aaaajCaw Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, SaL. Ffc. ll. W3 Ht RADIO PROGRAMS Tele-Views SOlD PLATINUM STKAPS UN DEB TWEPilNT-STUDDED WITH PQeCIOUS StTONE S BcTTER ISTOBE VOUR LOOT IN a SAFER PLACE, KIN ZUGG- BEFORE THESE Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMSS PHOTOS APPEAR IN SPOTLIGHT MAOAZINE 5S""Saaaaaaaaaaa"" . "TTTTm u- U m l iiun ajjn t iuojjt V Mnwh.EVES WILL 1 DiTi IH II pBmwMH J oodep iN AaMoneojicx I Ibkw so kino 1 .yjifI , "tV"?f,? L , - 1.1 .Knamw- Ml FVCWINW 1 n tuli LoVNDi-- W rCL MPZZ 'VTHAT ROCK J uaumv o la -aaaaaVLaW eaS B M T . OW m amwal I I H omom. -v-or 1 N- 1 -M I I PV Ovia V I IVUI V I oV-Tm nmjBptaawi maT-mBB I V v om t-on j III av VywaV Br .X J -- tTV mv lli) (pXy"fIlX mT' o4 1 1 I : I .. Ii I -' 1 I : fcj I tea Kumor report that in Albany a firm U uaing a. coaxial cable to pipe in the Portland TV channels when thev all get on the air. This project will eliminate the use of an tennas lor everyone who ties onto this cable. The cost is rumored to be a flat fee of S125 to hook un to the cable and a $5.00 fee monthly or $60 per year. Ac- curuin 10 our source woric nas already begun on the project and will be finished in the near future. ' . Sunday listening and TELE-VIEWING is packed with outstanding uems lor ootn. Kacuo oners top variety in programs in various pro grams which include: AMERICA CALLING. Rebel Ran dall's special Valentine's Day show on her KOIN Radio program at 8:00 p.m. will be star studded with too flight guests Peggy Lee, Rosemary Clooney, Margaret Whiting, Jo Stafford, the Andrews Sisters nd Vic Damone. The program will salute the women in the services. The Mills Brothers will be the guests of the "EDGAR BERGAN- CHARLIE MCCARTHY SHOW" Sunday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. McCarthy without benefit of any of the required li censes, takes it upon himself to become orchestra leader Kay Noble s manager. Laughs will no doubt be a dime a dozen when Bing Crosby will be the guest on Jack Benny's program at 4 :00 - p.m. Sunday on KOIN. Benny will present his version of I the "JJing Crosby Story'.' , Some of the movie studios are getting very, strict with their stars working on TV. Gordon MacRae is a good example. MacRae's popular program, THE RAILROAD HOUR, may become a television show and Gordon won't be able to appear on it. His contract with Warner Bros, aays in Big Bold and Ugly letters, "No TV." . If you're a little short of the moola for that new TV set, you might drop in on the annual Firemen's Ball at the Crystal Gardens Saturday night and possibly walk off with the set they are giving away to some lucky dancer. Mitchell's Radio, 1880 State street, is providing the 17-1 inch-screen Motorola. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only procrtBu cehcdiM 1m mvimd ATVBDAY 4:M TV Tm Club 4:10 p.m Bifbop AhMD :M PH All Atftr RtvltW : p.BB-how of Shows PHILCO First in Public Demand! I TY CenlerNj J Open to t p.m. I 1120 CENTER I I ( 30 yn. In Sslem J l-sfe i 7:10 p.m. Hit pal 1:00 p.m. Jrvckit OltMon 0:00 p.n.-Dneroui Aultnntat 0:10 p.m. Wroa tint t HtadllOM 10:00 p.m. BlUnc Budget 10:30 p.m. Rockr ring MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Complete Television Center 2140 S. Corn'.. Ph.2-1611 11:N aliUo Bleckle 11:10 rosier touw IVKOll 1I:M a.ev-Thio ! the tilt 11:10 p.m. Lite Betlas to l:ot 9-m inmauoa nifMw 1:11 .m. Btllr Orehoaa 1:10 p.n. Oanlbni 1:00 P.m. ThrM OutlMt 1:10 p.m. Medlaoo souare Otrdcm 1:10 p.m. See II How 4:00 P.M. RU en Olllf 4:10 p.m. Prtrete Sacreurp 1 10 p.m. oomtdy Bow 4:00 p mOE neater 30 p.m. Mr. Fmin t:00 p.m. Bkelton TM p.B-Wbin Mr Una 0:00 a.sL-Stvolo Out 0:00 p.m. TV Flarhoiue 10:00 Tho Doctor 10:10 p.m. tm woo 11:00 pa Uto MllUoaalra MONDAY UeO M Bis rorolf 11:10 p.m. Oarrr llooro l:oo p.m. Kate smith S:00 p.m. Double or Rotates 1:10 pmStrlke tt Rich 1:00 pm Matinee Theater 4:11 pm fteareh Tomorrow 4:K pm Lore Life' 1:10 p.m, Hopalons Cutldr 0:10 p.m. Telanewa 0:41 p.m. Tlmo lor Btanr 7:00 p.m. Chance of Lifetime 1:10 p.m. Papal Colo Short Short Theatre i:o p.m. cororon Ifewo t:00 p.m Chevron Theater 0:10 p.m. Voleo of Plreatono 0:00 I Loaa Lucr 0:10 p.m. Red Button Show 10:00 p.m. Bobert liontsemerp 11:00 p.m. Candid Camaro 11:10 pm Kit Owl " V JT J"S. XII n-f lllVIr- lam I -nirilllf - I !1 alaau BM jMaala Uim XM, hlHl. PM. n I I I.jj Tra..a ioVdfrar BUM Maalp f Ian htwio Mat. . , I 1 PI r1 ktaaurar rao aa CMraapiawo Him BaaaV ptaolo M. J .vif.-v wtnv gf a r w k iiflT. .m s-Tn 1 - 1:1? '- 4 b. lw.l Gob WO ra. Cot : g -JTiLfC?? 1 liW. A I n I I 1 WCHEFO-POLKS! OOUT RECKON 1 I 10:"4' ca..b CfNm "' R R CHIEF CAME TO ARPKT I fiURE 1 II I -Tatar VOU MAC a I IBmmaun I IS Lnrrinim I rCV. I I 11:411 baaalUalar r... !n.. wi. Ih.ii Waal " ' A i Vr I : TUESDAY- A.M. TO 11:48 AM. : Ll ' f i l 11 I I rr II ' I ll I a i n i ll i r-x - u r I II AM T-TURNED TH' PITCMtBtI UXPtN a5aJNTOPM I -ITS MAH aVY.'.'-A U'L. VOICE. I I IT'S MAH DOOTX AS ACT I AROUNP.r-AM IS UTARJOtf ) I MAH B.VKSJ7- SOMETHIN" 1 I I rNSIDC ME.TEU.S ME-IFAH J I EIPtCTORAMT MOTHEIT') I I OU T.TifflMED TM' PlTTHEB AROUNPr-AtnS MTAWHf SPUCrL INTO P.TUKU0 r-rAti.'.'- 1 SXOiPT; AM CAIMY OPtM MAH LVUT- SOMETMIM" E.VEM NOSJNKSS IS KEEPIN tM SMUT7' ITS MAH ftAaYYr-A U'L VOICE. INOe MtTtLL ME-IFM 4 LOOKS AT O. VOKUM'S FACE- l MAH KAftV MrAMT LOOK UKK HIM7- IT S PRE-NAVAL INFLUENCEIT J I IT'S MAH DOOTV AS A EPECTOVWr MOTHER, T'. POT THIS D-OANGEROUS1 ' PITCHER BACK WHAR MAMMY BURIED BIRD'S House of Television 1 open cveningi 'til 8, Mon day thru Friday featuring the one-and-only Sparton TV, Hoffman and other popular brand. 871 Walloe. Rd. West Salem Patient Didn't Pull Dentist's Tooth Yukon, Okla., W) An eld Oklahoma law making it a crime for a patient to pull a dentist's tooth was discovered yesterday and Just in time. Dr. David Harris was about to let th highest bidder do the thing everyone has thought of at one time or another give the dentist a taste of his own medicine. He would have allowed the bidder to yank his ailing wisdom tooth for charity. He was saved from the ordeal the result of a rash Christ mas promise when someone dusted off the old statute. 13. Number! Indicating order iS. Not bright 26. Assume an attitude of reverence 27. Drinking mug 29. Minimum 33. Firearms 37. Piyoblt 38. Gilt 41. Feminine nam tno Teutonic 42. Copied pantheoa 43. Small knot 11 Give one'i 45. Venerates word 47. Mr. Clauo 18. Poetic name SO. Anger for Scotland 51. Swediih coin 30. Oil of rose 82. Kind of duck Detail: S3. Wheeled variant vehicle JU Drug-Tielding 54. Hard: prefix plant 55. Trap ACROSS 1. Biblical word I South American river I. In addition II Ancient Roman official 13. Unhappy 14. Negative vote 15. Chief gods of Solution of Yesterday's Funis DOWN L BiUow t Commune la Holland S. Lithe wZwImmI 1- f the nose . rJrUS. 11. SUinoro I. Central mole p.,-.,. MuMriav 8. Aim high T. Display osten tatioualr I. Commotion f. Feminine name r fr r n rg n -s tYx a m a m-m Uo-iW 0 - 1111 11 ojoyllll ih) ip I I l (uWt'tte ar tt a1 ii s ifitf . 4 3T 5" 1. Unit of walght 31. Advertloe- men to tt. Cams to re 24. Misfortunoo 28. Make into a fabrle 3s. SulUn'o decree 10. Things to be added 31. Center of the oolsr system 31. Aromatic beverage 14. btiowy clothes -lOJ tVEN STHCTM&CWM MAM ! I m a MnxjH.n r& kieduj- mm a U I 7 W fiM SMUT7- M HIMT'-ir'S PRE-NA.VAI. . BURIED IT PV-y I I h T "" 5 vj' i xt I I yob. v-r-a u i a " i r r i iiw . S-1 ..t1 1 y" CAKVeKt S "1 1 &L4T HOPPV5 CRY OF l u r yL Ji i ll xot.ici.eA? ll warning come too 8 SHOT W NTjiV LET TK6M FLV AROUHOI 6IV6 OS T 07 I I PUT A FEW 0 , ILj T SCHcXL.EH.POP?)F I oLrroTcRi, I WHITE MICE IN ) Pfc7 I IHf?! it 1.?? AfMU. nose RwowrrVTO teachers r JcJ Is5? 1 J . lttSr2l i - i did vou ubfcLi i -o.n ii . Va:w bw . uji i f- u e 'N i r- i,y-v its ci i I I " ' . . aOVb ii II tV ll r f ii m HII Ue3I aHril" f n VV1 M 7. .Q' J !" V- A 1 - I I P"1?.-., '--fvM it S r maiar I TUB FEDOKAL "X ON O" THE IEAStV M rM tvN il . . . IS'cXXT S FOOL,"l b po,, I I StCuaSTY A6EMO, PDOO JlCXOyVN, UT ONE OF a BAKU.' 1VI 60T D I THE LON8 PHTANCi OtUATOa; JUNS .' I I tno C0OJ6 AOMrS1aV)H(THS HOST aWPCarTANT I f VOU S TO MAVS I TD B WCt TO Ml,' I wmj. rij. awiar A 3CM AS BXr . J PBOTSCTrjOTS Oa THt II KCOw VERY HI S ojusnciOJ J Itl VMiXACl JAKTOt a tOCATtO.Pt 1 r I . llATION. HtAOM.' ,-1 OOIieNOtV WITH . ...ANO ! " ' i a tv ,obi -a::' m r arr Ntt. Vol n. vari ow iisw i D in I I r1 I r0. 9y ThE wAy..voot betterI rpRETTK smart" LJv 'St I Ml 1 II 1 '" t'V:! 1 "wJaL, rueriucJacV HAVE. YOU BRAKES THsT &. NOT V'J "17) 0,,64 a tmamks just HEAP51 checked... n M one im ) tm V v "Qg LETTINS T-j THE AaeVT Jl OKAVfl A MILLION JL ' ii' ' H 2SK.??? rffZl, WORKING TOOK THANKS POR WOULD NOTICE... iTni Jl. I1- fTraaJ. mj'?U"'ra I RUVD rS IT THAI Vtf. WAS ONE Of 1 fl 1 1 1? I AURtTOU,I WAA NEVERT3 M a wT nci6iNALwno4t m macbetmv-a I ( aaoce. highly tmucrAiNtD! v! iHAVtAlWEWrTH I CURIOLKTOfCE WHAT THE HfAP. ML WEAP. .. .BLTT..PERKAP5 I 'l aaK??, Tl IfW 1 IM R I Dft.THAOa' OLD WATtR-BUf FALO LOOM m rWr WU? iiiL I I I IV llil Y h.ClTO yNrjnHU, . OSV.. II III I i1 Utl' U .M M..1. Tlaia iCBS Rawo rtnO S4IUaalKawa .Brukfaat fWaat. ISalia T.n Maala TlaM aVO Oram M. Astaaakf TlaMkaoeae Naak Waaa. Miliar :Je Haala Tlaaa KOIN Klaat Sak OatM Nawa BiaaAfaaO raraa laeaaj ;C Sana Tloaa SOU! Ktoa a aaaw aral'aT all Maa Maws f !.M Ceawtrs SA KOIN Slaak Puai Boor Nawa BcaaklaaO MaOIUiaaM :T! Jakaar Wall Nawa lakaar WIBa Breakfast Naak Kaaa Ktoak Its Hows Nawa Sana Beat Oaas ' BfaaktaoO Kaaa Uaak :Q K MaaaOas Nawa ratal aat Seas aroo Mask KaaaKaaaS a.aa Oil tmtm' Caa. Nawa Braakfoat Caail Brawa I laa DaaOy Base Blaah !:TT 014 Saasa kaaa VaSk) SaaaklaaO raaallr Ahas Jaa DaaOs KaaoBkMfe llil Maala Bas Oroa4 Slaal Braakfaat Bataa as JlaiDaaOs Sua Sink 1:2 "" kiry Clok Baa llsi BaaOY Wawa mmm Nawa W. Wanaa 0 a.ak Hit. Nawa Bask Faaao Bawataaas S:T. Maalo Baa taat Seaas More TaOar MalaOr aareaasa Taaa Tlaaa 1:11 Haato Bai Balsa Treat Break Baak Faslara Can Beak Paaaa riaa r.l :M ' "a1"" Oar Oal Break Baak Boa. Caaaiai luaaapi Mia. CaraOB la.Bja BaaO BaaS Ufa D. OarSaar atm BaraV aak Paaaa Ban ?i :TT BaraaaSa Ma rarkku fkat Beau's Tato Taat UraaaOa BimOo J:iX strike IS Dr. ataao Mr Vraa kwjwos Mas seo Bare 10:41 Blak Oam. Llsat Stars Maala taiaaaOa Baaario U:M Beaaaa e Mrs. Bartaa WklasiiOas Laatao Fear Baak Vaaas Ban U:i Netktst larrr Maaaa Caai Baatlas LaaUas Vala HianaSo Baaoris 0:M Bak aa BarNatak Brake OMMaarlaa Qaaaa les Baak Paaaa Base 11:04 Bak Bawa BMskaat BanBaraar Baas Dap rMtaaaOe Baiarls DIAL LUTTNQ KOAC. ill Ifnir MaaOar . M.i 14:00, Man A Waaaaai ssoe. Ores. Baaecaarii Sdl ssiii 1 " areata Sia.a& r-. aa. ' BiSa. Baam 8I4SU nra wumri ltu, lam m wi wrm. iwum mmmm nmi ww, U. S. Officials Doubt Blockade Could Cripple Chinese Reds , By WILLIAM OALBRA1TH Washington (u.A successful W carried by blockade of China would cut oft an estimated SO to 40 per cent of its 'Imports, U. S. officials said today. The bulk of these imports, however, are considered neither strategic nor essential to China's domesic economy. For that rea son, these experts feel that a blockade in itself could not force Communist China to pull her troops out of Korea. Furthermore, observers said. a blockade probably would have the effect of driving the Com munist closer to Russia because they would then have to rely i more heavily on overland trans port to get supplies now arriving by sea. Most Trade By Land Communist Chisa is believed to import about 800,000 tons of goods annually from all over the world. Roughly one-third of that is moved by sea and about two thirds by land. Officials said there is no indication that very many mili tary weapons arrive by ship. Sea borne petrolem shipments are believed much smaller than those carried overland because there is a shortage of tankers available to the Reds. Officials said Poland Ocean Lines, operating about a dozen 7,000 to 10,000-ton cargo vessels, make a trip to Red China about once every two weeks. Russia has two vessels available for such use and Czechoslovakia and Red China sometimes charter a ship to carry goods to the Chinese mainland. Hong Kong Loophole The bulk of sea-borne imports Western ships. most of whloh refuse to carry war-making products embargoed by the qnited Nations since May, 1981. Western ships .which trade with the Chinese mainland are mostly British, Greek, Pakistani and Scandinavian. U. S. vessels have been barred since December 1950, from going to Communist China. There would be a good chanc of at least one big loophole in a blockade, at British-controlled Hong Kong. About,ooo worm of goods flowed through Hong Kong Into Communist China in 1952. Including such items as fertilizer, machine tools, textile) machinery, dye stuffs, pharma ceuticals and medicines. Wheatland Wheatland Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat and daughter, Ly neL of Wheatland, left Monday morning for several days visit with her relatives at Yakima, Wash. During their absence. Jimmy Richardson will be In charge of their farm here and Mr. and Mrs. Montie Myers will have charge of his Unionvale farm. Admits Contributing Charge Albany Clarence Hawley, 40, Friday pleaded guilty to con tributing to the delinquency of a minor child, aged 9, and was committed by Circuit Judge Vic tor Olliver to the Oregon state hospital at Salem. Fruitcake Bandit Nabbed New York, (UB Police said today they have nabbed the fruitcake bandit. Alonio Curry, 18, admitted he was the gunman who held up a womaa in the Manhattan garment district last Dec. 16 and ran off wltb a brown paper package aha waa carrying. Curry ssld he believed the package contained a large payroll. It contained a Christmas fruit cake. ROOM & BOARD By Gen Aham ' FROM WHAT T HEAR, BUNNY SHOWS PROMISE Of BECOMING A GREW DRAWING CARD AND SINCE I HAVE A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS LYING DORMANT IN A FRUIT JAR., I1L ASK THE EARL IF HE'U. SELL ME AN INTEREST IN BUNNY I V EARL IF HE'LL SELL ME AN J INTEREST IN BUNNY NS ? PIE HE'S JUST A NOVICE IM THE GAME. AND ONLY EARNS ENOUGH FOR HIS SOUP AND PIE BY THE TIME HEP GET THROUGH PAYING HIS PURSE TO THE EARL AND KDU HE yOULDNT HAVE A CENT TO GET WEIGHED AFTER A MATCH, TO SEE HOW MANY, POUNDS HE LOST a as att 1 1 iti err ivu iiiktv POUNDS HE STO'L- r and Jewels 35. Sets free 3S. Finish 31. Old Persian ' coin U. Music drama 40. At no time 41. Liquid part of fat: variant 44. Utilities OS. Staff loUNNY JUST GETS IS A MATCH 48. Thrice: profit OS. UlSt I:--1 'V i t .A II I I f"-J M liT- fat 11 , --' . ... - i