V i lft Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALI FARMS For Sale By Ownei4 STANLEY'S NORTH SANTIAM VEGETABLE FARM . n m tardea eolL, 4 mile, wait at Started. 11 alia wataaut at alaa. una af aeani lot Starton cannery, aarrot annua (or Conraillt aad teytaav aanaery. With a profitabla Irab market baetaaae. with eae takla waaher aad aaektac abad. Plenty at trrttalloa water, with alattrta power. Seml-tnodera 4-room baaM, Ian. bam. TERMS CAM AB BAHOED. a L. Stanley. Aanumn. M. X lot. nana ataytea. lint. FOR SALE HOUSES BEAU. SUBURBAN HOME Owner built for atlf with flret-elaa. aonxt ruction la mrj wa lae. m. VILA flrwlace ft ptctura wladawa, ban m&Jtrr bedroom, tile bath, dla. m, laa, lowly alt. vltb lota af window area .double taraia vltb laworv room M toilet, touted en aorner af aaa ear af ebolea land vltb trrlcatloa aqulp. Beet BAhborhood, an clou t Keleer achool itorM. tlt.OOt. OaU Bob Coakira. 4 BL. FROM HI SCHOOL I -tod room horn. S m old, will-to-vail earpet, Ta. blmda, laa. w.nlher. atrlroed. If yon BMd a a-bdrm. bom. don't fall te aee thla aaa. 4'.J,to4. call Bob conaua. 1650 POWN I-tedYoora aldtr typ. noma, alou tn tut off state at. Bat. rana. 41 bot vatr, all elrc aothlar faner. but a food eomiortaoia noma prases nana a. 44944. Call Bob conklla. GOOD FOR SUBDIVIDINa a aaroa wnnemeu. leant aou, only I U. from frada acaool. Sla-room boaia that reouxna, hh fiaianina. am eau Allan Flttcbtr. WE WONT BRAG about tha houaa. bua tba land la food. t earn, 4 mllH S B. af oltr vltb aboat aao aara af Baeiarorrrioa, ami iww barrlea. trad, hi achool bu. toatO. call Auaa putcnar. ONLY flSOO DOWN Nearly ona aera vltb a twoora vail located on pared atreet, aarato and aome fruit, (7000. call AUta Pletcnor. NICE 2-BDRM. HOME plaitertd, alow In as North Liberty, flmlae. In At out. la, lrr. rm. din. rtn. Somblned. Ulad kitchen, brkfet. nook A bath, full baamt.. nav aato. all furn. i piped to oacb room. Beau, back yard. fruit ai nut tret, firepiaca at arm, im. As v. .tripped, oajy to heat, choice lo cation In HJenland dUtrlct. uoo. Call Packy liaParland. KZIZER DIST. Older typa homo fa Kakter Dial., aom , pletely fnraurhed. Ur. rm, din. rm., kit. dl bath, I bdrnu., nev elee. rame At ref. Priced to tell at 44500. 6eo ovner at IM Brana, or call Packy IfeParlaad. ONLY 2 YRS. OLD Wo hare three 1-bdrm. hotraa on lota 40x40. 40x150 for a4M, 44toe and 44400. See ovner at afro Bran, or aaU Paekr licPailand. s BUSINESS LOT 01140 ft. M,0 Burt Picha tTt N. Hlctt sc omet: ft-4MT Ailkvn Flttcbtr I-27M a 40 BT OWNVB 1-bodroom hont, fTWI. I toe BY OWNEB, 3 btdroom houM, ha.nl wood , fitort, 1 aer of food Mil, 18800. FHA f !uan Tlliblt. asis Hollnvood Dr. 41 X BOUSES Ont s bodroom. on I bed room. Pbon 334N. 4t OuMfLKlfctT dlfltrnii, I bMlroom, Ha. otMineiit, aoubit rimiMt, pitunDiDK, kit, on bus. 1415 Duncan. Ml DELUXE bedroonia or t bedroom and laitr den, ctntnu did. em dm p.nmD in, double Attain, vttrwt, tstrs Urgo roomi and eloMU, blond nardwood trim. It rou want a boust tn tha 111,000 elau ron dtdnittlr thould tnla. Uto Oraanwood Diiva. Bulldtrs Pbona I-W23. ail rOTJS BOOM bouaa, am all lot, $1710. I yra. aid. Ph. MTU. Iteo aballar Ara. Ey ovaer. ato t-niDaooH houao, t-bedroom boue. ni worth Winter. an i BID BOOM hoaaa for aala or trade for aereata, ITIOO, on tanna. I11N. ato GI$350pn. S3 narrv 1-bedroom houaat, with full basement Out Stat Street, V mile pait 4 Corner. $8,895 - $33 MONTH Office at Project Phone 4-1373 al $750 DOWN BEW lldrooni noma br avnar. Ipaaa for I mora rooms upstairs. Lara kitoh m tth Plant r bnUt-lna, aU baat, larva lot, attach, pi titer sd aaraca, cltj vitcr and aawtr. Clot to bos and school. Loratad 3030 Ertrrretn. 1 block south ot EUTorton Bd. PuU prlct MM. Diiva br and look, door is opan. Pbona 4-Jiaa days. 4-3B33 fPDlnsi, a4J INOUWOOD-J brdroom; sta 1T70 iT 34th. Call aftsr :00 on 0undar to Inakla. Mutt BtU. Maka an otftr. a44 EE TBIE room noma, car aaa, larga lot. Itnr'd. trano. Ph. 4M4I. FOR SALE LOTS ONE OR TWO lots cheap if taksn at onre. Ith Bt. Phone 4-1607. at43 FOR SALE FARMS OPEN FOR BID NON-RRBlDStTT OWNER wants lm mexlltte eale of thta 14 acraa. mile north of T Cats oft Dallas-Inde pendence Junction, ft ml. of Salem. All unable sou, nics err.-c4d modert. t-rm. home, other bVdva.. a ood erehard. all IN CORP. THIS Xa A BUT. SUBMIT IWR BID HOW. NEAR TURNER U Acres all tn suit. 31 A. rye trass, uvs creeK. Mr modern home. alto amellar house, large barn ma ahtne shed, can trrisate. IDEAL POR rrnJCiL price gis.ooo with Vj down. BBS T. T. ANIJERBOlf FOR A PARM EVE. PH. 43714 FOR SALE ACREAGE VIEW PROPERTY FUTURE HOME SITE M Aerea uj mile, from Weal Salem. Out Or oil art Helffhta road. No Milldlnae. Tirma O u. WUllanu, Bt , Boa an. phone I.t03l. bbtl Journal Want Ads Pay ..(.la.lt IIO AOVIBTUINO Per W.r, 4. r.r n.ri, I nam la. Per n.rd, t llaie. la. Per Ward, I alb aaa K. Befaada Mlaraiaa 14 Waraa. artntaa la Uaal Rm OA Oaly. Par War. U Mlalaiam 14 Warda Te Place Ad In Sam. Dart Paper, Phona 1 2404 Bcforaj 1 a.m. Oregon, Monday, Feb. 16, 1053 FOR SALE FARMS REAL ESTATE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOM win firat aaitua aanstnieUoat If aa, thU la It, 4 bdrooms. Cholca loaatlon. a ft. dMD baawmank Fnrnaea. Plraplaea. paeloos eorntr lot. Built vhan thar nailr built than. wslL Prloa raduaad to 310,000. FM.A. urms. CAN'T LAST mawanaa It's a en Us. 1 Badroom Bnfla mtvs met. miutv room. SDoUaaslr eltan. Btosllant for older aoupls as thara Isn't much rard to ktep up. Oftcrad for salt Sa alow asuta. run prtcs oniy hw LIBERAL TERMS Coir 4 yra. aid. I bedroom bona, vtth H-acre lot. Oaraaa. Prd. m. 1mm. Poae. Utility roora. Lava and ahruha. rull arlM af71A. A HONEY OF A HOME Loraly aedar panelled dea. Beautiful laraa aamat lot. Plreplaaa. OH furnace. Inialatad. Owner learlna. Priced to aeU at H4.J00. CALL KB MR. CRAWPORO, BTB. PR oaino or MR. Kiooma. bvb. ph. 4-u. If no anavtr call -ntl. READY TO WEAR Drasa Shop. XKeaUant location. Vsrr olsan saltabla rtock. a& rwdm fix taras. Varr raasonabla rant. Hera's roar opportualtr to ttt Into bnslntia with a small iDTMt'jient. mo pnona mrormauon. Bhova In arenlnc onlr. 03000 for fU- turas, approx. 43,000 stock. FURNITURE STORE It's ft sood ona. BstablUhad many rears, clean all new stock. Plna location. Terr ration able rant. TO la is ft ima oppor tonltr to at In tha furniture business without too larva an investment. Bo phona tnformatloa. Bhown amines only. Pull prlco for farrthlntr lnci. track, tl,7M. OWNER MUST SELL This well established i roc err. Very rood town. Ideal for man and wife. Present owner will advise buyer. Rent only 150 per mo. Stock about SOOOO. Every thins goes for $8500. Owner may oonaldsr house as part payment. IDEAL ICE CREAM Drive-in. Equip, la tha bast money can bur. This bu been a real money mak er st er since It opened. Lorn lease at t reasonable figure. Owner may aonslder home as part payment, liberal terms, price baa bean reduced to tl4,B50. CALL FOR DAN XBAAK, BVB. PH. 4-3533. If no answer call 4-3348. SUBURBAN DANDY I t and t-10 acres. Close in oast. Bat of sou. 4W cherry trees plus several other iron uses, irrigated, oood older type 4 badroom bona, 30 br 00 bso, chicken1 house, deep wen. liar eonxlder ahanttnc for city property. PuU 13,660. lVo ACRES Close la north. Older type S-bedroom house. Oood barn, ahicken house. Pull price omy shoo. 6I2 ACRE DANDY Bond Trontase on threw aides. Close to east. Bast of soli. Vary dean l-bedroom home, j Bathrooms. Basement. 1 car arase. Oreen house. SO by 30 barn. This Is outstanding la tha best of repair. Ball price 333,000. 2 ACRES Clota fa north. 4 badroora houaa tn ood aopdltlon. Chlckon bouee, fruit bouw. Boik. itravberrlea. Prult, Will aiohaaia for 10 or 10 aarat. Pull price MM. CALL PCXI at. LBAVBKa, BTB, PH. I-.TJ1, B no anjver .all 4-nta, bfORTOAOl LOANS 1 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonea 4-3'.l or S.K20 lOlt PORTLAND ROAD Bra Phonea a-t739. 4-ttat, 4-U34 or a-tstl at a. auvar. phona t-lltt al. Englewood New 3-bedroom houia will ba cam. pitted la 30 dars, Purchaser may hare eholce tn decorating and outside paint. Baa terse kitchen with nook, dining room, spacious living room with fire place, double garage and full basement with automatic ell furneee. Basement haa fireplace in party room area and alto haa plumbing roughed-In for ad ditional bath. Located In All new r.i. Idential area near school. Bus service la eacsUant. l 4.000. Maximum floanc- STOCK FARM 30 ftcras la permanent pasture and 10 acres in hay. 4 -bedroom house with full basement. maaA well ..,- ,.- bam, fenced and erose-fsnced. Located va nianway av oniy u mum south of Salem. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 UAAONio miTT.niNn Beal Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans rnua s-aiil . SveningS 14709 eo $750 DOWN An extra good t-badrooa home. Large haasfrfYlfrirt QokiI lr.1 t.nn e a 7 """" a,v. jhai IB ' UYing room. Dining room, plus plenty a anue Bpae in larva sucntn. laarge attached garaga, Lots of storare space. Eitra large lot tntida city limits. One w Bua une. naxaoca use rant, WANTED, A CAR OR TRTIPK as down payment oa a new t-bedroom home, with double garage. Lortly view iwa utaua iwni, vnpcaa aiami room. Excellent home for growing family. $200 DOWN Only 143 par month and mora light inio your g-oearoom noma. Pull bath. Large lot with plenty of eerden aoere Pared street la NX Salem and aloes te araov acaooi. REIMANN REALTORS Loans and Insurance 141 South Rich street Prion, 1-070) Ph. Biea. 4-1471, 1-3 M. l.U7t, 4-U14 a4a 1-BDIiM. HOUC IWJO On bu. Only 450 dovn. IH AC j-bdrm. yiiRxuiiirn Home. Prtre inso. noo down WKLl JKilLr l-BURaf. HOKX. Baarment, furnac. Price 47300. 10 AC. , UIU09 OUT OOOO bsUdiaia alee Mw. Only HOMO. Per more lnfonnadnn. rail or tea OSCAR SKUrRSTHOU 1th JOHH J. TANN. RXAI.TOR 414 M. Hllb Ph. 4I44J Aa. W114 040 REAL ESTATE too north FRoerT Sane 4 buameae comer. Lot tailtl. Paved alley, rear. Phone a-aatl lor da- taila. Walter boealolaKy juai aauta. COLBATH'S BUY'S 2-BDRM. COTTAGE 44 blfca. from Engltweod school. This email home an lot ftOxM ean be bought at REDUCED PRICE of I33M With EMM HOLLYWOOD DIST. Larsa S-bdm. home with XJt as DB aomblnatloa. Lot 30x130. PRB7B IS ONLY fOOO aad rsry good terms. HOME & BASMT. NOTHINO CODLD BB PINIB POK TUB PR1CB Of KM. m thU aleaa aad very neat bom. vltb LB. DB, nlc. bath, ell beat, owe dry beam!, aaraae, email lot.' WILL TRAOI PUB LAJtOSB a-bdnn. homo ap to 111,000. SPECIAL - $9250 KTWCH l-BCOHOOU HOUI ON PIONEER DRIVE. Lara. LB vltb fire place, bdwd. fir... oil beat, attach Ml aaraae. roomy autenea. oinetie, eeaa. tlfu! lot IOOiIM. Perfect TV T)cin". TIOIC. WILL TAKS OOOD TRAILEB HOUSB SI TBAQE. UP & DOWN DUPLEX NICE CORNER LOCATION Dt EN OLEWOOD DIST. ifaln fir. has 1 bdrms, LB, Vn, fireplace, bstn, p- stalra unit with nice si ten n. oatn, LR si badroom. Baamt. with aU piped furnace, utility rm, 3 -car garagt. Price 39400. LIVE IN ONE RENT THE OTHER, will traoe lor lata ouiu i or t-bdrm. home. KXCET.T.ENT TBUIS. WILL TRADE - POR PARJaf this lovsly J-bdrm. home lo- ostsd esat on Hawthorne Ave. Has bdwd. firs- fireplace, unflnUhad up stairs, oil hsat, lot 17x100. Priced at I10.MW. WALNUT PARK eVBdrm. home with larga basmt oil piped heat, maple firs., flrtBlaca, all large rooms, extra features gMora and J n it rigbt for your larga family. SEE THIS BUT POR llft.fM). 3 BDRMS. ON 17TH Ltrlna rm. Ai Dr aomblna, 3ar aa race, abort dlitane, to Bnilcvood achool. Prlca 15700. Tenna, lltoo dovn or traoa for ltrwtt 4-odrm. home. BVB, CALL BARaT VAN HORN. PH. 41144 or DAVB LAZENBBY, PH. 41701 or OLQA OOLESBEI, Ph. 35371 NELSON ' Drive By 005 Dearborn Well built large 3 bedroom home that has a 14xil airing room plus a good slss dining room, and 16x13 kitchen. This one year old home la on a pared street In ft good Btlshborhood. The full price Just 30200. Call AL WatU, 3-T2M. Drive By 1065 Oreenwood California rambler ranch styled home. S'Urse bedrooms; Jsrse den. Charming aunny living room, hardwood trim, na tural burch built-lns., 3 full tiled bsths. llontag oil forced air furnace, ssparavs utility room. This home Is truly differ ent, Call 3-1360. Nelson & Nelson Specialising Realtors 103 M. .High St Ph. 3-MOt SULLIVAN unit Ittttt StiiUit Ittltttt , tuitituii iismastt mirnwt titttiiitf BafuuKia Mns$Msti HOMES tltlUlItltlttSStllll (MHfltM 33 IlllltlSII llltlllt 13 3IIISS33 UIU 33 Ittttt St 33 ' TWO ACRES on Lancaster. This ts aountry living at its best. Chicken house, separata double garaga and a good 3 bedroom houaa. This house haa a state veterans loan, which ean ba assumed er a new loan secured. 17300. 11000 DO WW rive years old. Wall-tows 11 carpet. Plreplaee. Close to grade and high schooL Exceptional Talus here. 33790. 305 LESLIE Tha older-type home you have been looking for. Near Bush school. Owner will trade for duplex or will sell for 30.300. DUPLEX A vary sound Investment. Bach apartment hast bedrooms. Build ing Interior and exterior tn excellent oonomon. Adjoining lot. also soned for a duplex, included tn sale. 310,600, or take home In trade. THREE BEDBOOMS-South near Uc Blnler school. Large kitchen and 1360 aa. ft. Heat la oil forced-air. Owner will take house op to 30.600 on trade. 12,000. BUSH SCHOOL This 1-bedroom home will plsass. Penced yard, unfinished ud- stalrs. wsathirstrlpped and lnaulated. W1U trade for larger home. 33.100. FHA terms, win take care on dowa payment, 38 ACRES Turkey, poultry or dairy farm. Farm has Amity and Willamette sou. Clots In. north of Salem, l. bedroom home with full basement la etcelienl condition. Oood barn and woo to. n. la brooder house. $30,000. 'terms. 300 ACRES Polk county. AU fenced. Oood T-room home. Outbuildings In fair condition, loo head aheep and some farm implements Included. 333.000. $13,000 down. ROBERT B. SULUVANa REALTOR 3333 Portland Road Ph.: V6513 Ph. eras.: 3-1137, 3-OOTI, 4-WJ33. 4-170 e40 HURRY ON THIS ONE A nice, comfortable eder true home with larse lit ins fc Unlns nns.. kitchen with breakfast area, I l)drma.. all 00 one floor. eTtrabundacc of flowers ftnd artruo ,an lor ony fOSOO. OaU Mr, Metwer. rre. 4-ST1 SOHANOI for S-bdrm. borne, lorely sbv. lewood home, 4 bdrms. den, t batiia, value I19.W0. Call PECK, ere, I-S411. tTM Down An attracuve S-bdrra. borne, neat clean, fully plastered nd In top shape, attache dcaratre nice lot. HE. location, aeo mo. , full price tftoo down Cut l-bdrro. bom all on one floor, nice lot, lane worluhop', flowers, shrubs ft trees, pvet it., rants, refriterator heater lncltMted, ISO mo. rull prlre tV-JOo. Call Ray Deris 00 these. Bra. 4-M1T., located HI. on JKLDOlf Ae. just north ef Bunny lew, well-built, neat, clean and attractive S'bdrm. home, beautifully .anjecaped. only IM4. 9w. call Warren Maurer !. OPTIC I PHOHS Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 W. HIOH T. WANTED REAL ESTATE HAVB BI'TKKfl for 1-bfdroorn homes. What have rou' AI laaak. Rlt,, phone 1-JJU. if no answer. 4-2341. AUo we have cash buyer for ft farm, 40-M acres east. ca NOTICE: If rour property U for eale, rent or i cause, usi it wivxi as. we nave ail kinds of cash buyers. BTAT1 P1HANCR CO.. REALTORS 113 8 Rlfh St. ca WE AU in need ol food houeta to eelL, id or near oaiem. 11 ro till to list your property for sale, see CRABENHOROT BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty Ph. 1-3471 ca RE n.tVR a cssh buyer fnr ft duplex or 1 family tioue, preferehly south section. Sererln Realty Co, lit M, HUb. Ph. I eeou, b. tt0Be. oaeo REAL ESTATI LESLIE DISTRICT Beat l-Bdrpj. kdva. On. bataa atlllty. Btalrvar la aaflaUhed Ulaareo) Mtalra. KM raid. Oa au. Una. 44.704. Ttrma. " . NEAR SHOPPING CENTER Otaer t-adrm. hama Baamnt, Pinplae. Meal far yaomar, er baardert. Lara a re lata. Baaammit. araiami dietane, atatohoiraa. at aoa Ttrau. ' SOUTH VILLAGE City vatar. Payameat. l-bdrra. audara boraa. Olalna room. Loroly patla. - an tooklaa far a betiar buy, aa, thU aaa at 111,444. Terma. , ENGLEWOOD Bum far bettor Mrtaf. 4 yra. aid. Bdvd. thruoat. WaQ-ta-vaU earaetlnf. I bdrna. aad daa, at 1 bdrraa. Lately dlalna area. Baaotlfully landacapad. Be. tbla U pom ara ratarauad la Baalevaad dlalrlak 414404. Tanna. LOTS .' . ; ' Boma abala. balldlnt Ma, aaaaa, LISTINGS ' WE ARE IN NEED OF, LISTINGS ON ALL ' TYPES OF PROPERTY A. A. Larsen, Realtor 191 S. HIGH A. B. Baekett - Ph. total Brat. r3 ij It's Your Town OWN A PART! 41044 DOWW And aalanea lilt. yeat. Make year aomsd tnrartm.ol now thli property k aloe, la achool and boa Immediate poaaaHloa. Call Maddy. SBIVB BT It', a 1-bedroom bom. with be. am ant, flreplaM, loeaUd at 1444 K. 14th 4B. PIJtAhB da nat dlatarb renter.. Call aa and a.'ll ahow you thro. BDTMmBAK BOOTH 1 aera aood aoO, f-aadroom heme, ale. tUv tras tha lam Brine roora and dtnlna room, full batba, baaaraant with farnaea ThU bom. la In a lorely atttlai, aaat and alaaa aa a pin. 417.404. Call Bearr Tor-rend. asp: to sib THIS CANDAUUUA ROUS Toa'U lore thw apacloaa ladroom bom. with the BEATJTIPUL Tit aomplel, with baaenuat, party room and loaoa of extra.. 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS 417 Opart B4. Bra: Tad Ma aalpb Maddy UtU Hrarr Torrand 44434 Grabenhorst Specials FAXRUOUNT DlwrRlCT Lea. aorner lot, beautifully landscaped. Older style 4-bdrm. home lu good condition thruouL New oil furnace Juit recently Installed. Pleasant outside fireplace. A comfortable family home. Price 313.900. To gee thla CALL BX. LATsfON, 8ALE8UAN MR. Hi VEVlKJn I&eoma $931 par mo. Sxcellent business bldg. la a cists "A" aornar location. Well leased to business and professional typo ten ants. Aim 4 apts. This property offered at ttia attrecUTe prlco of $70,300. POR DETAILS CALL C. L. ORABENHORST QUIET ORACIODS UVINO ON MILL CREEK. Spacious rooms thru out. LU, rm., din. rm., kitchen, nook, dan. I bdrms IV bstha, dble. garage. Lse. patio with outdoor fireplace full burnt., auto-oil hot water heat, Bdwd. firs., up and down. CALL J. E. LAW, tSALESUAN. MO. I TOSNIE8S SONS Located oa North Commercial Oood six rm. home with basmt., 1 bdrms., dble. prban bdwd. firs, and fireplace. Well worth tha money. Prloa $11,000. CAIL O. H. ORABENHOR8T, CO-OP. BROKER. , BOsCBB OP CHARM DIBTD40TION Dutch Colonial - I bdrms. Dsn Basmt. $17,369 Cape Cod - 3 bdrms. - Basmt. r Sprinkling Syitsm . 16,900 Western Ranch - 1 bdrms. Breeseway - Dble. garage 13,300 ' Candalarta Daylight Basmt. - 3 bdrms. - Many, many fsatures ... 31,300 Modern Rambler $ bdrms. - Englewood , 14,300 Candalarla 3 bdrma. plug Dea - Dble. Plbg 10,300 Suburban Ranch - IDs Luxe bdrms. - 4010 Alan u.ooo $1000 DOWN Ranch style horns lost south of city limits 1 acres, prlco 30300. Oood terma. CALL B. K. LAYMON, SALESMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 144 4V laUrty St. prrra n. obibbb 14444 1. B. LAW i-V.t ea.aaaaa. aaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 0744 EQUITT In neat, modern bouw. value aaooo. Traa, lor aown pumni an mail farm. Box 471, Capital Journal. . ct4S POB TBADE OB LEASE One unit at wbut land tb Columbia Beam project eloea to town, Irritation water la ditch. Call 44444. C041 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE 111 tnTMtmant tlrts 70a your own IndtfTjwmdsint builnui OMrstlQl ft roato of bw inontMiikin Ao lUpntr nftBdllng ntw, rmaUmoTUiff cqmkuot In tirut evoret, Mfv, elnbt, bua dvpotc, t. Rout set up tor rou by our expert, ftnd protected by tire tnd theft ln urftnee. Ton must hare cir. reference. end 1713. which ! protected by en Iron- eled 100 Money-Back ouarantee, backed by ft 10 Million Dollar national Insurance company. Derotlni few ot your spare hours each week to the buslneae ron should earn p to $80.00 weekly spare tuna, lull time more, laiberal financing auUtanee to aid ex pansion, for full Information, write tlTlo phone number and address to Box 7ff, capital Journal. edu UNIT apartment house, furalstie-d. Terms. Close la on Center. Owner, ion Center. edu BXCAVATINO and rock enuhlni business at BiiTenoa. Ph. eeoi. edu NOTICE! RARD WARS ATORE. also haye fran chise on appliance and teleTtslon. Clesn, modern and establishes. 12 miles from Salem. Will sell at Inventory. Ill to tit thousand, no dead stock to buy. Fixtures and building to rent. Owner has other intereste to take bis time. Better look into this, can Jl. AumsrUle. Box 23. or cMiem una oTrmnss. cdti WILL SACRIFICE THTB GROCERY IITAT MARFXT fob QUICK SALE. Har. to leave Salem Immediately, sell tor 41004 dlaeount. We. aaklna 411.404. Will tell for 404. I.15O0 will handle. OOOD INCOMV At EXCELLENT LOCATION. Sea Harry Van Horn. are. pn. 41744. WAREHSE. or GARAGE Oaj pumpa and asmplM. tup. Ideal for u4 e.r buitneaa, warebouae ar aaraa. repair and aerrtee atatlon. WU1 a.n ootrlrail or loaia with option to our. oood Bury s. Com'l Si. loca. dob. eea sen coioath on thU. FOB SALE or leaie: Equipped karate and body ihop at 3354 PorUand Road. Phono 4-1441. Eroo, 1-4144. cd40 BT OWNER: 1 place courL Write Boy 471, Capital Journal. ad40 OOOD OOINO OEOCEBT LITInr auay tare. Muit be .old immedtttelT. IllnMa force, eale. alike ofler. Boi 444, Cap ital Journal. mti aaaaa..... ..a., ..a. ...... rabbits; BABBITS WANT ED any site and quan tity. Ph. 37101. Also purebred breeding stork for sale efesi WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood aaed furnitara and appUaaea Phono I sc. I. da To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATI la aad aot 1 airy Ibalu. etly vatn. euadar PH. 28629 Andy XalToraaa - ph. 17141 Phana 14114 - MUt Lanla Lor am t4t Ph. 1-1171 X. K. LATUOTf 1-14(4 WANTED FURNITURE aaa.a p a .aaaaaaaa... FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONB BBINDLB eow, rettS, freah Jan. tDtn. lira, one Jersey-ouermey neuer. 'rash Deo. lfith. f ITt. Out South River Rd. to Brown's Island Rd., Rt, I, Bot 930. Paul Rlenscke. e40 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEP Whit, fan Hereford, Uc. Locker pork, lac Notblnr down, 4 moi. to par. Ouatom kiuini. Trailer loaned tree. Salem Meat Co, lilt 8. Itth. Ph. 14KM. PETS PUREBRED two-montha-old white toy poodlea. Phone 4-3154. M40 POB SALE 1 pair Chinchilla!. Graded "choice" by C. A. A. To litter In 10 dan. Plna breedlnr atock. Phone Albany Xtatt. ec41 TO QIM AKAT, 1 Sprinter Spaniel pup plea. 11154. c40. TOT at t XICAN chihuahua pupplei. Rr latend male, for aerrlce. 1035 8. 13th St. OC44 HOORE TROPICAL PISH, oouloment. auppllu. 3 mllea from Laneaater on Maclear road. Phone 1-7311. cloaed wetineedaya. M,2 CHOICE CANARIES. 1344 Chemeketa St. Phone 14345. cbf BOLLYWOOD AQl'ARIrM 1,54 McCoy. ao. block eait of N. Capitol, m blorke nortn oi ataauoR. pn. 3.1,7. eel,' FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps 1047 Broadway Capitol Lumber and Fuel pianar tnmminra. pnon, 17711. JOE PAL00KA 80 WHAT A PIFPRf NC FB0M TH' WAY rVE WENT TO TH-OUPaflC BEFCf. FUEL Hiwav Fuel Co. andait tab, aerrtra, an alaa, af aaad. Foona t-M. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Pact aa Prwto-teaa. Br!aett aa Weed, ltd Bo. Com'l. phone t-7711. t WALKDT IBIIXa. M aaaaa far 4L. a 41 ton. 44 ton eetlrweo ra tawa. aiOTn. Klorfela Packlna Ca, 444 North Profit at West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 14 CLIAB IMaUOlATB DBUVKBT picbop wood I4M Bdaeaatay Pbana Salem 4V40U FOR SALE POULTRY NIW BAM P4HIBB CHICKS Day aid aad aurtaa. Waetly batabea. La) a cnieaa aroa teat, Phona 12441. u.'a rutaatry. 4-itab dar-ald Kta Bamp. ahloba, arall- abla bow. WARD'S PABM BTOBB Trade At Btlh. Salem, Ore. ft!. WANTUt Colored haaa. blfhaU anw. Lee'a Hatchery, pn. yjeat. r OOLD4N BBOAD and M. BArapablre ahleka, batched rm? Monday and Than day. Our .bleka draw faater. Poa'a HaUhery, 1130 a tat. St. Pn. It444. f PRODUCE BAT, OATS at vetch. No. 1. Ho rain. Howard R. varah. Kt, L Baa 114, Otr Tale. ore. Phon, 1212. flal ALPALPA RAT, approilaalaly 40 balea rnon. iih. u" OOOD OAT.TKTCH bay. 414. Otbar hay 414. Straw 110. Phon, 4-1411. tleT WALNUTS 100 lb., 10 lb.. 4111. PoUtoea. onlona, apple, and miu. Pbliup Brol. Farm Market, 4440 Portland ltd. 1 blkj. north of Laneaater Drlra. Ph. 11144. fr HELP WANTED f LTFETIME SALES OPPOSTUN1TI with a aanonai aosinssa macn.ne saaattfaatar ar. Training salary, sa eaeaUent erppor t unity for prometloa. Car aaeeasary. end aueUflcaUons to Bos dlt, Capital Journal. gio BABBEB POB lATDBDATS Good POI- iiomty tor nam man. Rooart wntht, lilt Stat.. ,40 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED TWO MEN $450 per month sales position open to qualified men capable of traveling 5 days week In Oregon. Must have car, good personality and be between the ages of 22vand 40. GUARANTEED INCOME OF 100 PER WEEK BEGINS WITH TRAINING. For personal Interview contact: W. L. SAN DO SENATOR HOTEL SALEM TUESDAY, FEB. 17, 19S3 10:00 AJrt TO 8:00 P.M. aato. rORIiatf JOBS OPEN Worldwide. Trawl paid. Alio US. Hlab pay. Writ. Em ployment Information Canter, Boom 414, 114 Stuart St., Boo ton. cato HELP WANTED FEMALE BOTJSEKIEPSB to lire In. Por widower. Home and waaea. Woman with 1 ar 1 email children Inylted. Writ, Box 444. Capital Journal. sb0 EXPERIENCED aar nop wanted, day anm. apply ra paraott j. b. duti inn. 1314 Palrarounda. abtl BABT I1TTEB wanted. Lira tn ar out call arur t P.m. phone 4-4841. tbw WALNUT SBELLKES-4 whole winter'. work. Morrm Klorterb raeklns Oo, 440 N. Front. to EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs Ret Liter now. Only partial listing below. p cost Jtoetc. eix. Typ. trn PRecept, - typist (300 POeneral office - iUctaphono noo PRecept. - college crad, ..,,..,..$300 P fiteno. reeept. $300 P Bookkeeper, sales clerk $300 M Off. asst., oxp. bkkp. typ 1350 THB EEBT WAT TO THE BEST MBS oouuERCTAu njiCKhmrr aoihct 494 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) Ph. 433S1 ef40 WANTED SALESMAN District Sales Manager For Salem and Eugene and vicinity. TO BUILD AND EXPAND PA8T-OROW- INO COSTUME JEWELRY DIVISION OP 100-YEAR-OLD COafPANT. MAN AGERIAL SUCCES AND KNOW-HOW IN DIRECT 8ELXJNQ rrBCEBSART. COMPLETE TRATNINO IcATERIAb AND UNLIMITED COOrZRATION BIO BELP TO ATTAINTNO UAXOITJal SUCCEBS QUICKLY. OPPORTUNITY TO EARN 410 000 AND UP. BACKED BT SALARY, OVERWRITE AND OOMMTSAIONB. WRITE. STATDfO OUAIJPICATtONS. AOE AND rXPKRTXNr-a TO R. n LOOOINS, BOX 441, CO CAPITAL WANTED POSITIONS BOTOTILLEB WOBK Now taklna order. i.t v.rir .pun. roKnuun. an aveiier CHILD CASE, by week ar montn. tn el, an nome. rnon. a7H. b43' logs ob Lumber baullna ap to IV. Ititl. 3310 Lanalni. b41 OI WOi:LD LIKE api.rnttceanlp or lob in aomo trade. Experienced In truck Ai motor repair, truck drietnr. Oood aoneclanttoua worker, 13. Or will da anr- tnint. prion, i-33ea. hel BABT SITTINO erenlnta, Satordan, Sundaya. Avallabl. after 4 p.m. 40e per nour. rnon, j,.v.. h40 WILL CARE for pre-ichool aa, atria tn my nom.. pnon, 1-0114. b41 INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reaaon amr. Ph. 34441. till TYPINO AND dictation, aiporlrnoed. Pick ap and dellrer. Phone 1-4470. a.7147. btr L( xu it ii.6rve.TWNfw MrT?& I 40aay...wRf V pmtu. ya VLI WANTED POSITIONS LAMTMCAPS matntaaac. prualna. trlm- mlna. alactLna. fartlllalna. arf loa Cea- ter. Phon. ajtTJ. bu UOBT CBAWUB, doalas, dirt laralrna aradtaa. Pbona sou. air PATCfl PLASTBBDfO. baaamaaU wetw araof. Praara Barylea. pn. Mate. hta CABPSNTIB WOBJt. aablaet malar, fn. eatlmaua. CaU 1-4411 ar 4-14U. CHILD CABS, my boma, Oa. year or youUM. Phon, 11 jO. nw KZCBPT10NAU.T BANDT middle -ated married man. farrung baokaround, bom, maintenance. Writ. O. B. Phuupa, isol Laa. Bd, Mllwaubla, or. Pa. Mr. 1-1171 TAX BaTtTBNS RnalH la roar bomt, taaoo.bi. rataa. pa. aiaay n EDUCATION U.S. OOYT. JOBSI Man. woman. 14-44. Start blab aa 171.00 week. Tnoaaand. or loo, open now I can you .uaiilrr PRBB Information on Job,, aalarlea, da. taiu. writ, touati uncoia lastitut. Pekln 1. nirnou. bhtl ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND BOOM far elderly i u 490 B strait. no. BOMB COOBINa. Clean, packed luchta. en onir. looo if. ,tn. uto WANTED TO RENT a-BlDBOOM BODIB la food neighbor. hood, pay to 474. Phon. 1103 i. jat PTJRNI4H 1 or 1 bedroom bona Bait Sa- atm. aanaa. Bos 474 capital journal. FOR RENT ROOJttS ILEEPINQ ROOMS, for one er two. T30 if. cnurcn. pnone 1-433?. jttft1 NICE FRONT light housekesplng room. Lat-ay. fss if. church. ik42 FOR RENT APARTMENTS PBTVATB TBBES-BOOM fnrnUhed court apartment, alaaa. Adalta, 440. 1444 Port land Rd. JpSl New Court APARTMENTS Close to Willamette University State Buildings Salem Memorial Hospital $45.00 WITH RANGE & REFG. $55.00 COMPLETELY FURNISHED Available by March 1 We believe you will like them. ROBERTA 1110 LESLIE BT. PH. Mill Jo NICELT PTJBMSHED apartment,. Am- aaaaodoy Apartment,, 450 R. Banner, Phono 14404. Ip49 CLOSE IN 111, lit, utU, rant. Inquin . i.. uiniu. Aft. I. jp' CLOSE , 130. 141, and 494. Private aato, utuuiea, rurn lined. I-04S4, 1-4831. TOPTJRHUHZD APABTUXNT LOW RENT nice a room, and bath. 134.44 meludlna auto. heat, water and sarbaae aerylee. CaU J-TIT1. p40 -BOOM apartment, bath and entrance. Cloae tn. 141 S. Cottaaa. ipto- PtlRNISBED apartment. 10311 tb St., wwtrjaiem. IptO' S BOOM apartment, private antranc, aouiu, 700 it. crurch. pnon, 43457. 1P41 1 BOOM apartment, only 435, clean and comiortaoi,, fcacy preierrea 444 Pbrry. JP44' S BOOM NICELT turnlihM. TJtlUtlaa. prl- at cam, I0 BO. sots. 1P45 S BOOM, modern apartment, large living room, iois oi cioee t space. .Near tele phone office, state buildings and shop ping center. Automatic washer, electric dryer: Plenty of hot water. US N. Win ter. S BOOM furnabed apartmeai, very private oatu aad entrance, bus by door. 3310 Broadway. Phone 3-M33. jp NIC! PTTRNIBHED S room apartment, prl- twj oato, ciose in. cvo so. com l. Phone WW. ip- FURNISHED APARTMENT. Close to t lioi and Shopping center. Phone 7 LOVELT LARUE moujii. . ... ment, furnlahe4. Private entrance. u....e la. 1 or 1 llrli preferred. 434 N. Winter. 1P43 LOVELT furnlahed bachelor apartment. wciuain. auaea. uentieman only, rrlr ate entrance. 434 N. Winter. Jp40 I BOOMS furnlahed. eecond floor. Xlectrle rame, relrlferator, bath, aarara Near Bbopplnt Center. 1-4433 mornlnta. JD40 Lee Apts. Balem's Itost IsUnioUhed Adlres PoUowlntf rentala ean iMahowa bow: ' 1-E-fJrm. aTftllable now W OO 1-Bdrm. available Mar. 1 79.00 l.Bdrm. available Mar. 1 ai.oo Por luxury living at moderate rates oall at M5 W. Winter Bt. Ph. 41141. jp- LOVELT LABOE one-bedroom unfurnlaned mcepi ranta select area. Ph. 11117. P44' aUBVBBAJf N.B., three rooms, bath, fur- usneo. u arase. no onnaera. pn. 3&08S. JP30- BRICK COtBT, olean, spacious, furnished or miiJTjTnasaeo. i v anunna, dryer, m BO. ITM. JPiat PTJRNI8RED onabedroom, ftUaetrle du plex, i-irece, laundry, near sUte ho. pltal. ph. 44W. jp4a t BOOM basement, close In. XmplOTed wtrapie, uuiviee iurnuned. Phone 3-749, Jp42 CLBAN, PVRNUHKO 1 room downstairs wimeni. private oatn. carace, utlli tlas paid, 140. Phone 1904. 2261 Hacel IEVEBAX furnished ftpartmcnts, food lo- c.aioo. inquire n. i suit .rural lure. Phone 1 IBS. . FOR RENT HOUSES TJPSTA1BS 1 bedroom, llrtnl, kltehen. bath. PurnUhed 435.00. Dowmtalri 1 bedroom., llrlnr, dlntnr. kitchen. Both wuumuneo, au.ov. loza satlnaw. 43943, Jm40 LABOE I BOOM houie. electrle rant,, ol beater, itrua waah room. 440. 4737 earune rut. ,-ui4. Jrr.46" TO LEASE a nice all .leetrte unfuruihed mum oouae, ano rardea apot -4tl. Imto- CNPl'BNISB 4 roome and bath at 434 So. Laneaater. Poone 44434. Jm44" OABAOE BOUSE, 1-7473. 134. 131 N. 13rd. Phone Jm41 I BEDBOOM boma, partly furnlahed. 434 Phone 34077. trr to I BSD boom house, lane yard, I4e month. Inquire Oo Dnlon. tmW FOR RENT HOUSES almost BEr, 1 bodroaa baaaa, alMlHa ranae, hardwood floora, aalomatla beat, laaiilated. 1M4 Maple Ara. Imtp TWO BEDBOOM unfurnlaned. an aleotrU, iinnw, JMiuiH. mm wauara. itea Tradfc taMl ONE BED BOOK, elwtrlo boat, aaraaaTte aaaan wan. aaa a. asaa., ra. a4414. 4-bOOaf baaaa. ite.ee. Barbaaa, watar ruraianeo. ina J, anntar. Jraas CABINS Nut. aulet, aleaa. ayaolaa, yard. was or montn. wwarananj arwaa. 44TS Portland B1.. BaraiTlll.. Bn4S CLEAN rUBNUBED wbln. On, adult. Tea aatiara. w a. man. AJaa twa bedroom duploa. b. 14441 or 14404. rm41 FOB BENT Samal Boom. 444 ra raontb. Alaa I ,ury aoaant, ware huM with Alectrl. altrater, atoro raoat ao rarry Street. STATS FTitAltcS CO Phono 1411L ima shall bouse with ranaa. laaalra ltts court si. fm41 OFFICE FOR RENT f OB s-eftOOM iCiTB. a cmgle, Orwom Building, ppone 14114. io OBOUNO PLOOB office ox store aMos for rent, call at Pitts Her let. rrrrrrr f rrrrrrrf rrrrrrrrrg n jjji LOST & FOUND POUND Uf Downtowa Sal am a m af money, owner identify an pay lor thla ad. Phona 14144 aftn pa. k41 LOST: Billfold with Identification alary Hamm. PIMM call jua. rteward. kS MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE BE P ATA S-BB. SERVICE IN UOBT CASES DR. HARBT SEKLER. DENTIST Adolpb Eldi., State At Oommnalal Sab Salem Ph. -lll ar BKE-BIVS TBUCKS U'DRtTB MOVE TOORSELP e SAVE PtCrUPS . STARES . TABS TEXACO STATION 414 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1411. PAOB STaTv-BBBOa and AL tfBPPOBD ' SALEII BAND Al GRAVEL CO UP ANT CoDtraet Work moad Cleanup - Ditehins Sewer and Baeemont Equipment Rental Bllchlni by the Pool Phono Daya 1-1401 rat. 1-4411 or 1.1411 Salem, Orel OP aj now : IS THE TIME TO THINE: ABOUT A NEW ROOP OB SIDINO JOB. 10 TBS. EXPERIENCE. PREE aVnMATBB. CASCADE ROOFING CO. Til CROSS ST. PH. itm ar 4401 m4t oa ploob furnace with rap, 4M. nab vauann. ra. ayi.7. rati. EXCELLENT LAW and raxSea fertlllWr. rn. wot ar satoo. mtl BUILDING MATERIALS Tail-Ender& g Only a few af thaw Itaraa laft 4a when they're son. that win be tha lata. Por that reaaon. 44 to alear them out la a hurry, prlcea bar. bMa drasUcallr rwluced aome actually below coat. GENUINE TYLEBORD Eabod o anemale flnlab for bathroom, dt ktteh ,a walL 4x4 4x4 aheeta. sereral eolor, pattern.. Rap. Jl ao. ft Mow M aa. fk LINOLEUM DUoontlnuod patteraa eb roll ende, (not aerapi) Mid mular ty at 1.14 to 1.44 aa. yd. Mow at 1.44 ea. yd. . CONOOWALL Tha 411. effect bath Af kitchen wall aorerlns. 44" whto. an. era! eolora. Baa. .44 lln. ft. How .44 lis, Our aala on two line, of paint lota On. PABCO WALLCOATER the flat oil baa. wall nalnt in amral .nlnp.f Oallona, Bar. 411 to 4.41 tel. Mow 1.44 eel iter. now OaUona 4.11 to lil ,al. 1.44 lei, Ouart, 1 J5 to 1.11 Ot. .44 Qt, TEXOLTTB BEVEM STAB DATPXRIAW A Oat, waahable aU baaa wall painl that "painty" odor. Oallona Key. 1.44, Mow 1.00 4aL Quart. Re,, lu. Mow .It at, KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD PBONT dt COURT PRO. 1-4111 Wa Olra e&a Qrata Stampi) ma Real Buys , DOORS 1.0x.-lH fir Jj maboa. fluab " Seconda 4.40 At 1.04 as, 1.0x4.41 fir I panel doora ...1.91 aa, 1.0x4.4 1H A trade 1 panel fir.. 1.10 .a. 1.0x4.414, a trad. I panel fir ..4.94 aa. 1.4x4.41 A irade 1 panel fir. .1.44 aa. 1.114.4 1 A rrade I panel fir. .4.91 aa. WINDOWS & SASH 14x14 1H rlaaa meaaur, doubta buns window, ( top m bot. aaah) 1 oo 11X35 4 lite aaah 3 35 ea. 10x41 4 lit, aaah 3 75 em KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD Pront ft Court pho 1-4111 IW. Olre MiH Oreea Stamp,) ' ma. Plywood; Plywood 1 Plywood UY OOODNE88. what aa aaaortmenU 4X1 Belecta, new aar blow, and mill enda runnlnr out of our aara 1 1 All rrlnd rltbt. Plywood aot te pour aua. aMf 1 1 1 1 . wm ...a,,. ...1134.44 miini - xt. nic,l sromos. an rradei from lltoo to 1315.04 PLOORINO, 1x4 "D 499.40. alaa sak Indudlna Bo. 1 RL Bed. WALLSOARDS. an kind. 1 .. ai u ... INSULATION. Ml baa. An color, and BU1UB , rowing, variety af arooTHt atalted. aand-blaated, and deca. rauro plywood!, 4x1 aheeta, aquarca or In pea., beautiful for Interior walla. Prom 4o to 18 i,e. SEX mil i7. OOK cifBEitPuL Srmvicx-The aua Aninaaab katwA .all IL. A.. a CaU at m (aowi. TOUB BUTJJJINO BrjppLT PWENDeT Portland Road Lumber Yard, (OPEN ALL DAT SATTJRDATI 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 m,a "D CI sbinqlei i aradea, dellr "utier. Pb. -TT.111"- ma FORSALE ; MISCELUNEOUS CMD tXECTBIO POBTABLE arwlna Bb chin,. Pound bobbin, airplane typo cap. rylnr eaae. Oood Mwtnr 4ondltlon. llt.ta. Slnier Sewln, Center, it, k. ComX Open Prtday arenlnra. nty. Biu w.atin,noua, aatomatla Uundrom.V only 4139.44. Tutor Applluoa Co, 111 Chemeketa. B. By Ham Fisher