I II I II emr 1 Navy Men in Submarine Testa .Members of the of the USS Haddock play cardi In the crew's dinette M they take part in a two-month teat of physical endurance. The men are sealed in the tub under condition! which would prevail were the tub constantly under water for that period. The trial it preliminary to design of atomic powered U-boats capable of remaining submerged indefinitely. This picture was made during the actual test. Films were taken ashore through air locks by which scientists, doctors and technicians make nearly daily checks of progress of the trial at New London, Conn. (U. S. Navy photo via AP Wire photo) Mayor Resigns Jitney dinner will be served, starting at 7 o'clock, at the Sun' nyatde school. Mr. and Mrs. frank Barnett of Rickey were visiting friends in Sunnyslde recently. Wlllamina Mayor Kenneth I. Shetterly resigned at the last meeting of the city council, after the council voted to de fend the suit brought against them by the Associated Ply wood Mills to resist the taxes levied by the recent annexation ' Shetterly's resignation was in protest to the vote. He said be could not be a party to any pro ceeding against the city's larg est Industry. Ray McGee cast the only dissenting vote in the decision to defend the suit. Frank Smelser, senior coun cilman, acted as mayor follow ing Shetterly's resignation. The council chambers were lllled with dtlens, some of whom ex pressen opinions on the annex- tion question when called upon. . A. D. Newby resigned as fire chief, but the resignation was tabled until the fire department can recommend a successor. Acting Mayor Smelser ap- tfwttntAfl thm wViaIa mm0ll in act as a committee to contact some one to accept he post of mayor. Sunnyside Sunnyslde The Friendly Hour club met at the home of Mrs. Lester Thomas. The day was spent in quilting with covered dish luncheon served at noon. The next meeting will be family night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuenschwander. Mrs. Marsh recently sold her farm to Mr. and Mrs. Tate. Mrs, Marsh is going to California. Mrs. Freida Lehmann is new resident of Sunnyside, since her son Lyle has gone into the service. Lawrence Bickells has joined the Air Corps and is now train ing in California. The Sunnyside Community club will hold its regular meet ing Friday evening Feb. 20 and FLY UNITED'S MAINLINE AIRWAY Ntrthbsond Malnllnm iMvt at &55 A. M.; 1:15 P. ML end 7:30 P.M. PORTLAND . . 30 mln. SIATTLI . . . . Ihrs. iMlfcbMfid MaMImn n at 10:10 A.M.; 4J5P.NL and 8.-00 P. M. MIDFORD . . . 1 hrs. SAN FRANCISCO 4'4 hrs. LOS ANOELES . 74 hrs Airport TwhiImL Call J-HJ5 r rl utkerlicd liml (Ml. Untied MR LINES COMMIl tHt Af AND rouit co ir ai Boys' School Topic , Woodburn The proposal to establish an Intermediary boys' training school will be discussed by Senator John Hounsel of the Hood Rlver-Wasco county dis trict at the Woodburn Junior chamber of commerce meeting Tuesday. Feb. 17. The meeting will be at the local library club room at 8 p.m. and the speaking will begin at 8:30 p.m. The pub lic is Invited to attend. Questions will be answered by Sen Hounsel after his talk. Figure of Giant Orion Most Outstanding of Star Groups Br I. HUGH PBUETT UliMiiir sfcrtMt mnttoa Onto srtobar ailmlli Sntea Of all the splendid star groups which the "nkies of winter know. there it none so out standing as the one considered by the ancient peoples to outline the figure of tne giant urion. the mighty hunter. TMa magnificent figure, adorned with twinkling lights of various brightness and color, now makes a majestic nightly march across the southern heav ens. We shall try to outline this constellation without a printed diagram. Should the sky be clear this coming week, let us look high in the south between 7 and 8 pja, Almost instantly we notice a short line of three quit prominent stars, very ev enly spaced and all of the same degree of brightenss, sloping downward toward the left This line marks the belt around Or ion's waist, Hanging from the lowest star of the belt is a short line of s few dimmer stars, which consti tutes the dagger. On a moon less night such as at present those with good eyes will note that one star of the dagger looks somewhat fuzzy. Field glasses will reveal a haziness around it This is a faint view of the great Orion nebula, so splendid in large telescopes. bright is in his left shoulder. A few faint stars above an Imag inary line joining the shoulders constitute his head. He is facing the west Of the stars below the belt. the one to the east is Salph in Orion's right knee; the other, the intensely brilliant, sparkling RigeL is his left shoe buckle. Another fainter star slightly higher marks his upraised, bent knee. A few faint stars above his right shoulder trace his lifted arm and club. A curve of "pin points" to the west of the left shoulder marks the shield of lion's skin. His threatening at titude is directed at Taurus, the bull, which with lowered head is madly charging at him. . The poets of all ages have paid high homage to this fine celestial hunter. The Hebrew Job asked, "Canst thou loosen the bands of Orion?" Virgil in his Latin Aeneid exclaimed, "Bright Or ion, armed with burnished gold. Tennyson saw "Great Orion, sloping slowly to the west" According to the ancient myths, Orion was the tallest and most handsome of men. He quarreled with Oenoplon and was blinded by this adversary. He set out for the "place of the sunrise," and there his sight was Americanism Legion Theme Sllverton "Americanism' is the theme for the Feb. 33 meeting of the American Legion, Delbert Reeves post, No. 7, and the auxiliary. 1 Ralph Francis, Americanism program chairman, named at the week's meeting of the post by Commander Earl Baker, accord ing to announcement made by Baker, Saturday, has secured M. B. Ford, principal of the Eugene Field grade school, to be speaker. The patriotic talk for both the post and unit members will follow the separata) business ses sions of the unit and post, be ginning around p-m-, Monday, Feb. 23. , Any one la t crested In the Leglon'i February program on Americanism, Is welcome to at- CtpiUI JoarnaL Salem, Oregon, KtmUf, Feb. It, i::tn tend the meeting. The commander. Karl Baker, also announced the personnel of other committees with la the next few weeks. These include on past com mander's program night that Is to be observed Monday, March 23, at Legion Hall, Roy Daven port as chairman of the pro- mlraculously restored. Again happy he spent the rest of his life hunting In the Cretan woods. At his death, he was placed In the sky where mortal eyes could forever behold him. But Orion is much more than a belt and a dagger. Bright stars, two far above the belt and two below, form large four sided figure. Of the two upper, the one to the east is red Betel geuse In the hunter's right shoul der; the other, Bella trix not so Cherry City Electric 333 Chemeketa Pkot 2762 " CAR ft TRUCK RENTALS 194 North Church Phone 3-9600 e more people able to obtain Life Ins urance today? Alll . Itjes . . .more than 95 of the applications are accepted THE life insurance companies are constantly re-appraising their standards of acceptance in an effort to make life insurance available to more people. This they do through research and by continually studying their experi ence with millions of policyholders. Today, certain physical conditions, once regarded as barriers to life insur ance, are now acceptable. Likewise, many workers engaged in occupations, previously thought too hazardous, can now be insured. In both cases, some are accepted at standard rates, some at extra rates based on the extra risks involved. More than 9 out of 10 of the applica tions accepted are approved for policies at standard rates. Naturally, each company has its own rules for acceptance. Each must check carefully such things as the applicant's physical condition, family health his tory, occupation and living habits to protect the interests of its present policy holders. The net result is that today the life insurance companies, actively com peting with each other, are providing life insurance for more people than ever before. Institute of Life Insurance Cntral Soon el Inioraution about Life Insimnee 488 MADISON AVENUE, NEW TOEE 88. N.T. gram, also to toastmaster. . t On the nominating committee are Ralph Francis, chairman) asetstod by C J. Towe and Ar- . tbar Gottanberg; and a chair man of (he auditing committee, Ernest L. Starr, assisted by ' Ralph Gordon and Gladwyn Hamrcv of ncLiHCLC 272nr:3 6--r r-r laff.hLOale,t44 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5655 UNITED REPAIR CO 2SS N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances end AH Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery Large Appliances Ivan Roysa and Walt Claus, Owners '. '" ' APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING ft APPLIANCE CO 111 N. HIGH ST. ' "BETTER LIGHT TOR BETTER SIGHT New Store in Court House Square ' : Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds ' AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph. 2-1 GO 1 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 190 S. 12th NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT C. H. "CUFF ERICKCON We Specialixe In Wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair, Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Us for Estimates or Pickup and Delivery . , . . AWNINGS - TENTS - TARPS Ph. 34788 SALEM TENT ft AWNING 00. - 72 N. LIBERTY Canvas Oooda of Every Description . . " ANYTHING MADS TO YOUR ORDER" - CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAPE 2053 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing la Chinese At American Foods Featuring "Good Fcoda Well prepared" . Bring the remfly Call forfleearsaUoni for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 3-7324 MORTARLBSS BLOCK CO. -1 4th ft E. HOYT .'.'' Approved- Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tank - -Manufacturers of Motar Blocks Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks . Equipment Said-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSSRSROS..ilB3S.12rhST. : Garden Tillers Power Mowers . Paint Sprayers - Air Compremois anden Plumbing Tools power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repair on All Small Gas Engines MOTORCYCLES Ph.2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES -1007 PORTLAND RD. American St British Motorcycles Indian, BSA, ' Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters -If It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY SELL or FIX IT - FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS- 217 S. HIGH ST.. , Armstrong tt Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tfle - t Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets , Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 . STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1 II 0 LAMA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe v" Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING x Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment ' MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER 8ALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" ' Office 1110 N. Liberty Whse. 190 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph.3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machetes, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 Court R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St ORS-S7et OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO 258S PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brash WE GO ANYWHERE ... ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates snd Color Plsnnlng Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING ft HEATING Repairing SSS Chemeketa Residential Commercial - Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS 24 HOW soma Ph.3-9123 We Give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. Ml 57 tMLUbsttr 110 Csart, Dtwittn 1440 trtsr, Mtelcal CesJe? tS-HOTJR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally. 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M . 130 8. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. and 6:00 PM. to 6:00 P. M. All Sundays and Holidays RADIO REPAIR?,;. 8Sn?p,Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 State Motorola Dealers for kW General EleOTfl Pick up and Dcllvsry Ph.4-2271 TELEVISION HEIDER'S RADIO ft TELEVISION - 39S N. HIGH Willamette VaUey for 28 Years SERVICE - INSTALLATION SALES Home and Ants Radle sad Television Spcciaustt hi 1L E . i I i) I ' s