4 Tele-Views Radio-Television mm By DAVE BLACKMER On Television KPTV (Channel 27) Oor mmu KkriiM hi iltnttl Song nd dance man of the films, Dan Dailey, will join Doris Day on her KOIN CBS Radio "Doris Day Show" February 17. Miss Day and Dailey will musically inquire, "Do You Remember", while songs by Doris will include "It's Magic", "Your Mother and Mine", "Shanghai" and ' "Moonlight Bay". , ' Would you like to know where television got its start? The answer is "Passiac, N. J." The thriving community across the Hudson River from New York City recently adopted the slogan, "Passiac, Birthplace of Television," with the official "blessing" of New, Jersey's Governor Alfred E, Driscoll. x Passiac's claims are well substantiated. It was in this New Jersey community that such early TV pioneers as Dr. Allen B. Du Mont and Lee De Forest did the early experimental work that laid the foundations for modern viedo. ... It was from Passiac that station W2XCD under Dr. Du Mont's supervision, in 1930, sent out the first regularly scheduled sight and sound telecasts in history. In a former pickle works there, the Du Mont organization made the first commercial receivers in 1938. The first receiver, incidentally, is still operating, in the home of Dr. Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr., director of research for Du Mont laboratories. Luigi receives a letter from his mama urging her son not to lose his appreciation of the good earth, on KOIN Radio's "Life with Luigi" February 17, 6:00 p.m. So Luigi buys himsejf a flower pot. HE MILKED HIS GAG Paul Arnold of Cepulveda, Calif., a recent contestant on the "Bob Hawk Show" on CBS Radio Monday nights, re vealed to Hawk that he doubles between selling milk and singing in church groups. "Oh," Hawk replied, "and your favorite song must be 'Sweet Rosie O'Grade-A!"' HERE IT IS! . . . Frequency Spectrum Note: KC 1,000 cycles per second. MC 1,000,000 cycles per second. VLF (Very Low Frequency) . Below 30 kc LF (Low Frequency) 30 to 300 kc BIRD'S House of Television U open evening 'til 8, Mon day thru Friday featuring the one-and-only Sparten TV, Hoffman and other popular brand. S71 Wallace Rd. Weit Salem I ..-T!M tor Saoa I H Tw ler Dim 1:14 p.pt-Dlnth tttmn V:U P H. CafavtS t M p.m. Tic TtMPtaff till p.nu Buk Circus OP p.B.-lrfIda TbPPtot M p.m. Olrclp TbPPtot . lP:OP p m. Brtftk Bonk M:U P.m. UuU HtU II PP PIT Utllr M.rflp MARR RADIO TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Complete Television Center 2140S.ComX Ph.2-1611 HON DAT 1:M p.B MtUo TtMtUr. 4:1ft .. rd. Tenoio 4:W .B.Uti or UU :) p.m. Hoplon Owitdy :) p.v Teltatw :M .. Tinu lor Btftnr 1:0 P nm.-Chac Uftlln 1: ... brt Short TbUr 1:41 p.m-Mtws Ctrttttn oo p.nu ChiTron Titttttr :) p.m. Volet of FlrtitotM p.m. I Loti Lucr l it p.m. JUd Button Bkto 1:M p.m. nobflrt MMUomrr PUyhouM 11 :M p.m-CaadSd Cimn 11 : p.m. Nit Owl Fate of Educational TV May Tip Either Direction By WAYNE OLIVEK Ktw York The tat of educational stations have more educational television Is hanilnc deflntie prospects Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Mwdny, Feb. it, 181313 PHILCO Fint In Public Demand! I Open to p.m. I It 112S CENTER I Iie yri. In Salem . si? ""Li" "' ? Raytheon invites Picture Comparison TRADERL0UIE 1 870 Lana Ave. PHONE 38558 in a balance that may be tipped one way or the other by mid year. It Iooka now at if a large pro portion of the 242 TV channels act aside for non-commercial educational stations "schools of the air" will remain un claimed by the June 2 deadline set by the Federal Communica tions Commission. The commission bat warned that after that date it may open any of the unclaimed channels to commercial use. supplement ing the 1,800 channel alloca tions already made for commer cial stations. So far, lets than two dozen applications for educational ta- i tion have been filed. The com ! mission has granted 14 of these. Educators generally are en thusiastlc about the Idea of edu- Tho University of Southern California hat a station under construction at Los Angeles with a $300,000 grant from the Allan Hancock Foundation. It la due to go on the air within the next few weeks. The University of Houston In Texas hopes to have station on the air during the spring pos sibly by April. The Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science at Manhattan plans to have Its educational station in operation before the year is out. Of the other four permits. tnree nave gone to the Connecti cut State Board of Education for stations at Bridgeport, Hartford and Norwich, and the fourth to the New Jersey Department of Education for a statlou at Mew Brunswick. A basic question Involved In educational TV la whethe It's better to set up noncommercial Amea has been operating WOI TV since early 19S0 as com mercial . station, telecasting enough sponsored programs to meet expenses and show a pro fit. It's the only educational In stitution currently having a TV station on the air. But several ethers ilan to fol low the same idea.- Michigan State college at East Lansing, Mich.; Cornell, university at Ithaca, N.Y.; the University of Missouri at Columbia; and Harding college at Memphis, Tenn., all have obtained regular commercial TV permits. Meanwhile, numerous educa tional programs are being tele cast over privately owned com mercial stations by schools and colleges. Benedict Arnold, pride of Con necticut, laid waste bis owa home state after be had rjrned traitor and accepted a command under the British. MotoroIoTV Mitchell's BADIO - TELE VI8IOM :, lilt State rkeaeSTS17 .1 1 -4-41 ' , , "f cauonat .-won. lor educational stations or to put into schools to supplement regu- J oHitcational Dropram. mi mm- merclal stations. There's strong TTJISDlI 11:00 l(. PppoII lliSQ p.m. Otrrr lloorp 1J:5 p.m. Wekom. Trpvplpr 1:50 t pbta Bmlth 1 OP p.m. Meet Betty Turnup 1:30 p.m. Atrlkp It Rich I DO p.m. Mptlnep Bhow 4:16 p.m. Scprch Tomorrow 4:30 p.m. Lot. or UIp :00 p.m. Namtl Sunt. S:3e p.m. Doug Idwardf, Ntwp Rosedale Dinner Monday Night Rosedalct A Rosedale school ham and turkey benefit dinner is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 13, between 5 and 7:30 p.m. The dinner, sponsored by the Par ent's club, will be in the school's cafeteria. IMF (Medium Frequency).. HF (High Frequency) VHF (Very High Frequency). UHF (Ultra High Frequency) 300 to 3,000 mc ...300 to 3,000 kc ....3,000 to 30,000 kc ..30,000 kc to 300 mc The deserts around the Red Sea ' have almost no rainfall. but the sea adds moisture to the air to provide a hot, moist beat. SHF (Super High Frequency) .'. ....3,000 to 30,000 me EHF (Extremely High Frequency) ....30,000 to 300,000 mc SONG FOR SON' . Paul Weston, conductor-composer husband of CBS Ra dio's singing star Jo Stafford, has come up with a new song, inspired by his 11-weeks-old infant son, Timothy John. Tune is titled 'Teeny Tiny Timmy". YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING: Short Drama at 7:30 p.m.; Theater at 8:00 p.m.; I Love Lucy at 9:00 p.m. lar classroom work, and into homes for adult education courses. But the hitch is get ting the money from state legis latures. Seven of the permits for edu cational stations have gone to the New York State Board of Regents, which proposes a 10- station state educational net work most ambitious of the educational TV plans so far ad' vanced. Regent Jacob L. Holtz mann says the fate of the New York plan will have a profound effect on other states that have drawn up plans tor similar state wide networks. But the New York plan, call ing for 3Vs million dollars to build the 10-station network and 1 million a year to operate it, faces uncertain prosjects at best in the State Legislature now In session. Some of the other proposed support for both sides of the issue, with con siderable sentiment for giving commercial permit to educa tional institutions so they could use part of their time for spon sored programs that would pay part or all of their costs. The Iowa State College at Built Best for the West PACKARD-BELL 21 "and 24" Television Eddie Lewis TELEVISION Sales and Service 495 Fery St. -' Salem Installed in Your Home for as Low as $35.00 Down, $3.50 Per Week Valley Television Center 'TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and Installation. All seta sold and Installed carry fall l-day service. i ,-..4 'jtX,iLi?-n wimt - t i ' -i "' nisi IN SALEM Balgley Bros. Furniture 231 S Fairgrounds Rd. Phone) 2-5491 INWOODBUftN 171 Grsnl SI. Miotic 3611 : The Set That Gets Them All Channels 21, 24, 27 . : . Or Any Other Stations to Come! mmmsm HEIDIEft'S PROUDLY PRESENTS The qreat new a . a-1 i f I OA Ppnrlv to rfifeivfiALtM wmmi ---- and all UIIF-VIIF Channels to come in this area with ONE-KNOB CONTROL No (ash Necessary Don't Worry Over the Down Payment! Trader Louie Will Take Most Anything In Trade L-, WW 1953 fr CHECK THESE FEATURES! V S 7 K , New Tmerson n4 or aatplM onHnita g 11 "SIDE CONTROL" M Hrt It ! r PtPi. mtka TV kimcy. Imtma . ,. . tai ant? I I lMnai...u trpi yo rt imm vliwiad nyllos to ttltrluoa 'II II ih from PPM miller, pmirwr looking cabirwc luf, MOMibto I I m Rifling mOW niCHCa IO PW Viav...ruw WW nv.... v . 1 bootirul nienra on lh tntiri front prM. Ytp, th front It Timppllr I 1 . a aUKroopm. " g I --BaBpa I, m And wrxthtr yon tin I city "xwt iundo. . . or coawur f nog I i r- V g , rnJ--- rnonon arlfrtn h pwiw i fH i mtmm m rm m m w.m m Oloro-froo 17-Inch Picture Jtrp.n f lllumlnafod Channel SoUrtor ler easy readlnf Now I morion Sldo Controls fllvo the I or fort plchtra fn the matt compact coblnot. f l.movobto Front toiol far cloonlnf picture tuba and alass. Frlna Camponiatar adiusts far yeur rocoollon conaitlont f lullt-ln ntoruia In matt lacalittos One-Knob Simplimatrc Tunlnf-sa easy a child can oporafo It Roady for UHf f Mohof any Vomor Cabinathand rubbed to a hleh-palishad Snlph. IMIISOM 17-WKN MOO II I then ill in ocrfornKP nd vtlutt Sppcipllr EngiftMrpd . fnmtt Ctmptm uttr Pdium for iodividHPl rewo tiqo coodtiioo. SpilM. onuonfl. Oot linok Stmfltm noinc-o mtn P nild enn oprraft It. FidU Strum rpror. Blmik-Mst mt for brpbt, fulloopd pto Mm. Swdr for UHf. Cnorwt otodtrn wand abinrt i!h prnnck IMiMppi llpht oiphoony Spit. $199 95 SMISION 1I4NCN CONSOtl MCWtl nS-lJpJprpMill wmtoon ncppnop row owo im iritk Bnnnno'p trmit Cwrnxw. PhoJpdl for ncord ckpnpp otai in mi. OM-koab $tmUmMi4 orning. Boili-io oaw fmUStf fpa Pod Blmh-MstU $ rroptclPPJKnMTPblpforclMnliig M . aa m(i.m nbp fpep. Rodr for VHP. VAOV3 - m Sutk onbogpay ' Includes VHP Includes UHF SMIISON MOOIL 764 Onlr 6V ich hipk, Suill-io Fcrrtlooo pn Mnna. Coappcf, licbr. wripbr. fawrrfat AC DC upprbttcrodrnp circair. In n widp iut of bMtrdfp! Of orppx colon. gp Wolpo TirodleiT lly oe TSS TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TRADER LOUIE VISTA VARIETY T V CENTER HEIDER'S 1120 Center St. OPKN EVENINGS TEL t TM. 428 Court St. 1870 Lana Ave. 3045 South Commercial Open Every Evening TERMS! 'Where You Wilt Find the Brands and Service You Can Trust" TERMS! Open Monday-Friday Evenings