balac, lde,i coeu, Robert a. empanel, rorweao, anei 400X1 o. ma phael, Zlma, Waah. Alaa eurvlved br ntna eraodchlldrea. Bervlcea will be held Thuradar, Feb. 14, at l'.M ta, ta Iba Cloiisb-Bartiek ObapeL Feael PbDltl aeata - Al the roeldence 44 Locuit, as Feb. It, Pearl Fnllln Bxaalar at tbe aaa af 71 reera. Survived br a niece, Mre. Ar thur apraeue af Belem. Member or the I.O.O.P. lodaa af Turner. Funeral Arrance meata will be axada later br the W. T. Bltdoa Co. Iveara BL PUletle Ta thlx cltr ob Fab. 14th. Srveriei bf. Flllettclata resident af 1171 Brook sea, at tha aee af n re era. Survived bp . mother. Era FlUettt of Salem; free aee tera, Staler BVetra Itarr af Spokeae, Waahlnt ton: Mra. Mario Daalaeat er pact. land, Mrc. Dorothr Shepherd aad Ana Bof fert and Mlaa Bar FlUatta. all of Balaam twa brotherc Oharlca af Fendleton, and Mel at Salera. Faneral arraBtemeati win be aaade lalee br the w. T. Slpdaa Oc AOee Marie Slerwer Alloa Marie Stelwar. laU realdaat at 1191 Ohemaketa tU ll a Portland boa- Pttai. rob. 19. 41 tnt 4X4 af 34 SurrlTed bp mother, Mra. Vracbal Badler. Brooke, and trandmothcr. lira. Blla MoCafftrr, Saltra. Annoimccmcnt af aerMeoo wiu bo made utter br Iba Bcerca- aawarow oompanr. lablat a Sbatxakap ' Era kin a J. aVbunwkcr. lata redd ant af 344 Lealla St. la a local nurelnc boma, Feb, 14, at the 444 of 71 reera. aur vlved bp wife, Mra. Bans ftbemeker, Sa lem; ana daughter, Mra. Bor W. Bunt, Salem: alatera. Mra, BTernett Loooer. nalem, and Mra. Victor Looner, Albanrl two trandaone, Jamae and Robert Bunt, both of Salem. Serrlcea will be held Tuee der. Feb. 17, at 1:10 p.m. Is tha Bowen. Edwarda Chapel with lba Rev. Dudley Strain offlolatlnt and coneludlns aerr- Icea at Bale reel Memorial Park. Maaae Meaber ' ' At the realdenec In Falo Alto, Calif, aa ab. 14, Mra. Maude Moehar. at tha aee of 74 rcarx. Surrlrad br I abac Harrr at, apaaner of Palo Alto, calif, Kenneth BL of SeatUc and William A. af Newark, Del. I brother, WlUlara Stone af Oraton Cltrl five cr4ndchlldren. Funeral aervlcea wlfl be held Wedneadar. Fab. 14 at 1 34 p.ra. IB the ehepel af the W. T. R led on Co with Interment at Cltr View cemetorr- OBITUARY Mra Jeeale Mer SUatea Dauea Mre. .eaale Mar staatom. 93, died at Dallaa Sunder, Feb. 15. Site wea bora at Sallnaa, Kan., Dec. It, 1444 bad came to Orecoa br covered watea wheat rounc cniM. site craduated from ore- eon Colleeo of Education at Monmouth In 1901 and tauehl for ceveral reara. Sha wee married to Smith C. Stanton In Pen dleton Sept. 14. 1947. Ther lived la Fen dleton until 1911, movlnt from there 94 Belem where ther receded In the Llb ertr dlatrlcl until 1911 when ther moved to Dallaa. survlvlnc bealdea the buabaad li a ettp-deurhtor, Mra. Ror Colter af Otter Rock, Ore.: two atep-aona, RuaaeU I. atantne .ad f!laiuta W Atantm. Uih. M,,uh,w' "' U"" MeaeCP 2. Cnl"' 0rt ' " inm' rnm'm f land. tnd Mra. Jrennette Oraea at chHdrea. Befvleec will be held al tha rottm , nm, duim wednea. ,. .... - kllr... ,. mm ereat Memorial Park, Salem. Flnwerf tribute of respect IIUWCI) for the departed, an expression of comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST 321 Court Jr 1 Lam HDD) DRS CHAN . LAM CHiNtSE NATDKUPATHS DpaUlrs. til North Liberty Jilice open Bavuraay only It am to i pjn . to 1 pjn Con lUltavUoo. Uood oraaxure AO urins tests are tree of enan PTBCtleexl since m Write fa ittraeuve gut no cxTiUnUoBi O Chan RD