..-,11 - -V lft Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Monday, Feb. 16, 1953, '''''' rii; Tl..t.',L.' IJ. j- t ill' -a 1 Biff Job Remaining residents of Poortvliet on Tbolen ' Island, Holland, ipend most of their time pitching' in with Allied troop in mighty effort to rebuild flood-damaged dikes. The island was one of the hardest hit areas in the Netherlands in recent disaster which claimed huge toll of life and property. (UP Telephoto) First Dividend Declared By Turkey Association A dividend ot one tenth per cent a pound for each turkey processed from August 1, 1932 to January 1, 1993, will be paid by the Turkey Growers associ ation to its members. Sam Speer stra, president of the association, believes the checks will be dis tributed around July or August of this year. Total amount involved in the dividend will be around the $8,- 000 mark with the average check Elks fo Construct Building at Albany ' Albany Albany's Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Friday announced plans to begin construction of a new Eli- tem ple within the next few .months, on the northeast corner of W. Fourth Ave. and Broadalbln St The lodge has published an Invitation to contractors to bid on the purchase and removal of three dwellings and garage buildings owned by the lodge and located on the land selected for the site of the lddge. Bids must be In the hands ot the local secretary by Thursday, Feb. 19. No announcement of the total cost of the construction was made. The desert around the Red Sea have almost no rainfall for months at a time. about $100. Operations of the plant which is located in West Salem result ed in $1,627,742 being paid to members for their turkeys and another $183,742 being paid to members for their turkeys and another $183,050 to employes. At the peak of the season some 500 persons were on the payroll, They handled eight million pounds of turkeys during the pe riod from July, 1852 to the first of 1953. The association has made al most constant improvements in its plant and operations and is now affiliated with the North west Turkey - Growers of Salt Lake City, an organization that specializes In marketing. In addition to Speerstra. the board of directors of the associ ation consist of W. A. Davis, Oakland: Eldon Fisher. Elk ton; Frank A. Clak, Creswell; Dale Beaner, Eug.e; Edward Gath, Turner; H. V. Buxton, Molalla; I. K. Hanson, Canby and George E. Renan, Oregon City. Arthur J. Montgomery 1 secretary-treasurer of the associa tion; Wm. F. Everett, plant man ager, and Henry M. Hodges, gen eral manager. Wonderful Relief for ITCI11IIG siuni Zno, doctor'! highly medicated anti eeptie. promptly relieve! itch, etope scratching end eo aide faster healing and clearing of surface akin 7 tT BJ fe and ecalp trouble, eVCIYIU Ted Williams Crash-Lands Seoul P Ted Williams slid home today safely. The famed former Boston Red Sox slugger, now a Marine cap tain and pilot, crash-landed his burning Panther Jet fighter bomber at a forward base after taking part in a 200-plan strike In North Korea. Williams, on his first Korean combat mission had two tag-along flights to learn the terrain. ! He fought his warplane back1 across the lines and belly-landed when his wheel stuck. On the harrowing flight his radio went out, his ailerons stuck, hi plane was on fire and his airspeed indicator quit Despite It all, he was able to walk away from his damaged plane. There was no Indication he suffered any injuries. j Williams said he passed over! the target a sprawling Red troop and supply center near Pyongyang, was "a smooth run." j "I can't understand It," he said. "I didn't feel a thing hit me." Fellow pilots, however, said Williams' plan was blazing when it left the target and flames were seen coming from the brake ports all the way back to the forward base. Presumably the Panther Jet was hit by Red ground fir. Hoover Truman and Eisen hower are the only U. S. Pres idents who were born west of the Mississippi river. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich 'Mav I IntarniDt this call to get th doctor I got Into a petrified forest by mistake." . . . Good party-line neighbor release the line bo others can make urgent or emergency calls . . . Pacific Telephone, 1 3 USTrcom S A PtRSOHAl ri A WTT7l..ll..rl do a WHALE of a job! Efficient, effective ond really economical Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! 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