Basketball Scores Prop (Br Tk associate Praeel I 1 Si ' V . ! -t n b- . Lr I IIAIt ff I nillf Rsilatir :.N.IJ lUII I VUUill taeTTe.K 7fV7up during hi. 1 10-roDnder with Bex Layne In New York. La SUria got up to poand est a split decision win ever hli heavier opponent i In the heavyweight scrap. Johnny 0 Becomes First Player to Top 3,000 Mark Spokane W Seattle'! fabu- ' lous little Johnny O'Brien, who beats foes with hook shots hot Balances their athletic budgets, became college basketball's first 3,0(0-polnt player Sunday night, then said: "Bevo can have it now." He might have meant basketball in general for O'Brien gives the impression he just toler ates the game until baseball, his first i love, comes around. He's an infielder and a top prospect. v Clarence Bevo Francis, the Rio Grande College freshman, has already beaten O'Brien's single season record of 1,091 points, but no one ever scored 3,000 in a collegiate career be fore. O'Brien, a S-foot 9-lnch sen ior who . has perfected every shot in the book, hit 3,000 mid his greatest night. He cored 81 points in a 100-68 mauling of Gonzaga which had upset Seattle the night before. Teammates and fans swarm ed all over Johnny at the fin jsh, hoisted him on their shoul ders and showered him with confetti. Well wishers stream ed into the dressing room. "Ta, Bevo can have It now. I've beat him to 3,0e,n John ny grinned. The place was a madhouse but it took a sly ,wtnk from a gentle priest to really bring down the Hionse. "OK, you fellows can have Monday off, but be sure to be back in class Tuesday," said the Very Rev. A. A. Lemieux, S. J., Seattle president. John ny cheered nearly as loud as did 2,400 fans when he hit his 81st point, two seconds before the game ended. The crowd of 2,400 at the Spokane armory filled every corner. It was a sell out for weeks and there were 200 on a waiting list. The greatest clamor for Olds 88 Sets Record in 160 Mile Stock Race Daytona Beach, Fla. VP) Bill Blair, using high gear on turns to save gas, averaged 80.9 miles .an hour a new record to win the 160-mile Grand National Circuit race for strictly stock su tomobiles Sunday. He drove a 1953 Oldsmobile 88. SPORTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Colleta taiketball: WtUsmftte at Collet, ot Idaho. Ckarek leatao beekelbel!: Clsae A rirat Ctirlitlan n. Capitol Baptist. First Peptlit vs. rinsaood Bible. First Methodist vs. Cslvary Baptist. Chemsaa vs. Deaf School; Class B Jason Lee vs. Liberty Church ol Chrltt. St. Mark't Lutheran vt. Calvary Baptist. First Christian Blarks vs. at. Paul's Fpt'copal: Claaa C St. Mark'a Pontes vs. Kntcht Memorial. KlntaoorJ Bible vs. Ptrat Baptist. First EVB vs. First Christian, Bssareno vs. Deer School. leW story doy of tames for Ureal and places.) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Irh Of has! fceaketliail: Albany at Salem. Aalem Academy at Oervats, Stavtnn at Central; Willamette Valley leasue Mt. Antel at Sendv, ailverton at E,taeada, Melalia al Oanby, Woodburn at Dallas; Marlon cnuntv B leatue Mill City at Sublimity, at. Paul at Chemswa. Jefleraoa at Deaf School, Oatea at Detroit; Yewame leasue Amity at Yamhill. North Marlon St Bsoks, Shertden at ahorwood, Dayton 41 Wlllamlna. City Vastus hMheibatl al Leolte: 1, Salem Jayvees va. D Battery; I, Warner Motors Vs. Marlon Motors; I. Wolsamott'a va. Salem Auto Parts. Chureh leasts taeketaall: Class A First BUB va. First Presbyterian: Class B Court atrset Christian vs. First Chrlitlsn Whites, Xnslewood BUB vs. Halbert Memorial. Prefeoeleaal srreetltnti Balem armory, card stsrls at I II p.m. Msln event, Don Kindred vs. Tony Rosa, othsr matches. Al sssss vs. Olno lflcoiinl. Bronco Lublch vs. Henry Lena FAN FARE f.a xtaraa rnM dawn An am (CP Telephoto) tickets in Gonaaga history prompted the school to tele vise the Saturday game. It was the lure of the O'Brien name. Johnny and his twin brother, Eddie, have drawn dozens of tumaway crowds in their three years at Seattle. Little North. west colleges who scarcely drew enough to pay the over head before the O'Briens, bal anced their budgets by mov ing into bigger arenas and sell ing them out when Seattle came to town, UW Nips To Go for (By The Associated Prats) It's 12 down and four to go in the Waahlngton Huskies' cam paign to become tha first North ern Division Pacific Coast Con ference basketball team to go through a 16-game league sched ule undefeated. The Huskiea, the nation's third-ranked team, clinched a tie for their third straight North ern championship by defeating Oregon State twice over the week-end. They can sew up the title by conquering second-place Oregon at Seattle next Friday. But if the Ducks, wfto boast wins over every Northern team except the Huskies, spring sn upset and knock Washington from the unbeat en In league play class Friday, the front-runners will get an other chance Saturday. Oregon State travels to Pull man for games with last-place Washington State the same nights. League action opens Tuesday with Idaho, coasting along in third place, playing a single game with the tailend Cougars at Pullman. With 6-foot-7 Bob Houbregs In his customary role as pace Better, Washington romped to a 7S-60 victory over Oregon State at Corvallia Saturday. Houbregs racked up SS points boosting his total for the sea son to 589, SS7 of them in di vision play. Five of the points were on free throws, setting a new division record of 83. Eric Roberts of Washington State set the old mark of 80 in 19S2. The win gave Wash ington a 22-1 record for the season. SLATE au BeaeTaatore TO, OaaasaL. Pa. SB. . n. tares ST., Oretau tra aatawftMr Mkrat SnatUl The Dallas SB, Baser 41. alanhfttld n. aorta teas IS, - Median! M Ashland 1. - Buteaa , Aleanr u. Astoria TO. Ceauel Cattails SI. ' Brad II. -Laksels 41. Oreala Fats 41. Klassatk VaOi 44. Keaaewtak (Wish.) 44. FsauUelea 44, Boatfcart i. CoqulIU to). Bscred San laalaau SS, CHM DaMa (MooaMnlh) M. TUliauI a. Farinas IT. ' Cm) 44, WUlaautla (SUSCM) 41. Botao Blrtr 44. Taint tl. Salaries FAB WSST Calif orals II. UCLA SI. Utah aula 44. Wroralai 44 Oraion SI. Waahtatton Stat TO. -attaford TO, aouthara California 14. Waahlnttoa T3. oreton Btatt SO. Ilonlaaa St, Colorado A4U4 04 Colorado State IX lloataaa State 4. Oonsata S3 Stattlo 40. Collate ol Fatltle TO, Cat Anita 44. Fortleod TO. Heeeda SS. Oretoa. BducaUoa 41. Orogon Tech 41. LowU Clark 41, pacino Onlr. IT. CoUifo of Idaho SI. Llnfltld S3. Chko luu 103. South rn Oroaoa SI. Western wssb, fit, BrltUh Colombia II. Boattlo Pstlftt TO. rortlaad auto Is. Xaitera Wash. St. Futtt Sound S3. Whluua 14. WUlamotte 41. BAST 4 aloha SI. Fordham II. afaohattaa 43. CanUloa 41. LaStlU II, Tamslo 41. Holy Croat St. Brova f4. 8c too HaU SI, Hohlanbors TO. iralo Tl, Cornell 44. Fena Tl, Armr U. Ntatara II. St. BOBartntuN 44. Colainbla T7. Harrard M. Colgate 104. Syrteutt SI. ' Ohio State S3. PltUburth 41. VUlanova 111. Boltoa Collwt 13. Dartmouth 40, Frtncttoa II. SOl'TH MlululpDl SUto S3, VaadtrbUt TO. North Carolina, 44. Tha Cltadal It. Duko 44. North Carolina State 41. Loulalana Bute M, Auburn 17. Ooorsttovn DC SI, Marr 44. MatTland 17, Waah. 41 Lea 44. Tulano II, Alabama S3. Wako Forait 17, Clemaon II. Florida 74. aoorgo Tech 41. Oeorto Waahlniton It, Virginia Taeh 18 Murray, Kj. 77, Western Kaotuckr si. MmwssT Indiana 45. Klehltaa State IS. St. Louis II. Motro Dasu 77. nilnoU 10, Iowa SI. Pvrduo II. Horthvoatern 13. Wlaeo:uln Ik ItlehKaa S3. Kansas 11, Nebraska II. Duqussns 11. DePaul 41. aflseoun S3. Colorado 17. Oklahoma AMI 11, Bradley TO. Bio Grande Ohio 10, Buss 44. SOUTHWEST Texas ID, Arkansas II. Rico II. Texas AM 44. Wast Turns 73. Maw Holies AAaC ST. Lyons Town Team Wins OverScio Club, 71-60 Scio The Lyons town team defeated Sclo's townies 71-80 In a basketball game. Lyons led at the half, 29-28. Dale Bennett of Lyons was high scorer for the game with 18 points. OSC; Four Games Perfect Season COAST CONFBBSNCB fBr The Associated Frees) . . Nerihara Division W L Pet. W L Pat, Wash. IS S 1.40 Oretoa St. 4 I 414 Oretoa 1.1 .441 Wash. St. 1 11 .041 Idaho f 1 .417 Ssturday raaaltst Weshtniton 13, Oregon State 44. Oregon 17, Waahlngton State II. Games this week: Tuesday Idaho at aWshlngton State. Friday and Saturday Oregon at Wash ington, Oregon State at Washington State. Southern Drvtalea W L Pot. California s t .754 COLA W L Pot. 4 4 .400 5 S JH 8. Cam. 4 4 .500 Stanford Oregon made it four straight for the season over Washington State dumping the hapless Cou gars 87-70 at Pullman. The Ducks moved out in front near the end of the first period and were never beaded. They led 44-35 at halftime and 66-84 Mase Ranks 6th In Northwest Conference Stax Dick Mase of Willamette ranked sixth in Northwest con ference individual scoring sta tistics as of last Wednesday, of ficial league figures' showed to day. Mase has scored 136 points in nine games. Leading scorer in the league, R. C. Owens of Col lege of Idaho, hss 189 points in eight games. Dick Hoy of Willamette rates 12th among conference scorers with 98 points. Other Willamette players, the number of points they have scor ed in league competition, and their ranking among the 90 play ers who have seen action in the league: Jack Scrlvens, 80, 19th;' Duane Shield, 75, 20th; Bill Colvard, 70, 23rd; Pete Reed, 89, 29th; Jerry MeCallister, 50, 32nd. Dave Gray, 39, 38th; Daryl Glrod, 30, 43rd (called into army after two games); Bob Shepard, 19, tie for 49th; Jim Henslee, 16, tie for 87th; Dick Bertram, 6, tie for 84th; Chuck Lewis, 8, tie for 65th; Leroy Locks, 1, tie for 73rd. Bones McKinney, former stsr for the Boston Celtics and Wash ington Caps in the NBA, is the concessionaire at the new Memo rial Coliseum in Fort Wayne. ly Wutf D!MS) Willamette7 Bearcats Lose 2 to Whits; Play at C of I Tonight ' raw lianlatad Tiaatl Lewis and Clark elaag to first place la tha Nerthwaat Confer enea baaketball race by rmanlng wild la as vsrtlme scasioB to beat raeifle, 4I-57, Bataraay night But College of Idaho stayed only a game behind when it de feated last-place Linfield, BO SS, in overtime to sweep two- game week-end series from the Wildcats. Whitman swept another week end series by overwhelming Willamette, the 1052 champion, 94-67. The loss dropped Willam ette into third place, Just ahead of Whitman. The schedule favors Lewis and Clark. Tha Pioneers play host to VThltmaa for twt games next week-end and to College of Idaho for another the following Monday. Tha Idahoana must travel to For est Grova for two week-end games with upset-minded Pa cific before meeting Lewis and Clark. Monday night, Willamette will play at College of Idaho, while Linfield will be at Whitman. In Saturday's Lewis and Clark-Pacific contest, the score was tied IS times and the lead changed 10 times before the Pioneers won with 16 overtime points to five for Pacific Lanky John Feuz, second In the conference scoring race, led the Pioneers with 16 points. Guard Dale Stewart, who sent the gam into overtime with a frea throw and bas ket In the final regulation seconds, had IS for Pacific. Center R. C. Owens, the con Terence's top scorer, and Guard Don Speiss paced College of Idaho in Its overtime victory over Linfield, which had led nearly all the way. Owens col lected 21 points and Speiss. a former Oregon City high school star, registered 24, most of them on long shots. Center Dave Sanford posted 17 to lead Linfield. Center Rex Gwinn and For' entering the final period. Chet moe topped the scoring, looping in ai points xor the Ducks. 74 rr Wash. State fg n pf tp fg ft yt tp Rtlhsrt.f Psrnam.f Nos.e Wetner.g Hollsnd.s Stout,! Mickey,! Bnnmn.o Psgs.g Oovey,c Haos,s 4 1 I 14 Mullina.f I 11 4 II awansnJ 4 I S SI Rehdsr.a I 17 Benlnk,g 4 S Klock.g 4 T Dodrsrd.! 5 S Myron.! S I McCnU.4 4 1 Oerton.g 5 Morgan, S 1 11 4 S Totals 3S SI 14 tl Totals tl 14 TO ""ton 14 t n 1147 Waahlngton State ,.11 14 It 1474 FTS4 throws missed: Oraaim Daman. nuv v, onUwHSS, flSWOS S, COVSy S, Washington state amnina a "thdoi 1. Mocantt I, Banning. Oartaa I. Waahrattasi (Tl) (441 Oretoa Itate fg ft af ft ft pf tp McClry.f 1 S S 4 Bdwrds.! Mectcn.f 4 I I 13 Whltmn.! Hhrsgt.4 MISS! VUUIca.4 Koon.g S S S S Tools.t Clprlno.s 4 4 I II Boblm.g Parsons,! s S I 1 Sugrus.4 D!lott,t S S Rmanof.t . Jarboe.g HaUltn.! Jhnstn,s J I S I Sill 1 S 1 1 1114 S 4 S 14 S I S 11 I S 4 itss 14 11 sets Totals SI St 11 T3 Totala SS 30 II 14 waaningfon IV it SO IT Tl Oretoa State 1 it i la an Free throws misted: Waahlniton Ms Clsry, McCutchen 1. Houbregs. Kaon. Oregon Btate Bdwarda m. Vlaatalu.a win t, rwoivm s, arooo. OCE Comes From Behind to Win Oyer Ore. Tech oaaooif cousaiATi coKPsacNca W L Pet. Pf PA Saltern Oregon 4 S .47 441 451 Oreton Collets 4 4 .400 104 440 Oregon Tech I I .too 130 131 roruana Btelv 1 s .160 111 Saturday Bnelta: OCX II, Oreton Taeh 41. Klamath Falls UP) Oregon College of Education, trailing 31-29 at halftime, came from behind to defat Oregon Tech 61 47 in Saturday night's Oregon Collegiate Conference basket ball game. Howard Sullivan paced OCE with 22 points and Jerry Wyatt was nigh lor tne losers with 15. The two teams split the two- game series here, OTI having won ob-bo Friday night. oca (si) 4i) on ft ft Pf tp ft ftp! tp Orove.f 3 I I I Wrttt f I III Bolllvtn.f s Prantt.c 1 BuahDell.s I Pinion, t 1 Mlller.f s M'Kensl.f S Lewis, e 1 Bosnstk.4 s Pslmqtt.s S 4 n Srhobrt.f t I Thmpsn.e 14 4 1 III 4 13 Oenetln.s 1 I Botler.g I I Weaver.! 4 4 I II 14 1 S S I I a s s o 01 0 S 0 Jcpsen.s S I Willi, t S S Mmphry.s 1 I Totou XI 11 II II Totals II II 33 41 OCB is yt as tl OTI u 1 Jt 47 rreo inrowe misaea: OCB so, on II. Officiate: Heat and Jones. Why Suffer Any Longer WtaB UMra fill, m m cmmm mi dlM. AmwiBf neeow for toot fn is cbtnt No matter wltb what U- atBtt rom art afflicted, tlitortlm ln at. til heart, nmta, Har. kUom fta. eotutipatloa atom tfiabttet 'hojTjratitUm, nil ant WatMar. ftr kin. f .( eomplalnta- CHARLIE CHAN cnrNsas visas co. Ofrtee atari I a Tata aad Baa awly (St ft taaoretal Phoat tits SAian oaa STAKBINOS Pet. PF FA Lewis a) Clark 1 s OoUetl If loth I Tat tjj SIS T73 wuiaavstts . S Whitma-, ,. I s Paatflt 4 .444 111 114 UnfWIS I titer nay rasa Hi: uwu and curt tl. Pacific SI. Collett tf Idaho St, Llnneld SS. Wnltmaa M, WOlamatt SI. ward Don Robinson scored 60 points In sparking Whitman to its win over Willamette. Gwinn, hitting uncannily with his hook shots, registered 27, while Rob inson rolled up 23. Forward Dick Hase scored 16 for Willamette. (47) (44) Whitman ft ft pf tp t ft pf tp I 4 11 Paln.f I I 14 Rar.t x S 4 IS Bobnaon.! S S 13 11 Owuutt 11 S 4 17 111 Botlnet.s 4 S 14 I S 4 Parker. SSI S MJchleoni t 1 SIS KUcker.l SIS Bradahw.l lata S 4 14 riek.t I I t 1 10 1 Klltt.t 4 I I Fowlsr.s 0 III Waltnbrs S S Bead. a Shield.! Oray.s Bartrm.s Sheoard.f Heaeleo.g Colwd.r ircalstr.s t Lsvls.1 S 8orlvlns,s 1 Totals S3 SI 34 01 Totals It Tl n 44 Willamette 14 37 44 17 Whitman ...1 41 Tl 44 Prtt throws mUttd: WUlamait If. Whlt aa 34. Mount Angel Defeats Saint1 Francis, 48-44 Eugene Mt. Angel defeated St Francis of Eugene 48-44 In high school baaketball gam here Sunday afternoon. St Francis stayed right on Mt. Angel's heels through most of the game. Mt Angel led 15-11 when the first quarter ended. 26-24 at halftime and 30-29 at tha end of the third period. Jim Zauner led Mt. Angel s victory with 13 points, but high for tha gam was Larry Walsh of tha losers, with 14. In the preliminary, St. Fran cis 'B team defeated the Mt An gel Jayvees, 86-26. Robinson's 13 points topped St Francis, while Jim Anderson led Mt An gel with six. Ms. Aartl (4S (44) S4. Francis Schmidt I P S Furrer Zauner IS -..P.. S Frank Ctrkoaey T. Tr eater I c It Walsh Bttnllnisr 11 ... 10 Frtd Ctrkonsy J. Traotsr S O I Polssant subs: Mt. Anttl Oberslnnar li at. Franolt Jans 3, Btrhisan 1. Offldsls: wmiante and Delotto. Pee-Wee League Planned by Woodburn Club Woodburn The Woodburn Rotary club has launced a cam. paign to revive Interest in base ball in this community was the recent announcement of Presi dent J. F. Lacey. Present plans call for organizing a pee-wee" baseball league locally this sum-1 mer as a foundation for future Legion junior and possible semi-! pro teams here. - j Anyone Interested in such a project is urged to contact eith er Homer Wadsworth, N. F. Tsy- lor or H. M. Austin, members! ot the Rotary committee. The project is also plsnned to encour age greater use of the new light ed field her. Every 4 mallow drop.. 6 TOP 4 KENTUCKY 0 BOURBON that's why If America's top-selling Bourbon I ITtU ONIY 10 OUUT tsrnn tiui mmms vwarf. mir wu rm run. n now. SU4 irii. (4, lusrjori.n. HOttWUT COhrSBSNCB W L LOCAL UNITED HESS ASSOCIATIP fUCS HIWS AND KATUtO ' riarswr: , , v t ff I 1 Will Back Pulpits-- maw, All - American line baeker en UCLA's 1151 foot ball team, announced In Los Angelea that he will study for the ministry. He may still play professional football next year if ha can work It -into bis schedule. (CP Telephoto) Committee Heads For State B Hoop Tournament Named Committee chairmen for the Oregon State elaas B basket ball tournament to be held at Willamette university March 12, 13 and 14, have been an nounced by Oscar Speeht, gen eral chairman. . The tournament, as in tha past is being sponsored by the Exchange club o.' Salem, and all committees will be com prised of members of that elnb. Committee chairmen are: Hosts, Otto Skopll; visitors, Tom Kay; awards, Glenn Fra el; tickets, Otto Wilson; pro gram, Dell Findley; gate. Bob Oormson; recreation, Dick Grabenhorst; publicity, R, H. Hamilton. YOUR LAST CHANCE This Week TO GET IN ON 7. Ravlinson's tie Bmim. Men from all over th Willom att volley or taking advan. tag of Rawllnson't Tl Ix change Pool. It's their big chanc to sprue up thlr fov HUNDREDS OF NEW TIES will be found on th RAWLINSON tie-rocki, giving vry man a wid choic of ties h might wish to tak home in trad for th wearabl ties h no longer want. Hurry! Tie Pool Ends Saturday! eaiiaisa. 3-3165 Pag 11 Salem, Oreton, MoatUy, Fcbmary 18, 195S feloson Tolb to Du!:!::r3 At Salem Drcahfcst Club Salem provides as geod a chance for the beginning goiter aa any other place in the United cjeaitv, asiasusv maavu, oatstjnt boss club professional, told members of the Salem Bretekfaat elnb at tha Senator bote! this naming. Salem has two golf courses, both public, and both very cheap, inexpensive 'ior the play er. Mason pointed out He said that greens fees at the Salem courses are just about as cheap as you'll find any place. -in initial cost is wnat worries most golfers," said Mason. The amount ts be spent,' he said, "is Just about completely up to the mdlrld aai. , Initial outlay can ran anywhere from fll to 1866, depending on how elaborate equipment la wanted."" Mason conducts Junior classes for beginners up to 17 years each summer. Next summer he plans to insMisTurat a class tor advanced juniors In which golf etiquette would be stressed. It's never too lata to begin the game, Mason reminded. And he also said that there are some golfers 80 years of af who play regularly three times a week. Chances of an ordinary golfer making the big time in the pro fessional golfing circuit are rare, "about 10,000,000 to one," ac cording to Mason s estimate) "Out f 1MM8 golfers In the United States, about 5.00M8I f them men of po tential professional age, anly TIDE TABLE Corrected tor Taft (QooajSel hr V. S. Ctatl a ttlsHt Server, PorUaad, Ore. I BUB Waters Lav Waters Fabraary Ttmo BoltbS TIM Bsasbt IS 1:01 in. s.s Sill as. SJ S:0S p.m. 4.4 1:14 .sa. t l IT 1:41 a-au 1.1 S:1 1.4 1:44 la. S.S S:H .au 1.1 IS S:M aja. la : 14 tt la. J 4:44 .m. SJ 4:41 .m. 14 1 4:01 sua. I.i . tins 1.4 l:lt a.m. 41 . 14:14 y.m. is t 4:44 ass. I S 11:M M. 4.4 S:U sjn. 4.S rm. 14 tl 1:41 a,m. 4.1 4:11 .m. 4.4 IrM S.SS. . tl . . I MS4S. u, U:4 a-m. 1.4 :IS .m. 4.1 ' 1:44 .m. 4J M 1:03 am. 1.4 1:01 a.m. .l 10:11 p.m. 4.1 1:U a.m. 14 54 1:04 ajt. 14 1:14 am. 1.1 11:11 Jn. 1.1 4:31 pjm, S.l l S:4l a as. 14 4:14 aja. 1.1 li:4S y.m. 14 1:11 rm. I.o 55 1I:4T I I i:ei am. It ' i t! s. ai YES SIR, FELLOWS I Bstter hurry In with your Has. . Remember, on Rowllmon's tl- g rock you'll s many, many brand 1 1 ff mw ties from stor llkat I I I BISHOP'S HEWITTS I BHRTOCK'l MAN'S SHOP 1 ea by Tamous Sanltatra DryXloaning . . . and alt thlr epptMtunlty to trad off wear able foulard thy n longer fancy ... or thos Christmas tis that blind. Gather up your tit NOW. Remember, wheth er you keep your own or trad for others, you pay... OnlySS' Per RAWLINSON'S Capital City Laundry 1264 Broadway twa havs gen to th toy la tha last five years," Mina pointed eat Be lefeirad to Julius Bar oa, wh earn frasa nowhere tt win th Catted Btates open bat year, and Cary Mlddlaeeff, tb dentist wit., Tanlted into est f the gaaaa'f toy meaiey-makar. Mason said he would Ilk to see private golf com started In Salem. Th cost ha esti mated, would be about $290,000 ior tne course itself, plus what ever th members want to spend for clubhouse. 92 Archers Now Members Of WapitaClub Lebanon ... Wanita Bnrnstw. th archers' club organized bar in December, baa already at tained membership of 82. They have busy week pi shooting scheduled, with th junior divi sion slated to work on the indoor rang at th armory Friday wa ning. Adults will shoot ttwr Monday and on Sunday, Fan. 22, all club members will meat on tb Golden Valley outdoor rang at 10 ajn. for a shovel shoot Target will be eetup and brush cleared on the shooting lanes. Th rang la located Sft miles up the Golden Valley road. ClllH PrtHllrlatnt M1 H-latnlrM Bald Monday's shoot for adults will be a novelty suasion, with th targets having prises attach ed to them. He explained that th club llama Wapita, is tb las dlan nam for bull elk. MAIN EVXMT Tatty Bass va, Dea Iflaiiai BEaa-MAIrW - Al Stats vs. Gin lvleeitnl ' , oromu- Banry lns vs. Brans lamhBeh SALEM ARMORY TaMday, 9:30 P.M. ; tj MM. LtHf ISSb mm ITS EASY last bring fas wearable tie Trade the yea don't want . . . or keep yoor own Tie Ton pay lust fr the Sanlton Dry-Cleanlrj