Galaway-Kloos Weddina Event Today in St. Vincent A Valentine day bride vu Mi ai. brt Inez Kloos, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Albert E. Klooi, her marriage to William Vernon Galaway, aon of Mr nd Mn. William O. Galaway of Hills boro, being solemnized thia afternoon. The aervlce wai In St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Lowell Blackburn officiating. Baaketa of Calla lilies, pink carna tlona and white itock were church dec brations and down the aiile were whits flowers with pink bowi at the pewi. For the music, Wayne Meusey played the organ and sang. Mr. Kloos gave his daughter In mar riage. Her wedding dress was ot satin and lace designed with slight train. The bodice was fashioned with round neck line and long sleeves pointed over the wrists. The lace formed a deep yoke that extended over the shoulders, and on down the front of the skirt on either side of -an acordion pleated tulle panel. The same lace was in a wide border around the hem. Sequins and seed pearls were worked in design on the lace. The bride wore a pearl and dia mond pin on a chain, the ornament hav ing been worn by her great grand mother at her wedding. The fingertip veil of net was arranged from a small cap of satin covered with lace and trim . med with seed pearls and sequins. The bride carried a white Prayer book with American Beauty roses on It. Four Attendants Miss Lillian Jordan of Portland was honor attendant. She wore an Ameri can Beauty velveteen frock and carried nosegay of violets, pink carnations and American Beauty roses. Misses Darlene Jardee of Portland, Patricia Condon of Portland and Mrs. Leonard Gisler were the bridesmaids. All wore satin frocks in American Beauty rose shade and their nosegays were of violets, shattered pink carna tions and the roses matching their EETING next Thursday evening will be the downtown Salem Lions club auxiliary, at the home of Mrs. Floyd Seamster at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Fred Halvarson is chairman of hostesses and on the committee are Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Ralph Kletzing, Mrs. Wesley Stewart, Mrs. Carl Steel hammer, Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mrs. Stanley S. Smith. Salem Al truss club has two events . on this week's calendar. On Tuesday, Miss Dorothea Taylor of Seattle, district governor, will be here to visit the group. Place of the meeting will be announced later. The club will meet Thursday, Feb--ruary 19, for a dinner at the Pine Tree Inn on North Portland Road at 6:30 p.m. - Dr. Martha Springer, international relations chairman, has planned an in teresting program. Pictures ot a recent ' European trip will be shown by Dr. -Marlon Morange who will also give the highlights of her stay in France. Dr. Morange, professor of French at Willamette university, studied in France some years ago and renewed many friendships during her recent visit. Travel study group in the American Association of University Women is meeting next Tuesday af 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. H. R. B. Hutchinson, 525 Leslie. For the program, Mrs. Loren Hicks is to show slides of scenes in Scot land where she visited this past year. -FROM Peg in Washington Washington, D. C. Dear Marian: Again it has been old home week. Miss Mathilda Gilles, of Salem, and Chester Squire, of Ashland, who are in the east for the meeting of the National Association of Elementary Principals, dropped in. "Tillie" is third vice presi dent of the National association and a former president of the Oregon group. Mr. Squire is president of the Oregon association this year. After some meetings here, they will attend the conference in Atlantic City. Panl McKee, Portland, who will head one ot the groups to study the Mutual Secu rity program overseas for Harold Stas sen, was a luncheon guest of the Sec retary one day and the following day Miss Dorothy Johnson, Portland, Mr. McKee's secretary, who came east with him and Mrs. McKee lunched with me. Our Joke was that after talking over the telephone In Oregon with each oth er many, many times, and exchanging letters, we had to come to Washington to actually meet Stanley Earl, city commissioner of Portland, well-known in Salem, and Tom Michos, owner of the Jolly Joan restaurant in Portland, were in for a chat. Mrs. Henry Roe Cloud, West Linn, Oregon and American Mother of 1950, discussed Indian problems with Mr. McKay and as she left ran into some friends among a group of Yakima In dians who were calling on the Secre tary with Congressman Hal Holmes, ot Yakima. L. D. Winters, Portland, brought Admiral Merlin O'Neill In for a luncheon meeting with Mr. McKay, C. C. Curt, Pendleton; Walter Duffy, Portland; Clyde Todd, Tule Lake; and State Senator Truman Chase added to the Oregon list of callers this week. Salem Zontians will be interested in the report I received today of a former member, Miss Edna Lucker. She is now in Buffalo and getting along splendidly, renewing acquaintances with former friends in that city. She may be in Washington for Easter, according to her sister-in-law, Mrs. Marqnerite Lacker, who called me to extend a welcome to Washington. Miss Ethel Johnson, ex - Oregonian who still votes in Oregon, but who has de Paul Church dresses. The bride's mother wore a purple laest over satin dress with a bat ot purple lace trimmed with rosea in pink and purple shades, purple accessories and corsage of violets and pink roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue crepe dress with matching bolero and rhinestone button clip, pink and navy accessories and a corsage of pink car nations. , Charlea H. Kloos, brother of the bride, was the best man. Ushering were David Nudo of Portland, Frank Friday of Forest Grove and Robert Wilson of . Portland. At Reception The reception was arranged for later this afternoon at the Catholic Center. The bride's table was set with a pink satin cloth. The heart-shaped cake was . topped with a nosegay of violets and shattered pink carnations and American Beauty roses. Nosegays ot violets and pink candles also decorated the table. The punch table was covered with an American Beauty rose satin cloth with pink ribbons at the corners. Mrs. William Ross of Vancouver, B.C., aunt of the bride, and Mrs. B. C. Smith of Tacoma cut the cake. Pouring were Mrs. George Walker of Portland, Mrs. Frank Friday of Forest Grove, and Mrs. Ida Bagley of Tacoma, grandmother of the bride. Assisting were Miss Ann Campbell, Miss Mozelle Denman, Miss Mary Jane Clark, Miss Judy Knab, Mrs. Robert F. Cody, Miss Margaret Pardo. Little Miss Nancy Gallagher passed the dream cake. At the punch bowl were Captain William Ross ot Vancouver, B.C., and B. C. Smith of Tacoma. For traveling the bride wore a honey , beige fitted suit enhanced with rhine stone buttons, a deep green velvet coat, beige straw hat, brown accessories and corsage of brown orchids. The couple will make their home in Hlllsboro. Faculty Club Meeting Planned Next Thursday The February gathering for the Fae culty Women's club of Willamette uni versity will be an event of Thursday, February 19, a no-host dinner being planned in Lausanne hall. Reynolds Allen is to show pictures of the Shangri-La rescue during the war. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are to be guests for the dinner. Mrs. Charles Derthick and Mrs. Ken neth Lottick are co-chairmen for the event and on their committee are Mrs. Earl Brown, Mrs. Marvin Buckem, Mrs. Stanley Butler, Mrs. Thomas W. Churc hill, Mrs. Regina Ewalt, Mrs. Willis Gates, Mrs. Harold Jory, Mrs. Eugene Bull, Mrs. Gilbert Charters, Mr. Fred ' Crods, Mrs. Clarence Kraft. Ainsworth chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet Wednesday evening at the Scottish Rite temple at 8 o'clock. Mrs. John Goebel will be chairman of the refreshment committee for the social hour following the business meeting. Willamette Shrine, White Shrine of Jerusalem, will meet Monday evening at the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock. There will be a friendship night ceremonial and several guest shrines will be pres ent. BY ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS lived here for many yeirs, was a lunch eon hostess for me recently. Her moth er, Mrs. J. R. Johnson, Corvallis, is visiting Ethel now. Ethel's brother was Earle Johnson, who represented Benton county in the legislature so ably sev eral years ago, and who lost his life in 1948 in the airplane accident that took the lives of three other members nominated to serve the 1949 session. Mrs. Johnson will remain here until Easter and visit in Kansas and Califor nia enroute home. Ethel has had inter esting assignments here, serving first as secretary to Congressman Homer D. tAngell, then doing special research work, later assisting on the McCarran Committee, and now on a special Job for the American Enterprise Associa tion while awaiting processing for a State Department assignment under the famous Mrs. Shipley, In the Immigra tion Division. Ethel left the Washington scene to work during the campaign last - fall on the Nixon train. R. H. Baldock and Ray Conway were here for lunch with Secretary and Mrs. McKay, with Mr. and Mrs. Rot sell Singer, of Washington, as special guests. Mr. Singer is head of the local office of the American Automobile as sociation, of which Mr. Conway serves as Portland manager. One of my interesting callers this week was Baroness Constantine Stack elberg, who for all of her title is a down-to-earth Oregonian with a glam orous background of experience since the days when she was a Theta at'Ore gon State in the thirties, as Garnett Bntler. A columnist for Florida papers, a lecturer, writer, and traveller, she knows the Washington story thorough ly and is refteshing in her comment on its Intricacies, strata, and the social whirl. A good friend of the Lowell Stockmans, she mentioned that she missed them now that they have re turned to Oregon. She spent ten years In the Orient and hopes to return to Hong Kong for another visit and more material for her lectures. Every Oregonian one runs into here this week says "See you at the Oregon State Society" dinner Friday night and of that I'll writ later. Peg. S ' rr: CX, ' - 1 X ) ' - ' r - , J frit TVt4 v r.-. I ttU'4 , zy v 1i 't ) 1 Nv - v r v I I ;-h I ' v" ' x I, I A . .i vV1''- - ' i . S V " t fc 1- ' :f , , - 4 -. .'f i ..v . v y WED THIS afternoon at a away, above, the former Alberta and Mr. William O. Galaway sT ENATOR Philip Hitchcock of Kla math Falls will be speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Women's association of the First Presbyterian church on Wednesday. His topic will be "The Likeness of the State." Luncheon will be served at 12:15 at the church, adults paying 35c and children 20c a plate. Children's nursery will begin at 1 o'clock. Devotions will be led by Mrs. John Raphael and a program of violin solos will be presented by Mrs. Muriel Phlpps, Donald Jessop accompanist. Mrs. Carl Wimberly of Roseburg, dis trict grand worthy mgtron of Order of Eastern Star, will visit' the Tuesday eve ning meeting of Chadwick chapter. Of ficers of Salem chapter will participate in the activities led by Mrs. Paul Grie benow and Paul Bramble, worthy ma tron and patron of Chadwick chapter. The group will meet at the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock. , Mrs. Wimberly's project for the year is redecoration of the Masonic and East ern Star home at Forest Grove. On Tuesday, Mrs. Joseph Schaller and Mrs. William Damery will announce arrange ments for a benefit card party to take place on March 24 to support the project, Salem Music Teachers association will present a student recital on Monday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock at the Stone Piano company. The program will feature grade school and junior high school students, Mrs. David Eason being chairman of the event. Appearing on the program will be Jo k Anne Doerksen, Linda McClaughry, Judy Koehler Jean Minto, Gordon Birrell, Sylvia Jessop, Judy Powers, Sara May ers, Tommy Heltzel, Karlene Quistad, Beverly Wagers, John Hammerstad, Jerry Megeit, Sue Zwicker, Patricia Whelan, Martha Klaus and Joyce John son. Accompanists are Irene S. Jessop and Stuart Goldblatt. Teachers represented Include Adeline Bradtl, Margaret Rawlins. Irene S. Jes sop. Brrnice East, Miss Margaret Hogg, Miss Muriel Fitts. Mrs. P. F. Thomas, Jean Morrison. Raymond Carl, Jean Hobson Rich, Mrs Mary Keily, Charles Hargrave, Mrs. Ronald Craven, Misa Ruth Bedford and Mrs. Harvey Gibbens. The annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper for parish of St. Paul's Episcopal church will be next Tuesday between 3:30 and 8:30 o'clock in the parish hall. Robert G. Brady is general chairman for the event. All members of the church and their families are invited to attend. Salem Council of Women's Organiza tions will meet In the Fireplace room ot the city library at 2 o'clock on Thursday. The group will discuss a change in the by-laws, and a representative of the state forestry department will show pictures telling sbout Oregon's timber Industry. . Voice and piano students of Gene vieve Cameron Parcher are being pre sented In recital Sunday at 2 p.m. In tha chapel of the First Christian church. MRS. WILLIAM VERNON GALAWAY eeremony In St Vincent de Paul Catholic church luoos, aauinMr oi air. Hlllsboro. and Mrs. Albert E. Kloos. MissSchott Mr. Armson Married Today Wed at a simple service in the chapel of St. Paul's Episcopal church this morn ing were Miss Lillian Schott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Schott of Kinzua, Ore., and James George Arm son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arm son of Roseburg. ' The Rev. George H. Swift read the service at 11 o'clock, only relatives and a few close friends attending the wed ding. Miss Ruth Bedford played the or gan. The bride wore a beige shadow tweed suit with natural straw hat, brown shoes and purse, powder blue gloves and corsage of red roses. Mrs. John Roberts of Alameda, Calif., sister of the bridegroom, was the bride's only attendant. She wore a beige suit dress with brown accessories and a cor sage of yellow roses. Fred Canning of Eugene was best man. A luncheon at the Marion hotel fol lowed the service. Parents of both the couple were here for the wedding, and other relatives included the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Hender son of Salem. The couple will live In Salem. The bride is program director for the Y-Teen department at the Salem YWCA. She is an alumna of University of Oregon and a member of Sigma Kappa sorority. Mr. Armson attended Willamette and UO and is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. 1 General meeting of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will be on Wednes day. The group will meet for a sack lunch in the Fireplace room at 12:30, the meeting to be at 1:30 in the Car rier room. Speakers will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague who will speak about the United Nations, highlighting their talks with notes on Africa, a spe cial project of the Woman's Society this month. Devotions and music will be provid ed by the Wesley Fellowship group with Willis Ludlow of Willamette uni versity in charge. Welcome Wagon club is meeting next Wednesday, February 18, the luncheon to be at 1 o'clock in the Senator hotel. Following the luncheon, members are to make St. Patrick's day novelties for one of the cottages at Fairview home. Mrs. A. Kenneth Smith, project chair man, will be in charge. Reservations for the luncheon and for baby sitting service should be telephoned to Mrs. E. H. Gormsen, 45173, by noon Monday. Mothers club of Job's Daughters bethel No. 35, wilj meet for luncheon next Thursday noon at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, Mrs. Waldo Lowcry, Mrs. Roy Grabcr, Mrs. W. W. Wilson, Mrs. W. J. Braun are on the committee. (Arti ttudlft plcturt) was Mrs. William Vernon Gal Mr. Galaway Is the son of Mr. r T. ANNE'S guild, St. Paul's Epls copal church, is to meet on Mon- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sydney Kromer. Dessert will be at 1:30 o'clock. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mrs. Conrad Paulus, Mrs. Ralph L. Boone, Mrs. Rudolph PraeL Initiation ceremonies will take place during the meeting of Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors ot America, on Wednesday at 8 o'clock at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Serving refreshments will be Mrs. Phillip Bouffleur, chairman, Mrs. Rosa Cole, Mrs. Mary Ackerman, Mrs. Wil liam Iverson and Mrs. Ernest Butler. - V. ... ' ' " ; v !.- i , - x I ' ' : " :; " , - 5 Mntta-KlUat Kadlo tUturl) MRS. JOHN WILLIAM STORTZ PRESIDENT of Halcm CHt Panhelltnic for the current term la Mrs. John William ntorls, shoTt. The (roup h reranting Its meeting this month following the holiday rrreu. Psnhrllrnlc Is made up of representaUTes from all PanheUenle sorority alumna clubs in the city. Miss Hills To Be Speaker At AAUW Event: Miss Joy Hills, assistant state super intendent of education, la to be speaker for the February luncheon meeting ot Salem branch, American Association of University Women, next Saturday, Feb ruary 21. "Education for All of Oregon's Chil dren" will be Miss Hills' topic and she will discuss the pilot project that would establish five experimental, ungraded schools within the state to handle the education of children who are not fitted for the present public school system. The luncheon will be at 1 pjn. In tha American Legion club. Reservations should be In by February 19 telephoned to Mrs. J. B. Beck. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. T. R. Hobart, Mrs. R. F. Nichols and Mrs. Flora Enders. If' R. and Mrs. John Demos are an nouncing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dolphla Patricia Jane Demqs, to Cleo Elmer Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Harris. The news it being revealed formally to friends this evening at a Valentine party at the home of Mrs. Phillip G. Kurd. No date la set for the welding. Mrs. Braden Daggett Is to be hostess Tuesday morning for sn Informal cof fee at her home, the affair honoring two new neighbors, Mrs. Stewart Mc Gilchrist and Mrs. Andrew Foster. Guests are invited at 10:30 o'clock. Invited are Mrs. Stewart McGilchlrst, Mrs. Andrew Foster, Mrs. Melvln John son, Mrs. BJarne Ericksen, Mrs. Carl Wltenberger, Mrs. Ottls Berry, Mrs. John Paulus, Mrs. Wesley Stewart, Mrs. John E. Ericksen, Mrs. Pat Lytle, Mrs. Ted Morrison, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. John Groom,. Mrs. Elton McGil chrlst, Mrs. ?url Cox, Mrs. L. D. De Loretto. ' Mrs. Chester Douglas will be hostess to the West Salem Lions club auxiliary on Monday evening at her home, 1049 7th. Miss Velma Coy will be guest speaker. Capitol O Square Dance club is meet ing Monday evening at 8:15 o'clock at Catholic Center. Wagon Wheelers or chestra is to play. Mr. and Mrs. John, Geisler will teach new dance. Clyde Charters of Portland is to be guest call er. At the business session, new officers will be elected, On the nominating committee are Frank Stone, chairman; Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, Irvin Wedel. , Job's Daughters, bethel No. 85, will meet on Monday evening at Beaver hall Capital unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, will meet Monday evening at the Salem Woman's club at 8 o'clock when the group will honor past presi dents of the auxiliary. ' ' Mrs. Glenn Holm an is in charge of the program and Mrs. Fred Matthieu is chairman of the social hour. Mrs. Roy Reynolds will plan the decorations.. International relations group ot the American Association of University Women is meeting Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. B, Cross, 1645 North 17th. Mrs. Harold A. Rosebraugh is to lead the discussion.