14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Monday. Feb. 16, 19531 Wo Death, My Dorlinc! By AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG ' U IHMlMlial Chanter It hour, headed fay Bheriff Jefferson ...ii . 1, luA.UntuI Man wWi a deoepUTdy aleepy eye which actually missed wrj Utile. When he had ottered ua aU-wtto the ex ception, ot Aunt Minerva, who had b this ttme been taken to her roan Into ttw smaller drawing room, be listened to alienee to Beau aooount of bis discovery of Claude's body. men ne uirneu vo w . Is that the way you att teflfcT" -fiSS. sort of thump," Bobby volunteered timidly. The sheriff turned Me heavy. ' sjii ttnnn Her. -When was that. Hlas Bren- non?" he asked. m t.. hafr Mrs. TJnmont started screaming." Bobby replied. "Beau said It was the door slamming when he came in." . The sheriff offered no comment. . . -i ., fc.nr lt" ha uk. ed Instead. "What about you. Miss told him. "It wu tta tcreaminc ri believe I bnrd it," Lee offered tinoenaimy. -aw wwiiu Wsam tka smamlnff DMrai.! at least fifteen minutes before. Or come to winx ax m m ' Z -A. 1 ... T 1MM fi IW collect a second thud or thump. Just a lew seorxKss iwuw. men The sheriff looked as though be had Beam or seeing, ouv new tng, double before. Tor my part. I 1m auatliallV WW .UUirei ............ " , ' had heard two thuds, or whether tie naa awiaemy w " admission about the tune might mean wnere xjcthi wma wuwmw, and was attempting to cover up. Sheriff Wilkes waited a moment, as though expecting some more of HuntlM UMtJ tfliwf "Was everybody stayln' here In .vie nouser" ne inqiurvo. ww ww ... As he asked the question, he Sanr a eu; xwu, wy ... - Ink that this) made it Incumbent upon him to answer. "No," he said. "Bom of us were sleeping to the garoonnieres." "Which ones?" "Both of them. There are only two." "The sheriff means which of us, Henri," Amedee explained. He turn ed to Wilkes. "My brother and I were in the garconniere on the right, my cousin Beauregard and Mr. Haye m the other." The sheriff's eyes flickered. Sud denly he swung upon Beau. "If you were supposed to be 40- sleepUf out there." he shot out, -wnai were you com' over nere at nearly una ocsdh in uie moro-las?'' "I eouldnt sleep," he answered without hesitation. "The truth Is, I'd had a little too much to drink last evenlcs. and it was (Wins me something of a bead. So I decided to lake a turn or two arouna me grounds in the hope that It would wear off. Then I noticed the light over here, and thought I'd see who was up. That was now I came to find Claude." The sheriff seemed to weigh this answer. "Wasn't your grandfather's funeral a funny tune to get orunk7 he demanded. Perhans I'd better explain that Colonel Dumont left some rather unusual instructions to be carried out after his death." Cousin Jeff Intervened. "He directed that after the funeral, a formal dinner party wu to be held in his honor, when a special ease of champagne would be opened. He also asked that all his male relatives wear Confederate uniforms, which accounts for the costume Mr. Claude Dumont was wearlns when he was killed." The sheriff scratched the side of I his lean Jaw. He looked as though he was wondering whether this hsd been a funeral or a three ring circus complete with everything except the peanuts and pink lemonade. But before he could put another ritlon, the door to the hall, which coroner had closed while he was busy out there, was opened, and Aunt Delphine came into the room. She stood there looking around Hie room and smiling gently. "So Claude is dead," she oh-1 served with the satisfaction of prophetess whose words have been I verified. "I knew It would happen." I Tnac maoe me anerui swing around. I 'So you knew it would hap pen?" he repeatea wiu interest. 'May I inquire your name, ma am Aunt Delphine drew herself up with old-fashioned dignity. "I am Madame Dumont." she stated. "Not the mother of the man who as killed?" - . "Of course not I si Dumont" "She is me widow or my eldest brother," Raoui explained. Then he added, lowering his voice. "I'd sug gest that you dldnt pay too much attention to anything sne may say." The sheriff Ignored this Piece of advice, and turned back to Aunt Delphine. "So you know it would happen." he said again. "How did you know ma'am?" Aunt DelDhine lowered her voice to a ooniuenuai wnisper. 'Lacy hmo. ok, one annuuzroea, smiling up at him. "They said Claude dldnt belong, even if he I did bear the Dumont name, and so they would have to kill him." "Mrs. Dumont." he asked, utter ing each word separately and dis tinctly, -as If to impress her with I the importance of the question and or ner answer, "wtuch of these peo ple told you they were going to kill uieuae uumonir - Aunt DelDhine shook her head slowly from side to side, like a child who to enjoying the mystification of Us elders. 1 'None of them told me." she re plied with a rougish smile. "But II know who did it" "Then for God's sske tea me. Mrs. uumomi- -rne snerur was tense now. For that matter, we au were. but for different reasons. "Who kill- ad your nephew?" -ua 1xip uarou," Aunt JJejpome I announcea, sou smiling. , it ne ceaunued) . Carol Curtis Pattern SIZES II. 44 Finish. Many Ways! . 60 easy to make this flared -skirted cotton casual, and so many different ver tn fnm e.Mn in) naltem. too: with cap or short sleeves: button or zipper closing: couarea or wiwi ru 11 mthMrt tiOT.lrllTWil Ma UMl t mil In AlftM 19. 14. 16. i on m sn si rwl 44. filie IS: ran sleeves, sweetheart neckline version takes 4 yds. 3-m. Send 30c lor MATTER" with NAME. Address, Style Number and Blse. Adarees rsi icttn nunsnu, Capital Journal, 652 Mission street San Francisco 5. Calif. r attorns ready to flU erdrra ha mediately. For special handling ef order via first class mall Include an extra 5e per pattern. price Just 23c Just off the pressl The new Spring-Summer Fashion Book, agog from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, all trans lated into delkhtfullv wearable, ea- ey-to-sew pattern designs for every age. every lype, au sues, au aw sons. Bena now ior uus sewing in' splratlon . . . Just 35c. WAKE UP YOUR SMILE 1 ?V TV.' 527 Keep teeth bright Chew Writ ley's Spearmint Cum. Chfwvsj heaps keep teeth bright. Freshens taste, sweetens breath, pitsjant aid to popularity. Amotuur Transfers In Color. No embroidery necessary on these hi larious vegetable motifs the "mu sical vegetables" are In crimson and leaiy green ine color is right in the transfer I Twelve motifs of 3, 3V and 4 inches to use on kitchen towels, breakfast cloths, potholders, curtains or on gay gift aprons. Not uiuscnuea are a green pea onus band quartet ear of corn with a big horn: a fat cabbage lady with a concertina, pattern contains an amuslnr assortment Send 30c for the MUSICAL VBO- TABLES Transfers (Pattern No. 537) all transferring and laundering Instructions, YOUR NAME. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal. &3 Mission Street Ban Francisco 6, Pattern! ready to fin orders Im mediately. Far special handling ef seder via flrat rlaaa mall Include an extra Se per pattern. ipirkliag cmliV it imports. WwlwltVi A tote.. DEUCIOUSI. 1 I , WMAODAYa, MEAN. 1 VEP AFTES I 0BOP 1 IjOenwiOe, not Ft If . II f rN0feTS UPV THIS TWI9 COM AT THE ewsy. hooded flffiuw ffl "f I'M LAO 8OMEBO0V 6ETS ) IS THE gWC OP lO'FICE, ITS HOME TO hum along' the Ik f . ' 11 m, Tjfcw. T UP EAPA.V ITS A LONS JAt CAV, MISTER THE HAV jlmorr desertsd roeJ- Ik kU--.." t , MIKE FROM HERE TO THE 1 I FOR ME X"r1 . - - rTX sL V OfflCEOF SPOTUWT- tlWS 1 wMESM ilCTLilffl lrtBTOFCOVW PSOM HEfS-Wat f--A, glCH RICH .( AfOCA& 14 KXAT KtAMU 5UU PIWCH.VB WTM i llj W o L . . IT If THOTWCIlonrllWtHBRX H HE TOOK . 1 rWUKS BUT IU.WWE I I FOR VJUf MHffTIJL 1 I COMES R la J!'HnrARWMfro(wPAB6rT 1 IVoorwjn! 1 her m jam I vdo theh. wt? ) natural, I B PI 6HETHWB I T TWO HUHDK6D VWDe- - ,J (VI HOUR- 1 ,r- I esHME-T J 9 1 1 USED m"l WD HER ON fl HORSgl ) l &Cl V i i h v i f m ill .s.v w. i vi 1 1 i it: i . m m n i i. v yAHfj, x2j -f a ' ill x. 7' x : 111.'; 1 -i I MEBBETH' DOCTOR KIN CURE J eHuCKtEfrirs usvii 1 I -AN'THAWS NO WAV TO CURE AH DON'T CARE HOW I MAM NOSINESS. AH ALMOST a I NATCMXHAL T'BE SEE? 1 I IT. VCLL JEST GROW NOSlfa. I 1 NOSY MO'GITS,PEARr.rl nnwicwywruiuMfiwoT i UNWtlJItKi.T rT AN NWHI T(KK1. TIME. - AM A CXE.AM I BVOIVIN'IN TOITT NOSV-IN AStCI GROWS NEARER AM'- ' iaW"H" LIFE'.' THARS MO tlX ABMKR MOST NEVER j YORC CJkVX CuCKte.T-B1NAU.V.VO' 1 .t9.' VjrlV SECRET lO' KIN CODHWQ TyKE VORE. 1 I B-w.Nilllllttl - " ' r r.M tA m mz T- i r - r 1 1 1 H jS" POOR HOfOKE. A -A 0 ITrE?THEV--1A ' I WASN'T A LUCKY- J i T ' J N .' aV I I ,at.Mii , J lfll"ill;l U I i; v ' mi i fcw-a S CLaC I 11 -'r " I I I U a..VFiKEjusT5rrHEBEHi9 J TTTv 7JCetl f I y3U BLANK v &P t fefer rT!m' iiiaMsf- rN r" AND VGU INTEND TO ALLAV HIS T VES... "1 f VOu MuSTMT See him AfiAlN.- 1 D fT7 ,. - MOSAN 19 I SUSPICIONS BY SEEINO HIM I THAT'S SMeiLA I CANT STANO TO J T...I I JRX SUSPICIOUS, . OFTEN, IS THAT IT, v J. IT.' . SEB YOU BViN tOOK AT TO'5I!, a5 I li' LAtN WHAT VgASiU yWgETHEAgT IfTySIl" ANOTFES MAN.' PTOWlSg I lCifel 5fc.f 'lm. K &&K&V?ESil'L PURELY TOT AND PRINT A STORY XI a vJAs- I II Y L " lA81 " R '" RADIO PROGRAMS FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at oar Television Theatre. See them ta action before yo buy. Packard-Bell, Emerson, Roythton, Wastinghouta OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evening by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketa fhone 34311 TUESDAY P. M. , KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO M NBC S7S CBS HIS ABC list MBC IMS Kl. llw LSI ' - S7 Km ral Birt To Traaia ! Kiwi ? Ii ft ef Ufa Ca Out Nmb laltlaa N.wt Selatr T. Da v , :JV Hassiaw. Bon rartr lack Owi M.rs- Mail Bplaw Sltkl. Tao BkTlT'wHa Rllltoa l"l 1' SalSar MaiU Mil- , SMIIaOaUai Ota. rlian Bar Waal KlrkwaaS HaMir Hau Hal. I:iiwia. Bcawa Klrkkaa Ka Wart I. SabaiUae Salaar N,, , !: Wt la Mm. Slrh ar Wwl Mail SplSar . Mrto, ilj ruia B1U Mat. SaaM. Cal Tlaaar Nawa SalSar Hail, :TT r. fa rarraU a. Oaalrar Cal Tlaaar Maala SalSar Mclaar :ta Llfa BaaalL A. Gaalm Un Uka a Maala Rala.r Man, l45 Daa'a WHa 1. Qaalrar Mllllaaalfa Saw SHaar MtUa, .a Waleaaia Gaafrar Kaaaa Maala Maala llaa DaaSr Maala tiaT', 111 Tra.tlara Oadfrar BUI Bint Maala haw Hail, M.L t.K, Dt. raal OaSlrar ' Far tha Nawa Jlai Daaar Maala Mn. , '.'45 D. Oarrawar Mai,, Olrla Faala Slaaa Shaw Matla Mrl a. Ml MaaU Box Klrkhaai Taaaa FalUa LawU KISSiaa Krar WatH Naaa ' SljMaalc Baa Batk Aiklaa Saalrral Hemlaawar Maala Mart. Haia'a la Via, 1 aVanMaalr Baa Jlaa Wakalj Cafa Cart Maaaav Maala Mart SreaaS Laak 4:45 Art Bakar TaaefaUir Baaar Tlaaa Saaa Baraa Maala Mart Waaiaai r, a. as Nawa Fa Marraw Marrta Clrela StL rraatan Maala Mart Skawtaaa , S'15 Nawa Nawa V. riaklar Sat. rraatan Maala Mart fibaweaia S'-jr U MeCaO WarW TaSar C. Baallar Ska Blai Maala Mart ValkrTUaaa; gtS'fc Fataraaa uTraak Oaaa Bak Uarrai sky Kiar lia Oil SaT u Ktau f.salBalai Maala Ufa wltk Waalbaraaas IGaa. Baallar ICaalliUikl a'.vt blai Maala Lalal H.ata la. NW Nawa CaaHillaM I0 Flbbar S Mr FrlaaS GaaS Aaawcr Mas Nawa (:4J M.llr Irraa Ualaalas Sam Baraa Si Kara l 7. as Barb sbrlnar Faepla Ara Hilrar FEaala ftaaarlar Raaarr i''a Bark Shrlnar ranar Hllrar Eafla Roandas Slara Slai v'.ail Jaaa Flekaaa Maala Ball Mlehaal W Caaat OSC Caaaaal 74 Jaaa riekaaa Maala Mall Bharaa Baaiblara Maala a. aft Maa'a Faaall U Tbaaaaa Sraaakaaalla Bilk Mldaaart 115 WarlS Nawa Oa Saal SrnphaaalU Adaaatara SRS.AIbaaa i (..aa Calaalaada alMr. and lira Maoi Vaar Maala SHS-Albaar f.4S Aaaarlca Warlk Waltbaar Maala SBS-Albaar -ifi Marlia a Darla Dar Town Glaa Bardr BHS-Albaar ; U Lewla Darla Dar Maatlat Faltaa Lawla SHS-Albaar f.aa rraadara Vl Ja Staff ard Tawa Maal. Wkal'a Caak KBS-Albaar ' S Fraadaaa US Jaalar Mlaa Maaltar N. Maala Warld Nana s 1(.SS Raparlar I Star Final Flaal 1. Bablne Stan Nlakt Umt' lt:15 arta Flaal Intoralawa Daaaa Tlaaa Nawaraal Nlakt Saar H: JO Tha Caaaa Naar Skaw Daaaa Tlaaa Nawa Maala iS:4.r Tba Cbaaa Qrahaatra Danca Tlrna Bamataa Oai Taa Waal 1100 Nawa Orcaa banet Tlrna Hammer Ok) Naataraa I 11:18 L MtCall Maladlaa Danea Time Mldnlibl Naataraa il:10 Waa Trcaaara Danea Time Maladlaa Neelaraa 11 :d' Maaeam Band Danea Tlaaa Maladlaa Neelaraa l:Sf Slta Off Stan Off Danea Time Ixtra Hoar I Isifa 01. ' WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. ; S:M Maala TlmaNewa Oreeea raralNW Newa IBraakfaat Meladlei 4:15 Maala Time RFD Oraaat Hear Timekeeper Neak Meledlaa (:te Maala Time KOIN Kleek Ore. Fa Newa Breakfaet Farm Nawa , 1:45 rarm Time KOIN Kleek O. Farm Br. Mareh Time Keek Nat. Newa 7-SO Ceentrr EaT KOIN Klaek Flrat Edltlet Hemlniwap Breakfaal Medllallaae-' 1:1.' J. L. Willa Nawa M. Airanakr Breakfaal Naak KOCO Kleek ' 7:10 New, Newe Bob Garred Gant Braaklaat KOCO Klaek 7:45 Knox Man. B. Babbitt Bob Baaea Bam Bajaa Neok KOCO Kleek 1 t:S0 Old Sanaa Caa. Newa Breakfaal Cecil Brawn Jim Daadp Newa 1:15 Old Seaia Newe Clab Famllr AlUr Jim Dandr KOCO Kleek aj I: IS Maala Bas Grand Slam Breakfaal Baeea af Jim Dandr KOCO Kleek a 3:4. Maala Bel Raaemarr Clak Reel Jim Dandr Newa ( t:M Mnele Bei W Warren 0 A.M. KdltiKr. Sward Baek Fenea Raaplaaaa 1:15 Maala Baa Aunt Jennr Tedar'a Star Call Cmntry Matinee TaaeTlraa s 9:30 Maala Bel Helen Trent Break Bank Paator'a Cal! Baek Fenea Plana lu S:4r Newa Gal Sanday Break Bank Ben. Cannier Matlnca Eeelya K. , 1:M Hoateaa Baa. Read Life D. Gardner Glea Bardr Baek Fenea Rare " IS: 15 Beeteaa Hae. Ma rerklaa Cbet HanUer Tela Teal Matlaaa Reearia a IS: JO Strike II Dr. Malene Mr Trap Anawer Mas Baek Feaea Rare , 1S:' Kick Gala, tlakt Starr , Matte Mattaee Reeeraa , ll:fl' Doable ar Mra. Barton Wbliperlnp Ladlee Fair Baek Feaea Bare I 11:1. Nelhlni Ferrr Maaea Girl Marrlea Ladlearalr Matinee Rerardf ll'.Sf Bob and Rar Nora Drake V. Llndlabr Queen For Baek Fenea Rare I 11:4MBob Bepa Brlabter DaiBarnay Kaes Dar Matinee Reeeraa EM Mel.l KOIN IS 1.1, S a.m. to U p.m. UI .. I la S .. DIAL LISTING, KOAC, (5 VrSkC Taeadar V. M. lt:M. Newai UUS, relk Ceanlr Aiaat: l:ee, Ride 1m Cawberi t:N, Maalai d:M, World Rertewi (:0S. Chlldren'a Tkeateri S:ea, Newa aad Weather! 1:49. Orecoa Laa Ialatarat7:ls Efealac Farm Bear. KOAC --' - ' - ana vraaiaeri tails. all? far Womeni ll:eO, Caaeerl Ralll Newa: :!. Neon Firm Bear. :4S, Newai :4S, Medllelleal Ilea. Sits Off. S ACROSS lu Agricultural 5. Cigarfish S. Chum 12. Medicinal , plant 13. Peel 14. Gone by 15. Quantity ot matter 16. Spoken 17. Stitch 18. Place rubbed out ?0. Piece of around 22. Flower 24. Capital ot Italy 37. Be merry Bard-shelled fruit , Line ' Coincides Scold Lawless crowd Rodent Governor Minced oath Abyss Negative Constituent Silkworm Rave Region Fragment upon s time" Unit ot weight Lad Row alii RjJpRoEif i ;AL0fnggP I NADS 1 IpTfleIsppuE don at i on0ednia A P gCE fiMj k ID g E vJ5ESr5 ANff Solution ef Saturday's Puuls 61. Ancient Italian family ' DOWN 1. Renown 3. Winglike - Mr lef- 7? W.T1 m i "Y'F W! p32 -X-, -.-. wmM .- W, 1TTwk 1 1 Irn 3. Girl's name ; 4. Communl- cation ' t. Fun 6. Tip over T. Southern J constellatiol . 5. Dale a 9. Relating to rural life , ' 10. Epoch 11. DeaTsded IV. Show to a Mil 21. Word of choice 23. Chafe 25. Speck ot dust 26. Pitcher 27. Halt 28. Excited 29. Politeness 31. Laconic 34. Pouch 36. Ransack 39. From there 42. Perform 44. Change 48. Jog 48. Sins 49. Orderly 90. Domesticated 51. Flow back 52. River: Spsnlsh 54. Keel-billed cuckoo ROOM & BOARD By Gen Ahem I inaa.uie.iJ if INSTEAD OF MY vfli rj; MONEY BEING W I SAY. ! INACTIVE,! THINK JUNIOR.' IT Should work :1 I have : FOR AAE j;V200 ! I SPECIALLY TH8U ; f TO INVEST- THE MUSCLES Or .' HIS WRESTLER' SO HOW ABOUT SELLING ME A SHARE OF YOUR WRESTLER?, NOTHING DOING.'-I AjMT EVEN ASKING FOR CHEWIN' GUM TUH BE HIS MANAGER? -AN' I'M GONNA SEE THAT HE DON'T GET MORTGAGED LIKE ANOTHER RAssLEC 1 KNEW NICKNAMED WEDDING CAtt , WILLIE-FIFTEEN GUYS MAD A PIECE OF HIM.'