Meetings, Varied Programs Scheduled East Salem Lion auxiliary la m fet ing next Wednesday avening at tha horn of Mri. Virgil Pade. Co-hostesses are Mri. John Riches, chairman; Mra. Jack Scherer, Mri. L. K. Lawrence and Mra. Robert Hawkins. Thuriday evening literature group ol the American Association of University Women la to be entertained on February 19 at the home of Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mri. E. A. Carleton to give the review, Social afternoon club of Salem chap ter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet at 12 o'clock on Wednesday for luncheon at the Masonic temple. Students of Paul Armstrong will present dance numbers during the noon hour. Cards will fol low the luncheon. Mrs. John T. Graybill is chairman of the afternoon, and assisting will be Mrs. Walter Karsten, Mrs. Robert Keudell end Mrs. Joseph Griffin. Meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at Beaver hall will be the Py thian Sisters, Centralia temple No. 11. Credit Women's' Breakfast club will meet for an educational program at Nohlgren's restaurant on Tuesday morn ing at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Gavin Hill will speak and there will be a discussion of lesson No. 2 in the manual. Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday for a no-host dinner at the Kingwood Legion hall will be Kingwood post, American Legion auxiliary. Guest speakers will be James Kern, district representative for Boy Scouts, and Don Gardner, South Salem Chamber of Commerce, who will ipeak on the new Jory park. Jaycee-Ettes will meet Monday eve ning for a business session and white elephant sale at the home of Mrs. Don Judson, 1609 Park Avenue, at 8 o'clock. Co-hostesses will be Mri. Blaine M. Cline, Mrs. Lionel Domreis, Mrs. Thomas D. Pomeroy and Mrs. Judson. white elephant sale will take place fol lowing the supper. Mrs. Amy Seldler and Mra. Marguerite Kirk, delegates to the regional conven tion in Long Beach, will leave on Friday to attend sessions February 20-22. Meeting next Friday la Woman's aux iliary of St. Paul'i Episcopal church at 1:30 p.m. in the parish hall. A colored film depicting a tour of the National cathedral In Washington, D.C., will be shown. Mrs. Ben Randall will entertain the American War Mothers for luncheon at her home, 1840 West Nob Hill, on Tues day at 12:30 p.m. The group will honor the national chapter of American War Mothers on its birthday anniversary, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, national presi dent, being present to tell about the na tional birthday party to be celebrated by all chapters of the organization In various states. Mri. E. E. Bergman will be the speak er, and the luncheon committee includes Mrs. Martin Viesko, chairman, Mrs. Alma Hatfield, Mrs. Cora Hutcheson and Mrs. W. E. Burks. Etokta club is meeting on Tuesday af ternoon at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ray Clark, 1495 North Commer cial. Mrs. Cecil Monk is to show pic ture! on Venezuela. Co-hostesses are Mrs. D. B. Kleihege, Mn. H. O. Taylor and Mri. Clifton Rose. Hanks, Mrs. Edward Margaret Callaghan. WUliami, Mn. Young Matrons club will meet on Thuriday instead of Wednesday this week. The group will assemble at May flower hall at 8 o'clock to hear a talk given by Wallace Wharton, director of Marion county department of civil defense. Committee in charge of the evening is Mrs. Theo Morris, Mrs. Robert Sand- trom and Mrs. Norman Price. An event of Thursday evening at the American Legion club was the annual sweetheart party given by Voiture 153 of the 40 et 8, American Legion. "Hard Times" was the theme of the costume affair, and an evening of dinner and dancing was enjoyed by the group. Program for the St. Joseph's Mothers club meeting on Wednesday will be a continuation of a discussion on adoles cence. The group will meet at 8:30 p.m. In the school cafeteria. Regular meeting of Sedgwick chapter of Woman's Relief Corps will be on Fri day at 2 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Edna Holder and Evelyn deVriei clr elei of Leslie Methodist church, Woman's Society of Chirstian Service, will meet jointly at the home of Mrs. C. L. Blod gett, 853 Commercial, on Wednesday for a 12:45 luncheon. Mrs. Florence Parish will give book review on "Af rican Safari." . Mrs. Sid Rising will be hostess to the Insurance Woman's " association at her home 795 South Church, on Thursday evening for a no-host dinner at 6:15. A McCormick class of the First Methodist church will meet for a no-host dinner on Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the Fireplace room. Following the dinner, Miss Hattie Bratzel will show pictures she took in Germany to the group in the Carrier room. In charge of the evening are Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jordan, Mrs. Catherine Lyon, Mrs. J. R. Wilcox and Mr. and1 Mrs. Harvey Aston. Meeting Friday evening at the Ameri can Legion club at 8 p.m. will be Pioneer post, American Legion, all-woman post. Gold Star Mothers will meet with Mrs. Fred Birch, 1255 Highland avenue, at 8 p'clock Thursday evening. Mrs. Ernest F. Arneson is to be guest speaker for the luncheon meeting of Salem Soroptimist club Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheasant. She is to dis cuss new trends in the field of nursing. On February 25 the club is planning a no-host dinner at the home of Mri. H. G. Maison, the event to honor Mn. Lily Quamberg of Vancouver, regional gov ernor. On the committee with Mrs. Maison for the dinner are Mrs. Terese Y Wives will meet at the YWCA on Thunday at 8 p.m. for a program pre sented by Dr. W. G. Burrows, consult ing psychiatrist with the Marion county child guidance clinic and state hospital. Dr. Burrows wll lead the discussion fol lowing the showing of the film "Angry Boy." Hostesses are Mn. H. R. Hutchinson, chairman, Mn. Ted Ogdahl, Mrs. W. von Ottentedt and Mn. Wendall Manuel. Annual club contest will take place at the Thursday evening meeting of Che meketa Toastmistress club. Contestants will be Mrs. B. L. Trelstad, Mrs. Lee Hasklns, Mrs. Joseph Johnston, Mn. C. E. Jaqua and Miss Hattie Bratzel. The group will meev at 6 o clock at the Golden Pheasant. South Salem WCTU will meet with Central WCTU for an institute to be on Francei Willard day, Wednesday, Feb ruary 17, in the Leslie Methodist church. Morning session will begin at 11 o'clock with a no-host luncheon to be served at 12 p.m. The Rev. H. Mclntire of the Church of God will open the after noon session at 1:15 with devotions. Mn. G. H. Templeton will sing. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Ruth Tooze, president of the Oregon WCTU and re cording secretary of the national organization. In Corvallis Thursday evening for her official visit to AUeta temple of the Py thian Sisters, was Mrs. Albert Grinde of Silverton, grand chief. Salem women attending the meeting were Mrs. Herman Bergner, Mn. Ama Muncey, Mrs. W. J. Peck, and Mrs. Earl Burke, past grand protector, who was introduced along with Corvallis officers. Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth, will meet next Saturday evening, Feb ruary 21, for an evening of dancing and cards beginning at 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mn. James Manning are In charge. Honored at birthday party on Fri day at her home was Rose Ellen Pade, daughter of 'Mr. and Mn. Virgil Pade. She is seven yean old today. Guests bidden to the affair were Bar bara Ling, Julia Judson, Frances Grif fiths, Vickl Nelson, Joyce Lanon, Jean Hunter, Jill Johnson, Janet Sue McDon ald, Sandra Lee Kelley, Susan Obert, Ruth Ann Scheidegger, Delia Martin, Jerri Ann Patton. Special guests were the little girl's grandmother, Mrs. G. F. Pade of Leola, S.D., and her tint grade teacher, Mn. Gladys Williams. Washington school Motheri club will meet on Thuriday at 1:15 p.m.- in the multi-purpose room of the school. Speaker will be Mrs. Harry Howard, of the city library. Music will be pro vided by the third grade students of Mn. Thelma Sherman and sixth grade students of Mn. Betty Macy. - A nursery for pre-achool children will be conducted during the meeting by Mn. Albert J. Lenz. Sunshine circle of West Salem Meth odist church, Woman's Society of Chris tian Service, will meet with Mn. E. M. Culbertson, 1580 Bonnie Way, on Wed nesday at 11:30 a.m. A prayer service will precede a sack lunch to be at noon. Mission Study club of the First Con gregational church will meet Wednes day at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Frederick H. Eley, 586 N. 15th. Mrs. Bertha Huston la co-hostess and Miss Constance Kant- ner will lead a discussion on the topic 'North America Responsibility to Af rica." Meeting next Friday afternoon is the music appreciation group of the Amer ican Association of University Women, Mrs. David H. Cameron and Mn. Ber nard Shanks to be hostesses to the group at 1:15 o clock at the Cameron home. Mrs. C. L. Bowes, Mn. Raymond String ham and Mrs. William H. Foiter wiU diicuss composers of numbers to be on the program. Miss Amy Girod and Donald Henhberger, both of Willamette university, will play piano numbers of several composers. Sardine Creek Fire Brings Damage Suit by State Bureau The state forestry department has instituted suit In the Marlon county circuit court seeking to recover 9282,562 wnlcn it says was spent in fighting the Sardine Creek fire of the North Santiam canyon during 1951. The complaint names the Van couver Plywood company, the Lee Logging company and the Russel Heacox Logging compa ny. It charges the concerns neg lected to take adequate protec tion against the possibility of a fire in the timber and failed to fight the blaze with any degree of success. Tied In with the complaint is the charge that the defendant companies permitted slashings to accumulate, failed to take care of old snags as provided by law, and neglected to have a suffl. cient quantity of fire fighting equipment on hand. Signing the complaint was George Spaur as state forester. Prosecuting the case is District Attorney Kenneth Brown, Tom Stacer, assistant attorney general and M. B. Strayer, Portland attorney. The Sardine Creek fire oc curred during September of 1951 at a time when the forests were extremely dry. It covered some 16,000 acres of land and caused consternation among the residents of the area, many of whom hastily moved out. The amount sought by the forestry department is the total which it is alleged was spent by the Clackamas-Marion County Fire Patrol in fighting the conflagration. Triple Feature Monday Noon The Chamber of Commerce luncheon Monday noon will of fer a triple feature. C. E. Seavey, public relations official for the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, will tell about his company'i part In television. As Salem's first citizen choice for 1952 William L. Phillips will be presented with the plaque that he did not receive the night the choice was announced for the reason that he was In the east. Dr. W. C. Giersbach, president of Pacific university and mem ber of the Oregon state senate, will speak on Brotherhood week. It's Death, My Darling! By AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG (AP MitntatH) Chapter 10 I sot mr drink ol water, and returned to bed, but again not to sleep. Tnls time X na outer mine to keep me awake. Foremost, of course, was the scene I had Just witnessed. What hau Lee uid Beau and the third man, whoever he was, been doing down-t-Airs In the middle of the night? Why had Pick been standing among. the ahadows at. the bead of the stairs, as though ana was In acme way concerned in what went on be low? And why, alter the tore men had gone out Into the hall, bad the ligM remained burning? All at once it teemed to ma that there had been something sinister about the whole occurrence. And that, in turn, recalled a aeries of minor mysteries that had been piquing my curiosity earlier. In order to keep my mind from enlng around In clrnles, I tried WMvlns all itift apparently dis conected happenings into a story. At last I tell aaleep, but only to have a fantastic nightmare In which Claude sat back on hla heels and howled at the moon. Presently the sound became so loud tttat it wakened me. Then I realuied that alLhoiwh the rest of my dream had stopped, the howl ing continued. Only it waant a howl. I recognized it aa a woman's hysterical screaming. I sat up In bed, to discover that Bobby had already risen and waa In trie act of opening the door. "What's happened?-' I asked her. Siie turned, with her hand sUll on the knob. "I dont know exactly," aha an swered. There was a sort of thump a minute ago that waa what wakened me. Then the w reunlnx began, and people start ed running about." On the upper pan of trie stairs, standing in the fixed, stMuellke aiutudea assumed by people who have been struck moUonlm by sur prise or aliork, were Uncle Raoul. Pick. Lee, and Cousin Jeff. None of them noticed Bobhy unrf me: they were all staring too Intently at something In the lower hall. As joinrd them, we were able to see down there too. Aunt Min erva was struggling furlouly to Keizer push past Beau, who waa alternat ing to hold her back. It waa ahe wno waa acr earning. Just then the front door opened, and Amedee, Henri, and Lewis ways came in from the garcon nleres. They advanced a few steps into the hall, then all three stop ped abruptly and stood storing, not at Aunt Minerva and Bc&u, but at something on the hall floor, which the positions of the others In front of us prevented Bobby and me from seeing. Amedee waa th first ti rmwar himself. He ran forward and knelt oeaiae whatever it waa that lay on tha floor. AA almost the same In stant, Aunt Minerva succeeded In breaking away from Beau. But ahe took only one or two tottering steps. Then aa though her lega had re fused to support her, ahe collapsed. ana wouia nave a Lewie Kaye had not sprung for Keizer Dr. E. J. Kraus of the Oregon State college will be the speaker at the regular meet ing of the Keizer Garden club Tuesday evening Feb. 17 In the fire hall. Dr. Kraus who orig inated many of the new varieties of chrysanthemums, will talk on the chrysanthemum. The public is invited President of the club C. J. Danen will announce his com mittees at this meeting. Set. Clayton A. S. Jacobs has returned to Keizer after two yean spent oversess with the army intelligence armored divl- Canasta club Wednesday eve ning, with all members present. Lunch waa served after play. Although TV sets have been set up in the Keizer district the Bill Ballentinei on Bailey road are the first on their road to have one. The Ray Haines family spent the past week end in Portland The Haines live at 4935 Bailey road. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Abbott are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Robert Greenwood on Pleasant View drive and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Abbott, 5509 Port land road. Private Abbott la en- route to the far east. He took his basic training at Camp Roberts, Calif., for 16 weeks and now has 10 days leave. Mrs. Abbott will make her home with the Green woods while he li away. The Well Child Clinic wiU be held Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the Community church with Dr. Stone and nurse, Mn. Haulman in charge. Booklets on nutrition and exercise and advice concern' ing child care, will be available to those attending. A sand box and toys will be on hand for the children while mothers are waiting. No charge is asked for this service. For appointments, call the Marion County Health department, phone 39208. pitched headlong .aa not sprung ror- ward to catch her. Staggering a trifle under her weight, ha carried her into the nearer drawing room. Then for the first time. I was able to see what It waa at which the others bad been atari ng. It waa Claude, lying face dwnward upon the floor. Hla left arm waa outlung, while his right waa part'y under him aa though he were reaching for his grand wather'a sword, the hilt of which protruded from be neath his right side. But there waa something else that was visible at hla right aide. It waa a dark red stain, that elitn. ed wetly gainst the polished sur face of the floor. Beau turned around slowly. "I found him." he said. "He miut have tripped on his word, tried to withdraw It from his belt aa he felt himself going off balance, and fallen on the blade.1 At this nolnt. Lewis Have re. turned to the hall Someone had better en In there and stay with her." he aahi. Jerk ing hts head toward the room he had lust left. He waited until Pick had descend ed the stairs and gone Into the drawing room where her aunt was. "And now." he continued, "I sup pose the next thing to do is to notify the sheriff and the coroner." lie Be continued) Army Recruits Civilian Help The Oregon State ' Employ raent Service has received in formation regarding the recruit ment of workers for the Depart ment of the Army in various branches of overseas service. Positions in general are in the following fields: clerical, fis cal, administrative, technical, and professional. There is a need for stenograph ers group workers, teachers, li brarians, accountants, job an alysts, englneen, and other pro fessional and clerical workers. A choice is offered In both Eu ropean and Asiatic areas. Robert Sturdevant, in charge of recruitment, will interview applicants in the local employ ment office at T10 Ferry street, at 9 a.m. on Monday, February 16. Fathers at Lincoln School In Style Show Production Four Corners The style show was produced by the fa- then at the Lincoln school Mother's club meeting Thuri day night. Those taking part in the pro gram were Linden Morris. Robert Burns, Andy EUeL Rev. Frank Ferrin, Warren Shraks, David Behm. L. D. Un derwood, Larry Greider, Wil lis Shipman. Al Gordon was master of ceremonies and magician. The film of the ceramic project by students of Lincoln school was another feature of the pro gram. Miss Hazel Kieke's room mothers were (he hostesses with Mn. Wade Weekly ard Mrs. Herbert Smith co-chair man. Miss Alice nowaras room wono the room count award for the most parents present. Assembly program Friday afternoon was given by the third and fourth grade pupils of Miss Alice Howard. Ray Gordon led the flag salute. Theme of the program in which the entire room partici pated, was folk songs of early American origin. The "Life of Stephen Fos ter" was read and some of his songs aung. The "Life of Lincoln" was also' read. Immediately follow ing the program a valentine party was given In the room by the room mothen. The oth er rooms also had various val entine observances Friday ft ernoon. Mr. and Mn. Tilman Kreft and daughter, Susan, 177 Drap er, from Salem. Mr. and Mn. Raymond Bal dwin and children, Donna and Bobby, 156 Draper from Sa- Marylin Gail was born to Mr. and Mn. John Tollett (Audra Taylor), - 4386 Hager street, Saturday, Feb. 7, at Sa lem General Hospital. She weighed eight pounds, six ounces and has two brothers, Glen and Robert. The grand parents are Mr. and Mri. S. W. Bo bo, Broken Bow, Ne braska and Mn. Arcy Peavey, Salem. Recent newcomers to Four Comers, who have purchased property in the Draper addi tion. Include Mr. and Mn. R Jacobson and son, Bobby, 249 Draper, from Salem. Mr. and Mra. Jack Kauffman and son, Michael, 239 Draper, who moved from Waldport. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kubishta and children, Geraldine, San dra and Richard, 238 Draper, from Salem. Mr. and Mn. Horace Schaf- fer, 238 Draper, from Salem but formerly of Philadelphia, renn. Mr. and Mn. Harold Bon ner and ion, Roger, 219 Drsp er, from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gar rison and children, Florence, Diana and Charles, 186 Drap er, from West Salem, formerly irom Anniston, Alabama. Mr. and Mn. Raymond C. Anderson and sons, Del and Kim, 187 Draper, from Salem, formerly from Portland. lem, formerly from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Goold and son, Mike, 167 Draper, from Salem. Dallas The Bridgeport Wom en's club met Tuesday at the home of Mra. Leona Nelson. Fol lowing lunch a short business meeting was held, when several fund raising plans were discussed. or nELiuBLB nnna APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 253 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING It APPLIANCE CO., 183 N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT' New Store in Court House Square Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph.2-1801 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 190 S. 12th NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT C. H. "CLIFF" ERICKSON " "pwaauze m wneei Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair, Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Us for Estimates or Pickup and Delivery AWNINGS-TENTS -TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. - 729 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE - 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foodi - Well prepared" Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 3-7324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. - 14th L HOYT Approved- Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Motar Blocks Interlocking Block In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tlllen . Power Mowen - Paint Sprayen - Air Compressors Sanden - Plumbing Tooli . Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repair on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS - 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphsit and Rubber Tilt ' Residential, Commercial Installation Rugi and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! ANNOUNCING The Reopening of MILDRED'S Beauty Salon 609 Mill St. DALLAS, ORE. MANAGING OPERATORS Bernlce Greene Veva Benson IRRIGATION -PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1 81 0 LANA AVE, Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES - 3007 PORTLAND RD. American & British Motorcycles - Indian, BSA, , Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters "If it has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY SELL or FIX IT Ml,l.'la,IHll'Hfl;MiM.f LARMER Keiser Scout Dinner Keizer The Annual Scout dinner will be held Tuesday, Feb. 17 at the Keizer school at 6:30 p.m. motheri are asked to bring a hot dish, salad and des sert also milk or some drink ffM 4hi ftiilHrAti PuArvnna i a I in n 17- I- II..1. .. . 1 1 Y. Li. . .i. i T i 5 J . v. t0 brin8 their own Uble "v'ce- iiii9, (lie iiiuiu owenuys, ui , tjn ' Churchdale Ave. The Keizer Grange will hold a box social at the Grange hall Just west of the Keizer school Feb. 27, to which the public is invited. No fancy boxes are re quired. Boxes will be auctioned off at 6:30 p.m. A program will follow the dinner. . Arthur Colling, 4910 Bailey road, who underwent major sur-1 gery at the Salem General hos pltal recently is reported in fair condition. His children called home by hla Illness are Mrs. Pickle of Roseburg, Myron Coll ing, also of Roseburg, and a son, Dorman, In the navy, who will soon report back for duty at San Diego, Calif. Mr. and Mn. C. C. Burnette, j 49S0 Bailey road entertained the' DON'T Throw your wotch away wa fix them whan others eon't! "Expert Diamond Set ting and jewelry man- lifactiir'pe." WW VAN Milt Cw At Your Service I FOR YOUR... Storage Hauling Fuel .NEEDS DIAL 33131 ORSEEUSAT... 889 N. Liberty "OCR REPt'TATlON IS YOtJRSrXt'RITY MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM CREMATORIUM West End Hoyt St. Salem Vault Entombment ond Cremation Serviea Crypts Niches Urns "Indoor Memorials in Marble and Bronza" (THE TWO BETTER WAYS) Under Direction Lloyd T. Rigdon, Pres. 8aleni Mausoleum ft Crematorium, Inc. IU , . illl , U-Ii Ji U.1I 1HH U,W IKK M.U ,W M II 1.U AT IT T1TY T.U YT.W Jl M MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph.3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machine CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 Court R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OILING . WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER Ph.2-4151 OR 3-5769 ROAD OILING INDUSTRIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Announce the opening of our Salem District Office To better serve our present clients in this commu nity and to mora fully acquaint tha public with aur Hospital and Medical Service far GROUPS FAMILIES INDIVIDUALS 1722 Center SI. Office Hours to 1 and t to 5 )1 Closed Saturdays Phone 45422 WHMI.UUWfU.Dbt.Kor. PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO 2585 PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray ar Brush WE GO ANYWHERE . . . ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING I HEATING Repairing Residential 3S5 Chemeketa Commercial Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUR SERVICE We Give Pennv Saver Sbmn. ... .aJHI QV!SErNiEHRY 9 HAR"ACIES "157 130 S. IfcsrtT 310 Cowl, Dtwntow 2440 foer. Medical (tut 14-HOUR 8ERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Deliver Dailv 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 PM 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. and 6:00 P.M to 9:00 P. M. All Sundays and Holidays RADIO REPAIRS, zvcjsph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Rodio-Talavisionl 880 State Motorolo Deolen tor er Genarol Eleetrie Pick up ond Delivery TELEVISION Ph.4-2271 HIGH HEIDER'S RADIO I TELEVISION - 395 N. Willamette Valle (or 28 Vein SERVICE . INSTALLATION SALES Rome and Auto Radio and Television Specialists in the 4